Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Dec 1921, p. 10

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. - FF em World of Sport | mo -- SATURDAY, DEC. 10, 10931, SO INTERIOR TRIM | | DOMMNION Fi OF JUNOR RUGBY {Queen's 111 and 8t. Aidan's at { the Stadium Tomor- row. e H's going to be ocld, but th colder it is, the faster they'll move. St. Aidan's have shown throughout ! the year that they can move fast, a'so | and, as champions of the junior O.R {F-U. will make the college junior | champions live up to their best per- When dad swung into a waltz: | formance. : . : Captain *"Bddie" Dolan, when mother tried the fox-trot, and tri-color squad, saw the * Saints" de- Bill and the girls jazzed through feat Bellwoods in Toronto last Sat- 4 his many graceful steps quickened by the music from the Columbia Grafonola, lurday and he is confident that hi | that's when the family woke up. | When the Family Woke Up | team can sho= "hem up. of the opinion that St. Aidan's will be much heavier than the Queen's boys but "Eddie" expresses the opinion that the averages will be fairly even. All the Queen's squad are in good shape for 'he game as "Billie" Hughes has Yept an eye on them Smith has a slight injury to -his | hand and Ritchie is etill having trou. {ble with a bad knee but all are ex- pected to be in fine fet'le for Satur- Come in and see this beautiful instrument, pleasant to look at and delightful to own. Hear it played. Ask us about the exclusive Non Set Automatic Stop. Nothing to move or setor measure. Just start the Grafonola, | field. St. Aidan's have a snappy back division and a good kicker, to put against Quinn, Smith, Bell, Holt and and it plays and stops itself. We are always pleased to demon- So You are always strate the Columbia Grafonola, be sure to come in. welcome, afternoon. Queen's seniors will be the guests {of the local Kiwanis Club at a ban- |quet on Monday night with repre- genuine COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA, [ sentatives of the second and third $08.00. |teams also invited. The football \ men at Queen's much appreciate this ig and the banquet will certainly prove a success. Should Queen's juntors defeat St. Aidan's it would be a fi:- ting celebration, t This week-end we again offer you a X--was $135.00--now ogany or Fumed Oak finish; Automatic dures. SPECIAL EASY TERMS. 'Come and see this bargain. RECORDS 65e., 85¢., $1.25 (127), $1-50 h. 1 'The most complete stock in Kingston ......... Shop early in the day and avoid the evening rus : S ING Showed Less Speed in 1921, | There was a falling off of speed in ® {the Grand Circuit last season for PHONOGRAPHS--RECORDS--SKATES--CAMERAS some . unknown ' reason. Certain 88 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 529, | horses attained better marks than "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" chalked up in previous years, but the number of performers giving exhibitions was considerably less. , Only sixteen trotters did 2:05 or better and only fourieen pacers qua- ~~~ Famous for comfort and service, popular natural wool--soft and guaranteed un- shrinkable. Two- piece or form-fitting combinations. Ad mira trotters and Single G. pacers attained the honors most fre- quently. It is the first time in many years that fast trotting heats exceed- ed the pacing. Trotters entering the speed hall of fame for the year included Grey- R MEN E. Colorado, Jane the Great, Toddler, Princess Etawah, Millie Ir- win, Rose Scott, Kilo Watts, Emma Harvester, Great Britton, Peter Man- ning, Eliza Dillon, Guardian Trust and Peter Coley. Pacers will a mark of 2.03 or bet- ter included Single G., Roy Grattan, Sanardo, Jimmie McKerron, Hal Mahone, John Henry, Dardanella, Juno, Sir Roche, +Uriko, Senator Wilkes, Walter K., Jim B. and Prince Loree. UNDERWEAR ol Good Cause To Bait Ump. A friend of Joe Tinker"s once at- tended a ball game in the grounds of the Ohio state penitentiary at Col- umbus. Everything was regulation, including the equipment and the um- pire. The Safeblowers were playing the Pickpockets, | The game started and on the first ! called strike the entire team of Pick- } pockets rushed from the bench and | went after the umpire. They called | him everything they could think of< | which was plenty--and nagged him | exceedingly. Tinker's friend turned to the war- den. "Do you allow such actions here? ~What are they up to? The warden laughed. 