Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Dec 1921, p. 10

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Perhaps you were one of the lucky oues who received good Canadian moady for your Christmas. If so, then you will want to invest it in something which will last in- definitely. We suggest a good Phono- graph. : "Although our holiday trade was THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG) et | In the World of Sport | a | PIONS CANADIAN {FORTHE CHAMPIONSHP {Farmer Burns Thinks He Has World- Beater For Zlysko. Omaha, Nebraska, Dec. 24.--A Cenadian farm boy from Britieh Col- umbie is the coming world's champ- Lion wrestler, according to old Far- mer Burns, of Omaha, world's cham- | pon for so many years, who has { wrestled 6,000 times and lost but Seven matclies. Farmer Burns has been developing the Canadian farm- er, apd says he is the coming cham- pion. He is already so strong that recently the young Canadian went up against Stanislaus Zbyszko, the present world's champion at Nash- ville, Tenn., and stayed in the ring with Zbyszko for three hours until the referee called the match off be- cause it was after midnight. Farmer Burns picked up Frank Gotch, an unknown Iowa farm hand, and made him the champion of the world. Now the farmer has gotten another farm hand, and says he is going to develop a new world's cham- says Farmer Burns, "He is the com- ing world's champion. "l am going to continue to train him, and. 1 will maké him throw Zbyszko and all the rest of the rest of the champions before I'll say he is the finished article." THEY HAD BRAINS. So Says Dr. Raycroft of the Old-Time Athletes. Dr. Joseph E. Raycroft, Princeton's director of physical education, comes to the defense of the athletes of the past in an afticle in the Daily Prince- tonian. Asked to compare the pres- ent-day athletes with those of the "golden nineties," the Princeton di- rector had this to say : : "I do not think that in any sport, such as football, the average man of the present meeds or possesses any greater intellect than the players of "twenty years ago. I played football myself thirts. years ago and coached for several years after my undergrad- uate days were over and I can assure you that I pondered long and as diligently over plays as any captain or coach of the team in 1921. The athlete then had just as quick wits as any man to-day. However, Dr. Raycroft | [00000 ss0etecrre | '# IT WOULD BE rs d formations] declares frowned on Highley emphatically that many more young| dealt the biggest "store" in Goldfield % WORTH WHILE * TO SEE THIS # New York, Dec. 24.--As a re + sult of bantering conversation # + among persons who tennjs- ¢ % ly as well as operatically inclin: ¢ # ed, a' strange match may bo # 4 played next summer, It would .$ % bring together in a doubles bat- © 4% tle John * McCormack, world + © famous tenor, and Mrs. Mola + + Bjurstedt Mallory on one side ¥ % and Bill Tilden, net champion, + © and Migs Mary Garden, operdtic # # star, on the other * * \ + 0000000000000 0000 KID HIGHLEY PAYS TIA JUANA VISIT Tia Juana, Mex, Dec. 24.-- Ed. "Kid" Highley, a former partner of Tex Rickard back in the halcyon days when the whirr of the little ball and the click of the checks could be heard in every mining camp in Ne- vada, is an arrival here to spend a brief holiday. In the good old days when gambling in Nevada was not and Rickard Now Highley | i EO INTERIOR TRIM Our Baseboards, Casings and Mouldings are manufactured from strictly number one stocks of White Pine; Fir and Cedar, 1 'Allan Lumber Co. 'Phone 1042 . . . . fee SR TUESDAY, DEC. ¥%, Iva. Victoria Street - FURNITURE Robt. J. Reid & Son . 230 PRINCESS STREET WISHES THEIR MANY FRIENDS i 4 AHH ---------------n--n--nm men in the twentieth century engage! ith the sky the Ymit. 5 S$ a prosperous stockbroker in San The Farmer' "find" 38 Olar. | 2¢tively in sports than was the case r toy Tate a Sur in other years; hence, he believes that! Francisco, with enough coin of the ing in a lumber camp in Pouce Coupe | \"¢ 130dern boy is stronger and heal-| fealm to keep him in "hani and British Columbia, ninety miles from , bier 2 SEge" for the est of Mis life. a railroad. That was something over Princeton's plan for physical edu- two years ago. Burns hag been train- | C2tion is embodied in an introduc- ing and developing him off and on | tOTY Physical training system for ever since ha discovered him making | fresbmen. This was begun in 1911, railroad ties with an edz. and now consists of four periods of "Next time HansenRoes up against | required exercise. one term of which Zbyszko he's going to throw that | must be spent in physical training in champion," says Farmer Burns, the gymnasium while . the three "Hansen is the only man, with the | Others may be devoted to any sport exception of Frank Gotch, to whom | 8elected by the individual, I ever gave the 'inside' stuff I de- veloped in my half-century of wrest- ling," says Burns. "I taught those things to Frank Gotch and they meade him .the world's champion. I have taught them to Charley Han- sen, and they are going to make Hansen the world's champion, too, "In some ways Hansen is stronger than Gotch. "Stanislaus Zbyszko was never thrown on his two shoulders but jjonce in all' his career, and that wes We Serve Good Meals {| by Gotch. But in the three hours at exceptionally good, we still have a few left at the same attractive * prices. pion out of him. AND PATRONS A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND Young Ladies, Read This HAPPY NEW YEAR + If you are bothered with pimples, |B rashes and ugly blotches on your face, - it your complexion is sallow, it's an evidence that you require Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills to tone up the blood. One of these splendid regulating pills makes a complexion like peach bloom-che#ks soon become rosy, eyes brighten, you again look the picture of health, look and feel well because you use Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man- drake and Butternut, 26¢ at all deal- ers or The Catarrhozone Co., Mont- real, Remember -- we give you easy terms. 