THURSDAY, DEC. 15, 1921. THE DAILY BRITISH WHI TWO NOVELS OF THE SORT THAT VIGOROUS PEOPLE LIKE TO READ The Flaming Forest By James Oliver Curwood The Pride of Palomar By Peter B. Kyne R. Uglow & Co. LORD BYNG UNVELS TABLET AT QUEEN'S (Continued from Page 3.) of Queen's students or eers, which were used by General Sam Hughes in 1914 at Valcartier Camp, and later proceeded overseas. The original Queen's Battery, and the added drafts; contingents to the Princess {and the Queen's Hospital,~all came in for some fine tribute from the speaker. The latter, especially near tirely by members of the faculty, graduates or under-gradu- ates. Dr. Taylor also made a feel- of the Kingston ladies and patriotic organizations who had contributed this hospital, and maintained the supply at all times. The hospital at 140 Wellington St. home, when part of the university IVE your eyes a good square deal. If they G are causing you pain or do not give your retina the proper focus-accommodation give us the chance to exam- ine into their shortcomings . and we will prepare for you a pair of Glasses that will bring perfect sight and re- lief from brain fag to you, at slight expense, Registered Optometrist Opp. Post Office YOUR PROTECTION! URGLARY INSURANCE C. 85. KIREPATRICK © 36 Clarence St. 'Telephone JG6Sw- { | | was turned over to the military an-| thorities, was also mentioned, speaker stated that as far as records! |could show, from 1,400 to men had enlisted from Queen's, and | of this number 187 laid down their | |lives on the fleld of. battle, | memorial to these heroes, erected! ° Bobsleigh for the present in Grant Hall, would | {be placed in a more conspicuous us gnter dra; ang the only correct | place, when the proposed new lib- thin or pitch holes. is c anand by all who use them Ho pleted, Ji war mot al It will pay ou to give them a once ] ose over Deferre basing | command many of these men had Cor. Princess snd Alfred {served, should thus have the privi- Residence 118 Colborne. Phone 2372w {lege to unveil this lasting tribute to | their memory. | His Excellency then stepped for- (ward, and by means of an electric |control system, arranged for the oc- | casion, pressed a button on the piat- form, and the draped' flag over the | memorial tablet was released, Dur- {ing the unveiling ceremony, all the {lights in the hall, except those over the tablet, were switched off, to make the effect more imposing. The convocation was then closed with a short prayer by Dean Starr, McNamee's 50,000 SAMPLES Dr. Beil"s Veterinary Wonder 50.000 one dollar ($1.00) bottles Free to horsemen who give the Wonder a& fair trial. Guaranteed for Colic, Inflammation of the Lungs. Bowels, Kidneys, Fevers Distemper etc. Send 236c. for Malling Pavkage etc, Agents wanted. Write your address plainly. . BELL, V.S, KINGSTON, Ont. Partridge Wire Works NIVEL PLATING AND BRASS FINISHING Now prepared to do this work. Manufacturing Wire Fencing, Flower Border Guards, ete. 62 KING ST. WwW, PHONE 380. | them. Queen's Men Who Fell, The names of graduates, alumni, members of staff and undergraduates who lost their lives through the great 7 | war are as follows: S | OV ES | Loring Brooks Adams, Henry Mar- | old | Allen, Herbert Shorey Baker, and Fire King Heaters | | Willlam Falconer Battersby, Leon- {ard F. Beesley, Vernon Savile Bee- vor, Aimers Stirling Bertram, Laur- ance Grant Bowen, James Tennant | Whitworth Boyd, "John Harrison | Branion, 'Russell Hubert Britton, William