Wo T H E D A I L Y B R I TE i 5 fd Ww H 1 G. SATURDAY, PEC. 17, 1021. (1GIY'S MLK SUPPLY GO0D|INCIOENTS OF THE DAY | |The Board of Health Is Very Racy Local News and Items of B Much Gratified Over This General Public Interest. | O0OKS Condition. Pianos tuned. Phone 1544, C. W | : ; a Lindsay, Limited. fu satisfaction was expressed | Greeting 'Cards, Splendid Choice, | | Health stombers of the Board of lwp scCandiess, Jeweller. ea a their tinal meeting of the | ,' yo , Limited, fresh meats | \ 4 a riday afternoon over the ex- and provisions. Store will be open | catent condition of the ci'y's milk all day Monday next a pp. The question eame up afier | pM. Field K.C Cobourg, was in 1 ae ot RP precilign of the Ser?" |the city on Friday and attended the | NOBODY'S MAN .... seh - +. O'Connor as ch dinner of the Canadian Club, ! MORE TISH by man had been moved by Ald. Grah: a : » Mr. Swaine, piano tuner, orders HE SHEIK and seconded by Dr. Williamson. Tha | al : ~ chairman stated that he had ho be received at: 100 Clergy street w now in its fiftieth printing io have from Dy. James Miler Te Te deputy-minis: | THE OBSTACLE RACE by. tes tates tenn E. M. Dell [ort regarding milk sampes ho ha | Lor of Jdusation of Quebec province, THE FLAMING FOREST by. ..... James Oliver Curwood |nlyved, uM Ve sonra] yin MP, at the 'Canadian Club | THE PRIDE 'OF PALOMAR by Peter B. Kyne son stated that be knew that the ra. [SIBRST sare] HELEN OF THE OLD HOUSE by . . .Harold Bell Wright en a ae fees te sell] MER FATHER'S DAUGHTER. : : : PURPLE SPRINGS by ................. Nellie McClung Sir Hall Caine TO HIM THAT HATH by . .. Ralph Connor RILLA OF INGLESIDE by . +L. M. Morgomery ANNE OF THE MARSHLANDSby .........La Sy MAKE THE BEST GIFTS Here Are Some of the Outstanding Books of the Year. MEKAY FURS REIITERLD Selection of the Year's Best MAIN STREET --over 450,000 copiegsold. By Sinclair Lewis E. Phillips Oppenheim Mary Roberts Rinehart | | Persian Lamb Coats Select your Curl and Lining. Seg * EY tea ee 3d | eral local samples showed up better all day Monday next. | than the high standard required for H. C. Hocken, M.P., returned {the best milk sold in New York and [Toronto at midnight after address- | | Boston. In view of the fact that thera | Ing the Canadian Club. His address has heey Shinacy folk avon: whore was timely and fair and so admitted | Cu losis ' 8 ~~ {by the Roman Catholics who heard | | Kingston was fortunate in having | pim : {such a good milk supply. HUDSON SEAL COATS | The milk inspector, Dr. G. W. Christmas Cards, Wm. McCand- SILVER RACCOON COATS | Bell, reported on what had been done !less, Jeweller, Princess St. v during the past month in the way of | The examinations for Anglican or- and | inspection. He noted the fact that |ders were held in Kingstomr during SCARFS, COL- jen or mere licenses to retail milk |the week by Canon W. F. FitzGerald, | MASTER OF MAN by ................. Made to Special Measure, dy Byng THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE "FHE CHRISTMAS STORE" STOLES, LARS afid CUFFS in all had been taken out by county resid- | St. Paul's church, and Rev. A. F. C ents, and that thus the people were | Whalley, Brockville, receiving more good milk direct from * Furs, Bre or Ure Food il Open Nights, The sanitary inspector, W. H. Car- : | son, reported on the work he hal |done during the year. There were | { places which could not install sani- | {tary improvements because their | {houses were not drained. Much im- provement in health conditions was noted. JOHN McKAY, Limited A SPLENDID CANTATA. | KINGSTON, CANADA | Phone 919, Your inspection invited. THE FUR HOUSE - - - | | "The Pixies of Portsmouth Town" at | St. John's Hall, | "The Pixies of Portsmouth Town" |a cantata, was beautifully rendered {by the young people of St. John's | *** |churech, Portsmouth, in the parish | hall «n Friday evening under the able | "You Wire Us and We'll Wire You" ih lay evant the gb {direction of Mrs. Lacey asaiste. y | THE