5 TUESDAY, DEC. 27, 1021, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SAID HE couwd "NEVER BE WELL "Fruit-a-tives" Restored Hil 10 Heath 159 Avsxus Pius IX, Mowrnear "For three years, | was a terrible ugffferer from Dyspepsia and my general 'Bhealth was very bad. I consulted a 'Physiciad and took his medicine but i+ X did not improve and finally he told 'me that I could not be cured. At this time, a friend advised me $0 try "Fruit-a-tives". After taking two boxes, I was greatly relieved; and, this fruit medicine made me completely well. My digestion and general health Are now splendid"', » GASPARD DUBARD. 80c a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. At dealers or sent postpaid by fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. rE A tt it | SCIENCE REVEALS that foods that dhound in howd ov 1Scott'sEmulsion 2 an aid to growth have a in the diet of most children. a zor INDIGESTION oh Ra ------] Furniture--Freight-~Baggage TRANSFER Phone 1776J A 8. WHITEMAN . 210 QUEEN STRENT ' THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987, Wanting any dons in the tery lime. times ven on all of irs = now work alse hard. rs of all kinds. All ordéde L reeelv. prompt attentive. Shop in Bveen Street. PENCILS REPAIRED We are equipped to make any repairs to above pencils. We carry a supply of parts. Prompt service, J.R. C, Dobbs & Co. . 41 Clarence Street, Kingston. The Mutual Life of Canada This is a Mutual Company, The policy holders own the - Company entirely. There aré no stockholders to share in the profits; all profits go to the policy holders, who therefore receive insurance at net gost. This is the only Mutual, Com- pany in Canada. It is 50 years old, and hud 225 million dol< dare' Insurance in force. "He a Mutualist.' 3 S. Roughton District Manager The Mutual Life of Canada 60 Brock Street KINGSTON Phone 610, 1 { HARTINGTON. | | Dec. 22.--The public school is {baving a concert this afternoon. | Harry Watson returned home from | the hospital Monday. Mrs. Goslin is {at the Hotel Dieu, Kingston, with her daughtef, Mrs. J. Carelton, who had an operation this 'week. Mrs. Ryan is home from 'Wolfe Island where she spent a week with her father, who is ill. Miss Dora Camp- sall is home from" Peterboro Norm for the holidays. Mrs. Snider ig with her brother, I. J. Lake, The Sunday school is having its annual Christ- mas tree and concert Friday. There was quite a snow storm on Sunday but not enough for sleighing, except in spots. OLARENDON. Dec. 21.--George Crain ds home for the winter after completing his season's work in the interest of the C.P.R. bridge department, Neil Ty- sick and wife apent the week-end in Kingston visiting relatives. Mrs. Thomas Kirkham is confined to her bed with pneumonid. A successful Ohristmas concert was held by the scholars at the school house on Fri- day evening last. Undoubtedly there would have been a larger crowd had the weather been more favorable. Mr. Dockrill, travelling passenger agent, C.P.R., paid this town a briet visit yesterday. Col. Young, King- ston, is spending a few days here. Mrs. George Crain is visiting friends in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Westley Bell, Smith's Falls, are here to spend Christmas with Alex. McCoy. The movement of pulpwood from this dis- trict commenced yesterday. Several cars have been placed for loading. The Frontenac Lumber. Company. Is loading several cars of shingles for shipment to Napanee. « ARDEN. hear of the death of Murney Thomp- san, who died in General Hospital, Kingston, on Saturday. His body was brought to his home at Elm Tree on Monday. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Slocker on Wednesday at 1.30. The remains was laid in Elm Tree cemetery. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, and seven children, also his mother and three brothers Alonzo and Amon, Napanee, and Reuben, Marlbank. Miss L. M. Kirk has been spending a few days in Kingston, where she has been attending the instituting of the Eastern Star lodge, of which she is a member, and also called. on a number of her Kingston friends. Mr. and Mrs, M. Wood returned from Dead Creek Tuesday, whefe they spent the past week visiting at Mrs. S. Peterson's. Miss Ida Deylea re- turned home on Tuesday after spend- ing the past few weeks, with Mrs Jack Pringle. i Prince Edward SALEM. Dec. 22.--The Sunday school en- tertailnment and Christmas tree in the church on Tuesday evening was a success and much enjoyed. The arch of . greenery and Christmas presents were most attractive to the little tots. Mrs. Robeson acted as chairman. Miss C. Fox was a recent visitor at "Elm Lodge." Bruce Hopkins, teacher, has left for his Christmas holidays, There was an enjertainment and Christmas tree jn. the school. : Born, to Mr. and ter, Margaret , Ruth, The turkey buyer was around to BE. Wannamak- er's, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kemp are expected home from their wedding trip soon. Miss E. Hickson spent a recent day -at Salem. ' BLOOMFIELD. x Dec. 22.