THE DAILY BRITISH WH TUESDAY, DEC. 6, 1921. et --r-------------- ------ a -- . = - - re ------ a Oda CE, GRAND OPERA HOUSE THE PEOPL E'S FORU M | oo || messed, To-night and Tomorrow . -- : ADuBSION eT. an ry MATINEE AND NIGHT CoMMITTE CAPT. M. W. PLUNK ETT'S WORLD FAMOUS Tamu | "DUMBELLS * : { ! " N first Irsertion, 1g a wor, < -------- ---- - | secutive fnsertion t ha I CH Dt : TWO SETS OF LIGHT BOB SLEIGH, Railroad Employer. 3 ' cent a word Mini « ry <Q . Soop wi ¥ ply B FOUND ; v Une lusertion, 25c; thr "r : vi fica re | ON FRIDAY NIGHT IN POST or 50 gents, : a rm office, right-hana kid glove MALE AND FEMALE BIRDS. APPLY jou, &nnually in uapaid fares from The above rates are for sh only : MAN WISHES WORK ON at Whig Of 421 Barrie or phone 15 ay. | tire at ob ar the bind | 5 . : y ) th | 0 conside ras farm EL ee: Bou lh OME BRASS ANTIQUE £IANO LAMY, yeniiy == = 3 ) A SABLE MUFF. OWNER MAY : { | Apply io 8 A te ol NER MAY With shade. Apply Box U-28 Whig! | bAgZage or the opom box car prefer- - ~~ LP WANTED. ov Shaw - | --- y HELP WA R -- HOW 2st f | PRESS SUIT IN FIRST CLASS CONDI. | 8ble to the day coach. The non pays | Thurs. Fri., Sat. EE ----------"-- OL C oes it need r . Near . : v 287 B 5 8 - A WOMAN TO DO WASHING, L¥y Ne an glo i op a ON PRINCESS STREET, SU WM tion; size Apply 367 Barrie St. | ing guests of the common carriers " Matinee Saturday at 2.30 'f 0 i % BS { > HE noney can have Phone 117§F. | A Lo Box B-25, Whig Offtce | card to F. Coventry, 3 Barrack St money Wner can a 3 | say that a brake-boam is good for | Bet -- -- ---- ys same by applying at 4147 ee m------ Lo S'S T, . NALD FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. SE a Se Princess Street, TWO husk SX BUBES IN LX Sore | sight-seeing &s an observation: coach. | I A HE REX STOCK ca. Presenting Ap 106. Wellington Street. or SITUATIONS VACANT A NUMBER OF ARTICLES ata a ol ns ® '| They prefer the company | RK "» fio. . Welington sires ownets | | iF ToT AVE mri rome | ITO the bumpers 1) bong' copay | owen "TWENTY-FOUR HOURS OF TRUTH E : i RIG $3 PRIVATE ] / Wellington ! IF You HAY EAL SED AR FOR SALE} by the oompany in the diner. 1 A contoY i Kreeting card pl re nay have same by cailing at see Geo. Palmer, cor. Ba | " - A 4 S e 2 rate Moles Toy Shop Queen. Phone 410J. Not all such travelors ure confirm Vaudeville Be tween Acts .- 8 | ed hoboes. Bome are college stu- PRICES: 20-30-30¢, Gallery, 10e. turday Matinee 10 and 2%. r later; men and wo- AT ST. ANDREW'S SALE, FRI- | FORD ROADSTER, COULD ALSO BF dents or farmers' sons seeing the w= to do housework p nen alreaqy making five d Nase bh day afternoon, a gmail hand Sged as Eh ir 2x J 2h ~*' | continent on & summer holiday, One baby. Apply Mrs. LaSage, dally even In spare time: capital 3 bag, with purse d small Pr. tagol an : York County farmer lad tells of geot- | Montreal expereince. Ulinecessary Garret sum of money inside Own --~ eee ee _ | Company. Brantford, Ont. a exe S81lis at Vila S1. | 423509 BUYS A GOOD iid rorp| ting to sunny Southern California KEFPER WANTED | = co 24 Claire, Apt. No. 5. touring; tired new; mechanical con-| and return by the box car Fouts ny tel near Kiugston; musy | F dition good. Palmer, corner Bagot without paying a penny Once he c ave city refer-| THANKSGIVING MONDAY, Ov y en 8 ! : be good cook and have c ty refer | KSGIVING MONDAY and Queen streets. waa one of over fifty to drop off a | ence. Apply Box D-20, w 18 University 8rounds, a gentle- ett tte et eet t------s sn ms New En aker | ELECTION RETURNS WILL BE ANNOUNCED TONIGHT ¢W England Bakery | The railways claim the loss of mil- } eyening 30-15-51-31.50-82, Matinee ......50-75-81.00 2nd $1-30 Seats Now Om Sale, Fa» --~-- NN ae NGWOOD STREE 8 | man's gold signet ring | | freight in a wreck. The conductor, | The Crowning Triumph of Motion Pletures Be A GOOD, GENERAL SERVANT: ONE : ho Apply