. Se Riuiac oe THURSDAY, DEC. 135, 1021, maa =<! CHOICE WESTERN MEATS and { COOKED MEATS McGEEIN'S Phone 1182 282 Princess Street & me | FOR MOVING OF Freight, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and |" { insisted Cartage of every description-- Kingston Transfer Co. Yuoue 647. 108 Wenington Street. | pAviID SCOTT Plumber LL Plumbing and Gas Work © special- ty. All work guaranteed. Address 145 Frontemae¢ Street. Fhone 1277. DRAW, WINNETT DENTAL SURGHON, corner of Johnsun and Wellington i gd --- | i | | Streets Dr. Waugh 106 Wellington St. a a a a atngtng, | J . Angrove's Repairs Scales, Talking lMachines, Bicycles, Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, ete. We repair work right and guarantee o satisfaction. 197 WELLINGTON STRERT WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res., 1187. Phone 230. om as THE DAILY BRITIS H WHIG. WAS TROUBLED | WITH HER STOMACH FOR FIVE YEARS § Ward, Millerdale 1 At STS Princess Street. { Is Kingston's "Main = Street." Read about it in the new novel which starts in the Whig on Monday Begin the story with the first instal- ment | 20 thin an | ive years 1 am be I had stomach tr le could not pear the s fond of auy kind, and got weak 1 could work I hid four doctors attend me, but they did mn 1 d 1 in no pain, but fel would 1ds were sur le so bad, ell or taste of PAS - i Grange Membership. grange membership of Capa t, } , is 110 according to re- sfferson County Deputy Wal. county grange member- not e 1 . all n could not live mar This tine last an was relieved of stomach trouble Burdock Blood Bitters, so my hus- | band got me (wo botties, but I had no faith in it after wil the differen: dicines 1 had taken, however, he and after the first two days [ must say I began to feel better, and after the first bottle I felt 80 much better 1 went out a little every day, but could not go alone | was so weak, but 1 soon got so I could walk and t, end 1 have got guite siout. ! um nearly seventy years of agé ard 1 feel better than I have fo. years and can now do all my housework. You may make vse of this lacter if you wish, as it may be the means of making others as well and as happy am B. B. B. is manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- to Ont BUILDING ? KEFPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. mn A] I saw where a To Visit Washington. and Mre. J, L. Denike, Pic.oi. eft for Washington, D.C. They spend winter in a mild cli- gets too cold in Washing- | will go farther south. the Everyday's Classified. ! Advertisements lead to business 1 he surprised and delighted a! the simplicity and gconomy in dis- posing of property, ete., ot Write an ad now and leave | to our office. services, the ads or send it Unto Them a Son. | A son, Lionel Romaine, wae horn | November 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Young, East Rochester, N.Y Young was formerly Miss lHazel | Wenboerne, g native of Cape Viucen NY Save What You Can. Money is very scarce, so if you { want to save from $3 to $5 on Boys' and Men's Overcoats see cur range. | | We have a large stock to choose | Furniture--Freight--Baggage { from; we guarantee to save you mon- | TRANSFER {ey. Prevost Clothing House, Brock | Phone 1776J |" --u-- | 5. WHITEMAN Ten Per Cent, Tax on Sales, | 210 QUEEN STREET E. J. Wright, president of the | { Cresent Motor Boat Company, Clay- | ton, N.Y., has been notified by Harry | | L., Landon, secretary to Congressman | | Mott, that hereafter the tax on all | { boats selling for over $100 is 10 per cent. The annual tax on pleasure | boats will vary according to size, nee Dr. H. A. Stewart, 1 Dental Surgeon Wishes to announce that he has resumed his practice, cor. Wel- lington and Princess Streets. Phone 2092. Dr. H. A. Stewart | The Beginning. | Of Sinclair Lewis' big story, "Main { Street," will be in Monday's Whig. | It has set the whole continent talk-| ing. You will surely want to read |it. Start with the first instalment on | Monday. . | | ---- Appointed at Ottawa. Major H. W. Kerfoot, B.A . has | | resigned the principalship of Picton! | Collegiate Institute, after ten years' | | valuable service, He has been ap-| | pointed by Hon. Dr. R. H. Grant, | | minister of education, to the position | jof master at Ottawa Normal School. | {He is a Queen's University