Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Dec 1921, p. 11

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MONDAY, Dac, 12, 1921. SCI0OL STUDY SPORTS THE SCNIOR BRITISH WHIG BIGGFZT LITTLE PAPER IN THE WORLD THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. HUMOR PLAY WORK ONE REEL YARNS ROGER'S CUNNING KITTEN Millicent's kitten was chasing a -- bright colored ball of yarn. "Do you like kittens, Uncle Ralph? Millicent asked 3 "Some kittens," he said, 'op was Just thinking of an experience I had one time when I was a boy. It was the first time I had ever been out camping in the west. Father, my cousin, Roger, and I had a little cabin in the mountains and were roughing ft for the summer. "One late afternoon 1 was coming into camp when I met Roger. 'Look what I 2 I" he cried, and held out & basket In which was a squirming MNttle kitten. He had been out hunting rocks or something and had found the little animal wandering by itself. "Tm afraid father won't let us keep it,' 1 said doubtfully. 'He doesn't like cats.' "TI don't see what difference it makes," said Roger. 'He's gone all » We'll just put the basket under and then we can play with ten while he's gone. I like oats. It will be fun to have it to play We took our new pet in the He was a pretty little fellow We decided to keep him. But I afraid father would find him and us get rid of him. 'Let's put in the shed, I suggested. 'He mew and give himself away.' the kitten was carried out and put the old shed not far from the house. "We had just gone to bed that night hen we heard a weird noise, like the Ty of a child. We sat up and lis- tened. The cry came again, this time earer. 'It's a panther!' whispered father, "He got up and built up a fire In the fireplace, a little nervously. 1 went to the window and peered out. I gave a ery which brought Roger and father to the window just in time to sce a lean yellow body leap through the window of the shed. "You see, the mother 'cat' had come for her 'kitten. Just suppose we had kept it under the bed!" ---- TODAY'S PUZZLE A word chain, as you know, is a £TOUD of words arranged so that the last letter of the first word is the first letter of the following word, and so on, the last letter of the last word be- ing the first letter of the first word. Form a chain, using the following: 1. That which appears on the skin when it is exposed to the sun and PAPER -ROPE BASKETRY GLUING THE ROPE TO SIDES OF BOX HOW ROPE JS GLUED TO THE LID EwisTinG THE CREPE PAPER "What shall I do to-night after I finish my school work?" the Average Girl often asks herself. *"The weather !s too bad for one to be out. How will I occupy my time indoors?" Still another question that she must solve is that of Christmas gifts. What is a suitable gift for Ann? For Alma? How about a paper-rope sewing basket, or dresser set consisting of a neat handkerchief and glove box? Not only will they be appreciated, but think of the fun you will have making them. Few Materials The materials are easy to get; they are a roll of crepe paper, glue, and several cardboard boxes for founda- tions. You can purchase the roll of crepe paper for a small sum. The coldF de- pends upon the object to 'be made and your taste. For the sewing bas- ket a dark brown paper is good. For the dresser set a color that matches used, is suitable. THINK WR ARE ANYway 2 the room in which the set is to be | w, Unroll the crepe paper. With your Scissors cut it lengthwise, across grain, into long strips about two and a half inches wide, Fasten one end of a strip in the door jamb, as the girl in the illustra- tion has done. In the other end of the strip make a small loop and run your pencil through. Stretch the strip out. Turn the pencil from right to left till the strip is well twisted. Twist Another Strip Twist another Strip in the same manner. Then place both strips in the door jamb, run your pencil through the loops, and twist the strips together, making the paper rope. Instead of turning the pencil from right to left, however, turn It from left to right. For the foundation of the "sewing basket use a large shoe box Glue stripg of crepe paper over the edges of the box and lid. Coat the outside of the box with glue. rap the paper-rope evenly aroynd the sides, beginning at the botfom and pushing each row tightly against the one below (see our illustration). r inside When the outside of the sides has been covered, begin on the inside of the box. But first, if you do not wish to cover the bottom of the inside 'with papersrope, glue a plece of cretonne matching the color of the box, neatly into the bottom, allowing it to extend an inch 80 up the sides. Then glue n the er-rope, Cover the lid with rope. The