THE DAILY BRITISH W : a : FRIDAY, DEC. 9, 1021, GR AN D To-night and Sat. vy THE REX STOCK CO. Presenting A CoEY "TWENTY-FOUR HOURS OF TRUTH" IN 3 ACTS THE PEOPLE'S FORUM |. | Vandeville Be tween Acta A By-law for Granting Mlamsmce acct stic. iu: CONDENSED AUVERTISING RATES of WANTED GENERAL | FOR BALE B ; th A a rrr eS TT l TWO SEJS OF LIGHT BOB SLEIGHS, a nus { e : 1 "ach con: ---- : nn Fiat icsertion, 1¢ 8 werd - air, GENTLEMAN boa! FONE ORY. | FOUND New England Bakery GRAND -MONDAY, secutive Insertion there = n tent a word. Minimum ¢ for 1 i y 3 r Sa hs ! : me yr insertion, 28¢c; three i us, { ' o ------------ A PAIR OF TORTOISE SHE ' MALE AND FEMALE BIRDS. APPLY 0 ries it «++, Bargain Matinee 2.30. Evening 50 cents. | Tim nose glasses. Owne y | 421 Barrie or nhone 1512J. } 'above rates are for cash only. | : es . - have same at McColl's Dr | a Ce E---------------------- Te they are double ! K."> Apply 234 Ont Street Store | ONE BRASS ANTIQUE + 13 ° LAND. nthe i . Ey a ------ = J with shade Apply Box = a . Ye Sinn PRICE MAT. = : =| | a :C CE = ! . ar --- ! ABOU A LADIES' BLACK NECK ECE nr me OND] PRICES HELP WANTED. | RO uae -- How _ARoUy on Union street, bety | || DRESS SUIT IN FIRST CLASS CONDI- | bs after nes LF ie : | Wa Use Argon Sool pear I'rop a vision and Barrie ti size 37. Apply 367 Barrie St ¢ ctories. Limited, for the EVENING: ~. & : pr card 2 5 rrach Owner may have sar y 4 a 3 E WOMAN TO DO WASHING, APPLY card to . 8 Barrack S h Ea Ly hy SAF i Municipality 3 A WOMAN Ww Tice SE PER sling at #8 Union W TWO MUSK 0X ROBES IN PRIME RE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by 25, 5, 75e, $1 me ---- aoe. see rt Cv h v2 xs ! . 3 GLASSES 0P- condition at Dolan"s Harness Store, | the Municipal Council of th rp 5 | SITUATIONS VACANT ij. ® PAIR OF JOSE AS i] Prihcras Scant | tion of the City of Kingst SEATS NOV. ON SALE = = MAIL ORDERS NOW GOOD, GENERAL SERVANT; MUST 8/7) - | may have same at F -- ~ me eee em 1. For the purpose mer re | Best Cartoon Show Ever im Toronto---Globe. aole to cook. Wages §35.00 per| BIG $5 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS Hal ueen's Universi |] $223.00 BUYS A GOOD 1918 FORD] preamble the sum of $1,000 p } fs I, Queen's Uni month. Apply at once to M *1 greeting car sample book free . touring: tired new; mechanjcal con- | pavable in €qual monthly instal Herbert Daly, Napane . Ont. workers, celebrated, inexpen-! LADY'S PURSE, CONTAI $ dition good. Palmer, cornér Bagot 4 period of five years begin- sive, R 18 secure orders 3 iY sum of mone } | and Queen streets First day of January, . : y TR ¢ men and wo-| | 5S street 'ne a-------- ! iven by way 'of bonus io] HEAR "EM YELL and Yell With Them AN Through Those Whinsy, WORKING HOUSEKEEPLR WANTED nic nik ve dollars up ave same at Upper | NICE BUNCH OF POULTRY, INCLUD- \gston Factories, Limited, for the Dizzy Moments of the Swiftest Fuvo thall Match Ever Seen on the Screen, for small hotel near Ki 19; mus aal ver ar capital or | harlies Stre ing" Rocks an purpose of paying rental for a factory | be good cook and nave city refer-| JNnecess garret- | tBaries Stree for sale cheap 5 4 | conditional upon thelr employing dur- €¢ ] ® ) | ence. Apply Box D-20, Whig. | 2 y. Br : ; THANKSGIVING MONDAY. ON || street | ing the