Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Dec 1921, p. 12

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12 DO YOUR BOWELS MOVE REGULARLY, OR DO THEY Become Constipated There is no medium through which disease 80 often attacks the bystem as | by allowing the bowels to become | I ------ BOOZE IN NORTH YORK constipated, and there is no other | Hotel at Sutton Raided--Con-= | trouble which flesh is heir to that is more liable to be neglected, because | maierial inconvenience may not be | felt, at once, from irregular action | of the bowels. When there is not regular action the retention of the | eo llowing : decayed and effete matter, with its | Has booze poisonous gases, soon poisons the | whole system by being absorbed into | ark for iH it. causing violent sick and bilious | Frovincial 4 were warned some rida n servative Candidate Among Those Present. int North campaign? been run 0 the election headaches, internal bleeding or pro-|days azo th would be. At mid- truding piles) heartburn, jaundice, night Fr a hot Sutton ete » | was raided. In an MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS {or ten men were found will regulate the flow of bile to act | jy alleged to have had two properly on the bowels, thus making liquor. them active and regular, and remov- | H : W. F_ Taney attornch-zens ing the constipation and all its allied | on. W. E. Raney, a Torn Bf > troubled eral, wiio was at Brighton Safurday Mr. Samuel Buckler, Tatamagou-| afternoon delivering a political che, N. 8, writes: --"For over a year speech, was reached by The Star 1 suffered with constipation. 1 took | Weekly by long-distance telephone. When asked what he knew about the several different kinds of medicine, | Dut sonia 32 get ek porary Peltef, { liquor raid in North York, the attor- Liver Pills. I procured two vials of | OY general sald Ne had no! Dig ay them, but after I had taken one I [about it. The Star Weekly told hin found that I was relieved of my |Of the affair at Button, and he said: trouble. I do not hesitate to recom-| "I was told some time ago that whis- mend Laxa-Liver Pills for any kind |key was going to be run into North of constipation." Price, 25c. a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, ht l at pper 1 Ons 1 cated the information to the com- missioner of police, as I always do in such cases. We were informed that whiskey had been run North York for previous election cam- paigns, and that it would probably run in for this one." The Star says that J. A. M strong, Conservative 'candidate into be Arm wa AGENCY FOR ALL was, Liberals discover election liquor being shipped into P.E.L CASTORIA For Infants and Children InUse For Over 30 Years ceniies ere the OCEAN STEAMSHIPS For particulars apply to:-- J. P. HANLEY, C.P. & T.A, G.T. Ry., Kingston, Ont. Raising money to provide the meals for the family gives poo father plenty of food for thougljt. ------ Signature of a NEW ELECTRIC GOODS JUST ARRIVED Students' Study Lamps, extra good value. Price $3.50 each. English Hot Plates, price $7.50. Call and see our large assortment of Portable Lamps. Agents for Apex Vaccum Cleaner. Burke Electric Company - - PHONE 423. 74 PRINCESS STREET vewvwwey als ve Good Me For good meals prepared right come and try us -- you will be delighted with our service. Everything you could want served as you like it. t Dainty Restaurant 83 PRINCLSS STREET anaas fan a Py EACH WAY - EVERY DAY TORONTO - VANCOUVER From Toronto - 10 p.m. Daily STOPS AT AND CONNECTS FOR PRINCIPAL POINTS Sleepers, Dining Car, Tourist Sleepers, Compartment Observation Car, First-Class Coaches and Pg The most beautiful scenery in Canada is along the line of the Canadian Pacific. Magnificent Rocky M in Resorts at Banff, Lake Louisé and Glacier, Passengers for California should arrange their to includ the Canadian Pacific Rockies. * . PACIFIC HOTELS IN WESTERN CANADA OPEN ALL THE YEAR ROUND "Royal Alexandra," Winnipeg; "Pallise Hotel," C : "Vancouver Hotel," Vancouver; "Empress Hotel," Victoria. 