-- ee -- FRIDAY, DC, 9, 1927, ___THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. duction which was shown at the | | ---- AM SE PT pi Strand for the first time last night, | SPOR G NEWS ord | FEE RE ano: DON'T FORGET picture. The lights and shadows of -- i all town life, the mischief wrought | CURLING CLUB MEETS. | | | Dec. 9.--After an illness of two May - Play years' duration, the death occurred by people greedy of goseip, the pati- { : "Mutt and Jeff." ent endurance of a strong man whose |A Team Yron Doteehto y 4g inter. (retiring disposi 1 C3 him to be Here During nter. . n] - Those two laugh-makers of inter g po l | The adjourned annual meeting of |°% Thursday morning of Mra. Schuy cational fame, "Mutt, and Jeff," | misjudged, his gentlemanly aid to a | : . {ler, South Lake. The deceased, a whose anties, adventures, escapades |fOrmer sweetheart, suffering through [ise Ringaton Curling Club was hold | daughter of Ms. and Mrs. Allan . end idiosyncracies have contributea | tlie neglect of an unfaithful husband fon ot h eb i d th us | Sweet, Sweet's Corners, was a life- . endless mirth and gayety to the ua i all these are depictd on the scree JO oy oe there was 2 long Methodist and an active work- tions of the world, are underlined to | With a fideliiy of detail and wealth Prot. Jemmett reported on the °F in the church at Lyndhurst and {of interest, while the climax is in- | { later at Gananoque. The funeral is disturb our peace of ennul at the | osete ao The stem BF 1 | Work on the new rink; a notable fea-| oe enn a, Grand Opera House on Monday, Dec. | i y x DP De. ar hy on ® ture being the installation of a light- i a, er age from 2 an y resi 12th, bargain matinee and night. | town life are vivid--the church, soc- ling system that is a vast improve- | ence, Garden street, Saturday after- They will be seen in high-class, | ial, the house-warming party, the {ment over the old. { noon, wholesome, mirthful, rib-tickling and | Ways of gossip-gatherers, and 80 on. [= 4 jovior wag read from the Detrost | Misses Ida Peckett and Bella} - rollicking comedy in two acts and | The cast is satisfactory. Zena Keefe, Curling Club stating that a team | Marshall Bave retufued home after a 1C (0) o Oe ore 8Ix scenes entitled, "Mutt and Jeff [in the leading feminine role, arouses from the club will make a tour dur- | Spending some time with friends in In Chinatown." Pretty girls, lilting, | Sympathy as Mrs. Andy Freeman, lin; (Lo winter as far as Montreal. | STAtI'S Falls. catchy and ear-haunting tunes, me- | Huntley Gordon, as Arnold Driscoll, An invitation has been sent forward Louis Burer, Pontiac, Mich., hus : : | wiv 5 sfenti at m fter spending some jodies a . . - (gives a dignified and conscientious > the m ing- Feturned home a nd jingling music predomin 8g to have team stop off at King { time with friends In town. ates. According to all accounts, this |interpretation. Harry Tighe, as Andy {sion for a game. - ioe we ih latest exploit of the famous Bud Fig- | Freeman, the genial travelling sales- It was decided to play the first Lt The jadudivia) tomes st ae man who captivates the ladies of the {game for the Whig trophy on Janu-| -°"2 council have purchase wo h t is the best ye es 4 » Sr out 1a (he best Yet und does church by his smiling ways and fin- (ary 1st or not later than five days | acres of timber from W. Lindsay, "CHRISTMAS GIFTS THAT l AST' riore to establish the pair as a real | | | 3 American institution than anything [ally turns out to be the real villain |after the 1st. This game will be'be- wa huacurion by fhe oun], of the play, carries the audience with: [tween teams skipped by the presi- y they have heretofore accomplished the unem i : ployed in cutting this tim- which, by the wdy, is saying more | him. In a word, the picture transfers [dent and vice-president. ber into firewood, and the fi than a "mouthful." "--Advt. to the screen the interest and force | It was decided that in all compe. ber con oanaay, the lloyeod MANUFACTURED FROM titions no prizes will be awarded un-| v P [which marked the original story by I {lem. {| Willian H. Hamby, which appeared |less the games are completed. Mrs, Robt. Scott, and little son At The Allen " he > > The skips for the club champion- ® . |in the Saturday Evening Post. Per- 2B id . : Charles Ray's agility 4nd athletic | ha the ost interesting comedy |Ship matches are: A. B. Cunning-| 3 visiting Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Jack : | haps 8 most ir esting ¢ CY > , | son, Pine street. Miss Dora McKen- ability have helped to make him one ft he Strand a i . (ham, M. P. Reid, J. M. Elliott, G.