--The worst gale and hur- - MOTHER! "Qalifornia Fig Syrup" | off tor one day. | home from Peterboro Normal school; Dec. 22.--Everybody is sorry fof. Olean Ohiid's Bowels With| ricane on record swept over here on Sunday, unroofing barns and blowing down silos, fences and trees, and blowing in large glass windows in houses and taking chimpeys,off of houses. Joseph Payme, Charles Rob- hin, and R. Whitten had their barns | unroofed.. Mrs. Story had a barn shifted four feet off its foundation. The smoke stack on the Beaver can- ning factory went down, also an emp- ty wooden silo, Electric power was Ronalda Burr is Miss Helen Talcott" is home from Queen's University, Kingston. Miss Bertha Mallory is home from Kitch- ener. John Randle, from Toronto Technical High School, fs spending holidays at Abram Rundall's, «The weather is very unsettled for the time of year, and there is no snow for sleighing yet. Chicken thieves are operating around here. Mrs. Homer White entertains on Friday night. The Ghristmas entertainment of the Methodist Sunday. School is to be held on the night of the 26th ingt. Wil liam Gough, Ben-Leavens and Clay- ton Burr were delegates to the ur O. convention at Toronto last week. -- LEEDS LOMBARDY, Decs 19.--Harry Houze, medical student, Queen's, Kingston, is home for the holiday season, A Tumber of the young people of the vicinity are practising for a congert to be held in aid of the baseball team. Misses. Anna and Helen Dooher are home from Detroit, Mich, for a few weeks' holidays. The schools will close for the term on the 22nd. A large number of farmers from this vicinity atteéhded the poultry fair 'in Perth on the 13th and 14th. A meot- ing of the conucil was held on the 82h inst, / The old Queen Bee crawled out of her house and sniffed the air. The little home had become so crowded of late that all her workers were becoming restless, and old Queen Bee didn't kmow just what to do to please them. "Give us a new queen!" some of them cried, which, of course, made the old Queen feel very badly, for she loved- each and every ome of her workers \__ : "Send the shouted others, who had never for- gotten their old Queen's goodness. "We can get along without her." This made. old Queen Bee foel badly, too, for she knew the new queen was such a young bee that she didn't kmow 'he ways of the mea- dow folks, and she was afraid that it the young Queen Bee were turned out into the world alone she would de. "Then call her out and fight it out!" buzzed one of the largest work- ers. He wes a bully, always ready to sting anything that happened to got in his way. "That would be very, very wrong," / old Queen Bee. 'She didn't consent to beoome queen. You fel- lows caught her before she knew what she was about, packed her into a cell, enlarged it 20 she would grow larger than her sisters and brothers, getting so big she can't stay a prison- er any fonger. I wouldn't fight any of you; You see, I love you one and all, You've been good children, every one of you, ready to work for me any time I've happened to call on you, so why should I fight?" "But Queen Bee, the mew queen has never done enything to help you," buzzed the bee nearest Queen Mrs, Claude Wannamaker, a daugh-| Bee "Throw her out!" called a fellow who was always ready to watch a fight, but very seldom ready to join in, because he was a terrible coward. "Throw ber out! We don't need her." "Sting her until she knows her place!" called another. . OM Queen Bee shook her head and looked very sad. "There is only one way open to I can see," she buzzed kind- at is, for me to leave the old hive and to build another home." My, what a terrible buzz greeted her words! Some begged against it, others for it. And old Queen Bee looked very sad. "I know you most all love me," she sighed, 'so let's see who will show their love the most. First, I'll say this: Some must go with me, it's deo for the new Queen what they Rave done for me. Be good children, and work for her interests. Who'll vol- unteer to stay?" Every one looked at every one else, but no 'one moved, and old Queen new queen away!" and then you fed her until she is now |, N and ready-to-eat. Bee wiped her syes and buszed hap- pily, f "I know you all love me, 80 I'm go- ing to ask for the proof. Those who love me most stand over here." ? Bifore the words ha left her mouth she was surrounded by her workers. ""All right," she continued. "If you love me theh stay behind and 8o any bidding. Make her the happy queen