Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Dec 1921, p. 14

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14 is THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. FRIDAY, DEC. 23, 1921! = = A (a « | THE PEOPLE'S FORUM |. RENN I RZY oc 25 and 27. it Dat 8 JOE WILTON (MR. GABBY) Presents ~~ "HURLY BURLY" SexDENIED ADV ERTISING %ikT = WANTED GENERAL | | " FOR SAL . : a. Bonus. to the : Es AND HIS 20==GABBY GIRT& BU tne ne ar ach sone! og oy OOM. APPLY STAY. FOUND - 1 Rr Tucan | King AND CAST OF FUN-MAKING COMEDIANS ON. Insertion, 196, three 1raes riot] ay erie be BAS TEI Pafry | y TIRE CHAIN, BELONGING ie ggg rl F ¢ es 10-----SPECTACULAR SCENES--10 oo 30 cents. ~~ [* Tiene MAN Wishes Wonk o¥(f "Ford cs Dominjor Mea [ran Brey. Jurvive cuniive| gig) actones Limited 20=----NEW MUSICAL NUMBERS----2¢ who Above rates are for cash only 4 $4 Onta' | Di t | BEAUTY BEYOND COMPARE |, WHEREAS it is expedient | in SPECIAL PRICES-- NIGHTS AND CHRISTMAS MATINEE { when charged they are double. stock Apply 284 Ontari~ Street. | princess Street, opposite the lp. poRes Knight. Alice street: == 8 = -- WAANTED. TO BUY GENERAL STORE| COTTA a Hi o = oe] foveate as 1 $Xpe : i : HELP WANTED i in good location. JK. cCarroli| ROSARY AND CASE FoR avy BONBS, CITY TORONTO, PAYABLE Tomas of the Municips ity to the 25 50--75--81.00. . SEATS Noir OF Sang * v fils Agency, & Street, Ki of in James d ompany s | 931 to. 1939, ydel %. | Ds inafte ho t e es ] Bd ik . eH ; A YOUNG CIT TORT pmoroeesdn | SEenSY, 38 Brock Street, Kingston laneway. . Owner can nave [| from 133i to isis, sield "280l] Ltnus he Factories, - Limit F the TUESDAY MATINEE------CHILDREN, 23c. ADULTS, Soc. A YOUNG GIRL FOR A FEW HOURS'| ___ | same by calling at Whig Of- | Mills Company, 79 Clarence Street. ion the manufacturers {n the . : | Mi C 1 . 3 ---------------------------------------- 1 dally to lieip with light housework | WANTED TO RENT, SMALL HOUSE, fice. BE IT THEREFORE ENACT 11g Christinas holidays. Appiy with conveniences, by a young | the Municipal Council of the A. Cays, 15 Wellingt t | married couple. Write, stating par- LONG BLACK KNITTED MITT. ||, 49 ACRE FARM, ON LAKE SHORE, | ty Sings { ticulars, to Box A-21, Whig Owner may have same at three miles 'west: of Kingston; | Hen oho of Kingston: | bi ine] MARL MONEY AT HOME, $i5 10 uu Quick's butcher shop. with or without stock, implements preamble the sum of $1,000 per year! paid weekiy for your Spare time HOOF REPAIRING -- ° ABOUT | | and machinery. Apply to 0) an BY : ) Ar writing show cards for us. No can-| vour roof? Does It Be epnotr A CHILD'S OCKEY BOOT -- Vankover ener, Drama paval Te equal monthly Jhefaimenes, NOW PLA YING Vascing. We instruct and supply We use Argus Roof-proof. Lrop a small sizéd; on the corner of ! : « Fd ng he perio 1 A five Years ] es You With work. West-Angus show | card to F. Coventry, 5 Barrack St. | Bagot and Princess streets CANARY BIRD, HARTZ MOUNTAIN | ning oh ¢ ie as or y of A 1 es (11a 1 1 a) | Card Service, 17 Colborne Bid, To- | Owner may have same at the roler in full sung; makes a nice | Shall CRC tea | : Eo | {|B Wage | Cora rest" Ala Tox hong Kinesith SiSloril, "iii VEE ia) KATHERINE MacDONALD SITUATIONS VACANT : ibis penal 5, wichange, fpr) Su RUSE Of baying rental for 3 factory) WE WANT a p BE Ame Borin y | A GREY WOOLLEN vLovYR oN | well-bred spaniel. Apply 679 Prin- oe The Lime of sai inyomhioy ent . IN agent for each Lurepreséuted coun- " A > " Wellington striet. Owner | cess. Street, yt LRve ree p y ice staff, -44 " BIG | $3 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS | 56 We.