E DAILY BRITISH WHiG. a i NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN 'READERS 4 ---- EE i e------------ = Erm EE ee = ee ---------- ee fT A IN FALL FASHIONS = | | 8 The Blend Life s Social Side wn Straight and Nine Inches HOW TO M AKE MONEY. p you have been waiting for, F SW women are averse to makin g pin money. It doesn't matter From the Floor, whether they need It or Sot here is pecial Pleasure in_spend- d : hy . Ir money one has npiade firough 2 ne's gown nitiative ang resources. retro SB Pete tt ttt ttt ttt tated | BE day pid i Appear on this fage ons of a series of sugges- > . ) rele y tur lons on makin 1 t cle w 5 Editor of Women's Page, Telephone | in town for a week or so, returned YS 30 aking x el Ly nal § Sie vs LElve womes readers of The 1724; Private phone 857w. to Ottawa today. Suits Dark; Colors for Hats; Waist. > . Q . > * « Mrs. Langton, who has been the| ine. Four Inches Lower Than ue Preparatory School. No. 42--A Uniq The cutewdance at the meeting of | guest of Mrs. Van Straubenzee Bey- | N / ths ag Se 2 > , | ormal, ar y he fa + the Badminton Club at the Armour-| ar)y street, left today for Winnipeg. | Preparing patidre for the ; The het that Jareais appre- A High Grade Tea at a fes on Saturday "was very large, Mrs. W. H. Eyssell and her daugh- | » iver Thole schools--this sounds ciate the opportunities for mod 3 i ? $i. | If there 1s any more delightful diver like an anachronism, to be quick advancement given their erate price. many peoples coming in from the lors, wlio have been in Toronto with 5 CU. y » dansant given by the Victory Chap-| re. Coleman Hinckley, left 0a Sa:. Jae iora hot Sumas JU a ace sure,, but It ia, nevertheless, a children in this way is evidenc- c : Sold in 151b., 11b. and 214 Ib, phges. go - ter in Ontario hall. The play for the urday for Kansas Clty, Mo. | ind Nas got Faso Fortunately departure of the pedagogical ed by their willingness to send - 4 Douglas Young cup went on. Among * eo oo enough," observes a fashion Ceresponts profession in. which a success- their children to a 'pay' H those present were, Brig.-Gen. King Major-General McBrien, who WA | ent authentic Information has toated ful teacher found her chosen &chool even though they may Cc ASE & SANBORN, Montreal and Mrs. W. B. Shuttleworth King, | the guest ot Col. and Mrs. Eric Phil. a Hom Tashion copes give form vocatioff, The latter had done ba in very moderate circum- Col. and Mrs, P. G. (. Campbell, | };pq University avenue, las return-| gnq color to wardrobe planning. both primary and intermediate stances, The average parent Prof. and Mrs. T. Callander, Col. ed to Ottawa. | Te thermometer never soaccd so werk in the public schools, but will sacrifice almost anything | end Mrs. Bevan Dunbar, Col, and Mrs. Garland I. Smith, who spant high that a woman could not be pleas- | retired owing to the fact that to provide his or her children Silk S it ; Wi . Mrs. Colquhoun, Col. and Mrs. Lang-|, Week with her daughters, Miss El-| ant as she pletures herself it, 4 vow | tho combined duties of home- with the means of obtaining an ui ' a ¥ infer Necessity ford, Col. and Mrs, Beverly Brown, zabeth Smith and Miss Marjorie | tap) suit cut on the latest lines. Lines, maket and public-school teach- education, and the fact that y : Col. and Mrs. W. H. P. Elkins, Prot. Smith, Earl street, returned to Otta- you see, for there are three lengths er were more than she could William, who starteq out in the and Mrs. Keith Hicks, Major and Wa today, in new suit coats, the Lip length coat, | very well manage, "pay" school, fs in the fifth Mrs. H. Lafferty, Major Horace Law- ¢ eo oo | the finger tip length and the very long | It had often occurred to her grade, when John (of the same By Carolyn T, son, Mrs. James Miller, Mrs. C. 8. Mr. and Mrs, | coat. The fines or the loug coats are | that a great deal of time was age) is in the third grade, ap. Radnor-Lewie Kirkpatrick, Mrs, Douglas Jemmett, Barrie street, are registered at tne | as graceful as one could wish, often lost during the first few years beals to their sense of expedi- Now that winter Mrs. F. W. Hill, Miss Atleen Rogers, Mission Inn, Riverside Californa, and deep revers extending almost to the that a child is in, the public ency in favor of the "pay" modes bave settled Miss Loretta