Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Dec 1921, p. 7

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SATURDAY, DEC 17, 1921. 1 H E D A I L Y ; B rR 1 T i S H and 't them over the kremises dnd explain points of inter- ABUSMESS UNI 7: OF GREAT MAGNITUDE. cm ee to give full details of the business j2oe premises of Robert J. Reid & Robert J. Reid & Sons Furni. Sons. . rl Bat e {manner of obtaining urther de- ture and Undertaking Estab- {tails is to pay a visit to the store i THE RELY OFLC HOHE (Continued from Page 3.) at all, that if the taxes of my com- pany, or yours, were divided on the | bagig of population, money would go to teach a form of religion | {ia which we do not believe. I would mark, {not ask, I would not think of ask- The first floor of the establish- | ing, that any Roman Catholic should 3 \§ ; . . . ment is a large proposition in itself, | he compelled to contribute to the Ps BR 3 : @ as it really consists of two large | teaching of the Protestant religion. | _ : H 3.37" i » stores joined together and extending! | think that that'would be an act of | SA Ny back one hundred and ten feet from | oppression. But I do not think, on fo) ' 2 1 S the street. The frontage is sixty-| ihe other hand. that I should be com- {six 'feet, one of the longest on King- | pelled to pay for the teaching of his | |ston's main business thoroughfare. religion, and that would be the exact | | There are three floors, all of the|effect of the change suggested by the | same area as the first one, compris- | bishop. ! {Ing a total floor space of over 16,- That is particularly the case, Mr. 1000 square feet. i" President, because the public school This floor space is divided oft into |system was devised by Dr. Egerton large departments for the display of | Rverson half a century ago to teach {the different lines of furniture car-|overy child in the provinde. It has {ried by the firm, One room is de- been maintained for that purpose, voted to Chesterfield suites, another [and there is no child, Jew or Gentile {to dining-room furnishings, still an-| Frotestant or Roman Catholic, but | other to kitchen cabinets and access- can go to the Public Schools of this kG ° Bobsleigh {ories, the total stock containing | Province without any. dauger to its |eYery conceivable article for use in! faith. And more than that the law as | | ep isBter graf and the only correct | turnishing a house and many which | it stands today, makes every citizen ty by all who use them. [but few of us have ever seen before. | Of Ontario prima facie a public | It will pay ou to give them a once Baby carriages, tea carriages, writ-|5choo] supporter. The law gives the | over befeore buying ing tables, dressing tables, Chester. | Preference to the public schools--I | Cor. Princess and Alfred (fields, footstools, go-carts; floor| think rightly. It says every citizen | Residence 115 Colberme. Phone 2372w { lamps, dining and bed room suites, | Who pays rates is a public school sup- | [couches, divans, easy chairs, den fur-| Porter until he declares to the as- | | nishings, --these are but a few of the | Sessment authorities 'that he does larficles in the immense stock. Ev.|!'0t want to be, and then he becomes {erything is of the best quality ob-|2 Separate School supporter. But the ovonder a fair trial. Guaranteed for |! tainable, as the heads of the firm be-|!@W regards' every man who pays Colic, Inflammation of the Lungs, lieve that the best is the most sat-| '8Xes as a supporter of the public Bowels. Kidneys, Fevers, Listemper i 3 } é etc. Send 26¢. for Malling Package isfactory in the long run. Some ot | Schools, That is another evidence of by the specia] service that the separate | etc. Agents wanted. Write your the special furniture, fashioned | and ghows more | address plainly. ja De ; DR. HELL, V3, KINGSTON, out. [iexperts out of the rarest woods | Sho0ls provide, a is truly wonde>-|¢'®@rly than anything I could say, I Te --------= | grown in the world, Partridge Wire Wo | excelled |ful, and the whole establishment of. | think, that the People of that faith fers a choice of lines that