Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Dec 1921, p. 18

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ; SATURDAY, DEC. 17, 1vz1, TU se=tRaxsT "NIGHT | THE PEOPLE'S FORUM | || ov mooucrorf§ THE REX sTock Co, Presenting mn Is Preparing Enlarged Version $10 in Gold given to person submitting best title for this play. of Old Morality Play, See the Play Then Submit Title PRICES: 20-30-30¢. Gallery, 10e. Saturday Matinee 10 and 23 "Every Man." : etd w " CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES :/ WANTED GENERAL \ FOR BALRB | London, Dec. 4--(By mail.) c BO | ------------ pte] . | Si » Ma rey is n Is n §alt, A SINGLE MAN WISHES WORK ON FOUND FOUR-YEAR-OLD DRIVING MARE -- | Sir John Martin Harvey is tb prod cent 8 word. Minimum charge fof | farm; = experienced general purpose Chesinut ' mare. |in London noxt year an enl | one insertion, 25e; three itsertions, | _ tock. Apply 234 © , GOLD na nuEn. x FERSHARY ! {aly 2 Concession street. Phone | version of the morality play "Every- | ni, rates are for cash only D TO BUY GENERAL STORE may have same at Steacy's { » - man." - Sir Aston Webb, the presi- | : y Re n good location. J K. Carre Ltd rr. | : dent of the Royal Academy, is af | .G PE 3 0 SMALL HOUSE AND LOT IN VILLAGE | to. THE STAR THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS BLACK ROSARY BEADS ON of Verona, Price $500.00. J. K.| present otcupied in making desig is Flist Irsertion, lc a word E secutive insertion thereaf | 4 ¥, 58 Brock Sireet, Kingston, | { nt, \ fos FOR LIGHT Grey Bay Baisar Co at 133 Carroll Agency, 5s Brock Street for the scenery and production, and El A INE H A M M ERS k IN S---------- oh WORN. I I : well fur- Clergy street. | ngaton, Oni. [both Sir John and his wife, Miss N A i 4 A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEW i. nished, 232, BRANT NEw GOLD AND PEARL |g Silva, are tr Spiiac I | is een Apply 115 William Street e A BOX CONTAINING PRAYER finshed Saxophone: never , a ; | 4 Pply at 8 M oa] AE i, ED Rn APART NT, BO sade. ApH t 8 McCul- i k; ». Jon Martin Harvey will play the D . og y ; @lso a baby's sleigh and Que ' NN BOOM vol, n » a 0s: AY FURNISHED P ME 7 A UT | lagh's, . the Armouries. Pe Apply 480 grr, St. | part of Everyman and Miss de Silva "THE F i App hg wieh oY four rooms; on ground floor; cen- } je i ' - <b : ca oR a 4 A SUM OF MONEY OVERPAID :s will take either that of Faith or taut Ri ) 0 W I iF tral location. Apply 206 Princess i lady A y | SKATES, SKATES, SKATES--SKATI "SALRSMEN BY LARGE } Street. ov lady customer on Decem- sharpened dnd hollow ground.!of Good Deed. It is to be plared for TWO SALESMEN BY LARGE INT ex { ber 14th. Will owner apply So laren ge. Hound, pds. 3 3 3 : > : national concern. Previous exver-| uyor REPAIRING -- How ABOUT at McCandless' Jewelry Store Sane Ise ih iaren. l8e. Ainds|the fist {ime in the country, how- A Gripping Drama of Sumshine and Storm, With All the Elements That lence not ; lL Married man, your roof? Does it need repairing' : : of baby carriage repairs. Muller's|aver, at the Court theatre at Liver- Go To Make a Pirfect Photoplay. between 25 and preferred. Apply We use Argus Roof-proof. Lrop a A AWATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN Bicycle Worwrs, 371-273 King St. | ' afte at 4 p.m, 84 Brock Btreet, second card to F. Coventry, 5 Barrack St | beh, gold band with initials; East. | pool on December 30th, and after a nar. ! i might have been lost some zo: ST tour of the higger towns of England ! | WANT TO HEAR FROM OWNER HAV. time ago. Apply at Whig Of- | : . ! LADIES--WANTED TO DO PEAIN ing farm for sale; give particu. | fice, E FINANCIAL [it is intended to bryng it to London. sswing at home, Xhole r lars and lowest price. John J. | ONE oy . It was intended to produce . thls ime; good pay; wo 8 Black "NG 3 + rt} NE IN < MUF -- 3 1 NAN A Al A AAA A i, mn cp ne; Charge is Warn, Street, | Chippewa] Rn naiiiNnAL Wer MRS. BS CRUMLEY, FIRE. AUTO-| nov vorsion of Everyman' at Coven: | tance, charges paid fend Falls, Wisconsin ! at Newman and Shaw's . 