TH o-| THE PEOPLE'S FORUM WANTED GENERAL A CONDENSED ADVERT ISING KATES Do i WATCH GOOD i erred 2G; Apply B A SINGLE may WISHES WORK ON farm experienced; 4 wit A ont WANTED. Hoo} REPAIRING -- ir roof Does it repairing" We use Argus Roof-proo Lrop a card to F. Coventry, 5 Barrack. St HELP 10w ABOUT AWOMAN TO DO WASH t v ING, APPLY 3 A30X 13-25 Hg Uthice } === > Sted MAID POR GENSEKAL HOU SEWORK. uh Wellington Street r : SITUATIONS VACANT Apply een 1 AC BG ERI 83 PRIVATE HRISTMAS ti sample book free : ce.ebrated, inexpen- Yal Series, sec re orde deliver later; men and wo- already making five d liars up e time, capital or eSSAry. Garret- autford, Ont "ER WANTED neen sinal Bulel near Kilg 1 expe A Goon, who $14.00 ', Leslie WITH BOA Apply 376 ROOM ces. sw ADY OLI( A and Winows yoy years oid, mus childr Is on. Porc paruculars to Box ro Keep take are De Kit ROVIAN CATH : } se for ba ocat -------- : TH BOARD I¥ Dp. Apply 2: 7 E ROOM, Wi 1, all conveniences + OF ptione WW File Office : OF aud WIDE-AWAKE YOUN 800d appearance i) years old, one ding bus in own Whig Uffice. LODGE A LADY FIRST OF Jani ARY, Ooms now « > Apply to Cun k ICC ningham & Smit CORNER 2 Apply D. G. Hay, I Pboue i100 ry LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR F line of farm' in ¢ rac wagons, cream &l commiss: position for ply Box (-3 vLL tors La . Good pro ke man. Ap. RUOMED treal St, ring NINE 146 M Vacant WANT » agent cach uniepres. ty-or territory rights vod pay resentatives. Our avie Write Pelna Corounto. Ont. WE ted coun. AND Mc- Stree FURNITURE ciean and dry Brock selling Lo encrgetic rep ABency is vaiu u ry Co MAKE MONEY AT HOME, 3 pald weekly jor yo writing show cards for us vascing We inst and You with work ~Angus sq ard Service, 17 LColburne Big. ronto, -------- WANTED tioners to ing Scho nuspiial, Mus Year of high seh equivalent Address Hospital, 179 Lake Ave {. ¥Y. ur spa -- STORAGE FOR pt RANITURE, CL Giay, airy rooms Key Frost s 5 Queen St. No can- EAN lock -- ROOMED no irnace 1 . : a provements: 1 Sydennam IMMEDI ATELY, PROBA enter a | 1 1 I're I ten [i at [lw or its Lee Private » Rochester, leas ROOMS; dentist CORNER, 1p- f : STAIR table I r GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK We need you to make socks on i 14st, easiy-fearned Auto Kui experience unuecessas y. dista nmaterial, positiveiy uo Canvass. Ing, yarn supplied; Particulars, Cc stamp. Dept. 13-0, Auto hauitter Co, Local Representative For full line of farm implements; te NEW and barn on N No Alfred s and eight D. Boyd, phone 1083M VEN ROO; rth Alfred: al t. a good f lana ---- NGHAM & SMITH, BARRI r- and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunning- ham, Cyril M. Smith. SHEA, BA, BARRISTER slicitor. Law office, corner of and Brock, over Royal Bank p Phone 1999. tractors, cream ors, etc. Liberal commissions paid. Good proposition for wide-awake man. Apply: --- BOX G-3, WHIG OFFICE ET -------------- TEACHERS WANTED, A NORMAL TEACHER FOR S, §. No. 26, Camden. Salary $900 Start Jan. srd. Apply to r'rank Waliace Sec.-"treas fiarrowsmith, Ont _ PROTESTANT QUALIFIED TEACHER for 5. 