- live employees, exclusive of office stafr, THE NOTORIOUS MISS LISLE | is ty or territory. kxciusive: selling may have same at i : 2 ce ay > - greeting card sample book fre . A ~ = x ' with a monthly pay roil for such em= Eeaenthiiven "Our Gsency la' vara. | to workers; celebrated, Inexpen- Hngton. Skeet, \ | STOCK AND FIXTURES, HORSE AND ployees. of $3.000. The saiq monthly | A ey Lon Jn, What r ET hg Her Sule. Write Pelham Nursery yo. | sive, Royal Series, secure orders | PAIR FUR GAUNTLETS, ON || 'two #tores In Ringaton Three fig- bayment to be Tithield any Jorteited, ISN'T 2 , NGSTON ¢ Toronto, Ont. | a ert Bvnathd, vo Perth Road. Owner may have | | ures will handle. Must sell this ter fhonth in w NS aEyan GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK-- xb even in spare time: capital or| RaTie Bi this offi Srarfjeating Whig oftice. Ap: hooey of gmplovesy and Day hat fac sanhy loaned dure onokl | Moh Company ieertin) oat | | mLack werw, AT vsiTEn ction with evga, vay soli ue eon last, easily-learned Auto Kaitedr;! son C gar ape tg Iarmers' Store, 25 Brock St MITCHELL, CHUBB ®& COMPANY'S | Jn with a factory situated in saic | £ S TO-DAY experience unnecessary; distance | === Ew Owner may have same at the makes of all kinds of leather oy said Kingston Factories, | I | A JOLLY PROGRAMME p I , 2. The immaterial; pos ely no canvass- POSITION ANTE above address. goods, mitts, gloves, hand bags ang - h artic . L bh A 3s Is, . \ Limited, shall allow the ins tior Ing, yarn suppl particulars, je wa D, Q ns; all wade to order pply | ir o Ia and Vouchers ey ; " D oO R 1 S M A Y / IN ---- stamp. Depl. 13-C. Auto Knitter Co, TWO WHITE FLANNELETTE Scott & Duberry, 53 Beverly 'St.| books an hers at "ti Toronto. AN EXPERIENCED FARM AND Gowns; ladies'. Apply -at Rnd cys uberry, 83 Y | £3 the City Clerk. or the City" Aud Loi : . X | dairy man wants position; reason | Newman and Shaw's. Si ! | tons ae p Sacer ainin ete '« > Sits wages. Avbiyiw 16 Plum gr, GENTLEMAN'S GREY GLOVE NUKOL--YOUR WARMEST FRIEND-- | and that sum of inl E being Haid a THE FOOLISH AGE » N'S GRE LOVE, : So oo . _ | | rm on Princess Street Owner ars ice 5) es kly ters FA tak. monthly pay roll. | 8 One of the Fuunieat Featurca Seen This Season , . | YOUNG LADY OF GOOD CHARACTER | may have same at this office Sha Bice Heo oo 'ow : This By-law Sha} tome in force and | MACK SENNETT in "Astray From the Steerage" MEN AND WOMEN IF YOU Akg and experience would Jike position | ; | 'Neville, 149 Coalingwea: G0 Jake o ect on the day of the passing MUTT AND JEFF in 6G as saleslady, or junior office clerk ON KINGSTON STREET CARS, 2362M, [ to by the Elector? 18 being 'assented LAUS ARRIN seeking employment, having good Apply to Box Y-20, Whig Office. one cameo ring. and one adda | to by the Electors 4 = FE = Lversharp Pencil. Owners | HOTEL OF 15 BEDROOMS, WITH A | -- 1 personality and reférences, upply LE ay TED | may have same by proving | good, transient trade in winter and | AGENTS WANT | property at Street Railway full to overtiowing all summe sith : " { os | 1 Ww | in the forenoon Room No. 8, Third L Ultice our affic Price of $6,700 in- | | AGENTS--GET IN A PROFITABLE | rs as. well as real | gE sen Hall, | | h Wd Gunranteed - floor, Royal Bank Chambers year commission business of | A LOW BROWN RUBBER, BE- estate. J. K arroll Agency, 46 | r own, Every preperty owner! longing to a gentleman's ief: ck Street, Kingston, Ont. | TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing (s intest dances ten lessons. . ds some of our nine hundred | foot." Owner may have same { : | a true *1S pr 3 . | 3 ; oF aH i | ) } | ue 10pE1s of a pr 'séd By-law of $ Waite, One Step, Fox Trot, ~ yarieties of hardy Red Tag trees| by* applying to 192 Division {CHEESE FACTORY, IN GOOD LOCA-! ihe Corporation of the City of Kingston SK Hours from 7 to ® every and plants. No capital needed. | Street. i frame bu r includeg Fac- | ta be submitted to the votes of the PE night. Lies Complete equipment and instry>- ! JOT po 4 come: 4 qi sul eq hey he AUTOMOBILE TIRE CHAIN ON ¥y ang livi two vats | Electors at the same time and at the tion free, Write Dominion Nurser. Sharples separat hp. boiler;| same plgces as the annual eles . 5 MRS. S. COHEN, Instruetos' 5 a . : x J ' x - RE | Sharpl & é r, il 8 s u election for v- $ TEACHERS WW. NTED. les, Montreal. Princecs St, Saturday night | good eondition roduction about Municipal Council, and the Deputy ( P| Hell Phone -- Uwner may have same at the 5 ese per day. Must 1 18 Ticers pointe SECOND CLASS | DISTRIBUTORS AND AGENTS WANT: | wher goin ; 5 Sain turn Sr u shall er ne ots 8 : rS. 8 No 8 Township ofl ed for Ked Arrow Tires in every| ' | J \ Brock Street, Kingstor TH. 2 29 ay pcem- milla Stary $900. Apply to T fummunity in Canada. Opportuniiy | FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- | Outarlo, . St Riraeon | ve 1 o at Ee ven OCloth In the Tar - ¥. Reid, Kingston t to make arg income, Contracts | wi Ei | TE ------ a ------------------------ t the Mayor's Office in the City W ready. Immediate | TISED FREE ANTIQUE FURNITURE building in the said Municipality, has Dom. Ta: ~ Service { er ' J. K. Carroll| the ss - PROTESTANT er TO THE ELECTORS INSIZEL ON THE BEST ~ " : on ry. Must be auto- . 3 r . ' QUALIFIED PROT CHER Te : sfarar a: | . thie cen rixed for the appointing of per- At the request of a large and in x Duties k owner Reference: Bank of | Anyone finding anythi and A shipment of c¢ld English Antique | sens to a nd at the poiling, places ana Ao ; hs ; ; i es a ie a; . : for 8. 8. No. 4, kr : . dh | : vii Ah ; commence January d 2. 'Salary Peterborough, Untarjo | Wishing to reach the owner may Furniture, will arrive about December | x fin summing up of the votes by | . nan. 'rite to-day to Red Arrow Tires, do 80 by reporting the facts x Fy he i a: ts 'or ioc a sti Eolin's Bay. Nira), : helerborouga, on aio: | Tae Dringh Whig Sle adver io Hem g ? v if the assent of the | deeifed nd ye 3 th I rei ! 0 bo y. a cea = ~- > tisement will be printed in this | Mahogany chests of Drawers. - ; ji ai surg pro zens' ca to be jayoraity: | Tv T= ee charge. { 8 ; » Chests. | 5 i jl 21y five ve column free of 8 Mahogany Ice Chests y 3 n into con- || German sh 4 ne to ser D TEACHER FOR §. § NO, TO LI | | y ly "Found articles" does not in- Rosewood and Walnut Arm Chairs. by the Municipal Council of [| the city well ir the higher capacity || " clude lost dogs, cattle, rses, ti Dj $ and Parlor Walnut Chairs. lhe said Moahoration at a inestiog | of Mayor ete. Those, it 10st, may a Salta Shp, thereof to be held after the expiration | , otes. as § nee ar i 198 Settees and Sofas & . of ¢ month from the date of the first ¥ votes. 