'CANADIAN Particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents. W. B. HOWARD, District Passenger Agent, Toronte, FOR ELECTION CAMPAIGN or. x Toronto, Dec. 5 --The Star has the | York, and I immediately communi- | present in the room where this liquor | THE DA |TRYING TO IMPROVE a LOBSTER INDUSTRY ght Urges That the Campaign Be Extended Next Season. i | DH--Trying Ottawa, T nneri of Prince Edward Island this vear, and by means of a miniature labora- tory showed the prevalence of bac- téria, how jit muitiplied under unsan- itary conditions and why the germ |caused discoloration and rior flavor of lobster meat, have « ed the cannery men of thé serious- ness of the situation. tive has the educational campaign been {that the quality of the lobster ou'- [put of this district in the fa |clared to have improved seven per cent, Similar demonstrations are badly needed in the lobster canneries of New Brunswick . and Nova Scotia, and Dr, A. P. Knight, chairman of {the biological board, urges that the | campaign be extended in scope next season to take in the whole of the maritime provinces The valuable |werk, rendered necessary because of j unsatisfactory quality being turned |out, was conducted conjointly by the | fisheries authorities at Ottawa and the blologic~' board of Canada, 'BRITISH TRADESMEN ] OUT AFTER MARKETS \vine- So effe de- y-five A Huge Chain of Exhibitions Is to Display John Bull's Wares. London, Dec. 5.--A gigantic trade {push of 50,000,000 pounds is in the | process of organization by British | traders for placing eamples of thelr goods in every market throughout | [the world The first of more than 150 sample | exhibitions will be begun immediate- at Brussels, to be followed by {others at Buenos Aires, Rio de Jane- | iro, Copenhagen, Madrid, Stockholm, Tokay, Bombay, Calcutta, Johannes- {burg and Colombo, Ceylon. This net | work of sample showrooms will have i managers and staffs to introduce the | British goods. | Each exhibition as planned will be { permanent, manufacturers purchas- ling their stands and changing their | goods as often as the exhibitor re- l quires, {CABINET MINISTER HAS RESIGNED The Hon. J. A. Maharg Leaves the Saskatchewan Gov=- ernment. Regina, Sask., Dec, 5.--Hon. J. A. Maharg, minister of agriculture in the provincial government, announe- ed his resignation from the cabinet in a telegram to a Regina paper from Limerick, Sask. He gives as his reason the speech made by Premier Martin in Regina when the premier attacked the Progressive platform. Premier 'Martin said that Mr. Ma- harg had telephoned him his resigna- tion. He had no comment to make pending the receipt of the formal letter of resignation. HE PICKED UP GUN AND IS SHOT DEAD Tragic Accident at Good- erham. ~% Lindgay, Dec. 5,--The people of Haliburton; couity and vicinity were | greatly shocked to hear of the tragic death of Donald McColl, general mer- chant at Gooderham, who was acci- dentally shot. It appears. that W, Smith came to the McColl home" to write a letter, bringing his rifle with him, McColl seems to have picked up the rifle to examine it, and in some unexplained manner the cartridge was discharged, the bullet entering his temple and killing him instant- ly. Mitchell Opposes Public Ownership Montreal, Dec. 5.--Speaking in support of Herbert Marler, Liberal candidate in Laurier-Outremont div- ision, Hon. Walter Mitchell, ex-prov- incial treasurer of Qucbec, said that the railways were the big issue of the campaign end gave the view that a | government could not administer | | roads to proper advantage. The same {held in his opinion for a merchant | marine. Revisiting Old Scenes. F. Clarke, Brighton, and his sis- ter, Mrs. Hentzy, were on a trip to {Camden East, to revisit the scenes {of their childhood, and also to visit| the graves of their people, the late] Squire Clark and family, who are sleeping by the side of the pretty lit- tle Anglican Church that he gave the land to build it on, Former German Minister of Re- construction Rathenau is negotiating with Sir R. 8. Horne, chancellor of | the British exchequer, and with of- ! ficials of the Bank of England for a loan of £50,000,000 to Germany. A marked reduction in ocean rates from Great Britain to British Colum- bia and other Pacific Coast ports will shortly be made. Mayor Church requested by Toron- to veterans to make way for soldier candidate, Gen. Rennie. SHbuld Lloyd George gO to, Am- erica, he will be accompanied by his | daughter, Megan. Two constables killed by poison in | attempt of Sinn Fein captives to break prison, | { Gaa well of good promise struck at Point Ablva. naar Bridzebure. Donald McColl Is Victim of ~ ILY BRITIS ARE TALKING NOW OF BRITISH ELECTIONS H W Chronicle Says It Is All Fudge --No Cogent Reasons For It. 5.- London, Dec The Pall Mall Gazette declares that a general elec- tion will take place in February, the prime minister wishing to consult the electorate on the Irish problem in| the event of a breakdown in 'the ne- | gotiations, and also, it is suggested, | in order to receive a mendate from | the nation on the subjects under dis: | cussion at the Washington confer- | ence, | The Daily Chronicle's political cor- | {respontent asserts, however, ' that | Lloyd George has formed no such | intention. There is still a possibil- | | ity, says the correspondent, that an Irish settlement may result from the | present negotiations, and even if the | | negotiations completely broke down {there would be as cogent reasons | against a general election as any that | could be advanced in favor of one, Fire Losses in Canada. Toronto, Dec, 6.