Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Dec 1921, p. 15

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- FRIDAY, DEC. 23, 1927, . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. IAM H. CARSON SPORTING NEWS /ALDS, CORBETT AND LITTON ney, Percy B. Chown, George A. Palmer, James Harris, William A. (LATE WiLL Twigg, Thomas H. Sargent. (Sanitary Inspector Passes | Jock Harty Rink (Continued from Page 1.) School Trustees, Away on Friday Following The Athletic Board of Qontrol at | °XPDSes. Wo need industries, and | go jonpam Ward--Jjohn D. Boyd Stroke of Apoplexy. Queen's University has decided 1o | We People must decide if this IS 078 | and Duncan H. Wightman, 15 Opposite YY M.C.A. . . Phone 1268]. Our Motto : Small Profits = Just arrived for our Grand Opening a Car- load of Finest Meats and Cooked Meats-- to be sold at Popular Prices Theatrical . ; "Hurly Burly" Christmas, "Hurly Burly" is the attraction billed at the Grand Opera House | Monday ana Tuesday, Dec. 26th and | 27th, matines daily opening on | zens, passed awa Christmas afternoon. Joe Wilton [at*1 p.m, Frida i = --- = a= = -- _-- = = _ -- = == | Way tb get new industries and new | tario Ward-- ~ rood. | joDen. the go Tock arly mink ou | means of employment. In this again | Th a Ww. vars Bm E. "Wood-| | the people of Kingston must instruet St. Lawrence War Y in the Hotel Dien | On Thursday morning a gang of | li mayor and souncH what logo. Lip Acclamation:- y following a etroke | painters were busy inside the buttd-| Neo Foes Fos in 4 | Cataraqul Ward--py, p. Normag --...5DODSOY for this new show, has pres of "Bpoplexy on Thursday evening |g. The plumbers expect that tho | The bs i ngsion, ; | elected by acclamation, ~ Pared an unusual entertainment. It Which 'occurred at his home, 224 [heat will be turned. on by Priday{, "le Siy of . Epton Seeds ae Frontenac Ward-- prq really surpasses anything ever before | King street. He was apparently {a (Doon. A gang of men were busy on ™ lial 8 Sov ny yD ote 5 55 {lin, Sidney Salsbury, 2 ompted by this popular producer. | the enjoyment of his sere) state of (Thursday putting in the conduit pipe tm bo Tart of teduty » % | Godwin. A new book, wich calls two | £00d 'health on Thursday and was [Which will carry the electric ve : SA%urage Ihe Wréation of | . 4 i a { - Rideau Ward--p, Bets and nine scenes, has been writ actively engaged m his duties as |from the power house at the untver-- the Huo, aa ettully sites | W. Jones. fon by Joe Wilton, ana tho entire | City sanitary inspector, hh oti y uno i a position sity to the rink. 1 n | Victoria Ward-- | lightful try. - 1 travele production was staged under his per-{in which he rendered m Re Cathy be \Favaler, The ost efficient - vi j by acclamation, 8omal supervision. The capable | Service to the eity, | Queen's First Hockey Practice. ysis; au Wis ir pons ---- €OFPS of fun ' makers engaged to| The late Mr. Carson was born | The Queen's students who are uy land Sead to a Fe | - In Sydenham twarq Duncan #. handle the comedy situations the hockey ti | Wightman and Jona D. Boyd, who|== have | in Kingston and resided here ail his [ing out for places on Cc i . . | 3 s . { Conventiox hould be offered ever been selected from the leading musi- | Hfe. He took an active interest in |teams had their first work out on | Ag oe g y a) were nominated for school trustee, _€al comedy favorites, lots, and by this = = = William Henry Carson, one of |Christmas da Kingston's most widely known citi- | Weather continues. d--J. G. Eliott J ® 5 neis R. Ag Mrs. Enoch oT -- HHH F. Metcalfe, 1. Wilfred Roy Allen E z and embrace (OMY, lfairs and served many years |the ice on Thursday afternoon. The | inducement to Re pi re Siy, sad decided to drow ace 088 | following well known artists: | In the council, becoming an authority | od, Mr. Boyd will be ide | this can only take the practice took place on the Outside | _.