Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Dec 1921, p. 2

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. TUESDAY, DEC. 6, 1991. FC ---- TE ------ ---- STEAMER WAUBIC ~~ [KIWANIANS 10 ENTERTAIN BETABLISHED 1s: | a | ; : : " frome Coy | Hie Bin LHS BF Tes Al WINTRR WHARF |Queen's Senior Rugby Team MS KAY 2x ---- | --Prof. Mitchell's Address | FURS AS hlenEns Cape Vincent-Kingston Ferry at Monday Dinner. ; ; ae" me Ends Busy Season--To The Ki 1 | 5 ' : . Ae Kiwanis Club will entertain | : Undergo Improvements. [Queen's seni ree re an] The steamer Waubic, runn ng. be 2 i Hotel Frontenac at 6 yin. on image Lo ie, Vinsons. | Tuesday next in recognitior of the | $ : Nr eingaton and Cape Vincents |noner prawns, SCoSRition le All Numbers used by Sir Harry Lauder we have in stock. Sy. SoriDleted a most successful | 105014 showing made in the inter- | ceeded or at ToLronags ob Fovesiste ngs I Think I'll Get Wed in the Sum. When | Was Twenty-One. Rockport Navigans aoe, 104 on | pro med + Mertime, of thelr purchasing 18 ar anata be invited rom te [}} Over the Hill to Ardentinny, tew craf Tas : EW craft, » | the suggestion is carried out all of Aft: 1ding that the steamer Mis- esr the e s inciudin C TWHERE QUR oquol, which ren the ferry for a I et Jeans ineinding hN0. will = VALUE will Be °W years, proved inadequate, as far |p the absence of the president and aw" AFPRECIATF n 1 nd service were concerned, fice prio Elmer Davis precio c ' the Rockport Navigation pany of | a4 4ne Monday luncheon. . During Kingston purchased the Waubic and the roll eail the guests introduced NS FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT ast May put the boat en feures 14. | Were Cyril Smith, Prof. Mitchell, According to official figures 14.- ana Cadets, Mundell and McPherson 275 passengers entered the United | The following drew fines | States from Kingston and probably a {Lingham, Walter Cusick, H. W. New. greater number have left for Canada | man, "Jack" Sowards, M. Hanson, i No.2 "No.3 os: §1 $6.00-34.00 § 1. | through the Cape. It is safe to say { The singi und 3 : | 2 5 23 5 ; r directio RACCOON"... '... 50 00 250. 1350 6 20 that during the season the Waubie | ging er direction of Harold Four Albums, each containing 18 or more Lauder numbers, RED FOX 1000 $00 440 has carried shou: 30.000 1 and | ag, 125, while Be rants war which in sheet music form would sell at over $7.00. At 75c. each, : " . : {from Cape V invent There was an in. | Lemmon, McCallum and Wilson, wa, | postpaid, ] . 30.00 2000 1000 1200-7.00 2 crease of 4,923 over the season of much appreciated. : i] * Canna sve 25:0 $00 9.00 10.00-600 ' 1920, of Incoming passengers "Chuck" Moody, manager of the SKUNK : ot Approximately speaking, about 3.- | Strand theatre, wag the booster, and Ne rn Nod No Jo.2 Jout $600 automobiles have been carried he was introduced by George Brown 2am mal N Noi Ne by the SHIP 30d 2 Jarge Sinoult of | lee Who told of his many amiable 0 $10.00 $16 ; srelgat. Large s Pments of fish to qualities, also of his distinctions in so 0 200 tne oath 5 onpany have | j= literary and movie worlds. : : : en tran 'd by the Wauble. In addition to furnishing each mem. 20.00 3 i 5.00 "or a large number of years Capt ber with a Strand pass for Mouday, 0 2 300 tobert C. Carnegie of Kingston has Mr. Moody provided a number of been engaged operating the ferry {0s 1 Cohen won a year pass, and between bere d Kingston. He has 1A B Cunningham, the joker, which | complete cl of the Waubic®and proved to be the wicket notice "Sold LINX. ' 1 NE li 18.00 1000 5) 5.00 3 YER POX; usiily and beauty .,.. + 332009.09 to 324 has proven himself a most capable Out".and created much amusement, | HTS--Whole ee . Rasvrn srgen od ) 60 river captain . . The other winners were Gen. King, | an i > pre ae