graduate | fh 1900. | { - Death Following Accident, | { The death is recorded in Toronto {of David Cunningham, a son of the | late Will'am Canningham, woo lived | | about one mile from Picton oa the | {road leading to Bloomfield. He met | | with an accident a few wecks ago | | which resuiied in his death op Dec. | 1st inst. in the seventy-ninth year of | his age. Hi: wife who was Viclet | Rowe, survives, { == | W. H. COCKBURN Princess and Wellington Sts. | | Headquarters for:--- || Children's Sleighs, Baby Sleighs, Child- ren's Brooms and | | | be made. one ' ot commercial rate is increased cent also. The niggardly use electricity by some consumers stated to be one reason in neces- sitating a higher rate. Bishop Worrell For Bermuda. The rumor that Archbishop Wor- rell is going to accept the Bishopric of the Bermudas is again revived, 1 { tion at the institution by Superinten- 'dent of Penitentiaries W. S. Hugaes who reached the city Tuesday accom- panied by two stenographers, Messrs i Lewis and Rey. The matter uhaer | consideration, it is stated, iz the dis- | posal certain prison property without proper authority. Guarda Aiken has been under suspension tor {some months. Kingston and Vicinity | of though thrice denied, by the publish-| ed statement that he leaves for the| 1st and that he! islands on January will be away three months, It stated that he goes to organize an Anglican diocese in Bermuda. is P'embroke's New Chief, i'he Pembroke council has" ap pointed a new chief of police, in the person of Da MacLachlan, To- ronto, He wil] report for duty ou December 26th. The new chief is a man of fine physique, standing shy feet two inches in height and weigh- ing 225 pounds. His forty years of nge and married, and saw service iL the great war. Has Been Re-organized. The Prince Edward Old Boys' As- soctation in Toronto has been re- organized with these officers: Honor- | ary presidents, John N. Lake, Dr. A. Noxon, Rev. Joseph Young; presil- ent, Harry B, Shortt; first vice presi- dent, W. H. Blakely; second vice president, S. Albert Seeds; treasur- er, C. F. Vanhorn; secretary, ur. Rose. Teacher of Music, At a meeting of the Perth Board of #ducation D. A. Ainsworth, organist of St, Andrew's church, received the \ arpointment of teacher of music i. | the Perth publie school at an annual | salary of $450. The music commitres presented a majority and minority report the latter recommending the appointment of Albert Hazel to tlie position, ' Half Tiolidays, Tre Saturday half 'holidays ob- | served by the letter carriers and post | office staff are over for the present, land the next four Saturday afte: noons, Dec, 17th, 24th, 31st and Jan. 7th, the usual deliveries will On Monday, Dec, 26th and Monday, Jan. 2nd, both legal holi- days, only the morning delivery wil be made, Changed to Eganville. Rev. D. J. Harrington, Chapeau, replaces Rev. Father Ryan at Egan- ville and will assume his duties in a week or two. The announcement of this appointment will be gladly re- celved by the parishioners of St. James' church, Father Harrington attended the separate school at Figanville and although a native of Killaloe, he has considered Eganville his second home. Rev. Father Zepfel will fil] the Chapeau vacancy, Mrs, Newman Sells Store, The novelty store conducted by Mrs. R, 8. 8S, Newman in Broadway, Cape Vincent, N'Y., has been sold to Mr. Pinmore. Mrs. Newman has con- ducted a store in the village for the last forty vears. It was first opened Ploughing Completed. Although the recent cold snap has frozen the ground in the surround- ling district, most of the ploughing |and other fall work was already fin- | ished, so the frosty weather will not ibe any serious handicap to the far- mers. This has been an excep ion- {ally late fall, and many odd joas |around thé farm, as an accumulation | from other years, have been cleared up. the mild weather is liked jus: as well by the farmers as anyone esa but they are still hoping for a gor blanket of snow to protect their mea- | {dows and next year's crops, A Veteran Minister. Rev, W. T. Wilkins, Trenton, who {has retired as clerk of the Kingston | presbytery after thirty years' service s been in the ministry for fifty-five | years. For thirty years he was pas:- |or of St. Andrew's church at Trentoa. |He was