THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. TO-NIGHT LAST TIME Provincial JOE WILTON PRESENTS A PETITE REVUE i _ : ASP Bye-Election "HURLY BURLY" nl -------------- -- i ... PRICES airmen RDO HOO eon CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES i WANTED GENERAL . -- Td TD ans OF KINGSTON Arr Por comers ererr---- teres eset Flat ixsertion, 1c a word. Zach con. | Comore So Cv ¢ | ? FOUND : [TWO SETS OF LIGHT LOB SL - : secutive insertion thereafter halt ing terms to Eastern | 1 New Eng and. Bakery. Ladies and Gentlemen. ans THU SD Y GOOD TIMOTHY BALED HAY: APPLY |, ACUTE cu the request of a large num- | SH R : A i) '0 ALE her ot electors and friends, 1 hereby i Ay nce' myselt as Cpenanss : FRI & SAI. cent 4 word. Minimum charge for Whitney Hotel, 28 Brock st. nounce myself as an Indepen . Gidaie for the Untario Legisla BARBER BUSINESS, TOBACCO STORE | 1}, ming byve-elect| lected, ? AVL? . 'RE AT 9.4 i ice cream parlor and dwelling. Del-| S00 TLCS neg re oy Jon ¥ Ciected ! y SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.30 cq lighting system. Apply to Ala) measures that make for the one insertion, 26c; three lisertions,{ I. . ONE PAIR LADY'S BLUR® ? \ Fou R FURNISHED ROOMS gloves, Christmas 0 cents. Y tal > v n Bar Saive FAtAR are for sash only! - sUgn: housekedping (Sate, brice.] Movie Joes, Chrisunas | when charged they are double. Abpy to a re of Lansdowne St, ARMY | Fm = TE py ANT v Mrs. Wiskin, 146 Pine Street, WANTED TO RENT OR BUY, RADIATOR CAP FOR AUTO. | { HELP WANTED. Mackamith sho: ih house Owner may have same by Arkib LS, W. Cowdy, Harrowsmith, mon Food and welfare of both city and A THIER ACT « y " { pho i . aa T province, irrespective of which par:y | oi . PARLO BEDR MAKE MUNKY AT HOME, $i3 TO $60| "0, i MAN WISHES WORK oN | small KNIFE AT KINGSTON ||; 0 HUNDRED YARDS OF HOME- introduces such measures. | COMEDY RIOT J VABCINE. We instruct and supply | Bagot street Christmas day. . Burke, Ompah, Ont YOU With Work. West-Angus taow | WANTED TO BUY GENERAL STORE Owner may have. same DY Apply to T. G. Bu Pi | i ~~ n READING GLASS. OWNER MAY : tock, implements WE WANE A miLiARLE Ware, YR: | Aare 'same by applying ani | | og Ly *Sppiy. to R. af . TO-DA Y S I R A N D TO-DAY Agent for each uurepceseuted coun: | 3oGy REPAIRING -- HOW ABOUT | proving property "at College | | VanLuven, owner, Portsmouth. : ty or territory. ' Kxciusive selling "Your roof! Does it need repairing? | Book Store. al hd CATON'S ALWINGTON AVENUE, SEVEN.(] © GUUD WAGES FOR HOME YORK . | auto. Owner may Bave same we need you to make sucks on the BIG $3 PFPHRIVATE CHRISTMAS by calling Taxi Stand, #2 aN . INT 1 fast, easily-learned Auto Knitter; greeting c¢ | Clarence Street. CANARY og HARTY OUNTAIY > 9 experience unuccessary;, aistance to : celebrated, Inexpen- | A PAIR OF MEN'S WOOLLEN ! Christmas present.' Also fox hound] TO THE ELECTORS. immaterial; positively no canvass- sive, Royal Series; secure orders| mitts. Owner may have sane | Sell cheap or exchange for | At the request of a large and in- : stamp. Dept. 1¥3-C. Auto Knitter Co, men already making tive doliars up NECKLACE, ON WILLIAM ST. d ' Toronto. ' daily even in spare time; capital or between Bagot and Sydenham cess Street, - ) decided to offer myself as a citi- DBeautifiil sceneu--~Sw ane Scottish Melodies day being paid to. our