TUESDAY, DEC, 6, 192 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG' Nervous Breakdown COULDN'T SLEEP NIGHTS To thosa on the verge of a nervous breakdown the following symptoms present themselves; nervous head- aches, a feeling of depression, fitful, disturbed, restless and unrefreshing | sleep, \often troubled with frightful dreams, avoidance of crowded places, | dread of being alone, horror of so- ciety, ete. When the nerves bécome affected in this way the heart generally be- comes affected too, and on the first | signs of any weakness of the heart | or nerves, flagging energy or physi-!™ cal breakdown do not wait until your case becomes hopeless, but get a rem- edy that will at once quieten the nerves, strengthen the heart 'and build up the entire system. {This you will find in MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS Mrs. M. Damgand, Young's Cove Road, N. B.,, writes: --"I was both- ered very much with my heart and nerves; had nervous headaches and _ dizziness, could not sleep at nights, | and my appetite was all gone. I was on a nervous breakdown when a neighbor told me to try Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. This I did, and before I had the second box used I was better and would advise anyone who has nerve trouble to take | them." Price, 50¢. a box at all dealers, or mafled direct on receipt of price by THE SNEEZY GAMES BY EMMETT D. ANGELL BALLOON VOLLEY Dear Sneesy: You will be glad to "The only kind of exercise worth but of course, I don't have to be tucked in. I can even sleep on the In the Frontenac Contest-- Dr. Tovell Meets With an Accident. MH re tion, = predic- 3 n order but they are! to make, If the . interest been taken by the people mpaign-is considered, it that a large vote will | th the Farmers' party ) atives are fairly well| |organized, and each has had one ; [meeting here, both bere marked by la good attendance. It inounced |that the U.F.O. have a meeting in| | Wes y Hall, Monday night, at which | |W TTT isisted by Senator Turiff. An import- | {ant factor in the result will be the| lvote of women; that, ir {may turn the balance. It appears | {to be the opinion of many that there | {will be no large majority, whichever! contestant wins out. he A government inspector was here jon Wednesday regarding the enforce- | {mex of the war tax on concerts and | jentertainments. | | Rev. T. Leech was in Kingston | |this week attending the meeting of indeed, | S. Reed, the Progressive candid- | ate, will be present, and will be as | FINN Phone 1042 a. EXPECT CLOSE ELECTION 2000 0 HEMLOCK | We have a large and well assorted stock of Hemlock on hand. You will find that we can meet your needs at right prices, Allan Lumber Co. = "= Victoria Street Te . I= gn 74 _-- 4 ce Cream Bricks ° ™ For Ice Cream that has the quality, order some while," says Dr. Angell, "is uncon- scious exercise." "A man who swings his arms through a set of exercises because some doctor has told him to, isn't benefiting very much. That isn't exercise, "But anybody who gets into a good rollicking game, forgets him- self, and plays for all there is in it, gets real genuine physical benefit." floor if I want to. We played Balloon Volley after the : ri dinner -was over, and it's pretty good A number from here were in King-1 sport- when you are full of turkey din- |8ton on Wednesday night to hear ner, or even If you ain't. The way you ltha ihe . tai y play it is easy." All you have to de i | the Libe ral chieftain, Hon, W, IL | i | Mackenzie King. have two teams and they sit on oppo- { site sides of thelable. Then you have A" series of special services is be- ing conducted in the Holiness Move- a toy balloon in thé"middle of the tabla and then the game staxts. Y bat it y 2 game oy ba {ment church, with Rev. W. J. Tomp- | kins in charge. back 'and forth and if it s over and falls on the floor back of ne of the Miss Folger, Kingston, spent a few days here with friénds. = teams it is a point for the made it go there. You must y Mrs. A. Myers held. -an< auction | sale of household goods at