Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Dec 1921, p. 5

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SATURDAY, DEC. CHOICE WESTERN MEATS and COOKED MEATS McGEEIN'S Phone 1182 282 Princess Street -- ee -------- FOR MOVING OF Freight, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and Cartage of every description-- Kingston Transfer Co. Vuonue 04%. 133 Wenington Streer. DAVID SCOIT | Plumber Plumbing and Gas Work n special ty. All werk gusranteed. Address 145 Frontenac Street. Phome 1277. DR.A.W. WINNETT DINTAL SURGEON. vorner of Johnsun - anil Wellington Streets Phone 364 -- ~ Dr. Waugh Dentist 106 Wellington St. [tht oho cc EU, seaies, Telking Machives, Bicycles, liaby Carriages, Lawn Mow, ™, ete. We | do repair work right uns guarantee | sutinraction, 197 WELLINGTON €5 ExT WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street, Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order, Phone 1763. Res, 1137, Phone 250. | | | {from the distressing head - GOULD HARDLY MOVE IN HER BED Eight Boxes of "FRUIT.A-TIVES"" ' Completely Relieved Her. _--- MAAN RICHER Labelle, P.Q, April 18th, 1921 "It ismy duty to tell you and publish to all what your remedy '"Fruit-a- tives" has done for me. I suffered with Rheumatism for ten months; could hardly move in bed. and was miserable all the time. I tried several physicians and took many | remedies, but they left 'me at the same place, in bed and suffering, the Rheumatism was so bad. I finally started in taking "Fruit-a-tives" | and continued the treatment regu- larly as I found miy self getting better, After using eight boxes of "Fruit-a- tives" (which cost only $4.) I am completely well without a trace of Rheumatism." ' Madam J. RICHER, 50¢ a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, EE re Ar A Sr -- A------ BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son 2! Main Street. Phone 1670. CATARRHAL DEAFNESS MAY BE OVERCOME If you have Catarrhal Deafness or head and ear noises or are growing hard of hearing go to your druggist | and get 1 ounce of Parmint (double str:ngth), and add tc it 4 pint of hot water and « little granulated sugar. Take 1 tablespoonful four J times a day. This will often bring quick relief noises. { Clogged nostrils should open, breath- | this prescription a tr W. R McRae & Co GOLDEN LION BLOOK. COAL Cho'cest qu ity of Scranton Coal, Nother kind sold by Ure BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 A errs --. en | FOR SALE Double stone dwelling, three storey, large lot; 1 extra lot. Good varn. Rents for 544 per month. Price $4,500, W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and insurance 80 Biock Street. Phone 424. || He -------- ---------- DID YOU EVER TRY | Wagstafl'y Ginger Mar.aalade, Wagstam's Fiacapp!le Marmalade, Wagstaft™s Bramble Jelly, ae Slag pave * full line ot Other reliable make f Marma- lades, Jam and Jell: 109 sale at Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King nnd Earl Streets License No. 5-2T149 | TEER -------- GET IT REPAIRED | Sewing Machines, Phouographs, Guus, Mines repuice . and refitted. ured suppiled. Saws filcd, Kulves, sclagors and edge tools srom Locks repaired. .iwvys fitted iw All Kinds of locks. Ail manes of Lane newers lod aad ree PRIred. We can anyaing Mul a8 repairabse, J. M. PATRICK | 149 Sydeah.m treet, Kingston . Phone 20567. i' 7 become exs dropping into the throat. It is ea y '0 prepare, costs little and is pleasant 'o .ake. Anyone who has Catarrhal Deafr.ess or head noises should give ial. Arn BOCOCUCUOOUGLTS [30 0 +t BOOO0 HAARR JON , cI SRoNTO n Centre of Shopping and Business District 100 with Private Bathe EUROPEAN PLAN E. WINNETT THOMPSON. GEN. MGR. y and the mucus stop | ) / THE DAILY RRITISH WHIG. 3 S PERE EPPES SEEPS AN APPEAL. The Mother Superi r and Sis- ters of the Hou se of Provig- ence most respectfully request the kind assistance of their friends in Kingston and sur- rounding districts, in orfer tha Christmas may be fittingly cele- brated, and their poor old people made happy on this ever joyous feast. The generous donor need have no