successful Street. ds, mitts, gloves, hand bags and|] derman should enable me to serve || students. learn auto tractor me-| - SMALL SUM OF MONEY ON nn an. Bio Yoorder: Apply | the city well in the higher capacity EVENING: Reserved Seats, 3b. about overhauling, repairing, driv- AGENTS--GET IN A PROFITABLE! same at 357 Johnson street { t solicited ing motors; g@s irectors; big wages] all year commission business of | FLEXIBLE BRACELET ON NUKOIL--1OUR WARMEST FRIBND-- | spect ully solicited. id Weehiy for yuur spare tlitue farm; experienced; od . with ls. Phone 7%0w.. ' | Flannel for Blankets; one Ss i a . LR r . 28 WEILIng snow cards for us. No can-| foci ADDly 234 Ontam Street || 14K. GOLD CUFF. LINK ON || made wide. Price $1.00 per yard. R. G. ARMSTRONG. | | PRICES ..20-30-50. Gallery 10c. Saturday Matinee 10c¢ and 25c, Laid Service, 17 Colburue bid, To- in good location. J. K. Carroll] calling in the evening at Mrs. 160 ACRE FAXM, ON LAKE SHORE, Foti roato. 3 Agency, 56 Brock Street, Kingston, | Fay's, 37 Clarence Street. theee miles west of Kingston; | rights, good pay Lg energetic rep We uss Argus Roof-proof. Drop a BOY'S SLEIGH AT a 4 A Paramount Picture resentatives. Our agency Is valu d F. Coventry, 6 Barrack St. pasture, on Sunday. Owner roomed frame dwelling; electric i avis, Write Pelham Nursery Cou RR a ee | may have same at 182 Mont- | | light; hardwood floors downstairs; . 66 orohto, On : V Yt ] ; real gtreet. rh TR { lot 70" x 132°; price $2,900. J. K.| SITUATIONS VACANT A BLACK FUR NECK PIECE IN [| (Ot '0, Agency, 56 Brock Street, | | 3 \ : od; lars, 3 we : Ri ie dog : 1 Ing. yarn supplied; particulars, sc new; deliver later; men and wo-! at Whig Office. { well-bred spaniel.' Apply 679 Prin- (| 4 0 00 number of Glectors. I have J : FROM IAN MACLAREN'S IMMORTAL NOVEL - | expercince ulnecessary, _Jarret- streets, Sunday noon. Own:r | v BB COMPANY'S || zens' candidate for the Mayoralty. A Charming Chapter of Life in "The Days of Auld Lang Syne" FIFTY MEN WANTED-- $6-812 PER| son Company, Brantford, Ont. © may have same at 106 Clergy Lt Di of leather |} My five vears' experience as an Al- chanics. Be an auto expert on ig- AGENTS WANTED ! corner 6f Alfred and Princess Scott" & Duberry, 53 Beverly st.|| of-Mayor. hition, lighting, starting; learn ail | Streets. Owner may have Phome §19J. i Your votes ahd influence are re- ~--steady work. Write for beauti- wn. Every prob corner Wellington and Brock | | ) , x-}- . : ful free catajogue. The big Hemp- hoegs spre ot i hie hundred streets, Saturday afternoon. { ral nr liver yaks S. S. Corbett hill School at Toronto is toe larg- | varieties. of hardy Red Tag es | Owner may have same at this Pm orl Date ens Cw. | est and best equipped school in| "and plants. No capital ey Neville, 149 Collingwood, Bhone| | 0 ce. Eastern Canada. Hemphill's Big| Complete equipment .anf' instru BROOCHES AT COLLEGIATE Nev, J Auto Gas Tractor School, 163 King tion free. Write Dominion instru: "At Home," Friday even ng. || 2362M KE Street West, Toronto. | fes, Montreal, Owners may have same at 3:0 | : HAVE FUR SALE ALL KINDS or { Alfred Street, or phone 1121. | | ood second-hand furniture and 4 : | DISTRIBUTORS AND AGENTS WANT- A CRANK FOR CHEVROLET || good Any person having stoves a ora Ladies and Gentlemen: ed for Red Arrow Tires in every | car on Division Street. Own- and furniture