12 + , THURSDAY, NEC. 15, vons, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. - fr -- A ---- oe ------------ ---------- A -- a i TT ---- -------- Er I ------ : fen caught It barely in time, settled = 8C 100L THE JUNIOR BRITISH WHIG AUNOR { it in place again ang tucked her hand 5 STUDY PLA . over his arm, SRYIng: "I cease the : EPORTS BIGGEST LITTLE PAPER IN THE WORLD WORK {# Nobody's Darling | Struggle. You are my fate, Come F OR SALE 4 s i | | along and let's ger jt over with. When 7 15 2 | and Warren | will you marry mer SOLID BRICK HOUSE an Union- Strast.--..9 foome; 6 3 \ ARN, | "The year after never," Zarah re : bedrooms; electric lights: 3-piece bath; hot water heating; § ONE REEL Y 5 { torted. He shook hig head, murmur. hardwood floors throughout; newly painted and decorated; : log: "If nobody loves her, where, oh, " TWO WINNERS i Katrinka Was very proud of her new | skates. She went skimming up and 1 don't believe guch allly stuf; down the canals like a flying bird. extra lot; also Garage; extra fine location: M. B. TRUMPOUR By MARTHA MACWILLIAMS where did she get experiegced So it went all evening. - Along to- ward second cock Crow, that is to say, by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.) @® 192, Note: This playtan be given by | . 8, There! That will give me light | waen her uncle and sousin came from near 8 o' the morning clock Warren, | Ons yuraon, with "d-stage" help. h Rotterdam to visit she toid them how " . ro ' | Scene: Living roo of Porter home. | enough. What's this?" Warren asked, | handing a slim figure, frowsily | . % - w. Bae Porter is Sled " in a big oud vat Sent: candle.. Telephone dhe Souid £0 faster than any ome on blocking the way of a sheeted figure shawled, inte a very decrepit family | 11134 BRUCK STREET PHONE 704 or 1401w. Sn darkness, ex- h ' - | 2 hi Ty single catlestick burning | BARBARA: Hello! Helle! Yes, this "Jan here is quite & skater, too," in froat of him. Abpatently it had | cqrrigge, noted upon its panel a le. 3 the desk at the Bk. At one end | is she-- t said her uncle. "He skates to school the neck of a giraffe, so distant Was | zenge with a Crest' recalling the lines Ee SS - -- -- - S > of & long>ading table. 74 Jemally can not count on me-- svery day in winter. I should like to the crown from the spread of shoul of the sheet embroidery. He said : 5 of the room is T'd love to help, but don't see how-- ov " : BARBARA: Cans ary a0 nice] Fd love 80mo other plans Just now. |%6© Who is the skater! ders. But with draping of thick hothing beyond a gay good-by. But . 3 and cozy, (Candie at end goes out--blown by Ap ouM be fun, Katrinks," said homespun linen, outlines Were mat- | potimes next g y he was rummaging Absolute Evidence mn Favor - But they always me me dosy. some one back of curtain): 2s TU race you from hers to the ters of faith rather than sight. Thie through dusty papers in the office of : (Stretches, yawns, & gettles down BARBARA: Goodbye, my dear, [dike and back tomorrow. Then we'll In chair with eyes Sh There is » 800dbye-- (Looks at cands.) Why, [see who is the sfiater knocki oh-- was true of the whole company of | the clerk, searching out names, dates, ng heard. Bara jumps up.) "And I will give a prize to the win. Ea youths gathered for a "phasitom dusty deeds and wills ang comparing of Ground Cylinders Yr who 1s] re surely is a draft, I knew, ner," sald Jan's father. party," wherein sheets, pillow and them with a span new letrer of in. show. . y ' All high grade automobile engines manufactured in this J Sock ng righ rest, ; {Suis dows a) or two Bo the next day Katrinks and Jen bolster cases, napkins and such small quiry his firm hag received a week con) = 2218 Paras ar Eilles Thad aes, 1 thls {Goes off at end opie table.) To Ruth, a letter's over due. nents UP their skates anew and deer, bad been impressed for mas | porore. They had almost flung it away Querade duty, unanswered--not a sou) had ever heard ed by grinding. Some of the American cars that might pe BARBARA (off-stage Oh, no, no, (Writing) I hope--that you're--not | laushingly teased each other 2 they , mentioned are: angry ; Please pared the race. The wh " so! 80 away pre Ne on out In front. to wate a: "This is--no, this ain t--nobody's | 50 Herr Vanderzei), Holland-born, and Apperson Hudson Peerless And bring your warsome other Your Sedma as misiaid "gow, py, Satis "Go" the two racers bent low diirling," the girafre answered in | unheard of these 80 years. He must, Brewster Kissel Pierce Arrow (There is & minute's be) Second goes out.) and started ofr. Plaintive falsetto: "I ain't fat--not a of course, be long dead, but if he had Cadillac LaFayette Rolls Royce BAMBARA: Buy esds? Qoog- BARBARA Another candle! Why,| It was an even race to the dike, little bit--but nobody loves me either | joy heirs, there was good news for Cunningham Lincoln Standard hess gracious no! how queer! (Gets up.) for "Ty hey started back it was hard weekdays or Sundays." them. Inclosed was an engraving of Dorris Locomobile Stevens Duryea all that we cate, Plepse | 1 guess that I won't write her yet. [for the watchers to tell which one . Franklin Marmon Stuts eve Now, where's my hist'ry . .. I for- | would win, "What a shame--if there's enough the family crest--aimost the only sure Haynes Mercer Templar A Anoties pause.) get. ' "Tl let Jan win," thought Eatriniks. of you to love" Warren Je urned sign of indentification, Holmes Packard Winton " BARBARA: Te i cand) book. . "He is a boy, and it would shame m aking a fumbling clutch at a s rou rren no. Vv, ell, bat mmr HAR ot 0 ot to 1 Smt [wake Sata Pca | re Som overs signe an [fl casinn vith srouid conga actus of plensure care 't beli hate it so! my company. n't want to make u " Pi Diy a tow, they're Br cheap. | And all those dates I ought to know! | him feel bhgly white he is visiting us." a% his fingers identified buttons clear Ply Zell, sealed with that same crest, mercial motors are ground, HM ealy Machines are used ex. Ni these four arer; keep. | I'll tell her 1 was fick tonight And Katrinka slowed down. Iy mascuitne, "Sonny, you should not | ang fully attesting that Zarah Zen, clusively, (Barbara FSADpeArs OD b, oarry.| Ang felt too ill to ledrn. them right. "Tl fot Ratrinka win this race," de- begin to deceive this early. You're sole surviving descendant in the fourth Automobile owners we Barve one of these Heald Cylinder ig deur sian candienticlts white BARBARA Sou Ut) they act Sted Jub on Vola Bure ber #0 be hardly more than a cock Sparrow." generation, was the person sought, Grinding Machines, and can guarantee first class work, BARBARA: He sald, 'intruthe that way? hh why they might er: Besides, I'm visiting here, With that he tried to swing the Two hours of long distance talk, a Ground Cylinders 1s o Selling point with many ears. you should tell, It can't be caused by things 1 say! land 1t would be more polite to let her giraffe across his hip--but met with | aay ang night of cabling, made It cer. will go * "op, Suppose that tale he told Were | get the prize. She's so kind and dear, Smazing resistance. Hig CADtive | tain Zarah would come into gulden » ® well-I-1. true . . . I don't want to hurt her feelings writhed eel.Jik his hold and : in row table eellike from his nd set | galore. Then only Warren tala ver een, from deshdie ae ig % he ean tie i And ia ua Jan kept A huge, heavy heel Upon his instep, | , the letter, and its results. When u omo ve rin ers . I always tell the truth, a his eyes on Katrinka, trying to let her Panting out, "Let go, unless you want | po hog finished, she looked away sigh. v Ma Jan cafidle §0ca out. It is dark.) | pet ahead. Katrinka watched Jan, a hole stamped in your socks, Sammy