8. Ne Hineninbrooke; dut- es Lo commence Jan $900. Apply to ueo Telary, rarnaum, ont. wagons, separat- King M to loan CHIROPRACTIC, WM. A. MARCLLLS, D6 " > ner Princess and Barrie S vor, Barrie Sc. entrance, Consultation free. Hours ¥ to 12 ara i J 1tos pm eee, DR. ETTA BLODGETYT, SPECIALIST in Chiropractic, 555 Princess Stree?, Ki « Hours { to 4 p.m Tuesday, Thurs- Appointments Saturday Set t-- UCY, DR. JENNIE A. acti lalists and ®. 239 Bagot street n Princess and Brock. Tele- $3w. Hours § 10 12 a m., 1 to Splual analysis tree. Residentiaj tment, drd Salary A. Smith, se.- QUALIFIED PROTESTA NY Wilh reterence, i, kroesttown t T TEACHER Wanted for 8, Salary Jan. ; NTED. R-OLD GINIL DESIRES + farmhouse preferred Ap- Mrs. Noah .V vod, (Collin's Apply $300 vert Hayema POSITION WA ies Sy FIFTEEN-Y PURITY LAUNDRY TABLETS, NEW washing discovery, Ww niriwind suc- vess, Retalls 5c. Sure repeater busirtess builder. bree sample, Per cent prout Write to-day uxclusive territory b. & E. C London, Canada. S--GET IN A PROFITABLE all year commission business 1 your own. kvery property owner needs some of our niue nundred varieties of hardy Kea Tag: trees and plants, No capital neeged Complete equipment and insiry,-- tion free. \rite Domigion Nurser- ies, Montreal. WANED AFTER daily, by young man school. Apply Box A-2s, or phone 1663J. 4 PM, attending care Whig ' QUIRES 8 all-rou man, an and econom permanent Apply victoria Terrace Kingston EE = = PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING WHEN WANTING PAIN on Papernanging done, drop a card to A. Mounteer, $4 Arch Street. H. SCOTT & CO, 353 BEVERLY sT, . Painters, Paperhangers and Deco- rators. No job too smal, no con- tract too large. Storm windows re- painiea, patted, giazed and put on All work done at shortest notice. mm DRESSMAKING, COOK RE tie las AGENT ARCHITECT POWER, SON AND DREV tects, Merchants Bank corner of Brock and Wel ER, ARCHI- Chambers. lington. PALMISTRY OUR HAND READ an, who has given many. Hours: 1 338 King Street ME AND HAVE Y £0 by Madame LilN satisfaction to am. to 9 pm. East. . MRS. A. W. HALL, 229 BARRIE street, will be pleased to nr €et tne public at their convenience. BOULETS CLEANER THAN COAL. HOT AS COAL. LAST AS LONG AS COAL. $2.00 A TON CHEAPER THAN C $14.50 PER TON DELIVERED. James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson St. ---- OAL 2 + STOVES While they last, you may have ORe reasonable, as that is my J.TURK Phone 705 CARPENTERING T THE CARFVENTER iby, Contractor, eas. Phone 1388 EN YOU wan see' James Se University Ay (we + ied by the I. O. O Apri} 322 JFniversiy | a | nz) FOUND LADY'S pg RSE, CONTAINING sma sum of mon F'rincess sireet Lave same at lenarles Street ON FRIDAY NiGuy POST ' i , right a 3. at Whig OWNER M\ Newman ar A SABLE MUFF, fave same at Shaw's, 2 Y applying Princess Street. or 0ore Shop LSGIVING MONDAY, versity grounds, a gent man's goid Signet ring ave same ON ' at the | | ! oN KINGSTON STREET CARS, cameo y one ! at Street nailway A LOW HROWN RU BBER., BE. longing to a yentleman's left fool. Owner ay have sama by appiying to 192 Division Street. AlLTOMOBIL 'rincecs S Owner may Dom. Ta ARTICLES TISED FRE Anyone finaing anything and Wishing to reacn the owaer may do so by rep 8 the facilis i) The British! V 8 The adver- tisement wil] be linted in thig coluinn free of charge. 