Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Dec 1921, p. 10

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po THURSDAY, DEC, 15, 1021. 10 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ° EN able Christmas Presents | In the World of Sport || CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS SKATING MEET. |¥ RISCH PROVES RIGHT ! 'oe | . . | oI . - Ft OF EXCEPTIONAL MERIT BITS, { TO BE RATED STAR | Beautiful Boudoir and Table Lamps, Irons, -- LIT TLE To Be Held Early in J . -- | ( | ) An Ansco Camera. : - a i January Frankie Frisch of the New York Toasters, Desk Lamps, . metropolitan district can muster, will (Fordham College. Star skaters from western U. S. (2) AnEveready Flashlight. -- {Many of the football luiainaries of compete' in the middle Atlantic out- | Frisch came direct from Fordham and Canada, as well as the best the | Giants first won baseball fame at ' An Ansco answers the gift prob- | kueen's also appear in the boxing | goqp championships to be held at [to the Giants and made good from | we : J - {and wrestling contests. Dolan, Holt, Newburg, N.Y., on January 2nd. { the start, a very unusual feat. | H W NEWMAN ELECTRIC Co lem 1n various ways. | Smith, Saylor, Affleck, Stewart, 8T€ Joe Moore, of New York, interna-| Glancing over the 1921 records | . . . i | among these, tional amateur speed skating cham- | recently issued, will give out some | VT ; == pion, who has been reinstated by the [idea of what a really great playe. | 167 PRINCESS STREET _ What man, woman or child i | Those lads who concede! from tn | wysdio Atlantie Buns Sacomtts | och e ; \ te twenty pounds in the Quce {following suspension on charges of | Frisch was one of the six players | would not enjoy taking their "very Yl 6 f ¥rostiing bouts had some Dente "| professionalism which could not be {in thé National League to make over i "oo. (ent 1 ¥ [oe ois seh = tha one too ) 1s | substantiated, has announced his in- | 200 hits, 3 | town pictures and finishing them {I} " draw. CnOUReT Boll Lis man Lo & | tention of competing in the meet. He| (Tr=h made 211 sate wullups, hiv. | RN "Rad jaraw, j Will be arrayed against Charles Jew- | ishing second to ogers Hornsby, who | -- | traw, of Lake Placid, N.Y., nationa. [led the league in this respect. 'themselves ? il | Thero was a poor attendance a: fy... | He was one of the nine players to | GREA' | ' | 1 ' i | Queen's assault on Monday but if the Raymond Miller, the 10-year-old | make five hits in one game, Like- 3 cluch officials are too shortsighted tof, ° : +0 Juvenile champion, will compete in | wise he was one of the ten players 3 Prices from $250 up--a Camera to fit any | advertise then the club :must suffer { the boys' classes, and give exhibitions | who scored four runsTn one game, 4 ' pocket or purse. ; {2s a result, fat 220 and 440 yards. He outdistanced the base runners | R . . ; S-- | with 49 stolen bases, ! e ul mg a e | 2 , ¥ UMS. ...=:....... .75c¢c. and up | During one bout friends were cine | Const League Had Big Week. In addition Frisch established a | AN EVEREAD Sigoring oe advisability of Jeging | The Pacific Coast league did pretty { world series record by making four | | "Billie" Hughes, the referee, out of | . ins 1 in as many times | ASHLIGHT! . , on- | Well last week. It sold players for a | Rh one game 3 y . . : : Hee 7108 TE Was 3 place for a mot fy SRR OUD po, Davere Tor 8 Lf Of Furniture Will Be Continued Until : . comba'ant. | major league cast-offs. Some of theso ---------------- . A Man s Gift. | ria : - fellows peck |CaSt-offs may return in a year or Not Superstitious. { After Christmas Watch that , OW 8 "two ag high pri isiti : The Penn State football team, rat- : ' istretch," said "Eddie" Dolan while | gh priced acquisitions. Chad 31 t critics 8a the best in tha | : { : . : eq | S€€, the outfielder sent to San Fran- | 80 by most critics 8 hes e A Lady s Gift. {two keavy Wiesmers fondly embracea! by the Reds, no doubt will come | 288t this fall, wasn't a bit super- | FEW SUGGESTIONS: [73° 286LBeF R Lhe Mat 3, again. The seley Were af fob foe tl tc ko velit. | Jitneys--regular prices $2.50, for ..