tr. 10 124 { The owners of the ship are look- Dr. J. F. Sparks and Edward Ryan. | ! ~--gcloar ,. stvdisay .» rave snus .ndde . wp more ra : 3 ROOT--cultivated, per ib." 3.00 to $800 lug forward to even a mo eae. George Brownlee announced that eo. - cessful season next year than the | the Peterboro club met at 12.12 in JOHN McKAY, Limited Present sedson, the Empress hotel on Tuesdays and 8 : SS ------ the Kingston members were cordially I Know a Lassie Out in Ohio. Hame O"Mine. Saftest o" the Family. ie There's Somebody Waiting For Me. Forty Cents Per Copy--Three For One Dollar LAUDER SONG ALBUMS (Words and Music) YooL ... ve $6 00 td snipping bill by mai We pay Expre Furs ® THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE Open Nights, Phone 919, invited to attend when in that city, eo, | QUEEN'S WIN DEBATE HERE moe evesker waver. a" % ll OF FLOOR RUGS, STARTING ON WEDNESDAY MORNING chell, professor of classics, at Queen's University, li reputation as a 1 Reductions varying up to 40%, and that's off our well known low "You Wire Us and We'll Wire You" Defeat Varsity in Platform humorous speaker is widely known / prices. READ | THE ELECTRIC SHOP Contest in Convocation | be never failyto please and enter. Distributors for i tain his audience. His subject was LACO LAMPS, DELCO LIGHT PRODUCER 2 Hall Monday Even ng. "Club" and he created great laughter r. 7. GRACE 3 Brock Street, Phupe 1543, © v1 . -- when he referred to the various rea- FJ. GRACE W. C. CANNoy | Quesn's won the intercollegiate sons why women were not invited to S ~ |debate from Varsity in convocation join men's clubs. The reason for ' : {hall Monday evening before a fair- this was to be found far back in the sized audience. The question of the early history of man and. the modern tariff was the subject of debate, the man acted according to rules laid {formal wording being "Resolved down for him by many generations, [that a substantial reduction fn the science, in fact established the lines | Canadian tariff should be brought, von the sexes. How did women | about by the incoming Dominion .;e to be created anyway? "If we parliament." BRUSSELETTF «++. +. FIBRE of ..... .. 5( 6fex9f ,.,..... x9%f% .,.. .... 9fux9f ........ oft6..... : : 9f. x10ft 6... . 25 ,..... Sh x28. .......... 6 ft. HAVE YOU TRIED THE ORANGE PEKOE BLEND? x 6 x x id to : {take the Bible story as literal, man | The subject was being debated at. 4'\), world were mad: first, and the several colleges in the union and | AXMINSTER ONLY $3.75 AT a CENTS PER 1p there w nothing left from which : : : | an ~, | the as : It Is a High Grade Tea With a Delicious Flavor, [Ive other Queen's men Tere debal-/,; wake woman, so the creator took 4 ft. 6 x 6 ft. . .$15.00 Extra special in Axminster Mate Now being packed in yellow packages instend of req. LE Nl inn H Frinton: something from the beauty of the 6 ft 9 9 ft $35 00 --27 inches X 54 inches-- | wer BB, 2 . e ba . XxX we . . a ! they ably supported the affirma-| Stars: the colors of the sky, the laugh $5.40 for . Svar uv. .$3.75 | anc Geo. Robertson & Son. [tive of the subject of debate, winning oF ha fountain, Jue susGInad of she . ' | the unanimous decision of the Jude-| the Ton. and mixed them all to- : (Fuliiay 'snd 3. Baers" ks $017 and he osu war woe, | WiLTONS {also displayed excellent debating| The modern club began when in ] 9 ft x9 ft $50 00 {the earlier stages of human social 4 ft. 6 y ft. 6 . : 18.75 x $ 9 ft. x 9 ft. .....