'Oh, they're only trying to get. put off the grounds," he replied. Monkeys can be taught to wash lothes with 1'ttle effort. . ' -- - BBR Ahn | KIDNEY ~ We Serve Good Meals || Ji For good meals prepared right come and try us -- you will be delighted with our service. Everything you could want served as you like ity Dainty Restaurant 88 PRINC £53 STREET eam mnnm Leading Undertaker Ambulance Phone - de 3 Beautiful Boudoir and Table Lamps, Irons, 2 Toasters, Desk Lamps. | H.W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC C0. 167 PRINCESS STREET of the Many are | day at 2.15 when they walk on the | Dolan, so things will hum 'omorrow | fast | lified in 2.03, Greyworthy among the | among the | worthy, Jeanette Rankin, Periscope, | The | Our Baseboards, Casings and Mould- ings are manufactured from strictly number one stocks of White Pine, Fir and Cedar. Allan Lumber Co. Phone 1042 debt tre errr ree +» " + EXTERMINATOR STAYS AT HOME While there was a s'ory ge- ing the rounds last fall that Exterminator, Willie Sharpe Kilmer's great "cup" horse, would be sent to England dur- ing the present winter "0 take part in the long distance events of the British turf next season, it is now regarded as certain "hat he will be seen on his native heath in 1922. URE + "> + H- HI = = = = Victoria Street PEEP ES bbb PAUL De Dd A i= I | (PEPE H PIE 292090 | LIKE SCRAP OF PAPER. Will U. 8. Treat Canadian Residence Rule as Such? The amateur hockey team of the | American Soo is trying hard to se- [cure two good forward players in | Montreal, and promise them fine positions. Its friends in Montreal | openly say that the residence rule in use in Canada will be like a scrap of paper in the United States. They have a letter from Joe Guilbault, of Winnipeg, who has gone there to play hockey and who seems to be | well sa'isfied. CANADIAN PACIFIC { WILL NOT COMPETE. } 1 3 The Harrowsmith and Wolfe Js- land hockey club have announced | 'hat they will not enter any series | this winter in competition for the Edwards Cup, as they claim that | {there are many conditions attached | | which are displeasing. There is a rumor going the rounds | | that the U.F.O. people will put up a [trophy for competition in county | hockey circles, and, in this case, both | [these teams will enter. It would be | la very good thing if some U.F.O. | | leader or club would offer a trophy, lin order that all clubs in the county | [may enter the series. If any have | | such intention, action should be tak- en immediately. | GOLF STEALS A STAR FROM { NET PASTIME C. J. H. Tolley, winner of the Brit- | ish amateur golf championship last year, is about as good a tennis player | {as he is a golfer. Many who are in | | a position to judge believe that if he | devoted himself seriously to tennis | he would become more famous than |in a career on the links. He was playing lawn tennis to | the exclusion of golf until within { three or four weeks of last year's am- ateur championship. - EVERY DAY TORONTO - VANCOUVER From Toronto - 10 p.m. Daily STOPS AT AND CONNECTS FOR PRINCIPAL POINTS Standard Sleepers, Dining Car, Tourist Sleepers, Compartment Observation Car, First-Class Coaches and Colonist Car, The most beautiful scenery in Canada is along the line of the Canadian Pacific, Magnificent Rocky Mountain Resorts at Banff, Lake Louise and Glacier, Passengers for California should arrange their trip to include the Canadian Pacific Rockies. Pb Wo TAX ON SPORT, CANADIAN PACIFIC HOTELS IN WESTERN CANADA } OPEN ALL THE YEAR ROUND Pallise Hotel," Calgary; "Empress Hotel," Victoria. | Chicago Has Appointed a City Ath. ! letic Commission. "Royal Alexandra," Winnipeg; | - Mayor William H. Thompson, "Vancouver Hotel," Vascouver; | Jan. 21 1 Apr | | | { | | I | | Feb. 4 omsisis. GRAND TRUN AGENCY FOR ALL TSE aT OCEAN STEAMSHIPS For particulars apply to: J. P. HANLEY, C.P. & T.A., G.T. Ry, Kingston, Ont. SIN A nnd ANCHO NYE): NIL TN! SON, MMGLLAM SRY duam CHRISTMAS SAILINGS GLASGOW TO From Portland From Halifax Lec. 10 ......Saturnia Dec. 12 HALIFAX--GLASGOW FORTLAND-- From Portland From Halifax Dec 10/Feb 16--Saturnia-- Dec 12'Feb 13 Mar. 2/Apr. 13 Cassandra Mar, 4lApr. 15 Halifax--Plymouth--Cherbourg and Jan. 23 Mar. § Saxonia CUNARD CANADIAN SERVICE SUMMER SAILINGS 1922 MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL May 6/June 10 July 15 ..Albania May 201 June 24 July *yrrhenia July S/Aug. 1 ept. 16 JAusonia Montreal to Plymouth, Cherbourg and Leondom May 13 June 17/Ju y May 27 July 1 ...Andania -«..Antonts Be 0 ih iis en ae 21'Jan. 21|Feb. 25 iTlApr 16iMay 5 May 6/June i Nuw TORK--~LIVERI'OOL Olan. 14 ceesecan.. Albanin 24lJan. 