Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Dec 1921, p. 19

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1921. ancal advantatges which you made it, clear are expectéd to reifeve her co: | eas ass from the burden of taxat e by us." SATURDAY, PEC 17, « Way Open for Tariff Wars. | tariffs or restrictions upon induscry | in a Letter of ster, must be gravely involved. 3 Craig, in o letter to Premier Lloyd | than the other cominfons tak: It adds that tqrther adverse criti- a eee REFUSAL | which must be be Ol ULSTER The lettér declares that the British government in abandoning the stipu- | EI ---- | {and trade and commerce has opened {the way for friction and tariff wars Craig's. Regarding the question of alegt- 2s | ance the let'er says the concession | George says that in a statement | "would seem to make it impossinia ord George gave him November {for Ulster ever to enter. the rec treaty might be | 'he Council of Ire- | [lation tha: there should be levied no | To Accept Irish Treaty Ex : I [In which the kingdom; especially Ul- Lt London, Dec. 17.--Sir James [to the Sinn Fein of a different oa Sth the premier promised tha: Ul- | State." } | ster's rights would in no way be sac- | riticed nor compromised until new |iclsm against th Proposals had been placed before the |made regarding cabinet of nc rthern Ireland land the Judiciary, but thet this wil ' "Therefore," the letter continues, | be withheld for the present, | "It was with grave concern. that w "In spite of the inducements herd | noticed that an agreement which ma- lout to Ulster under your arrange- terlally involved Ulster's interests | ment with the Sinn Fein," says Sir had been signed by His Majesty's | James, "'we are convinced that it is | governnien: without our being con- | not in the Interests of Great Britam sulted, A question vitally affecting (or the empire that Ulster should be- | ou: interests is the decision to estab | come subordinate to the Sinn Fein | & commission to review the | government. We feel that in the years boundaries b. tween northern and [to come the empire will realize the scuthern Ireland. advantages of having in Northesn | "There is ,I believe, no preceden | Ireland a population which is deter- in the history of the British empirs | mined to remain loyal to British tra- flor taking any territory from an es. | ditions and citizenship, and we are " tablished government withon* its | glad to think thet our decision will sanciion. Moreover, this is a breach | obviate the necessity of mutilating of the Government of Ireland Act of {the Union Jack. : 190, which was put into operation "In the long run the British nation only last June, will come to recognize that the 1c- "At our meeting December 9th you { tion we ara taking isn their inter- complained tset it was only contend- | ests, and it will accor to Northern od to make a slight readjustment in | Ireland sueh a measure of protection our boundary line, 66 as to bring into and such fair conside.ations as will Northern Irelapd Loyalists who now | counteract the disadvantages due to | are just outside our area, and trans- | her position as a frontier state of Se & correspondingly equivalent | United Kingdom." mumber of those having Sinn Fein ---------- Sy¥mpathies to the area of the Irish | PLOT aria! NEW YORK Sir James cays he reserved to the Ulster government the right of dis- AIMED Al J P MORGAN ®senting from the appointment of the o le | boundary commission and he pro- | ts against the declared Imention [According to Man Who Con-| your government" to place North- | | Ireland automatically in the Irish | fesses in Warsaw--Princi= Staite." { pals Received $30,000. | 3. ""Not.only is this opposed to your | iii | Pledge," the letter continues, "but it | Warsaw, Doc. 17.