time of said payments sevent 5 University ground gen - Ye-------- ltt sir mew five employees, exclusive of office sta LL xl = man's gold seal FIREW 00D -- M, MAPLE, AS # with a mo ithly pay roll for such em- | GOOD JOBBERS AND TRAVELER owner may have same at ihe } cul in stovewood if hs. Lu X vees of $3,000 The said mor thiv WITH THE COLLEGE HALFBACK for a well-known to wii Ap ee------ - - Whig Office. wagon payment be withheld and forfeited | ih . . ply to George O. Gunner, Sie | FURNISHED HOUSE To wi R. } IngEton. | during any month in which Kingston | CHARLES RAY in tant, 253 DAlguillon, Que Mle til March 1st i23 I Street N KINGSTON STHEEC CARS, "actorie imited, fail to eniploy that; ACTION=TURILLS--TOL CH-DOWNS 56 . 3 Iho J one cameo ring, and ne number of employeas and pay that - 3 woe : | amount as nonth ay roll in cons! A CPRESENTATIVE FOR WL SS---------------- 1 ve , § amount a a m ntl y pa ro : ! ~ JUCAL RET ps implements OLLINGWOOD STRIL may hav SRI ¥ proving Ww I +n mn with a factory situated in said h "FERN ReDAratc Apply J. I°. Lesile, {i { ert t tailway i : ne \ ( V . . rare pad e e! : f : 2. The said. Kingston Factorresit B , i ; | -------------- Limit shall allow S i « wide-aw k man } S------------ ees * x v, "ug 3 n Rm * | Don Lr ae ake : S¥ ROOM WITH BOARD; | A LOW BROwN RH. | versity Avenue. taeir books and vouchers at any time ry -- ---- | all « anicaces, Apply 376 Bar- > longing to a | | by the City C1 the Ci#y Auditor, rie es 2238w fout wner have same ; VILLAGE STORE, POST OFFICE AND| for the pur e of ascertaining whether : i 192 Division { telephone jy s in good that r of persons are employed | = ----.,_ WE WANT A RELIADLE SALES ---- ree - by applying S : PD } ostain o 3 of money is being paid in agent for each unrepresented coun INCL oan In pi Btrgel | s of store' and dwelling 1thiy pay roll STRAND TO-DAY San venietives Jone : pa ---- ty or territo-y. Exciusive' seiling " 3 TIRE CRZIN ox il 2 t a vie Te didi ; is By-law shall come in force and " . 2 snNerg I AUTOMORBILE TIRE CHAIN ON ach , barn and 1-5 acre' of y-iaw shall come in force an - Fights; good Py ane Belle rep EE Princecs St urday night. b be bought for $1,500.00, »- | take fect 1 the day 2t the passing | he Saturday Eve ng Post Story - ' o { p To vner ma 2 sam 1 alf cash. Generai store stoc reg ub, to i reing assente » « : OF JANUARY, LODGE ner maj e same at the [| half cas enerai s ere, 3 oF > 12 being | By William H. Hamby able. Write Pelham Nursery occupied by the I. O. O. invoice price. An exceller pening | to by the Electors. "RED FOAM?" Zoronto, Oat to Cunningham & Smith for any one wishing to engage me ; i ™ * i A IN 'LES "ER | Jrock Street Phone 3 ! NE OME, $13 TO 865, FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD: FOUND ARTICI ES ADVER ] Broc I Ly AT NOWE, § : it Tprosenenn eral m--mmmcmooocl Phone 88, NOTICE a ure on Children 23e, | promaotic f the manufacturers in tion ot a Adults | business. J. K. Carrol} Agency, 68 ekly fo, our #pare tin: 3 MRE i oy ao. your bp NG Son y 43 ; Av TISED FREE FINANC Man's Reputation Ruined by Gossip -- NANCIAL Pletures of a 10-Year-Old Hoy Whe Walked 52 Miles. ; A vascing We instruct. and supply | ---- 4 T . a reve SE : You With work. West-Angus shou =, 3 CORNER EEN : finding anything ana | | " - - | . TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing is NUTT D JEFF RUNNING A MOVIE SHOW Card Service, 17 Colborne Bly, To- i » Apply D. a. ,-R ny or neing anyt ing ang H. 8. CRUMLEY, FIRE, AUTO- | & true synopsis of a proposed By-law of | SO : Ing un Phone 1100 r 22 wi & to reach the owner may mobile and Casualty Insurance 420 the Corporation of the City of Kingston | EE -------- Lo 30 by repo ling the facts (2 | Earl street. Phone 178M. | to be submifted to the votes of the The British W hig The =zdven: Ele AB Tine ued ai ihe A rrr -- -- ~ Na ------------y A NINE ROOMED S1OAR HOUSE, u "ik toa} i 'tors at same Learn te dance at the Gas, -- SE -- 'ANTED IMMEDIATELY, PROBA- 1486 Montreal St, xi) limprovements Sement will be printe n this STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE | Same places ag the ar al election for TARY WANTED to enter a Registere! Train Phone 19% ring 3. Vacsat April column free of charge. agents; estabilshed "In 1860; only] the Municipal Couneil, and the eput) Fs Yen Han, at ruck Fe INSIE® ON THE BEST % School for Nurses In 7b6-be 1st. | "ge In i 1 the most reliable companies repre-| Returning Officers appqintec SA eed Sh ae . - Hopital Must have at leas: One| ---------------- -- Jor ound articles does not in- | sented. Office 95 Clarence ie the said election shall take the vote atest dances in ten lessons year of high school wock or its| STORAGE FOUR FURNITURE AND! clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, | | opposite the post office. AND THAT the 29th day of Decem- v equivalent. Address Private | e x clean and dry. Me-| ete. These, if lost, may be ad- | | ber, 1921, at Eleven o'clock in the fore- = § : Hospital, 179 Lake Ave Rochester, : 7. 86 brock "Stree | Vvertised for in the "Lost column | FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. | noon, at the Mayor's Office in the City { 2 E + Phone 326. ' ment Society, incorporated 1861. | buiiding In the said Municipality, has (SE MRS. S$. COHEN, Instructor rOSSe IS - | i em President W. F. Nicxle, K.C.: vice-| been fixed for the appointing of per- EEE i. . { MINE-ROCOMED HOUSE AT 17 NELSOY president, A, B. Cunningham. | sens to attend at the polling places and {all Phone GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK | sire three-piece bath; gas and Money issued on city and farm Lt the final summing up of the votes by Resldence Ph i . we need you to make sucks on ths i Apply to Mrs. Circle. | properties, municipal and counly | the Clerk | - ---- r cess Street debentures; mortgages purchased, AND THAT if the assent of the|"™ THE HARMONY SIX st, easily-learned Auto Kri'tter;| ; -- ; Cxpérience unnecessary. distance OR PL ee m------{ 4 BROWN FUR RUFF, ON SATURDAY, | investment bonds for sale; deposits | Electors is obtained to the said pro- -| STOMAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN betw nd City Hall received and interest allowed R ed By-law ft will be taken into con- { immaterial; positively no canvas % | Ing; yarn supplied; particulars, 3¢ Cray, ®iry rooms; your own lock | Kewa r red 223 King St. | C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar- = ation by the Municipal Council of stamp. Dept. 18-C, Auto Knitter Co. | and Key Frost's City Storage, 199. m------ - - ence sireet, Kingston the sald Corporation at a meeting | SIN 14 > DY | 305 Queen/St. Plione 526; res. 95yw. | SUNDAY, NOV, ph, TWO BLACK soem tol (U0 sald be held after the expiration - THE FINEST QUALITY found { and White ups Brand | | of one month from the date of the t y r » A NINE ROOMED HOUSE, HOT Wa. | on back. L. T. best, drug- { publication of this notice, and that such PURE OLIVE OIL LOCAL, REPRESENTATIVE WANTED ter furnace and all impro vements; | 318 publication was mad. on the 9th day AT GARDEN HALL | with executive ability who i corner of Colborne and Sydenham | =---- EE Eo ------ HAIR, MOLES, WARTS December, A.D. 1921. % handle salesmen. Article « fiieets. Apply Number 2, Colborne | A YOUNG PUP, ENGLISH SETTER marks. skin cancers, 8, etc. re-| TAKE NUTicw tt CHRTHER that a FRIDAY, DEC. 9th, 192 demonstration, and is a goo Street | With black patch over eve. Fine moved permanently. Satisfactory Lant Who desires to vote upon said | please return to M. Amodec's rruit Klasses fitted and furnished after| PToposed By-law, must deliver to the eater. Mads in Canada, big p - Hes, exclusive territory to right} FIVE CORNE UP-STAIR ROOMS; | rincess Street | others have failed. Goitre removed. | Clerk, not later than the tenth day be- man. Small capital required for suitable f doctor or dentist or PERSON Whe ra TOOK 35 years' expericuce. Dr. Elmer J.| fore the day appointed for kis tee goods only. This is # big oppor-| private family, located at corner Handbag from Allen Lake ye Lar, Nose Throat, Skin | J0les, a Declaration under the Canene tunity for someone. Twenty coun- i Jt and Wililam streets. Apply H a 5 Theatre un | 25% Bagot Str Phone, 301. Svidence Act, that he is a tenant | - . representatives appointed al- 3 rock Street, or phone 708. Tuesday, Dec. 6th, return same to ------ ee The Whose lease exists, for the time for BH Bd x Street, or vhone 0% { Whig Office and avoid trouble? ' Which the debt or lability is to be on 0sp ------ ready and making mone Onr re- } Simin By wilh be in Kingst | . FANCY GOODS. created, or in which the money to be ext week and will cali upon youlSKVEN ROOM SOLID BRICK HOU SE, | SMALLLEATHER PURSE wig Stay raised by the proposed by-law is pay- | Muffins ; FP 0 ppl smpleted. « Tet Stre t ney, name e, ¢ a | - ---- - - able ¢ 1 ; re . Permonally ut oF Jartiovlars apply um his ted, on Victoria Stres:, keepsake from brother in Siberia | MEMS IITCHING, PICO EDGING, AC-| ang that oe has By the was, one rears, | Sealed Tenders, marked "Tender for 8, 8. a 1 Jno ern nuroyements Reward if returned to 97 Baril St. cordion, knife and box pleating. | eq to pay all municipal taxes in re.| Empire Wing Extens ou. Kingston T garage | Ssion 1st of Ja) : Hours 9 to 5.30. Mrs. E. A. Card. spect of the property of which he 1s| General Hospital," will be received by | Apply D. E. Wathem, 143 N } 4 Victoria Teriace Monti ori och. y eal St, nant he OC . the undersigned up till 12 o'clock nooa, | ' x opposite Artillery Park. onan » Other than Local Improvement | of Wednesday, the 4th day of January, | NOW FOR sAL®R ON NOVEMBER 25th, AT QUEEN'S -- | 1949 Bum e | . +i ohn SW SEVEN 7 # ' ny pe | r. 7. SANDS | 1922, for all trad $ under & general con- | AT ONCE. A NEW SEVEN RoOM University, & rug from car. Fini