Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Dec 1921, p. 2

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i: SATURDAY, DEC. 10, 192. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. 10 EXPEND $12,000 ON [INCIDENTS OF THE DAY | POLICE SIGNAL SISTEM | mecy Local News and items of . General Public Interest. {The City Council to Submit] Pianos tuned. Phone 1544, C. W By-Law at January | Lindsay, Limited. : Elections. Mendelssohn's Hymn of Praise, Tuesday next, at 8 p.m. St. James' Church, 9 Now they talk in sporting circles of a team "running like the Liberal party." Ald. G. A, Bennett is a candidate for the Belleville mayoralty., Mayor -------- LAUDER SONG HITS All Numbers used by Sir Harry Lauder we have in stock. I Think'I'll Get Wed in the Sum- | When I Was Twenty-One, Hanna is also a candidate. mertime. | the local police service more effective Mr. Swaine, piano tuner, orddrs 1 Know a Lassie Out in Ohio of 10 eiare pion 0 & largo sectioh | socetyeq ar * 100 Clergy sirest Vl| Over the Hill to Ardentinny. : Hame O'Mine. |ot the city. The increase of crime Phone 564w. - . ae [after consulting with leading citi- on tho sick list, and will be jcontined There 8 Somebody Waiting For : : : Saftest o' the Family, The city council met Friday night and decided to plt to the people at the municipal elections in January la bylaw to raise the sum of $12,000 {for the installation of an electric |'police signal system which will make {hers led the police commissioners, de mine Chief James Armstrong is | Zens, to recommend to the council the to his home for a fow days.' e | Installation of a signal system which To buy or not to buy--that is the | will enable the police constables to question which the advertisements . ' Forty Cents Per Copy--T hree For One Dollar LAUDER SONG ALBUMS (Words and Music) | be kept continuelly on their ® beats | golve for you. and spend less time at the police sta H. C. Hocken, M.P., Toronto, will tion, Montreal, Westwount, Outre- {speak on the Separate School pro- mont and Verdun, Que, have the 8la |posals at the Canadian Club at an {nal system, and one is being install early date, i |ed at Windsor, Ont. The signal sys- |" It is understood that the majority | tem i8 operated in this way: There is [for W. 8. Reed, U. F. O. candidate in a electric board at the police station | Frontenae county, over Hon, Dr, J. and telephone boxes, electric flasy |W. Edwards is 107. Four Albums, each containing 18 or more Lauder numbers, which in sheet music form would sell at over $7.00. At 75c. each, postpaid. THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE Open Nights. Phone 919. Christmas Suggestions BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS--A big range to choose from. Fine Lawn, Batiste or pure Linen. I, 2 or 3 in a box. $0 tse asin sinlaleolln vias sul 0N0 0 0 0 els! [als Pele Telos .25¢. to $2.00 FANCY RIBBONS--In all widths, from 4 to 8 ins. 50¢ yd. up. WOOL SHAWLETTES AND MUFFLERS--For the ladies --pretty colors in plain or with belt and pockets. $2.50 up. LADIES' SWEATER COATS--newest colors in pure wool. WHITE CONEY COATS ONE TO THREE YEARS WHITE CONEY CAPS . .. enna "You Wire Us and We'll Wire You" THE ELECTRIC SHOP Distributors for LACO LAMPS, DELCO LIGHT PRODUCER 115 Broek Street. Phone 1545. " W. C. CANNON gy F. J. GRACE ala AR HAVE YOU TRIED THE ORANGE PEKOE BLEND? CHARM TEA AT 60 CENTS PER LB. > It is a High Grade Tea With a Delicious Hlavor. New being packed in yellow packages instead of red. Geo. Robertson & Son. Te 8 0 e'ene le ee ee 0 als elelefeloiloialataroterotel felainlels Pink, White-- popular Se ve cieine oe 0lfe eleleiv uielofeioe $3,000--frame; ¢ rooms: B. and €.; hot water furnace; gas; | electric light; garage; good celiar. Newly painted and dec I orated. All in first class cone dition. Lot 6¢ x 110. This | property is worth the money. $7,500--Detached brick; 8 rooms = and bath; tollet separate; hard wood floors; combination hot J water and furnace; ; electric light; BAS; garage with cement run- ways and electric light. Good location. INSURANCE Fire, Tornado, Baggage, Life, Bur lary, Robbery Hold-up and ccident. Victory Bonds Bought and | RH. Waddell 4 The McCann Agency | . Phones 32a.59¢. 