J. F. Leslie, WHET (nay have same at the . | | VILLAGE STORE, PosT © ND ! i 1 : A ew Who 'can cook: no ean Hig William Street Whig Office > s PO oq B¢eepting the situation, rounded DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS PRESENTS Apply Mrs. "William | ~-- -- me. | 4 g section. real es i them all up and announced: ,_Gontle- | & : 9 King Street. Phone r ASS ROOM wiTn BOARD, N KINGSTON STRE : | 0 And dwelling ai] men, knigh's of the road, we've given | THE THREE MUSK : all convenlences. Apply 376 Bar. one cameo r 16 tuched; barn ar & : ot land f ; * blo; hel te one 2238 w | in hii : ' 2 | You a free ride; we're ln troublo; elp enn ti Jer vhane siiw. i a anarp yh hon he bought : t Us out. And they did. As mn wrock- A Perfect Pictorial Reproduction of the Spirit of the Novel That Wii ROMAN CATHOLIC | TO K = - " 1ay have ! half cash. Genera oe & Endure and Endear For All Time house for widower and take care| SINGLE ROOM, WITH BOARD IF DE- property at Street tall invoice price. An e ning Ing crew thoy were excellent. When _Endur 1 E . o boy 2% A a ust be king ni Sonveniences, 2Pbiy 212 Ditice basi oy, np E is the track was clear, the train crew [ hicks ror Tats PRODUCTION ELECTION RETURNS lo children. socation *¢ 1B 8ireet, o one 2257 5 r 5 § . : 4 LE ¥ . Write particulars to Box K-53, Whig ON FIRST OF rare A LOW BROWN RUBBER BE. ¢ Stree , turned the blind eye while all hopped A Matinee -= Aug Shing Soe BY SPECIAL WIRE Office | ON FIRST OF JANUARY, LODGE longing to & gentleman's left -- | aboard and continued their Journey. Adults. . he. A cove. BO, s | rooms now occupied by the I. O. O foot. Owner may hafe same Bu h h d of box r Children . 15e. Children TONIGHT | F. Apply to Cunningham & Smith by applying 182 division | ut whoever hear of ® box ca r tax coxtra) to ban itt pds ---- A WIDE-AWAKE YOUNG Street FINANCIAL expert repaying the company with a | i 800d appearance betweer u FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, life!ime of service? The exception 50 years old; capable © r all finprovemeats; centrally jocat. AUTOMOBILE TIRE CHAIN OV MRS. H.'s. CRUMLEY, FIRE, AUTO. dling busineas propos; or €d. Apply 243 Unlversity Ave. Princecs St, Saturday night mobile and Casual Insurance. 429 is now discovered. Frack P. Matias, - ------Er Wetrt in own handwriting to TO AN THERM 7 *a Messte--re---- Owner may have same at the Far] street. Pno formerly of Joyceville, Ont., who tel s d DE. aT -------- Whig Office GARAGE, NEAR CORNER QUEEN Dom. Ta: ~ Service --- - Ne the Gananoque Reporter that he left ai Lenn to a tvs, fate S R N Hay, R STRANGE & STHANGL, INSUR ANCE home 438 years ago In a box car. He F 3 d » Hal, 3 Ink Strece A D - Qh LUCAL R RESENTATIVE FOR ¥{( 4 R. 1, Kingston. Phone 1100 r 72. | FOUND ARTICLE ADVER- agents, established in 1» 0; only| line of farm implements; tractors ------ TISED F x the most reliable companies rep | has since risen to become general : latest dances in ten lessons. A Canadian Girl in a Cunadian ee | EE eral Commissions" am OFS, etc Lib-| 4 Nae RooNED Bron HOUSE, | Anyone finding anything and ! sunted, Office 25 Clarence slreet, ! superintendent of construetion on 2 Waits, One Stes, Pox Trot. | Story om Election Night € Commiss da. #00d pr ontreal St, all inprovements Wishing to reach the owner may | "bposite the post office 3 Hours from 7 to every | position for wide-awake man. Ap. Phone 1099 ring 3. Vacant ape dv so by Feporting the ih ty | one of the roads which avsiuntartly } rly | ply Box G-3, Whig ist. ! The British Whig. The adver ; haiti oes | took him West. He came home in an ' MRS. §. COREY. Instructor | a ttt mtn tisement will be printed in this FRONTE AL JOAN AND ay EST. automobile, scorning even the de luxe De, Ny . a . STORAGE FOR FURNITURE AND column free of charge } fen i ocie Y, «REI we 1361. Hall Phone i WE WANT ss RELIABLE , SALES