' MONDAY, DEC, 3, 1970. : THE DAI y RRITISH WHICG. . ' 5 " CHOICE | Tgre .. .0..® | ; west eats | Volunteers Kingston and Vicinity To Power Users COOKED MEATS | : Remptyille gop Hydro, jthe most Hi h ¥ [futsished in Amer- | ber of ye and later in Corawar, H Pulleys and Bushings. | FOR Electric p®wer has been |ice, wer ld at auction. He ng Moutreal about 9 at & very reason 1 age Mr. Rutherford i McG I Woo sw}! therford, lin's 3 , i ont uke Yo 1 {RatRertard, North Bay. ie wend] | i Mr i Mrs. Byam Roblin, who |news. T newspaper and our ment took plac ith's Falls i 5 ANGLIN the best news of the - - e & CO. Kemptville, which has BSauired the organ ived by his wife, Mrs.-A. R, Ruthep | Immediate delivery from stock. Phone go disposed of their farm | readers w ted with the Rideau sys- . 1 Prices reduced. . "a. » ! un 3 | Will citizens who have «me go 4 4 of their farm | ea ant the Lost news of ihe - ! / at Adolphusiown to C. P. Allen, are day. If we iseuing a daily aue- | nie 1 zonquia Park, Woodworking Factory and Lumber; Yards, Bay and Wellington Automobiles which can .. to their new home near Bel- | tion list. a mailing list, a sailing list, nquin Park is just the out-of- Streets, KINGS10N, Ont. Office Phone 66. Fact i . leville a tax lst or any.other registry soore -way sort of place for a holiday, : : ur AAlOry 282 P . cess Street be placed at the disposal oe : wnouncement will be i ropriats, or for rest and recuperation for those | " i of Mr. Campbell, kindly Are Secking Divorces. but we are sending our j ew ho are run down and need a change ; re J. . i Ay »w applications for di- 'and :hat i your 1s want. | At an altitude of 2,000 feet the air J ee ot oe el? send their names and ad- OTE: the next session of parlia . here: is pure and bracing. All' win- | = =r FUR MUVING UF dresses to the ment are: Walter M. Anderson, Shannon-Delaney Wedding. ter sports are indulged in at the 2 Freight, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and tirockville, from A. Henrietta Ander- On Nov, 21st, Miss Gladys Delan- Highland Inn, hey Eo open INE WITH ME AT KINGSTON'S Cartage of every description-- Campaign Secretary son; Mary E. Fredenburg, Brockville, ey, eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. from cember until : 2 from F. S. Fredenburg, Smith's Fal Martin Delaney, Black River Bridge. | March 15th, 1922. Th» Park is 200 Kingston Transfer Co. 143 Princess Street - yoy ur ie > rd a hannon, Picton, wer? miles north of Toronto and 170 Cel \ mg LEADING lage at St. Gregory': miles west of Ottawa, and is reached Soldier Bets on Campbell, united in m at: | $huur wide BOs WsugLIB Duel. SERRE Gananoque Reporter: A returned | church. bridal couple motored by the Grand Trunk Railway. An : 4 | RES i AURAN1 or : ts. Fis A : { - § sold desires to wager $25 that to Belleville en route to Toronto.! illustrated booklet telling you ail == p---- ; -- a two brothers, - Don't Make Your Advertisement Moving to New Home. | ncement Made Phone 1415. bell will defeat Ross in King- | Kingston, Niagara alls, Buffalo ard |ahout winter in Algonquin Park sent The quality of their food is 80 3 " Pe Ce amp i ) | n DAVID SCO1 r To The Electors of ton on Tuesday next For conven- | Syracuse, N.Y ( heir return thoy ifree upon application to, J. P. Han- ' excellent &nd their waiters so 1 1 x ido i jot sO ™ «om . c | ourteous obliging, that it's CN the money p beer o sited 11 reride in Picton ley. C.1 ), A G.T.Ry K 3s » courteous and c ging, Plumber hh Mmohe) 2 een uepo Pelae a y y AS _u Ingston, 4 Just like dining at home Moye 2 - leporter Hee St - : it L Wn 4 i . pensive? ' VION Plumbing. and Gas Work n special- . > . . ; - " , 5 expensive? Oh, no! UCES ty. All work guaranteed. Address t e ity 0 mn ston or Renfrew s Asse Same nt ' I " %, 2 | HAVE BEEN REDUCZID to the 143 _Froatenae Street. Phone 1277, ; Save What You Can. The population of Renfre Church Event at Cataraqui. 