to dispose of, we will If my 0 years' record at the coun- A | Som munity in Canada. Opportunity | Sq, uy have same at the | pay highest prices. Va ampson. cil boards sat'sfactory to you, I would | ¢ . IRE a > i to make large income. Contracts 5 ce. | 33 Princess Street. one w. eg ' yp "re-elec! . MEN AND WOMEN IF YOU ARE for 1922 are now ready. Immediate A PAIR OF CHILD'S MOCHA 3a - . oD st Our invert to receltel for | . : ! action necessary. Must be auto- Mitts on Princess St. Owner | MCLAUGHLIN ROADSTER; FORD 1923 seeking employment, having govd | mobile owner. Reference: Bank of - apply to Mrs. Timms, 67 roadster; Saxon Roadster; Ford aX Yas F. M. CLOW Wopality and rdferences. appi Toronto, Peterborough, Ontario, North Frontenac Street. truck; Ford touring; Overland tour- rpms ------ : personality and references, apply Write to-day to Red Arrow Tires, TIRE CHAIN, BELONGING TO ing; exchanges made. Geo. Palmer, | 7 Limited, rborough, Ontario. e Ford car. Owner may have cor. Queen and Bagot streets. RIDEAU WARD BE me same at Dominion Meat Store, Phone 410J. . To the Electors of the City of Kingston: Tincess Street, opposite the in the forenoon Room No. 8, Third Fee Ladies and Gentlemen: floor, Royal Bank Chambers. MCA. : | STONE HOUSE, SEVEN ROOMS, ELEC. | Ladles and Gentlemen: 2 . ROSARY AND CASE FOR SAME | tric lMght; bath; gas for cooking; Having been asked by many gentla- I ide in Ria ward 1 TO ™ in James Reid Company's \ good cellar; large barn; extra 1arge| men voters and by a very large al Tesice 10 eau Ward and own FIRST CLASS ROOM WITH BOARD; laneway. Owner can have lot; sacrifice price $3,300. . J. K bor of lady voters, to offer myself as a | Property in thiéd Gthers. If elected 1| dll convenlences. Apply 376 Bar- same by calling at Whig Of- Carroll Agency, 56 Brock Street, ; : Kingston, Ont. mayeralty candidate, I have consented | Will strive to further the interests of | rie or phone 2238w. fice, HE Te ANTE LONG BLACK KNITTED MITT. a had over ten years'.| the city as a whole, and Bideau Ward TEACHERS */ANTED, SINGLE ROOM, WITH BOARD IF DE- Owner may have same at SKATES, SKATES, SKATES--SKATES I 30 20 x Dave O39, SL airs, and feel | in particular ' | TEAC acy - sired; all conveniences. Apply 212 Quick's butcher shop. sharpened and hollow round: | fully qualified to AN the position for ' EACHER WANTED FOR 8S. 8. NO. | King street, or phone 2257. A CHILD'S HOCKEY BOOT -- Adults, 25c.; children. 1c. Speciai| which 1 aspire. 'Your vote and infin. . z | Kaladar. Salary $600. App we small size; on the corner of price for hockey teams. All kinds! ence are accordingly solicited to help C. C. Nash D D S ! ing qualifications to Henry Pp! ON FIRST OF JANUARY, Bagot and Princess streets. of baby carrihge repairs. Muller's] elect me. » NY 9 1 Secretary-Treasurer, Kaladar, Ont rooms now occupied by the I O. O, . .Owner may have same at the Bicycle Wor-vd, 371-773 King St re Dd aay arwtenetrua. F. Apply to Cunningham & Smith, "Whig Office. Bast. ® Yoire LRlX: Rideau Ward Electors | PROTESTANT QUALIFIED TEACHER GENTLEMAN'S GREY GLOVE. I I for 8. 