» THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG : FRIDAY, DEC. 0, 1921, ee -------------- ee When the Family Woke Up When dad swung into a waltz; when mother tried the fox-trot, and Bill and the girls jazzed through many graceful steps quickened by the music from the Columbia Grafonola, that's when the family woke up. Come in and see this beautiful instrument, pleasant to look at and delightful to own. Hear it played. Ask us about the exclusrve Nom Set Automatic Stop. Nothing to move or set or measure. Just start the Grafonola, and it plays and stops itself. We are always pleased to demon- strate the Columbia Grafonola. So be sure to come in. You are always welcome, This week-end we again offer you a genuine COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA, Frpe X--was $135.00--now terrrivsirievs $05.00, Mahogany or Fumed Oak finish; Automatic stop and other exclusive fea- tu res SPECIAL EASY TERMS. Come and see this bargain. RECORDS The most complete stock in Kingston . - . . 65e,, 85¢., $1.25 (127), $1.50 Shop early in the day and avoid the evening rush. TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. PHONOGRAPHS--RECORDS--SKATES--CAMERAS 88 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 529, "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" ------ TWEE vw v wv verve, We Serve Good Meals For good meals prepared right come and try us -- you will be delighted with our service. Everything you could want served as you like ft, Dainty Restaurant 83 D'RINC SS STREET Er Chrysanthemums . are now in season. You can always depend on getting them fresh from Lawson & Collins, Florists Try us for anything you need in floral work. Store, Wellington and Brock Conservatories, Nights and Sundays, Pho phone 770. 68 Centre, Phone 1174J. hone 687%. 1 i {goal is one Position the senfor Argos i|do not want to have to worry about. L Gallinger has more thin mede good. i Michael's last night, is a brother of i ; ar, a VT) A WINTER (COLLAR ora ts mim fire buras and scorched, but the wisest men will fall chance: of getting for the vamps. The Old Reliab] | In the World of Sport eo me a { neigitborhood of 150 teams, exclusive lof affiliated organizations, which {have many.teams themselves, | | -- | Sammy Lichtenheim, former pre- Glen Sullivan, who refereed the [8ident of the Montreal ball club, dées second game of the Argonaut-Pitts. | not want to get mixed up in pro- burg series at Pittsburg rccently, | fessional baseball again, if he can claims that the correct score for that |help it. "I am a plucked pigeon a. game was a 4-4 tie. The Pittsburg | far as baseball is concerned. Never officials disputed the last goal, but | asain," said Lichtenheim. Referee Sullivan ruled otherwise, -- --: Battling 8iki, the Sinanglese, out- Mike O'Dowd, 8t. Paul, middle- | Pointed Paul Journee, but could not weight, has been matched with Mike | Knock him out, Evidently Battling Gibbons for a ten-round no-decision |Siki lacks a kiki, The Singalese bout in the Twin City, December |C0uldn't make Journce hear the 16th, | birdies sing--or couldn't even cut | short Journee's journey, as it were. "Minor" Comes High. Charles O'Connell of the San Fran- | cisco club im the Pacific Coast was { bought by Manager J. J. McGraw of | the New York Giants, it was an- . --- | counced here today. The price paid ie ote, te 51. Pag) Bantam [for the outfielder was $75,000, sald Sharkey a return Ea : Moore {to be the highest figure ever given beat the New Yorker last winter | tor a player taken from minor lea- ies | gue company, . - : O'Connell will play with the San . Vincent Pepper Martin, Jrooklyy | pe Com team next season, joining featherweight, has been matched to | the Giants in 1923 meet Harvey Bright, another Brook- : lyn scrapper, on the same card with Tendler and Friedman. Gratifying. --- Heinle Groh, who is at Havana Johnny Reisler, who knocked out | riaying exhibition baseball when tol Mike Arra last week, will do battle | that he had been traded to the New with Soldier Seaman for = twelve | York National League ball club for rounds at New York next Monday. | Outfielder George Burns and Catcher (Seaman is a former amateur boxes | Mike Gonzales said: -- "The news is as gratifying as it is Earl France, the Pacific coast | surprising, I'm certainly anxious for [lightweight, will make his first ap- | the season to open, and you can be | pearance in New York, Saturday. | sure I'll do my best." {night, when he meets Italian Jack | Gonzales, whose home is here, { Dempsey, of Brooklyn, for 'twelve |$aid: "I'll do my share to win a pen- (rounds at the Ridgewood Grove |Nant for the Reds." Sporting club. ment that Ed. Onslow will be the Leafs' 1922 manager, while it looks like "Wild Bill" Donovan for Read- ing. Toronto players make the state | | - It a wife insists on learning to The Commonwealth Sporting club, [smoke, her husband should give her of New York, is making efforts to |the first lesson on one of his old pipe. | match George Lavigne, the San Fran- { She'll never care for the second les- [cisco lightweight, and Johnny Dun- | SOD. dee, for the junior title. Lavigne | Jealousy must be inborn with wo- beat Bobby Lyons receutly, and made | We0. There's no other way