THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. WEDNESDAY. DEC. 7, 1921, sesIsTERED AND UP , i. "ae ie v RACCOON CAPS AND STOLES, FOR WHITE THIBBET STOLES AND MUFFS FOR FOUR YEARS . .$7.00 to $15.00 FOR SETS 3 YEARS AND UP, JOHN McKAY, Limited MANUFACTURING 149-157 BROCK STREET FURRIERS -- Ne et A gan 115 Brock Street. F. J. GRACE "You Wire Us and We'll Wire You" THE-ELECTRIC SHOP Distributors for MHACO LAMPS, DELCO LIGH1 RODUCER Phone 1545. W. C. CANNOY ---- ee -- BIG SHON AT THE GRAND World Famous = "Dumbelis" Final Presentation. -- The world famous "Dumbed} under the able leadership of M. W. Plunkett, took the city storm on Tuesday evening and {one of the best shows presente ithe Grand in some "ime In {of the excitement prevaii | town over the election, g8 crowd in attendanp rst8 of applause were abou livided be'ween the various en, and the election returns which € announced from the sta The revue lived up to al! ad notices, and has made a with Kingstonians, the many returned pu zr especial soldiers in audience who thus had the old, fa- miliar scenes brought back to them, {of the mud and slime of theérenches, of both the grim and the lighter side | of war, and the gay days in gay "Paree" and old London, One of the skits which showed something of the gonial atmosphere of the "estaminet' was especially good bringing back 'o many, memories of some of the | things that helped them to forgat what had been yesterday and what was to be tomorrow; memories of ; Warmth and light; laughter and music; and the fun and fellowship of friends. \ The entire. show is a continuous round of n¥erry-making, and is a clever medley of dainty music, whoie- { sone nonsense and good-natured sa- 'dire. Ong of the best individual acts was the satirical sketch entitled. "The Duchess Entertains" which provoked bursts of laughter .from those who were on the "inside" as { well as-those who could not read be- tween the lines. It would be very difficult to pick out individual stars, but Capt. Plunkett, "Red" | Newman, singing 'Oh, Oh, Oh, It's ly War," Ted Chafter, im-| personating the parson in "Kit In- spection," and Al. Plunkett, singing "Down Texas Way" were especially | good. Ross Hamilton as 'Marjorie, | rendered "Some Day I'll Make You Love Me" in a splendid manner. The selections Ly the quarteitte composed | of Brayford, Tennant, Wilkinson and Tom Young were also good, and were !ancored by, the aud!ence m any times, It Is a High Grade Tea With a Delicious Now being packed In yellow packages Instead HAVE YOU TRIED THE ORANGE PEKOE BLEND? CHARM TEA AT 60 CENTS PER LB. Flavor, of red. Geo. Robertson & Son. Jimmie Goode as the darkie "Scottte" brought down the house with his quaint humor and songs. The same show will-be given to-| night for the last time, and every- | one wishing over two solid hours of fun should not miss this perform- ance, THE LATE MRS. FOLEY. Burial of An Esteemed Howe Island { ~ Lady on Monday, The funeral of Mrs. Blizabeth | Foley, wife of John Foley ex:warden | of Frontenac county ,took place from | St. Philomen's church, Howe Island, | on Monday. A solemn requiem mas ll to protect your house and busi- . mess with a Burglary, Robbery or Hold-Up Policy. Rates rea. sonable. li Enquire about our "Standard" | I: Accident and Sickness Policy. It is one of the best. I. Fire and Plate Glass Insurance, if Reliable Companies only repre- ll sented. . $3,000-<Frame; § rooms; B. and Ih C.; hot water furnace; gas; electric light; garage; fing cel- lar. Lot 66x110. Good loca- tion. Newly decorated and painted. All in first clasg con- dition. This is a real bargain at the price. Victory Bonds Bought and Sold | RH. Waddell The McCann Agency Phones 320-896. 88 Brock St. TIT What will make a more acceptable gift than --FINE GLOVES. --A NOBBY HAT. --A WARM CAP. ---STYLISH FURS. / Comparison of ' values argument. Do your Christmas shopping early, ELL BROS. I » wy } Loose Seediess Raisins 3 Ibs. 70e, Fancy Cleaned Currauts I6e, Ib, Fresh Mixed Peel . 1b, New Shredded Cocoanut . 35. 1h, New Califorhia Muscatels 24c Ib. New Cleaned Sultanas ...30c. 1b, Fresh Shelled Almonds ..60c. Ib, Fresh Shelled Walnuts (brokem), .... Finest Select Mola Cholce mew Figs Fancy Table Figs To arrive a choice lot of FARMERS' BUTTER ! Cullen's CASH AND CARRY ALFRED and PRINCESS §' Nr iE is our strongest ' Te IAA AAA was sung for the happy repose of he | soul by Rev. Father Kehoe, Ganaa- | oque. The casket was' banked with | | beautiful floral and spiritual offer- lings, testifying {regard in which the deceased was | held by numerous relatives and | friends. The pall bearers were four sons and two sons-im-law, | The late Mrs. Foley passed away {at Watertown, N.Y.,.on Friday last after an illness extending over some | years. She was