8. No. 5, Hinchinbrooke; dut-| FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; on Princess Street Owner | HOTEL OF 18 BEDROOMS, WITH A J. W. LI ON ies to commence Jan. 3rd. Salary all Improvements; centrally locat- may have same at this office. ood, transient trade in winter and . Having faithfully represented our $900. Apply to Geo. A. Smith, seo- ed. Apply 243 University ve. ON INGSTON STREET CARS, fon to overflowing all summer with ' retary, Parham, Ont. . = . - ne cameo ring, and one touilst traffic. Price of $6,700 in- Electors of S$ denham Ward ward during 1916, and now being ask- GARAG! NEAR CORNER VEEN Eversharp Pencil' Owners ciudeg furnishings as well as real Yi! ed by a large number of electors to and Bagot Apply D. G. Hay, may have same by proving estate. J. K rh Agency, 56 1 r > R. 1. Kingston. Vhoue i100 r 23. property at 'Street Railway 'Brock Street, Kingston, Ont Owing to the fact of my resignation | again, I respectfully ask your vote Ao commence Janu-| sm ce - n . Office. : - od as a Separate School Trustee not being . 'Salary $700.00. Ap.| A NINE BuguMED froxe HOUSE, A LOW BROWN RUBBER. BK- CHEESE FACTORY, IN GOOD LOCA-| placed Within the time limit,"I hereby . Ply to y Campbell, Sec.-Treas., 148 Moutreal St, all improvements. longing t> a gentleman's left tion, frame building, includes Fac- a t 1d 1 test | Aldermen for 1922 Clarendon Station, Ont. Phone 1099 ring 3. Vacant April foot. Owner may have same tory and living rooms; two vats, | "Withdraw from the aldermanic con oe 1st. by applying to 192 Division Sharples separator, 8 h.p. boiler:| ©f Sydenham Ward. Wishing a Happy Teet. § re Stre good condition. Production about| New Year to all. G t * QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACH-| NEW SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE. | AuTGMObILE TIRE CHZIN OV RE hoes per dar. iction abou PTA as €0. La urney er for 8. 8. No. 18, rtland. Sal- electric lights, gas, etc. Apply H. Princecs St, Saturday night. Owner sping away. J. K. Carroli|~™ r Y» ross IS Tr 5 The Throbbing apd Photoplay, and influence to elect me as one of your ary 3800 per annul. Apply to F. Norman, cement factory, Patrick Owner may have same at the Agency, 56 ; ------ k Street, Kingston ® * Mra. Alex. Snyder, Secretary- treet. z ne " treasurer, Verona, Ont. y yee Dom. Ta® Service. Ontario, ; W. C. McDonald FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- . S li wd FF - ov STORAGE FOR FURNITURE AND QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR 8. 8. NO, merchandise; clea' and dry. Me- » TISED FREE t C A l ARA Ul Ww ARD & enbigh, A. and A. Duties to Cann Agency, 86 Brock Streel Anyone finding anything and ANTIQUE FURNITURE ! 3 Sarit Fk 30 pARRE ta dries, and : ~~ Bpbwh, ~ ry-treasurer, POLIS the, facts () y ve & compld To the Electors: g nachar, Ont. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN Shapers Wil, instar: Mr poopie. line In genuine 3 record in dounci for 1821 meets PERCY B. CHOWN REQUESTS ay ain rooin and haces; Xs or column free of charge, Antique Furniture for the parlor, din-| with your approval, I respectfully $o- - " Ww? QUESTS TEACH! PROTESTANT, FOR 8, 8, Storage, 299-305 Queen St. Phone | "Found articles" does not in- i licit your vote and influence to elect| yoUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE ; No. & Jownshi of Leeds: duties to 526. Hes. 989w, * slude, lost a9 = satth horses, BE room andibegrotin in waluut and me As Jo" Sepresentative in Cataraqul u v x & nuary rd. ar; ©. ose, ost, m - y . Yeon "|| mahogany. ard tor 1323 FOR 'HIS RE-ELECTION A §|. nis + y $800... Write