AILY BRITISH WHICG, FRIDAY, DEC. 10, 1021. | THE DD re ee ee ------------ FOUNDED Christmas Suggestions From 4 His appreciation of your gift will be ence of Livingston's Label--a gift p gotten it himself. "A USEFUL GIFT $1.50 and $2.00 SHIRTS The best in Shirts--Chambray, Percales and Madras --Shirts make a useful present. $1.50 to $3.50 PAJAMAS Make a useful present $2.00 up to $6.00 SILK NECK WRAPS Beautiful Knitted Neck Wraps in new and colors. $3.50 and $4.50 1847, a Man's Store greatly enhanced by the pres- urchased where he would have / GIVE HIM TIES The newest of the new. If you doubt that a dollar will buy a gol Tie, see these Ties at HEAVY PURE SILK TIES in a wonderful pattern assortment. Ties your friends will be delighted to receive as gifts. Remarkable value. $1.25 and $1.50 SILK KNIT TIES (English Make) Beautiful patterns; beautiful quality. Very popular $1.00 to $3.50 UNDERWEAR Underwear is useful, perhaps. Here's a sug- gestion for Santa Claus Single Garments . . 75¢. up to $3 Combinations $3.00 up to $6.00 LINED GLOVES * Warm Winter Gloves of Silk Lined, Woo} Lined and Fur Lined. $2.00 to $5.00 WOOL KNIT GLOVES Scotch Knit Wool Gloves--long wrist and clasp. 31.25 up. stitches Store open at 8.30 a.m. 20% OFF ALL HOUSE COATS LIVINGSTON'S, BrockSt. "If Off Your Route, It Pays To Walk" : Close at 6 p.m. OVER- COATS DRESSING GOWNS * BR STORE OPEN_THIS Anderson British Woven Brocade For 116 = PHONES I Office Mone Dep 733] SALE STORE FOURS SATURDAY MORNI SATURDAY STARTING 10 O'CLOCK NG For Saturday Morning there are six special items to be placed on sale at the given markable values and the prices are away below the regular quotations. The best of quality is assured and the careful buyer will feel satisfied that her money has been spent wisely and economically. SILK DRESSES Regular $35.00 to $49.50 Lode 19.50 The Dresses are all Silk, being suitable for afternoon ©) or evening wear. The newest creations and ma- terials are among this lot, and all are prettily and suitably trimmed with embroidery, braid and other trimmings, The materials are Brown Sat in, Copen Satin, Peacock Taffeta Silk, Navy Taffeta, Navy Charmeuse Sati n, Brown Crepe de Chene, Black Satin, Navy Satin, Navy and Black Serge and Charmeuse Satin, Black Taffeta, Brown Crepe, Brown Taffeta, Navy Georgette. v 4 ONLY = Ladies' Coats -- Regular $18.50 to $25.00 ~~ TO CLEAR $9.50 A LL Ladies' Coats Coats $25.00 to $95.00 73 PRICE A Clearance Sale: of all Ladies' Winter Coats--half price. They are developed in such Popular materials as Normandy Cloth, Polo Cloth, Velour and Suedine. They are nicely made, showing the Season's newest modes, Many are prettily trimmed with embroidery, while the remainder have far trimmings, EVENING Bros. LIMITED London, Dec. 13.--Lining up with | the spirit of the hour, Princess Mary | has accepted an offer of bridaj lin- { gerie to be fashioned by a score of { Irish peasant giris, | workers, who will design the regal | dainties with the shamrock inter- woven. The material will be the fin- | est Irish linen and will be delivered | by 'he Royal Irish Industries Associa- tion. There will be six pieces o1 each article in the set of lingerie NOTICE TO FARMERS ! artment for the receiving of rompt attention, prices for Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Chickens Special de Poultry. and Fowl. which } finest possible real lace placed around the necks and sleeves of the garments, on some of hor gowns, with shoulder straps of white ribbon. In fact, all the garments will be white, with pal. blue trimminge. Princess Mary will also have white { knitted frocks made by the girls of { Donegal, which is the home of hand knitting. These girl workers cure fieh in the fishing season and knit at Highest cash Royal Wedding Gown picked needle | will be produced under the! workmanship with | Shamrocks wil] be used in the lace' Good Values for Saturday BEEF Boiling Cuts Oven Roasts Round Steaks PORK j300 Ibs. choice Chops -- \ J 800 lbs. Choice Roasts-- Handy Shoulder cuts 15¢. Ib. 500 Ibs. Lamb Stews > Ibs. Fronts, thick meaty 3 stock 1235¢0 1b, CHRISTMAS BAKING Choice Sultanas--reguiar : Seedless Tnising-- Es ER Ss aban 2 for 55c¢. 