8 tad -- ---- rie or phone 2 W |] Several card tables publication of this notice and that such | pds PROTESTANT QUALIFIED TEACHER | ---- ee tm ------------ > French Walnut Bed. first publication was made on the Yth for 8. 8. No. 5, Hinchinbrooke; du:- | SIN : ROOM, WITH BOARD IF DE- hogan Frame day of December, A.D. 1921 | . . or ett A BAYNAR ' » fes to commence Jan. 3rd. Salary sired; all cunveniences.: Apply tis Mahogany Mirror Frames, ete. TAKE NOTICE AURTHER that al : THE FINEST QUALITY IN i tenant who d €8 to vote upon said| i : $800. Apply to Geo. A. Smith, seo Kiug street, or phone 2287, | SRG : a retary, Parham, Ont a roy . > LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP Proposed -By=Taw, must deliver to the ---------- -- PURE OLIVE OIL TTT ON FIRST OF JANUARY, LODGI | BLACK AND TAN HOUND; ANSWERS | i, Clerk, not later than the tenth day be. bog URE toe name of "Trick." Anyone har. We buy all kinds of Furniture. , fore the day appointed for taking the JooIa now Desubled by the LOL boring same after date will be y TEACHER, PROTESTANT, FOR '8. 8, I. Apply to Culningiam & Smith prosecuted. Finder please notify| Phone 1043w. 507 Primees: Street. | Yotes a Declaration under the Canada ! ERR No. 2, Township of Les : dutie ) FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, \Imon Young, Millhaven a -------- -- Evidence Act, that 2 is a tenant INN AA Aes. eo ae commence © January 4rd Salary | KIRN SANS A AN BO 4 3 0nE, iaaaven. ema = Whose lease oXists for the time for 4 . : { which the debt liability jg Le 3 {1 : h { retary. 'W. J. Shaw, R. 1: ed. Apply 243 Uaiversity Ave. STRAYED r Created, or in Which the money to ve For Christmas" y ¢ Ont ------------------------------------~. S-- ------ ] . raised by the Proposed by-law is pay- . Frente | GARAGE, NEAR CONNER QL BEN able or for at least twenty-one yeas Extra Special Plum Pud- 4nd Bagot Apply D. G. Hay, R | SEVERAL GEESE, MIXED WITH M\ and that he ha; by the lease covenant. 3 ar ' Pp . BIGNS R. 1, Kingston. rhoue i100 r 33, flock lately. Owner may have same €d to pay all municipal taxes in re. ding and Christmas Cake. -- - by proving property and paying for spect -of the property of which h 8 SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS WORK,| A NINE ROOMED STONE HOUSE, thle Aver ie ment. Austin McDon- | n -- Fancy Table Decoration. large or small, Posters, Showeards [\ 148 Montreal St, all unprovements. ald, Wolfe Island. | rat To the Electors of the Clty, of Kingston: Phone 1099 ring 3. Vacant Aprii Fe ----anamsegmna | |] 32050. peri) Snap Tor One Week | W. W. SANDS, Ho! "|| Chocolates in Fancy Boxes | | | ! duties to commence Janu- . 1922 Salary $700.00 Ap 8 memset ------------ ply to Lily Campbell "Sic Treas, | FIRST CLASS ROO WITH BOAR; t all conveniences Apply 376 Bar- Sw. vertised for in t specgrully so Clarendon Stat! $800. e siating qualifications all improvemenls; centrally |oecat- or to tenant, otlrer than Local Improvement 3 es. displavs a specialty, by Shaw at 213 Kk Princess Street. | ~ Clerk, Ladies and Gentlemen: } odin tte Bd . FOR SALE. Frame Bungalow; new three- Having been asked by many genti.