SATURDAY, DEC, 1e, 102), SINCLAIR LEWIS Author of "Main Street." ~ "MAIN STR The Greatest Book Sensation of Recent Years This story will be published in The British Whig as a serial, beginning MONDAY, DECEMBER 9th. In "MAIN STREET" neighbors. combines unusually large, popular inter In the life he describes wes THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, < Ee 15 Sinclair Lewis has pictured people as they are. Watch for "Main Street" ee life as it is lived all about us. est with real literary merit, Read It EET" Weare giving to our readers a story which In its characters we see all our Enjoy It ------ ---- "Mutt and Jeff" Monday. An event not to be overlooked in your category of travels will be the appearance of "Mutt and Jeff" in a brand-new and up-to-the-second co medy. The offering is called "Mutt and Jeff in Chinatown", and will be the next attraction at the Grand Op era House on Monday, Dec. 12th, bargain matinee and night.. Bud Fis her's famous comics are so well known, that further introduction is both superfluous and unnecessary. Suffice to say, they are an American institution end a pair of laugh-get- ters and laugh-makers who balp to make this sad old world of 8a) | and happy. And all the ser. / \in | the universe cannot do that, "mutt | and Jeff," as formerly, have their | quarrels and squabbles, They woula n't be what they are if they didn't. In this particular play, in which | youth, romance, adventure, and song | frolic and revelry, play a prominent | part, they are 'more than irresistibly | funny. It is in two acts and six fast- moving scenes, with all the chaacters contributing their share to the en- | Joyment of the occasion. The support- ing cast is large and capable bavy of pretty women in Sorgeous | and splendid gowns dominate, -- | Adve, | . At the Strand. { Few 'motion pictures stars whose pletures hive beer shown in King- ston recently have made a deepe: Impression than Ethe! Clayton, | Whose brilliant acting in "Sham" get | local film fans talking for many g | day. Now the Strand management an. ! nounces another picture starring | Miss Clayton--"Wealth", from Cos- | mo Hamilton's fluent pen, and pro | duced by William D. Taylor, Possess- | ed of outstanding historic powers, & | piguant personality and striking | beauty, Ethel Clayton fascinates her | audiences from outset. In "Wealth" | She has @ medium just suited to her | gifts, and the support of Herbert | Rawlinson -and an exceptionally | Strong cast. The story deals wity | the problem of a woman who thinks | nnn, . and a | | NOTICE | A By-law to borrow the, sum of $12,000 for the purposes here p By-law to borrow the sum of $12. 0 pay for the installation o an | dae Police Signal System. 1." The amount of money to be bhor-| 'Wed and the debt to be created is| 12,000, . i 2. Unis amount shall be raised by | the sale of debentures and the debt| «#hall Le payable in twenty years from | the 1st day of January, 1923. wolie Interest will be at the rate of 6% per an m, from the Ist day of January, 1983, Payable half yearly on the 1st day of the months of July and January In each year. 4. 9 will rérequired each for Interest ard $358 will be requir, form a ihkins fund for the of She ebt, £9, that $998 will be re- qut to be raised each year for twen- Ly yoars to pay the said debt. NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing is A true synopsis of a proposed By-law of the Corporation of the City of Kingston B be submitted to the votes of the ilectors at the same time and at the Same places as the annual election for 1S Municipal Council, and the Deputy rning Officers appointed to hold the said election shall take the vote, D day of Dece year ed to yment | ever done before wil] he 29th a= ber, 1901, at Eleven o'clock in the fore. a and mming up of the votes by % of the o the assent Obtdined to the sald pro- d M a reof to be held after the one month from the date of ublication of this notice, and that such pu tion was on the lay of December, AlpiL WTAKE NOTICE FURTHER that a tenant who desires to vate upon said must deliver to the an the tenth day be for taking the er the Canada Lo ng expiration © first law, not later th day a or the time for lability is to be! wi the money to be 'the proposed by-law is pay- that he haa Dy the eae Soyer | covenants ol th DAY Al minima taxes in re. | of the property of which he is! r than Local W. W. SANDS, Cler] Improvemen; | Premier of Sweden, and Christian Lange, Norway, secretary of the In- Ee ---- . life will become simple and easy if | she marries a rich man, but who finds SPORTING NEW that wealth without love makes life | Sunday School Basket Ball. {At the Y. M. C. A. Gymmasium on | Friday evening, two games in the senior 8. 