TUESDAY, DEC. 20; 1921, : \ THE DALI Y RRITISH WHIG. \ v-- Y Nervous Ero (| | CHOICE | SVESTERN MEATS = and SF O0O0KED MEATS McGEEIN'S = Phone 1182 282 Princess Street ee FOR MOVING OF Yaeight, Furniture,'Safes, Pianos and Cartage of every description-- Kingston Transfer Co. snoue 847, 103 Weiwnngion Streei. Edie 9:1, 153 Weington Street, i DAVID SCOILT Plumber Plumbing and Gas Work on apecial- ty. All work guaranteed. Address Frontenne Street. Phone 1277, DRAW. WINNETT D INTAL SURGKON, Corner of Johnsve and Wellington Streets Phone 363 Ari, mma Dr. Waugh Dentist 106 Wellington St. Phone 2560. Angrove's Repairs petien, talking. Machines, HBlcycles, by Carriages, Lana Mowers, ete. We | Ha repair work right and guaraatee satisfaction. 197 WELLINGTON STREET WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street, fresh flowers and plants daily neral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res, 1137. Lo ---------- VW. R Mchae & Ca | GOLDEN LION BLOCK. COAL Cho'cest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by us, - BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 183 » - FOR SALE L Double stone dwelling, three Storey, large lot; 1 extra lot. Good varn.. Rents for $44 per month. Price $4,500. W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and insuraice 89 Brock Street. Phore 42 DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstafi'y Giager Mar. ialade. Wagstan's Fincapple Marmalade. Wagstafi's Bramble Jelly. We also have a full line of' other reliable makes of Murma- lades, Jam ana Jel: fo. sae at-- bg Bon Marche Grocery Cor, hiug sad bari Streegs License No. 0-37 Phone 15ed. . . GET 11 REPAIKED DEWINE machines, UVBvuogcuphs, Guns, Mikes replire nnd refilled. Parts suppued. Saws hood, Knives, wsvisgors and cdge tools grew Locks repaired. savas hited (vo Hil Manus of weks, All manes ol LAWER mevwers saarp. od sad res paired. We cuu repair wn iaing mal in repuirav.e. J. M. PATRICK 149 Sydenh. mm treet, llingston 5 Phone 2036J. | COULDN'T SLEEP NIGHTS To those on the ve rge of a nervous breakdown the following symptoms ent themselves, aches, a feeling of depression, fitful disturbed, restless and unrefreshing sleep, often troubled with frightful dreams, avoidance of crowded places, dread of being alone, horror of so- ciety, etc When the nerves become affected in this way the heart generally cones affected too; ns of any 'weakness of the nerves, cal breakdown do not wait until your pres Sig Tr the edy that will at once, quieten and nerves, strengthen the / heart build up the entire system. This you will find in MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS Mrs. M. Damgand, Young's Cove | Road, N. B., writes "I 'was both- ered very much with my heart and nerves; had nervous headaches and | Lines, could not sleep at nights, and my appetite was all gone. 1 was on a nervous breakdown when a neighbor told me to try Milburn's "Heart and Nerve Pills. This I did, and before 1 had the second box | used 1 was better and would advise anyone who has nerve trouble to take them." Price, 50c. a box at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- { to, Ont. BUILDING : | REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? | Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son | 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. | You Never Tire Of Cuticura Soap Because of its absolute purity and refreshing fragrance,.it is ideal for- every-day toilet pur- [poses Always include the uticyra Talcum in your toilet preparations. Seep 25¢. Qintment 25 and S0¢c. Talcum 25¢. Sold throughout the Dominion, §anadian Depot: ns, Limited, 344 St. Paul St., W., Montreal. = Cuticura Soap shaves hs mug. mmm mains Furniture--Freight--Baggage TRANSFER Phone 1776J SB. WHITEMAN 210 QUEEN STREET r. H. A. Stewart, Br Surgeon Wishes to announce that he has resumed his practice, cor. Wel- lington and Princess Streets. Phone 2092. Dr. H. A. Stewart Toilet Water and Perfume make a sweet remembrance for Christmas. The rare odor