Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Dec 1921, p. 14

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T H E DA 1 L Y B R ITI S H w H I C. MONDAY, DEC. 5, 1821. Learn to dance at the Gar- } predic ali | ommes GRAND OPERA. HOUSE J intent dances In ten lessons THE PEOPLE'S FORUM fo i GF? iv, DECEMBER 6 dall Phone ? : CAPT. M. W, PLUNKE S WORLD rFaMouUs resis erase it "DUMBELLS » NDENSED ADVERTISING RATES :/ 'WANTED GENERAL | DRE Teer Co tc EY SOM) rmmtmmtemmmemrs os coro erie esata | TWO SET LIGHT BOB SLEIGHS, rance as 2 BIFF, BING, BANG ara Mim charge for, TO BUY A GOOD WAT oH LpuGi FOUND New 1 Jakers . ; ELECTION URNS WILL BE ANNOUNCED : € Ary bor ON PRINCESS STRE SUM OF -- PRICES: Evening 50-7 1-$1.50-82. ° Matinee ... .. 30 ~$1.00 and $1-50 50 cents \ a < - eee ema---- money Qwner have Ihe - The above rates are Ye) LEE. MAN WISHES WORK QN same by applyi t ha ) wif Ee 5 2 3 ' . ONEVBRASS ANTIQUE PIANO LAMY, rtrd: enh} bee A NUMBER OF ARTICLES || with shade. Apply Box U-28 Whig OOCPOCIdr Ginter ddr a2 T shop ---- - rim | ROOF REPAIRING -- Hi t : oot cond JADDIY 235 Alfred : Riis A WOMAN TO DO WASHING, APPL) your roof; Db nf it un pair nay e 3 Food | ondition Apply > | American press that the marriag: t 30x B-28, W Office | We use Argus Roof-pr up BE 8 y 8 4 | -- market is being revived in certair ADE: Will Offer Their Overseas Revue he insertion three irscrtions i id % 2 . 3 : 5, Whig MALE \LE BIRDS. APPL) M M t Seats Now On Sale, : | BH 3 Marriage V:arl 3 ppm mesma on ie Princess Street | - - ~ : ~~. - tm - siga y | A 's 1 C . -- T -- i ------ . : . hm HELP WAN hy. . found 1 Mo y, Shop. ! BAGY CARRIAGE, IN A story is going the rounds of tie TO-NIGHT af MATINEE at 2.15 - -- re So card to F. Cov y, b Barrack 3 | . . * CLASS CONDI- x . MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK..." "% WF ¢ by "ST. ANDREW'S SALE, FRI DRESS SUIT IY FIRST C 1188 Sox st. | Parts of France, particularly in Pol : 06 Vellingto Street or ay afternoo sma har he Ysa ? ae | > a HE 3 vn hn . , : . HE 106 Wellington Ht TWO GENTLEMEN gay after Ss. "han ha Phone 1179 | tou and Vendee. The war left France | THE FIRST TIME AT POPULAR PRICES TF TWO MUSK OX ROBES IN PRIME with many hundreds of thousands of | Pi fortable re Md st of ani Sm---------------- y in he Sl hl arret, Sihaias HAR Frlucess' Sireat *"* "7 70% 00d women, who in the ordinary i | Douglas Faithanks [vi von ov aL ---- oiflag Is nee wer. Per A NECKLACE OF BEADS. THE | | eee USED CAR FOR SALE SOUrse of events could hardly be ex- ; 3 7 | ong FOR ALL" SIRI on MIDDLE. py b : mm ee | i ig Bive same By bee Jeo. Palmer, cor. Bagot and | pected to become wives, their pros-.| ; | Santar Sb Ms, Lathge Princess Street ' Queen Phone 410). | pective husbands having been killed 5 Montreal J SITUATIONS VACANT { . ee : FORD ROADSTER, COULD ALSO BE or maimed. Moreover, the burden of | ---- ete meet mies | THANKSGIVING MONDAY, ; used as light truck. A snap. Zalm- i . : | WORKING HOUSEKEEPER WANTE University grounds, tle | er, cor. Bagot and Queen. | taxation which the French people | jar Kilugston; mus; man's gold signet ri r -- for amall hotel n G CHRISTMAS meer mo | 1 : on | be good cook and have cliy refer- | ma, ; i NAS Fier May have sae at i BUYS A GOOD 1818 FORD Dave to shoulder has made the males ence. Apply Box 1-20, Whig. aad Sam . e 'hig Office, touring. tired new: mechanical cor | more sautiony Ja, Jeaturing ute] sg TENE IER A > ve, Royal Series; sccure rder wh ems a SA : on good. Paliner, corner Bagot| matrimony, for the idea tha WO can 4 OUOD. SEVERAX ANTE IO jer later; men. and wo- ry TREpy C25 and Queen streets Hve as cheaply as one is not a who ady r ve dollars u | y - est wi Apply Mrs. "William 1 ajreagy, uakive pve ae ph ive rp Pencil ness PRIZE COCK AND SEVEN HENS, Av. French proverb. The marriage ass Casey, 2 King Street Phone SXDe > par) Garret - lay have same by provi conas; must sell to make room, or! ket idea is not designed to strike a . 