ia " ' a y, ; 3 } THURSDAY, DEC. 15, 1921, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. 12 ns ---- Prince Edward jchildren, Brockville, {at Eli Tennant"s, Mr. and milion"s on Saturday evening. R.t visited Sunday | Jackson spent Sunday with his dau- Mrs. E. | F . | White, baby Mildred, also C. White |ghter, Mrs, James Hamilton. Mr. and rom e ountryst e {and Miss Viceroy, Caintown, were re- | Mrs. Will McWilliams spent a few ) cent guests at W. H. Franklin Miss days et Richmond Mr. and Mrs mn -- Mary Scott is spending this week at | Harry Robinson spent Sunday with ; .. |J. Scott's, Caintown. Mrs. W. H. | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walker. Born 10} > day school scholars are busy practis- | pegankiin and Master Everest Frank- | Mr and Mrs. Jay Hamilton, a bavy 3 % PICTON. Whi Pi te B : : FRONTENAC Jue for their apne! entertainment |1in spent the week-end in Brockville |boy. Mrs. John Connolly, Yarxer aa aides, yu Hubbs Boi 1 ite Ine 1s again quite reasonable in on Christmas eve. Nearly every ORo |,,4 attended the Collegiate cowi- spent a few days at William Mc rmal "At Home™ in the Wo- z 3 . irom the surrounding disric, "ho and wielded ti vise 8; pant & Sa 3 2 f iam 2 Me | men's Committee rooms on Saturaay price. And when we say WhitePine, we attended the turkey fair at Lynd- yg; were in Brockville on Thursday tended the play in Camden E -}* B Mr. and Mrs. J. L tended the Diay in Comdon Bast Eien leis last Wotoorday" tor |B TOAD White Pine, the Ottawa Malley kind | Washington, D.C., that is lasting and easy to work, returned well for a milder ci- Tn : DOD RS lage from Berryton, where he has | "eae ae been making cheese. Quite a number Tpad N = 3 4 | 0 WY ny Ne from here attended the shooting "Ma A :t > hI = match at Roy Moroughan's, Bria: a : Mr WwW oO es er =, ow 3 ; Hill ® ro --- Ee Ant : : > - un ANE : ¥ ADDISON. ars | 3 Dec. 12.--Miss Cora Ellis, Rock- Sm. h b T spring, spent the week-end vith 1 Mary Waits." John Pastor ore a decline from : co poral 1 iy taken suddenly ul on Wednesday. 4 of 1920 has already taillace, ; hospital where he was operatea un Plan of Co-operation. 3 same ew . Mrs. G 4 She 340 veniug. Nw. Gross omy The average cost of food perk per . Stanley H. Watts t th dv 3 1 3 1 wesk-ond at Bishop Nils. Mi Irene ei, Frovincial Advis Comics on family increased in June, 1920p! per E Wi is visiting Mi Mildred Vnsmployment Fisted the ind of proposale:-- 5 : HI TRUN CTY. A NE | Hill. The ohildren of - M. E. M : cent. over that of 191 3. : ERAERNALE | church are practising for their 1.--That Tout Musuiessurent Shauid be ached 10 tale 4 ' E Christi concert. . . : ¢ mas concert Ly are ple Up to October of this year, thfentage h PORTLAND. : 1 Sel AGENCY FOR ALL | ,.. , tormaw. 2--That Wholeialers. shoud be asked to ill of increase over 1913 was 56. o the 10th 'was very good es this was goods on hand at replacement prices. 4 1 the first fair held here. There were 3--~That Retailers should be asked to sell at ' ; \ OCEAN STEAMSHIPS stout seven thousand pounds or t prices. The average cost of clothing ifed 160 ; . ow] purchased. Mr. Homestead, who 4.--Knowing coats of building presen 3 § For particulars apply to:-- has acs yory Iu for Sometime, is im- time he Ere atthe . per cent. by June, I 920, wt 8 n it ay 3 Ee proving a- . Har tead desiring should saecurseed : 3 3 P LP hy ' ids - Sheis \ g wark : ; 3 i C.P. & TA, GT. Ry. Kingston, Ont ge re Hors, -- a Sepecl oor to ee . d : 3 § OPATAG Rr. Kingron. Ont | ue ia lat week sad the Sous fr to 3 mine to restore this You have taken a share injjduction. ; 5 sters are enjoying it. rs. R. Ste- : : ; vens, who has been on the sick list, is 5.