FOUNDED 1847 20% OFF ALL Dressing Gowns and House Coats Best English make in Silk and Wool; some double faced Golf Cloth; Cuffs and Lapels to match: corded edge, silk frogs, etc. OTHER SUGGESTIONS Neckwear, Shirts, Gloves, Mufflers, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Caps, Underwear, Night Robes, Pyjamas, Hosiery, Sweaters, etc. BUY HIS GIFTS Where He Would Buy Them Gloves, Hosiery, Neckwear, Handker- chiefs boxed free, . Tempting neckwear at tempting prices | ® @ 9 Livingston's 73-77 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" ee Anderson Bros. LIMITED Specially Selected for Your Christmas Cake or Pudding : What Christmas Cake or Plum Pudding wouldn't be delicious and tempting when made with good things from Anderson's?" Our Grocery Department has every- thing necessary in the finest of imported Raisins, Currants, Peels, Almonds, etc. Every ingredient is of the highest stan- dérd of quality, and will go far to insure the success of your Christmas cooking this year. The following specials have been select- for your consideration: PEEL-- Finest Mixed .. Orange and Lemon Citron ... ALMONDS Valencia ..........65¢. Ib. Jordan vessnss... $1.00 Ib, Bitter tsssssnsaa... Be oz RAISINS Turkish Sultana 30 to 82¢ 1p 1 Seedless ......25 to 30c. 1b Almonds Seeded Muscatel, pkg. Currants ferrece es. 25 to 80c. 1b. | Glace Cherries 200 bushels choice Apples at -... 30.75 MEAT DEPARTMENT 3001bs. Lamb Stew... . ge. Ib. 50 Lamb Fronts rreraesaviiay iy 126 1B, 300 Ibs. Lamb Chops ...20¢, Ib. BEEF--700 Ibs. Prime Round Steak 17¢ Ib. 500 Ibs. Prime Round Roasts 15c. Ih. 30c. 1h. 40¢. 1b, NUTS--- Walnuts, whole . . . -33c¢. 1b, Walnuts, Cal Budded 63c. 1b, * Chopped Suet 20clb. Pure Lard _ 16c¢. Ib. I THREE CLERGYMEN IN THE COMMONS. Western Canada has sent three ministers of to the new parliament. They a | Woodsworth (Labor I-(Progressive), Switf Current, i ---- { Letters to the Editor Cataraqui. Dec. 10 (To the Ed- itor) Your issue of the 9th inst contained a letter signed by one J C. Macgillivray, on which 1 ask {Space to make a few comments. It 1s quite in order for those who win In an election to free ly express their | pleasure and for the losers to accept | deteat with 'as good grace as Pos- Isible. i 'There is an old saying which, to {the credit of decent Canadian citi- |zenship, is pretty generally observed [that "The victors can afford to be generous to the vanquished." There are, however, a few, a very few, 50 | | | ; | Macgillivray's Nonsense, { '| small-souled and narrow as to g0 out of their way to offer gratuitous in- | sult to those who have suffered de feat, Such manifestations do not in {dicate a high order of intelligence |and rarely occur in those who have {had the exceptional educational ad- vantages with which Mr Llacgflliv- ray has been favored. In fact he is {the first university professor's | I have ever known to descend to that {level. He says, "The electors of | Frontenac showed good sense in not re-electing Ex-Hon. Dr. J. W. Ed-; | wards." son First allow me to say that the| in | troduction of the "Ex" in the {tence quoted above shows either un-| | expected ignorance in one of suppos- | {ed eruditnon or a deliberate desire to be discourteous in one supposed to be a gentleman. As to the elec- [tors showikg "good sense" in not re- |electing me, I may be excused for| | saying without disrespect to my op- sen- ponent that I believe there are many | $a in both city and county who hold a different opinion. Be that as it may, {the electors have made their choice and time and a comparison of re- jeords will determine their wisdom |I don't think the people of Fronten- jac will be influenced in their conclu- |slons by the judgment of Mr. Maec-| | gillivray. Mr. Macgillivray also |says, "The doctor will doubtless find | | the life of a county practitioner less! {interesting than a $14.000 job in the | Meighen cabinet." No