Ing. "Why! 1 thougnt you'd be so Corner of Queen and Wellington Streets, my! Meaning to let him get g start. The Warren." glad," he sala shaking his head. "You . - " ---- - ta (Bllence for a moment.) t fn from - . : » = = Si = x BARBARA: I'm scaredar rm aL! in he Howe Wop "Let's seé your socks" Warren be- met me as though I were a long lost scared! A light! A light! "You're trying to let me beat! cried gan bending and grabbing the foot. brother * The matches! It's 4s black as night. Jan at last. (Lights candle on desk. Looks "You want me to win cried Ka- around. Candles on table are gone.) trinka. ARA: I wonder--was it all a Then they both stopped and laughed, dream? agal It's queer how real such things can | And When they started on i 3 At his touch it was Jerked free of the "I--I thought you had come to--to heavy shoe, revealing ftself, smal, tell me--something ese," Zarash an. dainty, unmistakably feminine--its Swered, looking down. Swner the while whispering angrily : "What? Warren demanded. She "Now you've done it--spoiled my fun raised her eyes, but dropped them in- was hand in hand. So Jan's father, oN ectation I sini reully try when he heard the story, gave thems all evening." stantly, murmuring: "Oh! Thee j ] To keep in mind a fib's 5 lie. each a prize. "Put on your shoe ang come out on | had quit hein nobody's darling-- ~ ; And little candle, straight and white, oe -- the piasza~--nobody saw your foot." | «Qi gtum» Warren Interrupted, ¢ Ho keep ung § Trutl's shining : Le. Warren countered, dragging the girl | "Thae stopped when you threatened D 3 | : a - away. Giggles followed them. In the | ¢o tear my silk sock" 0 TODAY'S puzzLE encounter her high-spiked headdress Ee g | Form a word square fromethe plural \ ha a , letts sheet droop { Of & pastry, a preposition girl's They say Bud Smithers Ma hu OE Aa). de a shed elbow and Words Failed Him, name, and a word meaning to fly up. Been wandering in his 1 Th Archibald-- Hello, Jimmy, what's ward, Well." says Benny to me, Iulling scantily below the other. © | the mater? Fallen off your bicycle Answer 19 yesterday's; Ontario, "He's safe. He can't go far" wearer tugged spitefully at it, saying Immy---"No! I wag trying to #0 . under breath: "rm a sight--I know reach a top shelf by standing on 1 INA nine. rn I am--and they pick on me enough | some dictionaries, sng they gave C ; when I'm all set" way." . ill soon be here and open cars will be put away > SEE INDICATIONS OF SPRING | "1, them--n0 matter who they Arehibald--*T see -- words failed on Spring. m | Ra are," Warren said soothingly. "Tell | you!" a { 3 RIVED Minneapolis Postmaster Knows Win. me your mame and In say enough Do not store your car in a little outbuilding---it | 3 ter Has Passed When Poultry sweet things to make up." Forest Preserves. < is bad for it. hoi " | - ' mps, } i 5 Pecple Got Busy. "N, , 11 The Quebec Government is probe It 18 hard on your varnish, upho Stering and tires, | § a ua a, Sood value. Price $3.50 each. eh eS ot itr ¥eop ny bearly op | ably the leader in the nen Worst i Q Store it with us, in g building whieh ts fireproot- | English Ho : The Minneapolis postmaster hag | back | forest preservation. It plans to plant With an even temperature all the time, { Call and see our large assy oo Portable Lamps, wy of "a ot | two pines OF spruces for each one out We will take care of your Battery without extra ] 3 Agents for Apex Vaccum 4. on rer 0 own. He | yarpen laughed softly. "I see, No. pown, and has an elaborate patrol of | bd charge. fod OWS that winter 1s gone and the body has said them--~to you," he Bald. | js forests, including airplanes for " A small monthly charge will pay for this service, Year's In the green' when the city "Blind bats! know you're pretty, | fire detection, CANADA'S STANDARD CAR ' - Burke Elec Com any poultry 'distributers turn up and post even through a linen sheet." -- a » . A Pp baby chicks by parce! post to R.F.D.