'Found articles clude lost el 1 CHAIN ON . rday nignut. Nave same ai the Service. TIRE Si FOUND ADVER- in- horses, be Lost colu "ASSEL Picase BLACK BEAD 1 he street PrARL B DS ON st noor Finder please W alg Office and rece STRING OF, aay atte ard rouy NICE BUNCH OF ing 5 a WHo 'lien 'Ineatr. . return same avold troup Handbag Tuesday Whig UiTice Wr . Va dvi as BER ¥. a ON NOVE niy er Kindly Street, and receive FOR SALE. A LARGE STuLK OF ARM. €ls for sate at a reasovnabie Call at L utbard, or phone 17 | ---- | MeLAULGHLIN ROALSTER, 259; only run 4,000 miies; | new, quick saje Falmer, 3 UL And Queen streets. Bagy Queen eels Per Ful, COLUMBI A Bicycles, also bicycle Laby carriage tices pug You wait Muilers $i1-3+3 King street. good on THIRTY Prousg DAYTON ing Scale--secondg feed accurate two yudrs; RN at 168 Untario street. ared dollars. 7 to salt, ------ comp iuay WI HAVE FOR SALE AL 8oud second-hand stoves. ana 1 pay 1 $33 Pr.uce turniture * Lu dispose or, prices," g Street. Phone CITY - 0, leey deep; icubator, ers, not wateg availed. once. Cawson, 48 Co car Victoriy Street, ANTIQUE FU + BY PhiLT FRO Lor casp gs: Jiu egy, 25.0u, | Unly RNITURE of old inglish arrive avout D. A shipment Furniture will btn, 1921 Mahogany Manogafiy Rosew Dining ang Parlor Walnu; Sette and Sotas. Several card tavles French Wainyg bed. Manogany Mirror py chests of Drawers, { Ice Chests. | dines, etc. LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHop We buy all kinds ofl Furniture, Phone 1040w, | VILLAGE STORE, tewepaone pay larunng secon BiSuiug UL Aue lacueu, vari aug o ave oo, Cal Le vougui aur Louw py, Bail Casu. ucubiral ae lavulce price or vlie Dusilices, o bloga oireet sation, "i in clade | mn; 4 1a i we AL vaccuent Wisihug (V-clgage A. vacrug Ageivy, f"'nune Be. Ny Sluch auy | BATEMANS Risad, ESLALE, PUM SALy, *250p--R. C, SEMI-DETACHED; ovis, uo. aud ., down twa, $6.500--BRICK; 10 rooms; Buprvssiucats; ceuiral, -- $I S00----FRAME HOUSE; five rovs; lurge we, OF two mvure huuses, -- PIH00 SEMI-DETACHED { house, § rooms, 1s. anu C, Ueep wt ana guoy velar, y | | | 93600 FOR THE Maye i wie electric Bis { --- | $4300--6-ROOM ED CEM Apuse, ali modern, ~ Mad electric uguls -Wll baagie jg -- T7300 -- FRAME BUNGALOW; rvoms; good Condition; 3 baia, CleCiricity; vain 3% acre land. un Vulside city limits, + FV ur TO RENT $20.00---FRAM; Svs i rooms, B. ang C.: ga RAME; WEST sin) rooms; B. and Cl electric light, EIGAT Rg lectrie ligh n. | #30.00--BRICK; i plece batn; e good conditio oOMs; ESTATE BATEMAN'S Rigg, 139 Wellington Street, Hingaivm, r ve re- | TOOK TH sim "3% Priucess | =---- -- Cost gs corner | AND HY SLOP Teouiring, White | bicycle Works, Foone 1vgew hand-- guaran-| Hua- L KINDS 0¢ ana having stoves We wii Tnompson levow, , NYAGE; 11; Alsu ahd {wo breog- usey ncession St ------ Antique ecember 7 Frinces: Street. » POST OFFICE ANG vou ®vciing u..