W. W. SANDS, | tract for the above building. Tenders ; a ki Bak house and barn on North Alfred; er kindly return to W Hawley, 413 J Clerk. : € | Local es North Alfred street og a) Johnston Street, and receive re. DENTAL. rol | Ue De UBon forms furnished by the | hous + 1g HY 'res « ward. - tects. ose D. Boye. 33% Unirfersnd: NCR On ------------------__ | DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST. OFFICE : fo taccepted bank cheque made pay- | x e 105M. | BUNCH OF KEYS ON A RING, With 358 Princess Street. Phone 653w. = fas to the order of The Board JY Trus- -------------------- . b Avenue, phone 1053M. P te ~ . me RR et a a ecm. a cha tached, -------- b ees, Kingston General Hospital, for CaN Representative {2 Clmrehice "Hakan, onaon © uf | DW. SPARKS AND SPARE DEN. pany ts olen scarier tbat oro ee uty F 4 tists, 150 Wellington street, corner g any the tender, together with a bi LEGAL University Avenue. Finder please of Brock. tL ne Ek bond. On awarding the contract ba) 1 as ------ 1 . PO For full line of farm, implements: aR PRT SIRRTEE. return _to. Whig Office. . cheques of the unsuccessful tenderers | ® cL ; NINGHAM I, BA - | DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST, 84 Will be returned; that of the successful tralors, wagons, cream Separat ers and Solicitors, 79 Clarence | FOR SALE Princess Street. Phone 1550. Upen tenderer shall be retained until a bond | C on e . ors, etc. Libera! commissions paid. |! Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunaing- . evenings by appointment A B law fi Bo OW [8s provided for in the specifications < hy . ham, Cyril M. Smith. IYI WNT Pre | -) or IT = | has been completed. i Goud proposition for wide-awake IF You HAVE A USED CAR FOR SALE| pr, AYKROYD. DENTIST, Uas RE- | Y: Drawings and specifications may 'be | -- AMBRUSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTER Ses Phone Sorr Bagot and Sumed practice at 32 Princess St. |, | Seen and tender torms obtained from | maa. Apply: -- vitor. Law office, corner of Queen one J. Pyar Bank of Nova Scotia. Phone | of 1 j {he oftice of the Architects, Stevens & | Of Grocery Store at the United Grocery, £ and Brock, over Kuyal Bank.| O° ego 9 ET w02J. «ee, §2 Charles St. I2ast, Toronto, or at| : e - ' 3 Svea . } FORD ROADSTER, COULD ALSO Bi Ing the Belg Na 110, © | . BOX G-3, WHIG OFFICE used as light truck. A snap. ai mam | ' i Ho) office of J. C. Newlands, Kingston, 135 Princess St, Saturday, Dee. 10¢h er, cor. Bagot and Queen MILLINERY. | | The lowest or any tender not neces.| From 10a mill 10 p.m. and contin. etree ------------ ¢ accepte ' a CHIROPRACTIC. A LARGE STOUK OF ARM, Bhann.)=~ rem oea for i e Purchase OF | sory ac Rp EVENS os uing each day until the entire stock is = TEACHERS WANTED. ets for sale at a reasonab MRS. McLAUGHLIN, 112 LOWER] | TS LE oii Valposed "of Inciodes. computing + WI. A. MARUELIS, D.C, Pa. C, Cor- Call at L. Routbard, 2sy Prine Willlam Street, "wil! take orders - . A NORMAL TEACHER FOR S. Ss. No. ner Princess and Barrie Streets, 3nd or phone 1723. feds for making trimming and remodei- : | rrr | SCales, refrigerator, Show case, Coffee os 25, Camden Salary $900. Start floor, Barrle St. entrance, Kingston, ing hats. 0 or en me P= mmm | STinder, electric fixtures, National cas) - a 3rd. ADDIY to DIaph Walace, Ont "Consultation free. Telephone MeLALGHLIN ROADSTER, Cost $i.) RRR | - > | Tegister, horse, waggon and harness = } 3 sleighs, buggies, blankets, etc, and | tus | i Jominic in pertaining to the business para i .