THUAIC YY. PF{. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. si ssn i atnisatningn ----------, ne -- "MAIN STREET" -- ~ The Greatest Book Sensation of Recent Years This story will be published in The British Whig as a serial, beginning MONDAY, DECEMBER 19th. In "MAIN STREET" Sinclair Lewis has pictured people as they are. In its characters we see all our neighbors. In the life he describes we see life as it is lived all about us. We are giving to our readers a story which combines unusually large, popular interest with real literary merit, Watch for "Main Street" Read It Enjoy It SINCLAIR LEWIS Author of "Main Street." ssmp------ A -- Pr -------- ANA A A a a aA DOOMED, BUT EXULTANT The International Sunday Sch ool Lesson for December 11 is, "Paul's Last Words."--Il Timothy 4: 6-18, By William T. Kile, dust; When no more avidly I drink the wine Of human love; when the pale Prosperine Has covered me with poppies, cold rust Has cut my lyre-sirings, and Sun has thrust Me underground to nourish the World-vine-- Men shall discover songs of mine, in a dungeon, as when he first met | /f the Master on the Damascus Road. The truths he had taught, at great | cost, throughout a long life were true to the limit, Ohrist was as real | at the last as he had been at the first, ~ CHRISTMAS FLOWERS We will have the Best in Cut Flowers, Pot Plants. Fern Pane, Pans of Flowering Plants and Ferns, Christmas Wreaths, Holly, Mistletoe, ete. Order early, Lawson & Collins, Florists Nights and Sundays, Phone 687TW. Choice Candy and Chocolates For The Christmas Trade -------------------- Tomato Wastes. Tomato pulp, for catsups, pastes | and soups, is obtained in the requi- site pure state by putting the toma- | toes into what is called a "cyclone | machine," the material being forced through small holes in a metal screen to get rid of the skins and seeds. No fewer than 225,000 tons of to- matoes are pulped annually in this! country, the skins and seeds being | thrown away. It is a lamentable | waste, inasmuch as the seeds yield | an excellent salad oll, which is also | first-rate for paints and varnishes, | "The end tests all." Last words have a cherished significance. In the light that streams from an open. waiting grave the dying seem some- times to see life in its relative eig- nificance. 80 we welcome this fare wel utterance--it is almost a triumphant shout----of the greatest hero that ever fought in the ranks of Christ, Uncounted myriads of persons, of all ages and conditions, in every part of the world, will gather abou Store, Wellington and Brock Conservatories, phone 1770. 68 Centre, Phone 1174J. See our big assortment of Home-made Candy--a kind to please all desires and the quality the very best. We manufacture and sell wholesale Candy Canes for the Stores, Schools, Entertainments, etc, and the FANCY CHOCOLATES in all size pees. All prices. these old With plenty of money in Bank to buy all the presents you had planned, the joy of gift-giving becomes a joy indeed. The spirit of Christmas does not ring true when giving is a hardship -- when someone must be forgotten -- when someone gives to you and you can give nothing in return, You can make sure of having enough money for Christmas 1922 by joining our "Christmas Club " NOW. There are no dues. or fees of any kind--it is open to all--to you and every member of your family and your friends. | grim figure of the Roman this fragment of a personal letter from the doomed prisoner. Paul the Apostle, to his young friend, Tim- othy, who was carrying on the work at Ephesus. Only three individuals, got personal letters from the great interpreter of the Gospel; they were Timothy, Titus and Philemon. The letters to the first two, who were ministers, are the last recorded writ- ings of Paul. x Thése ardent messages are shad- owed by prison walls, and by the execu- tioner, who was drawing near. Paul was under sentence of death. Neru at his worst was on the throne, ana soon to follow his Christian prisoner to-the great accounting--nbut in wha a different spirit! The man in chains went to his end like 'a King and = conqueror; the man on the throne met death like a slave and a coward. so far as the record survives, ever | And say: This woman lived--as poets must. "This woman lived and wore life as a sword To conquer wisdom; woman read In the sealed Book of Love and underscored The meanings. Then the sails of faith she spread, And faring our for regions unex- plored, Went singing down the River of the Dead." this dead Paul, whose rare biography is wrapped up in his own phrase, "I was not disobedient unto the heav- enly vision," did not lose his vision at the end. His dying vindicated his living. He could still repeat his own words, 'O death, where is thy sting?" No morbid fears alarmed being a quick drier. The residue from the oil press, mixed with the skins, makes a highly nutritious stock feed. ---------------------- Canada's Example. The keynote of the Canadian pro- gram of settling soldiers on the land, says an editorial in a recent issue of Leslie's, is self-help--*the' provision of opportunities by which the Cana- dian soldiér, or his widow, can be- come as useful