Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Dec 1921, p. 2

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a ESTABLISHED 1359. - SHIP RAW PRESS )R R WE JOHN 143-157 BROCK sv KINGSTON ont & I A ed] $F WOWHERE QUR GES VALUE WiLL pg es APPRECIATED -- QUOTATIONS FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT GINSENG, wild ary roo Bend Invoice and shippi on Raw Furs. per 1b y Express charges No. 1 Largy Medium MINK. .::ve0 2 S00 § 7.50 RACCOON RED FOX North Canada. BEAVER: Alaska & N. 'W. Canada A B.C. & Western Canada BKUNK Nao. N. ¥. & West Canada 3.50 10.00 10.00 12.00-7.00 10.00-8.00 . 30.00 «xs 25.00 20.00 18.00 8.00 No. 3 No $1.50 $ No. 1 Medium Small No. 2 No. 3 No $20.00 $1000 $300 3 ( 90 § 7.00 14 50 50 59 - greens 14.00 2.00 a . eve -- 25 10.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 50 .25 10 10.00 5.00 5.00 HOUSE CAT, Black . to 10e. i beauty ,.,.......... $300.00 to $50.00 +e...8100.00 to $10.09 5.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 60.00 sen ee 10.00 CAT. .... . 400 WHITE WEASEL .. . WOLVERINE . "ee BADGBR $1.50 to 50c SILVER FOX---as to quality anc CROSS FOX--as to quality and beauty , RABBITS--whole ekins ...... BEAVER CASTORS--dry, BEESWAX clear ... GINSENG ROOT---cultivated, per Ib JOHN McKAY, Limited 3.00 25¢ 3c . 0 ans BY $3.00 to $6.00 I ing "You Wire Us and we'll Wire You" THE ELECTRIC SHOP Distributors for LACO LAMPS, DELCO LIGHT PRODUCER 116 Broek Street. Phone 1545. F. J. GRACE W. C. CANNON HAVE YOU TRIED THE ORANGE PEKOE BLEND? CHARM TEA AT 60 CENTS PER LB. It Is a High Grade Tea With a Delicious ™avor, Now being packed in yellow packages instead of red. Geo. Robertson & Son. ee WANT A GOOD BROOM ? Tuesday, 50c. quality for 39c, ea. TOILET PAPER 1,000 rolls (regular) 3 for 25¢. +..6 Rolls for 29¢, Cullen's CASH AND CARRY ALFRED and PRINCESS STS. to protect your house and busi- ness with a Burglary, Robbery or Hold-Up Policy. Rates rea- sonable. Enquire about our *'Standard' Accident and Sickness Policy,' It is one of the best. Fire and Plate Glass Insurance. Reliable 'Companies only repre- sen $3,000--Frame; § rooms; B. and C.; hot water furnace; gas; electric light; garage; fine cel- lar. Lot 66x110, Good loca- tion. Newly decorated and painted. All in first class con- dition. This is a real bargain At the price, Victory Bonds Bought snd Bold. R. H. Waddell The McCann Agenc I I= HHT Ready For Christmas : ' \ ; What will make a more acceptable gift than --FINE GLOVES. --A NOBBY HAT. --A WARM CAP. --STYLISH FURS. . Comparison of values is our strongest argument. Do your Christmas shopping early. CAMPBELL BROS. RO HHA \ | | Letters to the Editor | | "to their presented demenrte "amount of rationality on tha || were inefficiently administered and | Take Laxative I HHH DAIL Y BRITISH WHIG. MOUSDAY, DEC. 5, 1021, department in ¥eton would have | been exceedingly curtailed. He sen: for Parkinson, the deputy minister in the department, and cne who parti- culiarly plays petty party politicey Parkinson 'came at Evans' beck and {spent the whole "ime with our Con- servative boss." No one was seeu concerning my gide of 2» case. That was his idea of fair Of course, we could not blan in view of the fact that Evans had promised 1e party machine of Kingston that he controlled 1,200 votes, and there- fore Parkinson was gullible enough | to cater to him--1,200 fiddlesticks, | |but' enough said! A policy diametri- fips I Sus Same 2 "| cally opposite was adopted and [| cos for the editorial of the Stanl- several months ago as let oat. ird on the 28th of November OWMllZ || knew too much, oi had become a eond!