Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Dec 1921, p. 10

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10 | THE DAILY B RITISH W'HIG, | Ts SEE Te A ey AOL, 3 Bex - - Go 0 ColumbiaRe cords | In the World of Sport BARRED FROM HOTHIS) IN MAJOR BASEBALL 4 PALER [GIT t " ir. 3 bie i | 4 life" among the players of 'the Can-1 . ul BPs, i |adiens this season, if efforts of the ROger Hornsby Demands $25,- i VL Cl Oo | To Zashion and fir. A3500 The success of the St. Aidan's |n 000 a Year From the 85c. (Winning the Canedian junior Rugby | : Cardinals. honors is more pronounced when 1; Players from out of the city taking | Major league baseball is indeed in = : a JRE I is taken into consideration that they 00MS in hotels while ving = Mont- | the throes of frenzied finance. The | : ; are all boys under the age of twenty- | Teal, the management believing they | big deal between the Giants and A3490 | one years. ; degree ARE HERE, AND OH! WHAT A GREAT LIST. Here's a few of them: | TEAM TO BE PROUD OF. There will bé no cabaret POPULAR HITS Toronto Telegram. management can provent it. | ® April Showers--Al Jolson (from Bombo') An edict was issuéd forbidding all] . Weep No More (My Mammy)----Verbon Deélhart *No One's Fool--Dolly Kay, Comedienne ......... ...... ........ A3502 *Cry Baby Blues--Dolly Kay, Comedienne *Who's Been Around?--Van and Schenck *O'Reilly (I'm Ashamed of You)--Van and Schenck Comedians . . Mary OBrien--Dale and Morgan Maggie Maguire -- Dale and Morgan NEW DANCES *Song of Love--Waltz--Prince's Dance Orchestra *Plantation Lullaby--Waltz-- Prince's Dance Orchestra *8al-O-May--Fox Trot--Paul Biese Trio *Catalina--Fox Trot--Paul Biese Trio *Wabash Blues--The Columbians . *Tuck Me To §leep--Fox Trots--The Rotumbians cree *Ten Little Fingdrs--Fox Trot--Ted Lewis' Band "Everybody Step--~Fox Frot;--Ted Lewis and Band 4 SYMPHONIC RECORDS *Sextette from Lucia Di Lemmermoor--Sung by Barrientos, Hackett, Strac- | the ctiy goes to show that the senior 768----$3.50 |'eams of the future will not lack or 49768---$3.50 ari, Mardones, Noe and Meader--12" *Shipmates O'Mine--Louis Graveure *Five and Twenty Sailormen--Louis Graveure *Spring Song--Violin Song--Sascha Jacobsen Bre rsreass *Berenade---Violin Solo--Sascha Jacobsen 85¢. |last Saturday they turned the trick jon a team thet plays : | series where no age limit regulates "| the players. The junior series of the | | Canadian Union as well as that of the | | Intercollegiate Union contains no age | rmit. But in the Toronto City Lea- .. | Bue, as well as in the junior series of | [the O. R. F. U,, a player must be un- Teal hockey. ) |der the age of twenty-one. It may be DOW under way is the most extensive | "that the Canadian Union | at their {next meeting will have this matter 5c. | brought before them and an age lim-| {it inserted. i In Hughes the Sainis have a back- " |fleld player of the highest class and | A3492 $1.00 ..A3495 [another star'and his wonderful tack- |the form shown by this boy as well as | | others on the various junior teams in material. McLean, the boy who ptay- fed on the defence for the Beaches senior lacrosse team last summer, 1s in a jumor | two world's titles with the temptation to bask under the| | "white lights." All the players have been ordered to take rooms with pri- vate families, There are no really unruly mem- bers among the Canadien squad, and under new management every play- er is this year determined to play The training grind] and thorough the team has had in years, John McGraw Continues Baseball's Champion Leader The world loves a winner, and sel- dom goes behind records. Ana so John J. McGraw, who has won seven | National League championships and | the Giants, | continues the dominating figues of | field generals. McGraw makes mistakes, but he is | quick schemes, And in defeating Queen's |2'® thus removing in large | Reds, as wel] as the respective pur- | chase of O'Connell and Cavaney by ; these clubs, would have staggered the sporting world five years ago. The Federal League set the fashion. Since Babe Ruth was bought from the Red Sox the magnates can talk | in nothing less than millions, Very naturally the impresson is ! created that the promotion of organ- ized baseball leads all the get-rich be condemned if they ghare this opin- ion. Now we have Rogers Hornsby demanding of the Cardinals a three | years' contract at $25,000 a year. The good Lord only knows how much | Babe Ruth will ask for his services | Hornsby's blood lust hes | naturally been excited by his Califor- | nia experiences. He is closing out! a winter season of ten weeks on the | coast for which he is paid $1,000 a | | week. George Sisler, of the Browns, | and Harry Hellman, of the Tigers, | receive like pay. Ty Cobb gets a | next year, Players are not to | Rebuilding Sale Of Furniture Will Be Continued Until After Christmas FEW SUGGESTIONS: Jitneys--regular prices $2.50, for . .