occupation jcould be more interesting than the {practice of ' medicine. However {since 1 was first elected in {have devoted all my time to Fron- | tenac and sacrificed everything to {my conception of my duty as a rep- | resentative of the people and am ! therefore sadly out of touch with! | medical work. i | The fact that | must begin at the | bottom if I decide to practice again should bring to me a word of "ep- icouragement rather than ga sneer, | especially from one of supposed cul- ture who has yet to learn how to [provide his own food and raiment. | | The outlook along the line of medic- {al 'practice is not alluring, but 1 [would be tempted to face the diffi-| culties and hang out my shingle in Kingston for the chance of treating | Macgillivray for the severe at- tack of political indigestion which | {has spoiled both his temper and his | manners. Mr, Macgillivray says that harbor improvements and general prosper- | ity would have resulted at once if| Mr. Campbell had been elected but | Kingston will get nothing now be- cause the member-elect sits on the |left of the speaker. On that basis | lot reasoning and without ga fore- | | knowledge of ¥lection results, every | person should support the govern-| {ment candidates. You will note. Mr. | | Editor, the declaration of this cul- | | tured young gentleman an his in-| | dictment of the government he sup-| |POTLS. He says the King govern- | ment has so little regard for justice and fair play as to punish Kingston | | for not electing a Liberal by with- ! holding necessary public works. | That is the cause of his weeping and | walling and gnashing of teeth. No- { tice, also, with what profound wis- 'dom he presents his mystifying log- ie. Forsooth the electors of Kinpg- {ston did not show "good sense" in [Gesting 8 member to sit in opposi- tion, but the electors of Frontenac showed 'good Sense" in electing a member to sit in position. Oh! wise young man. Oh! youthful evangel of up-to-date Liberalism. What a tremendous shock the Lib- eral patty wil Sustain if ever you Test from your labors in its behalr. Centre Winnipeg: Rev. {Bird (Progressive), Nelson, Manitoba; and Rev. A. J. 1908, |' the gospel re, left to right, Rev. J. S. Thomas W. Lewis Sask. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. teresting Items Picked Up by Our | Busy Reporters. Father Creamer has been removed | to Smith's Falls as chaplain in St. | | Francis' General hospital. There were no arrivals or depart- | ures of C.8.L. vessels over the week end, most of these being already | laid up | Don't try to be a clerk in your cwn | store. Advertise for a clerk and do | the developing end of the business | yourself, McKelvey & Birch have completed ! enlarging and decorating St. Paul's church, Sandhurst, It Was re-open- ed on Dec. 4th. Classified ads sage to all who You'll have a choice of jobs. The office staff of the Canada | Steamship Lines, Ltd., are busily en- gaged today, moving to their winter quarters, in the old M. T company | offices at the foot of Queen street. deliver your want to nes- work. Forty Hours' Devotions End, The Forty Hours' Devotions, which opened on Friday in St Mary's ca- thedral, concluded on Sunday even- ing when Archbishop Spratt officiated | at benediction, assisted by Rev. Fa- | thers Hanley and Keaney, The boys' choir was in charge of Rev, Father E. M. Lacey. The procession of the | Blessed Sacrament took place arounq |! the church. The Liturgy of the Saints | was said. DAILY MEMORANDUM. | of Providence p.m Christmas gale of faney and children's wear, on noon and evening, Dee of M J £ Mrs P. Treneer r Quebec and rry Streets, hre at House to-| rish 'reaty is assured of pas- CHRISTMAS CARDS | | | personal greeting | onable prices. } ZIER & EDGAR MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. | Beautifally printed A. C. Davison, At Napanee, on Dec 1st, s. Roy Howie, a son ithcona, on Dec