Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Dec 1921, p. 16

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= : Gk fi 16 THE DAILY BRITISH WHI| G. «_msvav, omc wan. | L as te > Th BOTH PARTIES CLAIMNG (FIRE NIPPED IN BUD AT [=] ee i f THE MERCHANTS' BANK : A 3 = = FOUNDED 1847 VICTORY Al THE POLLS Fire Started in Wall on Second : i en Floor From Some Unknown '1 . A Lot of Conservative Money Is Cause. = * Reported to Have Been m------ 3 Distributed. = | What might have very easily FS - turned out to bé a very ser 2, : hesdavy {was nipped in the bud at' the 1 ly. i Tuesday opened weil for the i | afts' Bank building, corner of Brock a Y oh ontest, the weather being cold |, 4 Wellington streets, on Monday . 28d bright. The roads, were perectly |p ight An alarm was sent into the : \ ' gry A mobiles tore through | firemen at 10.11 p.m., and on ar- : £ " : tae streets from § a.m., the hour ail ival the firemen found that a fre ) ' . which the polls opened. Hon. Dr. had broken out in the wall on the PRACTICAL IDEAS ABOUND IN EVERY AISL 3 - Ross was the first of the,two candi | gi ond floor, near a lavatory. A, Y . ] . E , '{dittes to vote, He vast his balloU at | line of hose was laid and ihe fire iD} ou can almost ¢ ; 8.20 a.m. at 213 Bagot street" this was soon extinguished, but the shopping da t ount on your fingers the number of ij J fe being a subdivision of Ontario ward. building was filled with smoke and t t 4: a oat remain between now and December ' < . g J.'M. Campbell voted at 8.30 o'clock. {considerable dar age was also caused wenty-fift 1 1 1Q1 : .in and see what we have to offer voted a n y and in ! Come.in nd ee h w All 'kinds of 'opinion were expres- by water The office of Mr. Power, on your atnazin 1 Lia surprisingly short time every item { £ 3 : IQ . 5 I + gtree o a possible the *hitect, is on the sacon 00 : in Holiday Requisites rfc] [sed on the streets over the possible | the architect, 1s on th 1d floor gly long Christmas list must be selected. ; . result of the contest. Both sides ap- (and the third floor is used by the ne reassuring Circumstance i th ! ; peared confident. The majority that | Scottish Rite i store Ch € 1s e completeness of the v Dr. Ross would have was placed at The cause of the fire is unknown S ristmas dis la S. ® 16 thousand, but : 1d t Quite a large crowd of citizens were large dist t d EY Bie: at their peak -» 4 } on sand, Ro one would bet {Quite a large crowd of citizens we Inctive 1 W ée have Gifts money on that margin. The Liberals | Present, as the fire froke out just as . d an suggestive of appropriate gifts for looked for a close vote with Mr. the people were coming out of the riends and every member of the fami y {Campbell leading. : | theatres, | ' . " . . . The advantage that Dr. Ross had | RT ------ ) . in infinite variety and the prices are as was in being known personally to [CHARLES DONOGHUE IS § GIVE HER HA NDKERCHIEFS . : " a much larger number of people than | GETTING ALONG NICELY | ust becau h . : low as the quality will permit. |Mr. Campbell, and that intimacy | TN chick ite you have seen a great many Handker- ' ith so many, after being years in! 1€ ' 8 PT i us a great Victim of Attack Made by ||! h $ In your ife, please don't take these for granted ¥ 1 ' 8 reg ed as ti . ; . asset to an election candidate. There | Bandits Continues to Make § €y are entirely different and ever so much attractive |i a , was also another advantage that is | Progress. than any we ve ever had R > generally régognized in elections, and | PLAIN . ; en oul that 'was a 'Iar Conservative cam- Charles DoMnzhue. who wa at $ . _ Hil) { EMBROIDERED BOXED ! paign