| COVERED B vhie- upenlug | sia! LATES | 4 { NORTH END, fuom for one FRAML | gt and gas,! ip | Bed. TO THE ABOVE | Chair + Vuln well bul | ENT BLOCH | Laidwood uuors| leds | Pitce and stave, ! lurk Koaq, Jusi | SIDE; ws 8. E; SEVEY t and gas; | FOR SALE MF LIGHT BOB SLEIGHS New England Bakery EMALE BIRDS, APPLY or S ANTIQUE ade. Appiy Box ( I TWO SETS ( MALE AND FF 421 Barrie nhone 1512 -3%. Whig DRESS stu ti 3 Barrie St Ph n; Apply 3867 | Condition at Dolan | Princess Street. ---- IF YOU HAVE A 1s | see Geo. Palmer, cor. | Queen. Phone 410J. FORD no ADSTER, used as lignt truck. .A snap r, cor. Ba and Queen M, MAPLE, cut In stovewood lengths wagon box-full, delivere?, Write Ribbens, R. R Phone 1309 r. 3.4, 5.00 BUYS A ouring: tired new; ion good Palmer, 1 Queen Streets Lumber $7.00 R GOOD 1918 ¥INANCIAL E DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Ly BET T IN FIRST CLASS CONDy. Deen ereeeeem---- ED CAR FOR SALE |, 0 Bagot aha tion says. : : | "A watch is being kept along shore | COULD ALSO Bp fo i S'alm- ASH .-- 3, Kingston. ! FORD mechauical con- Corner Bagot mm | ET rem em-- © Se CRUMLEY, FIRE, AUTO. agents; established in only the must rellable ented. Office 35 Clare "PPusite the post office. -- FRONTE ' LOAN AND ment incorporated President W Nickle, K.C.; president, B Cunningham tity ang pal and ages pure! 1360; 18 12) and Cas laity Insurahce. 420 -4rl street. Phone 17%2M STRANGE & SIMANGE, INSURANCE | companies gepre- | 2 nce thee, | -- INVEST. i v ice- arm for sale; deposits allowed 37 ceived and Cartwr 'rest CARRY Own o y alee Ww COMPLETE rocery I taese 18 wih nsa li inaugurated nity dollars net Lasy terms. Principal Culiplete stores 1g 1 montnly instatimen delived frum ou ¢ tition, no store expe e. JUXCIUSIV territories being atiotied rapiduy. i You Wish to enter a most Proitable insure 8 . mn tory i a 4CLesS 1 hunure. weekly neo paymeug made m ai 0 ever 0 ne v ¢ {1 fro N with diately hunared twenty-f ars required 18 Stor Jdmited, 4u4 Windsor, untarig on to PERSONAL HAM, MO Las, Wamass, suarks, skin CAlicers, scars, Wuved peitlancnay, Blasses lled ang turn [1S Blve laled. GoItre remuvedq $0 yvars caperience, pr. kiaer g "he, Nye, bar, Nuse. buroad, skin 205 Bagot Street. Phone iui, Tr FANCY 0 elc,, ishicd alte: GOOUDS, | HEMS1IICHMING, PICO & ! cordion, Knife and box Hours 9 to 5.30. Mrs. E. A. 4 Victoria Terrace, Montrea OPpoUsite Artillery Park. 1 st DENTAL. -- BR. A. E. KNAPS » DENT 268 Princess Street, ---- -- DRS, SPARK tists, 159 of Brock. DR. RUPERT Pp, MILLAN Princess Street. Fhone evenings by apporatmen ------ -- LK, AY RROD, DENTIST, HAs Rik. Sumed praclice ag ¥2 Priucess St, over Bank of Nova Scotia. Phop, tetzd. --_---- . MEDICAL, IST. OF, Phone 65 S AND SPARKS, Wellington street, as iw, 1350. Upen t Tw | Le J tre p.m, DR. P. ¥ Hours 10.39-13 7-85.30 p.m + Phone 164¢ © - HUYCKE, 111 WELLINGTON tL. Kingston Vitice hours: 13 Z to 4 pm, and 7 to Telephdue 456. PIANO TUNING AND RE Work guaranteed, d- Street PAIRING' on Peter D. Brown, Pnone 239m TT "RY. MRS. McLAUGHL William Street, for mak! s+. 