cannot be 9T® enjoying a special privilege | NICKEL PLATING AND BRASS FINISHING above all other denominations, week the stor i Now prepared to do this work. ia : ore of Robert J. Reid & Manufacturing Wire Fencing, Flower S0ns will | be thrown open to the pub- Border Guards, ete. {lic for inspection and the members 62 KING ST. W. PHONE 380. jot the staff will welcome visitors on | {those days, Kingstonians who take STOVES Quebec and Fire King Heaters and Gas Kanges. {advantage of the offer will be agree- Nickle Plated Showers (Ors, TWO NOVELS OF THE SORT THAT VIGOROUS PEOPLE LIKE TO READ It is very often a fact that we are amazed at the possessions of others, not knowing that we have even greater ourselves, A visit to the Robert J. Reid establishment at numbers 230, 232 and 234 Princess street, will soon convince any citizen of this city of the truth of that re- The Flaming Forest By James Oliver Curwood that The Pride of Palomar By Peter B. Kyfie R. Uglow & Co. After all what's nicer than a pair of real comfortable House Slippers. We have almost everything good that's McNamee's wh made, & HOUSE SLIPPERS For Men in leather, from $1.50 to $5. Felt Slippers ... $1.50 to $3.00 50,000 SAMPLES . Dr, Beil's Veterinary Wonder 50,000 one dollar (§1.00) bottles Free to horsemen who give the IVE your eyes a good square deal. It they G are causing you pain or do not give your retina the proper focus-accommodation give us the chance to exam- ine into their shortcomings and we will prepare for you a pair of Glasses that will bring perfect sight and re- lief from brain fag to you, at slight expense, colors, in Bedroom or House $1.50 to $2.50 S, BOYS and KIDDIES R CHILDREN SES for LADIES and GENTS. LADIES' SLIPPERS in all the fa ncy Shoes--all prices . SLIPPERS FOR GIRL TRUNKS FO CLUB BAGS AND SUIT CA in Canada, On Monday and Tuesday of next ' Could Care For Al Archbishop McNeil told us that | | there were 80,000 children going to Separate Schools. That is a number of children, and is a serious responsibility on the State. Well, I Abernethy's Shoe Store A |ably surprised by what they see and | find that there are 471,729 children not one minute of their time but | going to the public schools, and that | what will be filled with fresh sur-|/is @ much heavier responsibility. I prises. want to ask you--I wish I could ask | The undertaking and ambulance al the people of the province--whe- end of the business, although co-|ther it is just ang equitable and (ordinating with the furniture busi-|Wise to embarrass the public noa- I ness, is a large separate department. sectarian iystem which jg educating The stock room of caskets is a large nearly 472,000 children to assist 80, and fine one complete with the best | (60 children, every one of whom can things in this line and having sever-| Bet an education in the' public school, al exceedingly beautiful caskets on|il their pareats will consent, This display as an extra feature. Open- [Province has provided education for Ing off this room is the morgue, one|®very child in the Province. If the | which it would be hard to surpass|Separate schodls were closed tomor- | lin appointments as it is equipped in|TOW every child in the province would | {a style to rival an operating room in| be taken care of in the public {the most modern hospital, Every. | Schools. That hes always been the [thing connected with it is a spotless im and purpose of the public | white, the various drugs used are School system. And they would be |Reatly arranged in a cabinet set in|t2ken care of, Mr. Chairman, in such [the wall and other necessities in con-(® Way that there could be no ques- [nection are kept in set-in lockers. | tion whatever of them being influ. | Registered Optometrist 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post Office - { YOUR PROTECTION! BURGLARY INSURANCE Basins and Tollets Delicacies For the Christmas Table The most tempting assort- ment of domestic and imported delicacies which add so much to the Christmas enjoyment, will be found at the Unique Grocery and Meat Market. Don't fail to call and see our display or just phone 