4 0 ticulars National é -------- ar a | mobile and Casualty Insurance Tr oR r. Ta Montreal | ON KINGSTON STREET CARS, far] street. Phone 1782M. Jaen ar before Jue rig ; 1 R HOME COMFORT ANF | one cameo ring, and one . . 1. | ter "Oedipus Rex ad been preauc- | : MONEY OME, $i5 1 TED 1 JY | oo ert : STRANGE & STHANGE, INSURANCE | Cy : RAN aE AL au 3 ao WANTED TO BUY Eversharp nell ribs agents: established in 1860; only cd, but the negotiations fell through MON., TUES. WED, | SUGGESTIONS writing show cards for us. No can- TURKEYS, ¢ E, DUCKS and property at Street Hallway Suntec. Office 3s Crubanies repre: an. then the war intervoned. Sir | A Paramount Pletare Coming on the holidays every wo- vascing. We Jnziiuel And supply CHICKENS Oftice. ee the post office. '| Johe, however, has never gives up | VPHE man could use Napoleon's Combina- you With wor €8t-Angus show the idea. and all this voar he has! |] ton Oils--a real Fr h treatment Card Service, 17 Colborne Bid, Tu- J. Y. PARKHILL CoO. i A LOW BROWN RUBBER, BE- | a ] a & " for the polishing ana rface pres Tomb, 248 Princess Street. jonging ia a yentleman's left FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST- | been doing the spade work necessary servation of Oileloth, Furniture, Pie Oba foot. Uwner may have same ment Society, incorporated 1861.) gop a Londo:. produstion of] anos or hardwood floors. Every wo- DETECTIVES, POLICE S by applying to 192 Division President W. F. Nickle, K.C.: vice- | | man who. usés this preparation and others with de Street. t BE , " star > o 8 I ! : --_---- i resident, A. B Cunningham. | veryman. starts an endlesg chain of boosters. tions, write for information pre & ! Acts as a filler as well as polish, . by covering system of educational ad- : : "Ar | ; 5 2 CHLIN ON Money Issued on city and iarm| Tho history of this version of 1 * dw OVE 4 vancement, International Det : SITUATIONS VACANT [| A at Be, Saturday DRIEST Bippistion mubicipal and. county |g, 00 en is interesting. The fam- | E. Phillips Oppenheim scratenos ote, ou Plake. miei AS tal Tachange, 12W, Adams, BIG #5 PRINATE | CHRISTMAS | ne a lve antic 3t the investment bouda for sale; deposits| [Har morality ploy was first enlarged with SN deiore S13w and we wil elf peepee eee tee. greeting card saipple book free it 4 received and interest allowed Ripy the Austrian poet, ilofmansteh'. A Senonstiate our Preparation to WE WANT. RELIABLE SALk> to workers, celeb tod inexpen- FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar- || Ye y od SY Four satis! on. Or no sale. agent for acy uurepresented coun. sive, Royal Series, 'secure orders! 2 ence sireet, Kingston, ae Then it was translated into +E DAVID POWELL FrovoMy SPECIALTIES 3 Or tesritory. Exciusive selling new; deliver-Adtér, men and wo- TISED FREE > and again oniarged by the ton. Sybil r ts, good pay to energetic rep- men already making tive dollars u 5 "py ai 1 | 4 A Ne Net ntatives, Our agency is valu | dally even in spare time; capital vq Auyone finding anything and DENTAL. Amhurst and Christopror llome. A Romance of Luxury and Lorn fu Ince a1 the Cae ISN'T IT GREAT TO LIVE IN KINGSTON able. Write Pelham Nursery Co expereince unnecessary. Garret. | wishing to reach the owner may -- NTIS ? The latter is a well-krown