is exceptionally pleasing. Every- body loves it. » We carry other popular lines of Perfumes and Toilet Waters:' Coigate's, Djer-kiss, Piver's and Seeley's. An ideal Christmas gift. M. R. McColl Prescription Druggist. PHONE 82. W. H. COCKBURN Princess and Wellington Sts. Headquarters for: -- Children's Sleighs, Baby Sleighs, Child- ren's' Brooms and Shovels, Skates. and Hockey Sticks, ete. ------------ Electric traction has been applied | to ome -of Spain's most important ' mineral carrying rajlroads. nervous----head- be- | and on the first | heart | 'flagging energy or physi-| case becomes hopeless, but get a rem- | Kingston and Vicinity 1 To Stay in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Wright, Pic- have léft to spend. the winter their daughter, Mrs. Fred Detroit. 3 ton, with Vance, .. Came. to Hear. Charges. Chief of Police Barvrett, Napanee, was im the in the and Fred Bryant, police court, Diseases Close Schools, Owing to the presence of mumps and measles in Pakenham and sur- rounding district, the public and con- tinuation schools of the village have been closed until after the New Year. Engagement Announced. Mrs, John Hendry, Brantford, formerly of Perth, announces the en- gagement of her eldest daughter, Minnie, to E. E. Nelson, Swift Cur- rent, Sask., the marriage to take place early in January. Purchased Half Interest, A. D. Way, Picton, has purchased a half interest in the schooner Julia B.: Merrill, formerly owned by C. H. Spencer, Napenee, Capt. Peacock, Port Hope, is the other owner. The boat will be used to carry coal for W. H. Lake & Co. and Port Hope. She is a 400 ton vessel. See Our Christmas Goods. We have a big range of mufflers, fancy sweaters, mocha gloves and itts, fancy hose, colored suitable Christmas . gifts, Brock street. : Clothing For Children. In Chalmers church on Sunday, Rev. Dr. R. J. Wilson made an ap-| peal for clothing for children in two| families outside his congregation. The youngsters did not have suffic- ient clothing to keep them - warm, and not enough food to nourish] their bodies. 'Election of Officers. : At the annual meetifig of the Pig- ton Curling Club the following offi- cers were. elected: G. M. Farrington, president: Guy Johnson, vice-presi- dent; S.-J. Smith, secretary-treasar- er; Dr. A.C. Demille and William Nettleton, directors. A good bed of ice has been already made. Getting Along Nicely. Charles Donoghue, who wasé shot by bandits two weeks ago, is getting along' nicely. He was able to walk to his office on Monday morning, and was also a spectator at the police court proceedings when the Upton boys and Fred Bryant were before Magistrate Farrell. ~ N Employ it Promptly. When classified advertising can serve you.' If you have property to sell the little ads stand out as tried salesmen. Our city is expanding, so is her real estate values. You may want to sell or you may want to buy; in either case let the classifieds be your salesmen, The Town Wood, In the neighborhood of 800 cords of wood from the bush lots bought by Ferth are ready to.be hauled to town as soon as sleighing will permit. The men and teams have been engaged for the drawing, About thirty men are employed now cutting the wood in the'two bushes in Elmsley. ' Organized New Camp. James Fegg, Kingston, organizer for the Woodmen of the World, was in Napanee last week, and organiz- éd a new camp there. Mr. Fegg bas been working in Napanee, Belleville and Brockville in the interests of the order, and has been most successful in securing new members for the or- Ger. ¥ Roof Was Damaged. During the height of the : storm Sunday morning, a section of the roof of the nurses' home on Stuart street was damaged, and part of the sheeting and shingles were torn off Several panes of glass in one of the For Stiff Neck : And Sore Throat Immediate relief comes from rub- bing Nerviline over the chest and lower part of the neck. Rub in deeply--Ilots of rubbing helps. Nervi- Mine reaches the congested parts at once, . relieves tightness, takes