86 Brock St. ------------------ Turkeys Came High. At a turkey sale, held at Lynd- hurst, on Thursday, birds sold all the way from 47c to 52¢ per pound. It ns stated that there will not be much drop in the price before Christmas, and as a result many people are go- ing-to do without turkey this Christ- mas, as they regard this price as al- together too high. lights and bells at certain corners. The Bishop of Ontario will preach When a call comes into the station lin Christ Church, Gananoque, Sun- for police assistance, a button press- [day evening, and administer the ed will flash the signal lights or ring [apostolic rite of confirmation. the bells along the beats. The po- The Bishop of London, was a vis- lice constables will see the lights or [itor at the Royal Military college hear the bells and get into comnec- |today. The Bishop and Gen. Mac- tion with the station by hurrying to |donell were football opponents JSome the telaphones. In Westmount only |fOFty years ago. last week the police signal system re. Bishop Fallon was the guest of $5. sulted in the capture of two burglars Muoren. Shr A. S Mas donne], at RACCOON CAPS AND STOLES, FOR 3 YEARS AND UP. Shin AwStY Hisuicg wiggled Agri WHITE THIBBET STOLES AND MUFFS FOR FOUR YEARS ee pk rien So} Yeyy equipment and grounds, including AND UP $7.00 to $15.00 FOR SETS Work the model trenches. Bishop Fallon The 18 + was with Major-Gen. Macdonell in ° ° | © Police commissioners recom- France during the war. JOHN McKAY. Limited jended to the council that a bylaw Reports received from Lyndhurst, 9 {for $8,000 be submitted to the elec | nere the turkey fair was held last MANUFACTURING FURRIERS | tore for a signal system consisting of week, say that a sum approximately 149-157 BROCK STREET ten boxes and ten lights, but Alds. $40,000 was paid by buyers for the | Graham, Litton, Rodger and 0'Con- birds on sale. Some three and a {nor were of opinion that unless a half tons changed hands, turkeys | large section of the city was given rangidg from 40c to 42¢ per 1b, Protection by the system, the rate- chickéns 25¢ and fowl 20c. payers of the outlying sections would An enjoyable euchre and dance not support the bylaw. All the pec. was held by the Sons of Engjand on | [pte were entitled to protection, the Friday evening at their rooms, with | | outer portions, of the city as well as a good attendance of members and the business parts. Therefore, Ald. |friends; about twelve tables being O'Connor moved that a bylaw be sub- [in progress. Miss A. 'Biddult was mitted for the expenditure of an |the winner of the ladies' prize, and amount not exceeding $12,000 so (J. Baxter obtained the gentlemen's that a' larger area than suggested prize. A consolation gift was given originally be included fu the police |t© Miss F. Jones. beat system, TO um---------- There was some discussion on the To Entertain Queen's Team. merits of the system, but the alder- On Monday at 6 p.m., the Kiwanis men were all agreed that something [Club will entertain Queen's senior $8 50 had to be done to render the police [football team at a dinner in the ts sees . patrol more effective. The signal | Hotel Frontenac. There will be pre- system would result in bringing the |sent, Georeg Awrey, who piloted --R1 : police station closer to the outlylag | Queen's thrah tne. fourm] heres BOUDOIR CAPS--Big variety to choose from. 50¢. to $2.00 sections of the city as the station |almost to victory, and representa- would be always in touch with the [tives from the other teams as well GLOVE SILK HOSE-Navy, Brown, constables on their beats. The ex. |88 from the R.M.C. Kiwanian Ei . penditure of $12,000 will instalf [mer Davis, district trustee, will be priced, probably about twenty boxes, twenty She spusior Ase thy Sinner, Ihe . . i x club an e guests will atten ° Hews uy twenly. bela, aq Svar 3 Strand theatre upon the invitation of SILK AND WOOL SOCKS--{Grey, Navy, Copen, Fawn and that this was a bylaw that woulq |Kivanian Moody, manager of the Purple ........ +... Sc. pair appeal to the people, for the crime theatre. wave has created terror, TT » : : B tt A representative of the Northern CHAMOISET E GLOVES---double tipped; all colors . .98e¢c. Electric Company, Montreal, was pre- . . . : Utter, SE w3y, Nyssa, was bis GUEST TOWELS--Pretty designs in all Linen . . . . 