~That Banks and financial institutions should bo You have absorbed certain l as many ; o a. able to be around again. Mrs. C. prepared te co-operate to the utmost with a . i ia 3 Vi A R ®) Sly, who has been visiting her daugh- produc es pea by allowing all Tea ble retailers have done. } 3g VI { f ter in Brockville, has returned home. conditions may allow. ale " i E DONALDSON ROCKFIELD. 6.--That Farmers should be asked to iam i . ; { 3 LAM SERA IOME Dec. 12.--A large number from ionate reduction w in the . eet cia In a general plan of co-operation mn which n of the community ! : " reached in other ; . i 3 rand Fro Haar on ay DOR, Loa foe. should . be to make needed is asked to take part, will you sell JP at replacement HA tear i» Sasarnie 73 AE 13| evening last. Mrs. Gordon Sama : td : he enabling th tail of your output 2 3 Halitax--Piymon Tn Seagate, Matviens ron aur 7.--That Labor shall be asked to y vals willingly » prices, thereby enabling the retailers : od 3 Jan, BBIMAL. Beene sons oa Saxonia | days last week with her parents, Mr. decrease on cost of living, in so far as sucha Production by the manufacturers will stimulated and a CUNVMER SAILINGS 102% Sirs Elis Tow? shen Er eduction fas not eke plas condition created whereby labor wifie9vlar employment. MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL, Brockville. Mrs. W. H. Warren, nj THES Shove statement has been. submitted to y i May 6lJune 10lJuly 15 ...... Albania | | who fell and hurt herself quite ser- A a . 3 Joy SAug EE any lousy 3 Shor time ago, is able to be ect. 1 and i ia hriey. If this plan is acceptable, tell yo what you A i Montreal to Pi 5. out again. Archie Fergus spent th ' Po y : : ence y v : oN a Yaaeuth Chertouy week-end in Gananoque. an : propose lo do. Win Shale : d NE E | Ne Huh ve" o'.Antenia| visitors: B. J. Warren, Brockville, \ Give them the best, closest and thus - Y--atreow re and Miss Anna Warren, Tilley, at E. tl Dec EM Fen 28 I Nigeria Foley's; Mr. and Mrs. L. O.- Warren Bi Yar ia oo May 20 Assyria Sag 395. Keith, at R. Steacy's, Green- g . S|May 6 June 3 ..... . e BEarleland Miss K. Shields : ag MW YORK--LIVBRAPOOL g "Dec. 2410. 16IFeb. 25 at J. H. Earle's; Mr. apd Mrs. R. WwW Eh hs a Steacy at W. H. Warren's; Miss Help Ontario Lead the . Also cally at Glasgow. Ethel Leeder at W. Warren's, ' i " le Way . pton € 2 § J HR RTs JUNETOW. A Job for Every Man | N. etary and Dec. 12.--Miss Maggie Scott has 29 3 EE . ry enon | SIA fo her home here afer Prosperity for All ! : i 0 TL IPT . Caronia | Spending the summer and fell at Ti Eo onder. ! and| Lansdowne. Mr. and Mrs, John Her- E b. 4 EC ER Assyria | DiSOD were in Brockville on Friday : 2d ; Gibraltar, Naples, ra, Patras, Dub- last. Among those in Heackvitte on . by Authority of the Ontario o JB Bai ivnatacs cannons evs. TALL ay last were B. J. Ferguson, E. : i | Avery and. Seok. Mew. Richard Buy! -- Build! -- Work! ---- Unamplymint, $ O80 STATION. Dec. 12.--A number from around here intend taking in the turkey fair at' Perth. Mrs. John George David spent Sunday at Joseph burst last Thursday {auction sale of farm stock and im- | plements at Herbert Ducette's Crawford end | well attended. last. Mr. and Mrs. James Patt nge The | caintown, spent Sunday at ' Gummers'. Master Stuart Tenna ! Athens, was a recent guest of his _ | grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. J. S. Pur- | and Mrs. F. vis i Mr. Cod-| pleased with the prices paid. was Recent visitors: Mr Garrison, Petworth, spent a day a! Percy Alcombrack's, DENBIGH, December 10.