10 > \ THE DAILY BR ITISH WHIG. TUESDAY, DEC. 6, 1921. | New Creations NATURALLY ARE FOLLQWED BY POOR IMITATIONS INSIST ON EVEREADY AND YOU'LL HAVE THE ORIGINAL EVEREADY INVENTION NO. 1 ~ Spotlight Thie vew light will throw a dazzling beam 300 fe it can be focused for close-up work, and takes ordinary EVEREADY Cells. We will be pleased to demonstrate, EVEREADY INVENTION NO. 2 UNIT CELLS The Unit Cells come to you fresher and more convenient. They last much longer and cost no more than the old type of battery. . Ever notice the big difference in quality of EVEREADY products to the common makes? EVEREADY goods are superior and yet, they cost no more than inferior makes. We have the most complete stock in Kingston and vicinity. Batteries are received twice-a-week. This gives you fresh Cells always, Call and see the many models. Ideal as Christmas gifts, TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. PHONOGRAPHS--RECORDS--SKATES--CA MEEAS 88 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 529. "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" . DN AAA in, CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Beautiful Boudoir and Table Lamps, Irons, Toasters, Desk Lamps. H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC C0, 167 PRINCESS STREET 'ORDERING SUITS "TODAY" Requires the most careful considera- tion. You may also require expert ad- vice as to wearing qualities of certain Cloth. After over 35 years in the busi- ness, we claim to be able to advise in vthis direction. It cost nothing to call and have a talk with us on woollens, rop in to-morrow! CRAWFORD & WALSH et or « Holds two extra bulbs! In the World of Sport |e | | ) from . five u- | ther club in | A REMARKABLE RECORD | Thinks His Services Are [First Baseman of Boston Am- Mover WHAT BABE RUTH WANTS. Worth Big LITTLE BITS. the . th Many new _teams seek admittance to Ontario Ladies' Basketball L¢ a- gue. . Direct OC. Burnett, 2.01 1-4, has been sold to British racing interests, and will race in England in the fu- 'ure, lines ines, "A football coach, like a baseball manager, must turn. out a winner else a ery is raised to give him the Bate, Siki, Battling the "0 show his wares. Champion Jack Dempsey and his manager, Jack Kearns, are doing a turn in vaudeville, and going big. Fifty thousand dollars | ericans Made One Error New York Americans, ar | 1 sand dollars from each o | t Season. the American league « > That is the salary that Babe Ruth is Stufry McInnis, the brillian first | will ask for the season of 1922. | "aseman of the Boston Red Sox, "have Babe's word for it, writes Bil- made a most remarkable record last, ly 'Evans Beason, oon | "Ruth had a sliding contract with some » TL: When' a player performs the New York American league club sor undeard-of feat, it fs heralded |jqst year. His actual salary was $20,- ver the states in big head 600. He received a bonus for his Innis (GRY Ways the record of Me- |lome-run record, which perhaps car- nnis was one of the most extraordi- | igq the figure to $3500 [oy feats ever performed in the ma- | Ruth's contract with the American JioF Eyes, yet it has heed Biven on- |jeague expired at the close pf the |» pot Songlderation of i321 season. When he confers with | s0 eying throughout the entire sea- the New York club he intends - to [Eons aclnnis made only one error. ask a combined salary that will | onsidering all the play that centers | total $85,000, which is $10 000 in #round first base. Recall the many indvance of what the president of the difficult throws the first sacker has |Uritcd States receives to handle, Don't forget the many -- rlays the first baseman must make | dre 10 BE DECIDEDLY. ACTIVE { | Think over all these things and | then remember that during the en. - | tire Season McInnis made only one The Kingston Amateur Athlet- j error, and yon will have a fairly good ic Association Promises a _Fine Programme. dea of the magnitude of "'Stuffy's'" | performance, : It was the irony of fate thet Me. | Innis should have made his only er- ror in the city in which he maae his first start, Philadelphia, It was also 2 tough break that caused the ofti- cial scorer to record the play as. an error. It w ium A. C., has been opened in Phila- delphia, under the management of Boxing claeses under the auspices Bill Silverman. of the Kingston Amateur Athletic As- sociation 'have heen started in the temporary club rooms at 173 Wel- lington street, and have gained an {enthusiastic following. It is hoped {to get the classes in wrestling and ju-jitsu under way early in the ecom- ing week. The reading room furnish- |ings and bulletin service will be in- in St. Louis before joining the big | stalled at once, providing a feature show as a baseball player. | that is sure to make a hit with the oo | members, ' - Directors of Athletics Marchand is One of the most sump'uous ban | row busily . 