out the soreness. A bottle of Nerviline in the home relieves a hundred ills, internal and external. Used for nearly half a century, as a general household remedy. Large bottles 36¢., at all dealers. i a, city on Monday, to hear| the charges against the Upton boys s shirts, | ties, braces, arm bands everything .in| boys' and men's wear that will make Prevost, apper storey windows were also | broken. | Death of Miss Ethel A. Wood. | The death of Miss I2thel A, Wood, formerly superint! ent of Prince Edward county hos : the Chatham ggneral hospital on Dec. 9th. "Just two weeks previously she underwent an operation on 'her | eye, nose and throat. The operation ! was not considered serious but com- } plications followed resudting in her' death, A Closing Festivity. A delightful closing festivity was| given at Havergal College, Toronto, last week when two scenes trom | David Copperfield, a Christmas Eve | with Dickens, and a pageant of Christmas nursery folk, including Old Father Christmas, was arrang- ed by the pupils. - Miss Knox receiv- ed the guests. The Kingston girls who are among the pupils were much interested in the event. One Year Anyhow. Percy Abrahams, = Belleville, wili spend Christmas and probably next one in the Ontario reformatory. He | was sentenced to not less than one vear and not more than two years less one day for the theft of $52.50 from Harry Wickson, a gas "works employee. Abrahams took the cash {from some clothes belonging to Mr. | Wickson. He is thirty-six years of | age and is fairly well known in police { circles, Won Guessing Contest. Mrs, J. Crawford is the winner of |the guessing contest which has b2en |conducted at J. H. Jarvis' store, {corner of Princess and Albert | streets, during the past few weevks" {The jar contained 3,201 beans and [| Mrs. Crawford's guess was 200. | The other guesses were E. Se rief, 3206;-F. Veale, 3,250; Mrs. Brier- rev, 3,120; A. H. Metcalfe, 3,276: EK. Cornisling, 3,302; and E. Jarvis, 333. The judges were W. Rey- ya E. Simpson and W, Ka Rose. Toss to a Family, Much 'sympathy is felt with Mr. and Mrs. George Haylock, Picton, in the loss of their only son, Fred, a young man of great promise. Pre- vious to the war he followed the pro- fession of teaching in which he was eminently successful, but resigned | Lis pesition in order to. do his bit in | the great struggle. At its close he | returned home with health much im- | paired, and gradually declining, en- tered into rest last Saturday morn- ing. Brought to Hospital. Leo Pearson, Tamworth druggist, and war veteran, who was arrested last week on a theft charge prefer- red at Guelph, was brought to the Kingston General Hospital on Mon- day for treatment. Pearson felt his position' so keenly that he took poi- son in the Tweed lockup, but doctors saved his life. It¥is understood that the charge against him is over a dif ference of $22, which he declares he turned ing justed. h It Was Only a Mouse. There was quite a commotion in {Advancement of Science. {chell was born in Kingston in 1874. | | He received the degree of M.A. The matter may be ad-| the city buildings on Saturday when icipal staff appealed for help. office, and its eyes were fierce. caretaker and the assistant engin- eer hurried to the scene with weap- ons, and after the -attack they found the cause of the éxcitement to be a small mouse, which measured one inch in length, - so civic officials swear. Died in His Sleep. Although known to be in poor health few thought that the end was so near for Joseph McFarlane, Car- leton Place, so when the announce- ment was made that he had passed away Friday afternoon last the news came as a decided shock. Mr. Mc- Farlane was resting on a couch in his kitchen, in his home on Victoria street, and passed away in his sleep about 3.30 o'clock. Born in Drum- mond in March, 1855, Mr, McFarlane was in his sixty-seventh year. He was a son of the late John McFar- lane whose father was one of the pio- neer settlers of Drummond township. ¥.M.C.A.