$1.50 : : | -- 1 : ? NO y wanted to take No. 18. fi-- a . . . The various sized models and| sammy Hebert has made a hit at | hel. Ivor Bsoema ay Evorytods tok bn oar toale Hey g PH ? . Saskatoon asd the title fu theri, MT, STR bezeman and to and from the practice field each | Kindergarten Sets, in Red, Ivory and the moderate prices make an town cal him one of the best that| putfeldor to New York night. White . $3.00, $3.50 and $4.50 {has shown in that town for sone | Nationals $75,000 | Good-luck neckties were worn and | . . [time | Caveney, short , sold b scme players never missed a day | Eveready a really inexpensive |Sovstey, Satis, Sold by ye | Aeroplanes, regular $6.50, for . ....$4.50 } Boucherd the stormy petrel of | io . : | . present. [hockey turned out with Canadiens| Rati for See, Brenton and no er yinay wamed he mme bei ly, Children's Rockers ..$3.50 to $6.50 Saturday and made a great impres- | Geary and 25,000 | um 'SP OR each {rp ihai was te Shit . . Saturday { Pinelli, third baseman, sold | Glenn Killegger anyways wore his | High Chairs, regular $4.50, for ....$3.50 Serviceable -- always ready when darkness | sion : ; . | y Oakland Cinei i | stockings turned inside out, { . . 3 Oaklan] to Oinoinriat | Tiny McMahon always discardea | $6.00, $8.00, $10.00, $12.00 In any finish threatens--no danger of fire. The biggest assort- : sai. for players 2 g gg Shorty Veno is playing with West-| for players and D000 [ale banter stor he mrt arveq 'ment in Kingston is here for your inspection. Come! | minster: tt poston te to. under Jobers S04 Miles, Dhcek, st ha , [the ban as the C.A.H.A. considers Detroit, for. ..... .. 40,000 | Greduate Manager Neill Fleming him a professional. Herbie Reaume | wouldn't have missed a night of prac- | { i TREADGOLD SPOR I ING Epi bn Rigo san Tolal .uiveevveva.: $160,000] tee on a bet for fear of breaking the ! : -- | charm, | GOODS CO | cording to reports. Had to Pay the Men. Hugo Bezdek wouldn't -- oit. * | Cadadions were to fosume their In a statement handed to the { What's the use, he used to be a i Serving Tables and Tea Trays. * Leading Undertaker R. Je Reid Ambulance Phone 577 | 2 a 'ha i PHONOGRAPHS--RECORDS--SKATES--CAMEEAS | practices in Hamilton but a drop in| Montreal Standard, Herbert B. Rau, (league baseball manager! i business manager, and Louis E. Rar, | the temperature has decided Dan- py, Tne 7 88 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 529. ' . | president of the Ramblers' Amateur McGill and Yankee Colleges. | durand on keeping them in Mont TR Te Te alleges. | . Club, 2 membe Montre: foc- | "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" | real. Roy boy he Mostetal Be he De i Acadamy | May Quit. er, excepting one or two of our team [avd McGill University have agreed STR Miss Alexa Stirling, former Amer- received payment for their services | Pou a match to be contested at Arn- | jean women's golf champion, is like- during the season that our team oper- »apolis on March 11th. " | . tre from championship com- sted in the sald league." McGill will probably arrange othee Iy to retire; try Tuey add that they were compeliad | matches for its team while on its trip. | i her association, . | prition, asvunding lo re a 'o pay their players in order to save | 'n a letter just received from the pp detond her title against | the two hundred dollars deposited by | M~Clil athletic authorities the state Sy Marton Hollins ,of New York |!hem as a guarantee of their inten- | ment is made that McGill is making C 3 : tion to finish tho season. ea organized attempt to engage ii : ut Rolifyosd any last Dutcher, 5 -- different sports with the colleges in hoice Assortment of -- Taig 10 he te Feaso Start Plans Already. the United States. Ing SQel 4 step as Yetiriug from the At Lake Placid conditions for a HUDSON SEAL, game that has earned her great fame. eS : a It Miss Stirling gives up competi. | World's champions skating cham-| ,.,... pos will coach tho MAA. os 3 pionship event to be inaugurated at e ; five Ralt hi spo wi Sutera sore the height of this winter's carnival a a2 ows te BEAVER AND SABLE the most popular woman star in Am- | 8re Jeing Jawa up bya rod °f| football, and should turn out a con- erica sinco 1915, and even now, re- | SPOrtsmen here, it is annou . 