London | Mystery : den Hall, 111 Brock Street, a SE okhy, Brantford. on =] Ba a Ws. rn adver PR A at ENT vice physician who prefers to remain un- | LAST TIME TO-NIGHT SOR | Guarantced to learn all the | So | The British ig he ver- . : shiv ia i \ "ADR ir '| ntest dnuces In tem | DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT FOR | TO LET. | tisement will be printed In this DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. |rovealed as far as the authorship is "THE BARRICADE" v, Waits, One "ster, Fox Trot, \ngston and vicinity to sell share sda | column free of charge. tia 5 mM . > hi i cers 'hat | YH A i: CHAPLIN i? . capital of Durant Motors of ada | an: ahora uot ind tists, 159 Wellinglon street, corner | concerned. It is their version hal ~------CHARLIE CHAPLIN I : Hoyes from 7 to 9 every { of Brock. Sir John Martin Harvey is following. i ' night. SE ------------------------------------------------ | Limited; Ames Holden Tire Com.| FIRYE CLASS ROOM WITH BOARD:|| ciudh PRS Aflicles, does not in MRS. S. COHEN, Instructor pany, Limited, etc. Apply with| all conveniences. Apply 376 Bar- | etc. These, if lost, may be ad- DR. RUPERT FP, MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 | Th production is to he on the grand Hall Ph a one . 337 references to Federal Finance Cor- rie or phone 2238w. vertised for in the "Lost column. . 4 | sr * poration, limited, 1605 Royal Bank ! | ® Princess irees Thane leo. Upen | goale. There is to be one gorgeous pre) . Building, Toronto. SINGLE hogy, WITH BOARD IF Dis | |oecssneessansisiesme-- © Ks by "get" throughout the performaaca | Hexidence Phome .....187% sired; all conveniences. Apply 213] ee - . he - hn NA -------------- GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WOHRK-- King street, or phone 2267, © ° conn DR. AYKROYD, DENTIST, UAS RR.|and the inspiration for the whole we need you to make socks on the LOST, sumed practice at 92 Princess St. |ga¢ obtained from tne oc t " " fast, easily-learned Auto Knitter;| ON FIRST OF JANUARY, LODGE | : over Bank of Nova Scotia. Phone siting bas. been f scripts. The | INSIEX ON THE BEST experience unnecessary; distance rooms now occupied by the I. O, O. | BETWEEN QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY 1502d [old illumin®ters of raanuseripts. » » w 0 orrow e immaterial; positively no canvass- F. Apply to Cucningnam & Smith a the Court House, a pair a (a and design that the monks | ! Ing; yarn suppiled: particula 3 ao House ' r. « rim spectacles n case. | PERSONAL e k aust] " : stamp. Dept. 15-C. Auto Kaltt e iy J ACs W t. of tho 14th and 15th centuries usod | ; Toronto. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; Hig a St Was Ory | in their missals are to bo faithfuuy | stim 0 or { Fosse IS ET BS a0 Vabrusemculs; centrally locators mS an | CHICAGO FRIENDSHIP CLUB. %89| roowed. aid conations visit: have 9 : { the purposes here Sardines ed. Apply 243 Uaiversity Ave, Broadway, "0 3 ad! 5 ¥, Chicago, Ill. Thousands | % 1 GARAGE. NEAR CORNER Qu EEN FOR SALE. | belong. Send stamped envelope. | been made io the British userm hy p 2 OU ] 3 y 5 ' : : Sa those concerned in the production .n HIF YOU ARE OUT OF EMPLOYMENT, R. 1 Kikston hore cosy, Rl No SETS OF LIGHT WOR SLEIGHY,| CHICAGO FRIBNDSRIP CLUB, 2924 | those fect accuracy in or looking for a position Tor the] ~emrretiRilEe 18 4209 2 22 New kngland Bakery. { Broadway, Chicago, Ill. Thousands | order to obtain perfe > 300 A By-law 1oborrow ihe sum of 312. ! a BIRDS ree] belong. Send stamped envelope, | detail. IL will be necessary to carry 000 to pay for Lhe instaliation of ay. ! : | future, and have the following] A NINE ROOMED STONE HOUSE, | MALE AND FEMALE , 3 te x Av . | of Gothic architectur- | Electric Police Signal System. ins 148 Montreal St, ali lInprovements. 