0, UD QE \ lowest possible level con istent if youi:5.03 divided among the different Phe Wome Guild of Chris NON A with quality and you'll -be sur- > prised at the small amount of ANI THE VILLAGE OF I'ORTS- Money is very scarce so re } wards as follows: South ward, 1,743; i want to save from $3 to $5 nu Boys 3 3 J 1 your check when you have finish- Spats tr, - A ES ANI IENTLEMEN: -- apd Men's Overcoats see pur range entra ward, 1,605; North ward, 1,- |, vork 'in tl rsh 0% DRAW WINNETT 2 an We have a lar stock to choose | G8 1 ncrease of population for 1 v. Decembe 3 a ed your repast. Come and be * t t the 2 ha . . 4 . Si} . : , : > convinced. oN Tiy t . ar : - trom; we g antee to save you mon 10 year wi in the Soutl , t pon here were num us / D.ENTAL SURGEON, : fully s ¥ r t ey. Prevost Clothing House Brock [175 in the while the North |yigiigrs from the city, besides a largo ' Corner of Johnsun and Wellington r the House of Or ru street ot ws ad ise of two 12 |g ¢ s from the village t g 68, an increas? 1 y < fitroets Phono 363 cai inn le y my en - 0s i ud the ne ! ---- g ts : . Can of Paint Exploded, f $18 } Irs. McM : ise \. Medal for Heroism, useful! articles of needlework which : tii ais bh John Boyd town- re resided at the stall f y Tr Dr. Waugh Siuumgs cen of stunlowy Rawle . rN oh a t wi fron ¢ . For rescuing Mrs. William Ready, included manv choice dainty aprong Dentist d be 1 : : ploded and she rece the content yf Portland, from drow "als and knitted goods. These met A a BIG CUT IN PRICES ir n BE un het ; hich was severely burn s last summer, Ernest re resale. T e-ma C00} | 108 Wellington St. Phone 250. JOHN M. CAMPBELL, in her face, which wa iy un Lock last summer ! |" [ready sa he home-made cooxing, | on Maxotires amd Tubes, for 10 Days 20% reduction on all sizes ~t, ed on. Smith's Falls, has been present- | ..nqy and quilt stalls were most at- of Maxotires and Tubes. A few Tires at cost. Ee a A etree ting, eam---------- 4 d with the medal of the Royal Can- |r; tive and found splendid attention | EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBLER Co. 3 Ch The Late Manson Head. tian Humane Society While sit- i rrom kind customers who were keen- A. NEAL, Manager 284 Ontario Street. Phone 2050 ove S e airs On Nov. 23rd, the people of South |; in an automobile, Mrs. Ready ¢ wajteq upon by Mrs, Jackson, Mrs, . 4 IS Bay were plunged into gloom over ,.cjdentaily started it and was car- Riley, Mrs. Wilfred Sproule, Miss | + ' 1 pletion, Talking Machines. Bleycies, the death of Manson Head. Deceas- ...q into the river. being imprisonec Heaton and Mrs. Weston. Tea was Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, ete, We third year Hi ha na Ca ron, without hesit dispensed by Mrs. Fred Compton and ia, TE. fant and susrinier of Kingston and us TE ent of South .. jumped in and rescued her. Mrs. T. Austin Smith supported id SOWARDS KEEPS COAL Ei 197 WELLINGTON STRE tt} we Isaa 4 eT ind a son of the Ia CHE: in ER the, younger member of the guill, Point Traverse Monday is Legally a Holiday. A' musical: programme was con- and Christmas falling on Sunday, ayeted by the church 'organist and ' WA T 78 | Portsmouth Tr A Big Load of Turkeys. Monday, Dec. 26th will be the public |p. assisting friends inclnding Miss | COAL KEEPS SOWARDS : ' harry Valle re Fock i tha fastiva? Y : : . M. Caton, Cherry Valley, drew holiday fated with the festival. | papjamin and Miss Dorothy Comp- | fifty-six ie' 5 stati