A en See The newspaper is an effective, and attractive, salesman, = WHY SHOULD HOUSEKEEPERS Stay in the Same Rut . that Grandmother did? Grandmother used to do a lot of won- derfuliy, good things in the way of cooking, s essary, work and what inconven- ience she suffered. She dried her own fruit, baked her own bread, and not only made her own dresses, but fre- quently wove them. Lots of women to-day fret and worry over baking a cake gerd AS Stun simply can't ve any, to avo worry. Neither is Have a rich, wi y cake but don't NAPPING BY RISING MARK ngewe fs Losses in Foreign Exchange Speculation the Cause of a Receivership. ) ------ Berlin, Dec, 16.--Germany's sec- ond big bank failure within a week rocked financial circles today. The Allgemeine Bankverein of Dusseldor! suspended payment, shut up snop and took steps to apply for a receiv- er. The losses were at first estimated at 130,000,000 marks but are certain to prove much greater. The nominal capital is 100,000,000 marks. The losses are the result of bear speculajion in foreign. exchangs, dating from the tailend of the catas- trophe boom, but with calling the turn prematurely, indicating that even professionals can lose by dabhl- ing in marks and dollars "hese Qays. Particular interest attched to the failure because the principal director was former state secretary of the 1- Dance ministry Moesle, politically in- timate with the murdered Erzberger He left state service and went into banking after Erzbergor came undor a political cloud and withdrew from public life. Prominent captains of industry of the Ruhr region, as well as representatives of powerral coal and industrial interests, tne Schaffgatt estate and the Turn and Taxis es*ate sat in the directors board of the wrecked bank, all of which -- CASTORIA For Infants and Children ' In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears : the . a Ls a The Telgmann School of . Music Piano, violln and other stringed instruments; elocution and dra- matic art. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application. Engagements for concerts ac- cepted. 216 Frontenac Street. . Phone 1325j. holesome, delicious worry. Buy a package of EXCELO Colp Mix. ture at r rest . Want 5 whist Sakes ab for Lamb oo Yavitia; i you weal something wonder- y different and surprisi good, ask for a Devil's go 82 Sood, Day flavor will prove exquisitely taste- ul. All you do is stir in a glass of cold water and bake. Three minutes re- quired to mix; fifteen to thirty niinutes to bake and you have a wonderfully delicate pastry, minus the worry. Con, tains every ient costs half as much as the old-fashioned way. ; Try it and you will always USE EXCELO ¢ o Quick's Western Meat Market SATURDAY SPECIALS. Choice pot roasts ....10¢ Ib. Choice shoulder roasts vo «+ 12%c 1b, sss..18¢ Ib. tesassnes.10c 1b Boiling pork ........20¢ Ib. Legs of pork ........25¢ Ib. Lamb chops .... .....25¢c 1b Stewing lamb .....12%c¢c Ib. Legs of lamb ........25¢c Ib. Choice butter ........43¢ Ib, Roll bacon .. Breakfast bacon (sliced) +...82¢c Ib. Phone 2011. Signature of Stewing cuts 112 Clergy St. ET _-- tends to shake public confidence In German banking: institutions. { Reports were rife today o! numor- | ous other bank fajlures through | {smaller institutions. ® Banks in Ber- A Shower of Nails Attributed to Agency of Deaf Mute. {PARIS HAS A HAUNTED HOUSE MYSTERY NOW { lin, Hamburg and Cologne were mer- {tioned in Boerse circles as wreckel {or wavering, and also brokerage firms and individual brokers. : ---- poke vl or ech or P78 Do TOA remake many's 5 e ys , Ran) 5 hiee Santee E¥Stom and Lbs [ just stirred Paris, has evoked from a succession of b, Tal Doone and | Dr. Cibris, a prominent neurologist rumors of more a not | connected with the Paen Hospital, caused nation-wide i TR banks | 2% explanation of the phenomenon or an old-fashioned panic. The net | "Dich is even more remarkable than v . the case in question. result of the failures and all fac'ors is gloom on the Boerse and among For sometime the house of Mme. the stock-plunging public. Rappeaneau at Bois Colombes has Only the stillness of the grave or Daa subject to a avalendie of the lull before the storm prevatied in | M3118. screws, etc, whiol na the Boerse circles. Like a flock of |®0Urce of terror to the woman and = : her three children, emong whom is sheep, stampeded first in one direc- ion, then the other, the German |® deaf and dumb girl of 14. Even a log that appeared to scent the com- public, which up to ten days ago | 908 . [could not get rid of its paper money ug avalanche Jes heen In a constant in exchange for stocks fast enough, te is now just as frantically trying fo li- The deluge of steel has been con- quidate its stock holdings back in'o fined to the dining-room of the home, | and invariably has occurred in the | Paper money, regardless of loss. daytime and always when the deaf | Sudden quiet has fallen on all bu-| 3 siness. The public, which during the | Ute has been present. Neighbors catastrophe boom indulged in runs Who have come either from sympathy on stores and shops and could not | OF curiosity to investigate the strange buy goods and merchandise fast en- | StOTY Dave JA in fear before the ough, now finds itself loaded up at |StOTM of nails. top prices. The collapse of the eco- | General Intaeinsee Dermantol vi ; neighborhood and the case finally Romic and business boom as soon ws came to the attention of the police, it reacts on manufacturing should. be followed rapidly increasing unem- who upon investigation, declared ta. ployment. So far as one can foresee, | 2¥2lanche could not come from out- Germany this winter is in for wnat | "ide the house, thereby making it w |America and England already long |'®@! supernatural happening. | have been going through while Ger- | After checking the findings of Lig many continued to enjoy feverish and | 2ssistants, the Commissioner of Po- illusory pseudo-prosperity. | lice called Dr. Cibris, The speciak The prophecy of one of Germany's | jot, Upon SrAmiNGLOE of Te Sram. greatest industrials, Geheimrat Kloo- jen 2 Ee SO 0 rere Skber: Wide several mouths 289, tha ue a at the course of {the rapid rise of the mark would go ye eria, as rei Souree imore disastrous for Germany than |'"¢ mystery. e. phen , he [ever the slow comtinued decline, | €Xplained, was either Jovitation or an | seems about to be realized. | Faconsices fraud for which she was Dr. Cibris then generalized and de- A Soa) Shortage Jupending ar |Clared that in all cases of haunted a rma ye oar | houses there was always to be found u ¥ of |@ child responsible for the pheno- | i | i |all | cold feet now at the prospect |th- impending grave coal shortage, | enon. jdu~ firstly to the collapse of railroad | Jo L ob | Gormuny come wait of cour os. NATIVES ARE ABSENT | FROM RECEPTION age. The railroads are moving n-- |adequate quantities and the railroads | themselves are short of coal.-A num- ber of long distance trains, includinz the Berlin-Hamburg night express, | already have been dropped, owing :o0 | the coal shortage. Seats Reserved For Them Empty at Benares Function THE DAILY ERITISH WHIG. ee -------- Corner Princess and ------_. A ---- earn pr VETERAN'S MEAT MARKET Clergy Sts. WHAT ABOUT Chee seme YOUR WEEK-END ROAST ? WESTERN BEEF vien . 6c. Ib, "ssvesssasses 8c and 10c, teas 12¢ Ib, STEWING CHOPS BEEF! BEEF HEARTS BEEF!! 23c¢. 1b. 22c. 1b BEEF!!! JAMS! JAMS!! Currant, Peach, Red Currant Cre 4 1b. tins ... B7c. ' PHONE : Belleville .,,....... Raspberry, Strawberry, - Black Whey .... Farmers . , PROMPT DELIVERY--GOOD SERVICE ' BUTTER! BUTTER!! 43c. 1b, teses seme 36¢. 1b, «v.41c. lb, «+ .38c. Ib, BIMOrY ov. 183 - -- se -- CHRISTMAS CANDY Assorted Home-made (five different 1 Ib. box 39c¢. Chicken bones (th kinds nas, ., 1b. box 39c, Christmas Candy for the (5 different kinds) 1 1b. box 25¢. In some parts of Germany the loc- | al railrcad managements have resort- lod to the drastic measureofconfisca'- | ing coal in pcssession of local indus- jLries, 80 the railroads could Xeap | running. It is said in Berlin that the | in Honor of Prince. Benares, India, Dec. 16--The only sign of political unrest when the | Prince of Wales reached here was |displayed by a few students wearing {Chandi white caps about the uni- | versity buildings. There was no at- {municipal gas plants have only ex. tempt to interfere with the program {ough coal to keep running a couple |of days. Gas plants all over Ge:- | many are shrieking thgt soon they twill be forced ta yfbena unless | thoy get coal quickly: "Germany suffering from portation arteriosclerosis," js the di- agno.is of one expert, But the eight, seven and even wx hour day is also blamed for ine | ereeping economic crisis suddeny {coming to a head. As a resul: of | the six-hour day and the miners' re- fusal to work overtime, the per capi- ta and per shift production of coal {ir the Ruhr region has today sunk to 55 per cent, of pre-war production. | Startling figures of diminished pro- | duction come from the {fon and steal | indus'ry of the great Rhenish steel works, In 1921, 10,338 workers pro- | duced 458,000 tops of pig iron and | 558,000 tons of steel, against 1914 | with 6,200 workers, who produced | 647,000 tons of pig iron and 697,070 j tons of s'eel. |Cargo of Christmas Trees Hides Whiskey Shipment Scranton, Pa., Dec. 16.--United of [States custom officers said they were ing Sunday drinking illegal. | | searching for a large shipment in a shipment of Christmas { Yniskey alleged to have been hidden | | {sent from Canada to Scranton. The | thousand | |officials. declared several {gallons of the forbidden liquor had been secreted among a number of carloads of trees which left the Can-|!0 Support his wife because she gave While | $1 to a church fund, Wilbert Dona- {adian border some days ago, the shipment was traced to Scran-{BUe. 26 years old, Wellington ton, neither the trees nor whiskey |®2Ue Was ordered to contribute $10 have been located, they said. WANTS FULL DETAILS. Of Bell Telephone Co. Additional Revenue Laid Before Board. | Ottawa, Dec. 16.