421 rie ur phone 1412 IF YOU WANE A HEALTHY, WEAL. | out a good deal of 1. The amount of moiey to be bo THE FINEST QUALITY IN Ca tiona: iti dia wa 5 righ .: . ---- ee rm cere, thy, loving Wife, write Violet Rays, | nd of Gothic woodwork 'n . PORE quafifications: ambition, character, Jat 109Y ribs 8. Vacaur april Goon TIMOTHY DALED HAY. APPLY Dennison. Ohiu, enclosing stamp. | af design and 4 "get * for which Sir| ios ce 2Nd the debt 10 be created Lo : neatness, Apply Hox Rall, WHE. - | mmm s ess eicmm------ Whitney Hotel, 29 Brock St | . - rm - --| the porn I . ©" Whig amount shall be raised by| PURE OLIVE OIL h XPRESS MONE) | BUY YOUR OUT-OF-TOWN SUPPLIES | Agton Webb is now making the pr "| the sale of debentures and the debt|] STORAGE FOX FURNITURE ANp| PEMD A DOMINION uXPRESS A DNR with boininion ¥ press Mo ley OT | J iminary designs, | shalt Le payable in twenty years from lmercnandise; clean aug ary. Mee | order They are pay € ery ders. ive ollars costs three are to be | the 1st day of January, 1923 Cann Agency, 86 Brock Stree Where. cents, Most of the costumes led "I 3 The interest will be at the rate] wren 'nutie $46. f . saps d "Les % > day | ! bavi $8 DNRSS, SUIT 1S PUT CLAN CON | SO NARMS. mer Mammy. copled from a missal, called "Les or'er ior Mii ont" HS ORNT MACNEE . 2 ak | -- ---- N LASS Coxb Bi , ; , 1922, 'pay arly inhabit that ih i ditt Jion; 'size 31. "Apply R81 Barrie wt 181 paver published." i'ree for Trois Riches Heures", which is now {on the 1st day of the months of July | Bank ci © .mmerce Butlding Brock aud STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, | Phone 1179F. Sfiek. Correspondent. Toledo, |. 11.0 museum at Chantilly, although | and January in each year. King streets Phone 701 or 133: STEACY'S WANT Glay, ity roving, )uvut own fuck | British | 4 $€00 will rerequired each year « 14 rance Agene ' . ve - 1 | v i i ¢ a Yes 2 reproductions of it are in the British | © $500 will $358 will be required *o feuera) Imnurag feney Two experienced girls for par- «4! Bll KEY a LIvRLS Niu Stuiuge, 19s. TWO REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULLS | RICH, YOUNG WIDOW; PRETTY AND roduced | §° 0 on . Writing --Auatrmaoblle, Fire, Accident, cel desk; also salesiadies. Apply 305 Ween Su Done 26; res. Yow --nicely marked. Apply Baker affectionate; would marry. Suize|Museum. This missal was p igri vik By gots fund Fs nA ment] kets, Fate dines Bursiars Cio Steacy's Ltd. _ this evening be- in S-- Brous., fortsmouth?® | Eleven. 10601 Saint Clair, Cleve- | in the latter part of the 14t cen- | dae d bt ae A A for twen-| Hepresenting Oulv Reliable Companies, tween 3 and 9.43. A NINE ROOMED HOUSE, HOT WA. | land, Ohlo. [ two brothers and is do-|;y voars to pay the said debt. (TT Tn | tury by y ¥ pay LEE EE EE RE EE EN cUiner OF Colborne Auprevementsi| A LARGE STOCK OF ARM: BLANK-| CATHOLICS WISHING TO MARRY, scribed by authorities as '"incom- | | | Sireel, | or phone 1723. Club, Grand Rapids, Mich. | ceptions In it are unexpeotedly mod- ol Colourne and Sydennan els for sale at a reasonable price. > 9" . - bes." A oy 4 r : wanting Introductions, booklet free " the artistic con- , mm AE Mihi siréels. Apply Number 2, Colbutie Call at L. Routbard, sy Princess Write © Catholle = Correanenaiies | parable." Many of For "Christmas TEACHERS 17: NTED, i - meme NINE ROOM HOUSE, WITH ELEC. : a : H YOUR FUTURE FORETOLD; sewn © end all the costumes shown in R| TAKE NOTICE. that the foregoing Extra Special Plum Pud- A NORMAL TEACHER FOR 8. 