530. Lumber, Cement and Corrugated iron. 1. Cohen & Co, 273 Ontario St. Phones 836, 837 36 Clarence St. Telephone J6Sw- | | C. 8. KIRKPATRICK | | | I Nn an Sg Open Every Evening From 7 to 10. * * | A passage leads from the morgue to! "ced in their faith one way or the | C H. Pickering all three floors, and bodies may be! Now, I will show you what On- WHAT SHALL IT BE? [al (vas date elevator, which serves ©ther. 490 and 492 Princess St. 3 | conducted 'by means of it to the ele-| 'ario has done to meet the difficulty | Phone 530. A String of La Touisca Pearls? gantly apppointed tuneral parlors on of which the Bishop complains. This Na J An Onyx "Little Finger" Ring? A White Gold Wrist Watch? A Diamond Mounted Neck Piece? A Fair of Gold Cuff Links or Tie Pin ? A Silver Feeding Spoon or Pusher? A Lady's or Man's Folding Umbrella? A Pair of Ivory or Ebony Hair Brushes? A Piece of Silver or Cut Glass? A Handsome China Cup and Saucer? A High Grade English Leather Purse? A Cabinet of Silver or Tea Service? We offer prompt and courteous service, - {the second floor which are finisheq|8Mendment to the Separate School | [In rich and artistic style and are so Act, was passed in 1904, section 6, | situated as to be accessible to the! of the Separate School Act, was street by a private stairway and yet | Made 10 read as follows: 3 f {shut off quietly from everything| 'A corporation, by notice to the | | Els, clerk of any municipality where Sep- Fi arate Schools exist, may require the t "The funeral and delivery equip-| whole or any part of the land of 183 PRINCESS STREET | ment of the business is deserving of | which said corporation. is either KINGSTON, ONTARIO | @ special article in itself. It is com-; Owner and occupant, or, - not being | pletely motorized and all the car-|OWner, is the then occupant or actual | We specialize on:--Painless Extrac- | riages are mounted on Reo Six clas-| possessor, and the whole or any pro- | tion, Latest Tregtment of Pyorrhea, |8is. ¥The Motor ambulance, kept in| Portion made under,the assessment | X-Ray work. readiness at all times, is the last may be. entered, rated and assessed | | word in sanitary equipment, combin-{ for the purpose of such Separate | ed with beautiful furnishings, The Schools; unless ' all the stock or whole inside of the ambulance is fin.| Sheres are held by Roman Catholics ished in quarter-grained polished the share or portion of such land or | |oak ana the general equipment is the | 3%sessment shall not 'bear a greater | | best that can be obtained. { Proportion of the whole of such as- | Next to the ambulance sits a Reo CHRISTMAS 1921 Made brighter and greater than ever by the large stock of well-select- ed gifts, suitable for young and old. Why? Because every gift of Furni- ture is a beautiful, permanent gift--a token of esteem to be enjoyed every JAMES REID PHONE 147 ¥ OR SERVICE : DENTAL PARLORS: ~ BEECHAM'S ATA Come in to Moore's Toyland and buy your sessment than the amount of stock or | | Six Sedan for the use of the under-| Shares so held bears to the amount of | | taker and officiating clergyman, = 1¢| the stock or shares." : | {18 a beautiful car, with all lighting | In other words, the Legislature of | {appointments and comfort-giving ge-| ONtario has enacted that in every lan Church, > vices and is worthy to precede the | ¢@%e where it can be shown that the | church : 'elegant motor hearse which flanks jt | 8t0¢k of incorporated companies is | The duty of educating the child- @ *® | ome of its kind in Kingston and ig| !aXes of those shares go to that sys- State. The State has no right, and 132 Princess St. and in every other money can buy. tem. I submit to you, the onus of | should not attempt to teach relig- on a Reo Six chassis| PTo0f is on those who enjoy this spe- (ion, por has it any right, Mr. Presi. Maher bished inside with polished | Cis! Service. The onus of proof as |dent, to subsidise jo. teaching of ze. | mahogany, Its construction is such to how much stock is | ligion, and I am one of those who as to allow travel over the Toughest held by men of different faiths does | Would rejoice if. some