misgivings of receiving a bountiful return, as this is a nost laudable work of charity Ll RE RRR S * * 3 +> > LE EE ER EE ER REE RR IEEE TET Transferred to Brockvjlle. Rev. Mr. Bewell of the Holiness Church, Franktown, has transferred to Brockville. Stealing Wood. Complaint was made headquarters, Brockville, at=ipolice by Mrs Rivers, that unknown persons were | Sproule, James ing wood from 'The Pines" | 'ally every night. ste. Was Found Guilty. am G, Bayet'e guilty of arson in connection the fire which destroyed the Pearc Company mills at Marmora on Sept. 24th. Judgment was reserved was foun Wid Dismissed With Costs, The case of Levison vs. { was opened before Judge Dowsley, at jrockville, an action, for alleged as- "sdult and battery, the partfes living in Bastard township, was dismissed with costs. Bresee Everyday's Classified. Advertisements lead to business. 1 You'll be surprised and delighted a: the simplicity and economy in dis- | posing of property, services, etc., ot {the ads. Write an ad now and leave or send it to our office | Remains Brought East. The sudden death of Mr. -James Brough, Broderick, Sask., is announ- ced The funeral will" take place from the residence of his father-in- law. George 8. Cowan, Gananoque, ito Willowbank cemetery. | | See Our Christmas Goods. | We have a big range of mufflers, | fancy Sweaters, mocha gloves and | mitts, fancy hose, colored shirts, ties, braces, arm bands everything in { boys' and men's wear that will maké |suitable Christmas gifts, Prevost, jrock street. | Before They Grow. | Into huge trouble makers, the | classified ads will solve your little | worries. If you want to dispose of THE CHRISTMAS LETTE | | |Of Bishop Bidwell to the An- | glicans of Diocese of Ontario. In connection with the Christmas | festival of the Anglican church, the | following letter from the Bishop of | Ontario, F. J. Bidwell, will be read in | all the churches of the diocese on Sunday: My-dear people: It is my privilege | to send to you all once more a Christ- | mas letter. The birthday of our | dear Lord, Who for us men, and for _ | our salvation, as at this time, came Christmas Buyers This store has many appropri- Ate gifts suitable for child, friend or parents "ome in and See them now. A few sugges- tions: bs FOR BARBY Comb and Brush set, Tale, Soap and Cream, FOR FRIEND OR PARENTS Chocolates (Neilson's): Cigars in boxes: Djerkiss sets, Mary Garden Sots, Ivory, Perfume, Sta- tionery, Toilet sets Toilet Water, ete. M. R. McColi Prescription Druggist. Toilet set, puffs, ete, Princess and Wellington Sts. Headquarters for:--- Children's Sleighs, Baby Sleighs, Child- ren's Brooms and Shovels, Skates and Hockey Sticks, etc. ----- 'Phone 216. |down from Heaven and took upon | Himself our 'human nature, will | shortly be celebrated by al} Christ- |lans, As you look forward to the commemoration of this most won- |drous event, there arc certain | thoughts which I would have you bear in mind. | First, at this present juncture. i | beg you to think of Him as the Prince {of Peace. The late terrible war was {cften spoken of as a "war to end | war." It has not ended war. Fa. |from it. There are many dark | clouds on the horizon already threat- { ening: the precarious peace which at | present exiats. No war, however de- | cisive, will ever end war. Only one | force can 'effect that, the spirit of { the Prince of Peace, Christ Jesus our {Lord. Will the world ever realize | that the only hope of the world lies | Is Your Nose Plugged? Have You Catarrh? If Subject To Colds, Here is Real Good ' Advice Don't load your stomach with cough syrups. Send healicg medica- tion through the nostrils--send it in- to the passiges that are subject to colds and Catarrh. Easy to do this with Catarrhozone, which helps a ccld in ten minuter. Fven to the lungs gues the healing vapor of Ca- tarrhozone--all t: ough the bron- chial tubes, nostril- and ar pas- sages--everywhere a t ace of diseasc remiins will Catarrhozone follow. You'll not 'ave colds, nor will you suffer from s.iffles, bronchitis, or throat trouble if Catarrhozone is used- Get it to-day, b.. beware of dangerous substitutes meant to d.