fund. Thenliberal workers deg |, yoq by two bandits on Saturday J Hangkerchiefs deveioped Handkerchiefs -- embroi- Handkerchiefs in pretty \ Siatey thal thei? ~qpponents had night, is doing nicely, and report { from 'a very fine White dered in plain white or Christmas hoxes--- hand- $25,000 to distribute in favors to |¢n om the Hotel Dieu on Tuesday { Lawn. Popular sizes. pretty colors. Cute de- kerchiefs of fine quality those willing to sell themselves. On | morning stated that he had every . signs in one corner Lawn and Linen--plain {Monday night one home boasted that | chance of recovery. The doctors 7¢. to 60c. 12%c. u : and fancy. . '|it had accepted forty dollars from | who uroyattending him state that |} . yup, 25¢. to $3.00 Box 1 the Meighen government side, while |) certainly had a miraculous escape on Gifts that are useful. !a woman intimated that she had re- trom death. $ [ceived a ton of coal, paid for out of | Some were of the opinion that the | Conservative campaign money. Ac-|hlow Mr. Donoghue received on the 0 y p. . b {cording to Conservative estimates |Kead might have been icted with { Joo we] You cannot £0 wrong if you buy your there were one thousand voters who [the butt of the revolver both the J} 5 THE IDEAL CIFT '} | could be purchased in this election, | bandits carried revoly but the } a J or about six per cent of the elector- |opinion expressed by the 'doctors is A Gi Sy eame : : late | that the blow was inflictad by a { CHEE _ CHAMOISETTE WOOL | The polls will be open until six {club. if Gloves of fine quality; in| Gloves in the plain or o'clock, and if the contest is a close | ' ----s fy $ p colors Grey, Mastic, Nat- Drusiied Wool -- wrist | one, it may be 7.30 o'clock before | Y.M.C.A, Membership Campaign i; ural, Pongee, Brown, a Sannuie!, Colory . i ' [the final result will be known. ! A special supper was held at the White and Black Bleck 2 ' te and . The returns from the county wards | Y.M.C.A. on Monday evening to in- . . at this store. will be received at the U. F. O. head- {augurate the. membership campaign 90c. pair 75c. to $1.50 - i quarters (the U. F. O. Co-operative | to' be started this week. There was a CLOVES {store on Brock street.) Major E. C. large attendance of members present lie. Cot 4 oS a GAUNTLET SUEDE Barrett, campaign secretary, has and a great dea! of enthusiastic sup TS Cans El gal. Kid Gloves made in the Gloves--one of the finest made arrangements with the scruti- [port to the movement was apparent Hisck, Re ite an, Mode, Sauntlet style with strap winter Glove being shown r | neers to telephone him the figures so | Several short speeches wert give n asi bi . 8 --colors Grey, Brown. {that during the evening a fairly ac- /ter the supper, and the captains fq $2.00, $2.50 pair $3.25 4. i 1 ® » { curate decision will be.known the teams were appointed. Many wk : >, $ 25 pair $3.00 parr 9 ad i unteers came forward to as # in Tree ivingston's || a ly |: cLantpowring SupTIALS. | ° INURE SS et suites . tae; rr nenpicn | 141, 88 the many advantag if the H if 75 77 BROCK STREET Wedding of Interest to Enterprise ov 36 reelized ors and norsach { E - People dt Rochester, N.Y. : vear . '" The church of St. Boniface Roeh- | i If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk ester, N.Y., was the scene of a very | isting a Mix-Ui | pretty but quite wedding at nine | wor Distiners a Mix-Ug. o'clock on Wednesday morning, Nov. | Pel Carterton, of Kirgston, at 16th, when Miss Anna Helena Dowl- |, = rls-Rite, has no dfubt as to i] : ~.