85c. each: Butter TURKISH TOWELS--The large size with colored borders ev serves nileienisinlle ete eTe el [ole » slates felateleretel re e's' wleis $1.25 SILK CAMISOLES, BLOUSES, SKIRTS, DRESSES, etc, Finest Creamery the council. The work of installa- | tion will be done by the local Utili- || ties staff if the people pass the hy- law, Grannlgted Sugar No. 1 (Guaranteed) Eggs 50¢. doz. ENTERTAINED OLD FOLKS | Gifts For "the ola People--Happy Songs Sung. Members¥'ot the former choir of the First Congregational church en- tertained the inmates at the Home for the Aged on Thursday evening. In addition to distributing a number || of appropriate gifts to the inmates, the members gave a fine concert. BEr- nest Treneer was in the chair and the || programme included solos by Mrs, kK, Treneer, Mr. Warburton, piano solo by Loren Smith and Scotch songs by Jack Elder. Miss Bessie Rogers act- Only 12 Days More For ed as accompanist, and Miss B, Payn- Christmas Shopping Whig. ter assisted'in the distribution of On Thursday afternoon P, J. Ke- fie 8 hoe, proprietor of the Revere Hotel, Perth, had a bad cheque passed on him. According to Iluformation received from Perth the young man who put over the bad cheque stated that he was representing the King- ston British Whig and that he was hard up for funds. The hotel keep- er thought. that the story was fair- ly good so he agreed to cash a che- que for five dollars. The man asked the hotel proprietor to give him $32 and to keep the remainder for his board. The would-be represeniative of the Whig laft the village of Perth on Thursday évening and has not been eeen or heard of since, The management of the Whig would advise people to be on the look out for this cheque artist. Had Big Celebration. There was a great celebration ------------------ Two election day baby boys nam- "tee Newman & Shaw The Always Busy Store -- Earl Street, near Collegiate Institute, semi-detached two-storey solid brick dwelling; 8 rooms and bathroom; electric lights aad gas; driveway; good frontage, and deep lot; hot 'water ture nace. Mathews Pure Lard Cooking Molasses Cooking Figs Fancy New Dates 1,000 Ibs. New Currants . .1Ge, Ib. Canned Pineapple 22¢. tin Salada Blk or Green Tea e a fresh lot of Farmers' To arr 1 Butter. Rel A CHEQUE ARTIST. Who Said He Was Working for the CASH AND CARRY RA THE WORLD'S CRISIS FOR RENT $25.00--202 William Street; near Barrie Street; 8 rooms and bath- room; gas lighting; furnace, Immediate possession, E. W. MULLIN & SON EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Corner Johnson and Division Streets - . Phones 530w and 5807, Or The Turning Point Reached at Last!! 'Come and hear J. H. Perrin, great Bible lecturer, tell the wonderful truths regarding present conditions in relation to Prophecy fulfilled, and the glorious results following the setting up of the fifth universal and Permanent empire, Strand Theatre, Sunday evening, Deé. 11th; 7.30 o'clock, Seats free; no collection, Boys' Black School Boots What comfort you can 'give in a suitable pair of Glasses for Father or er. . We recommend the invisible bi-. focals, clear vision for far and near. Consult us, an J. S. Asselstine, D.0S, Oratory 'L. 342 King Street. Phone 1019w. Loin irs i . work was given by Mr. Lilley, after which plans and Arrangements were made for a concert to be held in « Arrangemen's were mada and convenors chosen for the annual Valentine tea and sale to be hela in February. The mothers' counciy are going to provide for a banquet for the camp reunion of the summer 1921 which will take place on the December, hide : ie) § around Sunbury, Inverary, and Bat- tersea, following the election of W. S. Reed, the U.F.0. candidate. A big float, turned but for the occas- | ion, made the rounds of these three laces and the: winners had a big time.' All the Conservatives in the neighborhood were serenaded, Origin of Horse-Power. When steam replaced horses for (hoisting and pumping in British mynes, the need arose of statiig how many horses were replaced by an en- gine. Experiments by Boulton and Watt showed that a powerful dray- horse could lift 330 pounds out of a | mine shaft at a rate of 100 feet per | minute, Hence the unit known as a | "horse-power." At Managua, Nicaragua, ia a fight between the United States mar- | ines and civilians on Friday night four policemen were killed. | ' L a Sh er tems and sete $2.95 $2.95 ther, Two styles; all slees--twe weights. - A Girls' High Top School Boots--Black and Brown--with solid leather soles Aad medium toes. All sisey 11 to 3... --- Te: ter. PHONE 2218.

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