Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Dec 1921, p. 9

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¥ WEDNESDAY, DEC. 7, 1021. & fi THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Carefully selected 'and blended coffee-beans expertly 'roasted and ground produce delicious Rideau Hall Coffee NOTHING ADDED NOTHING TAKEN AWAY SOLD IN TINS ONLY--BY ALL GOOD GROCERS ELECTRICS LIMITED -The House that's linked to Westinghouse ao THEY LAST LONGER WESTING. HOUSE LAMPS Wholesale Distributors ELECTRICS. LIMITED 512 William St. MONTREAL in WESTINGHOUSE LAMPS "Giving Satisfaction--The ir Daily Plan of Action" SMe oro ae -- a AM DS PT re Ask your dealer for Westinghouse lamps ~ noted for their high efficiency. - CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSE COMPANY LIMITED HAMILTON + CANADA 3 | WESTIN(C HOUSE MAZDAR A LAMPS Representative wl "W.J. WHITE WILL BE AT RANDOLPH HOTEL Thur. and Fri., Dec. 8 & 9th "with the finest stock of Human Hair Goods for Ladies and Gentlemen. or : ~ FOR. LADIES -- Wigs, Transforma- . tions, Pompadours, Switches, and all other hair needs. Special treatment for the scalp and hair, EN -- the closest imi- or Wig at a rea- of satisfaction tation in a naturar Tou sonable price and the Po given. : Phone Mr. White for appointments and REMEMBER THE DATE PRINCE OF WALES' TOUR | IN INDIA 4S OUTLINED His Royal Highness to Leave | for Japan on 17th of I March, | | | i | | i | | | London, Dec. 7.--The tour of tie Prince of Wales in Indfa, in its final | | phases, "in February and the first | half of March, 1922 includes a busy | {week in Delh', the sea of the 'sup- | government under the Mritish | |Crown, and from these he will pro-| jted to the premier state of the Pun- jab, Patiala, in the latter part of | February. In conmec'fon with "he | | visit of the heir apparent to Patiala reme lit is of interest 0 note that on the fey will be broken abot midway to that the retention éf seven day he embarked on the batle cra.s- | er Renown fcr his Indian tour the [ruler of Patiala unvoiled at Brigh- | ton, England, 'he memorial 'gotawa | given to the town by Indian subscribh- |ers to recpgnition of the care some |thousands of Indian wounded soi- [ters had received in the hospital the Great. Here the Prince wi 2 shown the important excava J carrjed on by Sir John Marshall, tae director-generd! of the archaeological survey of India. 1b Thence the prince will proceed by | motor to the camp of Lord Rawlin- | son, the commander<in-chief in In- dia, at Hati, '0 see the manoeuvres of the northern army. On March Sth there will be a cavalry battle at Bushan; on March 10th an infantry battle round Hai, and on March 11th fleld firing and artillery dis- plays near the same place. * The manoeuvres will be under the direst charge of General Sir William Bird- wood, G.0.C. the northern army. It is a far cry from the extreme north of the Punjab to Dehra Dur, + in the united provinces on the fooi- | hills of the Himalayas, and the journ- enable the Prince to visit Kapurthaia one of the cis-Sutlej states, the pur- |CAVALRY REDUCED IN GREAT BRITAIN| -- i Action in Interests of Economy Evokes Much Dis- cussion, London, Dec. 7.-- Considerable dis- cussion is being heard here concern- ing the reduction in the cavalry branch of the military. service in the |interests of economy, the resultant saving being estimated 'at' 10,000 pounds yearly. The First ang See- ond Life Guards are to be limited to two-squadrons, and the Royal Horse | Guards to three, The economists de- | clare that the Afr Force hag largely Surpassing all others in general excellence--- x isenjoyed by millions of devoted friends 829 Black, Green or Mixed Blends. nn, superseded the cavalry in the per- |formance of many war functions, and 8quad- {rons of household troops will supply | | the necessary traditional ceremonial | poses of the visit being almost en- | Cflices associated with the Royal en- tirely military. The Prince will open | tourage, for which the British public | the Royal Indian Military College | admittedly entertain a healthy affec- | to prepare Indian |tion. for cadet ships at| Other contemplated economieg in- | He will also presen: |clude the abolition of the Mounted | Military | Branch Officers' Training Corps at | thore, which is | boys selected | Sandhurst. to the Lawrence |there. In the great war some z§,.