8. No. tricity and gas, and three piece CARTING OUTFIT, WITH Jon TEAM | dime, birthdate for truthful, feli,|are gorgeous in the extreme. They |, ru. synopsis of a proposed By-law of | ding and Christmas Cake. 35, Camden. Salary $500. Start bath. Goud staple ard shed. Ap-| hackney ponles; rubber tired buggy | able, convincing trial reading. | ot, of course, possibly provide | the Corporation of the City of Kingston Jan. grd. Apply to Krank Wallace, y 37 Charles Street or phone nearly new; siugle and double har- | Hazel Hause, Box 215, 1 Angeles, | C8200t, h as. | to be submitted to the votes of the Fancy Table Decoration. Sec.-Treas, harrowsmith, Ont. . ness. Apply J. T. Eves, cornar| Cal | enough variety for all the charast- | Electors at the same time and at the i ------ . IBD oe York and Barrie streets. | ere who are to take part in the new | same places ag the annual election for | Chocolates In Fancy Boxes PROTESTANT VALIFIED TEACHER | yyy mooM SOLID, BRICK HOUSE, | MAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. © > » and the re-|.ne Municipal Council, and the Deputy or 8 A Se dry : 3rd LH Just completed, on Victoria Streast, IN VILLAGE OF SYDENHAM, FRAME marks. skin cancers, scars, etc., re- | version of "Everyman, oo . | Heturning Officers Srhoiated to indi away down low in price. i 4 3 § . OT Tre 3 A S h M, AME ie k > - e said electio } ¢ the vole »- $900. Apply to Geo. A. Smith, sea- A etl Improvements; with dwelling of seven rooms; lot 108" x waved fittea and Tarnismon at | maining costumes have been desig "AND THAT (he 5h day of Dece retary, Parham, Ont. appr b. ata 5, 1 January. 208 ; Dern; Sued well and cistern; thers have failed. Goitre removed. ed by Charles Buchel. There is to |, 5g, "Uty, [06 "000 day, of Dec e 9 a . small orchard. J K. Carroll years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. | be much music end dancing in tho | noon, at'the Mayor's Office in the City ac e S } I QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER Agency, 56 Brock Street, Kingston. | LaKe, Kye, kar, Nose. Throat, Skin - | building in the said. Municipality, has for 8. 8. No. 4, Ernesttown. Duties | zp. oneE, a NEW SEVEN Room . 25% Bagot Street Sha TL. | production, and special music is ve {pu fixed for the appointing of per- commence January 3rd, 1922. State house and barn on North Aifred: ai Ey RCC TEs hrs | osed for it by M, Einar Nil- sa.ary expected and experience. L 50 un North Alfred street : ALWINGTON AVENUE, SEVEN- | pi | ing comp n | +t the final summing up of the votes by A. Wartman, Secretary, Collins brick house and eight acres of mod foomed frame dwelling. electric .poyg ~y mADING MATRIMONIAL son and W. H. Hudson, Sir Joan | o tne iba | King 8t. Lay. Ont. Apply to J. UD. Boyu, 332 University light. hardwood fluors downstairs: CHib." Best, largest; established 17 Martin Harvey's musical conductor. | AND THAT if the assent of the ee RIE 4 Avenue, phone 10535. RAE UE i900 JK Years. THousands weaithy mem- : tion for all this music | Electors is obtained to the said pro- | lem A QUALIFIED TEAC HER, (PROTES- Carre gency, rock Street. bers wish marriage. Confidential{ The inspiration { | posed By-law it will be taken Jnto con- | pa tant), for 8. 8. No. 1, Union. Duties sox sr -_eaaaeaeaeaerm------ description free. Only honorable, | has been obtained from fragments o | sideration by the Municipal Council of / to commence Jan. 2nd, 1922. Salary on % sincere people of both sexes need i - the sald Corporation at a meeting 700 par amu. CAPE Salar) W3 HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF write. The Old Reliable ~ Club, | 14th century pieces. | thereof to be held after the expiration Usteo at 'rice, Sec.