- | away down low in price. ¢ STORAGE FOR FURNITURE AND . mercoundise; clean and dry. Mec-| ae ITS OF GH © LEIGHS piece bath; electric lights; large Cann Agency, §6 Brock Street, TWO, SETS OF LICHT HOB SLE AHS, 4 Ln A Ah nr --------_-- £ Se New England Bakery. lot; west end. Owner must léave i ber of lady voters, to offer myself as a ° 9 4 ve 'none $26. i o CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST- Ss eee BR. ements, | city at once, . . mayoralty candidate, 1 have consented . ( 3 7 N p ) "EL A IRDS, PPL) { . recs kino titors, 13 Clarence opps rr mae Ra URE, CLian, | MALY AD FEMALE BIRDS. Ar) to do so. 1 have had over ten years ery ¥ i i 8, and fe : Street, Kingston, A. Cunning- aray, air : . ori e cipal A, 2 Y roums; your own 100K | cei. ' 2 V's 3 STATE " experienc in muni ipa : ham, Cyril M. Smith, and key Frost s City Storage, 199. | GOOD TIMOTHY BALED HAY, APPLY BATEMAN'S REALE J Em Tr, tjialined to my the {Loan nfo King St. whie Spire our yote nhv- 805 Queen St. Phone 528; res. 95hw. Whitney Hotel, 29 Brock St 150° Wellington Street, Kingston ence are accordingly solicited to help men voters and by a very large num- AMBROSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTER ee re | ence are and Solicitor. Law office, corner of A NINE ROOMED HOUSE, HOT WA. DRESS suIr IN FIRST CLASS CONDI- . | p » 3 - ree King and Brock, over Roa Bank, ler furnace and ali improvements: \ion; size 8%. ADPIY 397 Barrte 8t.| T_T i Le w or OITOwW: Yours" truly, huey ete Tone | Se UT She AY CARRIAGE IN FIRST CLASS FINANCIAL | ing the Sum of $16,500 gS: W.LITTON Osteopathy . SAA AAA sas % ) bireet. condition; stylish. Reasonable in | | | MRS. H. Ss CRUMLEY, FIRE, AUT | is tref'ment by, natural gnd ra- CHIROPRACTIC, price. Box W-20, Whig Office, | SEVEN ROOM SOLID BRICK HOUSE, ttt si tment { I o t ¢ | é 1d Cas y ional methods." Health without Just completed, on victoria Sire' | A LAG STOCK OF ARM. BLANK. mobi and Casualty Jnsurar ce. t a 1 WM. A. MARCELIS, D.C, Ph. C., Cor- uil modern improvements; with ety Tor sale at a reasonable AN Far] street. Phone 1782M | or i e ur ase 0 { SFEs bY adjustmont of ane | | ly -- ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd garage. P'ossussion 1st of January C a 2 'rine ih S ¥. all at L. Routbard, 25% Princess hance I she will cure even floor, Barrie Bt. entrance, Kingston, Apply D. KE. Watnem, 143 Nelson st, or phone 1723. STRANGE & STRANGER, INSURANCE: | : Re big the 'wound and knite Unt. Consultation free, Telephone * lo $22). Hours 9 to 12 ara. J to ¢ p.m. . BARBER BUSINESS, TOBACCO STORE agents: established in 1860; only | z 8¢ broken bone. " +g ' IW , NESS, : A) 3 the most reliable companies repre. | 0 TV | ~ MechanvaTherapy -- Electro AT ONCE; A NEW SEVEN ROOM ice cream parior and dwelling, Del "sented Office 95 Clarence street, | olor en Ire ( EE ey, of a large number of Ther po e [rane self : Twelve Years' Success in house and barn on North Alfred; al- €o lighting system. Apply to A. opposite the post office. electors, I offer myself as an Aldi ¢ Kingston DR. ETTA BLODGETT, SPECI ALIS? 80 on North Allred street, a good 7. C y ; 1 ap roprattic 33s Princess Stree, brick house and elght acres of Loos W. Cowdy, Harrowsmith. ~~ - | a S manic candidate for 1922 1 will ap- i ngston, On ours 1 to 4 p.m, Apply to J. L. Boyd, 332 University x nN a ; a (AC VE par wreciat ¢. hel f your vote 'and in- iS OBE v ana 7 to $ pm, Tuesday, Thurs- Avenue, phone 1083 bi ¥ ONE HUNDRED TARDE, oF HOM : ons Na AN AND INVEST, | . { aca le the AE 0 ¥¢ : : h DRS. BOBUBT sug EDNA day and Saturday. Appointments | =o rr made wi nel lor Fan i, art President W. F. Nioxle. K C.