ELECTRIC SHOF | the Sunday school teachers. Distributors tor | Rev. Mr. Hilyard Smith, rector, 117 Brock Steen MIGHT PRODUCER presided and there was a large and F. J. GRACE appreciative audience. The pro- gramme was opened with a selection nn by the orchestra composed of Messrs. : Kerr, Hartrick, McGuire and Lacey. violins, Mr. Panlour, cello, Mr. Gran- | ger, cornet, Mr. Birdsall, clarine', | Mr. Tyson, drum and Mrs. BE. Sir- rett, plano. Mrs. Sirett was the uc- companist for the entire ppogramme and played every number with much | feeling. "Tho Pixies" tw a Christmas story | elaborately presented and 'he chorus- | es, Sleighing Song, Dream Song, | Marching Song and Pixies Chorus | were all beau'ifully sung. Special | A tet gn That Will Make Acceptable Gifts for Christmas FOR WOMEN Fine Silk Hose--all colors . . $1.00 up French Kid Gloves--wanted colors Boudoir Caps--very pretty ....50c. Silk Scarfs--pretty colors-- tevseveses..... Popular Priced Big values in-Umbrellas . . . .$1.75 up Fancy Boxed Handketchiefs . rereaesensseyiins. 250 10 $3.00 FOR MEN Silk and Wool Socks ..............75¢. Mocha Lined Gloves ............ $1.75 Silk Scarfs--all colors . ..... Reasonable Initial Handkerchiefs ...........25¢. up Warmth producing Underwear, best makes EIDERDOWN COMFORTERS McLintock's Celebrated Eiderdown Comforters -will be accept- ableinanyhome . ....... .... cit... cerennns $15.00 up 'Newman & Shaw Kingston's Big Hou se F urnishings Store W. C. CANNON ay The Ideal Gift We make everything in fine HAVE YOU TRIED THE ORANGE PEKOE BLEND? CHARM TEA AT 60 CENTS PER LB. It Is a High Grade Tea With a Delicious ¥lavor. Now being packed in yellow packages Instead of red. mention must be made of Dollies Geo. Robertson & Son. Slumber Song by the sweet soprano S-- Lf [Miss M. Baiden, as "Lena"; Miss Edna Baiden as "'Christobel," aad | A : Miss N. Baiden who looked very beautiful as "Queen Flora." Miss Forsythe was very pretty as "Flora- : ; ll bel". The Marching Song by the Tin 8 \ Hl | Soldiers under Serg't Red Jacke, ] Master Jack Campbell, brought great : i} | applause. Jack in the Box by Mast- $3,000--Frame détached; 6 rooms; | er Stanley Stead and Santa Clause, B. and C.; hot water furnace; Philip B. C. Nicklin, made a hit. Oth- gas; electric light; garage; fine Extra Choice Roll Butter .39¢. 1b. [fi or cies were "Nurno," Wilfred cellar. Lot 66x110; newly | New Seedles. Raising ..3 Ibs. 70c. Waller; "Toto", Jack Sears; "Ber- A painted and decorated. House 1d," Kenneh Tatton: "Prince Vie- br Furs for Men, Ladies and Children -- choose from our big stock. oR PA 1 - Sak ad ian lal ondi . New Cleaned Currants ,..... : 4 frat Slang SORAIHOR r," James Halliday and 'Princess toria," Mrs, Dawson. The delightful performance ve | A $3,800--Cemented block detached: Fine sew Rice electric {il Gold Dust Corn Meal ..C Ibs. 25¢. ; | New lot, Pot Barley ..5 lbs. 25¢, Fine New Dates Large Julecy Oranges ..50c. dos. Fresh Pack Rolled Oats @ lbs, 25¢ Granulated Sugar ....5 Ibs, 40c. New Figs, New Mixed Creams, new Cluster Raisins, Holly, Everything ready for Xmas, i ' |. Cullen's CASH AND CARRY ALFRED and PRINCESS STS. 8 rooms; B. and C.; Ushi; gas? good Sellar, brought to a close with the chorus "Christmas Has Come and Gone." It | $7,500--Brick; § rooms and bath; was a complete success in every way. toilet separate; hardwood floors; combination ater J and hot air furnace ment cellar; electric light; gas; gar- age. Good location. { RH Waddell The McCann Agency Phones 326-896. 88 Brock St, Flurry in Bank Circles, The news. of the amalgamation of the Merchants Bank of Canada and hi the Bank of Montreal created quite a flurry in local banking circles on || Friday afternoon, when the an- nouncément was bulletined by the 'Whig. "This has come as one of the big surprises to us," said two man- | Il | agers, "and it is remarkable how | | these 4hings happen." Another bank- |} }|er sald such an amalgamation had Eli never been thouglit of among bank- {unveiling of the Memorial hall by ing men, and ft represented a union |B | His Excellency, Lord Byng, governor- of two of the largest financial groups | ; . | general, on Wednesday. The cadets in Canada today. Manager Dumout. | >: | were under the command of Major in of the Bank of Montreal had |H b { Jeffijes and the marvelous precision no inkling of any developments, nor | : "3 | shown in all movements, and espac- " FURS FOR LADIES Persian Lamb Coats . .