$1.50 Kindergarten Sets, in Red, Ivory and White .......$3.00, $3.50 and $4.50 Ll i --_-- . $1.00 (ling has featured every game. Reeves land Virtup, also of lacrosse fame, is said that big enough to admit them frankly and correct them. Some 'en years ago he passed-up Heinle Groh. On Gguarter as much salary more--that | is, $1,250 a week. Aeroplanes, regular $6.50, for ..... $4.50 *Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep---Saxophone Solo ............A2491 lare on the team. I: *Jeunesse--Clyde Doerr (Art Hickman's Orchestra) ....,.. \ (*) Star denotes exclusive Columbia artists. 85¢. | Queen's officials had quite a talk with | / We cannot list them all, but we invite you to come in and get a Janu- ary Supplement. Free for the asking. ones as soon as they are issued." "For Recprds, Try Treadgold's First." Give Columbia Records this Christmas. * Remember '"'we have all the new That's why it pays to Get the Habit: | Hughes regarding his Rugby futuro and McLean was also talked to. Carpentier Goes To England, moustache, a correspondent of the Auto informs the world after inter- viewing the noted French pugilist Georges Carpentier has grown a| 'other fields Groh developed into the game's greatest third baseman. Now McGraw buys him back at the price of George Burns, one of the nn- est of outfielders, and Gonzales, a | veteran catcher, as well as $75,000 to boot. He can well spare Gonzales, and Burns appeared just a bit inaif- ferent here | The addi- The Yankees are planning a two- million dollar plant, the Giants to remodel rush Stadium to accommo date 50,000, regardless of expense. | The high-water mark for a major league prospect has touched 000 in the case of O'Connell. It is no wonder, then, that our Hornsbys and | Ruths intend to sell their lives as | $100, | Children's Rockers $3.50 to $6.50 High Chairs, regular $4.50, for . ...$3.50 $6.00, $8.00, $10.00, $12.00 in any finish Serving Tables and Tea Trays. Leading Undertaker t Season. Ambulance Phone 577 R. J. Reid Pr Be gam) | tion of Groh bound to give the &i- i i however, is! ' / ? | ants one of tHe classiest infields ever | 2 ' ! Re soni- R | o the banving the arc comma tala| oombled. AL the, J must be re. 10%, the gold mine it dppears on the | pany. : oy or h ws Georges to | membered, yt $75,000 O'Connell is - ir the ot yi vast Statemmen In hoo op "drawn, but |COMiDE an year later. oe Fo approximately half of 8, sSomew. 4 ' n his recent illness | The Little Napoleon hes seldom in 3 St tus the govert meat Sppro: cheertul, Jollowing hip Sos for soma his successfyl New York career failed Suse Te un , 83 reat there is HO Yih ha. ight i Soro '0 to seize 0! tunity by the horas. Up. on against inevitable lean fo; Mery y time, was 171 the | POTLURILy again rapped on his door Re Ovi who reap rich harvests PHONE 520 180 pounds at ghe time, was i when the three recalcitrant Yankees |" : > P day the correspondent saw him. were punished. McGraw stepped ngnt then, can scarce be blamed for throw- Carpentier trained at La Guerch, the in then to guarantee pennant |iDE €Xcess profits back into their country place of his manager, Fran- business to minimize tax oppression. is champs, The latter has es strength to the Giants for several cois Des \ 4 - tablished a factory nesthy, at which TS ve: indeed is the pennant he employs nore Shan 200 Rorasns In future of the Yankees. The success the manntacture of cheese . of the Giants for 1922 seems assured. It cost the New York National Lea- Although not recognized as a ma- gu, club owners a pretty penny, put Jo apor, hockey wil bo layed uns 1 298 always been McGraw hoor er the institutional colors, it was de~ devel h Thi cided by the athletic board of cou- rather than to ova op them. is trol. of the University of Minnesota. bras beou 2 sound theory, as seven Refusal to designate hockey a major His Giants were always top-heavy Beautiful Boudoir and Table Lamps, Irons, sport by the athletic board was based | His Giants were always top-heavy on the fact that this winter sport is| = along to the Yankees. Much of . Toasters, Desk Lamps. t a conference game, although it | » P ' Bo Poi by several members