jetermining that : 3 There is a statute determining that, . PHONE » Conservetives, nud by selection at a turkeys, which weighed 2 pounds. pon Christmas Day or New Year H 150. ' 3 - b | People S a atnnd wn candudnrs Tor 11} owntis| TRIS iS probably the largest 1ot mar. | pos eames ono Sunday, the fo6 UPTOWN OFFICE--McGALL'S CIGAR STORB | PHONE 811. * tuency . . ave. "Tho : IN NNR RE ~ ~ 3 . teted or two t ays. ¢ ne nd S > bserved R$ MEDALS. Florist 1 stand for a protective policy, which keted on the two tu 4 d a) . Th lowing Monday should be observe WINNERS OF MEDALS - Will provide work for our worklogmen bunch bought by ( P. Scott as a legal holi'wy and advan o men { "and Keep our money nt home: for sup-, The ruline im ce of ti 3s was 38 ; . rhino Th 3 y acti "i 3 . Fire | port of 'men who have atood by war | 1008 Price of the wiles was 88 (hereof given to employees. This is In Connection' With Essays on Fire SOWARDS COAL COMPANY country in time of need; for support CENts, the first time sinve 1910. Prevention. | ' of wound leadership as we have It in -------- a-- The following were the successful | Fresh flowers and plants daily Hight Hon. Arthur Melghen. * > ae oem e | 1 molicit your vote and influence, and The Late Mrs. James Cameron. Smith's alls Is Brighter, contestants in the recent fire prevent- Funeral designs, and wedding]! 4 ' re bouquets to order, Phone 1763. if Elected my whole time will be at your| The sad death occurred after a The Malleable Castings company. ion essay competition held in the f schools of Kingston for medals pre- 7 ee -- brief illness, of Lottie May, daughter Simth's Falls, rcopened a At the request of many Liberals and to Picton on Wednesday 177 Wellington street, RT Sa I. TS Ad RE Res, 1187, --A. E. ROSS, . -- : nig L d At cc As oe of Alfred Snider, and beloved wife of {their plant on Thursday. of nen sonted by the Ontario fire prevengion Sheflield tow: league: ---- James Cameron, of "| will be taken on as a start. T Ls hip, on Sunday, Nov. 27th. f municipal stone quarry will be re Senior fourth class--Ethel Burke, kind and helping disposition, a sin hin a few days, and etone | Macdonald School; Ethel Hgpsfall, opened w | { | | SORE S ere and earnest Christian, she will be taken oui for use in connec- Robert Meek school; Joe M¢Quad, . TIFF JOINTS a wide etrcle of. friend tion with the Smith's Falis section St. Mary's school. H Rusk : CE LI ! Kingston dw rovincial | Junior fourth class--<Harry Rusk- VVEITER expos and fad Mother Died in Chicago, J oe Xin TOA? {in, Robert Meek schopl; Winniford muscles gd [ihe Hoa Mrs. A. A. Wilkinson, Brockvill -- - Hogle, Frontenac school; Dorothy bottle of Sloan's Lininent handy and has been called to Chicago by the Noted Jurist Passes Beyond. | Bewes, Central school. ; death of her mother, Mrs. John Kel- Judge Wanamaker, Bethany, Miss- Seiffor "third class--Violet Tug-| apply freely, Penetrates without rubbing, a= ou ra ind at once a comfortin } ly. who passed : on Wednesday | i a native of Prince Edward coun-| wood, Robert Meek school; Sarah | Pe re Fu which will Jo foflow d adler ar iliness ext ng o & PCI- | tv passed away recently. He was | Williamson, Fromense gonoci; race i ; t 5 fou 01 seyerd Tt i i y 'ay plle- | Newman, Central school. ing joi : a first cousin. of Byron Way, Beile- |? . f stiffness of aching joints, Kellv. "who was sevent EO Foor ia di i: Newman, Con | MEN and YOUNG MEN'S NEW Also relicves ri eumatism, sciatica, | ., aze af the time 2 ton'h wasa na | Yile. He lived in Canada until he I OFLSIoY : | neuralgia, sprains and strains. fron or copay COL WAS A D2 | wag nineteen years of age, and re- eph Doyle. NEW MODELS y-- BEST VALUES » of Leeds