rs. Elmer Mowers, MOWERS to Mr. and M -At Napanee, on Nov and Mrs. Jos. ) I ~To Mr. and Mrs M. A 1, 283 King Street, on Dec. | Hotel Dieu, af at the DIED, i DARLING- Dec. 11th, | 1921, Mrs, ry , aged x4 years 4 months { Funeral will take place fram the resi- | dence of her son, Mr Theodore &, Sydenham, Tuesday ar 2 ) Wilmer Cemetery, § day, Dec | wife of V Murvale, aged 67 y Funeral will take place from residence, 273 King Street West, | ston, Tuesday afternoon at) two 'o'clock to Cataraqui Cemetery { Friends and ACquaintances are :nvited to attend. | POTTER--At hig late tesidence, 22] Cambridge Avenue, Toronto, on Sunday, Dec, 11th, James 8S. Pot-| ter, Sallors' Missionary, aged 9 years. { Interment at Toronto Tuesday. | Mee ! IN MEMORIAM | In loving memory of Ross N. Bourlk, | Who departed this life on December} 8 th, 191% f Days of sadness still come o'er us, | Tears of sorrow often flowy Mcmory Keeps our loved one naar us, Wham God Friends may think the Wound But they littie know the corrow That lies within our hearts concealed. --Inserted by mother, sister ang bro- JAMES The Old Firm of Undertakers, 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET. Phone 147 for Ambulance. ROBERT J. REID The Lead Phone 577. Unde Jext taker and Embal J ing Parlors, 228 Ambiance Phone 183¢. NN JOHN CORNELIUS Parlors: 274 a Street. | | low to Kingston ang Can- ada if you should ever transfer your marvellous of statescraft and your political methods to country! up-to-date soe other Yours truly, --d. EDWARDS. ¥ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | il STORE CLOSES 6 P.M. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Gifts that are cho. seem to hol HANDKERCHIEFS FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING The holiday selling presents them in bewildering variety -- white or colored, embroidered or hemstitched--regular or glove size, at prices that seem the merest trifle compared with their lovelie PLAIN FANCY Handkerchiefs in a n Handkerchiefs includ- range of pretty movel- Hemstitched Handker- ing Colored embroid- ties--white, colored or Chiefs developed from ered, plain white em- embroidered -- all in the finest qualities of broidered or the finer White Lawn and Linen. Madeira Handker. 7c. to 60c. pretty Christmas boxes chiefs. 25c¢. to $3.00 12%c. up The Ever Welcome Gift of Hosiery Sheer Silk Hose of wonderful fineness in evening shades; slightly heavier weights of firm, even, weave; in street shades; Swagger Sports Hose; all wool or wool and silk; in heather mixtures and plain colors; lustrous Lisle Hose which many woe men prefer for walking, are grouped in tempting haliday assortments, Pleasingly Priced. WOMEN'S 'NECKWEAR FOR HOLIDAY SELLING Exquisite sets and individual pieces, Collars, Cuffs of fine Laces and Nets: hand embroidered Organdies in White or golors, and smart novelties in other popular materials, 25c. AND UP TIES TO SUIT WELL DRESSED MEN A bigger assortment and better qualities The satin finished four in hand ties, in NeW patterns, the fine Silk Knitted Ties then the ones in pretty Christmas boxes. 50c. UP, HANDKERCHIEFS INITIALLED Men's fine lawn and linen Handker- Handkerchiefs of. fine Irish Linen-- chiefs--big sizes-- fine hemstitcheq 21! initials in stock--the Initials be- ing nicely embroidered in one core borders and some have colored edges, 12}c. UP 300, and 75¢. NEW SWEATER COATS A fine, all-wool Sweater Coat always meets with approval, especially when You have the choice of such a range of colors. The Coats are all wool, Knit in many different styles, having high shawl collars or V Necks. REASONABLY PRICED than ever before. in pleasing patterns, ang COMFORT A Pipe, his "Comfy" Chair, the House Slippers YOU gave him for Christmas, could you imagine any better inexpensive way of pleasing him. MEN'S COMFORT SLIPPERS ImKidorpet .....,... $2.00 MEN'S JAEGER WOOL SLIPPERS , aa i -------- a lI -- i.