- ceive you for genuine Catarrhozone. Large size, two months' treatment. Costs $1.00; small size 50c. sample size, 25c. All dealers or the TCa- tarrhozone Co., Montreal. TRANSFER Phone 1776J SS. WHITEMAN 210 QUEEN STREET | passed away an old and highly res- | ig | | : | pected resident in the person of Mrs i 2 | Lake, and although in failing heai*n Kingston and Vicinity susie ail ow or will cut Jnight used furniture, property. services the classified ads out the worry that long delay occasion you. It Is Important, | To a store's patrons that it be well | advertised. Adequate advertising Is the guarantee to the customer of protection from high prices and/ from profiteering merchandise. Keep | your patrons well informed on your store néws. Mrs. Margaret Barr Dead. At Brockville the death occurred Wednesday of a well-knowh resident in the person of Mrs. Margaret Barr. Deceased was born at Throoptown, daughter of the late Mr. and Mas [Patrick Nelan, and resided in Broci- ville for 'he past twenty-seven years. : Home from Toronto. ™ The Frontenac U.F.0. delegates tothe province; nvention held Toronto this week ¥ have returned home, Among them were B J. Snid- er, Verona, county director, J. L. F. Henderson, Colin Rogers, E. C. Barrett, Mr Redmond, A, E. Weller, county secretary-trous- irer, Robert J. Bushell. Died Quite Unexpectedly, Atl an early hour on Monday there D. W. Green. The deceased was for- ! merly Miss Sarah Birmingham, South for some time. the end was most un expected as she appeared to be in her | usual health on Sunday, | Winner of Low Medal. Thos. A. Low, M.P.-elect gives medals every year to students at tao Collegiate Institute bringing the | highest academic honors _to 'h | school The winner this year is| Harold (Cane of Douglas, Who in ad-| dition té other achievements at de-| partmental examinations whon the Carter scholarship awarded in ma- triculation classes in Queen's. e Interment at Newburgh. The funeral of the late Miss Annie Cranston took place at 12.30 p.m. Saturday from the residence of her | sister, Mrs. E. G. Ruttan, University | avenue. Rev. R. H. Béll officiated | at the service conducted at the house, The rem1ins were conveyed to New- burgh by motors by James Reid, un- dertaker, and interment took placa there, Euchre and Dance, The euchre and = dance, hela on Thursday evening, under the auspices of the Trades and Labor council, was a most enjoyable event. There was a good attendance, and everyone had a most pleasant time. Thase week.y events are much appreciated, Follow- ing *he euchre there was dancing from 1¢ o'clock until midnight. The prizewinners were as follows: Mrs. in the dominion of Christ over men's heart: here and now? When we get the world rid of hatred, envy, Jea:. ousy, covetousness, and similar vices, then we may expect peace among men, but not before. And the harder that individual Christians strive to !free their hearts of these evils, the nearer that time will come, . How can the nations of the world live at peace with one another, when fel- low-Christians of the same nation are unable to do so? If there is to RA i Nee " lley, D. Pelow: consolation, ! Maguire and Mr Holder Mrs. F i Want Reeve Halliday Again, At the concluding meeting of the Pr -tsmouth eouneil on Thursday ev- ening, James Halliday, reeve, was | asked to permit his name tc be plan- ed in nomination for another year in | recognition of the admirable maia- ne in which he had looked after the | interests of th: municipality. Me Halliday, it is pointed out, has nail exceptional experience in the county council and is thoroughly posted ve- specting municipal matters and he is { ded to see many important under- | ings are carried forward to sue- |! New License Inspector David Sylvester, who for the past | seven years has been license inspec { tor in Haldimand ,has been sent nere to succeed License Inspector John Connolly, who resigned, and will 'he superannuated after filling the posi- tion for thiry vears Mr. Syivester was for more thar four years a member of the