plan coulda b | roads without jolt or .jar. A § fest not rest on the public school Sup- | found by which all the children counid | {Six delivery truck for furniture com- | Porters. It rests on those who are en- Pe got together for secular educa- | | pletes the motor and: one Joying a special privilege. If they | tion, and then they could separate horse and ambulance is kept in case|*™® not able to show how much is | for religious training, as their par- | ot extreme emergency. held by the people of two different [ents and ecclesiastical lead! desir- IN FOOTWEAR . faiths, then, I repeat, that the bene- | ed, ! The garage and yard in which fit of the doubt should be given to these cars are kept is entirely cov- "Why not give good, sensible gifts of Footwear? Practi- cal gifts that give lasting joy. Here are splendid suggestions: Jeweler Toys -- chuck full of good things-- a Toy- land that is worth while. Open every evening till -- What About This? In regard to the wonderful show- | ing made by the Rex Stock Compan cn Thursday evening in "The Un- the children of Canada will be edu- named Play." #t has. been suggested cated in the same schools. The friend i Sn sowie oo Bae lou) &mateur Dy fear of interferenc -{ Ships formed in our schooldays are jers ntrod uy a combine er. A large ts weath. those that endure all through life, | Play with this company. Whilst Rex Installed in a few days to supply| and are the ehojcent foieadships thet | MAY hot kuow it, nevertheless ih | warm water for all purp we make. I made friends with Roman | fact that several of the local ama- ir apovien od has had. forty-six | 4thollc boys when I was a child, and | tours Dave Den carefully Sass undertaking pei, h® furniture ana | we 47e t WArm friends today as [the acting of the company wit undertaking business. He started in| hen rg wandered around STING [Wie 10 Sugeoving thir own Siar With Bis father, of the old James | 1°8°ther: and I believe the interests |ings. Kingston has several splendid: Reid firm, and was at they helm t| of this Sountry Xould bo served Dy [amateur dramatic. glubs, .-and ie that business for twenty-five Your, one system of schools that would Pro- [thought has been Sxpressad - that In 1900 he branched out Tor Ne: tect the faith of every child. I am |some of the leading players migat ered and warmed by a hot Water She Public symem. heating system. It is paved with concrete and its floor, fifty feet long and forty-three feet wide, allows { plenty of room for un ture or washing the motors without One School, System I hope the day will come when all | Christmas SHOP ~~SKATING BOOTS ~---BOUDOIR SLIPPERS --OVERGAITERS --RUBBER BOOTS --EVENING SLIPPERS ~--FELT SLIPPERS ~-LEATHER HOUSE SHOES ~~MOCASSINS ; ~--~OVERSHOES ~~DRXSE SHOES SHOP EARLY LESS RUSH BETTER CHOICE Allan M. Reid SHOZ STORE ? 7 hed the present business, building it up & little at a time until ft bas now reached amazing propor- Mr. Reid is a firm believer in uts that prinei- dea 0f immense that' quick turn. siness in the end. Tuesday he ang his Sons will be glad to receive all visit. | not arguing for a system of schools {that is going to ure the Roman Catholic Church or children, But I cannot see why any church cannot do what the Hebrews do in this city. They take their children out of the public schools for Aan hour so many days 8 week, and teach them their religion. Why cannot that be done In the Roman Catholic Church in the Methodist Church, 'in the Presbyter- be cast in a big production nuder tae of the practice to be attained playing for three days with profi popular Rex made overtures, would be enthusiastically received. Greeting Cards, a choice ment, Wm. McCandless, Jeweller, assort- unless we have on leadership of the Rex Company. The members of these clubs would be glad hy sipral company, and no doubt it the they Caw Another fine thing about the auto- mobile is it enables you to get so away from the jazz the play on their phonograph, { We knoy Peoéple who are 80 cold that we hate to have to talk to tuem our heavy ovgr- Coat and win'er flanpels.

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