of ex- quite an impression. | plaining why some of them get jea- lous over the husbands they have. Gallinger, so Glenn Sullivan said Money talks, but we also have no- on his return from Pittsburg yester- [teed that the lack of it Will causy day, turned in two of the finest ex- | the neighbors to talk. hibitions of goaltending ever seen in Pittsburg or any other place, and Millan, who played centre for St. Rube and Terry Millan, of Kingston, and he gives promise of developing into a smart hockey player. Charlie Langlois 1s sald to be on his way to Hamilton to play for the Tigers It Dandurand gets wind of this he will break off diplomatic relations with Thompson. Leo Dandurand states that the few dollars he offered Bouchard was $80 a week and a bonus of $100 if he made good. "Bouchard has very ordinary position," says Dan- durand, "and if money is any obe ject, es it must be from the way he talks about the offer I made him, he would have accepted unless he is getting more to remain amateur." The Canadiens have offered $200 to any regular player who will bring 2 new man that will make good. Sprague Cleghorn is after Billy Bou- cher as his nominee, Vezina will likely bring out four or five of his children. W. R. Granger says the Bouchard case will likely lead to the unmask- ing of other amateurs. George Carey is a holdout from Tigers. This deft little player should be a bear under the penalty rules as he is seldom ruled off, St. Pats are well fortified for the nct position with Vernon Forbes and Roach in line. It is stated that the, are after other amateur stars and will have a couple signed before the season gets under way. Pittsburg went down to defeat be- fore the Toronto Argonauts by a score of four goals to two. Clarence Gallinger of Cornwall was in the Double Blue nets, and *Dinny" Manners, Terry McGovern and Dink Madden of Ottawa were on the Am- erican line up." Larry and Joe Mc- Cormick both played, the latter tallying the first goal of the home team's goals. The rubber hounds in Timmins have been loosed and the gold camp . will have one of the shiftiest teams . on record in line when the season opens, "~ Leth Graham is going well in Re- gina and his work is being highly commented on. Moran and Borland, two Brandon boys, reported to the same club but decided not to stay. Let the hockey referee brace up. Judge Landis has whitewashed a baseball umpire who took the law in his own hands and thrashed a spec- tator who assaulted him. George Vezina will have to play mighty well to keep in the limelight now that it has been discovered that Edward Bouchard also comes from Chicoutimi. _The prospects are for a record en- try in the OHA. this season. in the IN CHICAGO, Zbyszko Will Meet Plestina There, Jatk Herman, manager of Zbyszko, EC : R d for 25c. says he is willing to have the big ~T i : LTD., MONTREA son of Poland meet Marin Plestina, who challenged the winner at Madi- | " ~ --~- PE A re Near Sm Seema 4 son Square Garden, New York, on! -------- Monday night. He will permit Zbys zko to wrestle Plestina only in Chi- | cago, Herman's hom¥ city, Plestina would have no objection : to this condition, as he is willing to | meet Zbyszko anywhere. But Her- | man further stipulates that the rules | must be as he specifi d that all | . . Be ater a tries gud on ] Beautiful Boudoir and Table Lamps, Irons, Zbyszko, whether he won or lost the | Toasters Desk Lamps | ' o match, In other words, it must be a Her- | man match or Plestina can't play | with Zbyszko in a ring. Tex Rickara has declared that he stands ready to | : stage a match at Madison Square | Garden between Zbyszko and Ples- | . . . tina, and is willing to bid more | money for such a match than any | 167 PRINCESS STREET other place. | But in spite of the fact that Zibby | won his alleged title here, the dia- \\ ] mond-studded belt and a big wad of | e~ -------------- money, Herman says he will not al- | more because of the foolish rules the recently insisted should govern low him to wrestle in New York anyNew York Athletic commission had wrestling bouts, Still The Most For The Money . a a 21 Ret 3 € 3. 3 ; = - N rN ele Put Lo it Bont) PR Eo Ei BY Ls '3 i Jnr No. 350 Series--Siliver plated rasor, strep, year's sw, ly of blades, flat metal case, $5.50 When Your Choice Is His Choice! EN your choice is hig choice, the pleasure of giving and réceiving is doubly enhanced. Sometimes one of the difficulties of Christmas shopping is to know just what recipient would like. When you are thinking of giving that most useful of all gifts to men--a safety razor---you can make no mistake when you select a Valet AutoStrop for that is the choice of men themselves. They know that no razor can give a clean, comfortable shave unless its edge has been stropped. So they choose the Valet AutoStrop Razor because it strops its own blades, on a straight leather strop (without any "extra" attach- ments), and provides a fresh, keen edge for every day in the year. It saves constant blade-expense, and saves time and trouble--for it strops, shaves and cleans without re- moving the blade. fansite tomy fous Fr rh am dor ment of cases $5.00. Fancy Sets up to $16.50, Auio-Strop Razor AutoStrop Safety Rasor Co., Limited, Toronto fe \ \