$65.00 that | life the boys were removed about the NOW . { All four speakers showed lages of fifteen or sixteen from the f {they understood the subject 'of the : . : . Christmas {tariet 'thoroughly and were able to| family home to the men's house and | : 4 t. 6 Xx 7 ft. 6 : $22.50 9 ft X 10 ft. 6 re ba : $50.00 : ° present their points in fine style | thereafter trained under the influ- | . ' IS HE IME Fruits They Wire 2ie0 wiles at rebuttal and ence of men for a man's part in the 6 ft. 9 x 9 ft Xe . $35.00 9 ft. x10 ft. 6... "ee, $60.00 1 I a Sonte ro » | world, 3 to Progexs Jour house and tual. Fresh Lot {fosplated 2 keen mo Sa Ne mottos were of great import- | 6 ft. 9 x 9 ft. . . $45.00 9 ft. X 10 ft. 6 Coed gigyy, $75.00 ness w a Burglary, , } . 4 3 or Hold-Up Policy. Rates res. esse Bevdics Raisins 3 ths. 70c. [{} opponents. Ema i Be to veal hie | sonable. Fancy Cleaned Currants 16c, 1: [ll] The judges' decision was received | ; > Y Enquire about our "Standard" p ast | with much approval by the audience, address with some examples of strik- | SAVE BY BUYING NOW ! Accident and Sickness Policy, *eak Mixed Peel " * Hlliwho responded the announcement of ing 'mottos, and a hearty vote of | It is one of the best. New Shredded Cocoanut ..35¢. In, {the result by J. H. Pilkey, vicé-presi-| thanks was tendered to him by Pre- Fire and Plate Glass Insurance. New California Muscatels 24c 1b. [||| dent of the alma mater society, who|sident Elmer Davis. oo | Reliable Companies only repre. New Cleaned Sultanas . 30¢. 1b, |actea as chairman, with the Queen's | | Ca seated. Fresh Shelled Almonds . 6oc. Ih. yell, followed by a Varsity vell, | A Remedy For Piles $3,000--Frame; 6 rooms; B. ana Fresh ed Walnuts-- { This year the Judges individually | PAZO OINTMENT is a guaranteed | | oF Shell, | C.. hot water furnace; gas; (broken) TY | wrote their decision on a slip of pap- electric light; garage; fine col. ~ remedy for Itching, Blind, Bleeding Beet mnt y ao cel Finest Select Molasses .2 tins 25¢ ||| eT and had no opportunity to dis-| rails Piles. Instantly re-| Boa VONLY, decorated and Chole néw Figs = tu, ff "uss the debate among themselves| or Itching Piles. 60c. Made in The Always Busy Store Raln ed. All In first classy eon- . . |@8 in former years. The Judges, who, a Bn. This is a real bargain Faucy Table Figs ........30e. 1. ||| ES ' Canada. at the price. To arrive a choice lot of {were Rev. Dr. R, J. Wilson, Prof. Ww. ------------ | El Victory Bonds Bought and FARMERS BUTTER [R. P. Bridger, R.M.C, and E. © | {Sliter, K.C.L, briefly spoke at, the Time after time we find that most | ; 9 {close of the debate, congratulating | of our conclusions can be revised for | 1 | u én 8 {the speakers or the fine debate. | the benefit of ourselves and oonere: INCIDENTS OF THE DAY) d e | | Dr. Wilson remarked on the sports-| Balfour books passage "for home. | | : i | Rai *s "Rug Sale." . CASH AND . Jif |™anship which had prevailed during] Newman & Shaw's Rug Sale. -- : The McGann Agency | CARRY the debate and also remarked on the | Racy Local News and Items of _-- 86 Broek st, | ALFRED and PRINCESS STS. | [conviction with which the men bad | General Public Interest. . ; = SEES | | spoken when discussing their side of | . $5,500--University Avenue--corner; double brick dwellings; © {bn i Ne Botey Sal he "The Hat Store" | Newman & Shaw's "Rug Sale." rooms; gas lighting; good cellar. only was an academic question Lo. | |, Pianos tuned. Phone 1644, C. W HOUSES TO RENT | . . Question but | | Lindsay, Limited. $40.00-- Victoria Street; new brick: § rooms and bathroom: fur- f£De that alfectod the Whole commun. | The case of a juvenile charged nace; all conveniences. . locat il Xa Yusstion at the Jre- {with theft was before Magistrate $35.00--Alfred Street--brick: 10 rooms and bathroom: electric | spoke The j d ap 3 so refly] | Farrell in the juvenile court on Mon- | lights and gas; furnace; In excellent condition, Imma. INIT, Hallida Ness ere Taaskededy] {day morning and adjourned, | diate possession. i" gay. nto. i | Mr Swaine, piano tuner, orders | The win for Queen's here puts eived at 10v Cler, street w| | I