the me The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- know that your butter-nuts SeeeLby to,, Ont. °y parcel post just the way you said would. They came just in time the day before Thanksgiving day. We had other kinds of nuts, but your nuts were the best there, everybody said. We had a Thanksgiving party at our house, and I wish you was there, |! Sneezy, for we had a swell time and eats, O my. I'll tell the world we had ts. known that they was Of dessert, but I thought it was only foe cream and mince pie I ate two dishes of ice cream and one of my pleses ® ice cream better Tubby likes them both sbout the same, so he traded. And then when the plum pudding came in I didn't have any for more, "and belleve me it was e pudding. Tubby ate two big dishes. You can't stop that guy. I wouldn't like to be like Wilbur, for he can't eat everything like us. He the Frontenac rural deanery, from us in brick form, and you will be well pleas. ed. Maple Walnut, Neopolitan, Strawberry and Vanilla, Spec. ial Fpdit and Maccaroon, We have it in the following flavors: almost died when he was a small baby, and something happened to his stomach and his mother makes him be MASOUD'S 238 Princess St. Phone 980 Our Ice Cream will be sold all winter at J. H. Jarvis, corner of Princess and Albert Streets in your chair and not stand up to hit the ball and you can't catch the balloon careful about lots of things. When us | 20d throw it. kids go on hikes he ain't so careful as The 2 Sat makes twenty one of John MacConnell on Wedneéctay. | his mother thifiks he is, and it don't [Points first wins the game. Sometimes BrS S take 1 . seem to hurt him any. when two hit the balloon at the same x hs Ne 3s dak s rooms at the | When Al found out about him being time x busta and we busted.two. oma of og B J, Gl arlton, oH tucked In bed every night by his 0 by for this time. Gordon Harker, who has recent- mother we all kidded him and he got Your friend, yours truly, |1y returned home, gave a talk on the | \ pretty sore. I didn't tell the bunch CHIP. {life of California as he saw it for two! an A os that I get tucked in. too. sometimes, (Copyright, 1921, Associated Editors) : rT Tr ' : years, before the members of the | hospital for treatment. Theodore but Dr. Tovell himself escaped in- { Methodist Epworth League last Mon- | Darling is also a patient in the King-| jury. The car was taken to the gar- |day. | ston institution. age for repairs, Provincial Inspector G. I. Rogers | While returning to Sydenham on Mrs. James McMahon went to | visited the higf school here on | Friday morning near Fred Grant's| Wolfe Island on Friday to attend the { Thursday Manley Babcock has | home, Dr. Tovell's car skidded into |funeral of her cousin, Mrs. Rogers, {moved..into- the house owned by |the ditch and turned over on its side.|who died on Thursday. * Walter Harker on Amelia street Damage was done to the top, one A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lindsay is in Kingston 'door, the windshield, and a fender! Mrs. E. B. Sills on Friday. ~ HAVE A WARM PLACE IN THE HEARTS OF MOTHERS FOR THEY HAVE PROVED THAT THEY ARE ONE OF THE Mos} EFFICIENT AND BENEFICIAL REMED! THAT CAN BE GIVEN TO A CHILD, THEY, ARE SWEET AND EASILY TAKEN AND' QUICKLY ERADICATE THESE WRETCHED PARASITES FROM THE SYSTEM. CONTAIN NO' NARCOTICS HTT TRE: AGENCY FOR ALL He knows that as long as he keepe his body good and warm, his exposed limbs can withstand almost any degree of cold. 8 This was proved by the gallant Highlanders in the late war. Pure wool next the skin, the woollen-cloth kilt covering the vital organs; thus is the whole body protected and the health safeguarded. In damp mist or driving sleet, the hardy Scot, clad with wool, braves the elements. "CEETEE" THE PURE WOOL UN DERCLOTHING THAT WILL NOT SHRINK "The Woollen Underwear withow! the sich." NO WONDER : Do you think woman is go- kWward? e: Il admit I'm puzzled some. times. They cut their clothes about the same front and back. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS For particulars apply to:-- J..P. HANLEY, CP. & T.A. GIT. Ry, Kingston, Out. EN -------- . ---- mt 'STRIKING EVIDENCE fet Lawyer: I've proved that this man was hit with a club-- that's important you must congede. 2nd Lawyer: That's striking ev dence, I'l admit. = COULD PICTURE HERSELF Manager: I'm afraid | can't sue. cessfully - put you on the screen. Actress: Strange--I can picture myself making a hitevery time! MEM WANTED MMGULAM ssny ium CHRISTMAS SAILINGS TO GLASGOW From Portland From Halifax Deée. 10 ....Satyrnis Dec. 12 is made of pure, cleansed, Australian-merino long fibred wool, pliant, graceful and absolutely comfortable: : The wool-burrs that cause the itch-and scratch in ordinary wool garments are all removed from Tumbull's "CEETEE" by a special (and infinitely careful process. Ceetee is the only Underclothing made in Canada that is reinforced at all the wearing parts. | | AT THE AQUARIUM ND--HALIFAX--~GLASGOW/ | 1 From galas) Cc 13ikeb 18 OiMar 4) SGOW (via Mcoville) ..Columbia Algeria Cameronia "Why do they exhibit such crazy looking fish?" "Can't say; but they can be Dec. 21jJan. 31|Feb caught only when they go in seine." ec, i H e *Dec. 31{Mar. 4|Apr. 5 Jan. 7|Feb. 11| Mar. 17 (*) Also calls at Liverpool. Boston to Moville--Liverpool & Glasgow Dec. Assyria NEW YORK--LIVERFPOOL Dee. 10{Jan. 14 \ Dec. 24|Jan, 28{Feb/ 25 Scythia N. Yu TO CHERBOURG and LONDON Feb. 1§| Mar. : .+.Albania Mar. 7 .... Saxonia £ N. YY, om Dec. 3|Dec. 31 Carmania Dec. 13|Feb. Aquitania N. Y,, Plymouth, Cherbourg' and: Hambourg Made in all sizes and weights for man, woman or child. Sold at the | best shops of Gale Ont. a 0 Sole Makers All pure" wool--re-inforced Jn at all wearing parts and full fashioned. Worn by the fran 21 best people THE SOONER THE BETTER "If | call now I'm afraid I'll figd T her out." "Better find her out now than ater, old man' MEDITERRANEAN CRUISES FROM NEW YORK TO MADEIRA, GIBRALTAR, MONACO, GENOA and NAPLES Det. T cuvvpiiiirrrrverigeirs Caronia EAN 2 trae THEROBERT REFORDCO., Lined - GENERAL AGENTS 8 KING STREET EAST TORONTO, ONT. Much Rheumatism Local Druggist's No-Relief-No-Pay Offer Attracts Many Sufferers x BUT SHORN OF HIS STRENGTH Boss: 80 your name's Samson, eh? You'll do for the heavy work. Applicant: Yas, sah, dat's mah name; but, as yo' kin see, mah hair's cut mighty short. THE PASSING SHOW Girls dress In all manner of styles, The blood of reformers It riles, But only kliljoys, -We find it annoys, greet it with smiles. 1st Pumpkin: the corn'stalk? 2nd Pumpkin: Did you ever hear Be fair to yourself, you sufferer from rheamatism, no matter what form. (et from your druggist a package of Rheuma, the guaranteed prescription. Use the entire bottle. and if you don't think it has given you quick and sure relief, say so, and you can have your money back. Isn't that a fair offer? Can you see any deceit about it? What chance do you take? Absolutely none. Then get a bottle of Rheuma to- day. It's a reputable physician's pre- scription, altogether - different from remedies usually prescribed, free| wfrom narcotics, and perfectly harm- less. Rheuma acts on the kidneys and helps to force the uri¢ acid from the swollen joints and other lodging / places. It pleases you in a day; it y RW makes you hopeful and happy in a -- APA STRONG BONDS week. It has released from bondage rheumatic sufferers who thought no- "The bonds that hold them to @other are very strong, I'm sure". thing would give relief. It should do as much for you®-it seldom fails. "Oh, you: his money is Invested with the greatest care" Mc 's Drug Store will supply you < WATERPROOF "He oth drinke--hasn't senee enough to come In out of the wet" "And yet he seem always to be dry" Sure, they have a NOT TO BE GNEEZED AT Friend: You ought to be glad to get this cool weather, -~ Hay Feverist: I's net to be sneezed at, I'll say! elicious: Ly ragrant - IMI MANY LIKE iM j "What sort of a man ATR A tn Tightly : & "He ia a gead-haarted fallew, 2 WHER it £808n't £85% aRvihiag, "This must be 5A of these stam aatiopes | heardabeut" and guarantee money back if not sat. lsfled. .