- vice- | 1. The amount of moriey to bs bor HOWARD KELLY, 24 King Sear Bal, ue % y . « . Fe "Vte » e m y - -03 - > ol . -- MILLINERY. Apply to T..G. Burke, Ompah, On: Pere go Po Cunningham. 1 The the debt, to be created is 'hone 447 yr Money issued on city and farm! $16,500 | 4 properties, municipal and county! a2 This 'amount shall be raised by | | \\ , SEVEN. : : | -- wi { DR. GEORGE F. LUCY, DR. JENNIE A, [=~ : Lowa En vA 'min ~ Deo a and | MRS. Me¢LAUGHLIN, 112 LOWER| ALW INGTON AVEN debentures; mortgages purchased, n tf AA ra gy GrsYuahiropractic. Specialists and William 'Street, wil! take orders roomed frame dwelling; eléttrio ravesiment bonds for sale: deposits | the, sale Perr hres And Lhe from | - : Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot streat, " e ; p between Princess and Brock. "eis: for making (runnuNg 8nd remode,s light; hardwood floors downstairs; received and interest allowed R the first day of January, A.D. 1922 . § hats, lot 70" x 132°; price $2900... J. K C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar- ; } phone 943w. Hours 9 to 12 a.m, 1 tol ___ INE ha Ei ot 4 price 0 . 3. The interest will be at the rate of ) 6, and 7 to 9 p.m. Spinal andiysis Carroll Agency, 56 Brock Street. ence street, Kingston 6% per.annum. from the first dar or . . | ) and consultation tree. Residential January, 1922, payable half yearly on rovincia i calls by appointment. UPHOLSTEKING. the first day of the months of July and ean Wi HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF DENTAL. January in each year. CALL OR DROF A CARD TO W. J. Bod, Second-hand furniture aud : 4. $990 will be required each year . { ME Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot St. Stoves. Any person having stoves| DR. A. B. KNAPP, DENTIST. OFFICE . 554. t h EIICAL. Bae & and furniture to dispose of, we will 268 Princess Street. Phone 652w, Jor sere, and phi Se fash the: sald ye~ ection all -- - F. W., HAROLD FOR YOUR. UP. Pay highest prices. J. Thompson, ------------------ S------ debt of $16,500, so that $1,544.50 will C. K. ROBINSON, M.D.; 365 BARRIER holstering and gengral repairing. $34 Princess Street. Phone 1600w, 8. SPARKS AND SPARKS. b be required to be raisel each year fur Street, Hours 10.30-12 ame ty Leave orders at or drop a card tg] =o 107 1600w. ny DR! tists, 159 Wellington storks LDEN-| twenty yeurs to pay this debt. Now for sale at lowest market p.m, 7-830 p.m. Phone 1646 104 Clergy street MeLAUGHLIN ROADSTER; roRrD tse Elon street, corner ---- ~ price. Orders taken at IY CMR TE ry } covienia 1 5 dster;' Saxon Roadster; Ford EE -------------------------- : TO THE ELECTORS OF KINGSTON > LP. H. HUYCKE, 111 WELLING COVERED BUTTONY MADE TO OR: oadater Joa iy Eur . a ; PR aa Bey Office iri der in all OP a A aid sizes rues; ord touring; Overland tour-| pg. RUPERT PAMILLAN, DENTIST, 84 AND PORTSMOUTH: to 12 am, ¥ to 4 p.m, aud 7 to & Uphoistering and repairing done. vor; Sainanges made. Geo, Palmer, Princess Street. Phone 1850. Open 3 ° ennee " evenings. Telephone 458. E. J. Goodridge, 244 University Por Susen And Bagot® streets. evenings by appointment. Ladies and Gentlemen. | oi : Avenue. Phone 1833J. ane : TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing is! 3 Acting on the request of a large num- 32 BROCK STREET : : : DR. AYKROYD, DENTIST, HAS RE-'a true synopsis of & proposed By-law | Jar of electors and Iriends, heregy an- | Phone 203. « «+ Res. Neo. 654. ARCHITECT FURMTURE REPAIRED AND FIN.