- | pypr in the fide of the department. "fon. They will be cooler after the Unfortunately they never anticipated lactlon, in fact after tae 6th of De- | the elaction, and I seized upon it as smber they will be so out in thoy, psychological moment to demand | cold they will be almost chill; and {an investigation and justice person- hon we can anticipate a cer ain | yy and generally. | Patt! Did I play fair? On the 4th of | {November I wrote Meighen and ur. | Manion demanding an investigation. : Acknowledgments were received af- | Hatemonts, 2 380ied Properly = the ter considerable delay. On the 15th Standa of Nov. 30th, as a very| J i ! rriow meri wih the (rus 4 2 Sevamber 1 wre asking sci indecent atiempt on his part 0 or gion T wae 1 isimately entitled ie election capital out of reports ona aor = na fit Oz the | that are mot true. ~I-am glad I am | » 83 Soran reply came that futon 4 Yiase Wilh Wajor Dis [they could not investiga' by tmat | Since reonalities have been in- 5 a Pars nig Juotion of re. | date. Mr. Editor, they dare not In} | view of the election pendifig. establishment rather than argu-|'"y 'Co example of extrava- | ment in rebuttal of my Srjticiems. I leatice I cited the other night I did | desire to give him, and tiie pu inf ot say it was records that were ide- | general, a few facts which wi bat. {stroyed in the old hosiery mill, I stat- | ter explain my position dn this elec-| , clearly that it was thousands of | tion. I wish it clearly understood | gare' worth of advertising mater- | that Bo ore A ersumal [ial that 'was ridiculous and useless. I | cimpaign more » {some ome else has introduced Je 1 line Meighen government will wisi have ot inuate Tight to fghl|." vere records that had boss de- | back fin * |stroyed. In fact, if their whole re- | I como from good old Libera! joao had gone up In smoke "hey would have blessed those fires. There THE Lieut. McDonell Comes Back. Kingston, Ont., Dec. 3.--(To the Editor): Evidently some people are 'nsistent They will not answer | clear eut arguments indicating the failure of soldier civil reestablist ment but resort to persondlities. They ars looking for "rouble. .Sar- casm and vituperation never answer- ed facts; they ate but camouflage to cover up the weakness of rebutial n! » that paper again. But for Major "Billy" Nickle 1 make no allowances and brand his stock and am a relative of a recent | Liberal premier Who has not 60 1002 |," in orenne in "records", and pet~ since passed to his iy advertising material that the fore my tendencies su ly in | Mighty academjc mind of Major Bil- {eral and 1 am ot o #t im lie might note. I saved everything this campaign becaus 1ifs have of value at the mill but useless Egonga bony 1 ny when | thins naturally went into the dis- o 3 car | when I voted in the last general elec- ini | 4s y , Once again, Major Billie, you 3iog ior Slaior pale Sr, w . were out on my salary at that period I ver reie 1% | dollars. Of course it will Jove fo ! ot | ibera |did not commit a heinious offence, [02 Yau So ake Be Nord hy had 'in Mal Wy Shautes of & Hewveuly whods | the losal offices ot the DSC.R, aud have not Bb gh 2 t oy Mr Hoag |can be given to any citizen who will 1 Sanrio, ip Ye ok me to nomic €XPend a threc cent stamp and write Ried 89 Svyer sii. headquarters, Otawa. i nate Dr. . ments of the Further, in my ttle address - |i orate Be is has re-establishment Tie wey in | tailed, failed dismally through poor haracear ot Tr Hot aT to, th administration, and 1 woud for charac x SS. > him a soldier and a gentleman, but I | stated then and I reiterate now that | in a discussion of a big principle like | i i one of three | re-establishment Dr. Ross is wnabie [Uneis Hughie, ie A SS ever jo Saadia a re ua My | erantea training in this district ex- | . y ' t a hy months of my | fault--it is only his human limita- [So 48 The Iie rho Uncle Hughie tion, and I cannot blame him for it. slow you that letter he sent to Fiex- {Zhe other Oe onion Be Hoy diréetor of administration at | Roan hamle Was @nioned wus 2 | Ottawa, wherein he refused to