illus- tration shows how this is done. Begin gluing the paper-rope at the edge or the lid and work toward the center, When the rope has become firm in its place give it two coats of shellac The rope will then have a pretty, with a J ALBERT L.CLOUGH The "Snappy" And The Sluggish Engirs, Good Or Bad Ignition Or Carburation Often Differentiates Them ERB ARE SOME OF THE USUAL factors that give an engine the prompt pick-up and high available output, which place it in the former class and those which, on the other hand, by making it logy and low category. Carbura obtainable only when the mixture used ir ! eoretical and therefore the must economical Droportioning, unless some special device is used to give a momentary excess of fuel at the instant of opening the throttle--a feature embodied In several recent carburetor designs. Maximum output also requires # mixture at least as rich as called for by thecry. Very slow acceleration and low maximum power always characterize an engine which is run ning on a decidedly lean mixture and to an even greater degree one which is receiving an excessively rich mixture, which burns in complete ly, loads the intake passages and interferes with ignition. Unless mix ture 'quality lies within rather & narrow range, inferior results are Inevitable. To secure lively results, the gasoline must be well atomized the intake pas \ nearer achieving this result, than does handled by the average operator. 80 generally employed the manual practically speaking, fixed position, so tia manual control, as But with the automatic advance, now regulation provided is very slight and the operator always runs with the spark lever in a ime without deteetion and take the "pep" out of an inherently lively engine. It is widely believed that a very hot, energetic spark makes for snappy operation and where a lean mixture is employed, at least, this view is undoubtedly credible. There is no question that spark-plugs with inferior core-insulation or electrical leakage elsewhere in the system, contributes to sluggish and irregular acceleration. BREAKER POINT SEPARATION | to fully charge, so that weak or un. AND SPARK TIMING | certain sparks may be produced. E. C. F. asks: With ordinary | COMMON SAI AG an 4 battery ignition, does it make any ATE PREEAE Teri he Uming of the] B.A: 0. asiy: Tor dinary smn spark whether the breaker-points added to the water prevent a are at their standard distance apart | radiator from freezing? Some or whether they have worn and | friends of e Separate more than they should? Awe: a ford Ths & from If m0, does the spark come earlier freezing, if the solution is made or later? strong enough, but ft is not a sata liquid to use. Sait solution is very f coro and acto directly upon | aluminum as wel] as electrolytical- | ly upon all Junctions of dissimilar metals, such as the solder and brass | of the radiator core. It 1s also like. Automotive Eqipument Tourists' Bureau Masufact urers' Ayeats Accessories " We Can Ger: It" - - 109 Brock St, Kingstoa, Ont Ph S1SW - ne B. R. EYRES G, V. DREDGE Absolute Evidence in Favor of Ground Cylinders All high grade automobile engines manufactured in this country as well as in Europe have their cylinder bores finish- ed by grinding. Some of the American cars that might be mentioned are: Apperson Brewster Cadillac Cumningham Dorris Franklin Haynes Mercer Templar Holmes Packard Winton In fact, 84% of all the manufacturers of pleasure care use engines with ground eylinder bores, and 91% of the com- mercial motors are ground. Heald Machines are used ex- clusively. Automobile owners we have one of these Heald Cylina-- Grinding Machines, and can guarantee first class work, Ground Cylinders is a selling point with many cars, Automotive Grinders R. M. CAMPBELL, Corner of Queen and Wellington Streets. Peerless Pierce Arrow Rolls Royce Standard Stevens Duryea Stutz Hudson Kissel LaFayette Lincoln Locomobile Marmon COLD WEATHER will soon be here and open cars will be put away until Spring. Do not store your car in a little outbuilding--it is bad for it. It is hard on your varnish, upholstering and tires, Store it withl us, in a building which is fireproof- with an even temperature all the time. We will take care of your Battery without extra charge. A small monthly charge will pay for this service, CANADA'S STANDARD CAR McLAUGHLIN'S MASTER SIXES AND FOURS PREST-O-LITE BATTERY SERVICE STATION gloasy finish. The dresser set is made in the same manner. Smaller boxes, however, weather. 2. Something used in bujld- ing houses. 3. Something you write. 