--The authorities | Blso is antagonisti¢ to the general | state that Wolfe Lindenfeld, arrested | J iiuciples of the British empire wr» | here yesterday in connection with the | . ard to the liberties of her Peo- [explosion in Wall street, New York, | les." in September last year, has confess- : The Ulster premier says it is true |ed, naming the ringleaders of the t Ulster is given "he right to con- | plot, which he said was aimed at J. ract out of the agreement, bu* only P. Morgan. It is satd he has namad Tr her automatic inclusion in tae {five principals in the plot, now in, Free State. : | Europe, who received thirty 'housand | | dollars from the Moscow Third Inter- | Re 1 of Poli | national through New York commun- versal of Policy. igts. ; "The actidn of the British cabinet [7% in this matter," the Jetter goes on (5 8ay, "Is a complete reversal! of their | policy as declared in the King's Speech at the opening of the North- | Bus A : ii i sy Reporters, ] Par Hament, and also in the pubiishe] | Mrs. Arley Benn, Moscow, is im- | Bator ours hot yogn on aaa {proving Bfter a critial operation in| + alora. : ' . . .. | Kingsten hegpital, | Should TSiaix out fi he hidse 5; The many friends of Mrs. J. Burn. | Pai 0 on n 3 |ett, Havelock, are pleased to see hor | " " . " out after several months' illness. { her Pxplanation ok Justinéa: A. Martin, Limited, fresh meats eon ln Duy 8 wh hi and provisions. - Store will be open | HJecture it is a surrender to the claims | 211 day Monday ext, an of the Sinn Fein that her delegates Aluminum covered roas ers, regu- must be recognized as representatives lar, $6.50; Christmas week f6r$5. At S OF the whole of Ireland, which wo | Lemmon & Sons © Beret cannot for a moment admit." Master Bruce Dawson has return- 3 "What rizht," the letter demands |®d to his home at Fellows, after un- has the Sinn Fein t0-be recogniz lh |degoing treatment for his throat at | NE rn. | Kingston. : party to any agreement concern- : -- the. dofonte, Ag: re Lough, There was a meeting of the mem- Which touches only the loyal coua. |bers of the ties of Antrim and Down?" | Friday evening for the purpose Sir James asserts tat the govery. |ecting skips. ment of Ireland Act gave equal rights The special speaker at the eekly 0 the north and south of Ireland, | luncheon of the Kiwanis club on but says "this principle is completely (Monday is to be Major R. J. W eiss, 'violated by the agreement made wih { Toronto, and his subject will be "A the Sinn Fein, whereby the Free [Job for Every Btate is relieved of many of her ve- | AIL" sponaibilities with regard to the Bri- Rish empire, and is to be granted fin- BE AAA AA mm LAA a erie INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, -- | Kingston curling club on | of * | Man, Prosperity for | --_-- ! Ex-Imperials Must Apply For the Refund at Once Ottawa, Dec, 17.-- Notice has been | received by the Great War Veterans | Assooiation, Dominion command, f from the Department of Immigration that the latest date for the jibplica- | tions for retund of transportation to ex-imperial soldiers, who came to Canada to Settle on the land and aiso to those getting free Passage for the dependents in England, is Dec. 31st, 1921. The department has been act- ing as agent for the Overseas Sebtle- ment Board in attending to such claims. Notice of this date is being given to all G. W. V, A. branches. ------------ TO PAY DEPOSITORS. In.the Merchants Bank 'in Bank of - Montreal Notes, Montreal, Dec. 17.--There was no sign of a run on the Merchants bank when it was opened for business this 'morning. Nervousness was shown by officials but not by the banking public. Arrangements had been made to pay the depositors in Bank of Montreal notes. Shareholders of the Merchants Bank.will receive one share of Montreal bank stock for 1two of Merchants bank and the bank of Montreal pays to the Merchants' shareholders a million and fifty thousand dollars. i F f FT Goes To the War Widows, Toronto, Dee, 17.