| upg Tam you for that, if only I were mn McLAUGHLIN'S MASTER SIXES AND Founs i a CESS STRE) = addresses in the Minnesota Country- | o submarine," with menacin low. ° ® 5 LIT + } i 74 PRIN -- side and to the suburbs of the Twin ered head, "for making ney me, PRESTO: . BATTERY SERVICE STATION | E; L 3 E EST ~~ | Cities. The pogiepy People began | You know I'm Zarah Z¢ll, and, every. o un er vie : 3 mailing this year earlier than ever be. body says, ugly enough to chaw wool g : SE, A ------ fore, and mailing more, For, apparent: | wien he burrs in ft» INSURANCE ana 5 " * 17, the good commuters of the Twin "Hearsay is not evidence," 'Warren a | 3 The Mount Royatej Co., Limited Cities have been toasting thetr foe bY | all but whispered, parting folds of GENERAL BROKER ! fa the fireside this winter and reading| ynep t¢, look into a piquant olive. 1 King Street A The incomy,5) to be received from the that most popular of works of natural | gyinneq face, now phe by deep =» . 4 20 stores, .oq and concessions of The | science (0; fairy tales, some say) called Shining eyes and dashed with damask Blue Gara es Limited 3 Mount Royy Co Limited (allowing for | "s6.25 Per Hen." That volume, by the bloom. Dimly he recalled the Zarah al y 5 10% vacalyill'yooregate an Amount | way, used to have a unique recon aa | Zell he knew: this could not bo the Cor. Bagot & Queen Sts, E which will |_ the Crerar library in Chicago ana] Same, yet certainly was. It's lucky BURGARLY J librarian has a fag for statistics and | yoy gyn Swear to what you said," BLUES CARA | | Y a genius for collecting them, and | he went on, "It would have been rank Phones 568) and 1087 1 L : lst--Every room 1% otel being vacant many strange items he has turned up, | perjury, Every girl here tonight is eee EE 4 continuously féeriod of 50 days. not hitherto Suspected about his Ii-| prettier than you aré--but none of 5 If of a ms (525) "3625 Per Hen" has been are Tor! * "Paint makes n heap of difference, | 2nd--( Ine- ha £ . roo more than any other book in the H-| gp you put it on right," Zarah ap. being vacant Okriod of 100 days. brary, which lay very weil prove | swered, witn an artless giggle, that back to the farm is the city | The phantoms were in full tide of ! Our estimate of culated on "The dweller's favorite slogan.--Christian ghoulish glee, They had spread over ' Mount Royal Hotel" t 80% capacity. Science Monitor. the lamp-lit lawn, by twos or tn The ren are sul e up for the ee, or blotches of curious hair dozens, ak vacancies for which we Sating Zarah looked at them through 5 , call or phone for. go... the ible seldom noticed by 4 person Too | "It's a mighty fine part 5 : J yy Hte, all or debentur,, Mount Royal Simply reads the book's PARES. The | uSnal we KO out to play with the P ark a F or d alongside your Big r otel Co., Limited, CAIThnus of 30% in book contains 3,536,430 letters and | pogrom Warren asked. She nodded. «8 3 : 773,003 Words; 31,178 verses and 1,189 Under the brightest light she paused | . 1 Tog common stock. chapters besides 88 books, The books | 4, Say in Warren's ear: "gan you Let the F. ord Take the Hard Knocks-Keep the Expensive i : ad Were written by 40 men during understand how ft feels t | } % . 0 be finer M ke "le paried of 1,000 years, The 20 bos than anybody, when ll along yeu Car Home i 3 » ° ac 0., Limited " the 9 Temusiont were SlAsted: have been the commonest looking» BE 4 unlelpal Ber "oo: Distory, 12; poetry, 5; proph. "I don? . . s : i 4 Government and ¥ ten Securtites } ut Jaw. Cu uit ye YOUR bi ving. Lay it : 2 23. 17. The 27 Books of the Now Warreo. g car is not suited for winter dri . 38KING STREET WES] TORONTO Temamept Tete. airs lisoey. 