county eived his literary training in the Portsmouth public school---Frank For forty years pain's enemy, Ask "IV } Ww R McRae & Lo. your neighbor, i _ | public schools and the Collegiate In- | Wickham t . At all druggists--35c, 70c, $1.40. Purchased an Organ. stitute of Belleville. Ont He came For the nurses-in-training classes | A 9 A pipe organ from the George N. to the United States In 1869, his par- [at Kingston General hospital--Miss | GOLDEN LION BLOOK, Oa Pullman home in Chicago, Ill. will late sett] g 3 Mis art and enter- |G. M. Fitzsimmons. | 2 3 ba installed in the st, Vincent de od the University of Michizar. grad- Hotel Dieu hospital---Miss M, R * 9 ® Lini ent Paul's church, Cape Vincent, N.Y. uating with the degree of LL&. O'Keefe. . | mr some time during the month of Janu- ------ It is expected tHat Fire Chief 00 ary Rev. Father Robert Duford. Returning 10 Campbellfordy Armstrong will receive the medals | $35.00, $38. - - ~ priest of the church-éyent to Chicago Many will ba giad tc hear of the [in time to present 'd' the winners at IE || last Thursday, on hearing that 'the return of Col. J A Macsun, M.")., {othe Christmas Dr. H. A | valuable antiques and furnighings of CampKeliford, after nedrly six the schools | the Patlman honie; which was one of years absence overs:as He and oh react an nl Hoi =} TWEDDELL'S 3 FAA AA A A mt Sm A mm '§. Macoun left boris in the sprinz, Some men expect a he honors J Denial Surgeon oF 1915, ana Te dowel iy be N - without doing anything to earn Wishes to announce | 2 duty ever since, having rved in thea. sil Sustites fue Weans aioe) 131 Princess St. i ; spitals in Frat» daring var he end stifies y | Cho'cest quality of Scranton that he has resumed P Rospital in Fran " faring 4 war, | a , a re it 1s the Bood anil | . . J v ; ind since tha: in Englaad The col- | vided always 1 | Soa, No other und sold by his practice, cor. Wel- Snel looks hale sud hearty Mrs. | (One door below Randolph Hotel) . . v Macour/ expeets to arrive in Camp-| - BOOTH & CO lington and Princess salle Jr | beliford shortly ahd they will or el HAD BAD COUGH I$ Grove Inn Yard Phiae 153 I Streets. Phone 2092. CEB | their residence on Frank street. | AND | | SORE THROAT | ! | . 1 A. Stewart es \ 8 a L 3 Was Born in Kingston. | Never neglect a cough or cold! ho por) SE { Archibald Robert Rutherford, who | however slight. If you do it can| | closing exercises of | a A OO A a | J o 8, Pd . A me % | for over twer years had been in have but one result: it leaves the | FOR SALE G ? it 7 Lr |} tiie service o C.P.R. Company, throat or lungs, or both, affected. A | REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? : NY A 8] [0:06 et Montreal. He had been em. | Sinsle doge bn WOOD'S Double stone dwelling, three || Estimates given by hs ] y | ployed in the capacity of railway con- | NORWAY PINE SYRUP storey, large lot; 1 extra lot. +3 er | o | ductor for the last twelve years. Mr, | will help to stop the cough, soothe | Good barn. Rents for $44 per . 0. Aykroyd & Son | EG a= 4 y | Rutherford, who was sixty years of | the throat, and if the cough ory cold | . ih month, Price $4,500, 21 Main Street. Pboune 1670. | \&) | age. was born in Kingston and re- [has become settled on the lungs the | . -- {sided nearly all his life in Ontario. 