--~UphoMing Jus tice Middleton, the second divisional court holds that the late Mrs. Kath- leen Saunders Hammond's $200,000 or so shall go to the tru to be distributed among wah widows, 'and not for the pg any of the classes mentioned 1 section 4 of the soldders' aid commission act." "The amendment of 1917," says Justice Riddell, "does not assist the appellants, whose alaim to the fund, in my opinion, is absolutely devoid of merit." The appeal from Justice Middle {society rotter, who induces Mavis to | Whitman's poor character and takes { | mteresting Items Picked Up by Oar b Christmas Theatrical Flaine Hammerstein, A good story with a swiftly mov- ing plot, a popdlar star, gorgeous settings and lavish costumes are promi in the new Elaine Ham- merstein picture, "The Girl from Nowhere," which will be the featur ed attraction at the Allen on Mon., Tues., Wed. The story tells of a wealthy and beautiful daugiter of | society, Mavis Cole, who becomes in- fatuated with Herbert Whitman, a with him. married But before Mavis learns elope can be they of refuge in a hunting lodge buried deep in the snow-covered hills. Alone and weary, she is surprised by the caretaker, who demands to know why she is trespassing on "Jimmy Ryder's" property, The seriousness of her predicament prompts her to state that she is the NEWS OFF THE WIRES IN CONDENSED FORM Near Are Briefly Recounted. The Saskatchewan legislature has adjourned until January loin. Judge C. O. Ermatinger died at 8t. Thomas shortly before midnight Friday. ed Mike O'Dowd in tem rounds Fri- day night at St, Paul, Hon, Charles Stewart, former pre- mier of Alberta, is on his Way to Ot- tawa, where he Hon. Mr. King. ry Greb and Johnny WwW Ison will meet in a middle-weight champion- ship bout in February at New York, At Kitchener, Saturday morning, Carl Ahreps was committed for trial on the charge of murdering his wife by drowning her in the Grand river, With the last poll in and verified, wife of Jimmy Ryder, whereupon, much to her surprise, Ryder himself appears on the scene and in a spirit | of chivalry he confirms the claim, From this strange predicament the story winds through a maze of strange situations and eventually leads Mavis to the happiness she had sought in the beginning. In "The Girl from Nowhere," William Davidson plays the leading male role, while Huntley Gordon is the "heavy." George Archainbaud dir- ected. --Advt. B. | At The Strand, | Southern France is beautifully pictured in "The Mystery Road,' al Paramount British-made turing David Powell, which comes to the Strand theatre next Monday. Scenes were photographed at vari- ous points along the French Riviera, and despite the remoteness of many of them, the filming operations were watched by large ana curious crowds. The story of "The Mystery Road," an original one written by E, Phil- lips Oppenheim, deals with a Young Englishman whose follies bring him along the mystery road of life to the inevitable hour when one must tome tp the realization that | doesn't pay. There is a By | love theme, and 'the romance drama of the production are highly impressive, Nadja Ostrovska, Mary Glynne, Parq Woodman, Ruby M#- ler, Percy Standing and Lewis Gil- bert play the leading Supporting roles.--Advt, ---- Death In Vancouver, A telegram Was received by Mrs. W.'A, Mitchell, William Street, this Week telling of the sad death of her niece, Miss Nora Coy, daughter of nr. W. F. Coy and Mrg, Coy,: Van- couver, on Tuesday last. + Miss Coy, who was a bright girl in the early twenties, has been ill for some time but no serious Outeome of her illness Was expected, so the news of her death comes as a shoek to her rel- tives 'and to the many .- Kingston fends of her mother, who was form. erly Miss 'Libbie McMahon, Dr. Coy is also a former Kingstonian, ga Queen's graduate, -------- picture fea- Goes To Ottawa, Lawrence J, N, Smith, riding es-- tablishment, Royal Military Collega, is Progeeding to Ottawa on leave for to join. his wife, Mrs. Smith, and daughter Vivian. Hugh Keefer, lawyer, son of FH Keefer, the Conservative candidata | at Port Arthur, conceded a majority | the Progressive | of 35 to Kennedy, candidate. The reparations commission has refused to consider Germany's re- Quest for extension of time on Jan- uary and February payments until {she has told what she can pay on in- stalments, Hon. J. A, Maharg states that he resented the attack by Premier Mar- tin on the platform of the Canadian Council of Agriculture and said he would not have retained his self-re- spect had he not resigned from the] cabinet in protest. Dr. 8. D. Chown, general superin- tendent of the Methodist Church, stated that the committee represent- ing the Methodist, Presbyterian and Congregational churches is hard at Work on preliminaries for church un- fon, and the the act for co-operatton would be.ready for discussion by the general conference mext year. eS ------ GANANOQUE Dec. 17.