| {item on the Strand programme is sup | g . ldry, who has been spending some of the most popular stars of the {plied by Mutt and Jeff's adventures |Hanson, F. Waugh, F. Cipley, T. M.| tine in Philadelphia, has returned Ameri: g 4 : | Asselstine , p s- | ol morican screen today. In the past {in the movie business.--Advt. |Asselstine, J. F. McDonald, A, Trus home. J. D. Matthew, spending he has proven more than once that fcott, SR. Bailey, H. Angrove, R. N. : ~ -- ee --- or Ka # 5 » |some time in Colorade, has returned. he is an adept in the "manly art of |F. McFarlane, E. C. Gildersleeve, E. Mrs. T.-Bell, Maple Grove, is a self defense." "Scrap Iron," in which | Proposition Nears Green, W, J. Hoop, T. J. Rigney, J.| . 15 "°° i Hotel Prop B. Cooke, T. Slater, J. A. McRae, T.|PEtient in Kingston General hospital, he participated in a prizefight, was f I : ' sue \, als "an having undergone an operation for : : . : se : 8 Horont Doar oierielt, wes A Successful Issu R. Camnowsky, R. C. ¢ artwrignt, H.| on Bone A Jpemation 108 FURNITURE: --Arm Chairs, Rocking Chairs, Dining Chairs, Settees- never has his athleti 2 ~ =n ; ougias, L. Sleeth, A. H. Warrick,| 10° . . nN ha Trowags i oh is ig ot that I r. Anglin [A, W. McLean, W. H. Montgomery, Nosh aw tam Ste. i me Library Tables, Sewing Tables, Card bables, Floor Lamps, " " a of the firm of Anglin & Norcross, |H, WwW. Newman, -J. Gibson, J. Lang- 2 : " . ; in "Two Minutes to Go; Je Fin Montreal, wil bo in Kingston _ on |don, J. A. McFarlane, A. W. McMa.| Wha; Hi; Thonen of va Jardinieres, Ferneries, Work Baskets, etc., etc. All made from | Monday with Mr. Rosenbaum to meet { hon. | . - at the Allen today and Saturday. In], a : | "You have acted rw 1 + 3 : > a I the Kingston hotel committee, con-| Dr. R. Bruce Taylor and W. B. ee ory, ongly, Waterproof Fibre, in an colour or design cin rooted -- ere Js 81 X- | sisting of Ald. B. N. Steacy, Ald. W. | Dalton were slectes honorary mem-|Forace!" Thus spoke Horace's fa- P : y ig he h Rm un artié B47, | H. Craig and H. E. Richardson, De- bers. P. D. Lyman is secretary- Her, 13 the pressnes of Hoyace's mo- 8s the hero of that game, is a line tails of the building will be consid- [treasurer ther, to Horace, discovered in the act A L S oO smasher of the first class. It is his ered, and it $s hoped that final ar-| The C.0.C.L. meeting takes place|°f Stealing jam. "It may seem a . . eee | and a genuine game is played, The Not Written by Dr. Nash. dent of Kingston, passed away on|! am grieved. I want my son to grow | Judging from his splendid exhibition ' on Cataraqui Cemetery. To Deposit Color. | the church parades of the permanent SPECIAL SATURDAY OPPORTUNITY Ho Seta Clear" : "No, but an old schoolmate and to ristmas ' playing that decides the crucial game | mangement for the erection of the on Mo small crime, Horace," continued his : vie nday afternoo . : foams: Real college Toot mares | 0 "0° made ------ one of the prime cusses ot us|] VETCRAFT TOYS, TABLE AND DRESSER LAMPS team. Real college football players : _ one of the prime causes of this ' ' &ppear in the two opposing teams, Miss Ellen Davis, a life-long resi- world's unhappiness--disobedience. SHADES Etc Etc Z ' .y . final result on the screen is said to The leiter to the editor, published Thursday after an illness of two|UP & fine, strong, right-minded man. | be both realistic and thrilling, In |O" Wednesday under the honding weeks. The deceased Wes the|l want him--" Here father paused | his college days Ray was a football | AD Open Letter to Dr. Rost" was lgaughter of the lato Isaac Davis, | fOr breath. Horace turned enthus- Player of no mean ability and his | 2Ot Written by Dr: 0: C. Nash, Drestus The funeral took place on Friday | 1astically to his mother. "Mamma," | early experience has served him well, | S"t Of the Liberal association, PUL BY trom the residence of Walter Cham-| he cried, "ain't pa interesting?" J. Nash, of the College Book s'ore. berlain, 191 University avenue, oh is "Two Minutes to Go/~himr ' E. % Barrett loft for Toronto Fri- Hot b On Sunday morning next, the color | NEW STORE: 31 6 BARRIE STREET NEW STOCK day. ew end e Ontario con- ot house tomatoes, cauliflowers, resented to the 21st batialio: b : : At The Strand. vention of the U.F.O. next week as a | Brussels sprout, iceberg jettuce, etc King George will be op ooied Ta i (Uptown Post Office) Red Foam," the Ralph Tnce pro- | delegate trom Frontenac