stating qualifications vertised for in the "Lost column. to the secretary. Wo J. Shaw, R. 1! | SEVEN ROOM SOLID BRICK HOUSE, - WwW. A. Stroud Learn to dance at the Gar- No. 2, Gananoque, Ont. Just completed, un Victoria' Streat LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP : ALDERMAN den Hall, 111 Brock Street. all moderh improvements; with 3 Guuraunteed to jenrn all the : garage. l'ossession 1st of January, We buy all kinds of Furniture. | rh atest daoes in ten lessons. OTESTANT, EXPERIENCED Apply-1- Bo Wathiem, 143 Nelvon St. LOST. : WwW gen ; Fox Tro Neen third or second ele coal n 4 Phone 1045w, 507 Princes: Street. VICTORIA ARD = Wars, Sus Step, J ry rt, er for 8. 8 No. 12, Storrington: » TAN DRIVING GAUNTLET: ON MON- "its rg salary . Duties to commence ONCE, A NEW SEVEN ROOM day afternoon ,Dec. 18th. Finder ' | To the Electors: | vight. Jan, ar ark Apply, stating ex- Bouse Sha vari on North Alfred} ab kindly: return to Wig Office. To the Electors: * i ita ' Ald | | MRS. 8S. COHEN, Instfréctor rience to atson anley, Sun- 0 on 0 street, a go I am again-a can ate for er- + ury, Ont. brick house and eight acres of lana | PAIR OF CHILDREN'S GLOVES IN It my record in council for .1021],,.°" SEA A candidate f past were | dail Phone ......e..; 357 Apply to J. D. Boyd, 332 University parcel between Princess street and PALMISTRY meets with your approval, I respectful- | satisfactory,.and you elect me for Renldence Phone .....187% Avenue, phone 103M. Stuart street. Please return to the mm ty" solicit your vote and influence to| 1922 I wiil' endeavor to serve vou to ~ - - SIGNS Whig Office. COME AND HAVE YOUR HAND READ a in| the best of my ability. My motto will ~~ DON'T DESTROY WORTHLESS by Madam Lillian, who gives satis- elect aS as ols I pfesdutative Dn | be: "Careful economy in the expendi- STOCK CERTIFICATES "i SEMI-DETACHED BRICK HOUSE, 7 BLACK AND FAN HOUND ANSWERS taction to all Houra 10 am. to 19 wataragy re. Jor d ture of the city's property." Money invested in ofl and other SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS WOR rovms, ree-plece bath; electric to name of "Trick." nyone har- p.m. eadings for'ladies, 50 cents. i ° - a od . aE large or small, IDS, Wl. 38 Wonk. light, gas for cooking; furnace; boring same after date will be Apartment No. 1, 338 King Street. | W. A A Driscoll ' Ww. M C valueless stocks, bonds, notes, ete. may displays & specially, by Shaw at 213 suie entrance. Possession February prosecuted. * Finder please notify ---- si == | . C artney./ be recovered by the ILBS.E. method 1st. A y 113 Colborne Street. Almon Young, Millhaven. Dig up aft your bad investments and Te Str Phone Sit A MEDICAL. CATARAQUI WARD ; ONTARIO WARD write. for full. details. -- SMALL MAE LEATHER EFURSE, ON LEGAL A rincess, agot, Charles, eau, C. K. ROBINSON, M.D 365 BARRIE EB SE MILLINERY. Raglan Road, York or Barrie, con- 0.1% a 3.4| Ladies and Gentlemen: To the Public School Electors of 921 Kansas Avenue, Topeks, Kanans Street. Hours 10.3 .m., 4 > CUNNINGHAM & 1TH, BARRIST. TTT TR YT taining a two dollar bill. Finder p.m. 7-8.30 p.m. Phone 164 I have been urged to run as ap alder- Ontario Ward. ers an cliors, Clarence |. . ' . " please return to Whig Office. Ladies and Gentlemen: Street, Kingston. 