14 akin Feli- quets Pittsburgh 'has cver seen will iY IW Jusy engnged in mg & p be tendered to Captain Tom Davies | minary arrangements for a K. A. A. . . Of the University of Pittsburgh foot- A. senior city hockey league, BjH%8 ball team, on December 12th. | silver trophy for which has been a | kindly donated by Vice-President Taylor. The participation of several good, fast teams in this league is al- | ready assured, and it is hoped that {all teams desiring to enter will get in touch with "Ray" at the club The batter missed the ball. Jimmy ain 25 Soon ue poseisie,' of the | Dykes, who. had taken a big load, | . 8 firs EE 58)e 8 chub seemed to be a sure out either at |2°S0ciation will be held in first or second. The moment the bat- jLooms on December Sth, ai Sighs ter missed, "Stuffy" ran to first, o'clock, when a good turnout of lo- watching Catcher Walters all the |C8] sport enthusiasts is looked for. time. A perfect throw, properly The programme for the evenings handled' by him, would have gotten | of next week is as follows: Monday, Dykes a couple of yards. Walters | Physical training, boxing, wrestling; started his throw and then hesita- | Tuesday, musical evening; Wednes- ted slightly day, hockey, including a short talk This rather threw McInnis off his | On the fine points of the game by stride and he slipped slightly as he | Ray Marchand; Thursday, open neared the bag. When Walters fin | house; Friday, club meeting, anc ally threw the ball, he floated it | boxing; Baturday, physical training down to first, rather than with his (32d hockey. usual speed, A trifle off his balance, The club rooms are kept Seu McInnis was forced to stretch for the | trom 10 a.m, to 11 p.m. daily for the ball and was unable to hold it. That | convenience of members. enabled Dykes to get back to first in safety, It seems the official scorer was of the opinion that Dykes was so far off the base wlien the throw was started, that he would have been an easy out, had the bail been perfectly handled. He falled to take into con- &ideration that Walters had once made a false start and that ore. | | | nis was off his balance when be re Sees t doer rt ert es Harris, who jumped the Clevpland |team, Is anxious to be |and return to the Indians . | as really a play that fn- volved merely the judgment of the Generous scoring would have | it an easy matter to have en- [tirely overlooked the play, | Here is the play that was the only | scorer, Eddie Mulligan, of the { made blot on "Stuffy's" great record Read t over and form your own opinion. No doubt vou will express a regret that the scorer decided to give Me- Irnis an error. i The scene was Philadelphia and | the date May 30th, 1921. The error | Was recorded on a thrown ball. Jim- | my Dykes was on first base, nobobdy | out, and the score close. McInnis fig- ured the batter was going to bunt, and went in on the pitch to make a play at second if possible, What is termed a "poor man's golf | club" has been launched on Long | Island, but it takes regular money to | join the new organization. According to stories circulating in William Casey President, Wilbam Casey, Kingston, was elected president of the late Yacht Racing Association at the annual meeting in Toronto on Saturday af- ternoon. It wag decided to hold next year's regat'a for Lake Ontario at Macdonald's Cove during the second week in July. Senegalesc hegxyweight, who has made a big | hit in Paris, may come to America A new boxing club, the Auditor- | It is said that First Baseman Joe | reinsta'ed | Chicago | White Sox, was a star soccer player | A Dozen Models. S "The Old Reliable IMPORTED TOBACCO Brantford M.