26/Feb. 25 ..,..... Scythia > $1/Mar. 11 cee... Cameronia Also calls at Glasgow, N. VY. to Plymouth & London Mar. 25 Albania i... Uherbuurg, ton 7iFeb. 28 .. quitania armania erbourg and Hambourg Mar. 7 . $iMay 13!June 17 .... .. Caronia Boston to Londonderry, Liverpool ang Glasgow Aires sineriiins.o ABSYTIA Vigo, Gibraitar, Naples, Patras, Dub- rovoik, Flume and Trieste JRE BL. Cn iin. Coie oy Italla For reves of freight sad further Particulars apply 10 oma mand, ar THE ROBERT REFORDCO.,Liurren GENERAL AGENTS # KING STREET RAST TORONTO, ONT. Furniture--Freight--Baggage TRANSFER 5. WHITEMAN 210 QUEEN STREET Bobsleigh thing for pitch holes. Recommended by all who use them. over befeore buying Cor. Princess and Alfred | Chicago, announces appointment of a {city athletic commission of three | members. The newly-created sport governing body will levy a three per Particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents. W. B. HOWARD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. cent. tax on all unlicensed contests, wh Phone 1776J cNamee's Lighter draft and the only eorrect It will pay : ou to give them a once Residence 118 Colborne. Phone 2372w, Nn Revenge is sweet to think about, bu' when you get it you find it leaves a worse hangover than prohibition ij- auor. such as wrestling matches and bill- iard tournaments. A bill before the | | | ity council, however, would increase | this tax to include all professional | sports, even major league baseball. «. 200,000 Saw Pitt's Eleven. { Approximately '200,000 persons | witnessed the nine football games in | which the University "of Pittsburg team took part during the season just | closed. In a statement Karl Davis, | | graduate manager of athletics, ea'd | that at home the Panthers played six | games, the average attendance bes | ing 25,000. The three games abroad | drew approximately 50,000. Two or [ the home games, those with Penn i State and Washington and Jefferson | | college, brought out the largest at- | tendance. Thirty-iwo thousand per- ) sons witnessed each contest, the cap- acity of the great stands at wow. | Tar Home YOUR big car is not suited for up for the winter and drive, in Coupe or Sedan. Winter drivi costly. It takes its toll in big "break downs." The Ford field being taxed on each occasion. Willard Moves Away. | From Lawrence, Kan, comes the | interesting information that Jess | Willard has sold his home in that | village and all his belongings, includ- | ing furniture and livestock, and will } move to California. This information | came through an Associated Press| dispatch. i icy ruts with less effort, less tear. \ PUT the big car up for the winter. many prominent people are doing--all winter months. out in stormy weather; let it "buck" th hind the closed windows, The presumption is tha' | big Jess has struck oil out in the | Golden state, or else he desires to got' a little further away from Dempsay. | In India abou' 15,000,000 people 80 on but one meal a day. * FFP 0 222000002 + + THE investment will more tha + GRAMMAR WAS NOT SO > EASY FOR MORGAN ¢ # During the heydey of the *| # Philadelphia Athletic, three of ¢ | % the star pitchers, Bender, +! # Coombs and Morgan, went onto & | # the vaudeville s'age. They did | tial PLAN now on ter. Spend less Ford Coupe or Sedan TO-DAY, WE will be glad to consult buying a Ford in relation to t he ning your big car throughout obliga home, + a small act that took big all 4 around the circuit. : audience, giving it the impres- sion that all were baseball fans. "Ladies and gentlemen," he began. "Many of you out there in front of me I have saw be- fore" -- 609. Co. Let it take the hard kn cesses ---- - Park a Ford alongside your Big Car Let the Ford Take the Hard Knocks--Keep the Expensive winter driving. Lay it perfect comfort, a Ford ng is treacherous -- and repair bills and * frequent in winter days, go where your big car cannot but it will take the drifts and strain and far less wear and will riot only Drive a Ford--as th rough the hard ocks--let it stand : e dn drive all winter in.comfort. fts-- and be- ; n repay you. The ini- cost of the Ford is small. It will save you depreciation on the big car and expensive repairs as well, putting away the big car for the win- this winter and drive more--by getting a with you upon the cost of depreciation costs of run- the winter. i tes you in no way. We will be glad to call at vour VANLUVEN BROS. 34-38 PRINCESS STREET Sv ------" ---------- service £

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