'A. B. Cunning- Williem Street, wil! take orders OR. Rm. HUVCKE, 111 WELLINGTOY | Manic candidate in your ward, and have | "Your vote and influence are respec:- ~~ THE FINEST QUALITY IN PURE OLIVE: OIL ty 3 for maxing trinming and remodei- . Street, K ston : fully solicited re-elect m ham, Cyril M. Smith, Ing NALS, % PRINCESS STREET ke oN MAR- to aE k i O00 hours: 11 consented. Your votes and influence Set ool T 1 : to lect e Public] BRO SHEA, B.A a ket uare, man's wrist watch, en- evenings. Telephone A her kindl If my fourteen years' service on the | Oo t th AM 81 A, w BARRISTER graved E. R. M army disc attach- 8 J pho 456. : gre t efore ndly requested to help n 3 Yi Edu Bh appeals to eu, I Ss €0 a ¢ and Solicitor, w office, corner of t ed. Valued as-a keepsake. Please elect me, youl k four con 'me. - King and Brock, (over Royal Bank. UPHOLSTERING. return to 78 William street. Re: ARCRITEOY ! eh Would Wak Tor Sour Coitinned subport. 13a nent by Hearth Without - ward. hy le Money to loan. Phone 1999. : ! : Enoch Godwin, Jr. +A, WwW. McLean drugs by adjustment of the hu- LL OR DROP A CARD TO W, J. iy CHIROPRACTIC. CA vine, ubholstarer 216 Bawor Bl CHRISTMAS AFTERNOON, A| POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCHI. 203 William si. ]1, Man. michine, Give Nature 3 - ambers. 2 o" A Al AA rtf i vation chance and she cure en F. W., HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. and crepe de chene underwear, ei- corner of Brock and Wellington, F " 0, Hf the broken bone. WM, A. MARCKLIS, D. i Oy Cora holstering and general repairing. ther on Rideau street, Raglan Road, rontenac ar RONTENAC WARD Mechano-Therapy. -- Electron ; - A---- parcel containing two pleces of stik tects, Merchants Bank -Ch as she heals the wound and Knite ner Princess and Bar Leave orders at or drop a card to Redan street, Frontenac Park, or : ! fioor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, 104 Clergy street York streets. Reward if returned to PERSONAL To The Electors: Therapy ©? Twelve Yearw Success in At the request of a large number of DRS. ROBERT and £DNA unt. Consultation free. Telephone Pansy Cherry, co. The Aberneth $32]. Hours ¥ to 13 0m. J to § pm. COVERKD BUTTONS MADE TO OR. Shoe Store, Delfcass Birest, a ae WANTS, BINT. Jinguion ' er in popular si es and sizes. marks. skin vancers, scars, stc.. re- $ ETTA BLODGETT, SPECIALIST Upholstering and repairing done. , : tary | TO the Electors: electors, I have decided to offer myself ; BR. 1 TTA : STRAYED. moved permanently." Satisfactory ASHCROFT practic, 585 Princess Stree', E. J. Goodridge, 244 University lasses ed At the request of a large number of | as a candidate for the B Sdu- - Kingston, Ont. Hours 1 to 4 p.m, Avenue. . Phone 1833J. : Sthars have failed. trp Te electors, I offer myself #8 an Aldec- 3 ar the. Board of. Edy 201 King St. near bari. : and 70 Sa, y Tuesday, Thurs. - SEVERAL GEESE, MIXED WITH MY 36 yvars'.experience. . Dr. Elmer J,| manic candidate for 1922. I will ap- | cation. Your help and | votes are i ay 5 " ppolniments | on NITURE REPAIRED AND FIN. flock lately, Owner may have same Lake, Bye, Kar, Nose. Throat, Skin. preciate the help of your vote and in- | gojicited on my behalf. by reques by proving property and paying for 358 Bagot Strect. Phome 301, ished; guna, gramabhones, io: fe. this advertisement. Austin MeDao. HOWARD KELLY, Mrs. Enoch Godwin, J ; rs, 'win, Jr. Ba. Gronak ¥. Lucy, pa. mann a] Ein ears Amen] A Weisman EL ee -------- 3 DR. JENNIE A, anton seth, Cel - id . 