'healing virtues of the Norway pine * W W 2 oe : I He lived in Smith's Falls for a num- | tree along with the soothing and ex-| HL SIN i} Pie ctome Indoor Life [fo ie mers ny mn a eT i & SON TRANSFER i i lent herbs, roots and barks promptly 4 Real Estate and insurance Phone 1776J | |= Spending more time indoors . eradicates the bad effects. and the | 80 Brock Street. Phone 421. makes women far more subject to persistent use cannot but help to] Ey bring about relief. | S. WHITEMAN ipati | ---- 219 QUEEN STREET Coustipation than men. i Mr. Albert Marsh, Lower L'Ar-| me The liver becomes sluggish and y : dois, N. 5. eg out a your, : | torpid, the bowels constipated and ago 1 contracted a cold accompanie( - . ae > | : : sa by a very bad cough and sore throat. Plain Hemstitched Initial and DID YOU EVER TRY the system poisoned by impurities. {1 sent for the doctor, but what he pre- | ) If you would get away from | | | scribed did me so little good 1 be- . Fancy Embroidered - Wagstafl's Ginger Mar.anlade. . . ' . gan to get discouraged. A friend! Wagstai's Pineapple Marmalade, the myriads of ills which result | | came to see me and asked me if (! Wasstars Bramble Jelly, e min er from constipation, it is only neces- | | eo had ever used Dr. Wood's Norway | » 0 Ye Also have a full line of sary to use Dr. Chase's Kid | 4 Pine Syr I told him I had not | ' ther reifabl Kk Marma- : ry » Mame s Nidpey- {| E e Syrup. B i . 1 1 er Tunbie makes or ome. Liver Pills. . 4 and sent him right away to get me al An immense variety -- imported ato-- Thi ; . . : { } bottle. I started using it, and after Z . ais Company rejected over || The benefits from their use are'] | a couple of days I found I was get-| direct from the best makers in Ire- Bon Marche Grocery 700 applicants last year for no as lasting as they are prompt and | | {ting relief, and after taking two bot-| : . . | Cer. King and Earl Streets less than two million dollars of certain. 4 | ties the soreness in my throat seem- | land--real, pure Linen--for Men, License No. 53-2714 insurance because they waited fed to be leaving me, 80 I resolved | > : Mrs. John Barry, 18 St | Phone 1844. longs. to continue its use, and after I had | : _ too long Sl Le Bay 18 5 for Women and for Children --all usgqd five bottles both my sore throat | been only too glad to issue writen! at attractive prices, and cough were gone. I would not be. this insurance had these appli- "This is to certify that I was troubled | | . | withéut "Dr. Wood's" for any| i : . | | for years with constipation end tried / .| Price, 35¢c. and 60c. a bottle; put GET IT REPAIRED cants been medically fit. The all kinds of medicines without relief. At | | : up only by The T. Milburn Co. | lesson is apply for insurance { Limited, Toronto, Ont. i } i on, mo I SA i i This Company would have money.' last my husband suggested that | try | Sewing Machines, Phonographs. when you can get it. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, I did Guus, Ritlea repaire aud refitted. 0, and must say that they have given } Le | ® Parts suppiled. Saws 0d, knives, me more relief than all the medicine | 1 ; | W N Linton & ] Ee ea rds prow S. Roughton {| |i ans ie has fifteen years. | : ed : EE * f° - red, .Kcyw ed "dn > | may alo add that | have used Dr. | t hone The dron Store iy ott iunte ut District Manager The Mutual | J Chase's Ointment for piles vith excel- | i P 191. Wal bi pared. Wy can repair auyining Life of Canada lent results." ' : | e . | { at is repairable. ows better than " A 60 Brock Stree : : Dr. Chase's Kidney. Liver | P im : 4 1 , Some of the men who Wave an eye robably no one knows t am : > i With i ag, 149 Sxdenbim 'treet. Iingutin Phone 610, all dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Rang v Grand Ope ae: All the rich 2 of {for business also have an eye for |a shoe salesman how the moders * Co., Ltd., Toronto. Tuerdag dnesday_ Dee os and h he e Vi aroma i amps, late divorce stories would in- | women hate to darn etockings--and pe ; bes rginia leaf | dicate, . socks, nod ens Wi, wh LS i A MR, Lm on lernoen.