8. A. A. A. basketball series | were played, and resulted in Syden- {ham defeating Princess street ana {Cooke's winning from Young Heb- irews. The first game between Syden- and in this production they have [ham and Princess street was a one- thelr cravings satisfied, for Miss Clay {sided exhibition. The final score was ton wears no fewer than thirty all | 36 to 12 and the half time 48 to 4. told. Scenes and settings are all up jThe teams: to the Paramount standard. The co-| Sydenham -- Moore, - McKinnon, medy attraction at the Strand is Har- | Kennedy, Spears, Dunlop, and Tho- 0ld Lloyd in "I Do." a picture in | mas. which Harold proves himself more Princess street---Hull, Alexander, inimitable and original than ever-- | Wiskin, Carroll, Timms and Clirt, Advt, , Cooke's sprang a surprise when { they defeated Young Hebrews by a | 8core of 36 to 12. The half time score {13 to 3. The Hebrews were weaken in "The [ed owing to the absence of "Benny"! | Morris who was injured in the rush one protracted agony, end that the Possession of riches sometimes de- humanises people. The first scenes are laid in Greenwich village, giving a vivid picture of life in that mucu discussed Bohemia. How she finds love and happiness is best told by the photoplay itself. The womenfolk love the glamor of gorgeous gowns, NORMA TALMADGE Surprises in Distinctive Role Wonderful Thing." ims SATURDAY'S MARKET. | Turkeys Sold at 435¢ a Pound-- Christmas Decorations Sold. The first of the "Christmas" mar- {kets gathered Saturday morning on | the square and it was a bumper one. | Turkeys, at the prices asked on Sat-| urday, will not be likely to grace the | tables of many of the workingmen of the city. The lowest price was 40c a pound, and the prevailing one 45¢, Fowls were offered at $1.25 to $1.50 a pair and chickens at $1.75 j menting on a recent address of D 1 ------ nn DOESN'T WANT UNION. -- wfoundland Not Anxious to Unite With Canada, St. John's, Nfld., Dec. 10.--Com- Ne ronto, advocating the adoption of Newfoundland by Canada, the St. John's Evening Telegram says edi- torially: ""The issue of Confederation is not | port of Canadian railways in an of- to $2 a pair. Ducks went as low ag| OY 207 Means a live one with the 75¢ each, with the prevailing price | PeODle of this country. Even if it at $1.00 each. Eggs were from 80 to 90¢ a dozen, still clinging to the proud position at the top of the market. Butter sold from 40c to 45¢ a pound. There was a big offering of pork at 13¢ and 14c a pound for fronts and 15¢ and 16c a pound for hinds; lamb sold from 16¢ to 18e. Christmas apples were high, good | eating varieties being considered | reasonable at 50e a peck. | Several farmers brought in loads| Norma Talmadge has done many fine things in the line of screen entor- tainment, but we doubt if anytni {at Queen's on Friday morning. The | teams were: | Dg! Cooke's-- Ellis, Finlay, Gibson, be quite as geu- | Burns, Cleland and Wilkinson erally liked as "The He ; oon Wonderru: | Thing," her latest production, which {Yam will be "he feature attraction at tne Allen theatre Monday, Tuesday, ana Wednesday. Miss Talmadge has al CEng ao dus oppor | ion Towssiip To te * "7 t San 'ement on foo 0 re- not oompliskiiout. whith 5s | organize the Kingston township hoes Hires AY hn eter Comoe at | KY league this coming winter. Al- least as far as the Talmadge family | HOVER No meeting has been held 24 is concerned. In addition, the story | Lite tally Sxpecied that ons wili does not deprive the audience at the be called in the near future. The in- thea're of seeing Miss Talmadge do f tention is to run a junior league in some of the emotional acting whicn | Which young men who are not ove has made her so popular. | twenty years of age will be allowed The abilities of Norma as a come- {to Compete, It is stated that Weat- dienne