rr mb ror Et on am tri tr i na THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. : o 0000S | IXTURE The Most Wonderful Achievement in Cookery Since the Invention of the Cook Stove No More Cake Failures! Every Cake a Huge Success SO SIMPLE a 10-year-old girl can make a wonderfully, delicious and wholesome cake. Bake it either as a loaf cake, layer cake or tea cakes. EXCELO Cake Mixture is a preparation that contains in one package the flour, sugar, shortening, eggs, milk, bak- ing powder and flavoring; all accurately measured, so that you get just the proper amount--no more, no less, of each ingredient. All you do is to mix it with cold water, and bake. Millions are using it, for they have found they get a mueh better cake than where they follow the old recipes and make cake the old-fashioned way. It is much FRIDAY, DEC. 0, 1929. mi En LIVER TROUBLE - -- 1 Diary of a Fashion Model Bad Bilious Attacks By GRACE THORNOLIFFE When your liver becomes sluggish { She Discusses Some Novel Poluts of == : and fnacti-e your whole health sut- | the New Hats, 2 ss fers. Your bowels become constipat- | Rosalie Hutton is a young girl | = ed, the tongue coated, the breathy, ou op, io studying design' with a |= bad, the stomach foul and sick, and | 0 to becoming a creator of hats. | = Lillous spells occur on account of the |p °% 0, reason we sometimes fare -- liver holding back the bile which is forth ¢ her 40 gle Oh ode: |= £0 essential to promote thé movement | fOTth togather to glimpse the modes = of the bowels, and the bile gets into | Which appear on the avenfie or other out | meeting places of fashionable wom- | § the blood, instead of passing through the usual channel. en, = The only way to keep the liver ac- A few days ago she called and = tive and working properly, and thu? | asked me if I would walk down the | = get rid of the nasty billous attacks, | avenue the following Sunday, as she |= 8 to keep the bowels regular by us- ly 404 to study the modes in pres- | ing as ent-day miilkz ery. MILBURN'S Li Fortunately, it was a beautiful | ~ LAXA-LIVER PILLS day, and so we met as arranged. We | They aro purely vegetable, small fp 4" ooo gone far, however, when | EY mt eri 48 os encima Ke: y "yr iriping, weakening and sickening ef-| 'I've forgo! my sketch-book, 0 I'll have to make my drawings from fects of the old-fashioned purgatives. 'Ta Mr. John 8. Caron, Donavon, Sask., | memory afterward. Will you help | writes: --"I was troubled with my me?" liver and had severe bilious attacks. "Of course, I will," was my reply A friend advised me to try Milburn's "That's sweet of you," was her an Laxa-Liver Pills, so I took two vials swer, and I have had no more attacks." "But yow'll have to. do your | MILBURN'S part, also," I said, "for we'll proh- | LAXA-LIVER PILLS ably see no end of hats that will ap- | are 25c. a vial at all dealers, or » | peal to you. mailed direct on receipt of price by "AN right" said Rosalie | The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron-| , AM right, save. f What do you think of that crea- to, Ont. tion?" I asked, as a very gracefu!- Comfort Your Skin ' With Cuticura Soap and F t Talcum x wh cheaper-- One Package, Making Large Two-story Cake, Costs only 35¢ The Same Package Will Make a Large Loaf Cake, or 30 Tea Cakes : YOUR MONEY BACK IF NOT PLEASED d Aes PHONE your Grocer to-day to send you a package. You can have your choice of flavors: Lemon, Van#la, or rich Chocolate or spicy Devil's Food. All flavors sell at the same price. AGENCY FOR ALL ALL (Grocers noted below have EXCELO in stock and recommend it: Oscar Fitchett, Deseronto, Ont. George Houle, Deseronto, Ont. D. Ryan, Colborne and Sydenham Streets, Kingston, Ont. Robinson's Retail Grocery, Princess Street, Kingston, Ont. H. J. Smith, King and Barrack Streets, Kingston, Ont. Mrs. A