i =X { them in a far chance for group hon- es Sy y : ow L E. W. MU IN & SON ors for if the team composed of F. - / hn ' We LORE: A f3aans . lA. Knox and WwW. H. Drummond win | 2 | Horace W. Kerfoot, principal of | EXCLUSIV E AGENTS on the | the Picton Collegiate Institute, will | Corner Johnson and Division Streets . . Phones 539w and 530J. roup composed of "Varsity, | become mastep at the Ditava Normal | McGill and the local university, | School, after the New Year | | It is of the uptmost importance the eastern group, the winner of S---------- i > | : : + ; which will be met by the winner of Jet you tel} Your ad er or son, | | the western, are Ottawa college, Loy-| j= Dye, da ty yapel, 4 You wast ola college (Montreal) and Blkiep's/ [fasulns. jcollege ( Lennoxville). | Arrangements are now under way : ' ° iin several of the Sunday schools of 113 [the city towards organization of the [Jf - én S y 00 wear CASES IN POLICE COURT. " annual Christmas entertainments. « -- When you' cheer for "your An exclusive line of Christmas| . » Young Man Accused of Selling Fire. man" cheer waving the right § Stationery, Prices from 35c to Featuring "Popular Shoes at Popular. Prices.' Now Showing What comfort vou can give in a arms Without a License a $10.00 per box. The Jacksga Press, : y g a a : of a Hat. It will be right | Wellington street. "THE NEW FRENCH TOES" . . | The charge a young men named bough suitable pair of Glasses for Father or { Roy Neilson had to face at Tuesday's t here. Did you ever Paul Mellor, Ottawa, was sentenc- ~Men' wl \ straight, Frenc Mother. {session of the police court was that wonder why we can give better led to a term of two years in the (1)--Men's Black Calf Bals--new, stra ght, F h last, } |of selling firearms withont a 1 h value: than the smaller dealers? | penitentiary on a charge of having vith ball strap effect across vamps; pertor tgs. ! ! " ' | 3 Made by one of Canada's best factories. Every pair WwW . d h . vis . | He pleaded 'not guilty' to the ch' go $6.00 Vel for § | obtained money by false pretences, rr : . € recommen the visible bi- {and was remanded. See our $6. ours for in. | was brought to Kingston on Monday "Union Made." All siges. Specially priced at . ... stance and other, lines from | by Sheriff Richardson and a guard. | (2)--Brown Side Calf Lace B new lighter color, focals, clear vision for far and near oan Cole, on remand tor a day ha . ight pi on a charge of being intoxicated was ~ { An orchestra of eight pieces has with plain tips and new French Toes; every pair ' | fined $20 dnd costs Or one month. $ | been formed in connection with the : : Consult us, {Cole claimed he had been drinking 2.50 up {Princess street . Methodist Sunday | . With Goodyear welted Soles. All sizes 6. to. 10.. | extract of lemon. i Sh - as | school, "which played for the first Our big special . *vresestaaneen srsernnnnss $ALOS me : fas ie z --a ¥ not: "a Hat time on Sunday, when 251 scholars - J = S. A Y 2 \ & Mendelssohn's Hymn of Praise. this year for Christmas ? were present. . (8)--S8ame also in Black. ® a. Sse S ine, Ue), | Will be rendered in St James Mrs. Lottie M. Halferty passed . ) : : d {church on Tuesday next, Dec. 13th, 4 ] away in the General hospital on Mon- tometri . o at 8 p.m. under the direction of Mrs. GEORGE M 1A KI] | day following an operation, Tha de- Op rist an Optician, A. R. B. Williamson, Mus. Bac. v [la wis the wife of Edward [fal oe ® 5 342 Kin Str oo . : -- i | terty, South Lake, near Gananoque, g Phone 101 Iw. | 180. PRINCESS STREET te: 103 PHONE 221a. . For hard-shelled, larger and more sand the retains were taken to that SERS, give your hems Carnovsky's | [place on Tuesday morning uy S. 8, : | Corbett, undertaker. crushed oyster shells. I, \ .

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