3 . . : 2 . Brantford, Ont. roperty at Street Railway Vil exchange fo: eel neubator. | halange between the sexes. A milion | For Cyclonic Action and Contagious Fun Nothing Has Been Screen- OE OS et ra a oe Apply 74 Marklar ree ed 1 to E 1D ' Big S ROMAN CATHOLIC LADY TO K | er eligible men cannot be suwmén { ed to Equa u mas g Story. house for widower and tak: TO LET. A LOW HRROWN RUBBER, BE- ! ICE AND e raves. The id is, . of boy 2% years old; m be we longing to a gentleman's left | phone ay station, In good Jorth from thelr £1 BO BLL nto! I ------------ ee emer to children. Laecation Whig 87 COLLINGWOOD STREET, $14.00 foot. Owner may have same section: real costa: | to encourage 7! i PRICES FOR THIS PRODUCTION SPECIAL Write particulars to Box K-53, Whi | 87 per month. Apply J. Fr res Pt by applying to 192 Division | | sisting of store and dwelling at-| take a wife, and this idea is Baid to Matinee Evening TINEE ; Office William Streew Street. | tached; barn and 1-3 acre of land| be working out satisfactorily. Adulte Ada Ste After school Tuesday, 4 o'- ne a AUTOMOBILE TIRE CHAIN ON | | fan be bought for $1.500.06; one The marriage markets are becom- | Children... 13c. Children"... '25¢, | flock. Hoot re A WIDE-AWAKE Yor NG LADY TIS ASS ROOM with Joann, Prince: 5 Saturday nigos fair sust, Henerd] slore wioek 2! Ing an established feature of the | WE kn coor Eady pSouien 8 dl appear nee betwen: 25 . n enie oes pply 37 Swrier y have same at the | for any one w § to engage in| life of hundreds of villages and | or - a eBS J > . a ° 2m. Ta. Eervie J. K roll Agency, 56 sual ' old he | : <r dling business proposit App!y ---- S J towns. Usually they are he on the NE RN : MUR GQ Q Nr ro re am T . roc . ( : J ELECTION RETURNS WILI BE SHOWN TUES. NIGHT vn handwriting t6 Bi WITH BOARD IF DI} FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- Brock Stre 63 . regular weekly marke: day, but! 4 y sired; all convenler Ap; TISED FREE rm-------- vl : 2 | eae ---------------- i ---- King strect, or phone 57 : tai sometimes there are special markets | : L REPRESENTATIVE ¥ Anyone finding anything and FINANCIAL | with nothing on exhibition but the | = re nn ---------- -- line of farm implement acto N FIRST "OF JANUARY, LODGE wishing to reach the owner may | gi i The id : edad \ § 0 re ) SNRs Fre. | girls and their admirers. e¢ ea ay eparalors, ete. L ny io oupisd by she 1.0. 0 do So by reporting the facia' tr | |] Hd CRUMLEY, FIRE, AUTO. | wep pooled, Wo eornre partly ed STRAND MON, TUES. WED. STRAND eral iSominissions paid. Joo : ee AAphey to 3 hi . = : The British Whig. The adver- mobile and Casualty Insurance, 4.¢! ' Ny position for wide-awake man - -- - isement will be printed In this liar] street. Phone 1752M. the purpose of attracting young men | NELL SHIPMAN Rly Pox 6:3, Wiis Fer A noon AND Soar ol free of charge, : from a distance to the markets. It IN i | ARDY Sig oe; centrally . Found articles" does not In- | STRANGE & STRANGE INSURANCE Oo t he young! r BALES | Sh APPL 243 University Ave' ete® phoce [18% utile, horsem, | | 7 agents; eatabilshod 'tn' 15e0r oui; | WIBht be supp EL tne young; "THE GIRL FROM GOD'S COUNTRY" WE WANT a , MELIARLE SALES | - = SR i oi a etc. These, if Jost, may be ad- | the most reliable companies repre-| Men in.any particular neighborhood | A Caundian Girt in # Cansdian Ficrare Fol) of Thrills thet for rach Lurepreseuted coun- | GARAGE, NEAR CORNER QUEEN vertised for in the "Lost column Bede ice 45 Clarence street, | would have plenty