--Denbigh would mate than Ontario. Miss Elda Har. - cke, West Lake, was recently ma: ried to Percy Collier by Rev. A. E. McCutcheon. Mr. Tanover and son | have been to Chicago to visit the for- AE Allan Lumber Co. A Janes. ze. Joseph Varrey is W. Balls, Kingston, at Rev spending a few days at Joseph |ling's; Mr. and Mrs. William Lucy. | ' 3 mer's sister who is ill. A new - eats Pies Sue over [fond tute" 3 Behe Chao i Ay Renta cao, sn | cP wi Vo ln he colin 1 soon = pp 10 & igri "X80, | Clarke's; Mr. and Mrs. W H, Janie | the departure of the numerous visit- | dfrangements can be made as H. one o.oo. - Vetoria Street Toronto. Miss Vera Crawford speni a 1 Lynn's, Sun : Kerfoot t 0 Boron e ties Yoru Lr iy joa an Lon ut Fi ap Ly Ps, Sun | Lennox % Addington Ots a sporiauen fiom other Paces tot goes to Ottawa normal = > ! i t not n for the general in- : | = a fd he ee penis. and BE a Tom A se { Mrs. Miles Lake, r ! approaching genera! election and the Sie aes ave Yoeu Made into feb "it ; 4 ne é 0 na a tle the gverage man reaitacs | or later," is willing to bet ney won't. Dec. 13 --The ground is still bare | d it is a might d thi 8 | : : I. RE ons ors or feed | Stor Shonding i fo days with her { Dec. 12.--The excitement on Tues- | the candidates of both political par- daughter at Kepler. {day over the election gave the vii |ties. Those meetings were all well how- |attended, conducted orderly, and the as they are able to allow their cat- tle to roam in the fields. The ai tendance at Myer's Cave church on Sunday was very good. The sermon which wes preached by Mr. Crowder, was very impressive. A number of men are blasting out rock, which will be used on the new road being con- structed. The lake is frozen over for the first time this season. McLEAN. Dec. 12.--Wood bees and dances are the order of the day. Quite a| number {rom here went to vote on Tuesday. Mrs. Mary Jane Cronk con- tinues poorly. The young people are practising for a Christmas entertain- ment to be held on Dec. 22nd. Eug- ene Wagar, Enterprise, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Levi Snider. Miss Orpha Wagar left here to work at Belle- ville, Sunday. Mrs. Voteary, Ports- mouth, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Willlam Wagar. Miss Clara Howes, Is at Parham, Willlam Reid spent Sun- day at D. Goodberry's, Long Lake. HOLLEFORD. Dec. 12.--The Ladies' Aid held their monthly tea at Mrs. John Greg- ory's. There was a large crowd and a good sum was realized. A num- ber from here attended. the U.F.O. ston. Miss Hazel Martin is visiting at her sister's, Mrs, Clarke Reynold's Verona. Mrs. Fletcher Burnham's, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Burnham at John Mar- tin's;. Mr. and Mrs. John Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Burnett and family at Wesley Van Luven's. Lit- tle Miss Ruth Van Luven spent the week-end at F, Burnham's. BATTERSEA. Dec. 10.--This pleasant weather is assisting the men in laying in their winter's supply of wood. The Sun- |is spending a few days in Kingston. | Miss lla Bauder visited at] Inv ---------- | Margaret Sleeth has = home | WILTON. MOUNTAIN GROVE. {lage a very busy appearance 9.