COMING Of go GRAND TONIGHT THE PEOPLE'S FORUM | : | KINGSTON [J J fas STOCK C0. Prsening THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. A COMEDY IN 3 ACTS Vaudeville Between Acts } NEXT | PRICES: 20-30-50¢. Gallery, 10c. Saturday Matinee 10 and 25e¢. : . 1 \ | - - CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES :/ WANTED GENERAL | ' FOR SALE Y : TT FOUND TG ae AY GRAND - MONDAY, DEC. 12 | secutive indertion thereafter, half able room and board » Ca | hn i cent a word. Minimum charge for family ADDL 9 "hi | 2 PAIR OF LADY'S GREY - - - - es I i ot Lsertie y. Appl sioves wi Fhite hit LE A) , : BIRDS. APPLY S | i ii as ome Insertion, 25c; three irsertions, | - ey Wal White auichig {MALE AND vERMALE MRD! { ALBERT E. ARMSTRONG, Hernia | »:+ Bargain Matinee 2.30 Evealng ... ¥ ovr : N WISHE y h : 2 oh . § , A .a nly. | A alli ' : 3 ---------- etn ss eee eee. Ipeciz f Ottawa, is the inventor | The above rates are for cash only serien alli at ns - - "IANO Lap, Specialist o . : i we roy Laveer aumerss When charged they are : ) rio Str 0 OE As aaniaus Lane ANT: of the latest fprovennts fn raid MUTTvIZRFR | ince AT EE ! LADY'S SHOE, ON HAGOT ST - ---- m---- ~ies. My new. appliance is made of | PRICES HELP WANTED. 4 a ols. ivinE dea! Owner may have same a ! DRESS SUIT IN RT A aris ho | the most durable and sanitary mater- | ais ; MoV N Children . .25¢, r ic Gure Street Jou: size 3%, Apply i ial available, based on principles | EVENING \ LAIR, PRETTY By x Ridults .... 300. y V y . APPLY : Teauus A Wins ons NG : _-- A PAIR OF 'TORTOISE SHELL we KOOF REPAIRING -- HOW ABOUT! y ! that comes with years of experience | | |SCINTICATING and ELABORATE " 2 | : ; | 25, 50, TSe. 1 CENIC EFFECT TWO MUSK OX. ROBES IN PRIME | of the most eminent physicians and » " 3 acer . ; your roof? Does It need repairing? ition a: Don's Harness "| surgeons. : ATS NOW ON SALE = = MAIL ORDERS NOW GOOD, GENERAL SERVANT; MUST BR We uss Argus Hoof-proof. Ltop a -- | y Best Cartoon Show Ever in Terontp--Globe. Be ages 33040 | po: arg Ho ¥ Coventry. § Barrack St A LADY'S BLACK NECK-PIECE | | IF YOU HAVE A USED CAR FOR SALE | / month. Apply at. once to 's ; Dis ee Geo. Palmer, cor. Bagot and| y. N nt | ENT » 3 5 on Union street, betwe s h s ! Herbert Daly, Napane On SEN alk ku RUHASE ; ST. AM vision uy Narr at Queen. Phone 410J. . Bout '1h Owner may have game 5 0 Br! steam hoist, about thou pounas FORD ROADSTER, COULD ALS ' A WOMKING HOUSEKEEPER WANTED | lift Apply W. A. Mitchel } calling at 29 Unlon West used as light truck. .\ snap. -'alm-| ie r Kingston; mus; iro Street. . ; A d Que BEE da Air eareie | == || «ram on, ose oganens ov. || gota Want io) Gh PERSONS ence. Apply Box D-20, Whig. C | ng Mill r WAYS SAFE 10 SEND A . SITUATIONS VACANT fa) DIRve sane ai Fien I hari Jare icy oie] INFANTS--CHILDREN--ADULTS | Hall, Queen's University ; 00 2 (ELE : Five dollars cost three cents. a0 OPER AD RA rans BIG 83 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS THANKSGIVING MONDAY, ON Universit) rim nose glasses. Owner ir on { have same at McColl's Drug con 4 i Store Princess Street. GRIFFIN AMUSEMENT COMPANY PRESENT r ; Hk own, tone ihe Ar greeting card sample book fr ity g : 1 $225.00 B: ye a Goon Re CRD can have immediate relief and per- | M ® 33 1) Xieains