merchandise; clean and dry. Me- "Found articles" does not in | resident. AL Niele, RC; vice:| trains of his own Great Northern Residence Phone «ANT agent for each wurepreses ted coun | Cann' Agency, $6 Brock = Stree clude lost dogs, cattle, horses? | | president, A.B. Cunningham, Rallway. el rs y his nia yay LS hive ae Phone 326. etc. These, if lost, may be ad. Money asus i} id art All of which may present his i Ss; » te « etic re eee t----p sates set-------- tise rir 'Lost coly 1 { Jroperties, municipa 1 eh OUr ngencs tatvioh | vertised for in the "Lost ¢ lumi 4 AN comrades of the free rail ride with -ROOMED HOUSE AT 17 NELSON debentures; mortgages purchased, - ! . * { able. Write Pelham Nursery Co. ! reet; three-pie bath: gas and a, tivestment bonda for sale: deposits | the motto: "Go and do thou liko- I i Toronto, Ont. trici = received and interest ailc -| wise! {f you cannot pay now, give pening emo { A Romance of Sky. Lana and Sea, Sm---- Asse ar = eprerapmthesoss and Ragot Apply D ho Apply to Mrs Circle, | : -- -------- --- 5 > s Street i C. Cartwright, manager, 1 pr See the Thrillin Batr'~ jn ta - oh ence street, Kingston, the nation and the railways your Alr. Fourteen A en . sed yo rrr . f ~ \ - -- ees | og -- ---------------- MAKE NusEY AT home, #15 10 goo STURAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN. BLACK B DROPPED ON | === | beat services." | A Ff Admissi the Picture. : eekl 0 our spare me . © g h ee lease retur ¢ 'hig QIN ES Ww gb A ---------- | WEItIng show cards for us. No ous Mn hy Fors it ar ota Toge| ihe street. Please return to, Whig BUSINESS OPPORVUNITLES. o Tear \ Tickets 0 mission , ¢ Vascing. We instruct and supply 305 Que St. Phone 526; res. 989 of ¥ > 'ood. | 405 Queen St. Phone 528; res. 980w | FETT For Next of Kin M 1 0 21 york, / ~4 gus sho - | sy , 3 3 7 ITE JAS C iy : Tae in ak, Fim Angus show A NISE RoORED HOUSE, HoT Was | STRING OF PEARL BEADS ON SUN- 'A COMPLETE CASH A CARNY| gcientis's have been investigating ] Will Be Given During the A NINE ME HE 'ay afteinoon = Finder please re- BIOTar) Sore on wheels. Own « th satbilitles of scaweeds as pro- | Performance ronto, ter furnace, g 1 improvements; tun to Whig Office and receive re- of these In your territory M € Do » +, r. Dec. 14t th Mem- | a 's : rarest met mse . y 1¢ and Sydenham ward ing with sensational success wher. | ducers of materials useful for food! on Wednesday, Dec. 14th, he ems RESERV SEATS, WANTED IMMEDIATELY, rrops. streets ply Number. 2, Colborne! .... W219 --e rts gnaugurated. Twu hundred and other purposes. | orial Hall will be ee ov His Ex. (Tax lucluded) '+ toners to enter a Registere, Traio | NICE BUNCH OF Pou] TRY, INCLUD- nrty dollars net weskly olnoume tl Non first experiments were made Memoria gables unvel oneal © rel PHONE 195 AND BOOK YOURS ing School for Nurses in 13.bed refs mm sees sa ing Rocks ang 7hite ' Leghorns "asy terms. Principal payment of cellenc 8 re op Tat or nT have at least onel CORNER, UP-STAIR ROOMS; PE sai cheap. Apply 914 Princess complete stores to be | made = to! with the common "Irish mos next of kin of those on aoe List Shows year of high school wok ap suitable Tor dentist or street feonthly installments from profits| Which ig Plentifully found along the below can Crank gsion Hck; equivalent. Address Lee Private rate y cated at corner; derived from business. No eombe- | aneet of Nova Scotia It ylelds a 1s a Gy Gia of I . ith, y .¥ n - Ay ia g ' 5 CAT ~ n ' yn 5 Hospital, 179 Lake Ave, Rochester, B William streets Apply SMALL LEA THER PURSE WITH SUM tition, no store expense. kxclusive | and oY. : et 3 708 y our § 1d 12 am N or phone 708 of money, name inside, valued as a territories being allotted rapidly. 