of opportunities of ty or territory. Exciusive selling | agot Apply D. G. Hay, R > opposite the post office. meeting the young ladies in the same | ELECTION NIGHT: 1ighte; good pay to energetic rep . {ingston. Phone 1100 r 22. rm SR ins, ! resentatives. Our ager is valu- S-------- § | FRONTENAC LOAN AND INV parish and forming their own opin- | Election Returns Will be Given During the Performance. Reserved able. rite Pelham Nursery Co.' a NIN RobMED AA OLS 5 -& ment Society, Incorporated 1861. fons as to their value as wives. The | Seats may be booked for 3%, Tax Included, Phone 195. TT 1 Mon St., ents. | > 4 AT dicale, KX (+ © Toronto. Gm » --_-- President W. FI. Nicale, K.C.; vice marriage market gives the same op- | Phone 1099 ring 3. Vacant April | ------------------r PE re 3 } ing | JACK BEAD 1 EL, DROPPED ON pre ent, A I Cunningham. . . | 8 Lr a 1st. HLACK BEAL Please return to Whig Money issued on city and iarm|-Portunity to.young men from TIERCE, MAKE MONEY AT HOME, $i5 TO 860 ooo. properties, muniéipal and county parishes. They have also the advan- | RR | . r + a A Oltice *Pald weekly for your spare time| STOR AGE FOR FURNITURE AND leben ti : tgage urck used, | : ! writing show cards for us. No can-| p andise; clean and dry. Me-| STRING OF PEARL BEADS ON SUN- vests bonds Sor oalt: Sens) tage of knowing that the Sirls who) = = = = = =E = yascing. We instruct and supply Pann Agency, - 86 Brock Street. | day afternoon. Finder please re. received and interest allowed = R.| display themselves at the market are Yiu with worl. Copa -Angus BE Phone 326. { Sn hanson winter please ro | GC « artwright, manager, 37 Cl desirous of getting married and are EEE = = = = , 17 € ane El a en --E-------------------------------- Co! gy " ronto. NINE-ROOMED HOUSE AT 17 NELSON | : LL 2noe Street, Kingston, not commiited to some unknown eet et se remem street; three-piece bath, gas and o . | rival. It must often happen that electricity Apply to Mrs. Circle, ! -- ' : oF BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. , i WANTED IMMEDIATELY, PROBA- 51 Princess cet | tweer ie B l Univer | BUSINES for many reasons a girl would not ; black fox fur. Reware make such a strong appeal to the tioners to enter a Registered! Traln- | ee-------- -------- y \ rE . , hospital Cy for Nutses in i5-bed | MTOMAGE KOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, | this office aa comrL SM OCABRY young men with whem she has hospital. Must have at least one qalay, airy rooms; your own dock | =f ny " ER t a 3 year of high school wo.k or its and key. "Frost's City Storage, 209. | FRIDAY EVENING, D : 2nd, LADY'S : amateur territory. Jlcei-| BTOWN up as to a stranger who sees equivalent. Address Lee Private 305 Queen St. Phone 5268; res. 959w | Ymbrella, blows taken off ve r 5 2 Sensational success wher. her'for the first time. Hospital, 179 Lake Ave, Kochester, TT ---- NY | dnsan p38 Phos TAs. Sires ever iitagurated. Two hundred! "apo oike are selected: for the N.Y. A NINE ROOMED HOUSE, HOT WA. | ! Pp fifty dollars net weekly income, market by men who are supposed to tee ete ems ter furnace and all improvements; | A RE ar itm GL ADYIR Ry ed | Easy terms. Principal payment of y 2 id p corner of Colborne and Sydenham | SATURDAY MORN VG, LADY 8 BLACK complete stores to be made in| be good judges of looks and who GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK-- streets. Apply Number 2, Colborge | leather Tbs ard Bironaining a Donhly ittiimenty from Sons) understand thoroughly the sort of ; e ee & e I 3) per : er der B 0 E s D ou @- | 8 or ea uth mak Sse oh Th Street ------------------_------ p sé return to Well tition, no store expense. Exclusive | Wife a young Frenchman should cxperience