ner, 4 te to workers, celebrated, inexp 1's gold se 8 touring; tired new, m : ot S 7 inv arie a e a ers tant, 253 D-Aiguillon, Quebec, Que. | sive, Royal 'Series; secure orders Jana gel have sono at ihe | dition good. Palmer, corner Bagot| manent comfort by Investigating the | iS--WANTED TO DO PLAIN ne deliver later; men and wo- Whig Office and Queen streets. | merits of my new invention. It is =~ LADIES ol x . : n already making five dol INCLUD. adjusted to conform with any shaped | 3 sewing at home; whole or spare 4 . V 1 X ra Dita E y ; a | | NICE BUNCH OF POULTRY, : : ! time; good pay; work sent any dis- | Sall¥ Syn in spare tine; cap i. 9% RINCSTON ih RE : Rocks and White Legho body irrespective of size or condt- | €€ tance; charges paid. nd stamp Company, I LG Eversh Pencil ers { for sale cheap. . iy 914 Princess tion, and will retain the most trouble- ! for particulare. National Manu a re = may have same by street | some rupture with comfort, giving | : ; 4 ¥y proving facturing Company, Montreal property at Street kailway { r p 'a Pr " : ; | entire satisfaction ! - | . le | CITY LUT. @ FE FRONTAGE; 117 en 5 WE WANT + RELIABLE SALES Lfiice f deep; for cash i oe] No matter what your Trade or Pro- | 9 or each uu ited coun- | FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT UN- LOW BROWN RUBBER, BE- incubator, 140 egg. and two brood- |e... ay be, it is made and ad- 8kent for each yurepresented coun- til March 1st. 123 King Street A LOW ian to & gentle u's left ! ers; hot water heated. Wnly use fes n ma) It J | ---------------------------------- ty or terr.tory. Exciusive selling Phone 163 , ¢ have same .] 1 once. Cawson. 248 Concession St. | justed to give immediate comfort. vights: good Pa) lo energetic iep- | Rone : | per TRY LAYS Bams near Victoria Street. is the only truss appliance or rupture | ; ency alu- - go i > J 3 1 > . ha - able. Write Pelham Nursery Co. | 97 COLLINGW oD ™m Tea Street. retainer containing the art of regu- . VAUDEVILLE BETWEEN THE ACTS Toronto, Ont. i$ Taan Erect ¥ - | AUTOMOBILE TIRE CHAIN OY 'E_ENGLISH PATTERN FOLDING lating the pressure on seat of rupture PRICES :--Matineey 10c. and 15¢. Evenings | | Princess St, Saturday night. e, waterproof do 9g and from the exterior of the clothing. | Complete Change of Programme Monday BAKE MONEY AT HOME, $13 To sw| FINST CLAss noon with FOARD; Df ave Suma at < crib: spring mattress, ma:- The art of regulating and many Matinee Wednesday aud Saturday at 2.30 p.m. pald weekly for your #pare. Bo phone 2238w Pply 34 r ne tress and pillow. Apply 133 Uni- other improvements are protected by | ny aa for ahd supply | Toe i FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- versity Avenue. {the UNITED STATES and CANA- | oo em arma v & bly | of ROOM, WITH BOARD IF DE- | TISED FREE RICA :r DIAN Government. During my ex- Learn to dance at the Gar- IS AMERICA'S WINTE en You with work. West-Angus show | red; all Conveniences . ut 5 To sired; onve 5 Apply 212] : g g 5 Brock Street, Card Service, 17 Colborne Bid, To King street, or phone 2257. | Anyone finding anything and la) und. May weather her perience I have gained an unparallel i te leave Sit ropto. w ishing to reach the owner may | | inter homes Cheap tet away irom] ed reputation that comes with treat- | |i