-Treas., Mountain Grove, good second-hand furniture and Mrs. Wrubel, Box 26, Oakland, of one month from the date of the first P Ont. Any person having oo Calif ra- | suns to attend at the siling places and publication of this notice, and that such is trer'ment by natural.an CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST. and furniture to dispose of, we will = | tus: publication a i "ily tar ph oh : | : 4 : ' was made on the 10th] io PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR §. § ers and Soiicliors,. 19 Ciarence pay highest prices. J. Thompson, | Progressives to Discuss day of December, A.D. 1931. 8 { Yonal ethos. Jen on Nilnout No. 11 (U), Olden. Holder of at Sireet, Kingston. A. B. Cunnmg- 333 Princess Street. Phone 1600w. BUSINESS CHANCES. ertu of Liberals |, TAKE NOTICE FURTHER taat A man machine. Give = Nature 3 Ov res enar 'ho desires to vote upon said chance and she wiil cure even least a third class certificate. Dut. ham, Cyril a. smith. ee ---------------------------------------------- | 1 | proposed Hy-law, must deliver to the as she heals the wound and knits | ies to commence January 3rd, 19 | Salary $700. Apply to Mrs. A. Fost. . McLAUGHLIN ROADSTER; FORD| THE SAFE WAY TO SEND MONEY 18 ie , i ) ] ei ; am. Apiy ia O51] AMBROSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTER roadster; Saxon Roadster; Ford 8Ys Ominion Express Money Or-| winnipeg, Dec. 17.--Progressive | Ee i es Spaan she tench day bel A Ren eS, i Bloctrta aud Sollehon Law office, corner ol truck; Ford touring; Overland tour- ders. lect to the House of Com- | votes, a Declaration under the Canada | - Torrnay TEACHER, PROTESTANT, FOR » INE ahd Brock, over 'uyal Bank. ing; exchanges made. Geo. Palmer, -- - { members-elec | Evidence Act, that he is. a tenant | . No. 2, Township of Leeds. . = *y to loan. Phone 1999, cor. Queen and Bagot streets PATENT FOR SALE--ALL RIGHTS TO! mons from Western Canada are 10] Whose lease exists for the time for! Success In commence January 3rd. Salary Phone 410J. Canadian Patent for device having ference in Saskatchewan, | which the debt or liability is to bel on $800. Write stacing qualification, tet ret ees-- to do with building good roads.| hold a confe {.created, or in Which the money to ve DRS. ROBERT and EDNA to the secretary. W.J. shaw R. 1: | . ARCHITECT 5 oak eller in States. Jul invesii- | oither Regina or Saskatoon, dur-| raised by the proposed by-law is pay | ASHCROFT No. 2, Gananoque, Ont. THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY OY gation. large profits. Write h ly part of next week. able or for at ledst twénty-one years, | . ET a POWER, SON AND DREV ER, ARCHI- vision Street, within the city Stormy Mfg. Co. Crawfordsville, In- | ing the early p bh and that he ha; by the lease covenani- | tects, Mercoants Bank Chambers limits, pews ar, the Murdock ana. The conference it is learned has |," pay all municipal taxes in re- | POSITION WANTED, Soruer of Brock and Wellington. re a ow awed or Cras been called expressly for the pur-|spect of the property of which he. 1] = -- oo 3 - tenant, the h local pr p GOOD CHINESE COOK DESIRES pon Kingston Brick and Tile Com- PIANO TUNING, pose of discussing overtures made to | ;5iea Other than Local In.provement sition in private family's home. Ap. MILLINERY. pany, For particulars as to price the Progressives by Hon. W, L. Mac- W. W. SANDS, ply 203 Princess Street. ah terms app y to the uudersign-| praN0 TUNING AND REPAIRING -- ¢ H Clerk, ed solicitor for the company. J. work anteed. Peter D. Brown, |kenzie King through Andrew Hay-| ee rt | Sete --------teesrmseen. | SR MeLAUGHLIN, 1)2 