and honored a eiti- ben in peace as in war, an asset in- stead of a liability. It is a program that already has stood the test of time, as compared with our own, which, so far as it exists at all, is still In a tentative stage. It is one \ 7 MASOUD'S 238 Princess St. eT MILLER'S WORM POWDERS o 'RELIEVE THE RESTLESS CONDITION BROUGHT ON BY THE PRESENCE OF WORMS AND RESTORE THE CHILD TO NORMAL HEALTH. which we, with greater singieness of purpose and lees polities, might have adopted In its essentials with equal success." New Canned Food: A newly patented kind of food, put him. He did not stagger in uncer- tainty toward. the oracles or the sooth-sayers, He asked no adventi- tious aid from the spirits of the de- parted. As in life, so in death, Jesus This was Paul's second Roman im- | prisonment; he had been freed from his earlier, easier duress at the capi- tal, and had made another mission- ary journey. But following "he burn- up ready for the housewife's instant use, is prepared by mixing fine-chop- ed meat with milk and a litile flour. The paste thus formed is filled into molds and exposed to heat, whereby the contents undergo slight shrink- Just decide how much money you want to have for next @ Chyistmas, come to the bank for enrolment, and then d t a regular sum each week. 8s Such systematic saving, with the help of cur * Christmas Club" will make your 1922 Chtistmas the happiest of alli Join Yo-day and start to save. Even Payment Classes Increasing Payment Classes in which the same amount is deposited each week for 50 weeks in which increasing amounts are 25c. weekly totals , . $12.50 deposited each week for 50 weeks $12.75 50c, weekly totals . , 25.00 25.50 $1.00 weekly totals . . 50.00 $2.00 weekly totals 100.00 Sc. and increase totals 63.75 $5.00 weekly totals 250.00 10¢. and increase totals 127.56 $10.00 weekly totals 500.00 You can join several classes : pn wish $20.00 weekly totals « 1000.00 lc. and increase totals 2c. and increase totals Kingston Branch « « « « H A Tofield, Manager Napanee Branch = + « C H. Anderson, Manager Gananoque Branch « « « « « . F. W. Bell, Manager The MERCHANTS BANK Christmas Club Een rEswmees IF YOU WANT THE LATEST MUSIC : You've Got To Get It Here ! MUSICAL IN STRUMENTS of any kind----ewe have them, STATIONERY A Most Appreciated Gift 'NOVELTIES Kewpie Doll Lamps--Statuary, etc. THE BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS--RECORDS 65¢c.~APEX RECORDS--65c. --- BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS CARDS DISTINCTIVE FOUNTAIN PENS--EVERSHARP PENCILS a The Song Shop PHONE 970W. 3. 216 PRINCESS STREET OPEN NIGHTS - NEXT TO OPERA HOUSE "THE HOME OF BETTER MUSIC" -- "binding which resulted in practically useless, has been discon- 'having tect so small as to be! tinued in enlightened China. L ing of Rome, Nero had charged the catastrophe to the Christians, and terrible persecutions had followed. Naturally, so eminent a teacher of the Way as Paul could not escape, and this time his confinement was rigorous. He is foresaken by al] ex- cept Luke, the reporter-physician. He 'is lonely, and yearns for his younger friends, Timothy and Mark. He is cold also, and asks for his cloak; and his insatiable mental hun- ger yearns for his books, A pathetic picture is given us of the veteran warrior in a dungeon. Having Lived--'Hurrah for Death!" Only ip a few words does Paul re- veal his physical state; mostly his letter rings like a trumpet"s battle call. He had greatly lived, and now he is ready to die greatly. Nobody can have a mean life and a noble death; one is the fruit of the other. In the spirit of the proverb which says, "A men is responsible for his face at fifty," a person is likewise responsible for the attitude with which lie approaches the great dis- solution. There is more in this pean of Paul than a moment of ecstacy; all the years that had gone found ex- pression in it. No amount of funeral oratory can make a bier eloquent, except as it speaks forth a life. One of our modern poets, Elsa Barker, has caught somewhat the spirit of | Paul: { "When I am dead and sister to the Halifax Explosion Wrecked Her Nerves The reader will, no doubt, remem- ber when a fow years ago there was 2 collision in the Halifax, N. S., Har- bor and one of the munition ships was blowp up, causing great loss of life and laying a large portion of the city in' ruins, and causing a great deal of suffering and distress among the inhabitants. Mrs. Winfield Dill, now of Wind- sor, N.' 8, was living in Halifax at that time and went through this try- Ing experience and the shock wreck- ed her nerves. She writes as fol- lows: --"1 was living in Halifax at the time of the explosion, and it wrecked my nerves so that 1 could not do my housework. 1 woud take suck nervous spells 1 would be under the doctor's care, "i saw Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pilis advertised, so I took two boxes, and they Lelped me so much I took six more, and now I am completely relieved. 