--Fire losses in |Canada during the week ended No- | vember 30th are estimated by the | | Monetary Times at $258,500, com- | | pared with $334,000 the previous | week, | i | pe | i Crowe Appointed to Senatorship. Ottawa, Dec. 5.--S. J. Crowe, Van- |couver, and member for the consti- | | tuency of Burrard in the last parlia- | j ent, has been appointed to the sen- | ------------------ The Japanese government has can- celled large orders for armor plate, | barbed wire, etc., in Germany, pend- ing a settlement of the disarmament | Question. | | Do not" suffer | another day with frching leed- | ing, or Protrud- | ing Piles. No! surgical oper. | ation required. | Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you at once | and afford lasting benefit 60c. a box; an | PILES dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co, Limited, Toronto. Sample Box free if you mention this vaper and enclose 2c. stamp to pay postage. MONDAY, DEO. 5, 1921, HIG. THE REAL THING BERTY BREW A COMBINATION OF MALT EXTRACT and HOPS One Package Makes Almost 3 Gallons of Delicious Beer for $1.00 Under sections 199, 202, 204 of the Dominion Inland Rev Act the regulations allow the home brewing of Beer for fami : LIBERTY BREW IS LEGAL You can make this delightful beer right in your own home for yourself or your family. > : Liberty Beer is very simple to make--only chen utensils are required. When made accor package of LIBERTY BREW will give you a age, rich in flavor, pure and absolutely free from harmful ingredients. Get a package at your Grocer's to-day--if not in stock send to:----- THE LIBERTY PACKING CO. 140 CLARKE ST., MONTREAL, QUE. enus ly use. ordinary home kit- ding to directions one most nutritious bever- Ne ema | EVERSHARP PENCILS REPAIRED We are equipped to make any repairs to above pencils. We carry a supply of parts. Prompt service, J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston, A cag Fairly extensive construction oper- ations will be carried out by the Can- adian Pacific Railway during 1922. a -- Rubber Boots Repaired Rubber Soles and Heels Vulcanized On. ATTWOOD & DINE Aces in Vulcanizing Tires and Tubes 277 BAGOT ST. Phone 410w. ~~ Hon. Perrin E. Baker, minister of lea on styles, fabrics, materials, ete. education in the Alberta government, | New utilities are advertised every was returned by acclamation in Medi- | day, cine Hat. If you want to climb up, put both The advertisements keep you post- | feet on yesterday's regrets. # Aen (b) at wh (c) standi Since $8,50 Members Toronto BRYANT,ISARD & CO. Canadian Pacific Building . : TORONTO MUNICIPAL DEBENTURE CORPORATION LIMITED 7 Place D'Armes, Montreal. 116 Mountain Hill, Quebec. We offer (subject to prior sale) $2,000,000 of a total issue of $6,000,000 7% FIRST MORTGAGE COLLATERAL BONDS Canada Steamship Lines Limited Incorporated under the Compdnies' Act of Canada. 1 Interest payable half-yearly on the 1st. of March and September of each year. Denominations: $100, $500, $1000, $5000. Maturing in varying amounts from Sept. 1st., 1924 to Sept. 1st., 1931. CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES is by far the most important navigation compiny operating on the Great Lakes and River St. Lawrence. passenger steamers, 47 cargo going steamships. Strong features of the issue, summarized from a letter of the Company, ave as follows: : : (a) Total bonds including this issue are covered nearly three times by fixed assets. The Canadian Appraisal Company's valuation of fixed assets as of Jume 30th, 1921 is $12,000,000. greater than the amount Its fleet consists of 30 steamers, 16 lake and river vessels and 8 ocean ich they are carried on the company's books. The net earnings of the company for the past five years averaged more than six times the bond interest. Exclusive of steamships the company has fixed assets, consisting of real estate, valued at more than the out- ng bonds, including this issue. 1914 the company has accumulated a surplus of over 0,000. PRICE: Par and Accrued Interest. i Fall Particulars on Application McCUAIG BROS. & CO. Members Montrea! Stock Exchange Notre Dame and St. Franccis Xavier Sts. MONTREAL GREEN, DODDS & CO. Members Toronto Stock Exchange Royal Bank Building, Toronto Stock Exchange

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