were the first surprise of tne | brooke, Glenburnie and Cataraqui evening. The second surprise came | are prepared to enter and have al- in finding that Mrs. Lydig Hoyt was ready put up, the boards for their in the cast. I' must be adimtted coat | rinks, the announcement that his New York | socie'y matron had gone in for pic- | tures and would have a part mn a brews--F. Morris, Sugel, Circle, | Polsky and Abramsky. { Referees--Thomas and Ada. | | Sydenham Are As a result of Young Hebrews be- Norma Talmadge production nag ing defeated by Cooke's on Friday been noised abroad, but it was ex- evening in the S.S.A.A.A. basketba]l pected that she would appear in but | serids Sydenham street seniors are BR very minor part. The se-inow leading the league with one cond surprise, therefore, was the |joss. Young Hebrews are second discovery that the young woman Who | with one loss and one tie game S0 very capably played the ra:aer|while Cooke's are in third place. difficult role of Catherine Mannerny | Truesdale was in reality the young | woman who has forsaken the gay | whirl of the upper strata of society [po to appear before the camera. 1 "The Wonderful Thing" is really good entertainment. The wonderful thing about it is the wonderful way in which the excellent comedy h bcen mixed fn with drama and th 1 Leading. -- Police Court Brevities, There was a short session of the lice court on Saturday morning. Herbert, Reid: gathered in on a charge of vagrancy, pleaded "not guilty," and was remanded till next Wednesday. The charge of drunk- 48 |enness against Frank Baker was dis- Pa- missed. Baker admitted drinking | beer but stated that he had suffered {a fainting spell, brought as a result | of being gassed overseas. New Quebec Premier? Montreal, Dee. 10.--1It is rumored that Hon. J. L, Perron is slatea for the Quebec premiership and nat 08, The entire cast is five, and natus- ally, Harison Ford carries away the honors that go to the male characi- ere. Howard Truesdale, however, is | admirable as the self-made Amevi- can Hog Kiang, and others in the cast who give good account of themselvas are Robert Agnew, Ethel Fleming, Mabel Bert, Fanny Burke, aValter McEwen and Charles Craig. -->Advt. Premier Tascherean will become chief justice of the Supreme oul replacing St. Louis Davies. of Christmas decorations in the form of evergreen wreaths and gar-| lands, and two Indian women dis- posed of baskets and fancy beaded work at the door of the closed mar- ket. ------ TRAPPING IN MANITOBA. Expected That 100,000 Peis Will Be| Marketed in the Pas, The Pas, Man., Dec. 10.--Trap-| ping--the big business of the north country for the next few months-- is in full swing and many trappers are well established on their trap lines again. Muskrat trapping has been going along briskly and it is expected that 100,000 pelts will be marketed in The Pas. Reports state that the catch is good everywhete, Local trappers and buyers have been paying over $1 for muskrat skins, while one buyer figures that a musk- rat skin is worth more than a bush- el of wheat and worth about as much as four bushels of oats, Recently a number of four buy- ers, with a sum of $30,000 in cash between them, left for the north to buy furs along the Hudson Bay rail- way. The train stops at each trad- ing post station for only a few min- utes and in this brief period the fur buyers must rush upon the trader or trapper if any are about to make an offer for their furs. This manner of trading contains the element of chance as time prohibits close ex- amination of the pelts, and the buy- ers can only hastily scan them and make their offer. This method ot buying has been in vogue for many years, lone buyers have been known to return here with as high as $40,000 worth of pelts. -------------- Patrick O'Mara and Albert Slade, Hamilton, Ont., were found guilty robbing the Mount Royal branch of the Molson bank of Montreal, of $2,800 and sentenced to seven years and the lash. Mrs. McDoul, of Janetville, near Lindsay, 107 years old, cast Vote Tuesday. Had a Joint Meeting, A joint meeting of the Home and School Clubs of Frontenac and Cen- tral Schools was held in Frontenac school on Friday evening. Each of these clubs have been contemplatng the purchase of a projection lantern and the