} ii. g Phone 1544. > ee WES1ERN MEATS COOKED. MEATS | McGEEIN'S Phone 1182 282 Princess Sireet > N---- "FOR MOVING OF Freight, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and Cartage of every description-- Kingston Transfer Co. Prose 877. 158 Wellingion Street. an Work a special- aranteed. Address 1453 Froatenn treet. Fhome 1277, ol HEALTH MESSAGE 10 THE WORLD Hake "Froit-a-fives" And Make Yourself Wel "Frait-a tives" the marvellous medi- cine made from fruit juices and tonics, is Lhe most bensfivial medicinal agent ti.at bas ever been given to mankind Just as oranges, appies, figs and Prunes are nacure's own medicine, s6 "Frait-a-tives"--made from these fruit Juices--but concentrated and intensified --is the greatest Stomach and Liver Medicine, the greatest Kidney and Bladder Medicine --the greatest Blood Purifier--ihe greatest remedy for Head. aches, Constipation, Indigestion, Nervous- ness and Bad Complexion--in the world, To be well, take "'Fruit-a-tives" 50c a box, 6 for $2.30, trial size 250. t dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Vy FV NR=TABLETS= MN LICR PT) Pills | RN ror Liver lis. | P&T i} THE - DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Salary Increased. clerk : Places § increased by $25 a same Lo take effect from 1921 300, Inecto Rapid orid"s_greatast, hair tint also the finest stock of human r goods and styles, with he W Pember exhibit at the ! Randolph Hotel, Thursday and Fri- day, Dec. 8th and 9th. can can Had Painful Accident, Dr. McCready, Pembroke, met wit painful injury. When coming out oi Opera House after the Bepnett 1 tig he siipped and sus'ained : badly sprained foot He is now a patient in the General hospital. Got A Dollar Out of It. One dollar for a good healthy cow a new record set by a Chestervilla farmer Shipping a "canner" to { Montreal, it sold there for $11.50 and after expenses of shipment wer: paid there was one dollar left ior 1§ the farmer, : Save What You Can. "'Mpney is very scarce, so if RAY. WINNETT Corner of Johnsun aud Wellington Streets Phone 863 'Dr. Waugh 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. Angrove's Repairs Scales, Talking Machines, Baby Carriages, Lawn Me rs, ete. W do repair work right and Suarantee | satisfaction. 197 WELLINGTON STREET WATTS | People's | Florist 177 Wellington street, Bicycles, | Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order, Ph 1763. Res, 1137, BUILDING ? 21 Main Street. AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIPS| | convenience to the people of King-| For particulars apply to:-- J. P. HANLEY, {C.P. & TA, GT. Ry, Kingston, Ont. Smoke ~- HS . |The service stations had a big sale i If you smoke plug-- | try T & B big plug NOURISHMENT is Nature's first aid to - the body in times of weakness. Scott's Emulsion unsurpassed r and goodness, is ina that seldom fails. Scott & Bowne, Toronts, Ont. 2-19 REPAIRS OR 'ERATIONS? Estima tes by O. Aykroyd & Son Phone 1670. want to save from $3 to $5 on Boys' and Men's Overcoats see car range. We have a large stock to choose from; we guarantee to save you mon ey. Prevost Clothing House, Brock | street. > Sale of Stamps. The sale of stamps to citizens by the letter carriers is proving a great | ston and is greatly appreciated, es- | pecially at this time of the year when 80 many letters and parcels are be- {ing mailed. The letter carriers re- port a brisk sale of the stamps. Big Day For Autos. ' Election day was-a heavy day on | gasoline. The bunch of cars used [in gathering up the voters were kept | very busy from the time the poll {opened until they closed, and they travelled many miles during the day | of gasoline. Women Around A Stove. | Voting day was a cool crisp day, {and a citizen remarked that it was | rather an unusual sight to witness | women workers gathered around a | coal oil stove in one of the polling | | booths, endeavoring to get warm. Outside workers had to step aroun: | hvely in order to keep warm. Death of John Amer. At his residence in lon Monday morning curred of a well known resident in | the person of John Amer, who passed | away in his seventieth vear, after an [illness extending .over a period of | about eighteen months. The late Mr | Amer was born at Delta, son of the {late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Amer, and | resided until twenty years ago in | that place, then moving to Philips- | Helps a Weak Throat, W. R McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOCK. '} | COAL | Cho'cest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by un, BOOTH & CO. - Grove lun Yard Phony 133 Double dwelling, three storey, large lot; 1 extra log. ' Good barn. Rents for 544 pel month. Price $4,500. W. H. GODWIN ~ & SON Real Estate and ssivance Brock + Phore 423, | | Farniture--Freight-- Baggage TRANSFER Phone 1776J S. WHITEMAN 210 QUEEN STREET Try a Renfrew Truck € 1 Ton Scale $35.00 W. H. COCKBURN Princess and Wellington Sts. 