SATURDAY, 12: 10 THE DA ILY BRITISH WHIG. 13 SE ------ HIS Christmas, why not do away with innumerable small and useless gifts to the members of your family and invest the money they would cost, in the gift supremer-- THE NEW DIAMOND AMBEROLA / Your family will enjoy the Amberola--not merely on Christmas, but for months and years to come. Good music is always a boon to the home, and because the Amberola plays the best operatic, classical and opular airs, it sat- isfies every musical taste. Here is a gift that will make your home brighter--cheerier-- happier--from the very first tune it plays on Christmas morning. The Edison Amberola is the world's greatest phonograph value--a perfect musical instrument sold at a remarkably low price. But even this moderate amount may be divided into pay- ments which you will scarcely feel, because they can be made practically at your own convenience. Three Days of Good Music-- FREE? Come in today, hear the Amberola, and ask us to deliver It to your home for three davi free rial There are no strings to this offer--1t 1s a real opportunity to enjoy good music in your home without cost or obligation. [f you can't come, write or phone day, The J. M. GREENE MUSIC cc, 1324. Phone "The Home of Good Music." 166 Princess Street. NEW ELECTRIC GOODS JUST ARRIVED Students' Study Lamps, extra good value. Price $3.50 each. English Hot Plates, price $7.50. Call and see our large assortment of Portable Lamps. Agents for Apex Vaccum Cleaner. Burke Electric Company 74 PRINCESS STREET - PHONE 423. Choice Assortment of -- HUDSON SEAL, BEAVER AND SABLE Gourdier's BROCK STREET, LE SYRUP OF TAR & COD - LIVER OIL CURES Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Bronchitis, pra » When neglected {glimpse of the pitiful effects of the Sunday Services in Churches mocked; for whatsoever a man sow- | feth, he also reap." ] This is the law of the harvest: First, that when man sows he shall also reap. Chalmers Church--Rev. R. J. Wil- son, D.D., minister. Services at 11| am. and 7 pm. The minister will | preach at both services, You are! invited. { ---- i «St. Palil's--~Morning Service, 11 jo'clgck. Preacher, Canon FitzGer- | ald, M.A, Sunday School, 3 p.m.;| Eveaing Service, 7 o'clock: Preacher | Canon FitzGerald, M.A. | Pentecostal Tabernacle 285 Queen | street.--Wm, Browning, evangelist. 11 a.m., 3 p.m., Bible address; Sun- day School, 2 p.m.; 7.30 p.m., Evan- gelistic service, Good singing, All welcome. St. Andrew's.--Rev. John W. Ste phen, minister. Services, 11 a.m. and [7 p.m. conducted by the minister. Students, soldiers and strangers wel- come. Sunday school, 3 pm. Young men's class, 10 a.m. Zion Presbyterian Church, Pine | street.--Rev. Edwin H. Burgess, | minister. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Seats free. Everybody wel- come, The minister preaches at both services. Sabbath School at 3 pm, W. C. T. U--The regular meet ing of the Women's Christian Tem- perance Union will be held in the | Y.W.C.A. parlors, Johnson street, on Tuesday af'ernoon, Dee. 13th, at 3.30 pom. AU ladies welcome. First Baptist Church. Sydenham and Johnston streets.--Rev. J. S. LaFlair, pastor. 11 a.m, sermon theme, 'The Challenge of the Hour." 2.45 p.m, Bible School; 7 p.m., sermon theme, "Bringing God Back." Services conducted by the pastor. Gospel Hall, Orange Building. ---- Sunday, December 11th, Harola Jones, very popular evangelist, will speak at evening service at 7 o'clock. Children's meeting with lantern views by Mrs. Carr-Harmis in the af- ternoon at 4.15. Usual prayer meeot- ing Wedneeday at 8 o'clock. St. James' Church, corner Union and Barrie streets.--T. W. Savary rector. 8 am., Holy Communion; 11 a.m., Morning prayer and litany. Preacher, Rev. H WwW, K. Mowll, M. A., Wycliffe College, Toronto, 3 Pp. m., Sunday School; 7 p.m., Evening prayer and sermon. Preacher, Rev. Prof. Mowll, Cooke's Presbyterian Church, Brock street.--The minister, Rev. W. Taylor Dale, will preach on the topic " Life's Dawn and Sunset." Sermon subject At 11 a.m.: "Bab- les." 7 p.m.: "Old Folks at Home." Sunday School, 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Bible Class, 3 p.m. All are welcome. St. Lukes Church, Nelson street.-- Second, that when a nan sows he shall' reap the same king that he! SOWS, Third, that when a map sows He shall reap more than he Sows, This applies to "wild oats" as well 'as to the kind sown on the farmi-- the law of the harvest is the same. Let's look at the three Principles | of this law. { When a man sows he siiall reap. | He may cause others to safer, but he cannot escape. | Somebody has reminded us that! tor, Third Sunday in Advent. 