1 can recommend them to anyone suffering {rom hear: and nerve trouble." To ali those who suffer from ner- yous shock we would recommend our MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS as the best romed: to tone up the entire nervous system and strength- en the weakoned organs. Milborn's Heart and Nerve Pills are origi- 'mal heart and nerve food, having been on the market for the past 27 years. Price, 50c. a box at all dealers, or mafled direct on receipt of price by the T. Milburn Co.. Limited, Toronto, Ont. Christ was his full satisfaction. To a "Mother's Boy." While we read the jubilant, trinm- phant death song of the greatest warrior who ever carried the flag of God on earth, we may not overlook the friend to whom it was addressed. This letter is a revelation of Timothy, as well as of Paul. We would not reed to know more about the young preacher than that he was the one to whom -Paul turned in his great hour. The apostle was about to pass, but his disciple remained. The work would continue, "Don't give up the ship!" eried the dying captain; and "How goes the battle?" were the last words of a great general. In that spirit, Paul's farewell letter is full of solicitude for the church, His earlier fire shows no whit of abatement as he gives Pastor Timothy counsel upon matters of practice and of principle. Ever and anon there flashes forth solicitude for the devotion of his young friend; how eagerly those who are leaving the scene scan the fitness of the ones who are to take their places, and carry on their work! The torch must be given over to new hands; are they clean and strong and steady? No Christians are more concerned over the number and character of the can- didates for the ministry than the veterans who are almost through. This man Timothy stands in the New Testament for the triumph of two women's faith. Paul bears wil- ness to the fact that Timothy de- rived his faith directly from his mother Eunice, and Hs grandmother, Lois. He was a pr ct of a Christ. | jan home. The prayers of two god- | ly women were answered in him. He has a high place in that long line of ministers o Christ who are the frui- tion of the cofisecration of mother- love. To have raised such a son was surely the greatest of "careers" for a woman. > "My Faith Holds Out!" The great Dr. Charles F. Deems was stricken and epeechless for a considerable time before he p d on, but ere the end came he found-| voicé to whisper, "My faith holds out!" Like Paul, he proved that Christianity is a good religion to die by. There ie no shade of uneasi- ness, no tinge of regret, no gquive: of uncertainty, in these last words of the dying saint and hero. He saw his full life at last being poured out as a drink-offering, and he cried: "The time of my departure is come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith; hencefofth there is laid up for me the crown of right- eousness, which the Lord, the right- eous Judge, shall give to me at iv day; and not tc me only, but to all them that have loved His ap- pearing." Exultant, radiant with the glow of the dawn of eternity, Paul cries in jubilation he is as clear concerning Christ, though he wes languishing age and acquire a sort of The molded masses are thus oasily dropped out, to be thereupon put fu- sealed. greatest users of are borrowing books {natural history, and travel almost as often as they choose fiction. case it is due to improper eating-- "skin." to cans, which are sterilised and 4 Lady Carlisle Wine Story. The story that the late Lady Car- lisle destroyed a beautiful wine cel- lar of the best vintages is, it is stated, without foundation. She did, it appears, get rid of a large quan- tity of strong old ale that had re- mained from a brewery that a pre- decessor | carried on at a previous epoch. © What happened about the wine was that during the war the cellar was found to contain a con- siderable quantity of not very good German wine, and it was so old as to be 7alueless. But bottles happened to be scarce, and the worthless wine was poured out to yield up the valu- able bottles. One Son Must Join Church. In Thibet one son at least of every family must join the church, partly for spiritual motives, partly to gain the temporal protection of the monas.eries, the 'most powerful fac- tor in the country. Prohibition. The final revised resul: of the pro- hibition vote in Ontario shows 540,- 773 affirmative and 378,933 nega- tive votes. a majority for prohibition of 166,835. Children, who are among the public libraries, of biography, For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY, 1 vi Omen 35 Doses Epidemic of: Dysentry It affects many people more in winter than in summer----in the one | in the other, to congestion excited' by cold. A small dose of good, old Nerviline repeated a couple of times usually removes the trouble very promptly. If there is pain, relief is almost immediate. For cramps, colic, stomach pains, and the like, Nervi- line in sweetened water is certainly a wonder. 36e¢. at all dealers. ND ORDERING SUITS "TO DAY" Requires the most careful considera: tion. You may also require expert ad- vice as to wearing qualities of certain Cloth. After over 35 years in the busi- ness, we claim to be able to advise in this direction. It cos* nothing to call and have a talk with us on woollens. Drop in to-morrow! CRAWFORD & WALSH