Speizman, Wellington and Barrack Streets, Kingston, Ont. Mrs. A. Speizman, Division and York streets, Kingston, Ont. C. Peters, Barrack and Rideauq streets, Kingston, Ont. M. Kennedy, Montreal and Chakles Streets, Kingston, Ont. Mrs. Wartelsky, Raglan Road and Bagot street, Kingston, Ont. W. C. Shales, 71 Pine Street, Kingston, Ont. R. J. Clark, Cherry and Pine Streets, Kingston, Ont. M. V. Ainslie, University Avenue and Brock Street, Kingston, Ont. C. E. Driscoll, Market Square, Kingston, Ont. C. C. Treneer, Raglan Road and Patrick Street, Kingston, Ont. 8. J. Smith, Barrie and Colborne Streets, Kingston, Ont. J. C. Hopkinson, Raglan Road and Main Street, Kingston, Ont. J. C. Hopkinson, Pine and Patrick Streets, Kingston, Ont, E. Graham, Albert and Princess Streets, Kingston, Ont. Anderson Bros., Ltd., Princess and Division Streets, Kingston, Ont. James Redden & Co., Princess Street, Kingston, Ont. W. J. Nesbitt, Johnson and University Avenue, Kingston, Ont. J. Cullen, Princess and Alfred Streets, Kingston, Ont. S. A. Caverly, King and Earl Streets, Kingston, Ont. James Crawford & Son, Princess Street, Kingston, Ont. A. Glover, Bagot and Earl Streets, Kingston, Ont. D. J. Millan & Son, Princess and Ontario Streets, Kingston, Ont. W. E. Hopkinson, Brock Street, Kingston, Ont. J. M. Gordon, Montreal and Bay Streets, Kingston, Ont. P. H. Baker, Princess and Frontenac Streets, Kingston, Ont, D. Couper, Princess Street, Kingston, Ont. C. H. Pickering, Princess and University Avenue, Kingstor, Ont, J. A. Percy, Division and Earl Streets, Kingston, Ont, - = = 3 George Granger, Portsmouth, Ont, = = = 5 = s 2 = Eo] OCEAN STEAMSHIPS For particulars apply to:-- J. P. HANLEY, CP. & T.A, G.T. Ry, Kingston, Ont. Pr re meson A GREAT BOON There are many mothers, nervous wn in vitality, to whom. y " Scott's Emulsion would be a great boon. It's the very genius of Scott's Braieron to build strength, Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. eee ALSO. MAKERS OF cence Ki-m0oIDs (Tablets or Granules) ron INDIGESTIO 20-15sk Wickhani Bros., Portsmouth, Ont. H. W. Kelly, Napanee, Ont. Thomson Bros., Napanee, Ont. Spencer & Son, Napanee, Ont. Manufactured in Canada by: -- CANADIAN EXCELO COMPANY 489.93 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO, ONT. Metal Embroidery and Rich Colors Distinguish These Examples of 1 dest Hats. looking girl appeared on our horizon, wearing a smart tricorne. "That's a stunning model," re- marked Rosalie, "even if it's only a tricorne." "Why, the tone of disdain when | = ie Sh [722 IP 0E ut tricornest™ 1 waked. ge Mii » A A ME A At Ne NAA AA rN etre ie Tr TH! a ------ ry, don't mean to be disdain- ful," answered Rosalie, "only tri- cores seem to have a perpetual vogue." "Yes, to a great ex'ent that is 80," I remarked. "They're awfully smart-looking when worn b> the right type of wo- man," continued Rosalie, "Yes, and if you'll notice," I add- ed, "there's a little change in their style each season." or "That's so," answered Rosalie, "for 1 see this hat of brown antique satin has rather a low crown and | very long points." | "It's effective, however, the trim- ming of gold gallon aylund the oap | edges, as well as the tte of gold ' | lace, is decidedly smart," 1 sald. Delic rant | "You seem to have grasped every Absolutely pure | detail about that hat, so you must 4 remember as I'm going to have you 3 est for Baby-B est for You make a sketch of it," sald Rosalie, BARNS py pers. ven we n-------- smiling. PENA ANNA AANA lA PANN TELISDYSPEPTI(S |. va. - cove, oc one for you to draw from memory." 