Sounty, at Carnovsky's. + | George's cathedral, The service will EE Emma | bo attended by tho general officer commanding M.D. No. 3 and his staff, : | units of the garrison, ex-members of | the 21st battalion and the officers | and N.C.O.'s of the 1st (21st) bat-| é& talion, P.W.O.R. The color will ha escorted to the cathedral by an escort of ex-21st men, and the usual service ONE DAY ONLY ONE DAY ONLY of the depositing of a color carried out, a . . traor Sale of Extraordinary Blank Re of a ; 4 e "Got something of an unpleasant . . duty this Christmas. y 2 opping ays 'Going to tell the children there is / hi en hangi eless New Offioers' Grey Service Blankets, reg. $10.50 value, selling se a en ahansine Saclass New All Wool White Hospital Blankets 66 x 86, reg. $1 4.00, selling make the tentative suggestion that = New All Wool Red Hospital Blankets 66 x 80, reg. $15.00, selling $9.75 pair We discontinue," . T= Comforters, Beautiful Shades and Quality, 72 x 72, reg. $9.50, selling --$5.90 each Sixteen-year-old Leonard Mills The holiday week is drawing closer, and we have again renewed Pillows, All New Feathers, reg. $2.50, sellin /indso : : : . . . QU, g se Windsor Mills, has confessed te White Bed Spreads, large size, reg. $3.75,.selling ceeen.. $2.75 each BTR Net bY Cho oe our stock of Ties, Scarfs, Shirts, etc. These articles have been selling December 2nd. vo Other goods at equal values In comparison. Dre ot Wales Bd a great] at a fast pace, so there must be a reason. The reason is: a neat array » ived at Luck-| . . Never before have we offered these goods at such low prices and Jovepiion um he auived ai Luck of patterns, good materials at remarkably low prices. this opportunity will positively not be repeated again. -All brand new by the municipaf officials. : ' Arthur Griffith will move the rati- Goods--warranted perfect and of the highest quality and goods that fication of the treaty between Brit- sold last fall at from $17.50 to $28.00 pair. ain and Ireland in the Dail next Wednesday, SECURE YOUR BEDDING REQUIREMENTS TO-DAY. THE QUAN- It is stated in Montreal that Hon ; A i TITY FOR SALE IS VERY LIMITED. DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED, Dt Saland_ will Sevedd, Sh Sect ; S MOST SUITABLE AND SEASONABLE GOODS FOR XMAS. GIFTS, Tore w Canstion igh oommission ; 'About nineteen hundred political A - prisoners were released from Bally Bit Our range of patterns are the In all Wool. Colors - Camel, ® o® Kinlar camp on Friday. \ Mg 5 i : GEO. CHILD, Distributor The standing of the. parties on Sad choicest of a multitude of , BRown and Grey, "Prices from Friday was: Liberals, 118; Progres- \ E samples. Ties ranging at 49¢., 89c¢. $1 15 $1 75 oy . » . Ti2 PRINCESS STREET t= HH HH i=: KINGSTON, ONT. sives, 64; Conservatives, 49; Labor, . 2; doubtful, 2. 69c., 69¢c., and 98ec. Sir Sam Hughes' estate is valued NN Z at $800,000. Se res f SPECIAL ---------- ee Net A tir, Sots NA AA hd, 3 0 4 dozen only left--to clear at SHIRTS In a wide range of patterns, Prices 99c., $1.25, $1.75, $1.05 Special Showing of MEN'S SUITS | Men's Overcoats |, BOYS' SUITS . | s A range of all Wool Tweeds. terials, made up in Norfolk and ?, 1 hi ' Style, Quality and everything Blanket Cloths and all wool Belted models. Prices from that's embodied in first-class Frieze; made up-in Ulsters and $4.95 to $8.45 ® Ch isimas Clothing. Made up in Tweeds, Form-fitting models, Prices ? ' Worsteds and Berges. Prices from Boys Overcoats from . A smurt range of Overcoats in $14.95 to $24.95 heavy Tweed materials, All lined. Prices from M . 'S To N eckw ear : $12.95 to $24.95 Don't overlook these values! $9.95 to $14.45 O0RE \ L, \] \D 20 dozen only, of extra quality Swiss, Ital- ; Y ' CHILDREN'S PARADISE ian and French Silks in a wonderful array BOOTS! Boots" , . . BOgTSW Where Dear Old Santa Claus of beautiful colorings and patterns. * -Men's Footwear ' Women's Footwear In Black and Tan with Blucher and long Prices from , $3.75 to $5.45 . In Oxfords, High Cut Boots, Cloth Top Boots, eta. Reigns Supreme Toys--Dolls--Sleighs-- Skates Regular value $1.50 to $2.00. | lasts. Prices ranging: $3.95, $4.45, $4.95 Boys' Boots ' and $5.45. Regular values up to $9.00. In Blucher and Long Lasts, also heavier weight --Hockey Sticks Boots--all greatly reduced. Braling to oaks te side CHRISTMAS SPECIAL PRICE in happy. - $1.00, IN FANCY BOX. -" Santa Claus will answer all lettss m the kiddies addressed to Moore's : . - Toyland - whe it E.P. Jenkins Co, Moore's Toyland : : "The Better Value Store" --_--