born at St. John, N.B, on { July 15th, 1843, and graduated from | the University of New Brunswick in { 1863. He studied theology at Queen's | Universit, and at Princeton, N.J., land was ordained in 18668. For sev- [eral years he was pastor of St. Paul's { church, Truro, N.S., and afterwards |of St. Andrew's church, Stratford, | prior to his appointment at Trenton. Not Sufficiently Stamped. The postoffice department advises | that a large number of letters ad- | dressed to Great Britain and other | places in the empire are being mail- |ed prepaid at the old rate of post- lage. The new rate of postage on |letters to the United Kingdom and other places within the empire is 4 {cents for the first ounce and 3 cents | for each additional ounce or fraction thereof, Such letters when insufficiently prepaid are sent forward surcharged {double the deficient postage, and in |order to avoid this it is suggested erly the postage. Find Life More Pleasant. Now that the turmoil and the strife of the election has subsided, with the resulting excitement follow- ing in its itrain, the "hullo" girls in the local telephone exchange though perhaps more monotonous, and are gradually getting accustom- ed once more to answering only for- that care of something like twice morning after. They assert that af- most anything. "Choose a sufficient and varied supply of wholesome food," says an eminent physician, 'and you need that care be taken to prepay prop- | are finding life a wee bit more pleasant, | ty calls to the minute, after taking! number during each of those stren- uous hours of election night and the ter that experience they can stand | I Stoves and Heaters We still have a few Stoves left from Camp Mohawk. Will sell them very cheaply, S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone G6. ¥actory hone 141). I 4 Have a Tasty Dinner at the GRAND CAFE Dine with us and you will be de- lighted with our excellent service ain you will find our cousine unsurpassed and prices reasonable. PETER LEE, PROP. 222 Princess Street. (Two Doors Above Opera House) i et ar eA AA FA a at ate et a + A rs BIG CUT IN PRICES | { | | | | on Maxeotires and Tubes, for 10 Days 20°: reduction umn all izes of Maxotires and Tubes. A few Tires at cost. MAXOTIRE & RUBI ER CO. 254 Ontario Street. Phone EASTERN CANADA | A. NEAL. Manager 2050. SOWARDS KEEPS COAL ct --and-- | COAL KEEPS SOWARDS | PHONE 155. | UPTOWN OFFICE--Mc¢GALL'S CIGAR S10ks PHONE 811. SOWARDS COAL COMPANY - = i | : cde en Et WINTER OVERCOATS MEN and YOUNG MEN'S NEW NEW MODELS -- BEST VALUES W. R McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOOK. 0AL Cho'cest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Xard Phone 133 Shovels, Skates and in the Algonquin hotel, which burned down many years ago. The store Hockey Sticks, etc. He Is Improving, {was known as Newman's Bazear. | A correspondent in Kamloops | not bother about the scientific con- tents of it." | With wings nearly a foot in width | extended, the Great Atlas Moth, of | India, is the largest moth or butter-| fly in the world. | $25.00, $28.00 $35.00, $38.00 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) | Presbytery writes that Rev. W. W | Mrs. Newman will make Bes Biome i a re 'in Watertown, residing wit her |Peck, who has been doing arduous sons, Frederick and John Newman {and useful work in far stretching" i : | misston field of the North Thémpson, : | has suffered a rather serious break- | down. At the time of writing Mr. | i |Co., Ameliasburg, held its annual [Eek after a slow recovery of some fmeoting io the. A.O.U.W.. hall op weeks, was almost ready for work | a | again. Mr. Peck is a brother of Mrs | Tuesday. Herb Dempsey presen'ad S. F. Campbell, Albert street. | the auditors' report showing a very Held Annual Meeting. Hyland Cheese and Butter Phone 216. The | Ee Christmas Greeting Cards Don't forget your friends! If you can't send a Turkey you can at least send a Card. Tt will carry the season's greet- ings for you. A large assortment to choose FOR SALE from at the popular prices -- Double stone dwelling, three 5 cents up. storey, large lot; 1 extra lot. M. R. McColl Good barn, Rents [or (44 per h. Pri YO. mony ce. $4 Prescription Druggist. PHONE 82. W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Ksiate and insurance 