113 will take & trimming and rer LOWER orders nodel- d and Walnut Arm Chairs, Chairs. SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, K, large or small, p. Hisplays a special Princess Street. UPHOLSTEKING CARD TO WwW, 4 er, 216 Bagot Si, YOUR vp. » GLASS WOR osters, Showear Ly, by Shaw at 213 CALL OR DROP A Gavirie, upholster W. HAROLD FOR holstering and gener Leave orders at or drop a card 104 Cl FF. ergy street der in all UpNolsteri EJ Avenue. popular shapes and sizes ng and repairing done Goodridge, 244 University Phone 1833]. : uy ail a "*| FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN. ished; guns, Kramaphon ete. re- paired promptly and guaranteed Stanton & Sleeth, 35 Princess St CIVIL ENGINEERING. PLANS--SURVEYS--E TIMATES -. 7 Scott, BA. B.Se. Mem. Eng Inst. 3123 King Street. AUCTION SALE Ne. 2, Colborne St, Thursday, Dee. Sth, at 10 am, Parior furniture (walnut and oak), d springs. mattresses, Dressers and ands, Rugs, Carpets, Linoleum, Paint- gs and. jictures, Walnut Couch, Gas | Range an Plates, Wire Steel Couch Ideal Range, Sideboard, Dining 8 and others, Extension Table, k Clocks, Curtains and Blinds: Gar- ols; Tollet Sets; Crockery, Glass. and numerous other articles. Bedford, the Auctioneer. Phone 1721. in EAA en mm, / | Y | 3 -- UTTONS MADE TO OR.| R. Clar- J t profits No cumpe- 1 Rol- | l.xchange tT Salistactury DUING, AC- a AC | from Montreal y Card, land w Ficg | from DEN. | of Montreal lose Corner | Sn Notice to Creditors Se ---- | » DENTIST, ng | | 'ised Sta C. K. ROBINSON, M.D, 363 BARRI! S am, | tember, 1921, ene e-- | | | | | | ds, | | al repairing to! § | | Phone 163). ; i 1 i i | f | TWO IC a -------------- . TWO Musk OX ROBES IN PRIME s Harness Store, | (CITY OF NEW YORK'S HULL GONE TO PIECES Condition of Spar Indicates Craft Is No Longer Intact. A special despatch from has the following: |. "The hull of the steamer City of |New York, which foundered with all | hands November 24th in Lake On- {tario, has gone completely to pieces. | as indicated by the condition of the Oswego ' IANO LAMP, SPT Which was washed ashore near SIA LAMY, Ford Shoals last week. The spar has identified as belonging to the | lost ship. { having been rolled completely out of the keelstone goes to Prove that the hull of the ship is no longer intact, | Capt. Jackson' of the coast guard sta- r the bodies of the crew. Small pieces of wreckage have been ¢ | ashore for the Past two days, and it has all been recognized as from the City of New York. "A telephone message received urday afternoon at the coast Buard station says a lifeboat of New York is on the Sodus Bay, 18 miles west This is the boat which the Isabeila found floating Point when the lifeboat bodies was Picked up." of near Stony with the {There Was Intimidation -- There was nore intimidation of voters in this election fore in Kingston It w | military hospitalg Home for the Aged. The Libeals stole a4 march on the Conservative women workers on Tues | day morning when they got the vot- €rs at the Home for the Aged away very early to the