'PHONE 216. | J { You breathe through the By Breathing the Healing Balsams of i re You Are Made Well Without Using Drugs. Catar- rh inbaler-medicatell--air that {is full of healing, soothing belsams: / full of piney 'antiseptic essences that | resemble the air of the pine woods (i: the Adirondacks. This piney va- por has a truly marvelous action on weak throats.' It brings strength and | health to the bronchitic, stops that hacking cough and difficult breath- ing. You can't find anything for ! weak-throated people more Peneficial {than Catarrhozpne. It means heaven jon earth to the man that has had | bronchitis, catarrh or throat irrita-| tion. You will realize this the first {time you use Catarrhozone, which is a sclentific preparation specially de- igngd for diseases of the - nose, | throat and bronchial tubes. Get the large size, it lasts two months, costs 1 $1.00. Medium site, 50c.; sample size, 25¢. All storekeepers or the Catarrhozone Cg, Montreal. GAS IN THE STOMACH IS DANGEROUS | Recommends Daily Use of Magnesia To Overcome Trouble, Caused by Fermenting. Food and Acid Indigestion Gas and wind in the stomach ac-! | companied by that full, bloated feel- {ing after eating are almost certain DID YOU EVER Tg Wagstall's Glager Mar.aalade. yess Fiaeappie Marmainde, \ ugstafls Bramble Jelly. We alse have a full line uf other reliable makes of Marma- lade:, Jam and Jel" tu. saie EE Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King nad Earl Streets License No. 3-2T14n S---- ---- ct. ---- | GET IT REPAIR Sewing Machines; Phonograph, Guns, Riffes repaire and refitted. Parts suppiled. Saws ficd, knives, scissors and cdge tools grow: , 'Lueks icpdired, Keys ttied in All kinds of Weks. All manes of Auwn LoWers sharp. cd nad ree We can repalr wayiaing Rat ob repalrabie. , J. M. PATRICK iL J yaambim iY Kisgston The Mutual Life of Canada This is a Mutual Company, The policy holders own the Company entirely. There are no stockholders to share in the profits; all profits 80 to the policy holders, who therefore receive insurance at 'net cost. This is the only Mutual Com- pany in Canada. It i$ 50 years old, and has 225 million dol- lars' Insurance in force. "Be a Mutualige." S. Roughton District Manager The Mutual Life of Canada 60 Brock Street KINGSTON Phone 610. | evidence of the presence of excessive | hydrochloric acid in the stomach, ' creating so-called "acid indigestion." Acid stomachs are dangerous be- | cause too much acid irritites the deli- cate lining of the stomach, often leading to gastritis accompanied by serious stomach ulcers. Food ' fer- | ments and sours, creating the dis- | tressing gas which distends the stom- ach and hampers thé normal func- tions of the vital internal organs, of- | ten affecting the heart. It is the worst of folly to neglect such a serious condition or to treat | with ordinary digestive aids _ which { have no neutralizing effect on | the stomach acids. Instead get from | any druggist a few ounces of Bisurat- 'ed Magnesia and take a teaspoonful {in a quarter glass of water right af- | ter eating. This will drive the Bas, | wind and bloat right out of the body, sweeten the stomach, neutral- {ize the excess acid and, prevent its , formation ane there is no sourness or ! pain. Bisurated Magnesia (in pow- ; der or tablet form----never liquid or | mitk) is harmless to the stomach, in- expensive to fake and the best form of magnesia for stomach purposes It iis used by t of peuple who enjoy their meals with no more fear lot indigestion. : N\ \ - you | Philipsville | the death oc- | | Strengthens the Voice, | | Relieves Bronchitis. | Kingston and Vicinity 1 ! he carreid on a black £83 Deceased $s. survived.' Elizabeth Brya: Wa neriy chiidron | Don't Make Your Advertisement A mere announcement Made it news. This is a néwspaper and our readers want the best news of the day. If we were issuing a daily aue- tion list, a mailing list, a sailing list, a tax list or any othér registry s'ore | announcement will be appropriate, | but we are sending our patrons news {and that is what your patrons want. Good Day for Voting. "One of the best days we have had in some time for an election day," remarked an old timer in ele {tion to the Whig "The day was {good for foot traffic and also for | the autos, and this helps a great dea! in gelting out the vote, Besides, the {sun was shining, and we had ; {trouble getting out the voters wi | usually complain about weathey | | conditions." no | Bandmaster Bell te weave. | Thomas Bell, Smith's Falls {of the Citizens' and Boys' i sucession to W. B. Finlayson has ndered resignation and this month will leave wich Mrs. Bell for England. As a parting gift t members of the Boys' Band placed in Mr. Bell's hands a par: of a smoker's outfit in the form of a pipe. his no have | Umbrell' to Mend. | My little torn umbrellar its ways will have to mend, | For gen"rally when it starts to storm | It's at the other end. : But yesterday when it I sought | To shield me from the damp, [1t stood there waitin' by my desk { To take me to my camp. | Yet when the sleety gale did blow | And rain gobs poured about, } That doggoned ol' umbrell' o' mire | Turned wrong side out. | Grand Trunk Appointment. A circular has been issued. from headquarters appointing A. Blak» Chown, now general agent passenger | department, Canadian National- Crand Trunk Railways, New York | as assistant general passenger agent {Grand Trunk Railway System (west- fern lines), with office in Chicago. { Mr. Chown has held important posi- | tions on the Canadian railways, and this promotion is gratifying to his | many friends in Canada. He is a | Kingstonian, a nephew and A. F. and | Oliver Chown. | { Lowest Level in Years. | The present condition of very low) water in lhe St, Lawrence brings to | {mind a similar period twenty-five | years ago., William H. Brownhil! | veteran caretaker of Dewey's Island, | just off Alexandria Bay, recalls that { {during the year of 1896 the shoal |in the main channel opposite the is. | land was visible above the water to | even a greater extent thdh at pres- jent and that this is the first time | since that the shoal was actually | | above the surface. A Veteran at Rest, | One of the older residents of Cam-| den township, passed away in oe) death of William South, at the age of eighty-two years. He was born in| Kingston, but the family moved to] Camden when he was quite young, | "and nearly all his life was spent near Croydon. His first wife, who was Elza A. Knight, died about twelye | | years ago, and he was later married to Miss Jennie Murphy, who sarvi- | ves him. Owing to failing health \he | {left the farm about'a year ago, and removed to Tamworth, where' he | died on Nov. 24th. i { fo -------- { Winter in Algonquin Park. | | Algonquin Park is just the out-of- { { the-way sort of place for a holiday, ! { or for rest and recuperation for those | who are run down and need a change. | At an altitude of 2,000 feet the air here is pure. and bracing. All win ter sports are indulged in at. the Highland Inn, which will be open | from December 15th, 1921, until | March 15th, 1922. Th) Park is 200 | miles north of Toronto and 170 | miles west of Ottawa, and is reached | by the Grand Trunk Railway. An | illustrated booklet telling vou ail { about winter in Algonquin Park sent | tree upon application to, J. P. Han- | ley, C.P. & T.A, G.T.Ry., Kingston, | Ont. y i ------ An Odd Duck. When Capt. Tullock of thie steamer | {Clinton was coming down the lakes jon his last trip previous to pdftting j bie vessel in the dry dock at Cornwall | for ihe winter, and when between the | Main Ducks and Nine Mile Point, he saw a strange object on the boa: | | which turned out to be a duck of a! I ' disposing of the case against | spite of the fact that she ; { husbands, both were living with her! under the same roof. } | fairs went on harmoniously, they In- | formed the court, i when you ask for it: {Milburn Co., ~~ 60 T0- ScHoot both and .in- either as a refresher, or as rely new work, as many of thos» the ragiment are not fam'l- this branch of the se served overseas with infantry 1gh two or three names have eady struck off the isi. i= to carry on with thd uni, through lack of. interest or poor a: tendance, several have joined the coursé later and have shown them- selves most enthusiastic Apparen!- ly some of the would-be cavalrymen have the idea that if they alread Ww enough to pass the examina- ns at the end of the course, they | good enough for the 4th Hus sars, but the authorities in charga, are more concerned with the ipterest | shown in the course and the regi- ment than with the results of the fi- | sts, work interesting ctive the str now with iar with , ar he kno are nal t HAD TWO HUSBANDS UNDER ONE ROOF Extraordinary Gase of Bigamy Is Aired in Windsor Court. Windsor, Dec. 7.--'"One of the most extraordinary cases I have ever | heard of," Judge Gundy remarked in Windsor police court yesterday, when Mrs: Pearl Cummings, 962 Campbell Av- enue, charged with bigamy. In had two Family .af-| Police said that the triangular ex- periment went along perfectly for a year until Saturday night, when Cummings, husband No. 1, quarrel- | ed with George McDonald, husband | No. 2, while under the influence of liquor. In view of the circumstances, Judge Gundy allowed the woman to g0 on suspended sentence. The big- amy charge against McDonald was | not pressed. i | May Have Three Years' Delay. i Paris Dec. 7.