seven'y<two years of | age "Besides her husband, she is surviv- ed by four soms: Robert, Howe Is-| land; Richard and John, Graystouo | Farm, Watertown, N. Y.; Dr. Ira, | Flint, Mich.; and four daughter, | Mrs. W. A. Kelly, Flint, Mich.; Mrs. | John Pickett and Mrs. Patrick | Quinn, Howe Island and Mrs. Albert | Helien, Watertown, N.Y. | A SERIOUS MATTER. Mowat Poll Is The Closing of the Much Discussed, When questioned on the subject of the Mowat Hospital poll, a prominent | lawyer stated: '"A number of irregu- | larities have been brought to my at- | tention and it seems to me that the departure from the instructions re- garding the opening and closing of | polls as contained in - the election act is a serious matter. The poll was to open at 8 am. and remain open until 6 p.m. The deputy returning | officer was given no discretion at all, and the closing of the poll two or three hours ahead of time, the open- | ing of the ballot box and permitting | the resuit to be published, was a seri- | ous matter, particularly-in a close fight like that of Tuesday, and might be regarded by a judge as suficient cause to declare no election." | To address: Rotary Club, At the wéekly luncheon of the | Kingston Rotary Club to be held on | gins a at 12.30 o'clock in the; club's quarters, at the British-Ameri- | n hotel.. Prof. J. L. Morison, | Queen's University, will be the; speaker. The subject of his address | will be "Young Canada -- Some Thoughts on National Development." Headaches from Slight Colds. | Laxative BROMO QUININE Tablets | soon relieve headaches caused from Colds. A tonic laxative and germ de- stroyer. The génuine bears the signa- ture of E. W. Grove, (Be sure you get BROMO.) 30c¢. Made in Canada- At the Y.M.C.A. gymnasium . on Tuesday evening two games of bask- 'etball were played. In the girls' game the team representing Syden- ham street Methodist Bible School, won by a score of 25 to. 5. The juvenile game resulted in a win for St. James ty of the upimost importamce that you tell your ad mews, or story, or' movie in this r, if you-want results, ~ , * "Pleased Big Audience-- > to the affectiomate | { Letters to the Editor | e- An,Open Letter. To Gen. Ross. Kingston, Dec. 7-- (To the Editor) Allow mé to cong your election as me ment for Kingston your cide the ammuni of facts and proofs that r of parlia- way haverbeen one The six thousand electors who vot- ed for you did so in the belief that | the Meighen government would be re- | turned to power, and that as member | for Kingston you would be able to work in the interest of this city. I + jam also convinced that your accept- | {ance of the nomination had thie in | view, and that those who worked and | spoke in your beh%if had the inter- | est of Canada in general and King- | ston in particular in mind. Do you not, therefore, believe that | it is in the Interest of your native | city, with the deep waterways scheme practically accepted by the govern- ment of the United States and Can- | ada, and which is the only hope of de- velopment of this city from which we ican expect stimulus and growth, for you to resign the seat to which you have just been elected and allow an acclamation to Mr. J. M. Campbel!, who, as you are well aware, has made a study of this subject for sume years and is today one of the best posted | men in America on the deep water- ways and' hydro development? As Mr. Mackenzie King eaid when in this city, Mr. Campbell is and would be more than an ordinary member, and with a Liberal government now as- | sured will most likely be appointed 10 a cabinet position. I have known you sinck your gra-! duation from Queen's always to have been a worker in the service of the city, as alderman and mayor, in the legislature in the sevice of the prov ince and city, and in South Africa and France . in the service of your king and country, always doing the greatest good for the greatest num ber. Your resignation as superintendent of the hospital, has, I understand, been provisionally accepted. The work of the extension and enlarge- ment of the general hospital, in oder | to conform to the requirements of the medical college, is one which you have well in hand and the hospital, {city and university would sustain a | lose of your services. Your seat in the Ontario legisla- | ture is now open and I have not the slightest doubt that an acclamation would be most cheerfully acHorded you and supported by the Libera MNpa- per and the Liberal party. Myself and | thousands who supported Mr. Camp- bell today would most gladly work | | for and support you, if an election were forced, which is unthinkable, In the Federal House there are no grants to hospitals or universities, while in the legislature you would be ble to most fully serve the interests of the