TUESDAY, DEC. 27, 1921. | Ig FOUNDED 1847 Men's and Boys' LIVINGSTON'S . 75.79 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route, It Pays To Walk' : 20% OF ALL Quercoats 441 100 Ibs. LAMB STEW A \. » \ erson Bros. - LIMITED' After the Christmas extras we natural- ly return to plain, staple foodstuffs. The following list may be helpful to you in plan- ning for your table between holidays, MEAT DEPARTMENT TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY - Beef ntitrie quality---800 lbs. Round Stea s 8s een SETTER .20c. Ib: .8e. "te ate ase. Fresh daily Sausage--seasoned just right: sev sae Sree aaa tessa ...12%c. 1b. ..18¢. Ih, 22¢ | Little Pig Coury: «ous BACON «oa. 20 Ih ~ Hi Maas cee a Svawaneen 85c. 800 Iba. Bliced Sweet Pickled |' 4 size, or half ....28¢, cn ® GROCERY DEPARTMENT pa Mersey Blew for .... $1.60 APPLES--To clear this yweek-- 200 bushels Cooking Appl teers JBLTE per bushel '| GREEN STUFF~--Lettuce, Par- .88c. Quality Blend . .......40c B50c. sley, Rhubarb, Celery. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. NEWS OFF THE WIRES IN CONDENSED FORM Tidings From Places Far and Near Are Briefly Recounted. British naval units guard Egybtian | ports, | Paris. . Reds accepts Lenin's economic pol- | icy. { tung issue. i U. 8S. may agree to ca conference. -- King Albert of Belgium to visit Italian monarch. > ford citizen, died suddenly. Automobile and radial car crash- ed near Brantford and several injur- ed. Disturbances continue in Cairo and attempts have been made to effect wrecks on railways. Dr. Howard Cross, of Rockefllel Institute, died in Vera Crus, Mexico, Tuesday, a victim of yellow fever. The suggestion that the whole submarine problem be left to a fu- ture world conference gains increas- ing prominence at Washington. J. A. Ellis, of the Ontario railway and municipal board, declares that the Ottawa street railway is the best paying street railway systems on, tho continent, : In the terms of the commercial agreement between Italy. and Soviet sumption of trade between the couh- 'tries, pending negotiations for a gen- eral ecomonic treaty. . An involuntary petition in bank- ruptcy was filled in the federal court Tuesday against Robt. Ingersoll and brother watch. manufacturers, New York. million dollars, and assets at millions. RICH BOOTLEGGER _ LIBERAL WITH TIPS Gave Local Barber $3.50 When He "Dolled Up" on Saturday. two Cecil Smith, confessed rum runner, sentenced to seven years in the Ports- month penitentiary, having been con- victed of an atte..pt to bribe a pro- vincial officer, and who was released on Saturday, having been granted a new trial, made his way to a Prin- he secured his freedom, in orcer to get "dolled up" before going back to Windsor. Smith was known as the millionaire bootlegger, as he claim- ed that he had paid out over $96,000 was confiscated. After getting a real good hair cut, and a few extras, totalling in all $1.50, Smith handed the barber a $5 bil] and when the barber handed Smith back his change, the tonsorial artist almost suffered'a fit when Smith said: "Never mind the chango, old man, just keep that as a tip." The barber put the tip away in his jeans, and /is now telling his friends that this is the higgest tip he ever received. Canon Jones by Acclamation. election in Rideau ward. H. F. Met: calfe retired and Canon J. W. Jones iy elected by acclamation. Miss Whitton, head of the history tute, has resigned owing to ill-health. AMERICAN NAVY GUIDES FEMININE FASHION TO THE MIDDY BLOUSE £5. il blouse. . oil Hi hl gk ky ; , i Japan takes firm stand on Shan-| economic George Ward, well-known Brant- Russia provision 18 madé for the re-| Liabilities were set at three cess street barber shop as soon as| in liquor fines and for liquor, which! There will be no school trustee | tor of the Quebec Grand Lodge, A. ¥. [and A. M., is in Kingston to give an department of the Collegiate Insti- | | Hon. Dr. Edward is 223. Briand visits Lloyd " George at] | f i i JAMES HALLIDAY} Elected Reeve of the village of Ports- mouth, by acclamation, for his eighth! term. ! , Ald. Fred