special feature of the even- ing was a demonstration. The clubs held their business meetings separately and then unit- ed for a social time together. Mrs. Law and Mrs. urd poured coffee at the pretty table and as the members of the clubs chatted over their cups it became known that both clubs had placed orders for lanterns in the hands of Mr. Pye. Injured Students Recovering. Most of the Queen's students who suffered injuries in the rush and re- sulting accident at the university on Friday morning have practically re- covered from their hurts, and the General Hospital now only shelters four or five of the more serious cases. Among the latter are G. E. Matheson, injured spine; "Benny" Morris, two broken ribs; and W. P. Bartells, who received a 'smash on the base of his skull, and it is feared that he may have a slight concussion of the brain, -------------- Bishop Fallon had a fine time yes terday in meeting old friends, boy- hood schoolmates, His lordship is a genial personage and he welcomes his old companions with a heartiness that is really refreshing. The Nobel peace prise has been di- : vided between Hjelmar Branting. Some of the girlies with at the Grand and night, ter-parliamentary Union. Sal 2 "Mutt and Teff in Chinatown" Opera House on Monday, Dee. 12th, matinee were they would roundly and sound- ly resent interference or dictation from any person upon a matter so thoroughly domestic in its solution. The evil of the publicity given to such addresses as that made at To- ronto on Thursday by Dr, Grenfell, lies in the faet that a whole continent through its newspapers, which are supplied by press agencies with news of this character, gets the impres- slon that Newfoundland desires union with Canada, an impression strengthened by the personality and influence of the man who makes the assertion. To be clear on this par- ticular point, let us make it known to Dr. Grenfell and all others who may be inclined to hold similar opin- lons to those expressed by him at Toronto, that Newfoundland does not desire to be adopted by Canada, hae no inclination for the process, but when such time arrives, as may seem opportune for union or to carry on wu present, according to cir- cumstanses, the people of Newfound- land and they alone will work out and settle the future political des. tiny of the country without advice from any person, whether gratuitous or paid for." ------------------ HEAT IN HOUSES, The Winnipeg Health Department Investigates Apartments. Winnipeg, Man., Dec. 10.--With the advent of wintry weather here health department officials have been kept on the jump investigating re- ports of cold houses and apartment blocks and the advisability of seek- ing legislation for a minimum amount of heat in the apartment blocks and rooming houses is now under consideration by the depart- ment. Very few instances have been found, however, where buildings were cold endugh to endanger the health of the residents but many are Jiving in discomfort through lack of heat. Other cities have been queried on the matter of regulated temperature by-laws and it is learned that Chica- 80 is the only one with a law of this kind in force. The by-law is general in its terms. x ----t At Camden East, Camden East, Dec. 7.--The weather of the past few days has been clear and cold which only lacks &now to make ideal winter weather. J. W. Loucks is improving after his recent illness. Mrs. John Skinner was called to the™ bedside of her father, George Lee, Harrowsmith, who passed to his eternal reward on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The funefal was held at the home of his son, William Lee, on Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Cowan and children, Napanee, were at F. Coak- well's on Sunday. George Riley has employed H. Cunningham as clerk in his store until arter Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Histed entertained several of thelr friends to supper on Friday evening last. Mrs. James ing a couple of weeks at Mr. Tamworth. Camden East gave a ma- and Mrs. L. H, Hartman and w. Loucks spent a day in Napanee. The members of Methodist Sunday school are practising for their annnal en- tertalnment. The A.Y.P.A. gave their play entitled "Diamonds and Hearts in the church hall on Thareday even- ing. = a ------ Aeroplanes to Save Crops. In Californias, where the rice b Robinson returned home after epend- | Shield's, | r. | eliminate the | Wilfred T. Grenfell, missionary phy- last fall in the west when sician of Labrador, delivered at To- (found that many farmers were | jority of 46 for Mrs. Carscallen. Mr. | | rm ------. ea sn wg FEELING OF HOPEFULNESS. | Experienced in Newfoundland Over the Shipments of Fish. 10.