unnecessary; aistance| FIVE ( ORNER, UF AIR ROOMS; ! SMAI L LEATHER PUR ee Serritories being Sey ap, it have. These experts travel about al; Ve suitable 0 do oO or © ri F hla of + you Sh toe er ic wnrotl vie pA 2 immaterial; positively no canvass- suitable for doctor or dentist or of money, name inside. valued ay business and to insure exelusive| the country at whose instance {is EXPER n ALP PERSONAL | Ang. yarn supplied; particulars, 3c ate family; located 'at corner Keepsake from brother in Siberia | not explained and make a list of rept. ~C AU op ¥ 4 streets 7 'epsake ot 3 Sideria rights in your territory commur od - . stamp. liept. 1§-C, to Knitter Co, I : am eels. sa Pply) Reward if returned to 97 rl St. | cate with t undersigned immo-| all the marriageable girls in the --i-------------------------- -- . ar spi : : SE, ON NOVEMBER 25th, AT QUEEN'S twenty-five dollars required. Roll- SEVEN ROOM SOLID BRICK HOU SE, University. a rug from con hn I oars gelars ey Exchange | according to age, and looks, and washing discovery I itively all modern improvements: with! RE % anal 4 cleans clothes without rubbing 15 garage. Possession 1st of January Jonnston Btreet, and receive Fe! ee --e=em--mmmm==| tions are noted. These items are R . 1 : IR. i treo | > > set down on a card," which is sup- Free samples. Free adjustable cur toow | IN VICINITY OF PETWORTH, DARK - DRESSMAKING. # i by i 5 bs : 7 . . brown collie bitch, white ring Wi ASTHYInG, campaign. B. & BE. Mfg house Norin Ay al Alfred; al. | around neck, white breast, tip of MRS, A, W. HALL, 220 BARRig| !0 Present herself at the next mar - , . D. Boyd, 332 Univ | name of Sport. Anyone harboring public at their convenience. served for the contestants. Each girl Apply to J. D BoYa, 3 University | same after this notice will be pro- | =------------------ 00 ar comes provided with a large en ¥ TO THE ELECTORS OF THE = COUNTY OF FRONTENAC. vale { = besides offering her protection 3 Party, 1 solicit your vote and influence YOR SALE to help elect me on Tuesday next. {f a TRAE rn ) J LE. marks, skin cancers, scar: :, «| | CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST. | | Be on tl "Satistaziesy | the purpose of a small tent when a disposal of the county and the country, Toronto. : 3 k Street, or phone 708 | ------ , re T diately. Kleven hundred neighborhood. These are classified v ' LAUND T LETS -- IW ompleted, on Victoria Stre y 8 i PURITY LAUNDRY TABLETS -- NEW Just completed, on Victorig Stre er kindly return to W. Hawley, 413 Bldg., Windsor, Ontario build, and their various qualifica- dollars per w Repeat orders Apply D. E. Wathem, 143 Nelson | tain rod every $1.00 sale. Big ad-| AT ONCE. A NEW SEVEN ROOM | plied each girl, and she is invited brick house and eight acres of|land. | tail and stripe in face. Answers to street, will be pleased to meet the| ket, where a special place is re- secuted. Notity H. C. Orser, Glen- S Local | parasol, which advertises her quest, As the candidate of the Progressive HAIR, MOLES, WARIS, wirRTH. : ' " RTH-| against sun and rain. It also serves elected, my whole time will be at the . Re resentative rs Ci CLarenee | LIANG STOCK OF ani BLANK. | Kinases tied and furnished after | Prospective husband wishes to make Ha als Yours stneergly, CC 1 Cyril M. Sriith, oi €ls for sale at a reasonable price, others have failed. Goitre temoved. | an examination at close quarters. and Eo) & 3 W. 8. REED Ey ile - | Call at L. Routbard, 2§9 Princess | 36 years: experience. Dr. Elmer J. | WV told, help. hi elf t 5 ; \ For full line of farm implements: | or phone 172; | lake, lye, liar, Nose. Throat, skin. | ®'eD, as we are told, he Re RIS 0 p TI, AMBROSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTER ---- v Be Ser 