They'll certainly want one this Christmas We sell the famous "Blue Devil" Trycycles, with or without Rubber. Tires: also the new ""Co- lumbia" with regular bicycle ball-bearing wheels, and other features. Prices $6.50 and up OTHER SUITABLE APPRECIATED GIFTS BICYCLES, KIDDIE KARS, TODDLE BIKES, and TOYS. * Be sure and pay us a visit. Many fine gifts just waiting for you. SHOP IN THE MORNINGS Less Hurry! Better Service! TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. PHONOGRA PHS--RECORDS--SKATES--CAMERAS 88 PRINCESS 'STREET - - - - - PHONE 3520 ¥ "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" IMPORTED TOBACCO LONG FILLER sie LAL REA: TINY Viol (Ye) {sum of $773,037 and 381 races. Here | |'s a compilation of the yeariy value' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Joe Bush, goes from Boston to New York. " A A A ct ar im ROSS IN SEVEN YEARS HAS WON $773,037 Winnings of Sir Barton, Billy Kelly, Boniface and Cudgel Helped Materially. In seven seasons of American and Canadian racing--1915-1921--J. i. L. Ross' stable has won the enormous of turf prizes which fell to the epecd | and quality of the animals racing in the black and orange of the C=nadian sportsman: Year. 1815 A 1916 .. ., . 1917 . Am*, 6,095 17,947 22,198 New York. Everett Scott, [goes from Boston to AAA ZEEE EE EE EE ERR + ® 1924 OLYMPIC STADIUM JUST OUTSIDE OF PARIS The stadium where the 1924 Olympic games are to be held Will probably be' built in the Parc des Princes, just outside of Paris," be- tween the gate of "Auteuil and the Gate Molitor, if the recommendations of the commission of experts are approved by the city <coun- cil, which is to meet for this purpose next week, The commission, which was apppointed by the city council to study sites for the Olympiad, suggests a great stadium along the lines of 99,179 209.363 | 250,875 | 167.642 | 1918 1919 1920 1921 Se se se sess enn "ae +8 se saves - se so os svcenes Totals .. .. «oe oo +s $773,037 Big Four of Ross Stable, The stars in Commander - Ross' stable have been keen figures in the seven seasons. Four were almost su- preme in their ways and dayd. This quartette, Sir Barton, $116,857; Billy Kelly, $96,882; Boniface, $96,- the Antwerp structure, where the 1920 Olympic games * were held, but larger. The % experts have practically elim- + inated the Pershing Stadium. + +* LAA A SSE EERE EEE ER Err PREPS EPPS ebb + MAAR EEE EX REET T Ie TURF NOTES. At the recent Doncaster Yearling sales, Major D. McCalmont, who quarter brother for $5,000. The year- 062, ang Cudgel, $68,954, were the important contributors to the grea: Ross total. n five years these four horses won $378,755. Another. For the present at least, the Kit- ty-Red Sox trade puts a period to ne- gotiations by the New York and Bos- ton clubs for Bob Veach, Detroit outfielder. The Aigers management was unders, to be willing to part with Veach only in event Scott should go to Detroit and for a time a three-cornered swap, involving the Boston, New York and Detroit clubs was under consideration. The Kilt-+ fes will continue to barter for an! outfielder and either Jones or Bush or both, may be with a club other than New York when the season opens. 0 Simultaneously, Harry H. Frazee, Red Sox owner, announced he had traded Firstbaseman "Stuffy" Me- Ginnis to Cleveland fon, Outfielder Elmer Smith. Firstbaseman Burns and Joe Harris, provided the latter is reinstated by Judge Landis. Har- ris "hopped" to an industrial league and was out of 'organized baseball" last year. It is understood that Scott, McIn- nis and some other Red Sox veter- ans demanded they be traded, ------------ ling, Hke his famous relation, is curiously marked. All signs of the coughing epidemic which approathed almost a serious has and there is hardly a sin- gle horse at Oriental park out of training at this time. Spion Kop, the English derby w'n- ner of 1920, begins his career at 'he stud next season. He has been leased to Lord Rosébery, and his list for 1922 is alrecdy full. It is opined that the choice Rosebery mares will suit the son of Spearmint and Ham- merkop admirably. Carson Cooper is being trailed by St. Patrick's scouts, is the report that comes from Toronto, Ray to Quit. Joie Ray, six times champion mil- er, who in 1919 set a mark of 4.14 and 3-5, has retired from the track, according to a Chicago announce- ment. Ray's leg," injured in the Olympic races at Antwerp, has never completely responded to treatment. 'So says John Behr, of the Illinois Athletic Club. The little champion is therefore forced to quit. Perjurors, Beware! M. G. McNeill, Winnipeg to Boston. Fhe S Spd owns The Tetarch, sdcured his thrae='| Stage at Havana several weeks ago, | sports- Sr Roger Peckinpaugh, from New York PREFER TO TRAIN IN TEXAS OR SHI -- Majority of Them Will Go There in Spring, Texas continues <0 be the most favored training grounds for the big | league managers. | With the exception of Connie | Mack, all of the major pilots have | selected training sites and six of the | sixteen have chosen Teas. Florida | and Louisiany are next, wish three | clubs each, Arkansas gets two and | California one. | San Antonio will harbor two chia, | the Giants and the Tigers, and Hort | Springs will have a pair in the Pir- | ates and the