3 "I see' one that appeals to me," re- WHAT T0 EAT marked Rosalie a little later, as we . continued our walk down the avenue, Avoid Indigestion, Souk Acid Stom-. "Where?" I asked. ach, Heartburn, Gas on "Just ahead of us, going down- Stomach, Etc. town," was Rosalie's answer. x S------ " that dra; hat?" ' Jndiges tion and practically all WA Wean bd - orms of stomach trouble, say medi- pi . " laim H cal authorities, are due nine times He. Right you are, Big d-Rosg out of ten to aa excess of hydrochloric : ' "" acid In the stomach. Chronic "acid| "I wonder what that's made of, stomach" is exceedingly dangerous|I murmured as I hastened forward, aud sufferers should do either one of | for there was a shimmering effect two things . about the hat. Either they can go on a limited] - "Oh, you should recognize tha' and often disagreeable dlet, avoid- declared Rosalie, regarding me with | > a Ing fonds that disagree with them, a funny little'smile. that fIrritate the stomach and lead "Now I see," I replied, "it's a bro- PILM les Buy LORAINE BARS" by the box. - Packed 12 ten cent Bars or ° 24 five cent Bars, HAROLD F. RITCHIE & CO, LTD,, Seles Represtniatioss, 10-18 McCaul Street, TORONTO ' - - - Sn, A ins nm, ~d s place is in the home, Approximately 3,400 interned per- (late to persons who have been trled | the firm of Caseels, Son Co., stock but.a lot' of women want it to be a sons are affected by the Irish release | and convicted. brokers, Dominion Bank bu Bome where there is a bridge party order, which, however, does not re- Walter Gibson Cassels, head of Toronto, died on Wednesday, going on, -- . . INA NINAAAAI A N ¢It is not the lack of love that to excess acid secretion or they can " eat as they please in reason and |cade. make it a practice to counteract the effect of the harmful acid and pre- vent the formation of gas sourness Or premature fermentation by the use of a little Bisurated Magnesia at their meals. There is vrabebly no better, safer or more reliable stomach antiacid than Bisurated Magnesia and it fs widely used for this purpose. It has no bole on the stomach and is not a t22t. But a teaspoon- ful of the powder or a couple of five grain tablets taken In a little water with the fod will neutralize the excess acidity which may be present and prevent its further formation. This removes the whole cause of the trouble and the meal digests natural- ly and h without need of pepsin pills o ficial digestents, Get a ew ounces of Bisurated M.guesia fiom any reliable drug either powder or tab- 68 as a lquid, milk | the form : . 'Try this plan and eat what you want at your next meal and see if this isn't the best ad: you ever had on "what to eat." Jobn Sword, farmer, drowned at Bracebridge. S "Yes," said Rosalie, "a gray bro- cade shot through with silver threads." "The draping on the upturned brim is 'quite clever and somehow suggests "hose rolled effects which we associate with the headgear of oriental potentates," I remarked. "I suppose that felt hat with cu' edges will be your next choice," said Rosalie, as a girl appeared wearing the lavender gray felt. "You're right," I answered. "I'm very fond of that shade, and I think the viole: trimming beautiful." * " I knew you'd like it," said Rosa- again, but when some people get through distorting it the Father of Lies is justified in claiming it as his own, & : Maybe if the movie producer would use finer screens not quite so much scandal would sift through. A lot of the folks who are light on their feet. are also light about the head, we have observed. > Truth crushed to earth may rise, a.b wrecks most homes--it is too much sclf love. . 3 Instead of repeating half that she hears a gossip will tell twice as much SUOANSEASESPATN \ i rheu- matic aches are relieved fd Sg 2 Cod ie for sciatica, fumbags Prorimlmd 'Sioans' Lisihat handy and at. the ore it aa ut Foe Mugg At all i= 70c, $1.40. White or Black Satin Slippers, Silver Slippers. Kid or Patent Strap; P ith high Frencii or Baby Lous Host = | "ps with high Frond} The newest in Dress Slippers, | The Sawyer | Phone 159 *