turth- ny closing sentence when I said that {er sit on the voomtional board in when the train of public opinion | © of the department's unjust de- went through on Dec. 6%h Dr. Ross | oisions and wherein he promised to would find himself knocked in tne | reserve his information against ditch on ene side of the government- {them for a future use. I thought It al right-of-way and Mr. Meighen in | was for a time such'as this, but evi- the other. I cannot and will not dently it was for his memoirs. ' be held responsible for political ac- | par Bille 53 @ Siding yone 1nd - ga 7 yOu 3 i | aout of that character. , | sure of your facts, square up to the 4 ow to 80 on with more persona! | argument and if you fail before it do {hispory Which 1 did not 'desire not camouflage your fall by personal | brought into this campaign but which attacks on your oppongnt, and do n- { am forced to bring in order to eon- | let partizanship entirely blind you Bg Major Billie and others of his [the failure of re-establishment for ik that I have made similar sacri- [the returned men under this govern- {flces and fought similar battles pre- | ment. | ; y e 65h of | viously in the interest of soldier civil turned.-men are voting wo fhe & pro- | reestablishment when there was no December for a party w Re a | slootion is ake. As the truth | Mised them a re-opening of the ) 2 mot 2 Tatar, scconing tb 512.01 Tosabiment and not or { y | [statement in the Standard, I would |; refer him to his father, W. F. Nickle, | y for verification of what is to follow. In the fall of 1917 I began duties with the department of D.S.C.R. Six months later I resigned as a pro- {test against local conditions, which | | | i as Major Billie will not take the failed. Yours truly, --JOHN 8, M¢DONELL. To Stop a Cold in One Day : BROMO QUININE unjust to the soldier. An investiga- | tablets. The genuine bears the sig- ; 5 . it vestj- | nature of E. W. Grove. y Boy was salied Sa Ht in iil get BROMO), 30c. Made in Canada. tional officer for Ontario, W. W. Ni- chol, head of the Soldiers' Aid Com- mission; Dr, Graham, chief of the | medical services for the province, [and W. F. Nickle, as chairman. Upon completion of that examination into conditions the inefficient cog "in the machine was removed, and Prof. Manley Baker took over the duties of D.V.0. To his credit, be it said, an ad- ministration was adopted that put the Kingston distriet on the map as a decently run unit. As for myself 1 was requested by Prof. Haultain, by letter, to consider my resignation period as a hoMday and return to headquarters at Toronto with him. I refused. Every month during that summer I wag asked to return to the department and finally after eighi months after my resignation I came back as assistant to Prof. Baker. Will Major Billie or the Standard it they be fair insist that I did this voluntary resignation because I was a sore-head? I think they will nave to give the credit of having done it for the cause of re-establishment, Evidently the chief for Ontario thbught I did decently and unselfish- ly by his request for me {0 return, but I suppose in view of what Lae happened today "his opinion is of little value. But it is necessary; I suppose, to give all the personal facts in my deal- ings with the department of soldiers' re-establishment in order to make my stand of the present time clear. Time went .on and I finally became D.V.0. I was last December appomt- ed in full charge of the distriot ex- cept for the medical services. Hero agnin are some facts I wish Major Bille and the Standard to take note of. Evans, their colleague in "he present fight, took a hand in the pro- ceedings in view of the fact that his powers of dictating the policy of the IDEAL FOR CHRISTMAS We are showing the usual big variety of Indian Shoes -- pretty, serviceable, excellent value, they make a splendid Christmas gift. We have them in all sizes from infants' to men's, and would remind our many patrons who send them overseas that they should be mailed by to-morrow. Men's Shoes .... $1.50 to $3 Ladies' Shoes ....