{ STONE HOUSE, SEVEN ROOMS, ELEC. sumed practice 92 Princess St. | of the Corporation of the City of King. | nounce joyselt as.an ghdependent caa- | ished; guns, gramapaones, ete, tric light; bath; gas tor cooking; ore Bank of Nova Scotia. Phone ston to be submitted to the votes. .f! Cinta brs mario Sp anlure, a Ten2J. by e-electlo lected, WER, SON AND DREVER, ARCHI~ aired promptiy and guar d. 800d cellar; large barn; extra la the Electors at the same time and at| the : : ------ re tects, Merchants Bank ARH Pn & eh, 35 Prince 4 lot; sacrifice price $3,300, ood. Tie the annual election for the Municipal | promise i, my Hearty support to corner of Brock and Wellington. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock Street' Council, and the Deputy Returning Of= | &il msasuies at na e for the com. | - FR Kingston, Ont. t PERSONAL ficers appointed to hold the said elkc.| mon good and welfare of both city an, ° . . CIVIL ENGINEERING, \ - . tion shall take the vote. province, irrespective of whieh par: nion BUSINESS CHANCES. \ AND THAT the 29th day of Decem- | introduces such measures. SKATES, hol TES, SKATES--SIATES HAIR. WOLES WARTS, SIRTH. Yer, 1921, 2 Eleven o> Stock in thei . R. G. ARMSTRONG, | - " p x S--=SURYV " Sharpene, an ollow 4 © .| forenoon, a e ayor's ce in § 2 ---------- ! LEARN IT aT big pa Pian nt Ba pea TINATE s Sor Aduhig 25e.; children. 15c. Jarks, Akin incu Atos | City Building, in the sail Municipal- w. K ENT M ACA E E. ' i axi a 23 Kitt xt Po Price for hockey teams. Al) Kinds fitted and furnished aft ty, has been fixe or the appointing | - thE opportunities to, efficiently lost. 123 King Street. ohe 1434, of baby carriage repairs. Muller's x er | of persons to attend at the olling | - a g others have failed. Goitre removed. | ©f Persons, to Pp | Bank of Commerce Butiding Brock ato tricity {n all its brawenel Sie fheces and at the final summing up "P| TRIE Steebin DhoLlding W 135; 1 Bleycle Wo:rrs, 371-273 King St Jars' expe ce. Dr. Elm : ® tricity in all its branches in your East. a 36 years experience. t er J. th t by the Clerk. - » PALMISTRY Lake, Bye. ar, Nose. Juroat, Skin AND THAT t the assent of the Geweral Insurance Ageiey ervice spare time at home. Hundreds of t 301 268 Bagot Street. Phone : Writing:--Automobije, Fire, 3 | oe their incomes after taking the Bur- COME AND HAVE YOUR HAND READ | FORMERLY "ROBINSON'S Sickne Plate Glass Burglar c. Bess Course. Write tdvday for full by Madam Lillian, who Bives satis. Farm," on Lake of FANCY GOODS, ' 8 Hepres ting nis i aS ei articulars and terms. Burgess faction to all. Hours 10 a.m. to 10 Portsmouth. Sixty acres ploughed the said Corporation" at a MEBLINE | miriam enn er HVAT Electrical School, Dept. K 201, p.m. Readings for ladies, 50 cents, two-thirds Summer-tallowed. ,In- sr . thereof to. be held after the expiration | Crawford Streets, Toronto. Apartment No. 1, 338 King Street. Spection 'Invited. For price, tefms, | HEMSTITCHING, VICOT EDGING, AC. of one month from the date of the first! PIANO TUNING eic., see Mills Company, 4 cordion. knife and box pleating ublication of this notice, and that such | I tnt en re SY Cayg or C. W, Neville, Yn Fy Hours 9 10 5.30. Mrs. BE A. rd, rst publication was made on the 9th! y Collingwood Street. 