polls. To show the Kingston voters w | as done at both and also at the ho really knew the Libera] candidate, jt is stated that when Mr, Campbell went in to cast his ballot a Scrutineer askeq him who the was, Ee -------- Lots of Fight in Hon. Dr. Edwards Yet -- { Hon. Dry w Edwards received | the returns from Frontenac county over a telephone in the Standard or- | fice, and when at a late hour it be- Camg,evid mt that h he made a statement thanking his supporters for their admirable tight } "I am only fifty-two y. | day," said he, | {fight in me yet, "and there is lots of and we are going 'o bua ===----| Come back." ET -- The steamer Vinmount arrived up esterday afternoon ill be laid up hére for the win- The steamers Mapleboro and | Thunder Bay are expected up today Montreal to lay up here. Seventeen candidates on the Island their deposits. | In the Matter of the E Orr, late of the City the County of Frontenac, Deceased. is hereby given pursuant to y es of Ontario 1914, creditors and others having claims against the Estate of Matilda Orr, who died on or about the Twenty-second day are required to deliver or prepaid, on or before the of January, 192 undersigned solicitors for trix of the last Wiil and T the said deceased, their nam dresses and a' full description of ¢laims and the nature of securities any) held by them, such claims to duly verified AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE immediately after the Seventh day o January, 162 the said Executrix will proceed to distribute the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only for the claims of which received notice. trix shall not be state of Matilda of Kingaton, 1 » Spi ter. 58, send by post Seventh day stament t e 111 ur hat liable to any person of whose claim notice shall not hav» been received by her prior to the said Seventh day of January, 1922, DATED at Kingston, this day of December, 19 NICKLE. FARR DAY, . Solicitors for th Executrix, 194 Ontario Street, Kingston, Ont. TNs ty E. LUCKIN Veteran's Seventh THURSDAY SPECIALS. Hamburg Steak -.......... q0 Sausage (pork). : Bacon, sliced Eggs, fresh Raisins Sultanas . Currants - 7 Corn, tin Tomatoes Butter, Belleville Butter, creamery Butter, whey I ------ The fact that it is whele, | oming | coming Sat- | from the City | beach at Blind | steamer By the Ross Workers than ever be-! © Was not leading | ears old to- | of Sep-| Ss and ad-! she shall then have | And the sald Execu-! WEDNESDAY, DEC, 1021, GRAND OPERA HOUSE TO-NIGHT CAPT. MW, PLUNK ETT'S WORLD FAMOUS "DUMBELLS" Will Offer Their Overseas Revue BIFF, BING, BANG '® PRICES . . | -50c., 75c¢., $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 In COTE GRAND Thus, Fri, Sat THE REX STOCK CO. Presenting "TWENTY-FOUR HOURS OF TRUTH' Between Acts 10c. Saturday Matinee 10 and 23e. i | A COMEDY IN 3 ACTS PRICES: | i | | } Vaudeville 20-30-50e, Gallery, A el Ae At gr cor THUR FRI. SAT. 2 WANT 4 OUCHDOWN DOUGLAS JFAIRBANKS WE WARP A 1 "THE THREE|CHARLES RAY MUSKETEERS" [2 MINUTES TO G0" A Topaoteh Tale of College Days Pack- Ask those Who have seen It ed With