--To| St. John's, Nfld, Dec, 10.--With perienced | big shipments of fish to European it was|markets during the past two months un-iand better prices than prevailed at able to Fo Susient hely despite the | the close of the fishing season, New- large numbér of men. brought in foundland is experiencing a new feel- from the east, a movement will be ing of hopefulness, and the outlook inaugurated at once to get the sup- is much brighter than it has been since the general business depression fort to prevent any but bona tide | nade its Wppearance. Some months harvesters taking advantage of | ago little demand for fish was antier- cheap rates from Eastern Canada in pated from the European markets, the future. . y rge The support of Manitoba in this but latterly Newfoundland's la E move is beig sought by T. M, Mo} | Customers, such as Spain, Portugal loy, commissioner of labor for Sask-|and Italy, have been showing a Sapa atchewan, who declares that/it Man- | €itY to absorb our fish, which is high- itoba authorities are willing to co-|l¥ encouraging to the trade. In the operate, Saskatchewan intends to Case of Spain the unexpected change ask the railways to adopt more dras-| in the market has been largely due tic regulations concerning the bring-/ to the imposition of a high duty on | ONLY REAL HARVESTERS, Are Hereafter Wanted to Go on the Western Excursions Winnipeg, Man., Dec. trouble ex ing of harvest workers to the west. "Last fall railway figures showed | Norwegian embargo on Spanish that 38,000 harvesters were brought | wines. The Greek market, while net into Saskatchewan and during the|satistactory ig showing signs of im- rush we asked the railways to cancel provement, The West Indian markets further excursions, yet when the men | are developing a better tone but were all placed on farms it Was | Brazil is still backward and few car- found many farmers were without | goay are going forward there sufficient help," said Mr, Molloy. | "Upon investigation it was found that many hundreds took advantage of the cheap fares to take a long de-| sired trip west with the result we! | been killed, says a report. ie Jeceived In the actual Rumber The Porth Arthur News Chronicie of harvesters available.' | States that the election of Kennedy, ite. It is expected 'hat Premier Briand | Progressive, ahpeats definite will visit Premier Lloyd George early | next week at Chequets to discuss the Hiccup Don't get the habit of hiceups--- Tom Slaughter, notorious bandit, kansas, with six other convicts, has financial situation between Germany and the Alles, Four years is usually as long as SOme men can stand driving a mot- or bus in London, England. With seven polls outs'anding Ken- nedy is leading Keefer at Port Arth- ur, by 113. Joseph Ayotte shoots himself at Sau.t Ste. Marte, dying immediately. fe ginning. Nothing brings such magi- cal relief as slowly sipping a few drops of Nerviline in sweetened wa- ter. For stomach pains, bloating, tramps, diarrhoea, nothing will prove more useful in every home than a 35 cent bottle of good, old Nerviline. Rubber Boots Repaired Rubber Soles and 'Heels Vulcanized On, ATTWOOD '& DINE Aces in Vulcanizing Tires and Tubes 277 BAGOT ST. . Phone 410w. CORN BROOMS AT A SACRIFICE While our stock lasts, for 35 cents. This is a very Broom. Order early, Lemmon & Sons 187 PRING.ESS, STREET we will sell a good Corn Broom low price for a good quality mc -- "TO DAY" Requires the most careful considera: tion. You may also require expert ad- vice as to wearing qualities of certain 'Cloth. After over 35 years in the busi- ness, we claim to be able to advise in this direction. It cos* nothing to call and have a talk with us on woollens. in to-morrow} TAILORS * - Norwegian fish in retaliation for the * who broke jail at Little Rock, Ar- = Epidemic Prevalent i stop the slightest attack at the be- ~ 4