you've made me." Then, choosing & few from among her faithful children she sailed away over the meadows to find a new home, leaving the new queen to fill her place in the old hive, Little did the country folk think when they saw the swarm sailing by the sacrifice old Queen Bee had made. But the new queen made a lovely mother, and that wes all the pay the old queen asked. By Vera Winston. T0-DAY'S FASHION | This Charming Coat and Hat Little Sister Are Both Made of Lavender Tweed. : Some of the smartest coats for small girls are developed in tweeds. Very frequently, charming hats are designed in the same material, to be worn with them. This coat,' cut from lavender tweed, is fashioned with three tucks about the lower edges. The buttons for some beaver collar suggests not only richness, but comfort for the small You hdve eaten Shredded TT BR Warmth and Strength for the Day's Work come from a food that is not only hot when you eat it, but supplies all the many elements needed by the human body. edded Wheat e cream and Ready-cooked Saves fuel, saves time. ; "It's All in the Shreds" wi Hot Milk | Wheat in all sorts of ways, but you don't know how much goodness there is in this wonderful whole wheat food until you eat it with Hot Milk. Heat the Shredded Wheat Biscuits in the oven to restore their crispness; pour hot milk over them, add a li salt or sweeten to suit the taste. Better than ordinary porridges. Re SLIPPERS--WARM FELT SLIPPERS -- FOR LADIES, GIRLS, CHILDREN, BOYS and MEN. HOCKEY BOOTS, OVERGAITERS, OVER- SHOES, RUBBERS, EVENING PUM OCCASINS, FINE . THE NEWEST TO CHOOSE FROM. The Saw Phone 159 . SHPPNG FROM SYDENAN Two Thousand Pounds of Poultry for Toronto--Late Mrs. Miles Ruttan. Sydenham, Dec. 22.-- Mrs. -Miles Ruttan passed away on Tuesday af- Igo after an illness of some dura- . Deceased was eighty-four years of age, and a Methodist. The funeral service was held on Thursday after- noon at one o'clock, Rev, G. Stafford being In charge, assisted by Rev. R. W. Armstrong, Harrowsmith, Surviv- ing are her husband, two sons, Don- ald and Oliver, ahd a daughter, Mrs. Elgin Babcock, The remins were placed in the vault here. A by-law granting to the Bowes' Milk Products Company, Limited, a fixed assessment of $10,000 is to be 'submitted to the electors on the day of the municipal elections, About 2,000 pounds of turkeys, geese, and other fowl have been ship- ped from here to Toronto during the past two weeks. Forty-five cents a pound was paid for turkeys. Thomas Trousdale is resting well in Kingston General hospital after undergoing an' operation there. Mr. Hanlan, of the Agricuitural college, Guelph, is spending the holidays here with his wife, Mrs, Hanlan, Miles Spatford attended the provincial U. F.0. convention in Toronto last week. J. H. Sedgewick was in Elgin on Tuesday on business for the conden- eery. John Storms has opened a bar- ber shop on Mill street. Queen's students are home for the Christmas holidays. The public and high schools closed for the vacation on Thursday, and the high school tea- chers left for their homes, Term ex- aminetions have been held at the higher institution this week. Out-of- town teachers are arriving home for the holidays. Dwight Walker has been receiving treatment for his foot, at Sydenham Military hospital, King- ston, George 8. Digby, a rubber worker at the Tiger Tire and Rubber Com- pany's plant in West Belleville, while in the compound room; siph- oning annaline oil from ome drum to another, got some into his mouth and thoughtlessly swallowed it, He tcher's A NRA A \ \ Z d Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children. Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine is even fliore essential for Baby. Remedies prepared . for grown-ups ase not interchangeable. It was need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that broitkht Castoria before the public after years of and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not provea. 'What is CASTORIA? Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aide the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. ' The Children's Comfort--The Mother's Friend, ! GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Sighature of * ' In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK SITY . NEW ELECTRIC GOODS, "JUST ARRIVED Students' Study Lamps, extra good value. Price $3.60 each. English Hot Plates, price $7.50. . Call and see our large assortment of Portable Lamps, Agents for Apex Vaccum Cleaner, Burke Electric Company - PHONE 42s. { Make your Doors and Windows Storm and BRONZE WEATHERSTRIPPING Easily put on all Doors and Windows yourself. ; Subbited complete with directions and nails, snd at very Weather-proot | Lemmon & Sons 187 PRINCESS STREET 4 ' *