Mounted Police in the Yukon, and has since had several years' experience as a member of the provincial police. He was in the army four years Mr. Connolly will remain in office until his successor becomes faminur with the situation. Splendid Programmes Issued, The programmes issued for thy j unveiling of the windows and table's es in Memorial hall on Wednesday and which we.e in-such demand, were printed at the Whig job rooms They | were commented upon by everybody | and will be retained as souvenirs of a splendid event. The letterpress is | finzly done and the half tones of the | tablets and the windows are so clear | and accurate that the printers are | complimented for their special work. | The many hundreds of the booklets were quickly taken up. Mayor Nick!o | is sending a goodly number of th , | programmes to those interested in the' memorials in England, the United States gnd Canada. Heartily Thanked. The Industries Committee--tha | joint membership from the city coun- ! cil and the board of trade--at the | final meeting expressed watistaction | at the work performed during the | year by the executive sub-committee | Ald. N. B. Steacy, J. M. Campbell and W. W. Sands. They had been active and energetic in considering proposals for new industries and | found too many of them chimerical | or solely stock promoting schemes. | The executive was heartily thanked | for its,watchfulness and care. They have several good looking proposi- | tions on hand. The past year, owing to indusirial depression, had not been | productive of strong propositions, | manufacturers not having a desire to branch out into new works. But | they will.come later, Pr Do not, my dear children, think of | Christmas only as a time for pieas- | ure and amusement; think of it also | as the Birthday of Him Who said | 'Suffer the Children to come utfto | me": One Who desires you to be His | children, just as He wants all meu and women to be His disciples. He | loves all children, and 'He wants your | lcve, "Give Him that Christmas gift. | Learn all that you can about Him, | and all that He wishes to do and to | he. If Christmas makes you more | ready to do what wil] please Him, if | be peace on earth, there must be goodwill towards men. Pray earnest- ly for the peace of the world, but live with the principles of peace in your own hearts as the chief influ- ence in your lives. So shall you be true followers of the Prince of Peace. Next, think of Him as the King of Love, He chose a lowly birth to show forth to all men how universa. wag that love It includes all men, just pecause they are men. Famous or unknown, rich or poor, clever or ignorant, the strong charscter and the weak, all alike are the objects ot Rie love. Therefor- at this blessed { Season it ie most fitting that we ' should ourselves display the spirit of love. By bringing happiness to { others. you will both please you: | Lord, and also win the truest joy for yourselves, Giving, not getting, so He taught us, is the secretyof real it helps you to conquer "selfishness | and other faults which grieve Him, } then jt will be a happy and blessed season for you all. May Almighty God, Who as at this } time sent His Son to be our Saviour | and Redeemer, bless, preserve and | keep you all, old and young, both now 'and through the coming New | Year, Amen. 1922 Auction Bridge. | We have received an advance copy | of the latest book on Auction Bridge. | It's a compact little red book with a tle book has been used by the best auction teachers in the large cities for years. It is published annually. All the changes in the laws, the rules, the style of bidding, the new- est wrinkles in the doubling conven- happiness, for it is the very heart of the Divine Love He so freely bestows upon us, The knowledge that you have brought joy and comfort to even one of "the least of these His breth- ren" will make your Christmastid: a season of true blessing to you. Lastly, think of Him'as your Sus four and Redeemer. The marvpl- lous story of Redemption begins wits His birth in Bethlehem. For jy. He was born of aur flesh, for you He lived