3 ! | 1 b ] E 8 ral RY 3 | 25 agot Street. Phone 301. a sample embrace. x 5 ak : y N THE BE tractors, wagons, cream separat- MS Sion Law af ora pan Wel ALGHLIY ro oor a SOST | =| = msmm| | Por a.cagual kiss the gir) merely i ; £ 0) i ST : 9 Bev h sy 8 | y "0 mn ors, etc. Liberal commissions paid. Money to loan. Pt new, quick sale. .. Palmer, corner! FANCY GOODS. lowers her parasol to fend off the SIR Bagot and Queen Streets. L d i | eves of the curious, but when the Good proposition for wide-awake Sk. -- HEMSTITCHING, PICO EDGING, AC-| Investigator desires to refresh him- CHIROPRACTIC. PERFECT, COLUMBIA AND HYsSLOP cordion. knife and box. pleating, | self more copiously, she turns her} | Fosse IS man. Apply:-- Bicycles, also bicycle re >airin : ; .30. . KB. A. 3 WM. A. MARCELIS, D.C. Ph. C., Cor- baby carriage. tires put on whi Hours § to Pra EA era, back upon the spectators and holds | BOX G-3, WHIG OFFICE ner Princess and Barrie Streets, 2nd You walt, Muiler's Bicycle Works, opposite Artillery Park. "|-the parasol in such a way that both | NT " 3 » g Ss & v -373 ng tre A 49 - he i eA--A------E Se aan . floor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, 871-373 King street Phone 1032w.§ . === are shut PE from public view | . | S li ; Ont. Consultation free. Telephone : . boned es -- ¥22J. Hours ¥ to 12 a10. 1 to 6 p.m. THIRTY POUNDS DAYTON compun.| DENTAL. | This gesture with the parasol { - Ts -. Ing Scale--second hand- guaran. TT A nn Tm o-------------- | Usually a signal for applause, be- | ba. or Soa Th, PECIALISY teed accurate two years, may be DR. AK KNAPP, DENTIST, OFFICE | cause it 1s supposed that the man] IFIED THACHER Kingston, Ont. Hours 1 to 4 p.m en Bliss On erat. a Hun 20% Frinvess Suresh, -TLOHG $53W. | aid the girl are strongly attracted | | THE FINEST QUALITY IN F1E 2. 1 * : Toa tt >: it. i ----------------S---- -------------- 8. No. 6, inchipbrooke; dut- Br 3 pit Tuesday Thurs | eo LE ALL Kinps on] PS, SPARKS , AND - SPARKS, DEv.| and that a marriage is likely to re- | PURE 'E OIL to commetice Jar, 3rd. Salary ¥ Jud Saturday, Ap | WI HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS op Strood Wellington street, corner| sult. At the close of the market RE OLIVE OIL 3900. Apply to Geo. A. Smith, seo OT mre ete rate nthang foraiture and of Brook. | there is a general jollification, and | retary, Parham, On = 5. Y person having stoves] semr-------- Ral ---------- ee ' Retr CRlagp ants Db JENNIE A, pag furniture to dispose of, we will] DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN, DENTIST, 54| Many of the girls walk off with their | ACY, hirop & Sp 3 an don Princess Street. Phone 1850. od new friends to complete the plans | a he highest prices Thompson, for their marriage. It is usual, we NO I IC QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER Graduate Nurse. 239 'Hagot street, 333 Princess Street. Phone 1800. evenings by appointment. 8 phone 943w. Hours 9 to 12 a.m., 1 to are told, for a girl to receive at least | between Princess and Brock. Tele- , by 1 7-to 9 pm.- Spinal analysis| _, " : SMa 'KKRO A les to commence Jan. 3rd 6, anc CITY LOT. 60 FEET FRONTAGE; 117] DR. AYKROYD, DENTIST, UAS RE-| one offer of marriage in the course of ---- . and conswitation free. Residential % "3 A sumed practice at 92 Princess 2 10 Albert Hattm Hartman, Odes: Saessa, { ont calls by appointment. Toot basok: 15% cue nity p30. Alsc over Bank of Nova Scotia. Phons | a single fair, and the more atiretive, The election returns will be posted ree : . » ang t - 176023, | as a rule, receive several. en al in the Frontenac Club for the benefit ers; hot water heated. Only used 502] ¢ iB lhe FA al OL pe une AGENTS WANTED POSITION WANTED. once. Cawson, 248 