4 "Eden", in the origihal Hebrew, meant "delight." BOYS! A NEW STOCK OF HOCKEY SUPPLIES JUST IN! WHAT DO YOU NEED? TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. PHONOGRAPHS--RECORDS--SKATES--CAMERAS 88 PRINCESS STREET " - - - - PHONE 520 "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" PHONE 577w. NO PRO. CAREER FOR THIS, BOXER London, Dec, 24.--AMN offers in- tended to influence him to ad the career of a professional pugilist have been rejected by Constable Harry Malkin, : Malin, middleweight champion of the world among the amateurs, has whipped everybody in Europe and won the international championship on a recent visit to New York. He is a splendidly built fellow, able to take a lot of punishment and. with terrific punching power in each hand. It is the consensus of opinion | among the London fight folks that Mallin, within six mogths, not merely could establish himself as the "pro" middleweight champion of Europe, but certainly could win the light- heavyweight and tive heavyweight tit les of Great Britain. bY Harmon brothers made a sensa- tional score at Pinehurst on the first days in the amateur-professional af- fair, and with such expert talent on hand, caused a big surprise. Those Harmon boys are both ex- ports at the game. One is an amateur and the other a pro, but it is often nip and tuck between them en fighting each other on the links, iy mn Nashville last week Zbyszko was {{unable to throw Hansen. Yet Zbys- zko has thrown Joe Stecher, Strang- ler Lewis, Pesek Earl Caddock and {| all the res' of the big fetiows." Hansen is a rea farin boy. He was born on a farm near. Crookston, Ninn., and later moved to British Columbia, where he took up a home- stead. While waiting for his home- tead % ¢ But Mallih insists that he will re- went > Work. 1h Biotuctize Hansen main an amateur fighter and denote - his regular working hours 'to police' of the Northwest. _ Asa Jer Hansen gained con- duty with the metropolitan force in siderable notoriety among the lumber | L0n40R. jacks. Then he wrote to Farmer Burns "in Omaha and asked Burns about training him. Later, Hansen came to Omaha to see Burns. Burns was delighted with Hansen. But Hansen hed no money upon which to live while he was being meade 'into a professional] wrestler. So he took a job as an ordinary day laborer, and for two years or so , worked as a carpenter, painter, cook or anything else he could get to do. And all the time old Farmer Burns was driving hig "tricks and tactics" into the younger fellow's » head. He was training his muscles, his mind and his heart. PHILIP Phone 1308. "Hansen is on the level--he does TOY, Prop. wot chew, smoke, drink or swear," Heals Fiiamumed Nos. 4 ils, Stops Catarr| tril Stone £ Relieves Colds Quickly You'll be pleasantly surprised at the quick action Catarrhozdne has upon Catarrhal conditions "dr the nose or.throat. It is so soothing, so healing, so agreeable to use, so safe .and reliable that thousands praise it and use it everyday. No nasty medi- cine to take--you just breathe in the For good meals prepared right come and try us -- you 'will be delighted with our service. Everytying you could want served as you like it. Dainty Restaurant | 88 PRINC.SS STREET -- BOMBARDIER WELLS AS GOLF PROFESSIONAL Bombardier Wells, the former Bri- tish heavyweight, played a round with Anderson at one gf the London courses. Wells is a golf enthusiast and what 4s more can play a good game. In the round with Anderson he scored a 78. It was at Sunnimgdale. Wells has the advantage of playing with all of the leading pros and ama- teurs over there and his game has im proved-constantly. He has some idea of turning professional. Always Ready to Serve You Morning, Noon or Night Come in any time and you will find us ready with good meals prepared under the supervision of first-class cook. The surroundings -and our table linen are always kept clean and in Al condition. CROWN CAFE OPEN FROM 7.30 AM. TILL 2 AM. 208 Princess Street. e3 oO i: | ny iY Losing Their Heads? ry ; Club owners of the major and min- " or leagues must exercise discretion d and stop paying and demanding out- regeous prices for players, or they are likely to have a sad awakening, according to President Ban Johnson, of the American League, = "Prosperity in the last two yea has carried the magnates off their feet," said President Johnson. "And they are forgetting what the word prudence means, They may be optim- istic over the 1922 geason, but I am inclined to be a bit skeptical. "We are and have been traveling along a fictitious prosperity for the last two or three years and the soon- er we step down the better it will be for the game and everybody councern- ed. Next may not be so good for the owners. Gdod times have af- | tected: their heads and they are un- consciously doing baseball an almost irréparable injury by inflating the prices on players as they have this year. There is likely to be a slump in baseball and then some of the owners will wish they had kept the strings tied to their pocketbooks." PILI Cut'Brier) RA ; CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Beautiful Boudoir and Table Lamps, Irons, balsamic vapor, the healing essences Toasters, Des wl why k Lamps. of Catarrhozone and feel better at once. Catarrhozone is breathed H.W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC co, [Seip ids cell in the lungs, into' every air pas- 167 PRINCESS STREET sage In the throat and nostrils. No matter where the cold or Catarrh is, losone will reach it. You can keep free from coughs, colds, bron- chitis and the like by using Catarr- hozone. 'Two months' treatment One Dollar; small size, § Dealers everywhere, or the Catarrhosone Co., | Montreal.

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