11 a.m., morning prayer; 2.30 p.m. Sunday school and bible classes: 1 p.m. holy baptism; 7 P.m., evening prayer. Music, anthem, "What Are Thesé That Are Arrayed" (Stainer), Bethel Congregational Church, corner Barrie and Johnson streets. A. Sidney Duncan, pastor, Services 11 a,m. and 7 p.m, Morning sul- Jeet, "The Source of Our Ideals." Evening subject, "The Doom of Nire. | vah." Sunday school, 3 p.m.; Ohrist- [the sins We commit together vol fan Endeavor, Monday, 8 pm.;|nmust pay for one by one. : i prayer meeting, Wednesday, § pm. This is the law of the land. gt Come, and welcome, | 7ou are part of a mob that Goes any | -- | damage, you are ag guilty®as though | Princess Street Methodist Church. {You were the mob. { --Rev. J. A. Waddell, minister, Ser-| The task may be painful, but with | vices, 11 a.m., and 7 p.m. The miniz- | bent back, you'll have to swing the ter at both services. Sunday schon, | sickle to bring home the fruit of 2.45 p.m.; junior departmen* of {your own sowing. Sunday school, at Rideau school, 2.45 | you can't hire anybody to do it. | p.m.; Epworth League, Monday, 8 We have been repeatedly told that | P.m.; prayer meeting, Wednesday |in the physical world thers {3 nc for- | § p.m. Strangers and visitors corial- | giveness of sip. "Whatsoever a man | ly welcomed to all services, soweth that shall he also reap. | --- Nor is the reaping reserveq Queen Street Methodist Church, {the hereafter-- exclusively, corner of Queen and Clergy streets. |it will follow a man to the --Rev. W. 8. Lennon, B.A, B.D. come, but he'll begin the pastor. 11 a.m. morning service: { here, 6.45 p.m., fifteen minute SONg serv- It would be faolish to imagine that ice; 7 p.m., evening service. The | when & man sows oats he shall reap pastor 'will preach both morning and | corn--he'll reap cats, and nothing | evening. Sunday school at 3 pm {but vats the same kind that pe Strangers and visi'ors welcomed at |sowed, . : | all services. Seats free. | If 2 man sows the seeds of hatred -- {and malice the fruit of the sowing | Calvary Congregational Church, | Will be hatreq and malice---he hys | corner Charles and Bagot®streets.-- | no right to expect kindness amd mer- | Pastor, Reverend A. F, Brown, 144 [cy--and the hatred and malice that! Barrie street, phone 1806J. Ser-|he sowed will reach him, finally, ! vices: Sunday, 10 a.m., Bible clas | If a farmer were to plant oats | 11 a.m., morning prayer. Topic, | under the misapprehension that he | "The New Song." 3 p.m., Sunday|had planted corn; School; 7 p.m. service. Topic, [ing oats he "Asleep in the Storm." Monday, | p.m., Christian Endeavor; Wednes- day, 8 p.m., prayer meeting. for | Some of world to| reaping | reap oats, fe It might be possible to BO over his Sydenham Street Methodist--Rev. | field and try to gather up the oats | R. H. Bell, minister, will preach at | he had sown, but there would still he 11 a.m. Bible Class and Young | Some oats left in the sofl-- it would | Men's Club, 2.45 p.m. In the even-| be impossible to recover a) of the | Ing the cantata "Coming of the | oats. | King," (Dudley Buck), will be giv- | Likewise, there may be repentance ! en by the choir, soloists: Miss Wood- | for sin that has been committed, but| man, Miss Pollard, Mr. Tompkins, | it is utterly impossible to prevent at | Dr. Angrove, Organist and conduct- | least some of the sin from bearing | or, Miss Shaw. Social half-hour. Jeu --and the scar will always re- -- main, [| It would pe { St. George's Cathedral--Very | to plant one Rev. G. Lothrop Starr, M.A, D.D. dean and rector, 78 Wellington . : | phone 2156. Rev. W. E, Kidd, M. |p he failed to Youn Tac pbejsred] A., M.C., curate, Wellington, phone | ho goweq. | hird Sund in Advent. ' : | ig Tus nin 0 y Heat ° No more can it pe expected that | depositing of King's Colors present. | C1 Cutting or unking word will re-| ¥ sult in one other cutting or unki ed 21st Battalion by His Majesty word--it will produce a perfect id King George, special military serv rent or avalanche of ice. Preacher, Rev. W, E. Kidd. ito 3 p.m., Sunday School; 4 p.m., Holy Baptism; 7 p.m., Evensong. Preach- bushel of oats and ex- absurd for a iid ne bushel of oats | in coming | 1 | When Buying Your Gift Books EMEMBER that the authors' names will have a R =i deal to do with their acceptance. You will appreciate that the names in the list follow- ing stand for the most attractive and interesting things in Fiction and General