the Thrill of the Football Field . + STRAND | THUR. FRL, SAT. ZENA KEEFE, HUNTLEY GORDON, HARRY "RED. FOAM" Sto by WILLIAM MH, HAMBY SHIPMAN Iv "THE ELL SIRL FROM GO D's COUNTRY" TIGHE LAST TIME TONIGHT . a a ee a wt. re a mr limited number of | Ne rt rrr TT | Opening Memorial Hal! | Learn to dance at the G den Hall, 111 Brock Gua d cen In ten leaso Waltz, One Step, Fox Hours from 7 night. MRS, §, COHEN, all Phone itenldence as, Trot, to » every Instructor | Tickets of Admission For Next of Kin 14th pened opened, Dec il" be { unveiled by r-ueneral the list show admission tick-| Clerk's Oiic they and 10th of ecembr urs of 4 and am a The n Kin tne order and mother childs | of deceased, brothers and sisters. | decease was married more 8 three tickets will be issued; ir sing.e | not more than two. Tidkets to chiwd ren, brothers and sisters will not ve issued if a wife, fathe r or mother sur vive. This procedure is nece account of the limited seati: city, On | orial INSIEL ON THE BEST Crossed Fish Sardines THE FINEST QUALITY IN PURE OLIVE OIL DANCE Odessa Town Hall celiency next of ki below can ets at the Ci i 8th, 9th tween the 2 and 4 pm considered in wife, tatner, net ha George Ackley, George Aldcrort, ver H. Ailen, ey, l. W | Attwood, Edward Bateson, Philip R. Bawaen, John bead- | | is, Harry Beardseil, Vernon Beevor, ~ i Se . | Joseph E Bell, Denis Bertrand, Want. J. | FRIDAY EVENING, DEC. 9th | Ean Sa entia Thomas 1i.|' Four Plece Orehentra in atten | y Ash Atkinson, Barry, Malhew ell, Bocking, Leonard Charles | Dancing 8.30. 4 ¥. 0 Boucher, Harry . 3 Briar, ADMISSION | George M. Brid Frank Bristiow, | co J.B, Smith, M, (. | ---- ant, Ceeil Parker burke, Patrick B Ww. KEN JUseph Buse, Robert L. Butcher, stan- | . | ley Roy Byron, Albert Carmen, AL] Bank of Commerce Buliding. Brock and { thur ren, Dale tats hasns, XK 6, King Streets Phone 701 or 13274. Larruthers, . > rter, 0 3 Lharies, Michael Clancy, 8. W. Cl I General In ace Agemcy Ewart G. Ciarke, kK. Clarke, '| SiTitug:-- Automobile, Fire, Accident, | Clarke, Jerry Cleary, James A Clitt, | Sickness, Pilate Glass Burglary, ete. Hepreseating Only Reliable Compan R. J. Cockburn, Edward Cole, John Cul * Auction Sale lins, Conley, Edward Connelly, | -- Vrooman, A. B. Smith T MACNEE fiarvey brouse, Alfred 8S. Brown, Brown, Archivald Brownlee, A. K. 19, dnomas P. Connolly, Herbert A. Con- | way, Joe Coughiin, John TT. Curran Wilson Crawford, Stanle reighton, Lawrence Cromien, 8S. | Cunningham, J. Dalglish, John : Frank G. Daly, Calvin W. Day, Doolan, Walter Charles Drake, 1e "Ramsay Duff, Harry Dunlop, Wil: Dwyer," Wallace 8. Karl John ¢ { George KE. twell, D, | Wm. R. Edga v iV id! Of Grocery Store at the United G 13% Princess St., Tocery, Saturday, Dee. 10¢h , Sidney Eva, Leo Joseph Eves, Leonard Edwards, John S. Farmer, Farrar, Neil erguson, Johp From 10 a.m ulng each day disposed till 10 pm. and conti. untill the entire stock : Includes computing refrigerator, show case, coffe EBrinder, electrie fixtures, National casi Daisy Fortesque, Jeornrey Franckl register, horse, Waggon and harness | Farquhar C. Fraser, William G. Garre:t, sleighs. be bl t . 