Elmer Brown, William Fish- er Brownlee, William Cassels Buch- anan, Adelbert Roy Bush. Douglas Hanley (Calhoun, Alrrea Campbell, John Campbell, John Car- | michael, Ernest Dale Carr-Harris, Quebec and Gas Ranges. Nickle Plated Showers Basins and Toilets Lumber, Cement and Corrugatcd Iron. I. Cohen & Co. 275 Ontario St. Phones 836, 837 A a PN tA AA ON og tN | On 10 More Shopping Days to Christmas WHAT SHALL IT BE? A String of La Tausca Pearls? | Percy Calvert - Caverhill, George { Clark, George Eldon Clark, Rich- jard Joseph Clark, Charles Edward { Cole, Edward Fair Corkill, Stanley {John Creighton, John Stewart Cra- | rar, Stanley Lavell Cunningham. | John Dall, Franklin Groves Daly, | Albert Murdock Daniels, Artour | Thorne Darby, Robert Francis David- { son, €alvin Wellington Day, Walter | Perry Detlor, Hew Ramsay Dui, | Harry Dunlop, William Rutherford | Dunlop. Wallaace Sinclair Earle, Elijah {John Ellis, Harold Peter Fairburn, { Thomas Harold Fennell, Gorcon [13 - . """ . J An Onyx Little Finger Ring? | Stanley Fife, Lloyd Mylne Flemming, A White Gold Wrist Watch? A Diamond Mounted Neck Piece? A Fair of Gold Cuff Links or Tie Pin? A Silver Feeding Spoon or Pusher? A Lady's or Man's Folding Umbrella? A Pair of Ivory or Ebony Hair Brushes? A Piece of Silver or Cut Glass? A Handsome China Cup and Saucer? A High Grade English Leather Purse? A Cabinet of Silver or Tea Service? We offer prompt and courteous service, R. J. RODGER Jeweler { Peter McLaren Forin, William Hen- |derson Forrest, Donald Grant | Fowlds, Farquhar Caldwell Fraser. Earle Bruce Galbraith, William Gibbs Garrett, Edward Welland Gemmill, Russell Longworth yer- main, Reginald Herbert = Gilbert Francis Roy Goodearle, Charles Al- len Goodwillie, Joseph Albert Gord- Gray. Frederick Aubrey Hanley, Melvilic Hastings, William George Hazlett, Clifford C. Henderson, Oswald Austin Hicks, Henry Adrtan Horn, Freaer- ick Gordon Hughes, Harry Love | Jarman, Charles Lucas Jeftrey, James Mills Johnston, Olare F§, Jones, Robert Andrew Kane, Patrick Syl- | vester Kennedy, Stuart Kennedy, | John Kincaid. John Gordon Laing, Stewart Laing, Ruric Harold La- londe, William Sterling Lamb, Fred- erick James Larken, Frederick Fos- ter Laturney, Stuart Moncrieffe 132 Princess St. Wilfred Kdwin Lawson, Norman James Oscar Lloyd. John Angus, K Macdonald, Russell Stewart Macdonald, Foster Murra, Macfarland, John William Macken- zie, John Whyte Mackintosh, Peter cal gifts that give lasting joy. ~FELT SLIPPERS LEATHER HOUSE SHOES --MOCASSINS --OVERSHOES --DRESS SHOES SHOP EARLY Christmas Suggestions ; IN FOOTWEAR Why not give good, sensible gifts of Footwedr? Practi-' LESS RUSH Allan M. Reid SHOE STORE Mackintosh, Thomas Willlam Mac- all the comforts and necessities for} graduates, | tyn, James Frederick Matheson, Eric and remarked that the first of these| Horsey May, Thomas Arthur Meth- was the old field company of engin-|eral, John the 258rd Queen's! : Battalion; the Field Ambulance; the Jyllymaki. Pats; | | | the close of the war was manned en-{ - medical G i ing reference to the' splendid work | | | ton, Peter Balfour Pennington, Les- | THe | 1,450 The! rayvior Richardson, James Ross Ria- | |and the singing of the National An- Charles Gordon Webster, John Alex- on, Harold Blair Graham, Jamcs Roz} | Wilbert | Laurie, Olarence Victor Lawrence, ' Ewing Leckie, Herbert John Lineker, ; camera", was commenced when tne Ri na + IL J RI11!SRKE WHIG. i CTR SR man ES a 5 Aas Knight, Roderick