° "1 SrEai | scriptural meth ,. Chas, Goldie, that rod-headed funny [UPON many technical matters, - He rink. The following players were out | Ne ability to entertain the stranger 1utive chap wiooe facial expres. | created Frontenac park out of the [to practice: Jack Woodruff, Gitaoni 5 fo SE be ecesridtuad, 1 Jel | sions ana mannerisms 'provoke hil-| Quinn brothers, 08 avers noi estan eb Nickle, Emery, D hot A overs Hous Rtghie His port ar bere Ne YM {Campbell, McNeill, Swartman, Stew- Re an every 80 arranged as to bring his a. robat | |art and Roney. A large number of|¥ nt | . ; | fe skill forward to tn t : AR [the students who will likely get . © extent that it iw 2 * [places on the teams have | A Business Administration, 8av8s him from many a serious pre- gone home y > for the Christmas vacation. the Sydenham '| clock on Saturday evening, ---- Kingston Brothers Admit Guilt, £ @lcament. Then there is Chas. Mar- L | ine 2Raire OE as be ls A Montreal despatch says. £ Shan, funy Raymond, Irving Karo, lhe Dre Soles dito on manner. The same business princi- William and N. A. Lory broth- ie, wd pone le, Gould, Nei ed hut, cates: Bl tod sm Tur, of Kington hy PL both valuable acquisition to the show. | [Saad Set Be stilotis committee | ° sines 4 n the Court| vere | fairs must be applied in transacting | of Special Sessions, to break; but were | i ng and ie wi io Rees Te ie considering them very carefully the business of the city government. | entering the 8rocery store of George s le : . ading specialties and {1 ad It is the intention to have the | Income andi expenditure must be | Greenberg, 4151 st. Catherine street ditio > abov fully . n to the above, there will be an players out for practice evocy day [carefully | 1 Watched ,and a mayor | Westmount, on the night of Decem. | extraordinary array of gorgeous cos. during the Christmas vacation, The [Should see to it thai tue burden of [ber 2nd, and were remanded for sen. | Sames Beecriy emty alluring, e- students who went to their homes | taXétion is not beyond the bower of tence on Tuesday, ry, pair wero | cing, beautiful girls, who comprise | ware advised to skate @s much as | the people to .carry. | On the other {captured in the shop by' Constab the chorus of "Hurly Burly."--Advt. possible, | hand, economy must not be carried McDonald, of the Wes le | to an extent that will prove niggardly |as they were about to break {and make it impossible for the city | the cagh register, ny = -- -- " . --_-- * we --_-- ~e -~ WESTERN BEEF | (Government Inspected) ROUND STEAK SIRLOIN STEAK HAMBURG LEGS 17c. | FRONTS «24 = = z £ z = CHOPS = | eo "| = .10¢.| HEADCHEE: ter ons Katherine MacDonald, ' _ most amazing results, Katherine MacDonald, famous for | her remarkable _screon interpreta- | tons, and well known as The Most Beeutitul Woman ia America will ADpear at the Allen theutre, -begin- ning to-day in the star role of the | plotifrisation of tho novel by hes. Bailie Reynolds entitled "The Notor- fous Miss Lislo."" Thic latest First | Nationa] Attraction is the story of | nor Lisle, beautiful young Eng- | girl who is annoyed by the pub- | y given her puiticipation in al lar scandal affair, and leaves THE LATE WILLIAM MH. CARSON old cemetery and as chairman of streets for six years he mastered a knowledge of the city's drainage Sys- tem. He contested for the mayoraity in a three cornered fight against Dr, Ryan and the late Dr, Curtis, but was unsuccessful, land. embarking on a series of But he is well remembered as a n fc incidents, culminating in a Breathless climax, wherein Gaenor, | fWarried to a man who knows nothing Of her past, is requested by her hus- Band to acknowledge or refute 'ne ¢harges that have been made agains: Ber. Under the capable direction of ~ Jemes Young the story does not lag fail to keep the interest of spec- | tators 'at the highest pitch. --Advt, At the Strand. o The management of the Strand an- nounce the programme for the latter half of this week as a "merry" one. Merry is the word. Doris May in "The Foolish Age," is one of the . liveliest photoplays we have seen for many a day. Pretty, piquant, viva- cious, Miss May catches her audience in a leash of laughter at the start and holds them to the finish. .8he plays the part of a youthful uplifter, Inspired by the principal's address at the closing ceremonies at college, she Bats out to cheer and hearten the downtrodden and lonely, with the The cast sup- porting Miss May fis particularly Strong, including such favorites as Hallam Cooley, Otis Harlan, Lillian Worth, and muscular Bull Montana, Mutt and Jeff in m the Steerage" | are the other two merry pictures on| the programme. The second episode | bt "Double Adventure," the great Pathe serial starring Charles Hutch- ison, allas "the human fy," provides Startlfig stunts galore, while adian Pathe News con- tains several Pictures of current events that yield a different kind of enjoyment.