Clow Had Quite an Experience on Monday i Night. The members of the Kingston fire department are ready for any emer- gency, but their chief business is fighting fires and life-saving. They saved a life on Monday night, and thereby hangs a tale, At 7.30 o'clock "Ald. Fred Clow found that he had been acci- dentally, locked in his office in the Bank of Toronto building. Luckily the telephone was at hand, and Ald. Clow sent in a call to the firemen. The ladder truck was rushed to the scene, and on 'arrival the firemen found Ald. Clow at a window sill, ready to make his grand escape. He came. down the ladder just like a veteran. . As a result of the episode, the fire- men are now smoking some good ci- gars at the expense of Ald. Clow. TURKEY SOLD FOR $20. { Fredericton Bird Weighed Just 2814 Pounds, | Fredericton, N:B., Dec. 27.--The record turkey in the Christmas niar- ket here Saturday 'was one which weighed 28 1-2 pounds, and; offered at 70 cents a pound, brought just $20. Its owner declared the bird to have been a iast year's gobbler which had become so savage as it waxed big and fet that it became uncontrollable about the barayard. ns "I sold a whole beet heifer yester- day for less than that turkey sold for," bewailed a disappointed fellow- farmer as he'viewed the sale of the record turkey. From the Sunny South. Fresh cocoanut, gangerines, grape fruit, pineapples, c.,' at Carnov- sky's. Canon Shatford, depiity grand mas- eddress at the Minden and Catara- qui lodges' banquet to-night, The official returns of the Fron- tenac election were made on Tues- day. W. 8. Reed's majority over DAILY MEMORANDUM. Skating at Palace Rink Ao. Right Benefit euchre at Y.I.C.B.A. Hall, Wel- lington street, Wednesday, Dec. 28th, at 8 p.m. Refreshments. CHRISTMAS CARDS cards--yery reasonable prices. HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR - MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. BUKN. DOUGLAS--In Ottawa, on December 26th, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles " Douglas, a daughter (Rhoda Sylvia Jean). PICKERING---at 126b Nelson street, on Dee. 26th, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Pickering. (nee Alice G. © Stevens), a daughter. { ---- ~ DIED. 14 days. Funeral took ce Sacurday ; Mary's Cemétery. LAKE---In Kingston, December 27th, 1921,. Frankiin W. Lake, aged six- ty-two years. . L Funeral irom his late residence, 361 Alfred Street, SL huraday at 11 am. Interment at Sand Hil Cemetery, to St {a NES RED | 254 and ROBERT J. REID John Laidlaw & So WOOLLENS There is still plenty of time to procure a.new Dress or Coat before the cold weather is here -- - yards and yards of Woollens are now being shown, every one being suitable for each particular need. 200 Yards Navy Serge Ee . 48 inches wide. - . Nc yard 200 yards of fine Wool Navy Serge--wide width --- suit- able for Dresses and Skirts. 125 Yards Navy Serge 34 inches wide. $1.50 yard 125 yards of heavy, suitable for Skirts, all-wool Navy Blue Serge--most Dresses 'and the sleeveless Jumpers. French Wool Cashmere - A fine, all-wool Cashmer e--niuch used for the mak- ing of winter wearables, Celors Black, Navy, Brown, Cardinal, Rose, Pink, Sky, White. 40 to 44 inches wide. $1.49 and $1.75 Yard. Wool Pogiine. 135 Yards Jumper Cloth 135 yards this popular Jumper Flannel -- all Wool-- colors in a variety of new, pleasing shades. 29 ins. wide. $1.25 yard Plaidand Striped Skirtings New Plaid Skirtings have just arrived for winter | showing, The Plaids and Stripes come in such a range of pretty colors that you will surely find one to suit. Wide widths. Priced $2.50 and up $1.75.and $2.50 Yard. In the most wanted colors for 'winter wear --- Navy, Brown and Copen. 38 and 48 inches wide. _~ -- -- col A » Skating Is Here s THIS STORE HEADQUARTERS FOR HOCKEYS Boys size--1 £05 ...........0.......$3.25 to $5.00 Men'ssize--6to 10 ..................$4.00 to $9.50 Ladies size--3to7 ... 0.0... $4.00 to $6.00 McPherson's Lightning Hitch and Professional Hockey. Season Tickets for Harty Rink for sale here. n, Limited - esos