|ing, formerly one of Enterprise's & Fn (0 wifre he has SILK | Silk Scarfs A ik | fairest ladies, and second daughter | 0 | spending. the pastiveek. "Dr. | Jf$ | HOSE wake one comlortable 3 ne a] |of the late Mr. and Mrs Martin | pawo ge will have fr 1.000 to | What a ters: na around the neck on f 3 y Dowling, was united in marriage to {1.400 over W. T. R, Presin," he pre- lat a pleasing gift Silk Stockings make, and in any | ©0!d wintery days. Aj +) b Thomas J. Clair of Enterprise, Ont. | dicts. : color you wish. The better makes are in stock, Such. us ihe new styles are hers 3 it The bride was given away by ner | ---- ¥ | Hl | Venus, Holeproof, Penman's and other 1 i fanaa re of popular E brother, John Dowling, and entered | Tho gtatute of Macdbald in the [eater top ahd dick ers; all have, wide : ! / the church to the harmonious strains | city pank is showing ns Jf age. I P and double toes and heels $3.50 and | ] ? of the wedding march rendered by | White gpost are showinghroggh the | ci 50 3 y the Sisters of St. Bonitage's convent. | 4.11 bronze covering. a $1.75 Pair Up $4. 3 : She wore a navy suit of tricotine with | yi 0 yaan Chown sangfiAis Is My : . Hudson seal trimmings, with pink | pack" in Sydenham strefMethodist | LEATHER | 1 : 2 . georgette blouse and large black jic- | urch on Sunday morn It was | VELVET HANDBAGS | Handbags for Christ. 3 h 1 1 husseh 4 { | Th : : : : ture hat with ostrich plumage; and given in splendid voice, dfnct enun- } Made of fine Silk Finiska rey { mas 'hese come In : ; wore a coursage bouquet of brid™N ation and exquisite ta ! as ° me Silk Fiushed Velvet--all are nicely lined ae many styles made of : . i roses amd lilies of the vajley, She Newman & Shaw's "Ri Sale." equipped with mirrors | Seat leather; nicely ' ; : was attended by Miss Blanche E. cnr smn HY | lc ined and many i 3 Wing, who wore a suit:of brown DAILY MEMORAIUM. : $5.00 and $6.50 Sr [en ene mir 8 . ' : broadcloth, with hat to match, and | Kms. Personal -Groeth Cards, ex- == iG 3 3 . Toe [| & bouqhet of pik roses: The groom | cl Ens The JKSon Press, $2.50 up a Ey ' ~ : was attended by Charles H. Clair. | Wellington Street roe 211 rey -- { After the nuptial mass, which was | y ee ee-------- ; § sung by Rev, Father Bopple, the | ARDS { | H LEATHER SHOPPING BAGS : \ - 3 GE ty hoa bappy-couple returnéd-to-the home . OW much 'easier it is to carry those small cals i = : : : : : |! These are ada > la sa parcels if re : a. et e--business > of thé bride's brother where covers Beuatitulis. brinted. porinal Evcecting { The se are made of fine qual ity black leather Hicely od you lave a shopping hag omelmng comg a m were laid*for twenty guest rior ann prices { aualities. Come in two sizes. Thres 3 | were laid~ enty guests, i - » - hig | : never yes better than at present custom] yn he be vor HANSON, CROZIER EDGAR 50c., $1.00, $1.50 ers well pleased with our goods and service. ja otter sesvies, aia tne besten. [TIC WF N00 UNAS aston. | et eer at), We Uy + E, + : {maid a set of gold lingerie pins, anc i MARA A ' e- Te ' : Should thére be any cause for complaint, I A fod navies pS, | i COLLARS COLLAR AND CU : please tell us, we will see that any mistakes ||| The bride received many beautitul | DER] L_Siip-a. ttle Collar inte. the Chri. Ne FF 3 . . " presents from her girl friends, show- | cocRBI RIN In Kingstfon Dec. 5tj, mas parcel. They are always 80 prac- A are rectified to your satisfaction. We want ing the esteem and good wishes they | 1021. Jun: Cocknurgsed 8 tical 'and bleatio" ThiareY? 90 Drac. Scot's I I'S 4 to serve you well with good, fresh, clean had for her, also cheques from rela- | ™*"Y5\ irv."Wodudy. afternoon. obed in Organdie and fine Irish Lace, Plain white: some sre cicery COl0r8 id- 3 . . tives. \ at 2 o'clock, to Cat oh ete ¥ | iN a range o pretty colors. ered with Eo 3 eB "ely embroid- 2 % WwW r nd wequainia resp uliy i > 1 * : goods, and at the right price. eare ready Amid showers of confetfi, ~ the | ' to attend. 