--Germany will prob- ably be granted a three-years' delay in her cash indemnity payments, the Associated Press is informed from the most reliable source. Negotia- | 3 | tions are now going on between the 7 me reparations officials of "France and Great Britain, and the responsible of- ficials of both countries virtually agree that Germany must be given a'| breathing spell. All that remains to be done is to work out a scheme ac- | ceptable to both countries. { DON'T NEGLECT BRONCHITIS The principal symptom of bronchi- ! tis is a cough which is dry, harsh! and hacking, accompanied with | rapid wheezing, and a feeling of tightness through the chest. | Thére is a raising of phlegm, es- pecially in the morning after risinz from bed. This phlegm is at first of a light color, but as the trouble pro- | gresses it becomes of a yellowish or | greenish color and is sometimes | streaked with blood. i DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP you will find a remedy that will Stimulate the weakened bronchial or- Bans, subdye the inflammation, Soothe the irritated parts, loosen the phlegm and mucous, and help nature to easily dislgdge the 'morbid accu- mulation, | Mr. John H. Root, 40 Maple Ava, Hamilton, Ont., writes: -- "I was | troubled with bronchitis and had a very bad cough. I had it 80 long I} was beginning to get afraid of other | developments. I tried all kinds of cough rémedies without relief. I was | advised by a friend to try Dr. Wood's | Norway Pine Syrup, so I got a bottle, | | | | and it convinced me to believe that I had at last gotten the right medicine: I used several tically well. tc others since, lowed." Be sure and get bottles a am prac- I have recommended it and good results fol- "Dr. ' Wood's" price 36¢c. and only by The T. Limited, Toronto, Ont. 100 ILL TO 80c. a bottle; put up Mother Tells how Da wr Mie he Wall by ughter Coma hae Valls © ; kind unfamiliar to him. This was a* | " {night and the bird seemed to be vet | wildered and was easily caught and | {put in the bath tab, where it made | { itself quite at home. When he Clin- | ito got to Cornwall the strange duck | was referred to the bird expert of the | ! Freeholder, who identified i= as 8 | male specimen of the long-tafisd | jduck or old wife, locally known as | |Caween or Old Squaw. It is mostly | |a sea dick, and on the eastern oan | {of the United States is called South, | | Southerly, from the resemblance of | /its cry to those words. | | 3 ---- ! { Provisional Cavalry School. The provisional! sehool of cavalry, ! | being conducted at the armories for | | the benefit of the 4th Hussars, is now | jon its fourth week and has been pro- | ,gressing very nicely since -inaugnra- tion. Beiween ten and twelve of the members of the regiment are at- teading this course and have. found | | | iin "DIN E WITH one lap ahead of the poorhouse is Jlave.te ride around in a 1918 modal To Power Users We carry several sizes of Wood Spit Pulleys and Bushings. Immediate delivery from stock. Prices reduced, - S. ANGLIN & CO. Vuodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay Streets, KINGS10N, Ont. Office-'houe Gb, ' Phone 1413. aud Wellington Factory h L ME AT KINGSTON'S | LEADING | _ RESTAURANT The excel quality ni Courteous snd o of their food is waiters ging, ng at aome expensive O HAVE BEEN lowest pe le 30 5) it's More UCES } to the con "Istent be sur. 3 of when you have finish- Come and be d their thay J ke din weucs level with qua and you') prised at the E your check ed your convinced THE GRAND CAFE YH Be Art et At eet ry. an BIG CUT IN PRICES on Maxotires and Tubes, for 10 Days 20% of Maxotires and Tubes. mall amount repast. reduction on all sizes A few Tires at cost. EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBI ER Co. A. NEAL, Manager 284 On tarie Sireut. Phone fuel. be -- - NE coy an an SOWARDS KEEPS COAL --and-- COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 155. UPTOWN OFFICE--hMcGALL'S CIGAR STORE PHONE 811. SOWARDS COAL COMPANY | - WINTER OVERCOATS MEN. and YOUNG MEN'S NEW * NEW MODELS -- BEST VALUES $25.00, $28.00 $35.00, $38.00 . TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) Gifts of Linen Always Please--We Are Headquarters For Pure Irish Guest Towels, hemstitched wi th guetly damask border at $1.00 and J 7 [1 ; Large Huck and Damask Towels with beautiful pattern borders at $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75. Pure Linen Huck Towelling -- plain and fancy--18, 22, and 27 inches | wide, at 60c., 75c¢., 90c. and $1.00 a yard, Tray Cloths, Runners, Lunch Cloths, Serviettes in plain, hemstitched, -.]Pamask and Embroidered in all th- © 4 'wanted sizes, & \ poe people's idea of being just [and China. fs golden color is du to | to selective breeding. due ¥ We know people who have their consciences so well trained they will lie down and roll over at the saap finger. . : a " The goldfish was originally brown T, and is a native of Japaniof a