11, Belatinous substance which has long | vetween the hours of $ and 12 y y » EE Este emmsitttemmstemiinns | meee -- eee EE -- « Keepsake from brother in Siberia Dud ish to enter a most proatable! been fin use for the sizing of paper and 4 pm. The pext of kin will bel INSIST ON THE BEST GUUD WAGES FOR HOME WORK--| SEVEN ROOM 1 Reward if returned 97 business and to insure exciusive and cloth, In the manufacture of CUlSidered in the follow rire wife, father, and mother | we need you to, make 80cks on the Just comple fe 8 3 rignts 'in your territory communi- * sisters 14st, easily-leained Aug Kote #11 moders provements; N NOVEMBER 25th, i diately Bb the uudersigned imm.. 808DS, paints, dyes and hair olnt-| of deceased oro uers, *he ES haa] |, Uhecessary, an * Lossession iat of Jan sary. | University, a rug from car diately Eley hundred 4] ments, and in the preparation of cer- deceased kor Jndrele issued: If singe . ing, Yarn subpiicd, ok ST ibe 2' a), Ye sons : " pty Tourn 5h Flaviey . i Stores Limited a pa tain medicines and foods. not more than two ic kets to child-{ rosse IS stamp. Dept. 13-C. Auto Knitter Co.,| AT A NEW SEVEN ROOM | cd 5. Windsor, Ontario, | It is found that the gelatine de- fala tisis any sisters UL Bot we Nn Toronto. us a barn on North Alfred; LF -- WOOP PG --_-- ==------====== rived from this kind of seaweed issued This a 18 necessary on * » on North *d street, a goo SW --. ELM, MAPL " ! { ¥ove. 5 4 it ating ct brick house and eight acres nf pty | | serves admirably as a medium {n Account of the limited seating capn- dr' nes cut in stovewood length Ls be Apply to I. D. Boyd, 332 University Wagon box-full. delves rir | which to pack fish that are otherwise | city. Avenue, phone 1083M Write Ribbens,'R. R. 3, Kingston. HAIR, MOLES, WANTS, wmimrn.| too soft to "stand up" in cans. Gela- GOtTEe, | Ackley, po liqent Aliens, ------ 1€0 e € ort, hn Nh : hg _---- E = ; I'hone 1300 r. : Larks, skin cancers, scars, utc, re.| tinous product called '"'agar-agar," OCa rt ------ | red y 34 Ore) ' :r H. Allen, E. Andrews, Percy Ash- 2 FINEQT y > " { loved permanently. Satisfactory | v Yer © Alen, 1. And a THE FINEST QUALITY IN . glasses hited and Turned artes | derived from certain red seaweeds, ley, L. W. Asselstine, J. Atkinson, H. tieb-------- IN VICINITY OF PETWORTH, DARK « 3 . ie i Alt od, Edward J. Barry, Mathe > RIK QLAITS have failed. Goitre removeq | Which is used in making foods and Fy PRIP BR. Bawden Johe Bead- | PURE OLIVE o11 . . maine lie ¢ : GHAM & SMITH, BARRIST- brown collie bitch, white ring $6 years experience. Dr. kimer J | confections. Also it is the best | rs a Solieltors, 7 C ce | around neck, white breast, ti t ; , \ose. 'I'nr | : y : I, Vernon Beevor,| Represen ative ; and _ Solicitors, 79 Clarence | tai) and stkipe br pace Seat UP oF Lake Jive, kar, Nose. 1h rout. Skin.| known substance on which to grow seph B. Bell Deals Bertiond, wer') REV, Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunning- : ham, Cyril M. Smith, name of Spvurt. Anyone harboring | For full line of farm implements; ! same after this notice will be pro- | & a secuted. Notity H. C. Orser, Gien- F. OC a tractors, wagoms, cream separat- ANBROSE (SHEA, rr ntARRisren ee Y ANCY GOODS. {2 ais J : Cin y ve fer Roval: EE TTI ESE Rt - S| A ors, ete. Liberal commissions paid. King and Brock, over Royal Bank. | | HEMSTITCHING, PICOT EDGING, AC- | Mor | FOR LE. { cordion, knife and box pleating " t BA Mrs. E. A . The election returns wit bé posted ey to loan. Phone 1999, Goo roposition for wide-awake EE ge Hours 9 to 5.30. . Card,| that two species of seaweeds com- , s. Robe + Butcher, Stans] d' prop ide-awake r Pp {Joseph Buse, Robert L. Butehe ATT the Frontenac urns for the benefit 1 d, | - | 2h OCI : 4 Victoria Terrace, 3 Pacifi t-yleld T= ley "Roy Byror Albert Carmen Ar- : pr y OPRACTIC. A LARGE STUCK OF ARM. BLANC |. INOD on our Pacific coast yield agar-| icy ROY ron. Albert , Bp | embe le 'om- man. Apply CHIROPRACTIC | ats for sale at a reasonabie price: seme DPRUSIG Artillery | agar equal or superior to the imports | thur me bas ok Ha 8 Yani insta liing "en j1ET4ph Com. k - > ) Py 2 ' . arru ATS, BA or, jo 5 ba I 4 ins BOX G-3, WHIG OFFICE WMA MARCELLS, Dr, Ph, C. Corl OF Dhene 1705 UTPaTd. 