4 BS grein : They, Sheopractid 4 late tay - ol : FRONTENAC WARD | ior earn en F ~7 - ~ u ure, Bagot strest, a : : : E ATH a RS between Princess ana Brock. 'Tie: BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE. 1 Bs Brivcess Seroer Fnone mira ® : TENDERS WANTED ! 4 fork one d re .m., - " a / 4 and 7 to 9 pi. Spinal Analysis MALE AND FEMALE BikDs. APPLY | es AND ans Dou Bh of F Ward: hn» 0 he Ne % - = ES rn dase. Reslaential| oy pOTRICAL ENGINEERING TAUGHT -- fists, 159° Wellington streets cores] Having accepted nomination for Al- ; [> j ) ; : : by mail. Learn a fascinating and | pruss IN FIRST CL. CONDI- of Brock. derman in the above w. 1 t Tenders will be received by thegun- | I : profitable business In your spare tion; size 37. Apply 3671 Barrie Sc. rman in the ahove ward, 1 respect: | orsignce up ull 12 o'clock noon, the FANCY. GOODS. 2 tical Pgh han lg i Phone 11780, DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 | fully solicit your vote and influence In 3rd Lay ot ahuary, Jit for s Joe » . uate engineer Sultable for ant. MABY CARRIAGE IN FIRST CLASS| sraniess Street. Phone 1880. Opes | support of my candidature. 2, Concession 2, Townanip of Kingston. > SIIrCuLY s Tou Jina NG, AC- one who pan, read and wie Your Sonditioh; stylish. Jeastnabie in s e © = ting. and address on a pos i " : 2 | vin nts AE Bh pets "Jee ISB TUL Whe ORR | OR ANiRSKE, BENET, was D. A. Volume, M.D. |i SE Secncatons can be sere on Re. lecirica ool, Pp : 9 179 Stuart st Kingston. opposite Artillery Park. Crawford St, Toronto. A LARGE STOCK OF ARM: a] -JiaszPe0k af Nav FOR ALDERMAN at CW PAIR, | County Road Superintendent ets for sale at a reasonable. Seite W. KENT MACNEE Call at L. Routbard, sy Frinceds . Labo ot 1 ; ; BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE. MRS. H. 5. CRUMN AUTO. aed Inch of. y : o,. pixhakegr to -- mobile a Casvaits Tnsurance. 420 a AD pominated for Alder Bank of Commerce Building Brock an. ' : / x ig Ear] street. Phone 1783M. . the| Xing Streets. Phose 701 or 133;t e FOR SALE. ' 8s Vv; by i evenings by appointmen lowest or any tender not FINANCIAL 4, or. phone 1723. ge , © Gemersl Insurance Agency $2,500--R. C. Bhal-BuLACHED; six | STRANGE & | i ANCE] : more prosperous city | Writing:--Auatomobile, Pire, Accident rooms; . and .; down tows. ts; LL repre. | 18 my motto, and If this Suits Dou. vors| Sokol: FAL Glass Burglary, ste the most reliab - Somuaniss tepre Representin Only Reliable Companies Have you tried it lately? sespe--smion, 10 moons, Saran sonics Oifies 35 Clar street, 'S Suis vo J PHONE 116 | ' Even better than before RE enti elt ARE yer | B ' Drope jos L : 3 81.5000. "ment Society, 1861. | Bill Holden's Value Consider. . ' . v Brome: ies ot VORA Erotestt tr MAIL, Hi: * abi | 24 Hour Day Service be : : i J OF two nore houses. a ? : ! hs iy. James Swift & Co., Limited or = ---- Sk 5 B munlupel Bill Aden ¢ aliimors outfielder, | Footof Johnson St. ~~ [|| =¥LICFRImit wes) wh -- mS anes eh all modern, hard: ad ele , : in . ¢ HING wilt handle 10" : - nt laste 90 mariage oenses. : "te 214 Princ fe 70 LET. REE sy b Newark Club, a deal ™ : ns smolrrans; woe somyfevey| CIVIL ENGINEERING. through Jack Dunn || J | | de i BEL 5 ET Pw : GEO. NOBES WHEN YOU WANT THN CARPENTER BATEM PAINTING OR op Pa A i : : . x