and died and rose from the dead. It is your service for which He longs today. It is your soul that He desires to win. Let us all ther ® fore kneel before the Christ Child ir real shrrender, offering our lives, un- worthy though they be, to Him. De not fail to make your Christmas Com- munion a real offering to Him of yourself, your soul, and your body. Remember too, that in order to make your Communion in the true spirit of Christ, you must be in charity with all men. If there are any wits whom you are at strife, eeek peace with thei now et all costs. Christ taught us fof only to love our friends, but those who seemed to be our enemies. Without the spirit of forgiveness in our hearts our Christ- mas Com ion must fail both as an offering of ourselves to Christ and as a means of grace to our souls. See to it there fore that you approach the Lord of Love in a spirit of love and charity towards ajl men. Let me.add a word of special mes tions are brought up to the minutes in every issue. This is the tenth edi- tion and to say that it contains everything new is but a plain state- ment of fact. It tells you what to bid and whex to bid. It contains a complete table of authentic auction leads ,a dictionary of card terms and words, the new laws adopted Octo- | ber, 1921. You cannot play any card | game unless you know the laws, the rules and the conventions. You must know them all to play weil. Price, 75 cents. Wynne Fergusun, 329 Broadway, New York. Mothef little lamb very often looks like a tough old black sheep to 'the neighbors. . Rheumatic Lameness Relieved by Hood's Sarsaparilla. I have taken Hood's Sarsaparilia and it has done me so much good in relieving my lameness I am very thankful to you for it. I can walk 'well now and go almost every- where. Before taking this medi- cime I was confined to the house for a year and a half. It strengthened my limbs. : I advise my friends that are lame from rheumatism to take it. My, husband and son have also tak- on Hood's Sarsaparilia, and it has give en all of us a good appetite. Mrs Mary A. Wall, 21 Florence Street, Rockland, Me. 2 If you n a laxative or cathartic J complete story of the game. The lit | 1 sage to the children of the charch. ; . * 'take Hood's Pills. { \ . i Will sell them very cheaply. 7 & Stoves and Heaters We still have a few Stoves left from | Camp Mohawk. | S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington | Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory 4 Phone 1415, | \. (7 Ne a a tnd ---- Have a Tasty Dinner at the -- GRAND CAFE Dine with us and you' will be de- lighted with our excellent service anid you will find our cousine unsurpassed and prices reasonable, ' PETER LEE, PROP. 2 Princess Street. (Two Doors Above Opera House) "a -- --_-- J BIG CUT IN PRICES on Maxotires and Tubes, for 10 Days 20% reduc of Maxotires and Tubes. A few Tires at EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBILER Co. A. NEAL, Manager 284 Ontario Street Phone 2050. = tion on all sizes cont. BR SOWARDS KEEPS COAL --and-- "COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 1585. UPTOWN OFFICE--jic GALL'S CIGAR STORS PHONE 811. SOWARDS COAL COMPANY ce co / . WINTER OVERCOATS MEN and YOUNG MEN'S NEW NEW MODELS -- BEST VALUES $25.00, $28.00 $35.00, $38.00 TWEDDELL"S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) s en Men's Silk Ties--four in hand -- flowing ends; all. good patterns. o-night for . ..... 50c. each: Women's Pure Linen Handker- chiefs--hemstitched-- for tretp@enenean....124c. each Women's Black and Colored Silk Stockings--all sizes -- special value for....:.. . $1.25 a pair Fancy Ribbons--wide widths-- in a big variety of patterns -- all pure Silk--for . .". . .50c. a yard > W. N. Linton & Co. 5 Phone 191. The Waldron Store. And we rather surm { Dove never hangs much where the stork quent visits, When a woman goes in for poli- tics she discovers she has 10 go oat an »*wtul lot. And one of the ou's is out of office. too. around a ho * ma J | = : Wen omer i eam oo or a a A of ise the Pedrd

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