of the [he lost prestige McGraw. reclaimed : from the Yankees by beating them in H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC Co, |= Ye instructed by the Board to arrange al yl ot." We sirengihons his 167 PRINCESS STREET TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. PHONOGRAPHS--RECORDS--SKATES--CAMERAS 88 PRINCESS STREET - . - - - | "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" oN Automotive Eqipument Tourists' Bureau Manufact urers' Agents " We Can Get It" - - 109 Brock St, Kingston, Ont, B. R. EYRES Accenssuries Phone SISW - - . G. V. DREDGE wr CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Minnesota Adopts Hockey, Cut Brier More Tobacco for the Money s 15% % Ib Tins 85¢ Sotiodtle for Shio wiles nd ad ou dofences. John J. McGraw spends 2 posramme > Au pe granting | 1avishly but very seldom foolishly. i dig nig was hela 'n| That is why he continues the old & ' abeyance by the board, pending tne | M@ster of major league managers, success of the sport from the univer- sity point of view. MoGill Helps Ont. As the reason given for the refusal by Toronto was that the schedule was Will Play in Toronto. already too heavy, it is very likely The U. of N.B., Frederioton, N.B,, |} ;¢ Montreal will immediately make basketball team is arranging for a |, yeation for admission to the hoe- trip to Upper Canada for 'the latter |, ion for the season of 1922-23. part of January and early in Febru- fy "0 Shey wculd have the strong ary. Games with the Y.M.CA. in|. 1 of noth McGill and Queen's Montreal and Toronto and with Mc- 4" wou be hard for Toronto to G4ll and Toronto Universities are on refuse, | the schedule, and the strongest team In order to make up for the trou- | gathered together in the maritime ble gone to in preparing a team, it is provinces in recent years will, it 18 |, 10010 that McGill will ask Mon:- said, make the trip. A U.of N.B.{..; yiversity to meet them én an basketball team made a similar wd | poion game during. the season. about ton years ago wtih [air suc- Both 'of the teams 10 be strong cess. and an interesiing game should re- sult if they meet, Package [-- 194 - St pr -- To be ORDERING SUITS "TO DAY" te, Pm -- Bouchard Went Under Ban Tuesday. ) 1 : - Edouard Boucher is no longer an Freak Stick. Requires the most careful considera dr wy Eran SUSE. ot tion. You may also require expert ad- || He was advised Tuesday mOrBINE | pooyey stick of mis own make and Vice as to wearing qualities of certain {by T. J. Slattery, new president of| goign, Lead is filtered into the | Pennsylvania has won the Eastern | Snyder Traded. intercollegiate basketball champion- | Word was received from President ship during the last three seasons. | McCaffery, of the Leafs, from New Kilbane won the featherwalgn: | York that he had traded Pitcher championship from Abe Attell and "Bill" Snyder for Pitcher "Paddy" received $3,600 for doing so. Martin, of the Columbus Club, of the George Sisler was the only major American Association. league player to make six hits in a single game last season. The fellow who always is beiny asked to kick-in has a right to kick. Still The Most For The Money {fadavit had been filed with the .po contre. this direction. It cost nothing to call The affidavit asserts that Bouch-|aple it will be examined by leagua League. . . [the Quebec Branch of the C.A.H.A.,|giick in different parts, and it is bal- Cloth. After over 35 years in the busi- | Branch, and that his amateur card| jalonde would not say what this and have a talk with us on woollens. lard received $50 per game for play-| officials before he permitted to ues TAILORS . # | that the original of the Latreille af-|., 4 to an ounce when held fro:u ness, we claim to be able to advise in was therefore suspended. stick would do in a' game. It is prob- Drop in to-morrow! | Ing with Hochelaga in the Montreal it, BAGOT and BROCK STREETS A shallow girl can get even a wise man into deep water. r. H. A. Stewart | a 43 33 Dental Surgeon Wishes to announce that he has resumed hig practice, cor. \Wel- lington and Princess Streets. Phone 2092. Dr. H. A. Stewart SAY: WILLIE "WHO BROKE THIS CLASS 2 5PEAK UP! The ice-skating record for ' 100 miles--6 hours 32 minutes--is held by Jobn C. Karlson. Cornell College #s located at Mt. Vernon, la., while Corneil University is ot Ithaca, N.Y. Nathan H. Stevens, . prominent Chatham business man, dies at age of 80, iy Rev: W. J. Dey, D.D., retired Pres- ibyterian minister; dies at Simcoe.

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