3¢ [22 niapey--T'm feeling # bow up for the winter and drive, in perfect comfort, a Ford od i ---- word "and" is founa ip the Bible | ya De I've edi : ~_ Coupe or Sedan. Winter driving 18 treacherous ~-- and ' & : | but. once#%yund tie word "reverend | ihe--tonight in granny's fae lines costly. It takes its tol] in big repair bills and frequent 3 | but. once. The nineteenth chapter of | sheet, nobody can touch me, I shall -- " : . : 2 ; . fm. Kings and the thirty seventh chap. "Slip away before the undressing--then break downs." The Ford in winter days, will not only : Valuable Residence. |, Location. i ayh_ire aie die edt now hats mde i | go where your big car cannot but it will take the drifts and ; --Albany, N. Y., Journal, broldered linen--nobody eise has ay.» icy ruts with less effort. Jess strain and far less wear and co For price and tly: awe { "We won't unmask," Warren said, y 3 i i 3 ' A Livery Jdvertisen. | "1 declare oupnives Guardian tear. ; + A RO are able so pected that ta custodians | Souls. charged re he. sthers off PUT te big car up for the 'winter. Drive a Ford--as £ e they are able to direct Applicants prompury | 4 Private just the things we like. to. the volumes "asked for, the next | p, they don't, we'll put sll. sorts of step for an ideal institution would be spells on them." i to advertise the treasures which it "Seems like bas already in trust for an It) one 1 » would appear that the Newark, N, J, | pn hong Waren ce hed library has reached the second stage, carelessly. "That's all right, Min--ag for it has been distributing circulars it wasn't you," he sata. "Run along telling how the ambitions worker may and play with Jacky Durden--bhe 1g educate himself by reading. ang DOW | the mad after your heart." the library can help him to fing Just | hate Jack Durden," Mincing | the right things te read. Taking a | Mivny complained. *T'd rather play | [ate fro She wethods er. of | with anybody else any time. Ang Pve | ® libra- | eye-catching advertisement, some Il you--ever ry entitled the circular in large type. got Ring te: teh y 2 fine | KINGSTON AGENGited J. O. HUTTON. ho Phone 703 " lice Street. Battery "| many prominent people are doing--all through the hard winter months, I it take the hard kn ks--let it stand | out in stormy weather; Jet jt "buck" the drifts-- and be- ; : hind the closed windows, drive all winter in comfort. a Important Re Your PLAN now on putting away the big car for the win- Zarah said primly. "rm going to leave Jou strictly to yourself," "H b i and 'funn 'e yom . . | ga SRRNIR Ry | LRT RL | EE SS Ser Ford Coupe cr Suis Winter and drive more--_by goting's | Winter. ia ite ---- | bio 0 uEht now I have other | Ford Coupe or Sedan TO-DAY. TELEPHONE or WRITE an fulars as to i The Way of the Werta, : : what is needed to be done to your Baf | Two men stood ins balcony, on » | ra my ant WE will be glad to consult with you upon the cost of Experts on Generators, Motors, 4 ing systems. ® Give us a try-out. We guard] Idehting =. ® 3 a ? 3 § g 0 5 2 7 \ Willard : Le city. i 3 Jou! I can think of . : ) rd Service ' | you " Warren murmgreq | § ( € ~ SE ye aan sig oe | Tare tossed her heed uo ently 81 obligates youin no way, We will be glad to call at your dressing the people?" h i x | . | : L LES And the other after a moment re. | } : ome, ' "19 BROCK STREET. NE 1340. plied, "Yes, I do. Who is he? |. | ; : | His companion answered, "1 do net |- po oe dag oet | # 3 === know. But he Is telling the truth, b ! . nnn. | Notice how ow among all these har Iles. | - : ; ¥ aa " d rying thoussnas Stop tO listen | sargieal : < gi Aor . a ] The silkworm moth has been .cul-, The Quite satisfied ames woes gion required 3 .B : k tivated for ee a ua he SE mE a 3a Cages 5 pon once ae PHONE 1609. - o- - ; 34-38 PRINCESS STREET : od witzerian : wom dangerous ¢ c Limited : : 2 JMIways to save importing eval. leamuot wf thinks you think he is. i Ss Be St ee -------- a