--Election with all its ex- citement is past: The Young Peo- ple's Improvement Society held its] i . n the Standard church is well at- yesular gy a ae tended. [he members of the Meth ng | odist Sunday school are practising | a number of lantern slides Which | for their anneal Christmas tree, added to the interest of the meeting. los Bald on rato tl oS Miss I. lease ase Jetuivey drom| i Sperry Shibley is spending a few days oa bedside of her father. who is |in Kingston attending the funeral of | 0 i the late George McQueen Shibley | seriously ill there. Miss Elda Brown {he tate Kingston Colle ate. Tete] | tute, spent the week-end at his home in Wilton, ever. The U.F.0. candidate, smith, led with a majority of thiruy two votes. The convention :being heid | Dec. Miss Simpkins from the Lewis] school was a week-end guest of Miss| Vera McDonald. Mrs. E. Smith spent Sunday at Mrs. M. W. Price's. Messrs. Hugh and Fred. Thompson are home for a few days. J. Drew . i had a wood bee on Thursday. C. day ay roporied $o0l gion dys Cowdy motored to Verona on Wed- in y ot ds } pen a'e 33s mpi nesday. Mrs, P. Gray, who has been pram ® pause: Ne ¥. lan seriously ill, is improving. Ken-| MTS: Garnet Jeffrey and Mr. and mrs. neth Loyst, Tweed High School! spent the week-end with his parents] here. Mrs, R. Barr, visiting at P.| BETHEL. Dec. 12.--A number from her ai- tended Kingston market on Satur- | meetings held here in the interest of Mr. Sex- | addresses given by the speakers re- | Clarence Allen had tea at James Ha- | {ceived impartial attention. On elec- ition day the electors also did not { shirk their duty and the best of order prevailed on both polling sub- | divisions. A report of 'he result of {the election was anxiously and eage:- {ly looked for and thanks to our re- |sently established telephone service | Was promptly received with, conid- | ence and satisfaction by the majorily {and with regret and disappointment by the minority of the electors. A | shooting match for turkeys was held { here on the 3rd inst. and another one {the 6th at which other fowls had to be ,substituted for turkeys. Both | were greatly enjoyed. The young people are now enjoying the evenings { Practicing for a concert. A man without a conscience is a ials, paper, gas mantles, and dyes. that his sins will find him out sooner Canada's Favorite Pipe Tobacco the obacco &Ruality man without a principle. Gray's has returned to Arden. H.| Summers is home from Toronto. LEEDS | eo ed. Miss Sheffield spent the week- end in Lyndhurst, J. J. Jordan has 5 purchased the Hazelton property ou Redford street. Mrs. William Ritchie, Althrope, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. Stoness. Ray Gillis, New York, is visiting friends in town. a MORTON. Dec. 12--Edmond Karney, Athens, was the guest of his uncle recently. Mrs. William Perrin and granddau- ghter, spent a few days the guest of Mrs. A. Hill. Several large loads o! fowl passed through here to Lynd- hurst on the 8th. A. B. June is mov- ing to his farm at Briar Hill. Ernest Roantree has moved back to the vil- ial 7 : [4 osperity For Ferguson was in Brockville on Fri- day to visit ber sister, who is iil Miss Laura Ferguson, Yonge Mills, is spending a few days at J. A. Herbi- eon's, Mr, and Mrs. 8. Ferguson and " 3 a (RRO -- BH --=8-- ---- i All | meeting in Kingston on Saturday. ei | Mr, and Mrs. Ray Babcock and fam- WESTPORT. " 5 ily spent Sunday at Hartington. Os- Dec. 12.--The ladies of St. Ed- | a car Bander, and Miss Mabel Martin,| ward's church held a successfu] sale | » » 3 accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ross|and dinner in the league hal! on | f 3 : Van Luven, spent Saturday in King-| Wednesday. The booths were at | tu 3 tractive. A splendid sum was realj:- bY ; * @