4 | Walter Godman, Harvey Alex Godwin, | g 4 esien lankets., etc, and | Francis R. Goodearle, J Eckford Gow, | everything perta ning to the busines: Walter John Green, Stanley Guild, Bedford, the Auctione. -, T. Hagon, Alex. A Halkett, Archie Phone 1721. Hamilton, H. J Hannaford, W. 11 Han.} 7 "7" co son, A. Rosg Harrison, James Ha wkins, | Robert Harold Hawley, Foster Hazlett, -------- = Vm. George Hazlett, wm Honeyset+ | Travers Hora, Ww. Howarqg Stanley is. trea ment Ly uatural and ra- tion&! methods Health without Hunter, Rufus Irwin Jackson, Wilfred + James, Harry H. Jamieson, Allan drugs by adjustment of the hn- man machine Glve Nature a Ross Jenkin, James Rk W. Johnston, Frank Jones, Wm. Alex Kelso, Russell G. Kemp, John Kennedy, Pat Kennegy, | 5. A. King, Stuart Laing, Jules Lanos | Charles Wm, H. Lattion, Frederick 4 chance and she Will cure even | Laturney, Percy G. Layzell, Juseph Les i as she heals the wound and kniwg Frederick K. Leighton, Fr. ni erong the broken hone. Mechano Therapy -- Electro Therapy ) ears Nuccess in Kingston { Thos. Litchfield, Wm Edward Living | ston, Uldrique Loiseau, James Lowe, » | McAuley, Donald MacDonaid, John! DRS. ROBERT and EDNA ASHCROFT King St. near Bari, "7 | Farquharson, Harold J. Ferguson, Roderick M." F Flitz, Thos. Flannagan, Fleat Gordon A, Fleming, Agnes I rne: Scales, | Twely, | MacDonald, Thomas Ww. MacKenzie, W.| . | H. Mackney, Leonaid Macphail, H Nf | Macpherson, Roswell M. MacTavish, Michael Madd! James E. Matier,! , Earl McKegg, J. 3 | McCormack, H. H. McCormick, bernard {| McCutcheon, Baldwin Mcbougall, Hugs { J. MeGall, 'Hugh Emerson McKay. Kenneth McKenzie, Bruce McMahon, { Thos. McMahon, 8 J Mepstead, Percy | | L. Metcaife, John Salter Mills, Charles | Milton, Richard A Mitchell, Harry 8. | Minnes, Peter Moore, James Moran, | McDonald Mowat John Muckle, { erick J. Murray, George Y. Murray, | Henry Myers, John J. Nelils, i. Norton | { Taylor, Lionel B O'Gradv, wart Ol-| drieve, Bernard Ww. Parsons, Ernest | wm. Partridge, A. Pepin, Lawrence Per} rin, Benjamin C. Plerce. Thos. R. Pox- { ley, Thomas Pollitt, Harry Powers, | E. Preston, Jr, Vincent T. Purtell, | bert E , Wm. Ramsay, Walt.r i Henry Rea, B. Rj- ardson, D _.ncan T. is "W. Roadhouse. Ww Hartley R binson, ers. Wm Rolean, Ernest Sands, Ovila D. Saunders, FH. : - Bavage, Alfre} Sawyer, Joseph Scanlon, Harry Scott, J. Law. rence Bhangrow, Allen Shea, Alen 'hie Sinclair, Af. Ww. Smith, Robert Thomas « Wm. E Steacy, son, Andrew R. Stew. Frank Strange, J | Buttle, MH.' M, McTaylor, Ang Tet: as, Harold Tryon, Wright U Stanley alker, Walton, Wells | wii 204 'Muffins NOW FOR Sine Lackie's Bakery INE Dominion | Taxi Service PHONE 116 24 Hour Day Service phe Stinson, | irotman, F wort, Henry 'harles Vivian, Alfred Walker, Freq ; Walker! Thomas 'atts, Herbert C. ! Whalen, J. Williams, Wilson, Eri¢ Victor n,. { Wilson, Henry Wilson, Norm: 1%0n, E. Wood, 8 J. Wood, W. E Matthew Wright, Clarence Young. D. W. H. CRAIG, invitation Committee, Wald A William | William AL Chairman,