LOWER 3 8 0 tee at as itt ® AN . EXPERIENCED FARM AND Wililam Street, wil' take orders B._Waikem, 33 Clarence Strect 12 Markland Street. Phoge :3%im. | gon 'chief Liberal organizer, a few | . ¢ » dairy man 'wants position; reason- for making (rimming and remodei- d a0. C I etn um able wages. Apply to 16 Plum St, ing hats ANTIQUE FURNITURE FANCY GOODS. ays gao. \ Y. a -- : » gr z D5 § se A 'shipment of old English Antique CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS, NOVELS UPHOLSTERING, i : or | HEMSTITCHING, PICUT EDGING, AC- : ° ° AGENTS WANTED EY Wii -- Furnitufe oi arrive abuut® December gordion. kaifs end box pleating If Winter Comes Hutchinson, A. 8. | ; > : . ours 9 to 5.30. Mrs. AC JAttle Miss Melody----Keith, M. CALL OR DROP A CARD TO WwW, 4 Mahogany chests of Drawers. aay Terrace, EA} afd Purple Springs--MnrClung, N. i AGENTS--GET IN A PROFITABLE Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot St. | "mand any Ice Chests. opposite Artillery Park. : Willing Horse--lan Hay, & i SEALED TENDERS will "e received | \iohifall-- Pryde, A. &ll year commission business of p ' WataRoLD FOR YOUR Up, Rosewood and Walnut Arm Chairs, by the unde sighed up tll moon fi ihama of the Forest--Heming, A. Sous wa Eyes Property swner | holstering and general repairing. Dining and Parlor Walnut Chai for hauli 1,000 needs some of our nine hundred h . rs. PAINTING AND E Ni f mber 20th, or hauling 1, Harbours of Memory--McFee, W varieties of hardy Red Tag trees Leav . ord 3 a or drop a card to Settees and Sofas. PAI PAPER HANGING cubic yards, more or less, of stone, from ror Tales of the South Seas--O'Brien, | GEO NOBES and plants. No capital needed 104 Clergy street é Several card tables. WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR| prison uarry-to all a bridge. on 'Front F. i . . Complete equipment an NATO. | rrr -- ping Ta Ey oe ---- . " : Paperhanging done, drop a card to owns Q ngston. en Victoria--L. Strachey. } tion tree. Write Dominion Nurser.| COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR.| French Walnut Bed. A: Mounteer. 84 Arch Street Stone will be loaded At the quarry Sue of Opal--Whiteley, O. {| Phone 086M. 17 Division Street. CHILDREN'S BOOKS i < fes, Montreal der in all popular shapes and sizes Mahogany Mirror Frame, te. i ours. Bree Aud en done, ow . i, ote ps 1 47 or any tender not-necessarily How B Sock Yh "183! hiversity ot N J CO C BEVER "| accepted. 4 | Boy Scouts Year Book. | . SIGNS Avenue. Phone 1833). , LESSE'S A TIQUE suop u. co 2 a hu BR a: ted. hes particulats apply to 179 Burgess Animal Book: ---- mms : W eteF an 'endy-- Barrie, We buy 'all Kinds of Furniture. . rators. No job ve smal. no con~| Stuart i nr SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS WORK, | FURNITURE REPAIRED AN 3 3 tract too large. Storm windows re- H, FAIR, v - ett : large or amall, Posters, Showcards ished; guns, gramaphones, 2 Phone 1045w, 507 Princes) Street. paintea, pulled, glazed and put on _Lounty Road Superintendent . 1 | displays & apeciaity, by Shaw at 213 paired promptly and guaranteed All work done at shortest sutice. ps olice to TY to: S Princess Street. Stanton & Sleeth, 3§ Princess St.