4. A pause. .5. Something in which we ride. 6. An article used by fishermen. Solution tomorrow. {ly to deposit large crystals when | cold, that tend to obstruct circula. tion, nyone must be used for foundations. Two- | to destroy De an it 1s YrY Jeety pound candy boxes will do nicely 0) | pump. If one is determined to use ' 4 a. a solid anti-freeze agent, calcium BA mn in cnn Answer: In make-and-break de. | chloride is far better than salt, but Vices, in which a cam forces the|®'eR its use cannot be §enerally points apart, the break comes | ¢cOmmended. slightly earlier in proportion as the | gap between the points is increased | and the spark advance thus tends | wus THE PLAY MAN'S GAMES By E. D. ANGELL excessively wide, ignition does not | porn x - take place €nough earlier than | i normal, to produce noticeable re- | sults. The use of an extremely wide | gap decreases the period during | which the contacts are together and | the circuit closed, and the result of this may be that, at very high speeds, the coil does not have time Questions of general interest to the motorist will be answered dy Mr. Clough in this column, space permitting. If an immediate a y , newer desired, enclose self-addressed, stamped envelope. " INA ct. i. Hluserated by C. H. Winner re Blue Garages,Limited News From Pittsferry. Cor . Bagot & Queen Sts. Pittaferry, Dec. 8.--The farmers are all rejoicing that the farmer can- BLUE=--------------C ARA GE didate was elected«n Frontenac coun- ; ty. The bazaar held by the ladies of |Mr. and Mrs. B: Orr. The girls of motored to Kingston on Dec. 1st "0 the Community Aid at Mr, and Mrs, | tho Golden Rule elass and other | hear Sir Lauder and reported him the H. Scott's, was a decided success. friends put on a play at Crystal | best yet. Prayer meeting was con- The proceeds amounted to over nine- Springs on Wednesday evening. The | ducted on Wednesday evening by ty-five dollars. Miss Elsie Orr and | ladies of th» Community Aid met at | Rev. C. W. Hollingsworth in the the home of Mrs. B. Orr on Wednes- | fourth concession school house with brother, John, Simcoe Island, are visiting with their uncle and aunt, | day afternoon, A number from here good attendance, DEATH OF A CHILD Whose Parents Are Both Ill in Gen- eral Hospital, Perth Road, Dec. 5.--A very sad death occurred at the Kingston Gen- eral hospital on Saturday at mid- night when little Edna Slack, aged five, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler Stack, Wilmur,. suc- cumbed to diphtheria. The remains were brought to Wilmur cemetery early Sunday afternoon to burl, 7 Both parents are patients in the hos- pital, making the death of their litile one sadder. The whole community extends its deepest sympathy to the bereaved relatives. On Saturday at the General hospi- tal Mrs. R. Thompson underwent an operation for appendicitis. She is do- ing nicely. At the political meeting held in the Orange hall on Sa'urday evening a capacity audience listened to a few words from Mr .Reid, and speeches from Mr. McGee, Mr. Cork- hill, Mr. Wm. Guthrie and others, A number from rere and Lealand motored to the city Thursday even- ing to hear Sir Harry Lauder, the famous Scotch comedian, On Friaay evening many a'tended the high school commencement at Sydenham. The lecture rendered by Rev. Calvert on Wednesday night was enjoyed. ¢ Park a Ford alongside your Big Car | Let the Ford Take the Hard Knocks--Keep the Expensive : Car Home In the school for the blind at Kansas City, which is in Missouri, and he called the game Hunt the Pan, and this is the way you play it, We had two teams gnd then a kid at the right end of e Une would have a pall put over his dead and that was the blindfold. It makes a great blindfold and the teacher says ft is more healthy than a handkerchief, When the two kids have the pails over their heads, then Miss-Smith would throw a pan on the floor and the ha found 'it would get a point HUNT THE PAN : Oh, boy, we had some Al saw Wisconsin and Play hour in school is liked most when there Is a new game to be played. The Play Man's "Hunt the Pan" is an indoor game especially well suited to the school room. But it isn't limited to that. Try it in the &ym, er clear the furniture out of a room and play the game at home. ~THH EDITOR. tify hee aed " i ~~ everything. It ended 3 to 0, but this doesn't make Chicago champs, be- cause Iowa was better than any team even in the whole country, I guess. It beat Notre Dame and you know how good they was. Dad says that the West kind of made the East sft up and take notice when it comes to football. Say, Sneezy, how do you like parties with girls there? We had one at school and the teacher gave us a new game, and it's one that she got from the Play Man. You know the new Doc is always giving us kids new games. Well, he told Miss Smith about one that he taught to the girls and boys for YOUR big car