-|colors Oxford and Cambridge universities, {000 subjects of the Maharajx of Pali- ala enlisted in the British forces, and {the Patiala Imperial Service troops {fought with great distinotion on {many battle fronts, dong particular- {ly good service in Palestine aad | Mesopotamia. | On his way to Lahore, which will {be reached on February 25th, tha | Prince will stop at Jullunder to sco {the pensioners and ex-soldiers of :he |distriets round that town, and to lay |the foundation stone of the Indiin | military school for the sons of sol- {dlers. In the Punjah capital ine | prince will receive an address of wel- |come from the members of the Pup- | {jab legislatur.. A great feature ot | his sojourn 41 Lahore will be a re | | view of pensicned Indian officers at [the Minto Park, to be followed by | sports and iNum!na jons. Stopping enroute at Sialko* to see | the garrison there, His Royal High- | ness, on March 2nd, will reach Jam- mu, the winter headquarters of the | Maharaja of Kashmir and Jammu. From this state went for'h muny {thousands of its subjects '0 fight for {the Allteg in the war, and the state | maintained at full strength on vari. [ous fronts an admirably efficien® [force of Imperial Service troops. At {Jammu the prince will come the | nearest in his tour to the civilizations under Northern Buddhism, and will see interesting spectacles such as no {other centre of his journeyings can [ore These will include an exhibi- [tion of the-game of Baltistan polo, a | parade of the differnt races and |communities of the sta'e in their na- tional dress, a dance of Lamas, and | 8re8ation, as to when a woman fs im- | [ue exhibition of the crafts at Kash- mir, On his way to the northwest fron- | tier 'he prince will stop at Jhelu, [where he will lay. the foundation | stone of King George's Royal Indian | Military School and will inspect a {large number of war pensioners be- | longing to the Western Punjab. | The last fortnight of the visit of [the Prince of Wales in India will, in {some respects, be the most interest | part of his tour, as it will provide an | opportunity for the soldier Prince to |see the northern army and the con- | ditions under which the work of de- |fendinggIndia from external aggres- | sion through the frontier passes [3 | carried on. AM Peshawar, which is to be reached irom Jhelum on March 4th, he will receivo the leading |khans and maliks of the northwest | frontier province. He will 80 up the j historic Khyber- Pass, and will see [the extreme outposts of the main [par me gate of tho Indian Empire. Arriving at Rawalpindi on Mareh | 8th, the prince will visit the far- épreading remains of Taxild, famous in the time of Buddha as 'he great university town of India, and, later, as the headquarters of Alexander | School for Anglo-Indian boys, 'which |'was founded by Sir John Lawrene?. la party of boys from Sanawar, in | the Simla Hills," will tunietion, ! } { sThe princes will spend a few quays {in recreation near' the end of his | progress through 'India, so full of so- | leial and ceremonial funciions; ani | will be the guest [Butler at the Kadir Cup Camp at {Gajraula, in the Meerut district, | The word "Kadir" simply means a | river-bed. The Meerut Kadir is about 1100 miles long, and hrough this dis- | tance the Ganges has hollowed out [a bed twenty or. thirty feet below [the level of the surrounding country, {and varying in width from three '0 {eight miles. It is a land of far hori- zons and of grass and swamp, aud casts a charm on all who go there to see the keen contest for "the blue ribbon of Indian pig-sticking". Af- ter witnessing the final stages of the pig-sticking competition, the prince will proceed to Karachi. The farewell ceremonies in con- nection with the Pfinee's tour in Iu- dia will take place at Karachi, and His Royal Highness will embark on the battle cruiser Renown on March 11th, The Renown ,after four months in India, will then leave for Colombo, en route for Japan. Here's a Description Of Immodest Dress i! the hands of others. Newark, N.J., Dee. 7.--A question put to him by a member of his con- | modestly dressed, has been answer- ed by the Rev. Dr. Alexander Cair- nes, pastor of the High Street Pres- byterian church in thig wise: ' When a woman's dress is so high that you can see her knees; when her neck is so low that the most sophis- ticated are shocked; when her skirt Is tight as a man full of | whinkey: when Rer-armg are seen in all their pristine beauty; when the | back of her gown leaves nothing to the imagination--then that woman is immodestly dressed." No Further Reductions . In Boot and Shoe Prices! Montreal, Dec. 6.--That there is|Byrn, 15th Brigade, C.F.A.; attend this | of Sir Harcourt | bootleg | and the school for non-commissioned officers aspiring for commissions. The whole system of army voca- | {tional training which is intended for fitting' soldiers for their return Ao | civil life, is being threatened, many critics assert. They claim that before these changes become operative at- | tention ought to be given to the ac- | | tual codt of every directing depart. | ment at the War Qffice, and they al- | lege that a most flagrant waste in | man-power would be found at head- | quarters, | (19 FATALITIES, 52 SHOT, DURING HUNTING SEASON! | Deaths of Twelve Re:ult From | L Discharge of Own | Weapons. Albany, Dee, 7.