| © BATEMANS REAL ESTATE, EH END Ee == To hi f Ki ston ow | { -- MEDICAL. by FOR BALE, In the Mattes of the Eatate of Matilde ~~ CMA Orr, late of the City of ngaton, 'n SHOR. Co SemiraaaCHED; SIA [0 x popiINsON, MD. 365 BARRIE Nomination the County of Fromtemse, Spiusier. » ruvlus;, 8. auu v., wvnu owa, Street. Hours 10.30-12 a 2-4 Deceased. C -- OMS pm. 7-85.30 pun. Phone 16 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant ty] $6,500--BRICK; 10 RO } LATES) he. the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1 , : DR. P. H. HUXCKE, 111 WELLINGTON | NOTICE is hereby given that a meet- Chap. 121, See, 56, that mil creditors | Opposite Y.M.C.A. IBpIYY Seu te} Sentra, Street, Kingston. Office hours: 11! Ing of the electors of the Municipality d.. oth havi lal 5 t X y et, . ours: and other aving claims against tne CLEANER THAN COAL.? ; FRAML MOUSE; NORTH EXD to 12 am. 2 fo 4 pm. and 7 to & | of the Township of Kingston will be Estate of Matildg OT, Who Bred on or HOT AS COAL. : # fe FALL. hwy a roma oy evenings. Telephone 456. held at the Township Hall, Cataraqul, about the' Twenty-secona day of Sep- Look out for Grand Opening LAST AS LONG AS COAL. UF lwo Juvre houses. --_-- Ter at he Bony of J Een ember, 1921, are required t.. iriver or y $2.00 A TON CHEAPER THAN COAL. * -- CHIROPRACTIC. moos, for the purpose , of. Mominating | Seva,ty hut LFeRald ou or wire the Thursday, December 22nd $14 §0 PER TON DELIVERED : $3300 -- SEMI-DETACHED = FRAM.. - candidates for reves and councillors! yngeryigned suMcitore for ss Exec - » . i . Rouse, § roca, b. and C, Ang gaa, WM. A. MARCELIS, D.C, Pa. C, Cer. | !¥ 8erve in the Municipality Council 'n trix of the tau: Will and Testament «f Geel Jul Buu EYVUU cellar. ner Princess and Barrie Streets, ang | (N€-Sald Municipality for the year 1922, ,p.X OL FA€ "au: ¥ their hames una a8. . Te ¥ -- dresses and full descriptig of y joer, Burrie St. efTrance, Kingston, oN a ¢ ption James Swift & Co., Limited +4600 FOR THE MATE TO THE ABOVL| [Ust' Consultailon tree. Telopaons| CLERK OF TOWNSHIP KINGSTON ehaims and the uniire of secur With ejeciric ugais; ota weil bul 32J. Hours $10 12819. 1108 p.m.| pated at Cagaraqul. the 16th day of| duly veriied * : . Foot of Johnson St. HY : cz December, 19 Domini 0 on house, ail modern, aardwood Luors in Chiropractic, 556 Princess Street, ; { ,, uz ris : e Will handle 10 5018: Have: or less Kingston, ame Hyura J So RL fEmons th ptriute Taxi = {far avd Satirias. " Avpvisiumncs 5 CARS CLOVER 1 Claims of when she wail Hoh wine] $75.00 -- FRAME BUNGALOW; 4 by request. ns a ¥ fuoms; goud condition; 3 piece Tr ThayPolice. And the sald Execu-| 1 Tq f fee 4 3 SN E 4 : {trix shall not be Hable to any pe son | 1 bata, elcciricity; varn and Stabile, i v zr ea! el Vi YTHING Kile ey ling) VK Had, Jusi| DR. GEORGE P. LUCY, DR. JENNIE A, | Bren Tevoivod x "eloe snail nut nav: ; k ! ih vutside city limuts. Lucy. Lniwropractic bpecialisls and Seventh day of Janusry, 1982. : - = i 214 Poi S-- Lruduate Nurse, 138 Bagot a DATED at Kingston, this Séventh| 2 "Ki T0 LET. between Princess and Brook. Tele} . day of December, 1921 ane Maw. Hours d to disma lol] Now for akle at lowest market NICKLE. FARREL & DAY, i | 'Witile they last, you may have JEF $25.00 FRAME; W no and 7 to § p.m. Spinal analysis | i one ¥ y : : he Sr SpE; sEvEs and consurial on free. MKesidentiai! price. Orders taken at : Solicitors for the Executrix, 1 | | $4400--4-HOOMED CEMENT BLOCK | nn "mrra BLODGKTT, SPECIALIST a ws rooms; B. ana U.; elecir i e, aa that is my a x. ih calls by appointment. Oe ingston. ont. | s $30.00--BRICK BIGHT Rn tt rh plece vata! electric ligat snd ar CIVIL ENGINEERING. E. G. Dennee i {over the service at the hotels and motto, J. TURK Phone 705 Fo pad gn. | : WHEN YOU W. CA --- \ S--SURVEYS--ESTIMATES -- 't dared: Bn. THE | PLAN i. a | restaurants is because they don't dare Absent-mindedness develops after BATEMAN'S REAL RST, i UAIVOTaITy Avenre. 180 Wellington ren. aah Inet. 123 King Street. Phone 18] : {do it at home, i2 man borrows money, never before The reason why so many men kick

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