SATURDAY, DEC. 17, 1001, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ---- i -------- THE NEW DOCTOR ARRIVES . . . RS ay 7) =CEEEBEBE== The representatives of four great world powers in session at Washington are framing an agree- - ment for Peace on the Pacific. We sincerely trust it may lead to Peace on all seas and in all lands; that in short, the entire world may become pacific. What could better express this wish than the Angel Message, sung two thousand years ago, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, Peace, Goodwill to Men." May every reader have a Christmas and New Year of Peace and Goodwill. m=EEEEEER== the Russia of the Czar and the Amer- [tion fs in its coun séous facing of mits no limitation of height or ica that needed no Monroe Doctrine. [the harsh facts that must be faced. |depth. Aes p's Fables and Ours, } The volume would be worth having [Thero is cruelty and Injustice and re een a |It it were only for the extrordinary | cold selfishness. And they will never You can't keep good liquor down ingenuity of the Hindoo fables, And|be changed by pretending they do (cellar) long either, the piet by Paul Branson lead not exist. Jocia)_views in She Simpleat Sarm; us into the very hearts and councils | The fact that gives a lover of his RST ] . - TEEr aumber .o ese tales ,e tye beasts, animals of such reality [kind some courage, as he reads the Co i << I comve down from earlies periods and 1 t i -- PRE th written by men of moder that one is obliged to believe in the |old fables, is the conviction that our -- )) 0 }} )) S 2 * text. own time feels the moving of an- 4 tt : Go yurs. Sagal Joa) ha primitive Look at that fox out in the winter other spirit. In the great war men - / | tio cn ay he b a Sollge- woods, crunching an icicle in des-|strove not alons against the ememy " ~ i ey ~ ae ubee sopse perate perplexity, and you scarcely |but against war itself. i ll aan Argbey of - Fables" |. q to turn the page to know that 7 = fit . . (Stokes), there is both race history . Our fables are spread out into the and searching analysis even of the ° IS ETOWling: complex fabric of elaborate fiction, "There is the sound of a bone in | There we find the foxes and th 4] Zn 5 Hi TH : sel and th 8 S a e scl 4 oy | F : SeTioasy Br aa ey iy ears and the feel of a bone be-|snakes; but we find something that A EE EE ' iit Woodworking actory, Lumber Yards: Bay and Wellington Mirror here for the lamb-like, wolf. tween ay teeth, but never a Scrap of{has no analogy in tie animal king- og I Pre in if Street, Kingston, Ontario Ish, léonine and catty eritrurs that | It 80es dowa into my stomach. dom, save in such rare gleams as tho s C LWCTY nS we still are to look fn and learn| . WAT 88d warning are chief among |lion's magnanimity to the mouse, uh o SHT'g JE Lh M Hi Office "Phone 66. Factory 'Phone 1415. Fables are the records of man's wisdom. the recurrent themes of the fabulist| And what wo are seeking to-day is There are fables fro e : --tho strong against the weak, the [not magnanimity but an understand- Rome and Hannibal's spe Ci2F'8 [cunning against the foolish, The Ing love that is meek and lowly--a annibal's Atriea, from great morit of this kind of presenta-|love that does not stoop, for it ad- he Christmas Gift Store Suggests An Early Selection F rom These Appreciable Gifts for Him. , Howe Cons and Drewing i | + Particularly Appropriate Gowns made to order and deliver- : 0 . | "al fran esdown fabrigs to. choose IA | Hl BEN = Family Circle #8 HOUSE CoATs $9.50 up, A FLEES SRA YOTWEA y ~ DRESSING GOWNS .$12.00 up 7 TTR AR flo red 0 is 700 i All Gowns and House Coats iow Se SEA : ul 1 THOUGHTFUL. GIFT ! Shee 190 Young Meu instock . ... Less 25% discount EY Ti | \ to heky who coos with ge : ' : ¥ BY ca /y, Bs i | , ight as she prou y points to her a Sgceptional ality 2nd 2 al ng? Ol i | ot Boers yey, first de 820f¢ shoes, to Grand y : : , Ae La J] fil an mother whom: long years have HOSIERY of Silk, Cashmere and oI 7 Ul | = Won taught how few a thought- rib all wool worsted dy J | ful, every one in your family circle eserrevaninsss.09c to $2.50 IES shad' ih will welcome so useful, so practi- SHIRTS iti new desi : : : Cl cal a gift as Footwear. For Eoot- ; $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 wear is a gift which can be given only by someone sincerely inter- SILK SHIRTS of better value a yo cerevn... $5.00, $6.00, $7.50 nn Se Samford, Plesccns, and PAJAMAS, in Flannelette and fa - : » : : S Silk $ th u yards . : : Lockett's Store Well Stocked With CARF Sin 001 an i : : ; ' Christmas Shoes, Slipper Sy Bags, Ciieeiiin lo $1000 $7.50 TP A PP > Hosiery, Gaiters and Useful HANDRERCHIEFS, Sets and oy © all "Articles. JEWELRY at moderate pri Fe 4 . It will be worth while taking a TS. ' ; gt: Tock through our displa ay of - Christmas ' LOCKETT'S