--About eight o'clock last "levening, an alarm of fire was sent in id The fire truck was immediately on| "ull. the job but the fire was found to be in a chimney and no great damage | Carson. was done. The snowstorm last evening spoil- | White. ed somewhat good skating in differ- ent parts of the town, been flooded several times but is not yet in good condition and hockeyists are waiting with all the patience they can muster, A very profitable time was spent on Friday evening in the C.L.A.C. hall under the auspices of Catholic Literery Club. Under the auspices of the Liter- Ary committee of Grace: Methodist church, Rev. D. Mick, pastor of the church, gave a very delightful an instructive talk on the history of the Bible. Federal elections being over atten- tion is mow being directed to muni- cipal elections, and one hears 'many New names as possible for offices. , Indications point to an interesting time, ° Miss Ada Ellis, Pine street, has been attending college in Tor- onto, is home for the holidays, Frank Hume, a student at Varsity is spending the holidays at his home here. Mr. Smith has been boxing and physical instructor at the K.A A A, since its establishmen* and while in Ottawa he wi get in touch with a f>w of the Athletic Clubs there. | } | | ¥ Ni ADVERTISING AGENCY Mr. A. J. Whe recently severed his conn with Smith, oore, 3 had been so promin- ently associated since Its. inception announces the of a new Adv Agency tudes the name of A. J. Denne and Co pany, Lime ited, with well-equipped offices at 43 King Street West, onto. ol Denne desires to thank his many friends In the Adv Business -- Advertisers, Publishers nate recent spontanesus and gener. Word was received here on Wed-| assured. Walter C, Smith has opened his{a repair shop for boots and shoes. nesday of the sudden death, at home in Broderick, Sask., of James Brough, son-in-law of George Cow- an, Birch street, Mrs. Brough came east a few weeks 480 to visit her son, who is takin R.M.C., Kingston. unexpected NEWS was a very great shock to his wife and son ang relatives Mrs: McCrea, Brocky the local -- At Mountain Grove, Mountain Grove, Dec. 16.--The L.O.B.A. held their regular meeting h The many ed from an and arp at W. Barr's. wedding tonr A skitonen of and their por 'Wishes in rau ond thelr The new Company commences clent ¢ nat r with the em. of a.mumber of large cam; and offers to new advertisers 'during his many Delbert Hawley and Miss Florence ) motored to Tamworh on Wedensday and were quietly mar- ried. After the ceremony they left on a trip for Both are popular young People of ing Agency. Aluminum potato pots, reguiar, $2.70; for Obristmas week, $1.93, at] & Sava, 8 this place. Miss Grace Cramer, Gleavale, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J, Burn. Seon The rink has| THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Tidings From Places Far and | t Mike Gibbons, St. Paul, out-point.| Sto" Was [YOUNG LIB CLUB IS REVIVED President--Libera) Women Also to Keep Organized, { A ---- dh young-- . ~.. MN -- | The Young Liberal Club of Kis N 2- re-organized at a largely 3° tended meeting of Young men held in the Whig building on Friday eveniag. For some time there has been a feel- Was summondea by 8 Tex Rickard announced that Har-| men interested in the club, was heid and it was decided to call a larger | meeting Tor Friday evening { | | | | | | | candidates who|the 6th a large vote was polled and | | Toronto and other cities. | { ¢ was decided ing meeting that ship fee five had been of the new club. The idea of the club is that from time to time the young men of Kmg- ston who are followers of the Liy- eral party will have the opportunity | of hearing'political subjeots Present- | ed by able speakers who will be | brought to Kingston for that pur- | pose. It is also the desire ct the | young men to get together and form | 4 campaign committee which wii | Co-operate with the main Liberal or- | ganization in election