--Advt, 4 ---- Selecting Liberal Candidate. Ata moeting of the Young Liberals Club a resolution wag Passed em- powering the executive to take up the Question of Selecting a candidate for the Ontario legislature with the exe- €utive of the Liberal Association, ang report to the club for consideration At a later meeting, Saturday Music Xmas, Special, All 40c. or 50¢, Sheet Musie, four for one dollar, In special Xmas. folder, boxed, $1.20. The College Store, ? OR -------------- The Price May Sound .. But you get extra value in flavor and freshness when yon buy Car. Roveky's Blue Point Oysters, i There was no s court on Friday ession of the police morning. Others from ..., .88¢. to $8.50 ' DUNHILL'S PiPEs POUCHES, ALL PRICES CIGARETTE CASES CIGARS in 10's, 25's and 50's. Suitably boxed for Christinas E.E. CAIN ing with their &port and lover of horses. In the early days he caught for the St. Law- rence baseball team fin the city lea-- gue, During his occupation of the office of sanitary inspector muoh good work was accomplished in improving housing conditions and much credit Is due to him for his thoroughness in carrying out the health regula- tions, Surviving are his wife and two brothers, Robert J. and Thomas A. Carson, AT MOWAT HOSPITAL. Christmas Entertainment Held There on Thursday Evening. A splendid Christmas « entertain- ment was given at the Mowat Hospi- tal on Thursday evening to the pat- lents and friends of the institution, taking the form of a concert, Christ- mas tree and dance. A large number of the Kingston friends of the"boys"' were on hand for the occasion, and many of them assisted in various Ways towards making the evening successful and full of enjoyment. The assembly hall was beautifully deco- rated, the patients having speat a 800d part of last week or two in fixing up the many novel and artistic ar- rangements of Christmas regalia bunting, tinsel and spruce boughs, Two large Christmas trees stood at the end of the hall, and on the plat- form, which was specially decorated, 2 feature of the scheme was a per- fect model of a fireplace. Owing to the amount of time neces- sary/for the distribution of gifts, the musical programme was very short. Mrs. J. L. Jerome, so well known to the Kingston audiences as Miss Phyl- lis Devlin, delighted the crowd with Several Solos, being encored many times. Mrs, Munsie, of Toronto, who is also a former Kingston girl, and a favorite at the hospital, rendered some beautiful solos in her usual pleasing manner, A new entry into the fleld of amateur artists, in the Person of Miss Scrace, a splendid reception for her solo. J. L. Jerome gave a number of violin selections and was applauded. Dr. Braco Hopkins presided during the concert programme, : Then the distribution of gifts be- gan, and the merriment became un- bounded as the names were called out and many were required to open their presents and display them to their friends. The two trees and all around the platform were piled high various sides and organisations in addition to the After this enjoyable was concluded an 8 entertainment, and for the donors of the gifts, and to George Young for the arrangements of the musical pro. gramme. , ws tr p= i Weather Notes, ii A moderate disturbance ig develop- ing over Ontario this mordning, at- tended by light local snow or rain over Ontario and the Ottawa Valley. Pressure was risen over 'the west, accompanied by a change to very cold weather, : \ -- Lest You Forget. You are again reminded that the Kingston General Hospital will be Very thankful for 4 generous Clirist- MAS gift. Even: thie 'wurtes are _ MAKING CURLING OE ON TOP OF NEWSPRINT | Kingston Club to Have Five of the Best Sheets in Ontario. Tho executive of the : Kingston curling club ig going to do every- thing in its power to get five of the best sheets of ice in the province, | After some consideration the mem- bers of the executive have decided that they will make a clearer sheet {of ice, - It is the intention of the fee makers to first make a good body of | ice then place white newsprint on 1t and aftér that more ice will be made, It is efated by those who have seen the.ice made on top of the paper that it. makes a perfectly Tlear sheet and | it is better for curling. This winter, the whole lighting system at the local rink has been overhauled and the best lights that money can buy have replaced the old ones. It is thought that when tho power is turned on the members wil} | hardly know it is the same old rink. Up until Thursday the ice makers had a real good body of ice, and they expected that by Monday next there would be curling. The placing of, the paper in the fce may delay the curi- Ing for a day or 80. { The members are certainly