ces {an ten lessons ' | BRICK HOUSE AT 1 RIDEAU STREET do so by reporting the facts t) snow and ice. Ba refere % ing each case personally. | Waits, One Step. Foy Toh WANTED IMMEDIATELY, PROBA-| seven rooms. Vacant now. Rent|| The British wis. Pniacis, 2 Clifton: W. Loveland, Satsuma| ing ea p 3 | | ts, One Step, Fox Trot tioners to enter a Registere! Traia- | - 3 % rh . : - *lorid Hours from 7 to 9 every | : School for Nurs i Ia bed | $23.00. Key at 89 Barrack St. { tisermnent will be printed in this Heigh iorida night. | Img School for Nurses in 75-bec column free of charge, & | Bospital. piiust have at least "ls| ON FIRST OF JANUARY, LODGE | "Found articles" aves not a 2 ¥ -- SIX ¥ S| MRS. S. COHEN, Instructor 3 Ivatent & Address Lee a rooms now occupied by the I. O. O clude lost dogs, cattle, horses i tave 8 8; » for home Hall Phone | qu : "a! : F. Apply to Cunningham & Smith. | e These, if lost, may be rch hall; [8 . i Hospital, 179 Lake Ave, Rochester, -------------- vertised for in the "Lost c ai od > J M---------- 8 ] t column. 3 x tuned; in = - NY FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD ote i a bargain for including Your ruptured infants and children are not too young or too sr all to o ¥ all improvemeats; centrally locat i stool. Apply 384 Alfred GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK-- ed. Apply 243 University Ave. = ov | have my invention adjusted on them. We Heed you to make socks on the B versity Avs EEE | THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY ast, easily-learnec uto Knitter; | ~ i BC x " | " y 8 rith the city . 4 . GARAGE, NEAR CORNER A LOST. { Division Street, within § experiance unnecessary; distance and Bagot Apply D. G. Hay, R. . { limits, known ar the Murdock FREE CONSULTATION . . immaterial; positively no canvass- R. i, Kingston. Phone i100 r 42. HUDSON SEAL MUFF. REWARD Farm, containing forty-three acres g NSULT! 2 Kingston General Hospital 0cC- Ing: yarn supplied; particulars, se A ---------------- ~ > 1¢ 1 v owned b he | Sn t -C ~ ES ---- or retur o 172 Barrie Street, or more or less, now owne y the Samp. Dept. 13-C. Auto Knitter Co. | o NINE ROOMED STONE HOUSE, Jor s00w Biyie Sue Kingston Brick and Tile Com- ALBERT E. ARMSTRONG 'Toronto. 3 op > - rien 146 Montreal St, all inprovements pany. For particulars as to price 1 3 toa: wis | EE ee > 4 ae } > > BT > : x tS rnia Specialist of Ottawa Jhone 1099 ring 3. Vacant Aprii| 4 AROWN FUR RUFF, OF SAPORDAT, 24d terms apply 1a the vnjersign- Hernia Specialist Haws, Sealed Tenders, marked "Tender for solicitor )r the comp y . w i tf 2 © AER > 3 'te Via d J. a . iy r TEACHERS WANTED, 1st. between Earl Street and City hall . Dy 93 Cl . Empire Wing Extens'on, Kingston eee teward for return to 223 King St B. Walkem, 93 Clarence Street. WILL BE AT THE finite Wing Esieh recoinEnon STORAGE FOR FURNITURE AND the undersigned up till y'elock nooa A NORMAL TEACHER FOR §. 8. No. merchandise; clean and dry. Mee s---------------- -------------- | VILLAGE STORE, POST OFFICE AND i 35, Camden. Salary 3900. Star: Cann Agency, 86 Brock Strest | SU NDAY, NOV. TWO BLACK telephone pay station, in good | 7 of Ln Mth way uf January, Jan. 3rd. Apply to rank Waliace, Phone 326. and White Hound Pups. Brandi farming section; real estate con- oat Fob IBY Shr pon Esnera) cons | Sec.