Swift, Miss Mildred | arg to remain there some time. waistline give a decorative touch to seflool. So-caled kindergarten school as a starter for chijig- down Wo & state of Jones. Miss Evelyn Bennington, Prescott, | the new suit. Then there is the very work also appealed to her prac- ren in the public schools, | 8 ss Spent the week-end with Miss Elsie | long coat made with a long waistline, tical mind as being largely a Children are taught in this Actually being, we can ull ivision y ~ ae lav be frank and admit Mrs. Leman Guild, Division street, Davidson, Earl street. | bloused a bit, perhaps, and buttoned waste of time. Clay-modelling, schoo] of preparedness from Was the hostess of a jolly party on . 99 straight up the chin, for the swathed basketry, ete., might be all Hine Hil one A three SUL o that there is little that Friday evening, for her daughter, | arg EJ. Kelly, 371 Alfred street, | neck line in suits Is full of promise. very well, she argued, for chil- toon on the south side of any Is actually new. There Mies Kathleen. Games were played | wi); receive for the first time since | Skirts are straight, wide enough ren of the well-to-do parents, house bas been fitted 8 are certain hallmarks end a dance followed, after which ye, marriage on Thursday, Dec.. 8th, | to permit the wearer to walk comforts who, in all probability, 'would shoot tinggi Cay id which you will dis dainty refreshments were served, and trom 4 to 6 pag Her mother, Mrs { ably "and nine inches from the floor not be obliged to become waga and other reCaare are ya 'cover in the slecves, altogether the evening was a most L. E. Staples, Ingersoll, wil receive | at the present. The tallored suit will earners at an early age and Rite RE ty = ap at the girdic and perhaps enjoyable one. Among those present with her. | hesitate a few months before it de- who were not, therefore, oblig- iy ADL ot : the extrérma 1 to In the length of skirt, were: Misses Dorothy Dyde, Lillian | ------------ cides to give In to the dictum of ed to make headway as fast as ta I : 3 da p 'but practically po Burns, Gladys Arneil, Marie Van| , LS | longer skirts. Dresses have suc possible. Jaleness of a modern school- h ' Luven, Hazel Smith, Katie Tweddell, | ""t] eumbed. the suit will in time She had talked with a num. TOOM equipment, thers is, nev- radical change that ta Bessie. Simmons Jean McFadyen, § What Queen's I As iy color the soitenre dark olive | bes Of Parents dpon the ou ertheless, every observance of going to banish inte ue : 8 pare pon ihe ques the conditions of sanitation the discard the frock Dorothea Gravee, Marion Black and ! rit casional variati . sit view Qirls Are Doing or black with an {vas onal varia i f tion and found that taels News and comfort and no one who or bat of yesteryear. Messrs, Wi] Anderson, Will Cliff, as the fabrics affvance from in most instances, 3 : will England, Grant Johnston, ------------------------------ | various twill cords of autumn into the [ with hers, They we re, almost h 1s been privileged to see the There is, however, the Keeble Jones, Louis Delaroche, Ed- 'Congratulations to Miss Georgina | Soft pile fabrics of winter. without exception, agreed that children at their .tesks could exception that makes Ward Milo, Gerald Scott, Ernest Al- Ettinger, vice-president of Levana,| The hat lends the color. Flame a child, who was given individ. question the fact that they are every rule and that Is len, Russell Gardiner, Charles Bar- who hag 'been elected assistapt seo e- | colored felt or spark, if you like the ual instruction, could progress happy at their work, nor doubt [the silk suit~--and for i ' the wisdom of the revival of winter, tels. [tary Soci Dew term better, lovely grays and ive ithi least { y of the Alma Mater Society. s ¥ gra) to a given point within, at leas " . 