89 Brock Street. Phore 424, | prosperous season for the factory. | The following officers were appoint- {ed for the coming year: President, | William Reddick; secretary-treasur- er, F. C. File; salesman, D. Young; { auditor, Herb Dempsey, cheesemax- er, Will Masters. Havelock Must Pay More. Al Havelock, because the revenue | trom the electric light system was || rot meeting expenditure, it is stat- |ed, the domestic rate has been ia- | creased from five cents to six and the Celebrated the Event. Dr. File and wife, Ameliasburg, i celebrated their fifty-second wedding | anniversary on Nov. 30th. The nine | children a grandchildren were present wi the exception of mem- bers of the clan from Toromto and Oshawa. After a sumpiuous dinner the evening aws spent in dancing and various games. The gay essemblage broke up at a late hour, wishing the bride and groom many happy réturus of the day. After Illness ' Ie gain new strength and to get well quickly you need a food with vitalizing, blood-mak- ing elements. Take Wincarnis. 16 ez. Bottles, $1.50 omfortable Woollen ARTICLES FOR GIFTS FOR WOMEN---- Sweater Coats, Scarfs, Knitted ! Skirts, Gloves and Mitts. FOR CHILDREN-- Knitted Suits, Sweater Coats, Pullovers, Toques, Tams, Mitts and Gloves, Dresses, Overstockings and Skating gets, FOR MEN--=-- Sweater Coats, Gloves, Mitts and Mufflers. A well assorted stock at the new low prices, W. N. Linton & Co. 2 Phone 191. 'The Waldron Store. Both Are Queen's Men, Dr. M. McKay, M.P. for North Renfrew, is a Queen's graduate, win- ning the Prince of Wales scholarship for general efficiency, as well as the gqld medal for literature. He was au athlete of note, being a member of | Queen's football team for four years, and winning nearly every year the running and jumping championships, He was for one year president ot Queen's Alma Mater Society. His Tr Wallace McKay, is a Queen's uate. Stren Strength of muscle does not in- dicate strength of nerves. "On this account many people who look healthy enough suffer from nervous troubles and cannot understand what is ailing them. Sleeplessness and irritability are among the early symptoms. Indigestion and tired feelings soon follow. ~ DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstufl's Ginger Mar amiade. WMagsinil » Pincapp.e Marmalade, Wagstai's Brambie Jelly, We Rise have a ruil Other ruviable mahes ul lages, Jam and Jel! LE Bon Marche Grocery Cor, King and Earl Sireetn License No. 3=3Ti40 Phone IN84. GET IT REPAIRED Sewing Machines, Fhosographs, Guns, Miles repre aud refitied. arts supplied. Saws n.d, Kalves, scissors and cdge vols grou | Locks repuared. .iiods stied (eo Mal RNG Gi locks. AN Wane ol AMV Meners Saarp od hd ree PRICE. ME cul repair wn, caning MRL Ad FL pelrRues, J. M. PATRICK What has become ' of the old- 149 Sydenbiom treet, Kingnton « fashioned woman who used to get the Phone 2036J. j Sniphur and molasses ready about this time of vear? : FOR MEN and BOYS See our complete stock of Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats at Bargain Prices. line of Murmas lu. sae lp ---------------- New Member for Grenville, A. C. Casselman is receiving the congratulations of Prescott friends upon having been elected to repre- sent Grenville in parliament Mr. Casselman is one of Prescott's mos' successful lawyers and is the som of W. J. Casselman, Morrisburg, Ont. He was born in the township of Wil- liamsburg in 1891. Ie is secretary of the Prescott board of trade and recently was appointed secretary of the school board. He also has the honor 'of having served overseas for two years and a half with the 10th Canadian battery. ie has been a resident of Prescoit since 1915. A nice range of fine Shirts, Collars and Ties, Fancy Socks. Gloves, Mufflers, Sweaters, Py- jamas, Handkerchiefs, Suspen- ders, Boots and Shges, Rub- bers and Overshoes, and many other practical Christmas gifts. 4 1.ZACKS 271 PRINCESS ST. African snakes are very susceptible to mouth disease after capture. The Arabs of southern Egypt trad. ed with India 1000 B.C, : . Visitors to Italy who travel Sunday have to pay a special thx. The best way to lie when sleeping on the right side. Holuing Investigation. on The casé of Guard G. O. Aiken, under suspension at the Portsmoutn benitentigry, is Bow under investiga ' i = li A -