to be congratulated on 'their excellent rink, which is second to none in the province. It was feared that when the building was moved to make way for the new skating rink, a great | deal of damage would be done, but the building was moved without a mishap. There will be no shortage of steam, as the Queen's authorities have arranged for a direct steam pipe from the power house which will supply 'the curling and skating rinks, The games in the club series will not commence until about the first | of the year. The first bonspiel will be the Central Ontario Curling lea- Bue event, which will commence at the local rink on January 9th, H. Haunts Accepts | Walker's Challenge Harry Haunts, of the Portsmoutht penitentiary police staff, has accepted the challenge issued by George Wal- ker, Ottawa, Hoavyweight Canadian champion wrestler, to meet a¥] com- ers, and will ask Walker to meet kim in this city. Haunts is a former staff- sergeant of the British Expeditionary Force. He was for some years a member of the London Metropolitan police force, of which he was wrest- ling instructor. NEGOTIATIONS WILL 2 OPEN IN EARNEST For Liberal-Progressive Alll« ance When Crerar Reaches Ottawa Satiirday. Ottawa, Dec. "23.--The Christmas season will likely be one of confer ences in connection with the forma- tion of the King cabinet, and it is probable that thie New Year will 506 a definite announcement. It fs expected that with Hon. T. A. Crerar here to-morrow, accompanied 'hy western followers, negotiations for a ' Liberal-Progressive alliance will open in earnest. vim Any difficulties in the formation of the alliance will Jie in the allot- ment of portfolios, and it is stated that the Quebec delegation of Lib- erals, is opposed to one-third repre- sentation of Progressives in the cab- inet, but the difficulty may be sun mounted by the inclusion of Mr, Cre- rar, and two or three others from the west, who while not Progressives, would meet with the approval of the party. The names suggested are Hon A. B. Hudson and Hon. Charles Stew- art. Sir Lomer Gouin has not indi cated his course, 'but it is thought that he will give his support to suey & working alliance. p ------------ Twenty-seven cents. for a dozen sits this your - i 5 . lp} RN Ys to develop, Safe investments will meet with public approval, but wild plunging - carries a menace that a mayor should strive to avoid. If a plain honest statement of my posi- tion, honest desire to fil] the dutjes of mayor for the best interests of the city and people as a whole appeals to vou, I will appreciate your sup- port on election day, Ald. Litton's Address. Ald: John Litton said that he did|&non, N.Y. not seek the office, but only consent. ed to' run upon earnest solicitation of his friends. He had a record of years in council. many Into the matter of the cost of str lighting referred to by the ma Mayor Nickle has set a fast pace and it the speaker was elected he would do all in his power to serve the city well. He had served on all commit. tees and was with the procedure and the duties entailed. "There on particularly and that is build- ing," said Ald. Litton. the taxes go up, aged. Costs of materials have been high but are coming down, Labor cannot come down, but other costs must be reduced, and labor might speed up to bring 'down the costs. I approve of the bylaw granting extension of tax exemption to the Dominion Textile Company and I ask the people to support the by-law at the polls, nlf R. F, Elliott's Remarks. Elliott, re-elected to the commission, spoke briefly. he wanted to thank the electors for returning him unoppos- ed. This was a renewal of their confidence in him. Taking up the reduction in the cost of street light- ing, he took issue with t R. utilities He said the repeated and|ceased was di ten | the Eastern He was one of a[line years of age, special ,committee appointed to. go|from Kingston thirt eet | Started in the bushess in which he vor, | Was engaged as a boy, and worked is a matter I might speak |!0ite and Hattie Conley, "Every time Brooklyn, N.Y. biilding is discour-| Kingston just a mon' he claims of | 4 Late Richard or, Conley, The death occurred very sudden- ly on Thursday night, at Mount Ver- of Richard T. Conley, a former resident of this city. De- visiona] manager for € Plate Glass Trust, for States. He was firty- and moved away y years ago, He ' the Pittsbur, his way to thie most responsible posi- tion he held at the time of his deaty. He is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Annie