-Treas, Harrowsmith, Ont. 822). Hours v to 12 aJu. 1 to$ p.m. 254; oniy run 4,000 miles; good ay Bee 7 new; quick sale. Palmer, conn BIGNs 1 Bedford, the Auctione. -, Phone 1721. DR. ETTA BLODGETT, SPECIALIST Hasot fst lusen streets. - | p) ANT QUALIFIED TEACHER - ETTA BLODGE ECIALIST : = SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS \AVORK, PR 5. Noo, lilnchinbrooke; dut- in Chiropractic, 585 Prindess Stree:, PRRELUY, COLUMBIA AND HYSLOpP large or small, Postegs, Showearas | { e les to commence Jan Jrd r Kingston, unt. Hours 1 to 4 p.m. Bicycles, also bicycle repairing; displays u specialty, By Shaw at 213] 3 The amount of money to be bor- | $900. Apply to Geo. A. ith, and 7 to 8 pm. Tuesday, Thurs- baby carriage tires put on while Princ Street. Has rowed and the debt to be created is | axl retary, Parham, Ont. day and Saturday. Appointments you Sos Muier's Bicycle Works, | --==----.moacoce . $16,500 | by request $i1-3i3 King street. 'Phone 1032w p25 2. Thi x h 2 by --- 3 T - a. s amount shall be raised by ® 3 UPHOLS axa. the sale of debentures and the debt steo at v 5. 8. No. | DR. GEORGE F. LUCY, DR. JENNIE A IRTY POUNDS 1 : y "ALL OR DROP A Gimr ------ | shall be payable in twenty yeéars from | rvice { With reference, wanted for 8. 8, No. + WEORGE P, 1.04 . N) «| TH YF NDS DAYTON COMPUT. CALL OR DROP A CARD To Ww J.| the first day of January, A.D. 1932 i is tree'ment by jutural any ra- 1. Ernesttown. "Salary $500. Dut-| Lucy, Chiropractic Specialists and ing Scale--second hand-- guaran- Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot St 3. The interest will be at the rate of {}§ llonal methods. 'Health without fes to commence Jan. 3rd Apply | Jigduate Nurse, 238 Bagot street, teed accurate two Years; may pe 4 ®, up » 2 got St. {6% Der anon iron tna i Tale he! PHON danal mm HR, th without $0 Albert Hartman, Odessa, Ont. ne Lid acess and Brock. Toles en ALS untaria Street. VHun- {Fw HAROLE FOR YOUR up.| January, 1522, payable half yearly on | man machine. Give Nature a 8 Tite 20 Ati ma 1 te ared dollars. Terms 10" suit, holstering and general repairing. | irst day of the months of July and | chance and she will cure even QUALIFIED FROTESTANT TEACHER | "| 6 and 7 to 9 p.m. Spinai analysis L | " ; y : a ; i Gs a Ro eave orders at or dro p L in each year. | as she heals the wound and knits AGENTS WANTED and Sinsuiiation free. Residential] wi HAVE FoR SALE ALL KINDS or 104 Clergy street Pa carg ud $990 will Be uired each year! 24 H 3 the broken bone. Sea appoint. soon A See enana fu hiture ang [ for interest and $554.50 each year to | our ay ervice Mechano-Ther LE : . eray aving stoves| 3 J y 5 | fo a sinking fund to pay the said : ii] COVERED BUTTONS MADE -| form g fu 3 | AGENTS--GET IN A PROFITABLE PAINTING AND PAPER HANGINC and furniture ia dispose of, we wiii| ©0 der in all popular Aus ay a } debt of 316.500. so that $1,544.50 will | &iL year commission business of 21.2 4 4 4 = A) NG pay iEheat pH ces. J; Thompson, Upholstering and repairing dote | be