Ward Maclennan, | Alexander Pearson MacMillan, Ian obert Reckie Macnoughton, James Grant MaeNeill, Donald George Mac- | Phail. William Manning, Herbert Clair Marlatt, Frederick George Mar- Qt ills, Harry Suth- erland Minnes, Thomas Wilfred Montgomery, Frederick Normau Moore, John MacDonald Mowat, John James Muil, | Murphy, Andrew Iter Muckle, Robert Joseph Ernest Sterndale Ear] Cornelius McCaig, Donald Morgan MecCannel, James Irvin Mec- Clellan, William Henry McDonald, Edwin Jamison McDougal, Willian | Clark McGinnis, Frank Fernie Mc- owan, James Maxwell] Mcllquham, | Angus McIntosh, Douglas Neil: McIn | tyre, William George McIntyre, Mal- colm Archibald McKéchnie, Peter Malcolm McLachlan, James Leobara McQuay, Roswell Murray MacTavish. Harold Vernon Nethercott, Charles | Donald Nicol, John Wesley Norta, | William Charles O'Donoghue, Georgs | Beattie Patterson, John Henry Pat-| lie James Phillips, Ralph Aberdeen | Phillips, Clifford Benjamin Pierce, | Weston Ward Pitt, John Percy Prin-| gle, Claude Chester Purdy, Frank | Granger Quigley. Charles McKillop Reid, George James Roach, Daniel | Robb, James Stewart Rodgersou, Garfield Redman Rogers, Stanley Arthur Ruthledge, Arthur Charles Ruttan. Herbert Clement Saunders, Camp- bell Craig Scott, John Harold Ser- son, Edgar Zephaniah Sexton, Albert Jacob Shaver, Allan William Shea, TEomas Ralph Shearer, George Luther Sills, Stanley Donald Skene, john Harold Chattawa Smith, Thomas D'Arcy Sneath, Frederick Carl Henry Snyder, Lyell Campbeli Spence, John Herchmer Stewart, | William James Stewart, Leo John | Sweeney, George Banby Syddall, James Harold Talbot. Richard Hubert Thomas Morrow Walsh, mund Wartman, Claude Watchorn , Alexander dall, Donald Suit Cases Louis Uglow, | Alvin Ed- Edmund Watson, ander Wellwood, Arthur West, Ran- dolph Hadden Arnold West, Ceci] Bertram Whyte, Kenneth Fenwick Williams, Walter Balmer Williscroft, Eric Victor Wilson, Harold Stinson Wilson, William Bruce Wilson, Arthur Vincent Wood, John Lant Youngs. Santa Claus fs Coming! Are You Ready} The Best Gifts ARE THE SENSIBLE USEFUL KIND Travelling Bags We suggest the following gifts: -- FIOCKEY BOOTS for the Boys. SKATING BOOTS for the Girls, SLIPPERS for Mother and Daddy. SLIPPERS, Rubber Boots, Moccasions for Kiddies. AND TRUNKS MAKE HANDSOME GIFTS. WE HAVE THEM AT ALL PRICES. Abernethy's Shee Store N Delicacies For the Christmas Table The most tempting assort- ment of domestic and imported delicacies which add so much to the Christmas enjoyment, will be found at the Unique Grocery and Meat Market. Don't fail to call and see our display or just phone 530. C. H. Pickering i 490 and 402 Princess St. | Phone 530. | pr me---- gy "~~ ---- G. H. ROBINSON Educationist, journalist and business man, of Toronto, who died at his home, in his seventy-eighth year. Mennonites Settle On Alabama Land Yellow Pine, Ala., Dec. 15.--One {thousand Mennonites, occupying on | eighteen cars, arrived here yesterday VERDICT OF GUILTY Against Roy Martin, Bedford, Charge of Seduction. | from | Regina, Sask. A jury at the court of general ses- | hTe colonists brought with them sions before Judge Lavell, on Wed- | cows, horses, sheep, household ef- nesday afternoon, returned a verdict | fects, vehicles and farming imple of "guilty" in the case of Roy Mart- | ments, and they are prepared to jm- in, of Bedford township, charged | mediately start 'housekeeping and with having carnal kmowledge of a | preparation of the eoil for next