-Treas, Harrowsmith, Ont. EE ( on back. L. T. Best drug- sisting of store and dwelling at-| . ; | NINE-ROOMED HOUSE AT 17 NELSON gist. tached; barn ang 1-3 acre of land | KINGSTON, ONT. Sehtestes furms furnisngd by Suet 5 . i WN street; three-piece bath; as and can be bought for $1.500.00; one-| = pd . - PROTESTANT QUALIFIED TEACHER electrienty Appr to aired air TT OTR G FUT TheLion SETTER, half cash. General store stock at Bae Spied bunk cheque made Days for 8. 8. No. 5, Hinchinbrooke; dut- 51 Princess Street, with black patch over eye. Finder invoice price. An excellent opening able to Ane las Gener Hospital, for les to commence Jan. 3rd. Salary -------- en please return to M. Amodeo's Fru:t for any one wishing to engage in| t ¢ i n on d er a an accom- $900. Apply to Geo. A. Smith, seo- STOMAGE FOR FURNMTURE, CLEAN, Store, Princess Street iness. J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 ' 0 he ener al with a bid} retary, Parham, Ont. aray, &iry rooms; your own lock| -- - a r Street. Phone 88. Fang: the ender, ioget p-- - -- I k ory ros FE " . a ~ + V S---------- ee rr eee. bond. On awarding the contract the! and key. Frost's City Storage, 299-| A SUM OF AMERICAN maa DECEMBER 13th cheques of the unsuccessful .enderers | -- A QUALIFIED TEACHER, APROTES. $05 Queen St. Phone 526; res. 939w twe Wednesday and triday. Re- 16 oD 8 hi | tant). for 8 8 No. 1. Union. Dutias ar | Ward WHI be given for He" Feturs FINANCIAL ALBERT E. ARMSTRONG | will be returned; that of the successful Jo Commence Jan, Sidnlvas 3laryl A NINE ROOMED HOUSE, HOT Wa. to the Whig Office. : Hernia Specialist ae povigte for mo ned until bond : 9.3 " ter furnace and all im provements; IRS 'RU S *] : - y, 0 B Price, Sec.-Treas., Mountain Grove, corner of Colborne and Sydennam| SMALL LEATHER PURSE WwW ITH SUM NR as LEY, REA 64 Robert Street, Ottawa, Ont. I ne anisted. ications may vel a Ont gireets. Apply Number 2, Colborne Bf Money: name inside, YilueQ as » Earl street. Phone 1752M. Phone Queen 4140. seen and tender forms obtained from Street. eepsake from bro r in Siberia --_-- rah Ion opi . 7 2 RISEN ¢ > 97 E. i the office of the Architects, Stevens & | A QUALIFIED TEACHER WANTED Reward If returned to 97 Earl St. | oo GT stave INSURANCE AUCTION SALE Lee, 62 Charles St. East, Toronto, or at | for 8. 8. 16, Portiand Township. | g E CORNER, UP-STAIR ROOMS; | agents; established in 1560; | the office of J. C. Newiands, Kingston, | Salary offered $900 per annum. Ap- suitable for doctor or dentist or NOVEMBER 25th, AT QUEEN'S the most reliable com Household Furniture near the Pest Of. | Ont. | ply, stating experience and quali. private family; located at corner University, a rug from car Findi- | sented. Office 85 Clarence Street, fice, Portsmouth, Wed., Dec, | The lowest or any tender not neces- cations, fo G. ¥, Storms, Secretary, Bagot and Willlam streets. Apply er kindly return to W. Hawley, Ha opposite the posi office. . y pom, | sarily accepted | bi EL, 4t 1:30 Verona, Ont. 37 Brock Street, or phone 70% Johnston Street, and receive re- Wal ath, 1 a STEVENS TE : * & ' . ™ . RY nut Parlor Suite, Centre Tables. STEVENS & LEE; | " - pg - ward. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. Rockers, Columbia Grafonola, 35 Reo- Architects EXPERIENCED SraLivien TEACH-| SEVEN ROOM SOLID ICK HOUSE, | --------------ee ~~~ ment Societ Incorporated 1861.| cords, Axminster Rugs, Linoleum and er, (Protestant), for S. 8. No. 7, Just completed, on Victoria Streot.| President W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice-| O11 ; \ | Hinchinbrooke; duties to com: all modern improvements; with| ON ELECTION AT, ON KING OR president, A. B. Cunningham. nS an Lahogany shen Centre P b h Libr B lleti | mence Jan. 3rd. Salary $700. Ap- garage. Possession lst of January. | Princess Streets, a pair of Specta- Money issued on city and iarm Sui Ply to T. Burton Genge, Sec.-Treas., Apply D. E. Wathem, N38 Nelson St. cles, in a dark case. Finder kindly properties, municipal and coun:y Troan eon Hedy phlske Mat, HK. R. No. 1, Godfrey, Ont. leave them at Whig Office or 231| debentures; mortgages purctased, | Quebec = Heater, Pictures, Curtains, | ONCE, A NEW NIEVEN ROOM Division Street. luvestment honda for sale; deposits| Chemical Closet! * "3 | house an arn on North Alfred; al-| =---- = = received and interest allowe R. ALLEN, the Auctioneer Aprilly--J. Abbott. | AGENTS WANTED So on North Alfred street, a good GC Cartwright, manager,, 37 Clar- Telephone 252. jatar Awet. | K. | | Books To Iuterest Boys and Girls | brick house and sight ores of land, STRAYED, | ence eet, Kingston. PN ee snes, | E 1d Budd} A J B = Pply to J. D. Boyd, 332 Univ ity DE 5 --_--------e-- imera uddha---Ames, ENTS--GET IN PROFIT Avenue, phon : Sielly : : : ; " . : Scouts of the Bagdad i'atrol---Brereton, AGENT! T A FITABLE Sbndadpioid ag STRAYED FROM PASTU RE IN MAY! : FA NCY GOODS. F. 8 &ll year commission business of or June, four black and white r i ill > your own. Every property owner yearling heifers, with fénce wire Society gh. Tortoise laskaiison, Cir i y Deeds some of our nine hundred Tings In each right ear. Will any | HEMSIITUCHING, PICOT EDGING, AC. e Mo a Sabi Varieties of hardy Red Tag trees one Knowing of their present' cordion, knife and box pleating. | CITY LEAGUE Wild as. Dailre=Hodgiin 1.0 S . ] fi th I hi NN &nd plants. No capital needed. INGHAM & SMIfH BARRIST- whereabouts, communicate at one Hours 9 to 5.30. Mrs. BE. A. Card, | Complete equipment and insiru, - s and Solicitors, 1! Clarence with Mrs. John Kidd, R. R. No. 1, 4 Victoria Terrace, Montreal Su. ! ~~ i jiussurs of the Wolf--Parry, D. H. tion free. Write Dominion Nurser. Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunning. Gananoque opposite Artiliery Park. | All Clubs desiring to enter teams are | Real Stuff--Taylor, K. H. ra keh n fes, Montreal. ham, Cyril M. Smith. me EE = | FF--------------------=---------- | requested to have a representative at-| For Diake and Merrie England Walks] Every lady attending the mati- DENTAL | lend & meeting to be held in the K. A | Prince Jan--Hooker, F. C. |} nee or evening performance will A. A. temporary Club Rooms, 173 Wel. | Diantha's Quest--RKnipe, E. B. | o hot { ; Girls of Miss Cleveland's--Embree, B. receive a sample te of % > N | AMBROSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTER FOR SALE. SELL SOMETHING EVERYBODY and Solicitor. Law office,' corner of mu have. Rea 3 < y ; <5 ~ » -- & > g IY | lingto Ss et, N - st e. (Read this line over King and Brock, over Koval Bank.