| Gift Service. A special" gift service. was held at the regular. meeting of the Boys' Division at the Y.M.C.A. on Sunday morning, with about forty-five of the boys in attendance in spite of the heavy gale blowing. President Od- den Hambrook was in the chair. Mrs. Carr Harris gave an illustrated two young lady members of the mun- | They | had seen so they declared, a stranga| animal of large dimensions in (heir | The | address on "God's Greatest Gift -- Jesus Christ.' gift and in to the front, where it was received by the president. These presents are to be distributed to the children [of the Child Welfare Station. ital, occurred at | ; A Noted Astronomer. Prof. 8. as chairman of Section D (Astron-| omy) at the meeting in Toronto of | the American Association ' for Prof. Mit- Queen's University in 1804, and of Ph.D. at John Hopkins in 1898. For several years he was a member of | the staff in astronomy in Columbia | : was | appointed head of the Leander Me-.!| ver. i He is an expert ob- | server of solar eclipses, having been | on four expeditions--to Georgla in | "in | University, N.Y., and in 1913 Cormick Observatory at. the U. sity of Virginia, 1900, Sumatra. in 1901, 1905, and Oregon in 1918. Spain Two Turkeys Equal One Cow. At current market prices an ordin- ary cow,is worth no more than two turkeys, according to the estimate of values made 'by Councillor T, 8. Baker, Campbeliford, ready shipped six tons of turkeys te Montreal and Toronto, known as canners" in the cattle trade are selling around $10 and $12 each," 'said Mr. Baker, "and turkeys at forty-five and fifty cents a pound. | I have been paying forty-five cents to the farmer for the bulk of the turkeys I've bought and: the aver- age turkey weighs eleven or twelve pounds. ,So two twelve pound tur- keys at fifty cents a pound bring $12 to the farmer and that's just the price a lot of cattle are selling for." Mr. Baker said he had paid $57.15 for seven turkeys which he bought from John Buchanan of Seymour township. REMARKABLE LUCK "You say you have been remark ably lucky In all your motor ac: cident?" "Yes; not one of them has hap pened farther than a dozen blocks away from a hospital." A CRACKING GOOD FIRE "You say you like nut coal?" "Sure--makes a cracking good Price 30c. : | Made in Canada. _| % : _ REMEMBER The Kingston General Hospital by a generous gift this Christmas. No more worthy object can be found. Doltnow} ! Each boy brought al turn took his offering | Alfred Mitchell will act | the | at | who / has al- | "What are | Stoves and Heaters We still have a few Stoves left from Camp Mohawk. Will sell them very cheaply. | | { oct . S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415. A ) | ne Have a Tasty Dinner at the GRAND CAFE Dine with us and you will be de- lighted with our excellent service ans _ you will find our cousine unsurpassed and prices reasonable. PETER LEE, PROP. 222 Princess Street. (Two Doors Above Opera House) _-- BIG CUT IN PRICES on Maxotires snd Tubes, for 10 Days 20% reduction on all .aizes- of Maxotires and Tubes, A few Tires at cest. EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBIER CO. A. NEAL, Manager 284 Ontario Street. Phone 2080. _SOWARDS KEEPS COAL --and-- COAL KEEPS SOWARDS ' PHONE 155. UPTOWN OFFICE--3cGALL'S CIGAR STORE PHONE 811. : SOWARDS COAL COMPANY ------ "WINTER OVERCOATS MEN and YOUNG MEN'S NEW NEW MODELS -- BEST VALUES $25.00, $28.00 $35.00, $38.00 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) ir This is the Year for Useful Gifts We are showing a lot of articles that are both practical and useful. Gloves, Underwear, Stockings, Socks, Scarfs, Blankets, Tiedowns, Towels, Table Cloths and many "others-- ° "all at very attractive prices. . N. Linton & Co. Phone 191. The Waldron Store. OPEN EVENINGS, RE rn -------- a -- Tiny knobs are attached to the In producing print paper from ma- backs of the blades of a new knife [tive grasses an Australian experi. so that they may be opened more |nienter discovered some new vege easily, table dyes,