4 Victoria Terrace, Montreal St. | day of December, A. 1921 5 Plane Tuaing and Repairing. D. . opposite Artillery Par TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that a Alse Organ Werk. : - BATA Ss v tenant who desires to vote upcn said | ory * .® TEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, i carne. | Proposed By-law must deliver fo the | All work guaranteed. _ 0 PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING | Clerk, not later than the tenth day be- | PETER D. BROWN FOR SALE. ax| WHEN WANTING PAINMING on | (oie the day appointed for taking the(l Markisnd St. Phome 2307 , \ . $2.800-R. C. SnMI-ULTACHED; six Paperhanging done, drop a card to | YOteS. a Declaration under the Canada | St. ne -. i a, . i' that t rooms; B. and C.; down town, A. Mounteer. 54 Arch Street. oipl BL Re iad fant whut = 2 -- h Eat Have you tried it lately? $6500-BRICK; 10 ROOMS; LATEST G * ¢ t . debt 25 Japiiity: Ja le De Fiated or iti} yes of Families students have materially increased ; . 24 Hour Day Service --- | . improvements; central, proposed by-law is payable, or for at En b Fi : * e -- 2 least t ty-o hy nd th n - dangered y re, Even better than before. | eos A mouse, NOR east twenty-one years, an at ne 3 has by the lease covenanted to pay ail -- five rooms; 8 t. room for one municipal taxes in respect of the prop- Ottawa, Dec. 23.--Three tamilid® ; £4 Or two more ul » erty of which he is tenant, othe than re J : S & Co * it a" --- 1 ee Local Improvement rates. r had narrow escapes from death, one. 2 ames | wift oy Lim ed 9200p -- SEMI-DETACHED prams or en W. W. SANDS, | ehild was burned, a fireman slightly 5 h ; nh 0 00ms..H. and C. and gas: Clerk. ; deep 16t and good cellar. j injured and damages estimated at Foot of Johnson St. -- ! | forty-five thousand dollars was caus. Season' Tickets to Jock Harty $2000 FOR THE MATE T0 THE ABOVE i cceptable | : 'ed by a fire which totally destroyed Ri 3 nk ARR RRR CS : with electric lights; both well bulit that | E ! properties comprising Boults Corners - : ; cost much wore. Save money om ! at. the approach to Alexandria bridze A Family ticket, for seven, $12.00 | | | | $4400--8-ROOMED CEMENT mLOCK N : Sioveod oors your Christmas buying by purchasing i carly this morn'ng. * = STOVES it. 'presents that cost little, yet mean' ! --_-------- : 1 : ; | ; 3 " : -- much, : } L i Unify Revolutionary Elements. o.. : 1a : : Paes - 70 LET. New York, Pec. 2.-- Unification of : $3.13 | { : ! While they last, you may have CC ome: Baad 7, SIDE, SEVEN Our stock of Cigars and Pipes, oe, i all revolutionary elements in the(lf Gentlemen's ticket .....% 4.00 : 3 -- * | 1s most exclusive, yet not expensive. | ranks of the workers of the United: |; :Children's ticket ......8 2.50 one reasonable, as that is my § motto. : : $30.00--BRICK; EIGHT ROOMS; 3. : ; States was contempted by the radical < Juss Se rluetrig light and gay; Jack F Elder i GEO. NOBES | dvtematl gathered here to-day for a - «Tickets for saic at Lockett's = ----- A Division S ¢. || convention called for the purpose of ' J TURK Phone 705 WHEN TOU WANT THE SEA LATER BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE : . Phone ma. 17 | erganizing Workers Party of Amer. aes University Avene. Phone 1398w. 188 Wellington Street, Kingston, | OPP. DAVIES' MEAT STORE : . | fea. i ' "

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