general hospital and your almh mater. ¥ Knowing that you have always had | the interests of this city at heart, I | would ask you if you do not believe | that Campbell at Ottawa with an al- | most certainty of cabinet rank, and | yourself at Toronto and also admin- | istering the affairs at the general | hospital, would not be to the benefit | |of Kingston. I believe if you were to | consults your constituents that the reply of every one of them would be in the affirmative. Sincerely yours, \ --J. NASH. | | Newman & In connection with polling of the vote in Kingston and Portsmouth, t ig is informed that there was intimidation practised at the Mowat Hospital where there was a ballot box for the use of the soldier-pa- tients. ulate you on ! 1 had on | : discredited (the government" defeated yesterday, | | your majority would {of the largest in Canada. i .mertime., e. postpaid, Open Nights. #Over the Hill to Ardentinny, There's Somebody Waiting For LAUDER SONG HITS All Numbers used by Sir Harry Lauder we have in stock, 1 Think I'll Get Wed in the Sum- When |. Was Twenty-One. I Know a Lassie Out in Ohio. Hame O'Mine. : | Saftest o' the Family. Forty Cents Per Copy--T hree For One Dollar LAUDER SONG ALBUMS (Words and Music) Four Albums, each containing 18 or more Lauder numbers, which in sheet music form would sell at over $7.00. At 75c. each, THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE Phone 919. NEN -- ---- | | | | | 1 ov" | | THE BI SALE OF FLOOR RUGS IS CONTINUED ON THURSDAY, Size 6 ft. 9x 9 ft.--$22.50 . Size 9 ft. x 9 ft.--$25.00 . | Size 9 ft. x 10 ft. 6--$30.00. Size 9ft. x 12 ft.--$35.00 .. .. G 4 DAYS TAPESTRY RUGS Note these prices as a sample of what we are doing. Best quality Tapestry Rugs:--- ..On Sale $15.00 - .On Sale $17.50 . .On Sale $18.50 .On Sale $18.50 Many Snaps in Brusselette, Fibre, Wilton or Axminster qualities, A sensible Christmas present for Hubby to give his better three- quar ters. « " Kingston's Carpet Warehouse "FURS 1" THE IDEAL GIFT » Furs appeal to everybody and at the Christmas season are particularly suitable. Choose your Furs carefully-- where you buy is as important as' what you buy. We have been making and selling Furs in Kingston for over forty years and buy our pelts direct from the trappers. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING 15 DAYS TO DO IT Escape the usual Christmas rush and get the best choice by shopping early. For useful gifts come to this store. | UH] | i INCIDENTS OF THE DAY) |'Racy Local News and Items of General Public Interest. Pianos tuned. Phone 1544, C. W Lindsay, Limited. St. Georges tea and sale Thursday from 3 to 6 o'clock in St. George's Hal" | Mr. Swaine, piano tuner, orders | jreceived at 100 Clergy street w | Phone 664w. i C. H. Beavies, one of the workers | on the Williamsville poll, was taken | ill on Tuesday, and had to be remoy- | ed to the General hospital by James | | Reid's motor ambulance | Mrs. Lackie treated the inmates at | | the Home for the Aged to ice cream : GOOD LOCATIONS $4,800 Victoria Street, new detuched brick dwelling, 7 rooms and bathrecom, hot air furnace, electric lights and gas, garage and driveway. immediate possession, if desired. $4,500--Neison street, detached solid brick bungalow, § rooms and bathroum, férnace, electric lights and ga®, with barn 12 x 29. Immediate possession .if desirdd. Ry HOUSES FOR RENT \. $25.00---5 rooms and bathroom, gas Lihimg, Jot air furnace; - trally located. Immediate: possession, $25.00--5 roomed Bungalow, furnace, clectric lights and gas, i 8Ses8iG Janyary 1st, 1922, E. W. MULLIN & SON EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Corner Johnson and Division Streets . . Pos- \ Phones 889w and 539J, ---_ jon Monday and Rev. J. 8, Laflair en- | itertained the inmates to lantern | slides. | i | A youth named Neilson, charged | | with selling firearms without a Mi-| | cense, was allowed to go on suspend- | led sentence in Wednesday's Police | court. | - | A nuisance and a man with a | grievance are much the same. | wl P4294 088000044 ! a | | %! OLDEST VOTER CASTS BALLOT FOR CAMPBELL . . The oldest voter in Kingston Tuesday was, Isaac Asselstine, who cast 'his ballot for J. M. Campbell. Mr. Asselstine is ninety-two years of age and re- sides on Upper Johnson street. He says that he has 1 TEP Mee voted Seventy-two times Liberal. In the early days, before he was twenty-one, he. voted upon his assessment, . PEPE P PEEP e bre EPP 000 4 +e § 0040030000004 0000 1 a Big Girl' High Laced | $3.95 Big Girls' High, Black Calf, Laced Boots, with medium sewn leather soles, and low, square heels, An ideal school ing comfort; style, and above al! else splendia Wear. Aq everywhere at $6.00. All sizes 215 to 7. OUR BIG SPECIAL .. ceive | 189 PRINCESS STREET