required to be raised each YeRr fOr | se Te rr a ---------- A Kin, your own. Kvery property owner! WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR |Ce8s Street. Phone 1500w. E. J. Goodridge, 244- University | twenty years to pay this debt. | DRS. ROBERT and EDNA heeds some of our nine | hundred Paperhanging done, drup a card to CITY LUT. #0 FELT FRONTAGE 117 Avenue. Phone 1833J. | -- | + Many English textile factories . ASHC FT 2 yarieties of nardy Jed ag trees A. Mounteer, $4 Arch Sir feet deep; for cash 3225.00. 'Alsy | { which were without work for many 201 King St. X cap ne : 2236.00, § : in. 2 0 an ipmen: wai \oded. COTT & C0. 53 BEVERLY Br. incubator, 140 es. and two brood- | FURNITURE REFAIRED AND Fin. months, are now busy as the resul any Eat], {ion tice. Write Dominion Nurser- Painters, Paperhangecs and Deco: one gored 248 Conoonly used] ished; guns, gramaphones, etc. re. of a revival in their fudustry fee i : Jes, Montreal = Pa Ro ry Rn near Victocla Street, 8 8. ean bly Me Princess oe a TE OGiCE that the foregoing in x. - pe EERE . . . ynopsis 2 - palates, puted, Siazed and put on = w=! of the Corporation of the City of ing » on hortes: : ' ga ; 5 y IN : } stor é All work done at shortest aotice ANTIQUE FURNITURE CIVIL ENGINEERING, | ihe" Electors. at the: same me arg or -- . the annual election for the Municipal POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCHI- PIANO TUNING. Parnitaniont, of oid English Antique PLA SS SURVEYS--ESTIMATES -- 7.| Council, and the Deputy Returnine Br ¥ ects, Mercoants Bank Chambers. 4 Furniture Irive avout December S A By x gorner of Brock and Wellington 5th, 1931. 8. Scott, B.A, B.Sc. Mem, Eng. | ficers appointed to hold the said elec- Ener yi Brock and Wellington, lust. 123 King Street. Phone 163J.! tion shall take the vote. a ma N NIL N } --- PIA a aA AND RETAIRING -- Mahogany chests of Drawers. ND THAT the 25th day of Decem- i Al a 2 op Mahogany lce thests. | ber, 1821, at Eleven o'clock in the Mark ' . 1 : PALMISTRY : Markland Street. Phoas 2397m Kosewood and Walnut Arm Chairs WwW. KEN MACNEE forenoon, at the Mayor's office in the 9) a « Dining and Parlor Walnut Chairs, ne Siommerce Building. Wrock aan] : BY or ping, In the sai Munger - » ty, ha er or N PROF. ARMENDO TELLS PAST AND MEDICAL. Settees and Sofus, King rests. Poze 701 or 1333). | liye has be to attend at the polling future and gives advice; 37 John- Severn a Geseral Insurance Agency 'laces and at the final summing up o BOR street. Hours ¥ am. to 10 p.m.| C. K. MOBINSON, M.D. 305 BARRIE Feo ky Jabics. avriting:--Automobile, Fire, Accldent.| ihe votes be the Clark. 8 vps Street, ilours 10.3313 am 2-4 Ma - » hat od. Sickn Flate Glass Burglary, etc. | AND THAT if the assent of the P . d Cl : pm. 7-830 pan. one any Mirror Frames, etc. thresenting Only Reliable Companies. | Electors is obtained to the said pro- Corner rincess an ergy Sts COME AND HAVE YOUR HAND READ ---- es - ------ i posed By-law it will be taken-inte Nn . by Madame Lillian, who has given| DR, P. H. HUYCKE, 111 WELLINGTON LESSE'S ANTIQUR SHOP sideration by the Munfeipal Council of Satisfaction to many.' Hours: 10 Street, Kingston. Office Bours: 11 To Help Promote Athletics, the said Corporation at a meeting Eat. 19.9 pm. I Ring "Steet i Fer poh, and ito} We buy all kinds of Furniture. At a meeting of Queen's graduates | Yhereat ie 4 joie oer he piation Blu BARGAINS I¥ CASH SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY ! 