--R. A. Reed, for | the rallway commasstoners yesterday, said the revenues of the Beli Tele- | phone Company were ' largely en- | hanced through co-orerative service | with the North American Telegraph | Candy-- kinds) Company and that he proposed to de- mand that full details be laid before the board. He also demanded par- ticulars of the salaries and expenses | of officlale covering a seven-vear | period. His demand was approved by Commissioner Nantel but Mr. Car- | ree different Kiddies \ vell demurred, ! Windsor. Hotel in Montreal to be Under New Control Montreal, Dec. 16.--It is learned | that the change in control of the! Windsor Hotel Company is now prac-| tically assured. Donat Raymond, proprietor of the Queen's Hotel here, who recently made an offer of $125 a share for 8,000 shares of the 15,- 000 issue and many more sharehold- ers are understood to be coming for- ward with stock, so that Mr. Ray- mond is, or very shortly will be, in Practical control of the company. a ---- ' J. T. Shaw, Independent, defeated by Hon. Mr. Bennett in Calgary by fsx votes has made application for a re- count, You don't have to kid yourself. advertise and convince yourself, : f trans- | trees | [laid out for the prince, but the na- {tives were conspicuous by their ab- |sence. The ampitheatre seats that {had been reserved for natives were {all empty, | The shops in the city were about FRIDAY, DEC. 16, 1921, Go To A Dealer Who Carrids Dominion Rubbers Because he can give you better service in every way. Dealers who carry DOMINION RUB- BERS are able to give their customers tough, sturdy, long-wearing rubbers be- cause DOMINION RUBBERS have these qualities. Dominion dealers know that DOMINION RUBBERS will properly fit every style and shape of shoe worn by men, women and children -- and their customers get the 509 extra wear that comes from wearing perfect-fitting rubbers. Don't ask for "A Pair of Rubbers," Say: "I Want Dominion Rubbers!" shut throughout the day, and the bathers all deserted the ghats in the middle of the morning in accordance with the proclamation of boycott, The Prince left last night Nepal for a week's shooting, Sp sien Will Make Beer=selling In Quebec Taverns Legal for Montreal, Dée, 16.--While it is not expected that there wiil be any basic change in the Quebec Liquor Act at the forthcoming sessicn of the legislature on January 10th, some changes in details are contemplated. One such amendment will be the granting of permission to sell beer in taverns in the rural districts of the province, a course which has been generally followed in these dis- tricts, despite the fact that it is ille- gal. Tt is further expected that an {amendment will be introduced mak- Gave Dollar to Church Fund Husband 'Refuses Support Windsor, Ont., Dec, 16.--Refusing Av- a week for maintenance of his wife. The court termed Donahue's action as "contemptible." Mrs. Donahue, 21 years old, and pretty, is now liv- ing apart from her husband. the Ontario atorney-general, b:fore i Following the decision by the ma- jority of the colincil of Fermanagh to of 50% I00 Superb Quality Finest Workmanship Greatest Value in the World, cil bullding, all books and docy- ments. * ee ne 3) recognize the authority of the Dai | Eireann, the police seized the coun- a GREENE MUSIC CO.. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS FEATURES ' NEW COLUMBIA RECORDS WERE $1.00 NOW 60c. 2 for $1.15 ) GREENE PIANOS Treat the home to 8 new Piane. sounding, handsome and most ately priced. We give you chase terms If desired. | It is very sweet tomed, full easy pur- from. Greene e | ents. We have : prices XMAS. GRAFONOLA CLUB Our Christmas Grafonola C1 We announced the number as styles of Grafonolas on the Special Easy Terms of $1.00 TO JOIN and $1.00 a week for the balance. most been reached, and when the last few are enrolled, there will be no more applications accepted. The three styles are still on hand for RECORDS, FINE XMAS. GIFTS You know your friends Phonograph, whether it is an Edison Disc or Cylinder, or ¥ 3 Records for all of them. Please your friend with .a lasting gift of one or more records. All $1.00 BRUNSWICK RECORDS REDUCED TO 75c. Fine arrangement; numbers, and more added ub is almost completed, 25, with a choice of three i This number has al. f the club member to choose good list 3 ( each mont¥, PLAYER ROLLS If you want te delight your player. plone friend, send him or her a roll or two. We have u splendid lot, bought expressly for and containing ap. Jrvpriate Christmay season sciections. he prices one of the needle instr. are very moderate,