Hickey, King- EPP EGP Ne Peed ee thoroughly familiar Sion, one son, Leslie, also five sisters, Mrs. George Nicol, Mrs. 8. J. Horsey, Mrs. C. J. Warwick, Misses Char. and two brothers, John, Lindsay, and WwW. T, ated was in ago, attend- ing the funera] of his mother. Late Miss Julia Smith, © + Miss Julia Smith passed away sud- denly at her residence, 18 Deacon street, on Thursday evening, Heart failure was the cause of death. The decoased was taken suddenly ill on the street, and a taxi was called to convey her to her hgme. Medical ald was summoned but she passed away. She is survived by one sis- ter, who resided with her. A Good Idea. The city's surplus this year is much larger than expected, and Mayor Nickle will ask the finance commit- tee to use some of it in providing 300 New Year's day dinners for those in want, Mayor Nickle, and explained that the reduction was not a saving ef- fected by the city, but practically a gift tp the city by the utilities com- lo 200 FAMINE VICTIMS mission with the concurrence of tke hydro commission. He did not ap- prove of the city paying $90,000 fo~ suburban roads, This was an arbi. trary charge against the city made by the Drury be opposed. THE - WARD. NOMINATIONS FOR ALDERMEN Sydenham Ward. W. J. Fair, William C. McDon- fld, George Bawden, Wililam H. Craig, Charles S. Anglin, Dr. Fergus O'Connor, Henry Ford Richardson, Herbert N. Robertson. Ontario Ward. R. E. Kent, John BE. Johnston, Henry F. Richardson, Ambrose Shea, Nicholas E. O'Connor, Christopher J. Graham, Henry Angrove, John B. Phillips, Dr. John E. Kane, Norman A. Smith and William R. Clugston. St. Lawrence Ward." William H. Vince, Harvey J. Milne, Thomas J. O'Connor, John Alexander McFarlane, William P, Peters, Isaac Cohen, William J. B. White, Ken- neth Carson, J. H. Jarvis, : -- Cataragqui Ward. Thomas B. Angrove, William A. Stroud, William J. Driscoll, John Howard Davis, Dr. L. B, Crowley, William Bramah, Enogh Godwin, Harold Davis. . 4 -------- Frontenac Ward David Alexander Volume, William Fleet, William Patterson, William P. Peters, William Holder, Isaac Cohen, Howard Kelly, Albert Potter, James Wriley Smith. : ---------- > ; ' : Rideau Ward, Joseph P. Wilder, Franklin John Hoag, Bdward Green, William A. Marcellis, William Robert Clugston, Clifford C. Nash, George Laturney, Fred M. Clow, Danje} Cou, Wil- t. " Ward, Victoria | Ernest B. Sparks, William MoCart- + government and it: should & "> $40 tP0 Peter eee ARE BURIED DAILY Moscow, Dec. 23.--More than two hundred victims of famine are buried deily in the Saratov region and the death rate is rising rapidly. The United States relief ad- ministration is now feeding more than eight hundred thousand children, 2208002000800 * * * * + * Seppe reett ine 'tetas... 10c.| BLOOD PUDDING .. *s+s00e..12¢.| BAUSAGES (PORK) |... POT ROASTS OVEN ROASTS PORK! PORK!! PORK!!! The Finest Selection in the City at LOW PRICES " Give Us a Trial EO BRITISH WARSHIPS ORDERED TO CAIRO Malta, Dec. 23.--In view of disturbances at Cairo today, when Said Zagleut Pasha, na- tionalist leader, was removed to Suez by the British authori- ties, two British warships have received orders to proceed to Egypt immediately and other Hits are ready to leave at short notice, 4+ LONDON UNEMPLOYED + PLAN DISTURBANCE, * -- ¢ 'London, Dec. 23. Extrem- 4+ ists group of unemployed js aqe- 4 olared in an announcement by ¢ Scotland "Yard today to be plan- + ning a disturbance today or to- 4 morrow in the fashionable west- % end where the streets are % crowded with Ohristmas shop- % pers and unemployed are ® soliciting for money, Y * TEPPER O Pepe ay A 'Handsome Book Present. The Life and Létters of Sir Wil Have you no-|frid Laurier, by Prof. Oscar Douglas advertisements, | Sk elton, two volumes. The College | Bok Store. a n,n, S240 200099303000 7 terry Christmas. ticed St. Nick's Aren't they alluring? ; mnt CHRISTMAS GIFTS What better gift for a Boy. than a pair of our .Skating Boots at $3.00, and for Men too, at $4.50 to $7.00. Moccasins, Rubbers and Overshoes are always acceptable gifts. For the young man, try a pair of SPATS---- from seeteeaeial...., $1.75 to $3.50 JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE 70 BROCK STREET = = KINGSTON, ONT, PHONE 231J. oy 'NEW STORE: DON'T YOU REALLY KNOW WHAT TO G HIM, FOR CHRIS E. WARBU 316 BARRIE STREE HAVEN'T YOU DECIDED YET? ET HER, OR TMAS ? LET US HELP YOU ! TO INSPECT OUR NEW STOuk. RON - NEw stock || " Tv (Uptown Post Office)

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