5 oz PR 55. hed rr = Oqtivge, New Cleaned Currants 2 for 3s¢ Sun Maid Raisins (seeded) 15 ob. pkg. ...... 2 for 45¢. GREEN STUFF--Iceberg Lettuce. Leaf uce, Rhubarb, Celery, Parsley, Holly EGGS--every egg guaranteed _55c. dozen 7 + Phones 458--459. Wholesale | 3 767. {sign symbolizing the British Isles. other times. The Princess plans to wear knitted frocks on her honey- {moon abroad. These will be made of the figest wool in white, with a plain bodice and short sleeves afia | & deep flounce for the skirt. For! iravelling she plans to wear Irish | {weed suits. i The wedding gown itself will be | nade by a Loudon man dressmaker, | a Lu has made royal bridal gowns be- | itie. The designs for the gown have | ot yet buea decided upon, but prob- ably will follow the predecent set by nwny other royal brides and will be of hand woven: brocade, with a de- It is estimated ihat ten weeks wil be necessary for tho designing and weaving of the fabric and the prepar- ation of looms for the special design. | Former soldiers now working at the iooms will be entrusted with part of the work. Ignorance ¥s bliss, all right, Tie an who never learns his own faults never has to worry over them. { Funeral wi DAILY' MEMORANDUM. British mall closes at the Kingston post office Monday, December 19th, and Tuesday, December 20th. BORN PARKERN-In Amherstburg, Ont. to Mr. Mrs. KE. A. Parker, a son. = © IED CRANSTON--Suddenly . In Kingston, Dec. 15th, 1921, Annle Cranston, daughter Pe te Louis Cran- ston, Sed years. | take place from her sis- ter's residence, Mrs. E. G. Puttan, mn University Avenue, 12.30 Satur. day afternoon. interment at Newburgh Cemetery. VANWINCKEL---In 'Kingston, on Dec. 16th, 19231, Nial P. Vanwinckel, aged 66 years. Funeral from his late resid 117 Ordnance Street, Monday morning at ten o'clock to Cataraqui Ceme- tery. Friends and acquaintinées are respect~ Tully invited to att nd. - ar 50 ONLY Ladies' Waists Regular $8.50 to $12.00 TO CLEAR, $4.50 50 only, Ladies' Waists in a range i { of popular styles and colors. The ma- { | terials are Georgette Crepe, Crepe de | Children's Ribbed Wool Hose | are White, Black, Navy, Flesh, Copen, Regular 75¢, Pair Maize, Sand, Brown, Lavender, TO-MORROW Children's Heavy Wool Stockings-- strong and durable--an excrllent School Stocking that will stand the rough and pr of the school yard, JOHN LAIDLAW & SON Lu. CHRISTMAS - CARDS Beautifally printed personal grecting cards--very reasonable prices. HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR MARGRY SQUAKE, KINGSTON, JAMES REID ad ao Peterlee. Phone 147 for Ambulan._ e. ROBERT J. REID The Leading Undertaker. Phone 577. 230 Princess Street. M.P.KEYES Ui and Embalmer Hi | J | CHILDREN'S COATS Values from $5.00 to $9.50 YOUR CHOICE $2.95 Children's Coats are on sale too at a remarkably low figure. The Coats | t Cloth, T weeds, Whitney Cloth, Velour and Chin- | Ss as Navy, Sand, Green, Copen, Fawn, Brown and | others They are made in cute childish styles, and the excellent quality assures | good wear and warmth. i Give Traypelling Goods For Christmas A handsome Club Bag makes a useful gift. We have a splendid assortment. $7.50 up to $30.00 Fitted Cases and Fittings separate, Overnight Bags, Boston Bags--in fact, everything needed for travelling. - LOCKETT'S