Red Sox. | Eight of the clubs return to the | scene of last year's spring activities. The Giants return to San Antonio, | the Pirates go. back to Hot Springs | and the Cards work again at Orange, | Texas, : The Braves, who worked out last | year in Galveston, switch over to St. Petersburg. The Robins will go to | Jacksonville, instead of New Orleans, | The Reds passed up Cisco and will 0 f | to Mineral Wells instead. The Cubs | will train on Catalina Island, ins'ead | |of at Pasadena, and the Phils switch | over from Gainsvilel to Leesburg. { Only two changes have been made | | so far in the American league. The | | Yanks are going to New Orleans in- | stead of Shreveport, and the White | Sox have chosen Seguin, Texas, in- | stead of Waxahachie. ! The ndians re'urn to Dallas, the | Browns to Bogalusa, the Senators to | Tampa, the Rex Sox to Hot Springs, and the Tigers to Hot Wells, right near San Antonio. NET PROFITS OF $22,787 FROM SPORTS AT PENN. The athletic year of 1920-1921 was the mest successful financially that the University of Pennsylvania bae ever had, according to the annesl report of the treasurer made publis today, The net profit for thes year from the twenty sports supported by the school was $22,737. Most of the major sports showed the usua] deficit, Towing being ger- ticularly costly: Boxing, football, track and baseball showed the gre-t- est revenue. Franklin Field. wad- versity authorities sald, to ho en- larged to accommodate 50,000 pe ple. Life Members. ; At a banquet given to the Argo- nauts' football club by the club on FRIDAY, DEC. 23, 192), re Hemlock We have a large and well assorted stock of Hemlock on hand. You will find that we ~can meet-your-needs at right-prices--- Allan Lumber Co. Phone 1042 = « = « Victoria Street Sl J ei tl -------- FURNITURE For Christmas Gifts RE-BUILDING SALES PRICES $3.00 each $13.50 to $25.00 $12.00 to $25.00 $5.00, $12,00, $16.50 to $75.00 $13.00 to $18.00 $1.50 to $6.50 per pair Serving Stands Serving Tables . Fern Stand Piano Lamp Stands Candle Sticks AT *® Leading Undertaker €e R. J. Reid Ambulance Phone 577 280 PRIN CESS STREET. o CHRISTMAS FLOWERS We will have the best in Cut Flowers, Pot Plants, Fern Pans, Pans of Flowering Plants and Ferns, Christmas Wreaths, Holly, Mistletoe, etc. Order early, Lawson & Collins, Florists Store, Wellington and Brock Conservatories, phone 1770. 68 Centre, Phone 1174J. Nights and Sundays, Phone ¢$iW. Always Ready to Serve You Morning, Noon or Night Come in any time and you will find us ready with good meals prepared under the su pervision of first-class cook. The surroundings and our table linen are always kept clean and in A1 condition. CROWN CAFE OPEN FROM 7.30 A.M. TILL 2 AM. Street. 208 Princess ie3 Phone 1303 PHILIP TOY, Prop. them right, an old double blue standby. Many prominent members of the municipal and sporting world wefe present, and Harry Batstone, coach and cap- tain of the team, were made life members of the club. Only two men have been so honored before, one of} Monday evening, "Sinc" McEvenue : EE CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS-. | Beautiful Boudoir and Table Lamps, Irons, Toasters, Desk Lamps. ; i i. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC C0. 167 PRINCESS STREET Thomson To Be Married. Earl J. Thomson, the Canadian 'Sthlete, who holds the world's rec- » ord of 14 2-5 seconds for 'the 120- yard hurdle, and Miss Anne Cook- Automobile Hood manufactured by us, R. H. JONES | 390 PRINCESS STREET aa . Nash's DENTAL PARLORS: 188 PRINCESS STREET KINGSTON, ONTARIO Failed to K.O. For the first time during 1921 Tommy Gibbons met an opponent in the ring and failed to knock him-out within the stipulated number of rounds for the battle. Bartley Mad- den, of New York, went the full ten sessions with him at Grand Rapids, Michigan, on Monday night. Gib- bons was unanimously given the de- cision by the sport 'writers present. Madden gave a wonderful demon- ; stration of the art of absorbing pun- ishment. : - ------------------ Torontos are going to start an in- junctions against calling the Tigers the Hams. They state it is an in- tringement of a well-known Toron- to copyright, ------------ i man, a teacher at Whittier College, near Los Angeles, Calif., are soon to be married, it was announced here Sometimes is is just as well to be today. No date has been set for the on the outside of the exclusive circle, man and barrister, who is Chairman of the Special Committee of the Am- ateur Athletic Union of Canada on Affidavits, states that athletes will have to beware in the future. Mr. McNeill declares that, after careful consideration of the question; the committee has come to the conelu- sion that all athletes taking these af- fidavits and swearing falsely could be prosecuted for perjury in the courts, iT - This information will probably be interesting to every branch of ama- teur sport in Cafiada where affidavits are often necessary to declare an athlete's amateur standing, -------- Oshawa juniors have signed up a goal tender with an artificial leg. He is Bert Crandall, of Cedarville, He is a fair skater and a really good wedding... .. So-called. BRINGING UP FATHER 1: ; {p goal custodian. Still The Most For The Money i a ------ » i, MBA rsa son] EE