Literature, NEW FICTION SIR HALL CAINE ALICE DUER MILLER The Master of Man Manslaughter Sir Hall Caine has outdone him. self in this latest and greatest This new book by the author of novel 'Come Out of the Kitchen" is not illuminatingly titled. It is a _~ NEay strong story of the rejuvenation JEFFERY FARNOL of a young' girl's character. $3.00 Martin Cenisby's Vengeance This is Farnol at hig best. A se. quel to "Black Bartlemy's Treas- ure." A book anyone will revel in 2.00 ANTHONY PRYDR Nightfall The author of "Marqueray"s Duel" has produced another HAROLD BELL WRIGHT strong novel of the same type Helen of the Old House The biggest selling book in Am- erica this Fall will surely make a splendid gift THOMAS DIXON The Man in Gray If you or your friend read the "Clansman" you will both be cer. tain to like ths new one by the same author ,.,..,.,.,... vies 52.00 MAUD DIVER Far to Seek A Dbetter-than-usual novel from a literary standpoint. Deals largely with India FLOYD DELL: MARIE CORELLI The Briary Bush The Secret Power Written with all Miss Corelli's charm and interest A particularly clever novel this, by the author of the much-talk- ed-of "Moon Calf" - 32.30 GENERAL LITERATURE HAL. G. EVARTS THE GENTLEMA.. +F THE a DUSTER The Hald Face The Glass of Fashion A most surprising new book by the author of "The Mirrors of Downing Street." Unusual animal stories unusually well illdstrated , W. R. H. TROBRIDGE Queen Alexandra Stories of remarkable human in. terest hitherto untold, by a mas. ter of this sort of material, $3.00 JOSEPH CONRAD Notes on Life and Letters Autobiographical material from the pen of the Breat master of letters ..., May we suggest--*-That you clip this list and take it to your Bookseller with you. It will be exceedingly helpful, The Ryerson Press Canada's First Book Publishers - TORONTO er, The Dean. Note: The congrega- Frequently the sowing of bitter- | tion is requested to be in the church Rev. J, deP. Wright, M.A., B.D., rec- ¥ By the Rev. Sin is contagious. It's worse than the contagion of disease. J It is possible to guard yourself against physical disease, but it's very hard to shield yourself entirely from sin. You can quarantine smallpox, but {you can't quarantine sin---and sin is | more harmful than smallpox. | You may shut out sickness but it's | impossible to segregate people who seek to destroy the soul-lives of men and women through pernicious per- sonal influences. . But--I]et's come a little closer. What about parents who are spreading the disease of sin? Have you ever noticed how your little children have '"'caught" your pet sin? You know how they imitate you. You have passed on to them many ~--if not most--ot the bad habits of which you are guilty, and you have made life more of a struggle for them because of this handicap. It will be harder for them to think truly and to act squarely. Besides this, they will he penaliz- ed because of the sing which they have inherited from you---why add to the burden by compelling them to carry the weight of your ball habits in addition? | The fact that sin is contagious is one argument for isolating those who arg guilty of sins which are barmffil ito the community, It isn't as easy to be specific in de- signating types and kinds of sin as it is to designate contagious diseases, but we're coming more and more to find out which practices and habits of men can no longer be regarded as "solitary" evils but "social" evils. And this refers to a much wider range of sing or crimes than. are commonly understood when we think of the *"seclal evil." We are just beginning to get a latter curse --in blighted snd blinded lives for others because of the su- preme selfishness of one, but we will undoubtedly soon carry this prinei- ple over to all forms of life. Sin is contagious--it is the great social evil, { Some day we'll learn that "ao man liveth unto himself." . Then we'll be more ready to con- sider others before we bring upon them untold suffering because of our personal sins. . . . The Bible gives four definitions of sin: "Stn is the transgression of law." I John 3: 4, "All unrighteousness is the sin." I THE NATURE OF SIN ness will conti all before 11 o'clock. through life--in fyeds and wars, | heartaches anq suffering. | "Whatsoever g man soweth that shall he also reap." | But what about . |8in? Charles Stelzle, | Let us never forget that Gog al.! _¥ ways is ready to forgive sin--but | |men aren't, | "To him that knoweth to do good| God can help take away the sting | A om, TAH" forgiveness of and -doeth jt not, to