$300 up Hudson Seal Coats ..:$275 up | | | a ay---- VICTORIA ST., Near Princess $4,800--Detached, solid brick, two-storey dwelling; 8 rooms and bathroom: elec- tric lights and gas; hot air furnace: gar- age and driveway. Immediate posses- French Seal Coats . ...$125 up R. M. C. Cadets' Fine Work. There has been much comment emong military men over the fine work of the Royal Military College cadets in ceremonial dnill at the 8 7B up Capes, Scarfs, Muffs and Sets Coats in other Furs . . B in every fashionable Fur, ® What comfort you can give in a suitable pair of Glasses for Father or Mother, We recommend the invisible bi- focals, clear vision for far and near. Consult us, 342 King Street. Asselstine DS, Optometrist and Optician. ~ Phone 1019w. i [had Manager Tofield of the Merch- | ants. Just what changes, if any, will take place in this city none can tell, but in all likelihood business will be carried om just as at present as both banks here are in strong hands and in a flourishing condition. ------r-- Chase After Chickens. 8 Chickens took a decided drop Sat- urday morning when a Ford car com- ing down Brock street, with a bos of live chickens strapped on she run-- ing-board, was struck by a heavy truck at the intersection of Welling- ton street. A sharp broadside was given to the smaller car, carrying it about ton feet, while the box of poul- try was broken off from its position, A, Martin, Limited, fresh mests and provisions. Store will be open all day Monday next. ETI |ially in reversing arms before 'The | Dead March" was played by the R. C. | H. A. ggnd, excited the greatest ad- | miration. Their fine work was a { tribute to the college, the officers and | the instructors. . Concert at Mowat Hospital. A splendid concert was given st the Mowat Hospital on Friday evening, {under the auspices of thé \ military "Y", The entertainment was furnish- ed by the Patricia Trio. Miss Patricia Gilmore, the leader and piano ac- companist, was @ lyric soprano voice of great beauty; Miss Beulah Mar- golis is harpist; and Benjamin Schro- der, baritone soloist. Many of the old favorite songs were rendered, with the audience joining in the choruses. Verdict for Dwight Frink. After one hour's deliberation, the jury in the automobile case of Dwigh* Frink, Odessa, vs. Marshal 1 Arm- gtrong and George W. Boyd, returned 3 3 vordiet of $180 and costs in favor HOUSE the plaintiff. The addresses to TNDIAN u SHOES * the jury commenced at two o'clock We have them in all sizes and lasted for about one hour, from infants' to Men's--a pop- 4 The Better Way. ular useful gift at a very mod- Instead of giving a lot of abso- erate price. FURS FOR CHILDREN Thibet Fur Collars ..8$4.50 up "$15 up Fur Carriage Robes . .$6.50 up lutely useless present to those who do not need them, would #t not be better to help Kingston General hos- pital to care for the poor sick and suffering at this Christmas time. -------- A regular $5 aluminum tea kettie for $3.69 Ohristmas week at Lem- mon & Sons. shan ; Makers of Fine Furs. * sion, if desired. E. W. MULLIN & SON EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Corner Johnson and Division Streets = ~ Phones 589w ad 5397, Ladies' Bodeui Slip "THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT" Extra fine quality, with large pom-poms--padded Elk outer soles, and all with Rubber Heels--In Suede and Kid Leathers in the following colors: --Pink, Sky Blue, Mauve, Old Rose, Cerise, Purple, Grey, Bip and Black. Our big special-- bi $1.75 < Same style, also in Felt in Red, Brown and Wine