8 N i, . | of one' mont rom the date of the first Phone 1043w. 507 Frinces: Street, who are residents of Kingston, held | pubiication of this notice. and that such WESTERN BEEF FARM FED PORK BALBMAN'S RAL BolALE, on Thursday evening, it was decid- Se S¥hjication w RD agi 'ne Sth 1,000 Ibs. Stewing Beef , FUM Sable ed to form a Kingston branch of the | (eTAKE Notice FURTHER that a 100 Beef Hearts - ie een's Alumni. Ac i . | lemant who lesires 0 Vote upon sal i ASN, SEMLDETACUEDS $13 [meng of tae ten Cun. | Bcferst Ara tuutt Golvaflo Te [4] Boing Beer... Fuoma: &. "ag ti wuwa. tuwi, ningham, T. A. McGinnis, Edward! Toregte day appointed for taking the Uvesr Boasts... STARmICKs 10 Rooks; Largs: Elliott, J. S. Macdonell, Dr. J. Ol [8 ACE Rat mo 1a a Teche Canada Hamburg ...... .......10e . Huprovements; ceuntra McDonald, T. J. | lease exists for the time for which th CLEANER THAN COAL. nald, T. J. Rigney, Prot. 8. M. debt or liability is to be created, or in WHAT ABOUT 7T HESE~? wot Graham and James Minnes was a . " RAMYL . » P-| which the money to raised by the HOT AS COAL. aSSORL a ry FRAN: et, JonTH EXD, pointed to draw up a slate of officers, {rcposed by-law is payable, or for at Currants ............ 17c. Ib. | Sultanas . .. wo , OF LO Mure houses p18 the intention of the local | me byt oriole, JOATS. And that he Raistas *222y S80 1b | Mixed Poel, bent X 5 Alay. 0 {das by the lease covenante y : Nt ses naa S130 Pa CHEAPER THAN co Tr l a Se branch to co-operate in promoting municipal taxes in Tar 2 aa Best Mixed Nuts .... -23¢. Iv. | Real Fresh Eggs ... . LED. $300 SEMI-DETACHED FRAME athletics at th i § tne) erty of which he is tenant, other than ! house, § rooms, B. and C. and gas; a @ university. During] | ,a1 Improvement rates . i Cheese . i [or Ge ae bs ° ° Geep 10t and guod vellar, January a di i held: J 5 ft & C i mited uo ¥.2 inner will be hel = WW BANDE, nk Peas, un... .. LL $2600 FOR THE MATE TO THE ABOVE Honored by the King. ------ Corn, tim ..... with eletric lignts; both Hb Foot of Johnson St. ignite te Lotion Doe) rr: be] Tomatoes, tin . BLOCK ; stowed a baronetcy upon Sir Robert house, ail = NENT { , z e, r 00d Hoors sud electric NEhis: $1500 4.8 less | DunDell : » BUTTER Will handie it .P. 86¢c. Ib. A -- Stewart for work ia the m of Whey sinesis ooaa,.86e 4a $2725.00 -- FRAME BUN ' inistry Farmers' Rolls .......38c. Ib. IY NG : conditions oi di transport during the war. | Y Creamery-........, . ooms; i A438 THI BR en en 88d stable; -------------- * Belleville"... ...... Ny ho ne AR 34 a Aste Sud Ua York Road, Just Latest F Port Arthur, Dec. 9.--Latest fig- Jam---4 1b. pails . . 1b. pails . . .45¢ SBA--FRAME; WEST SIDE , 12 | . ra Ry Svs ' EVRY ures Hive Kennedy, Progressive 126 Lard--38 Ib. pails «+. 80c. ' Lard--(1 1b. packages) |. 17ec. a tead Will b . With this 1,000 TINS PORK AND BEANS AT $30.00-BRICK; EIGHT Rooms; 3. | Fort am, Dec. §.-- r pleco bath. electric light and gas. teen polis Outstanding, Manion leads good condition. Garver by 653 votes, 'REAL -------- 158 Wellton ay Rano. Oysters: to fry, at Carnovsky's.