283 L'rincess ed 'article. Before long, therefore, Charles, Michael Clan W. Clarke, | that prompt returns will be posted. ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd We ought to be able to produce for Ewart G. Clarke, R. Clarke, R. W FRONTENAC CLUB flour, Barrle St entrance, Kingston, we need | Clarke, Jerry Cleary James A. CHIL | e~ninna em en enn ~~ - 3 h LAUGHLI) DSTER, COST go. o rael I I 7 AL ----m git Consultation free. Telophone| MLAL N ROADSTER, COST 42, DR, A. 15 KNAPP, DENTIST, orFpiop| ©Ur8€lves all of it that R. J. Cockburn, Edward Cole, John Col. | Ww. KENT MA E eTocs Wh CNEE J 250; only run 4,000 miles; aR g j- b TEACHERS WANTED. 822J. Hours 9 to 12 ara, 1to 6pm. new; quick sale. Palmer,® con, a2 258 Princess Street. Phone so2w. | wena yrs hag only the red Sea | Jihs, 1 A Conle itd ward Connelly Bank of Bulid B d - TE -- ~ 0! E » Con . er 1 A. U1 | Bank o Lommerce By ing, Brock an DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. ful for food or other purposes such | way, Joe Coughii John T. Curran. | King Streets Phone 701 or 1327). rnd SA oy Bagot and Queen Streets. A NORMAL TEACHER FOR §, 5. No, in CRiroprce vast ATECIALIST PERFECT, COLUMBIA AND Th tists, 159 Wellingion street, corner James Wilson - Crawford, = Stanley Jan. rg Hah a Re Kingston, Ont. Hours 1 to 4 p.m Bicycles, also bicycle Fb reidy of Brock. | &8 those above mentioned. They APO | Creighton, Lowrence Cromien, S. L| * Geseral Insurance Agency Sen Troas Harrowsmith Go h to. 8 p.m. Tuesday, Thurs- baby carriage tires PUt on whije | m-------- ME on .| NOt obtainable from the ET®€D | Cunningham, J. Dalglish, John Dall, | W ritlng:--Automobile, Fire, Accident, : - : : : ¥ And 'Saturday. Appointments Jou wait, Muier's Bicycle Works PR. RUPERT r. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84] gpecies ' Frank G. Daly, Calvin W. Day, Edward| Sickness, Plate Glass Burglary, ete. by request 371-373 Kin t EP Hay rincess Street. one 1850. Open . Doolan, Walter Charles Drake, Hew Hepresenting Only Reliable Com anie 1-373 King street. Fhone 1032w. evenings by appointment. From -the-brown seaweeds is de- Raony ite Harey Dunle WIT, Dantes. ------ : 5 3 : IED TEACHE a Rs . FROTESTANT a1 ay IDA HER E F. ' Dit IAEA, THIRTY POUNDS DAYTON compu -- rived a substance called "aligin," | Dwyer, Wallace 8 Earl, John F | * : S : I oh ] ry opractic Spe Sts and Seales DAY T ! - oe p jeorge Eastwell, D. 1. E, . Baton. dopo" ommehce Jan, rd Salary) kucy. Chir 219 "gg nists und Ing Scale--second hand fuoran-| DR. AYKROYD, DENTIST, was gg. Which ory it 1s thought, become he Tg Te CIR Eilis. Jack | uction e iy DD a s > ncess and Brock. Tele- eed accurs te Wo years; may pe sumed practice at yz Princess st, | Commercially important in the pre- | a. Leo Joseph Eves A. Edward retary, -- phone 943w. Hours 9 to 12 am., 1 to Arey At 168 Ontario Street. Hun. Prer Bank of Nova Scotia. Pnong Paration of waterproof fabrics. | Leonard Edwards i Earmer, J. lus 6, and 7:to 9 p.m. Spinal analysis dred dollars. Terms to suit 1502J | --------------_ - | FRrquNarson Hiro Farrar A ---- BETA NT "S54 £+ and consultation free. Residential RR = s-- = on, R ™ y VALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER ang Jor ERT . erguson, Roderick M." Ferguson, ) - with reference, wanted for S. 8 No -- calls by app intment. WI HAVE FOR SALE ALi IGaNDS oF MEDICAL | In the Good Old Days. ¢ iltz, Thos. Flannagan Wm. !,| Of Grocery Store at the 1 nited Grocery pe Rooms Salary 30g. ak = b 800d second-hand" furniture and . : | Down across the creek there were Daley Fortotaming, Agnes Eriaehly; 138 Princess St, Saturday, Dee. 10th ¥ C i & e. Jan. 3 £ 1y 5 J" - C ! 