| X LARGE STOCK OF AR BLANK) DR. A. E. K)APP, DENTIST. OFFICE| lin8ton Street, at 4 p.m. Monday, De Ruthie, Duganne, P. "FLOREL MILLEFLEURS" | fain ard Hote Pat ve aid mur). Money to loan. Phone 1999. ets for sale 'at a reasonable price. 25% Priotess Street. Phone 852w. | ccmber 12th. | Count of Monte-Christo, Dumas. A , U. 8. y le, ee 3 . Routbard, 2 4 ---------- -- | cnt | on - . er ------ v Ee Call at L. ou r 89 Princess | | Perfume as used by Norma Tal. a positive necessity because of or phone 1723. DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. | W. KENT MACNEE . madge. vérnment ruling, with yearly re- CHIROPRACTIC. tists, 159 Wellington sireec corner | MEDICAL, Bank of ( ommerce Byliding Rrock ang! 8 peat, exclusively owned 'and cons McLAUGHLIN ROADSTER, COST $2 of Brock. trolled by us. If you are an order " iL p i i. | yg y 30| WM. A. MARCELILS, D.C, Pa. C., Cor- 250; only run .4.000 miles: good as ae C. K. ROBINSON, M.D, 365 . $ : 'hone 7 i rsmm-- a a a R due. it should mak» $20 £3; 330 ner Princess and Barrie Streets, 2nd new: quick sale. Palmer, corner| DR. RUPERT I. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 Kirn, Hours 10 30-12 Ci King Streets, Fhose 4] or 1341] |g - - - Salesman you WIL Ciel «haan us iloor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, Bagot and Queen streets. Princess Street. Phoic 1850. Open pm. 7-8.30 p.m. Phone 1648 Gelleral Insurance Ageney LW Lr B d evenings by appoiatmen pd . . Writing: --Automobil Fi $60.00 per day. Most desirable ont, Consultation free. Telephone PERFECT, COLUMBIA AND - mee en - Writing im e, re, Accident, onnection with future for those 3324. Hours ¥ 10 12 a10..1 to 6 p.m. Bicycles, also bicycle ce DR. AYKRO\D, DENTIST, UAs Ri. PR. P. H. HUYCKE, 111 w ELLINGTON | fickness, Plate Glass Burglary, ete. ho qualify. Jerome Laadt, Pres., 5 " sumed practice &t 92 Princes t Street, Kingston. Office hours: 11] Representing Ouly Reliabie Companies . MON, TUES, WED. 8 Dearborn St. Chicago, Il, U.S & baby 'carriage tires put on while ed pi cess St, to 12 am, 2 to 4 pm. and 7 to § |= | DR. ETTA BLODGETT, SPECIALIST you wait. Mui'er's Bicycle Works, Seer, Bank of Nova Scotia. Phone | venings. Telephone 456 in Chiropractic, 585 Princess Stree:, 371-373 King stréet.. Phone 1032w. __ Jeol. | : 5 eS ses » .' "Hour .m. BUSINESS CHANCES. Kingston, Ont. Hours 1 to 4 p.m THIRTY POUNDS DAYTON COMPUT. A PARAMOUNT PICTURE and 7 to § pm. Tuesday, Thurs- C any ang Saturday. ny thyras ing Scale--second hand-- guaran- UPHOLSTERING. MILLINERY. t PAY, YOUR OUT OF TOWN ACCOUNTS by reques teed accurate two years; 'may be y ~ h R ee TEs , - | Dominion Express Money Or Soeq At ,188 Ontario Street. Hun-| CALL OR DROP A CARD To W. J. MRS. MCLAUGHLIN, 112 LOWER| { CLAY1 ON ders. [ive dollars costs three dred dollars. Terms to suit. Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot 3 William Street, will take orders i cents. DR. GEORGE F. LUCY, DR. JENNIE A, for making trimming and remodei- | in = 3 m= Lucy, Chiropractic Specialists and| W= HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF| F."W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. ing hats. | o Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot strest, good seconl-hand furniture and polstering and general repairing | == ------------------------ | "WEALTH 9 ARCHITEQY between Princess and Brock. Tele- stoves. Any person having stoves Leave orders at or drop a card to] phone 943w. Hours 9 to 12 am., 1 to and furniture to dispose SL we will 104 Clergy street SIGNS son street. 