50c up trimmed, All easimsry rrccas iy 3 3 . 1 Fv 20 af 2g- 1 KN p (ingston, Dec 4th | . ' >) 0 £ } now to supply you with your :Christmas apps soung wouvie tert for Rates | €NOTE iron l, O00, 8 . Christmas shoppers. ry . | p 6.15 fly Niags Fan, Ris latelsidence 3 Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Figs, Dates, Falls, Buffalo and Toronts. They | I ; E Feel, Spices, Nuts--in fact,/everything you - Jf have returned nome to Enterprise | $30 am to St ahs 'catncaral ff Z i 5 * : 4 where the groom is a prosperous far- .., be sung tor the re = nis 8 ie; : . A : require. Just phone or leave your orders-- mer' \ | rien" Li athuaincad dre teu onn aldlaw 3 y wi ) | Mr. and Mrs. Clair have the hear- | nf d ( Ol 1 mite 4 3 we I do the rest. ty good wishes of all their feiends, re § ' , 5 5 : : | eel re IN MEMORI i'Im FR ] < : : WER ba I of ---- * orth 0 departed life, Deg --- ; Space will not permit us to mention the Gilt to. Sergio Mater. | arin. Wis depirida' | eee + many lines we carry, but you know. At the last parade of the High-| 3 : es x { The month of 'Deceml) gain is h iw : : land Cadet Corps, a handsome pipe] 1, the saddest of te 3 ear 8 v Bs WwW. : . was presented to Sergt.-Major Rich- Because it took our ¢ lather fv] -- 4 : ould advise early purchase; out-of- ardson, who has always taken a JU3' hres Enis dan > town customers mail in your orders. Prompt Ereat interest in the corps, ang who Uf nim so dearly loved all 3 . . -- Ts had the misfortune to break his the day he passedpm us # 4 shipment to all points. Express charge paid pipe, whilst. acting as referee.at a| Ever teninlocivdfhis iff mas : 3 ; h _, and daughter = 1 ; oN) ; on orders of Twenty Dollars or over, except Jd outall mmh. * The ewer gt 5 : i | 1 on Sugar, Salt, Flour and Canned Goods. Tweddell, who also thahked Sergt.. JAMES ELD l- PSE : : ) ' ; » x ¢ || Major Richardson for the heip_he ~The Old Firm 4 Reet silk | : ® > -§ . had given in training the boys (his 2534 ag 256 FL aia |} Ta an ; u é i : Yours for Service. season, and asked him to accept the| hone 147 for | rep i L 4 : pipe with the best wishes of every- - : 1 : 4 : 4 E { one in the corps. | ROBER . ee | { g : The cadet corps commander hu-| The Leading pderta 1 . : . : } morously asked the cadets' permis-| Phone 577. afirincess Bi) MEN'S COMF ORTABLE HOUSE * i : sion to act as referee at their next | yr YES ; Nak : Es : | match, and promised to ensure thai, M. P. SLIPPERS of 3 : ; | his pipe also should manage to get Undertaker 40 Embalmi ] 5 : " broken. * | Undertaking Paris, 25 Priv . $1.50 to $6.00 i Felt E | 183¢, * n reit, 3 ---- Ambulancd'hone $2.00 up to $6.00 ; Leaths UV up to $6.00 in : : ° On Bottomless Ship. JOHN C)KNELI P eather. y Martin Olsen, formerly of King- : ston, is chief officer on the Standard Pah Bdextake a a St 4 L. ADIES' SP. ATS Oil tanker "F. D. Asche," which ar- P s 599. : krived in New York without a bottom ] (We sell good-fitting Soa hs Hades) colar | $1480 $4.00 after being in a hurricane and blown | 1 ONAN Now for the Navel Oranges. Cail night W day proaptly att First f the se . Sunflowe OC o e season nflower H. J. KNIGHT k i ' wy LIMITED Phones 458-459. Wholesale 1767. on a reef, 3 ! brand to-day, Sunkist brand next eal . { 2 week, followall-by Elephant brand | ENDERTS . S for Christmas at Carnovsky's. j Buevenmar tu FL U- ess. a ¥ J ' ¢ " Fim por \ . i ; 1 Li wy a Sl 4 oil i i wp des bl ik od ! 1 S

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