-O. League baseball | club is reorganized with new capital. ! B uildirg Sale Save from 10 to 209% on Your Furni. ture, R. J. Reid fistic circles, Jack Britton may retire from the ring an undefeatéd welter- weight champion, Jesse Burkett denies that he has been let out as coach of the New York Giants. He says he will pe back on the job with the wards) champions next season, Conacher Termed "Iron Man' Lionel Conacher, Toronto, can Le justly 'ermed the iron man. He Leading Undertaker Ambulance Phone 577 | played hockey last year with Aura Lee, and then started in to train with the Hillcrests baseball team and the Maitlands lacrosse tcam, on two or three occasions playing 11- crosse and baseball on the same af- ternoon. He played football ""with the Argos Saturday afsernoon in tho Canadian championship game against Edmonton, 3nd hockey with the Aura Lee Saturday night sgainst Granite in the first S.P.A. cup games at Toronto, i Strong, fast turning models for hockey. pleasure skates. Long, speedy racers. Plenty of choice for ladies and men, girls and boys, from $2 to $10. Made of Special Autemebile Steels eo, nd ® fo SHATES Stylish AUTOMOBILE HOCKEY TUBE Electric welding gives utmost strength. Sizes 10 to 111; $6.00 " izes and Prices to Suit Everybody | ceived the ball. i fe i It is a cinch the scorer would have | . Ea re irs is overlooked the play entirely had he | % SX Ract SE CHMLERGES | known it was to be the only thing GIRLS' COLLEGE NINE | that aproaghed.a misplay on the part |of McInnis all year, To me no record has ever been | made in baseball that is more nctae- worthy than McInnis' stunt of play- &° While trying to arrange a southerii trip for the Syra- cuse University baseball oe o oo oo a" + team next summer, Gradu- Nn rv -- ---- ~------ = ll woe TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. Exclusive Agents for Automobile Skates Telephone 529. ode de le ob dp ate Manager "Cy" Thurston. 88 Princess Street. {ing an entire season at first base with ie {only one error. And that was a ques- | tionable one, | | -- { O. H. A. Officers. | The following officers were olect- {ed at the annual meeting of the On. | tario Hockey Association in Toronto jon Saturday: President, A. R. Copeland, of Mid- | land; first vice-president, W. Fry, (Dunnville); second vice-president, W. Easson (Stratford); A-A.U. of C governor, W. W. Davidson (Toron- to); secretary, W. A. Hewitt {Toron- to); treasurer, Sheriff Paxton (Whit- by). > All the officers were unanimously + elected, The following were elected | <* as members of the executive: PR. |, Butler (Lindsay), A. D. Campbell | a (Cobait), Frank Hyde (Woodstock). | a and Wylie Wilkinson (Galt), la was told _ that Gouchey TCol- lege of BRitimore had a good team and Thurston, after seeing it [listed mn a catalogue sent a ring challenge for a game next spring. It was not until today that he learn- ed this was a girls' college. The /information was convey- ed in a letter from Connie Stener, president of the insti- " tution, who sald: > "Much as we would iike to % accept your challenge to play !® you at baseball, I am afraid |% you will withdraw your offer when you find that our team is the more deadly of the two. Unfortunately, as it proves to be in this instance, Goucher College is open to women only and I have a very fair idea that the gods fe oe oe ob op J el and dreaming she is the beauti- ful heroine. NN Even the homeliest girl gets a lot Of satisfaction reading a mushy nov- Smoke BRINGING UP FATHER on high would not consent to any coed' tendencies even in athletics." A "useful" feminine hand is often not pretty, being broad in paim, with strong, heavy fingers end a thick-set thumb, rere teh n png $ret Pe0 22000000 er Still The Most For The Money : COME IN HERE - | WANT To Look AT THESE E COWNS . As good ixty of A rr ut yt The Telgmann School of Music Piano, violin and other stringed instruments; elocution and dra- matic art. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application. ; Engagements for Roncerts ac- - 216 Frontenac Street. THIS 1 00k WHICH ONE 'S CONNA un SOT me wf APRETYTY 5 PENNY. THAT'S A STUNNING, OWN THE BEST- ~~ SO 1921 av DO YOU LIKE --- Inte Feature Seavice. Inc Phone 1325;.