'ender. He was one of the greatest gardless of her October defeat, is-one Pa Sven! 20 Boknowy us the Laks defence players the sport has ever 9 of the beet of womrea goifers, > produced. S - has been sanctioned by the Interna- Sarnia C.'1. wish to meet St. Ai- PLUMBING : Harry Vardon will make another Sagal Feuiets of all counties Wiki | v's for the Dominion junior foot- | tour of the United States in company Ere, ball championship. BROCK STREE For Plumblaig and Heating Kuuipment, let us give a price on your with James Braid. Some primitive people wear masks Edouard Bouchard has been sus- T ORiract Aad Job Work civeu first-class attention, Major leagues threaten to boycott pended by the Quebec Amateur * H. APPLETON minors because of draft regulations. | 10 fool supernatural enemies, Hockey Association. " There are 250 entrants for the 417 PRINCESS STREET Phone 878w. Et adel didi 5 ==Il{ | new Toronto arena sports. Bootleg Booze Blamed i a For Weakened Convicts N= = ES == SE i, Buffalo, N.Y., Dec. 15.--Prisoners == S-- y sent to the Erie county penitentiary during the last year physically are -- a) 4 \ I g I 9 h the "worst that have been committed fl in many years," and their condition is due to bootlegger brand of liquor, I says M. H. Pierce, prison commis- f sioner, in a report made public here. ~ | The care of men sentenced for drunkenness is becoming a real prob- @ ; 9 ! ; ' ( ; i : ' . ¢ lem to the penitentiary physician, the / There's a style and grace to . 2 b tin- fom) |report adds. By the time they are re- ( : 113 Ane A 1 : 85 io) stored to a fair state of health their the designs -- a brilliance to ; terms expire and in a few days they the finish--a keenness to the [A | $ a» . are back again showing a still lower Al edge -- that distinguishes state of vitality. C. C. M. Automobile Skates ------ : p Aviation Activity in Great Britain. from the ordinary kind. Figures made public in the con- 4 A i i troller' general of civil aviation in , J Made of Special Automobile Steels Great Britain show that from May, 1919, to March, 1921, 63,975 civilian 4 ? airplane flights were made in the "eo United Kingdom, averaging 19 min- AUTOMOBILE MODEL c : ues per flight. The planes flew a Sizes 9% to 11%, $6.50. ---- : : total of 1,593,700 miles in the 23 Other models, $2 to $10. ---- "ors than 170 tons of freight an A Dozen Models. Sizes and Prices to Suit Everybody 110,388 passengers were carried. Goods imported by airplanes dur- ing that period totalled in value »13,- 563 pounds sterling and exports ag- grogaed 402,776 pounds . TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. n France airlines import- | od 2,041,440 francs worth of goods Exclusive Agents for Automobile Skates during the first quarter of this year. > " Exports by air amounted to 69,200 88 Princess Street. Telephone 529, \ for those smokers who like MACDONALD'S cut Fine or who roll SMOKING 7 . i ES their own fn = ga _-- ==" = 2 f ------ francs. 7 Champion Hugger. . ---- Johny Kiihane to dotesd we cies | BRINGING UP FATHER 2 BY GEORGE McMANUS 'Madison Square Gardena, New York, Promoter Tex Rickard has dubbed us er ER i the Clevelander as the "champion GOLLY. IT'S A SHAME. HERE COMES MAGGIE U i} POY » ; ot ON YOUR COA AND BRING YOUR. PIPE » {Shampionshlp hugger in the worl. DGGE won'T LET Me NOW - [VE COT To gi AND COME Down | : HE 15 SMCring, ee : The Chicago White Sox wish to TE Ne PIPE. AROUND RI Oe ME PIPE - 50 ouT IN THE PARLOR - SOT MUATBE THe ~ buy Catcher Sanberg of the Toronto wo House THERE 1 2 ES - . ' : ar You ha & : N LFE. $ £ ys Put right out of business, a whole family, not of good honest folks, but of Corns--sore, troublesome corns sting and. bite. Putnam's Corn is the only painless sure for corns. It never fails. 25c.

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