4 yen soft shades of rose that defy a name one-third of the tima allat*cd tie three R's system, even for Are you acquainted ~fith this late arrival "The Dansant," given by the Vie- A supper was given' the cafate- | &re "the firstlings of the season." by the public school sys:em. very young children, *tory Chapter, 1.O.D.E. in Ontario ria after the performance of "The| "Where is the walstline in the new The result was a class of young _ The teacher is assigned by in the wardrobe? It Hall on Saturday, was a very de. Tragedy of Nan," in Grant Hall on | COAt dresses? nquired a shopper. An- children with a view to prepar- her younger sister in examin- has in thepast made lightful party, Treneer's orchestra Frida -|8wers the buyer authoritatively i . id correcting thelr work ¥ evening, at which the mem- | J ' ing them for fourth or even and in other details of fndivid- its appearance in the | Played a splendid programme Of bers of the caste were present as| "About four inches lower than the fifth grade work in the public od § the dance music. Tea was served from a we] as a few out-of-town graduates | hormal waistline; there the panels schools. She began with five or ual instruction. The tuition spring uring » table, gay with pink chrysanthem- Including: Mrs. R. G. Dobjer Otta-| begin to utter and fly, for the six pupils, but, at present, has ~ charge is $12 a'quarter. Child- summer, but to-day it ums, green candles and handsome wa, who was the leading lady in last | Straight-line dress has panels galore, abori twenty. The fundamen- ran, of course, buy their own is here and' will occu- Silver. Here Mrs. Grant Cadenhead, years performance by the dramatic 20d a panel to fulfill Its mission must tals alone are taught. There js books and whatever material PY & place In the cen- the regent of this enterprising chap. op. drop below the hem of the skirt," so no nature study, no 'music, may be needed. They are not ter of the clothes ter, Mrs. J. Gordon Mackenzie, Mrs. a the longer skirt was reconciled, for outeide of the simple songs permitted to uss slates, stage during the win- Herbert Steacy, Mrs. Arnott Min- Levana and Arts hag a joint meet. | YOU can compromise, you know, by a which the children sing at op- For a teacher who has had ter. -- nes, Mrs. J. C. Murchie and Mrs. J. 'ing in Convocation Hall on Thursday | %hort skirt and long panels and be | ening exercises. lier class any experience this is a money- Your first doubt F. Preston made tea. The bridge at which Dean Skelton was tho speak yery go Sr seed The Yards nhd might well be called th school making plan which can scarce. will be regarding its players who were present enjoyed a or. A Programme was arranged and Jarce ot 3k Hi jue ne ne of the three R's. The children ly be excelled as viewed from warmth. However, a game on the platform. refreshments served. Sew 1 eis would make a love o obtain a foundation which en- Ray SEndpoint, The Souss e professor of the * » By -- | : . ae ables them to wark to geod ad- short, @ remuneration satis- Rockefeller Institute Mrs, George A. Bate an, Univer- The basketball squad fg turning | There's no halt way place In sleeves, vantage in tha grammar grad- factory, and the teacher who is says that silk next to Sity avenue, entertained at the tea out for practice every afternoon ther the frock las them ar' its | es and it takes from but one- none too strong physically, will the skin Is two and 8 hour on Friday and Saturday, In| -- : | wpeveless. The long, flowing slegve, ol of the time required be spared the wear and tear of half times warmer than Gonor of her guest, Mrs. M. Silver The girls are collecting for | Shich adds' grace to a garment and [ h individual help is not the daily grind of public school wool. All that is nec- } ' , ' . charm to nine out of every ten arms, | waere in Pp : essary in the silk suit Sutton West, Lake Simcoe. The Queen's war memorial, [16 with ns, for unususl = ne pre. | possible, discipline, is just the interlining hostess made tea in Zhe cosey Saw. | The openi Right | that Is not better looking clad in some | you would add to ing room, gay wit owers, an he Pening nig of flmy drapery | your cloth suit. : ' As for its appear hour spent over the teacups was a given by the Dramatic Club wag very : : Ra WER Pleasant one 1ndeed. i Suir this year; Jothaps the dignity x So ii a Srieses. ha --) ance; of Shut tive i Photo by Old Masters, ; » at sur | Hee anes 8, the hx | wwe eee on. sl had a is dhe Balls » learning | sleeve Is close-fitting at the armhole | | rem looks just Carlotta Monterey has thoughtfully caught ' pl right. And it's not back the Chinese-like jacket of her jacquard Mrs. Horace Lawson, Johnsor | and widens from the elbow to the | } Street; Jul leave ou Thutsday al | ®rist. Flowing sleeves