campaigns. | Several of those present on Friday | evening suggested that an education campaign would be a grea: benefit to the younger men who knew little | or nothing about the political partios | and what they stand for. | J. M. Campbell was present and | remarked how pleased he was that | such an organization be formed. He | also announced that the Libera] wo- | men of Kingston were going to make | their organization a permanent one, { They realize that if the women are | to be educa'ed regarding the Liberal | principles, the best way it can be ac- complished is by keeping their organ- | ization intact. | Hon. presidents: Hon, Mackenzio King, Hon. William Harty, Dr. A. W. | Richardson, J. M. Campbell. President, John S. McDonell. | First vice president, Leman A. | president, vice Second Ken. | Third vice president, Ww. J. B. | sccretary, WillHam | Recording Peters, Corresponding secretary, | G. Bailey. { Treasurer, P. B. Chown. | Ward Chairmen: Sydenham, | George Daly; Ontario, George Derry; | St. Lawrence, George Thompson; Ca- taraqui, Leo Millan; Prontenac. Dr David Volume; Rideau, Fred Bp Pense; Victoria, Roy Allzh; Ports. mouth; James B. McGuire, ; Addresses were given by a num ber of the officers elected. ------ ATHENS NEWS BUDGET. High School Pupils Housed in Rooms of Two Halls, Athens, Dec, 15.--Previous to el- ection the three candidates to cor- test this riding held public meetings in the interest of their parties. On William | in the evening by way of celebra- tion bonfires were lighted. A second gasoline car is to be added to the Brockville-Westport division of tha C.N.R. so better service is practically Turkeys Fair was held here on the 9th inst and drew a good crowd Christmas 1921 The President, Direc tors and Officers of THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA desire to offer to the Customers and Friends of the Bank their Best Wishes for a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. Electrical Gifts For Christmas Tevtrcny, of Mural Trg, Doone High Scans oo FOR A PRACTICAL ELECTRICAL GIFT SEE OUR DISPLAY Boudoir Lamps, Grills, Cleaners, Toasters, Heaters, Irons, Vaccum Beautiful Electric Dining Room Domes, Christmas Tree Lights and Outfits, GRAHAM ELE ANDERSON BROS. 426 PRINCESS STREET, NEXT TO Pr -- spi. » market, Several buyers | distance were in attendance and sat- | Isfactory Young Farmers' Club gave in the town hail on the 9th inst, Word hag been Batonda, Sask., of the sudden passing away of James Gordon Rappell, son of the late John | Rappell of this king exploded, from the results of which death ensued. Miss May survives, Most of the local people who went west in the autumn have returned 'to keep the home fires burning for the winter, Following the conflagration which destroyed our high school, and students have selves admirably to changed thons and are fairly comfortably. in- from q hail, prices prevailed. The a dance the evening ot recaived from A. Rappell and Mrs. place. In the hana- revolver, the firearm day, His wife, MacCallum, formeriy Brqckville, teachers | night. them- cond;- adap:ed stalled in three roo A regular $5 aluminum for $3.69 Obristmas. week jmog & Sons, CTRIC be featured meeting in Montreal, tea ket at Le ms in the town Preparations are in progress {or Christmas entertainmends auspices of the Anglican, and Baptist Sunday sch 20th, 23rd, and 31st. day falls upon the Sabbath, spec: Christmas music will the churches. Townshtp nomination to be held on the afte Dec. 26th, the village nomiuae tions being slated for the evening. It is rumored that some changes are being contemplated. EE -- Jack Thomas, Montreal, defeat ed Eddie Beattie, Hamilton, in a ten round bout under the Methoawst ools on Dee, As Christmas al in 1s rnoon of Mon- Friday tie m= L - CRA BY FRANK 1. SOLAR, = Thed Ace, Dig FT sistarateem a - -- Paremia -- wooo Few Posrs Usman mo Lowen Fares, re, Wace Donne OR r1aTemime Smory Pace Canvons Pom Sees, Roar Ano Famrrriows, : : f i g ig : $343 gids 1 i i : i § f i i ! i ; : i itil i i | i : i § g i s jl | 2igle i i 5 .2 50s ! EFIFE- ilies 38 a £5 Li if hadi. 3k ai |

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