'Hours 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. : 3 . a { f by iE . 6, and 7 to 9 pm. Spinal analysis pay highest prices. J. Thompson. { . FOWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCHI- and consultation free. Residential 333 Princess Street. Phone 1800. COVERED BUTTONS MADE To on.] SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS WORK, | COSMO HAMILTON > : Ci sorner of Brock and Wellington. ------ eee > EIN EH Upholstering and repairing done. displays a specialty, by Shaw at 23 INTING AND PAPE -- ANTIQUE FURNITURE E' J. Goodridge. 245 Usverors Fohiays a spccl | PALMISTRY PAI ie . ER HANGING Avenue. Phone 1833J. i GEO. NOBES : WHEN WANTING PAINTI OR | Furniture will arrive about r } RA) bh J F, © PROF. ARMENDO TELLS PAST AND Paperhangiug done, drop a card to] 5th, 1921 | FURNITURE REPAIRED -AND FiN-| 4 NCHING COUNTRY, : -- a ! Tat qa : | ired promptly and al : Dec Ji H. SCOTT & CO. 53 BEVERLY sT,| Mahogany Ice Chests. Stanton' & Sleeth. 35 Pimentgs | Southern Alber 1s lareq Tons "RED FOAM" am. to § pm. 338 King Street Rijniea, putied, glazed and put on | Set 3 4nd Satan sing the belief that Southern Alberta ee eo : Eust. All Work done at shortest uotice. every} © tabies. | SEND A DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY | Is naturally a ranching country and | minion fs tects, Merchants Bank Chambers, by appointment. I ---------- der in all popular shapes and sizes | large or small, Posters, Showcards | A shipment of old English Antique Decem . M. 7 . future and gives advice; 87 John- A. Mouateer, §4 Arch Street. Mahogany chests of Drawers. ished, guns, gramaphomes, ste ro. Phone 986M. 17 Division Street TA ITE TOT cons An HAVE YOUR HAND READ Famers, Pa RrBauger d Deco-|° Rosewood and Walnut Arm Chairs. for Farming, . -- y Madame lan, who has given rators. No Job too small no con- Dining and Parlor Wal oi y a " = sausfaction to many, Iours: 10 tract too large, Storm witdoware.| goons 204 Parlor aut Coaps. PERSONAL Winnipeg, Man., Dec. 10.--Expres French Walnut Bed sv ~4.__Order. Five dollars costs three cents. an unsafe country to farm in, George > - - Mahogany Mirror Fram t ! N 2 CIVIL ENGINEERING. PIANO TUNING. Ty tum ele { IF YOU WANT A HEALTHY, WEAL. | Lane, widely known rancher of the INSIET 'ON THE BEST - SSE'S 'yg 5 thy, loviig wife, Violet Ra v I SSURVEVS_ESTIMATES -- 7. PLANO TUNING AND REPAIRING -- LisSEE ANTIQUE Sugp i Dennison. Ohio: cnpoing mary Bar-U ranch, Alberta, when inter- . axi B. work guaranteed. Peter D. Brown, We buy all kinds of Furniture. viewed here deplored the falling off 153 King Divot. Mom. Eng d t. Ph : TO MARR % st. ny reet. one 3d. 2 I tre Tm. 1] €4 LIC y + & ? 12 Markland Stree oue 1337m Phone 1645w. 507 Princes: Street. CATHUINS Muy ty Home Ch: in population of the small towns scat- Service (Crossed a Bat NS IE ESTATE, L-Box 23, Grand Rapids, Mich. re purvughont De. Southern auch. FUR SALE {WOULD YOU WRITE TO A LONELY, own 8 Tee Saal TDR, SAVY i de PHONE 116 Sardines $2,800--0. C. SEMI-DETACMED; six|__ ard, 2925 Broadway, Chicago, 111. 