are often hard to keep it look- Roshanara Crepe suit so that the frock, of the se ! ' : Barrie to spend Christmas and the' There Was a good turn out of stu- 1 , { To-morrow's i s 7, whi rele | well, provided you same heavy crepe with its metal girdle and Now Jar with Jor Mather, Mn. dents a Chuimers church, to -- Ret sorprery, hes 12 relcome { Genuine Antique | ect x Sik that ye round neck outlined in fur to match the jacket, Wismer. Little Audrey Lawson will Dr. Gor 8, (Ralph Connor), speak X ; p fuses show the may be seen. {variety. Or a sieeve may be Furniture Rare | H Oo R Oo S C 0 E of wear 3 F | ' a pany er po is gh °8 Friday sventug, | fashioned after the bishop's sleeve, | By Genevieve Kemble tear. Take, for example, a heavy eight-inch level, and its jaunty coat Ya | gathered Into a snug cuff at the wrist, | é~eve ! crinkle gil. like Roshanars Crepe, or with a swagger that may owe its or- M.{ Prot. J. | her sister, Miss Jean Wismer to M.| rof. J. T. Graham, Oberlin Unt- | Oh, yes, the sleeve Is coming in for | There ig very little fine old ma. | > . Its sister silk, Chinchilla Satin. Both igin to its Chinese cut oy to the cape " | tucse silks can be tailored like a formation of the back. E. Esten, which takes place in Jan-! versity, who Spoke on behalf of the | | o | real attention this season. a, uary. ° {Student Reljet Fund for the students | hogauy to be found now, in the | TUESDAY, DEC. 6th, Jot} i they will hold thelr lines And you can adapt them with equal Mrs. John Aird, Montreal, is'in the near east, met with 5 sympa- | meantime, having passed through | Perplexing problems are likely to Indefinitely. No matter to what se- success to. the more formal silk sult. | various furniture periods the real | arise, according to 'the pecillar na- | vere Best You may put them, travel- Here you will generally find a ha Py Spending a month in Toronto. thetic response fro 's stu- Bg Tou Cunningham, Earl deat bag. m Queen's stu | GOWN OF GRAY SHOT TAFFETA | collectors have turneq their atten- [ture of the prevailing planetary in- Ing, motoring of on the field of sport, parinershi in which the one-piece Street, returned to town.today from ton to the early American. There |fiuences, By lunar transit the main they always look as if they had just dress divides honors with the jacket. -- Winnipeg, i Brilliant Display of Gowns. {1s not much of it but it is Very in- | events are under affliction, making | -~come from the tailors. Thee Suite may bo tried, and you Speaking of that brilliant funct. re | teresting," says the New York Times. | difficult and hazardous situations, For this reason you can use them will fin is silts lan n- for the strictest of tallleurs, the trig selves to all manner of trimming, he * - : 'on, St. Andrew's ball, held in tng 5 | trod ans, 'nese pieces, most to be de- [ard thers 1s no THISTSgEmEn. 10 | fhgle twa len Sut Tr hee trig pligues, embroidery, braiding, piping fur, ». ® Se | Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Davis, who Windsor on Wednesday, the Mog- ee {sired and very rare (there are said change or removal. Travel is likewise like skirt, mot dropping below the Spout the ove with Hon. BE. J. treal Star says:--Not since pre-war : f [to be less than half a dozen in exist- adversely aspected, and the' disposi- es ahd | ra Davis, Newmarket, days has there been suc at: 3 ence), Is the Pllgrim Chest. It fs] tion to seek pleasure or soclety is ny o and Mie ony. C. Abbott Sisplay of gowns. 1 described as a small desk-box, with under baneful rule, However, wise Some girls who married uniforms Reformers, never make a hit with have come in trom "Glen Lawrence" Jace ne a vivid red ve 3% A Bi te pt 352 mounted - i iowa pod ane Te Juring the war bave discovered their | the Ten, but any beauty Spectalist 3 » . y W Y to offer a Ce an ellef, and are at 303 King Street. vet with trailers of French flowers, : open shelf below. There are rectan- Those whose birthday it {s have oe sero whan it comes to *ho S45 Julorm her will make a hit Mrs. (Rev.) J. J. L. Gourley, Lan. Pde gular panels in the box at the front the presage of a troublesome and an- Women throughout Mongolia have In Belgian Congo $he mothor has caster, spent the week end in 'King- 0 ) 4 and ends with low, flat carving in xious year in both business and