0 | RE ------------------------ > * & ey 0 ran ¥ ily to Albert Hartman, Odessa, One POSITION WANTED, Stoves. Any Bersin having stoves] GTi ROBINSON, M.D+ 365 BARRI:| 8 hundred acres of botiom land that frdauhar C Fraser. William G. Garrett. Ly From 10 am. til 10 pm Ete . EE Th ESREL and eT! or lea imroge aS Street. givers 1080-12 am. 2.5 always laughed a harvest. Yet the | Walter Godman, Harve Alex Godwin] wing om iba a he a $ Ss. he -8.3¢ a o Ep 30 r . Be < 0 ds unt ® entire stoc D GIRL DESIRES DM. 1-330 p.m. Phone 13 market for surplus products was dis- | Francis R. Goodearle, J. Bekford ~ : tos SE ------------------ et vere eg i | & : ta » rE ly 333 Princess Street Phone 1800 a pr i y Gul a f cl y AGENTS WANTED i farm house preferred. Ap- 353 800w, Walter John Green, anley Guild, G.! disposed of Includes computing - tant, so luxury and leisure were out | © rlagon, Alex. A Halkett, Archie scales, refrigerator, show case, ply to Mrs. Noah Wood, Collin's R. P. H. HUYCKE I coffum Ee t---------------- Bay . " ANA - DR, P. H. 'YCKE, 111 WE LLINGTON » Hamilton, H. J. Hannafo d, W. H. Han-| : CITY LOT. @ FERT FRONTAGE; 117 Street, Kingston, Office hours 114 of the question, And yet work Wasn't a hoes Harrison FH Hawkins, | Brinder, electric fixtures, National cash Sgt 80t Street, Phone svi. =| 'cultures' of bacteria, and medical | Bishan srnre. Billings, Thomas II laboratories and hospitals could Bocking J onard poswell, | Challes ATF IVE a Boucher, arr yd, A rian, | { hardly get along without supplies of Gora Hasve, Fo Bristow. N( )TI( E t | Harvey Brouse, Alfred S. Brown, John | Brown, Archibald Brownlee, A. R. Bry-| -- Recent gxheriments Have proved ant, Cecil Parker 'Burke, Patrick Burns, | and cont -- 2 DF! LE tw PE ---- ; 2 a 2 . 7 | . a 1 | A roa om misionT ROFITABLE WORK w AN ED AFTER 4 pu. pe Po tun $225.00. a.m. 2 to 4 pm, and 7 to § | 9rvigery Robert Harold Hawley, Foster Hazlett,! register, horse, waggon and harness, ; , daily, by young man attending . Telephone 456, oods, hills, running streams, the wp, George Hazlett, 'Wm. Honeysett. | cy. ; - . . your own very Property owner y " fy y ers; hot water heated, Ee re teas oy o , 2th +} sleighs, buggies, blankéts, etc + and needs some of our nine hundred or ahem A Phly BOX A-23, care Whig once. Cawson, z48 OC. - | open road, the sawmill and the grist Travers Hora, Dg Howard, lanier] everything pertaining to the business } os 4 or/phorte 68J. ag ins unter, ufus Irwin Jackson, free yial Ha ' sarioties of hardy Ked Tag trees uedr Victoria Street. PIANO TUNING. | full, the path across the meadow-- | L. James. Harry H. Jamieson, Allan | Bedford, the Auctioneer. hana No capital fnetded- | COOK (MALE) REQUIRES SITUA. ANTIQUE FURNITURE the miracle of the seasons, the Sugar | Ross Jenkin, James R. W. Johnston | Phone 1Tzr: tion free. Write Dominion Nurser. Hon: fmm class Sl-rouna Ndrk ! PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING -- | Dush, the freshet that: cerried away | rank Jones Wm. Alex. Kelso, Russ ! mn - Sh Montreal C0 permancnt © Apply aca form, 3] A Shipment of old English Antique 12 Masaiaranteed. Peter . Brown, | the bridge, the first spring flowers | i X Ring. Stuer rear; Pat, Kenned / ---------- : Victoria Terrace, Montreal Street. Fursitite Will arriye about December 12 Marktand Street. Phone 23%7m. Peeping from the snow on the 80uth| Charles Wm. H. Lattion' Frederick J -] th ~ VV Tess side of rotting logs, the trees burst- | Laturney, Percy G. Layzel] Joseph Lee ARCHITECT re re Mahogany chests of Drawers § l0Z3, | Frederick K. Leig , Fre . 