him it is sin." | of sin, but even He cannot always | James 4: 17, | save us from the penalty of our sin | "Whatsoever is not faith is sin"-- so far as other's actions toward us | that is, all doubtful Practices are are concerned. f sinful. Romans 14: 23. | But---unlesg there is repentance! And these four principles -cover|on the part of the sinner---"Gioq is! about all the forms of sin that men | not mocked!" practice. You can't flaunt sin in the face of | It you say you have no sin, you|God and get away with it, deceive yourself. The Bible * says | ------ that this is a sign that "the truth is not in you." Czar Ivan III, cut of physicians' | The man who comes close to God, | heads if they failed to cure, | allowing the white light of His Holi- | ===meon | ness to shine upon him, sess himselr | a sinner. It was when the prophet Isaiah 80t a vision of the holiness of God | that he cried out: "Woe is me! for! I am undone; becan unclean lips, and I dwej in the mid- | st of people of unclean lips; | mine eyes have seen the King the! USE "DANDERINE"" Lord of Hosts," Folly we may know without know. 36 ceuts buys a bot- ing God. tle of "Danderine.' Vice afe may know without know. | Within ten minutes af- ing God. ter the first application ~~ | WHEN HAIR THINS, FADES OR FALLS, Crime we you can not find 4 knowing God. single trace of dandfufr- But Sin we cannot know tully| gr falling hair. Dan- without knowing God, for sin is] Se fri pe aie missing the mark of God's perfect rain and sunshine -- love, and it is only as we see oursel- | to vegetation. ves with God as a background that| right to the roots, in- We realize the sinfulness of sip, vigorates and stréngth- It is significant that the funda. | ens them, helping your mental reason for sin is covetous.| hair to grow long, ness, thick and luxuriant, = 1 There were seven persons in el Girls! Girls! Don't let your hair Bible who used the words: © stay lifeless, colorless, thin, scraggy. sinned "1 have) 5" single. ropln oriem, 1 delightful may know without THE LATEST MUSIC You've Got To Get It Here ! MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of an" kind----we have theungfl, STATIONERY A Most Appreciated Gity NOVELTIES Kewplie Doll Lamps-- Statuary, ete, THE BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS--RECORDS 65¢.~APEX RECORDS--é65c, » BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS CARDS DISTINCTIVE FOUNTAIN PENS--EVERSHARP PENCILS The Song Shop PHONE 979W. - - 216 PRINCESS STRE¥T OPEN NIGHTS '. NEXT 70 OPERA HOUSE "THE HOME OF BETTER MUSIC" It every case they were guilty of oie beauty and covetousness. It ig disregard hay Sod make pt Others, selfishness, that is resp - ble for most men's sins, G-3-8-5-8-0-8-3 At the opposite extreme from sin is love, and here's what we're told a TT Make This a Book Christmas about it in the Bible. Here are a few suggestions. Your "Love envieth not." There can be no bookseller will show ou ot our new Fall Books, ¥ hers of covetousness | where love prevails. And the farther Away. yon get from love the greater your sin. You'll probably accept the propos- ition that the greatest sinner is the man who disobeys the greatest com- mandment. - What is the greatest command- ment? Thou shalt love the Lord hy Sod with or heart, with ali thy som wil 1 thy mind.» most po pie BL pular book thi H ke the Srey sin you dan 4240, : . ee to to love God--not!] _ ~ drunkenness, or adultery, nor ro | THE RYERSON bery, mor Snuter--~but having no PUBLISHERS in r life--that" ! Sod you that's the worst | xononro THE MASTER oF MAN-- By Sir Hal Cajne. On £f th "biggest" books of the env, - strength and interest --g1.75, MARTIN CoNIsSBY'S VENGEANCE... By Jefte Farnol. A et Sea in Elisabethean HALE 0. HELEN oF Tug OLD HOUSE. By Harold Bell Wright. : 3 I right io Tadly ONTARIO =F John G: 1%. . . . "Be mot deceived; God is . Important Re Your Storage Battery Now that the cold weather has set in we wish to announce jane We are prepared to look after your BATTERY for the er. TELEPHONE or WRITE and get full what is needed to be done to your Battery, Experts on Generators, Moto Magnetos and Lightinz Systems. _Give us a try-out. We as our work. iii Willard Service Station, L. LESSES STREET. PHONE 1340. Particulars as to 19 BROCK of David Johnston, eat besfatenk 'or The Arabs discovered coffee. A pretty wedding was solempized Johnston, son Jellyby on Wednesday when Rev, Greenbush. P. D. Hurford united fn marriage | - Pleas wil aot Miriam Jelly, eldest daugh'er of [ohicken, Jelly, Jellyby, to Roy | ¥ > id