Concession §t,]| --=----------=-- -- === | gir] attends several fairs without be- | - . yany. is Installing an Inmeahect ho rn ---------------------------- a. ear Victocla Street. MEDICAL. ing appropriated, it is almost cer- [hat prompt returns will be posted AGENTS--GET IN A PROFITABLE MAN WANTS POSITION AF- ANTIQUE FURNITURE tain that she has unusually high FRONT all year commission business of on, evening. Wil. «do any. C., K. ROBINSON, M.D. 363 BARRIg| ®tandards, rather than that she is - YOUr own. livery property owner * thing. Apply Box E-2, Whig pr shipment of Sd English Antique Street. Hours 10 38-12 am. 2-4| singularly barren of attractions. | 3 : AR OLos Gt m---- 1 funn iture "Ww arrive abo a0 2 7-8.4 . i 51 A Deeds some gE Sar Fine, lundred FIFTEEN-1 EAR-OLD GIRL DESIRES Fur vitiry € about December p.m. 7-8.30 p.m _Phone 1646 hoes who think i tila Tough] | s TY a Lire. pusitiofi; farm house preferred. Ap- hegany cheits aw and-ready sort of courtship is no teopat y and plants » capital needed Ply tg Mrs. Noah Wood, Collin's| Mahogany chests of Drawers, DR. P. H. HUYCKE, 111 WELLINGTON | likely to lead to happy and perman- 1] | | | Complete equipment and insiru- ay Mahogany Ice Chests. Na Fl ¥ 3 treftme by 14 - tion free. Write Dominion Nurser.| Bay Fagan and Walnut Arm Chairs Bureat, Mingaton roaice fours; Y'| ent 'marriage ties are refuted by onal eno 'Heaith without EE ------------------------------ E A L 2 . 2 a 7 { t les, Montreal, ¥ ie WORK wan ED ahh ate fe Dining and Parlor Walnut Chairs evenings. Telephone 456. | Statistics collected in the districts | drugs hy Sdiustment of ihe hu. ee. sind : " daily, 'y youn n r 1g > i a S-- Rr ------ i i nan machine ive 3 ure school. Apply Box A-28, care Whig Settees and Sofas. Where it is popular, which show that | chance and she will cure even or phone 1688J. Several card tablg i PIANO TUNING | there are fewer divorces and fewer | is she heals the wound and knity 4 - Al dy | illegitimate children than elsewhere. | : he broken bone . a . : French Walnut Bed. | b POWER: SON AND DREVER, ARCHI-[ COOK (MALE) REQUIRES SITUA- Mahogany Mirror Frames, ato. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING -- | It 18 also noted that the birth rates Mechano TRerany = Electro- corner of Brock and Wellington, man; clean and economical; job or| | work guaranteed. Peter D. Brown,| In these districts are greater than tects, Merchants Bank Chambers. tion; first class, all-round work- i ; . . permanent Apply to J. Hom, 2 LESSE'S ANTIQUE sHop 12 Markland Street. Phone 397m. | elsewhere, which, is a matter of | Kingston Ss harbor m-; Twelve Xai, Succens in Yictoria Terra e, Montrea Sijeer, We buy all kinds of Furniture, } == prime importance to the Govern- 11 d| DRS. ROBERT and EDNA PALMISTRY a gaa | Pyguy WW, WY Princo: tei | MILLINERY. the Gaverrance. On this account provements and Wellan ASHCROFT CIVIL ENGINEERING . 1 Stree = the Government 1s said to be | 204 King St., near Earl, ou AND READ ? seman iia TTT TT | MRS. McLAUGHLIN, 112 LOWER| watching the experinients with keen . : | Phone 447 CN Macame Lilla wre ha eral TTT Er --_-- Joitian Street Wil! fate Morists| [tettact fis, Sberiufents wi beauty | Canal" requirements re- satisfaction to many. Hours: 10 Pla NS IRV EYS-_ESTINATES ---, BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, for making trimming and remodel- contests with the hope of increasing 5 38 Ki Street 8. Scott, B.A. B.Sc. Mem, Eng 3 { ing hats. $l Beto 2pm Ws Ring Sire Inst. 133 Kiug Street. Phone 163), XOM SALy dl se =] marriage rate, although one QUIre a man of Mr. | With reference, wanted for S i, Ernesttown. Salary $800 mmr TTT | $2800-R. ©. SEMI-DETACHED; six | BIGNs . - rooms; M. and C., down tuwa, | would