do- been directed to dispense wearing | supreme guardianship over her ston, the guest of her son and dau $ NE [lunette designs. Finest of the old mestic affairs. They may find, how- veils children i y - 4 iN AR hai "eva " > : : * ghter, Hugh Gourley and Miss Mary hal . nN) ale rs the "Carver" and a fen kindly and able friends ready -- manga Gourley, students at Queen's Univer- y i # i A . voi : : -. . . . ie estas a = 3 Ba p > wot har McGill, Wellington! Tie miming industry 1m the Philtp- br MB ¥ there are many varieties of tables | M47 Br ed downs fal ) : S Street, has returned from Toronto, pine Islands employs more women 3 (PON ng ¥ different in sizes and shapes, The and Kind] t tend It may est in the Miss Murie! Dunne, who has been than men. ; 3 a8 5 "huteh" table has for the centre pe- aly $Elo ie 1 y : destal-support underneath, a gquare : An auspicious day for the use of box or hutch, which is reached by tip- classified advertising. ping up the table, The Pilgrim : The org kept her sewing In the huteh, . : CROCK ERY CHINA ' sity, y HC AA pleasure. A child born on this day The old trestle tables run from six to Married at Warkworth, "GIFTS THAT LAST" A | 12 feet in length. The larger trestle | * A Quiet wedding took place a* the . 2 tables were used in the old inns "Free Methodist parsonage, Wark- and GLASSWARE i . oy | Which were scattered all over the | worth, on Thursday," Dec. 1st, when A Christmas Gif 4 - country where stage coaches stopped | Miss Carrie N., eldest daughter of : \ to change horsfs. Old dower chests | Mr. and Mrs. John Harnden, Burn- Suggestion are Sixteenth Century pieces, Hadley | ley. was united in marriage to Harry Just received a Very nice, new y and Connecticutt chestd ere in dif- | C. Kelly, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. . ferent styles, The Connecticut | William Kelly, Warkworth. Rev. Dinner Set $1 8.00 chests were carved with sunflowers | W."H. Gregory performed the cere- Se Pa and the Hadley with tulips, Old [mony in 'he presence of a number dressers must have reached quite to [of immediate relatives. The bride o - lue silk and travelle TAL VALUE, G LEMAN'S THIN For Bummer Sports. the ceilings of early homes. There | was attired in b. 4 SPEC A L ENT The Contre po rg many a [8re cupboards beneath and shelves |In a navy blue serge suit with hat to G d . ] in b dv: d Id \ MODEL WATCH smart costume for out of doors, Some. | 8bOVe upon which were the wooden match. They left nu the Svening ood semi-porcelain bo. Y an go ae n ' 3 - |train for Pe'erboro, Toronto and | . . . . er of tan last two weeks we have sold a good 10 the tram ened \loes of the bolero [4nd puwier dishes. Some of He ora NRgara Fale a shower was held | lines. Nicest thing offered this year. Sumber of this Special Watch Yale, and wore going a ol AT. becomes 3 Soho at jal yaiue yas ae on Monday evening: at the bride's | r e back. Again it Is just a chic box- [Pine dressers, e dressers " 2 10 continue this speetal for THIS WEEK ONLY. than Tar or It may be that it is more | little later period, about 1700, Wii. | home when she received a farge num. | Only $38 00 } . Upon payment of a small deposit we will put aside [ than a Mttle suggestive of the eton of |llam and Mary six-legged high-bovs for eunau a ulotul iis your purchase, so do not let this opportunity pass for | d. : 16 les Marler of the Securing a reliable timepiece at a reasonable price. a But always it 1s of 4 material il as q wisiies of a host of friends. No one thought much of any kind - EE ---------- "THE WATCH HOUSE" ; of American furniture until tha Cen- Good health, it is said, will become | tennial Exposition®in 1876. = Every- more prevalent in the future owing | thing before that must be imported to' the growth of the Boy Scout = | i 1 Call early and secure one while they last. JEWELERS mr Waist Lines, When the girl adopts the knickers 100 Princess Street « « o . . . : | The vogue for the gi there will no longer be any excuse [ ? ] , for the fool men to hang around the | yi Robertson's Line 3 | A woman's idea of "scare head- Delicious, healthful . "lines" are those that begin to show ria *eirenting -. 73 Princess St. on her face afier she passes 30. i Sen Phone ------ emit Kinnear & d'Esterr. e flannel "Ito receive consideration. Girl Scout movements,