is not suited for winter driving. Lay it By up for the winter and drive, in perfect comfort, a Ford Coupe or Sedan. Winter dri ving is treacherous -- and costly. It takes its toll in big repair bills and frequent "break downs." The Ford in winter days, will not only go where your big car cannot but it will take the drifts and icy ruts with less effort, less strain and far less wear and tear. . : PUT the big car up for the winter. Drive a Ford--as many prominent people are doing all through the hard winter months. Let it take the hard knocks--let it stand out in stormy weather; let it "buck" the drifts-- and be- hind the closed windows, drive all winter in comfort. pi i i ! Ek jit iy By f He Knew From Experience. Here is the original of all the mo- ther-in-law stories in the world. As Mr. Caveman was gnawing at a bear bene in his cave one morning, Mrs. Caveman rushed in and said: "Quick! Get your club! ob, | quick!" "What's the matter?" growled Mr. Caveman. "Sabre-toothed tiger chasing mo- ther," gasped his wife, | Mr. Caveman spat on the floor. "And what the blazes," he asked, "do I care what happens to a saber- toothed tiger?" i fs S-- . VILLAGE OF SYDENHAM. The Late Mrs. Lydia Kennedy -- i5a- saar at St. Paul's Church. Sydenham, Dec. 10.--Mrs. 'Lydia Kennedy died in the Kingston genor- al hospital last Saturday evening ar- "er an illness extending over two years. She had been a patient in the hospital eince August. Deceased is survived by two sons, Wilson Guess, Sydehham, and Ernest Guess, King- ston, and a daughter, Mrs. Brown, Kingston. The funeral service was Remedy for . Systematic Catarrh A bad case of Catarrh is mnof an easy thing to treat, and a remedy that makes good, deserves great credit. Catarrhozone certainly fixed up Chas. H. Webb, who writes from Woodstock: "For a number of years, 1 was troubled with Systematic Ca- tarrh nothing helped me very much. I used Catarrhozone Inhaler and got relief. To build up my system, I used Ferrozone. This combinhtion can't be beaten, They made me well." Your case may also be bad, but Catarrhozone will do for you what .it did for Mr. eh. Two months' treatment, $1.00; sm ze §0¢, All dealers or the Catarrhozone ' meeting Jast Monday night when Le received chaer after cheer. Dr. Ei- wards' defeat, however, was hardly expected. Miss H. McLean spent the week- end with friends in Ottawa. ie SINAN ------_--" "ASPIRI "Bayer" is only Genuine held Monday afternoon from 'he home of her son, Wilson Guess, the burial taking place at Wilmur, Rev. G. Stafford conducted the service. The annual bazaar and sale of work under th auspices of St. Paul's church parish guild was held last Tuesday and Wednesday in the base- ment of the church, The even: was quite successful and was attended by large numbers. Refreshmen's were served both evenings a: the tea hour. A goodly sum was realized from the proceeds. Two Ford autos collided on 'he + |Harrowsmith road last Monday morning. On was driven by Eigin Brawley, Sydenham, and the other oy BEdley Campsall, Hartington. © Both Cars were considerably damaged, and were taken to the garage for repairs. The cars were going in opposite dir- ections' when 'hey met. Practices are being held almost daily mow in preparation for the Ohristmas entértainments which will soon take place. Expectations tha' no large major- ity would be polled in the Fronte- Dac contest last Tuesday were reatiz- ed. Although Dr. Edwards secured a majority here, it was not a large one being only twenty-four. W. 8. Recd has a strong following in this vicinity, as was evidenced at the THE investment will more than repay you. The ini- tial cost of the Ford is small. It will save you depreciation on the big car and expensive repairs as well. PLAN now on putting away the big car for the win- ter. Spend less this winter and drive more--by getting a Ford Coupe or Sedan TO-DAY. " WE will be glad to consult with you upon the cost of buying a Ford in relation to the depreciation costs of run- ning your big car throughout the wintes. is service gbligates you in no way. We will be glad to call at your ome, VANLUVEN BROS. PHONE 1609, 34-38 PRINCESS STREET Warning! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting genuine Aspiria at all. In every Bayer package are di- rections for Colds, Headache, Neural- sia. Rheumatism, Ea Tooth- ache, Lumbago and for Pain. Hanay tin boxes of twelve tablets cost few tents. Druggists also sell larger packages. Made in Canada. Aspirin is ihe trade mark (registered in Can- ada), of Bayer Manufacture of Mon- oaceticacidester of Salicylicactd. HARRY LEADER essive candidate in. Portage La , Pr ] who defeated Premier Mei- Prai) Shen.

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