8S 0 a em EI 5 : a . «ighton, Fk nk Leronge, -- ; a Mahogany Ice Cheats. MILLINERY. | Ing into leaf, the hills white with Thos. Litchfield, Wm. Edward Living | is treatment by natural any ra- FOWER. SON AND DREVER, ARCHI-| PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING Rosewood and Walnut Arm Chai MRS. MeLALGHIIN om | blossoms of wild cherry and 'haw- | ston Uldrique Loiseau, James Lowe, f° tional methods. Health without tects, Merchants Bank Cham bers -- - - - ~ t t Arm Chairs, MRS. MeLAUGHLIN, 112 LOWER thorn, the Satu-day afternoon when | McAuley, Donald * MacDonald, John! drugs by adjustment of the hu- * corner of Brock and Wellington WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR Dining and Parlor Walnut Chairs, William Street, will take orders the boys could fish, th 1d 1 i MacDonald, Thomas Ww MacKenzie, W.| man machine Give Nature 1 a Pee cern Paperhunging' done, drop a cara wl geiiees and Sofas, for making trimming and remodei- | YS ca 8h, the old swimm RE | H. Mackney, Donald Macphail, H' Ww | chance and she will Cure even : ing hats. ! kote: the ba'hing of the little ones Macpherson, Roswell M : a Maas! as ghe heals the wound afid knits . 4 | Jerom . fdden, Michae a * br b PALMISTRY i. SCOTT & CO, 53 BEVERLY ST. French Walnut Bed, h ;the creek, the growing Srops in a i C. Martin, ares E Mater, | a Zroken bone Mount , 8 rch Street. A.°Mounteer, $4 Arch Street Several card tables. r---- - Painters, Paperhangers and Deco. Manogany/Mirror Frames, of | the bottom land, bee trees and wild | § rederick Maund, Earl McKegg, J 8 | T Cornu Aad a jAND REsD rators..No job (00 smal: no con- 3 # ele, honey, coon hunts by moonlight, the | McCormack, H. H. McCormick, Bernard] Twelve pind by Madame fh Jha has given tract too large. Storm windows re- £8 ANTIQUE track of deer down by the k, | McCutcheon, Baldwin McDougall, Hugh tive Xearw: Suceess In satisfaction to many. Hours: 10 painted, putted, glazed and put os» NTIQUE suop SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS WORK, | cid a tHe 1 J McGall. ' Hugh Emerson McKay, | Kingaton am. to 9 pm. 338 King Street li work done at shortest notice. 2 buy all kinds of Furnit large or small, Posters, Showcards | bears in the green corn, harvet time, | io noon McKenzie, Bruce McMahon, | DRS. ROBERT and EDNA East. -- spsindarlladoh a s nlture. display laity, by Shaw at 213/ hog-killing days, frost upon the Thos McMahon, 8. J. Mepstead, Percy ASHCROFT v : Phone 1045w. 507 Princes: Street, es tL | pumpkin and fodder in the shock, | [ Metcaife, John Salter Mills, Charles, 201 King St., pear Earl. CIVIL ENGINEERING, PRESSMAKING. | --- = | lM trkers in The clearing, reviai| Mion. Richard Hera et oa -------- | s 1 Moore A i UPHOLSTERING. | meetings, - spelli b de | Me ; , i "re - - " . : { : | y n ees, debates in| McDonald Mowat, John Muckle, Fre UR BABE TS TR NK Wo, MALL Em BARRY maTkMAN'S NEAL ESTATE. TE Gn BOR 3 CN Tow, the 108 sehoolhosse bark rime Sk Aer Jone Mogkis 1 . LA, B.Se. . t » will wb e| 3 ~ . DROP A '0 W, J. : | Henry ) , Jol Nellis, H. Nort Inst. 133 King Sieber, Phone 1634. public at their convenience. PUM sas CA upholsterer, 216 Bagot St | dances fp the new bass, wilting bees Fonry Myers. hn I Nellis HL Nort - " : pak | Co 0 Teak, apple utter, so drieve, Bernard w Parsons, Krnest| wv $2,800--R. C, SEMI-DETACHED; Six soa fekled 1g' feet ked | Wm. Partridge, A. Pepin, Lawrence Feel Tooms; B. aud C.; down town, {F. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR up. Soap, Pig's feet, smoke | rin, Benjamin C. Peres. Hhrens Pof -- jolstering and general repairing | hams, gide meat, shelled Walnuts, | ley, Thomas Pojlitt, Haris Powers, ( $6,500--BRICK) 10 ROOMS; LATES1 Leave orders at or drop a card to| coon skins on the barn door, winter | E. Preston, Jr, Vincent T. Purtell, Al- | | { . INproveane. Ls; ceutrai, 104 Clergy street : S { bert E. Quirt,' Wm Ramsay, Walt: r BOULETS | Silvis | ronan Sarton tn mend: ck tog | ikegierdh So dang Ge $ 2 i 3 "OVERED BUTTONS MADE OR- ' : | chards, Geo. T Lichardson, Duncan T u ns $1,500--FRAML HOUSE; NORTH END; | COVERED .B popular shapes and