0 E ¥oouas; . and U.; down towa. | RICH, YOUNG WIDOW; PRETTY AN "It has been demonstrated by this g { a affectionate; w LH | time that a lot of the country in $6,500--BRICK; 10 ROOMS, : Improvements; central. | hATES) land Obie Southern Alberta and Sofithern Sas- THE FINEST QUALITY IN CLEANER THAN COAL. J ---- ee ------------------------------------ ketchew i hing lan ited OLIVE OIL ' HOT AS COAL. $1,500--FRAME HOUSE; NORTH END;| YOUR FUTURE FORETOLD: SEND 10 oth unis pu. ie ied 0 PURE : LAST AS LONG AS COAL . five rooms; large lot, room fur one dime, pirthdate for truthful, reil-| 00 Other kin agricultural use, $2.00 A TON CHEAPER THAN COAL. : 9, 140 more iv. Him Daw incine tris ishing Mr. Lave said. "For my part" he SN CR ain $14.50 PER TON DELIVERED. $2000 -- SEMI-DETACHED Cal : Sontimued, I have always thought it - a4 very unsafe country to farm in. 1 : ! house, § rooms, H. and C. and gas; | Tr Ta . J S & Co s it | owp lot and good cellar. NT i Sa hd Ba BESULTS | ave alwase sald wo. wud pa always Hl 15 LS" menos 'tural and ra. ames wift . ns Lim ed YOR ome Maker" hundreds rich. wish acted upon my belief that it was an a by adjustment of the hu- ORDER N ow $2600 THE MATE TO THE ABOVE marriage soon; strictly confiden- , man machine. Give Nature 3 i 4 Foot of Johnson St. ' with electric ignts; both well built tial; most reliable: years experi- ideal country to ranch in. This was chance and she will cure even --- ence; descriptiohs tree. "The { | 5een by Sir Clifford 8ifton, who, when as ghe heals the wound and knits 'CHRISTMAS CAKES p CEMENT BLOCK Club" Mrs. Nash, Box 558. the broken n, hardwood Oakiand. Calit. minister of the interior, bad tho ji Mechano-Therapy -- Elect "i flectiie gata; sides oles try mapped out for ranching and CHRISTMAS PUDDINGS . = --- for ranching only, based on the ad- Twelve Jeary Sueeess tn FANCY BOXES of CHOCOLATES | $2723.00 -- FRAME BUNGALOW; 4 vice and experience of some of the' D , ¢ VE barns; Sood Sondition; 3° piece Wianses frien an Turaishas Sree) edt experts in his department. Hi. RS. Aan a EDNA ~ HONE rs aatty rd cars 4 decision has proved to have been ab- 204 King St. Bear Earl a land. vutside cMy limits. pr solutelv right. > 3 - Street. Pho "The shrinking populations are, it S $25.00--FRA WEST SIDE, SEVE : . rooms; a and : electric light "ome Lea TRIMON| may be eaid,", Mr. Lane declared, ery -- : . Thoucorsest "the latest evidence of the rightfui- | so profitable as a ranching arcs, has RICH: oete Heh a scription parriage. Confidential] ness of the position Sir Clifford took | under the present settled form cost [moe -------- Phone 705 good condition. a. tn ree. Only Nowerablel oe matter. J other proofs be | oth ike Dominion aud provincial | to uphold and keep on tne lend Je WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER : J-- write. ® Old Reliable Club} igoked for, I have only to mention |governuents millions of dollars, people who were uawisely allowed to Uolre as Aronia Thomond] | BATEMANS mEAL ESTATE Sire Wrobel Bax 26, GakiAnA] py act that the country whish was [which trey have expendad ia trying 80 in 'acre at the outset." one reasonable, as that is my motto. aaah Unive s iy Avene'