$1.25 to 85 Children's Shoes .60c. to $1.50 I GRY YK) i know that on the 7th of December | with the S.C.R, by 4t least a thousand | | verification of some -of its injustices, | word of a Liberal, refer him to his | Also remember this that re-| the government which has so dismai- | "Late" District Vocational Officer, (Be sure you | nn, a mertime. Me. postpaid. Open Nights, LAUDER SONG HITS All Numbers used by Sir Harry Lauder we have in stock. I Think I'll Get Wed in the Su Over the Hill to Ardentinny. _ There's Somebody Waiting For Forty Cents Per Copy-- Three For One Dollar LAUDER SONG ALBUMS (Words and Music) Four Albums, each containing 18 or more Lauder numbers, ' which in sheet music form would sell at ov THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE When | Was Twenty-One. 1 Know a Lassie Out in Ohio, Hame O'Mine, Saftest o' the Family. m- er $7.00. At 75c¢. each, X Phone 919. | | { | This Space Tomorrow 'Newman & Shaw The Always Busy Store Watch Night ! [22000 ¢e0d0te0v eu * Dr. Ross is absolutely ig- norant of the local industrial situation when he suggests using the pasture lands in Cataraqui ward as manufac- turing sites with decp water terminals. There is not a site with deep water . available and there will not be until our lower harbor is developed. Js Ross the man to carry on this work? Vote for Campbell. oD oop Pod PPLE CE Te bb od etre tale LAS EEE EER RE BRT -------------------- -------- GOOD LOCATION-LOW PRICE $5,600--University Avenue--corner; double brick dwellings; rooms; gas lighting; good cellar. HOUSES TO RENT $40.00-- Victoria Street; new brick; 8 rooms and bathroom; fur nace; all conveniences. $35.00--Alfred Street--brick: - lights and gas; furnace: diate possession. E. W. MULLIN & SON EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Division Streets ¢ 10 rooms and bathroom: electric in excellent condition, Imme- = = Phones 539w and 5303, Corner Johnson and How Some Ladies Promise. Whilst waiting in a Princess street | store on, Saturday efternoon, the fol- | lowing conversation was heard, com- | ing from an attractive looking girl, | who said: | i "Yes, and when Dr. Ross' solicitors | came to me. I said, 'Sure, I was going | | to vote Conservative,' and when Mr. | { Campbell's workers came, I sald, 'Of | course, the Liberal man will get my jvote* It is so silly to waste one's time in arguing, isn't it, dear?" One can depend upon the ladies to | ovoid trouble, ------e en, Held Weekly Meeting, The weekly meeting of the King- {ston District Optrometical Associa- | tion was held last Wednesday even- {Ing with a good attendance. The | Speaker was P. House, his subject be- ling Prosbyopia (old or fatiing sight) which was handled in a Very masters; {ly manner. * At the previous meot- | | Ing the subject of Retinosbopy or | shadow test was clearly demonstrat. | ied by J. J. Stewart, R.O. : ! gp ---------- Personal attention given to adver- | tisements. We insist that your ads | pull for you. He who courts needless danger is y Footwear Now Showing M ' 0 i Featuring "Popular Shoes at Popular Prices." NEW FRENCH TOES" ° "THE (1)=--Men"s Black Calf Bals--new, straight, French last, with ball strap effect across vamps; perforated tips. Made by one of Canada's best factories. Every pair "Union Made." All sizes. Specially priced at . . (2)--Brown Side Calf Lace Boots-- new lighter color, with plain tips and new French Toes; every pair with Goodyear welted Soles," All sizes 6 wo 10. Our. big special, ce top & $1.05 tras vane sors sardenen / S. J. MARTIN (8)--Same also in Black more fool than hero. =.

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