think that a girl pretty | . | cnough to win onet of thes contests, Campbell's experiences | SIGNS OF ALL KINDS. GLASS WORK, | or even make a creditable showing | i 5 || sese0--naick, 16 rooms; Lares: JEINL in one of them, would not lack for . + C X umpets and BOULETS uma: | el Set SVS | shmirers tn ner own ncienbormeny | to advocate Kingston 8} eps . = we Princess Street. | Still, as the philosopher remar ed, . . | M Ee rooms: tae, NORTH END oe an SS ete | SU way of a man with a maid is past claim before Parliament. u v sk . | i i oF two mre ste Jot room tur vas UPHOLSTERING. | finding out, and ruses that might not | | OF two mure huuses. I CLEANER THAN COAL. -- | tor at ely to succeed do, as a mat-| Vote for Campbell, the | ~DETAC | CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W, J.| o HOT AS COAL. % opie jcaen, ang Sas. | 4 Gavine, upholstgrer, 218 Bagot St. { jer of Tact, Succeed in a great num | . < ' LAST AS LONG AS COAL. avep lot and KU0d cela ee 'practical business man $5 $2.00 A TON CHEAPE N COAL. | -- to. a > 'ou IP. ! - $14.50 PER TON DELIVERED, | $2600 FOR THE MATE TO THE Apovy:| F- W; HAROLD ¥ bn A BRL Find Linen With Body. C e S el eh . . - with electric Lights; both weil bulit| Leave orders at or drop & card 1) ~ Ona pe the "finde" made in Thebes, ; L ! --_-- | 104 Clergy street } y . James Swift & Co., Limited $4400--6-ROOMED CEMENT BLOCK | | Moteoybt, by the expedition of the) poe Si tie I 8, | covemED muTToxs MADE To on. Ee Yuseum, was a boty] -- 1d . & ur less in a opular s ed. | Cc a een Ti with, appar- Foot of Johnson St. Will handie fr. | Ubholsterthy. and S13 ITh8 Joie | ently. all the household linen. oars a Brel Carag, 2 7! were about forty beautiful linen | PERE EEE $2725.00 -- FRAME BUNGALOW; 4] Avenue. Phone *1833J. * * rooms; good condition; 43. sheets, says M. Walter Hauser, one | D bain, electricity; burn 'and stable; FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN-| of the members of the expedition, BEEEEEE EE ominion = I . | | NOW FOR SALE % acre land. Un York Road, ust | ished, guns, gramaphones, ete. i ; Fd 8 ar TR EA Shee Sa en Ah -- .| had turned t : AS 4 - STOVES ARMIN i | on ad va WS Se WW. KENT MACAED axi fond d And © \ Qi do; 214 Princes, Boome: ang "NTH SIDE; WX bi INTING AND PAPER HANGING! dition. j Ve " P of ---------------------------- Bank te ammerce Building Brock ang : > or WHEN WANTING PAINTING On| In { . King Streets. Phone 701 or 1237) ervice While they last, you may have -- ak: TT | $25.00--FRAME; WEST SIDE; SEVEY Paperhanging done, drop a card to Concrete Houses In One Operation. rooms; B. and C.; eleetric. light. A. Mounteer, 84 Arch Street. | Conerete houses in Germany are! General Insurance Agency one reasonable, as that is rhy WARWICK BROS. -- & | being built in one operation by pour- Se Pi omotile, Fire. + Accident. PHONE 1 16 : ~ 'ckness, Plate Glass Burglary, et $30.00---BRICK; EIGHT Rooms; a SCOTT & CO. 53 BEVERLY st. IB In slag conc-ete at the hirhest Hepresenting Only fella bis Companies * -------- 0 } motto, L CARPENTERING Plece bath: electric light ana gas; | He Painters, Paperhangers and Deco: | point of the wooden forms that are | --------r L . J TURK Phone 705 good Sendition. > \ rators. No job too small no con- | erected for the whole building, i 24 Hour Day Service WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER tract too large. Storm windows re- ---------------- Sir George and Lady Foster are to mes he nt BATEMAN'S REAL ESTA intea, tted, glazed and put on ; 3 ' Povey SelY. Contractor, Ha | 180 Wellington Street, Kingaice, Ki work done af snortest node"! The cost of civility is--nothing. '| leave or a trip to the West Indies, \

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