--Ninsteen persons | were killed and fifty-two injured dur- ing the hunting season that has just closed, the state conservation com- | mission reported. As game of all | was unusually plentiful this year, there was an exceptionally [large number of hunters in the | woods. \ Twelve met death hv the discharge of their own weapons and seven by the accidental discharge of weapons | Of those | wounded seventeen were shot by be- | ing mistaken for game, five others | | were shot when they walked between | [a hunter and the game, forty-five | were injured or killed by the acciden- | tal discharge of firearms, while two | were hurt by spent bullets, declar- | ing they heard no report of a gun | | when struck, | | sorts | Are Made Licutenants, The names of several graduates of | the Royal Military College appear in | recent issues of the Canada Gazette, as having been appointed to different | regiments of the Canadian Militia with the rank of lieutenant, Includ- ed in these lists are the following: C. H. Walker, The Governor Gen- eral's Body Guard; J, L. Black, 8th New Brunswick Hussars; F. W, Hug: gins, 3rd Brigade, C.F.A.; G. K. 11th Brigade, C.F.A.; J. C. RE E. | Crowe, going to be no reduction in the price | Trent, 8th Field Company, Canadian | of boots and shoes was ithe statg- ment made yesterday by *S. Roy | Weaver, Manager of the Shoe Manu- facturers' Association of Canada, ana he declares that reports to the con- trary are baseless. "Prices are as low as possible under present congi- tions," he stated. --Arthur Griffith and" George y visited Downing street, London, on Tuesday - afternoon discussing some details regarding agreement, " By Annette Bradshaw Velvet is one of the materials that is in high favor this winter and it appears in many of the season's love- liest creations for "day and evening. {It is admirable for the blouse, and an engaging model, developed in black chiffon velvet, is pictured. This is cut on rather loose, coat- like lines whose length is accentua- ted by. the addition of long silver tassels on the sides. A narrow piece of silver cloth is used for the stand- up collar as well as to bind the fronts and the slashed sleeves, Narrow silver braid borders the blouse and ornaments the vestee, which is also enriched with silver embroidery that matches the design Rich, Colorful Materials Part of b. use Fad on the fronts, Small, silver-covered buttons decorate the blouse. The other waisg, is equally attrac- e. It ia developed from a very-love< ¥ plece of tangerine ang gold bro- cade combined with gold georgette. The method of fashioning this blouse is extremely simple. A panel is used for the back and another for the front, » These are at iched on the should- ers by brocad Beoverad buttons. A narrow belt of borgette accentuates the blousy effect of the waist. The sleeves are made of the bro- cede, but this is hung over a foun- for a few inches on the lower of the sleeves. | Engineers; R. D. Sutherland and J. |B. Richardsox, The Princess | Wales' Own Regiment; D, A, Wank- {lyn and J, A, G. Lewis; The Canadian | Grenadier Guards, King George will open the British parliament in state on Wednesday, Dec, 14th, for the session limited' ex- {clusively to Irish settlement ques- ftir. I ASTORIA For Infants and Children inUse For Over30 Years Always bears ¥ POR SCALDE, CUTS AND BRUIG FOR COLDS, COUGHS AND i CHIAL AFFLICTIONS, FOR "STIFP MUSCLES, SPRAINS AND STRAINS AND NUMEROUS OTHER AILMENTS COMMON TO MAN AND BEAST, THERE #8 NOTHING SUPERIOR TO THAT OLD TRIED AND RELIABLE REMEDY, D® THOMAS® ECLECTRIC Oo White or N dation of georgette which protrudes | part | ( all --- Costs Little Saves More Cook a six pound roast for two cents and save one pound of meat in the shrinkage by using a Moffat Electric Range. Easy to clean. Uses very little power. Fasy to re- pair. Simple to operate. Always ready. 24,000 in daily use. Write for booklet to Moffats, Limited, of Weston, Ont, Sealed packets only. For sale at the Public Utility Hydro Shop, 268 Princess Street Kingston, Ontario. Phone 844, Always Ready to Serve You Morning, Noon or Night Come in any time and you will find us ready with good meals prepared under the su pervision of first-class cook. The surroundings and our table linen are always kept clean and in A1 condition. CROWN CAFE OPEN FROM 7.30 A.M. TILL 2 A.M. 203 Princess Street. ie: Phone 1393 PHILIP TOY, Prop. am OO THE STEINWAY DUO-ART THE HEINTZMAN & CO. NORDHEIMER "AND LINDSAY PLAYER --. PIANOS ARE SOLD FOR" CASH OR - ON EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT DO NOT BE WITHOUT MUSIC THIS CHRISTMAS C.'W. LINDSAY, Limited 121 PRINCESS STREET + « « o KINGSTON Te [Ht rr ey 00 Black Satin Slippers, Silver Slippers. j ori od Patent | Strep Pumps with high French The newest in Dress Slippers, hE AA A EI 0 ei Aires s ¥

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