sizes. | hickory nuts, cider, a few books and | Ringwood, Lewis W. Roadhouse |] oh ma dre ive, fvom fur ve pPivistering and I3bairing dons. | all the other enchanting things that | Oarferd Re HT Rotor | BE, Goodridge, 2 niversity | | G k R. gers, olean, ' Avenue, aE 1833J. i & country lite, not too isolated, dward Ryder, Ernest Sands, Ovila CLEANER THAN COAL. - " a : -- SEMI-DETACHED FRAME | brings to every one of us who Was | Sansoucie, Geo. D. Saunders' If | NOW FOR sini HOT AS COAL. 2 Q $ (4 house, § rooms, HB. and C. a as, dons C Saunders, Wm. Savage, Alfre] Sawverl LAST AS LONG AS COAL. | ueeh iot and good Sellar, "0 5**'| FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FiNy| Dorn where the rain makes ua] | ea Naa, Harey Songs 22YIOTN ° 9 : $2.00 A TON CHEAPER THAN COAL. : -- : [hee on bonis, Me. re. Patter on the roof. Are any of ihese | fence Shangrow, -- Ajlen mies Allen | $14.50 PER TON DELIVERED, | #2600 FOR THE MATE T0 THE ABOVE | Stanton'a Sheena Princess St. | 2plie2b1le to Your memories ot thel Smith, reac, she Sinclair, Thorns | e S el 4 with electric lignts; both well bujit | y ~~~ | GAYS you spent on the farm? asks | ponte. Wi. Spencer. Wm 5 Steacy | ; : 3: 3 -- | The Teller, a house organ of the Thomas Steph son, Andrew Stew. | James Swift & Co., Limited $4400--4-ROOMED CEMENT HLOCK | No Kick Coming. | Sterling Bank. | art Wm Slinson, Frank. stiinree™ | "ave 2 . J. | aouse all modern, nardwood Luar Merchant--Look here, that safe Stuart. Garnett Suttle, MH. i | ' ' and electric if : $46 | . i $ wy How, Taylor Foot of Johnson St. : will handle ji 501% $8W or leas) ou sid me last month you said was | Antiquity of Asbestos. A or McTayior. i W & do or. el Tierney, Edwi Th I | a burglar-proot safe, and I found it | The silky fibre derived from cer | Trotraom. Fred Harols 7 as av $2733.00 --~ FRAME BUNGALOW, + cracked this morning and rifled of its | tain rocks Which we call asbestos | Fwort: tenis) wi ight Ug} y Ini bata lectricity perp and stiule; | contents, 3 | as familiar tothe ancient Greeks | cha Wath 1d » fr Maldron ominion Ba ay lima OFk Koad, jusi Agent--Well, isn't that proof that | 88d Romans, and was commonly used | {Heed Thomas TI . e outside city limits, rouve Bad & Dir uct | by them to make fireproof rope, and | wat gs Herbert C. W 1 -- you've & burglar? # | fireproof cloth. These are the uses | Whalen. Kenneth F. A Wir: axl TO RENT i tee to which asbestos is chiefly put at | J Williams John Wilkinson, $20.00--FRAME; NORTH SIDE; six Is Gaining Nicely. the | Wilton: Tienes "weiers non. itarold 5 3 rooms; B. and C.; gas : ! Present time. It fs now Spun 80 | Wilson, Henry Wilson, Norman. Wil. The many friends of Mrs. Lester | fine that a pound of asbestos will | son. BE. Wood, 8 J ood. W. E Wood, " ervice ' 3 -- : EW, While they last, you may have Is, CoOL $IO0~FRAME; WEST SIDE; seviy| Wagar, Napanee, will be pleased to! yield two-thirds of a mile of thread. | 18ithew Wright, Clarence Young one reasonable, as that ia my WARWICK BROS, rooms; B. and C.; electric light | ear she is able to be up around the To "wash" a Plece of asbestos elo'h | ALD. W. H. CRAIG, PHONE 1 16 ' motto. GR house once more. About five weeks one has only to put"it into fire. That | Chairman, invitation Committee, 'T Rooms; > ago she had a bad fall. No bones Cleans it: Canada's asbestos mines | : ; CARPENTERING fece bath. ele tric ligh ; 7 . Pp porectric light and gas: J TURK . Phone 05 #00 Sendition. > . '{ were broken, but the shock was so| 272 Very valuable. | Smokeless coal only is to } ised 2% H D S . [ WHEN YOU WANT ThE CARPENTER severe that she had to kecp very| SE ---------- in fature at Buckingham Palace, y ? See James Selby, Contractor, 32 BATEMANS REAL 5 - " ~ University Avene. Phone 1588w, : 150 Wellington Street, RATE quiet, but is gaining nicely. Newman & Shaw's "Rug Sale. London, Eng. 1}