year's girl under sixteen years of age. The | crop. An advance guard has pur- prisoner was remanded until Friday | chased lands and provided temporary morning for sentence. shelter. The case, which was heard "in| The Mennonite colony is situated {in the heart of the Alabama lumber court opened on Wednesday morning | belt, where timber is plentiful and at 10 o'clock, and was given over to the soil productive. Vast stretches the jury at 3 p.m. About 4.30 o'clock {of unimproved acreage afford . the the jury returned with their ver- colonists ample opportunity to grati- dict, »~ fy their expressed desire to engage The evidence showed that the ac-|in agricultural pursuits in a seques- cused is an uncle of the girl in tae tered section. case, and is married. whii-- Sweet potatoes at Carnovsky's. Fancy Dessert Apples From B.C. I Cy HIN CHRISTMAS 1921 Made brighter and greater than ever by the large stock of well-select: ed gifts, suitable for young and old. ture is a beautiful, permanent gift--a token of esteem to be enjoyed every day of the year, Why? Because every gift of Furni- JF S REID PHON 147 F OR SERVICR Military tractions to be introduced for first time. Planning Entertainments. Secretary George Young, of "Y', is. busy the Many of the special fea- planning mentalists Christmas entertainments to be giv-|their services. en at the Mowat and Sydenham hos-|that there will pitals, and perhaps some other insti- tutions. tures given last year will be produc- ed again, as well as some added at-|Constabulary was killed and a cons the | stable wounded at Baillybunmion, Ire- Mr. Young is gathering|land, by unknown parties. + a splendid orchestra together, and a number of local singers and instru- have also volunteerod It is also expected : be special 'feeds' for each occasion, Royal A sergeant of the Irish Rome Beauty, Jonothan, Wagener, Delicious, Yellow Banana, etc. at Carnovsky's, 4 | { { | | The awarding of/the contract for | the erection of the eentral heating | plant for Queen's University and' Kingston General Hospital will give much needed work to Kingston work- men, Here are splendid suggestions: TEN YEARS AGO. The Board of Health of the city recommends the vaccination of all | against smallpox. The Aesculapian Society of Queen's held a very successful din- ner. - T. M. Asselstine was elected viea- president of the C.O.C.L. ana E. Lyons secretary-treasurer. The city may bear the cxpense st lighting the clock in St. Andrew's lower after dark. 8. Dyment has boen elected presi- dent of the Kingston Shipbuilding Compaay. \ James T. Sutherland is in Toronto attending the meeting there of ac Ontario Hockey Association. --SKATING BOOTS --BOUDOIR SLIPPERS --OVERGAITERS --RUBBER BOOTS --EVENING SLIPPERS BETTER CHOICE | TWICE TOLD TALES | News of Kingston TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. The Ball family of jubilee singors gave a concert 10 a capoity erowd in Brock street church last eveniag. A Kingston and Pembroke train was derailed noar Harrowsmith and threeascars diichcd. The police were called to the Windsor Hotel to settle a fracas be- tween two farmers. The Rose Importing Company t>- day recoived about fifty cases of Japanese curios for Christmas trade. Frederick Sloan, of the Street Rail- way Complhy, has gone home (0 Belleville for the winter. The county Sabbath school con- vention is in session at Tamworth, announced. PRINCESS MARY. Her sweetheart and mother driving through London the day afler