TUBSDAY, DC. 27, 1921. : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ----) & | (CHRISTMAS DAY IN THE CHURCHES PROBS: --Wednesday;fair at first, local snow. - ' | 9 | . { BES S Large Congregations Attended the Joyful Services--the Co- re : Adjutor Bishop of Ohio Preached in St. George's -) - ---- French Ivory | Cathedral--Musical Services Very Fine, | Ir mis ; == 1 TOILET SETS in Solid Ivory, Crowds of worshippers filled St:] ham street on Sunday were bright 10] hand drawn; pure . Bristle George's cathedral on Christmas day, | With helpful eermons from the min- | wey . 'ev. WU ETKidd was celebrant at the | ister, Rev. R. H: Bell, and special 10 Brushes," Englishizplate Mivror. = ~ ana a - = 9 . Sen . i - MANICURE SETS in solid WEEK 6.30 a.m. service, the dean at 8 a.m., | Christmas music from the choir and \ . French Ivory -- cut in new : and - the Bishop of Ontario at 11 | soloists. Anthems by the choir under b J : sha, nd fitted with finest Dat kr, when the office of the Holy | the leadership of the organist, Miss - ; . Jey a Communion (Eyre) was, splendidly | M. Shaw and solos by Miss Jean ? steel, : . sung by the male choir, assisted by | Chown, Miss Q. Woodman, Miss A. French Ivory Clocks, Jewel Mf Cadet Howard Fair on the violin. In | Pollard end Dr. H. 8. Angrove were Boxes, Trays, Perfume Bottles, the anthem "O Holy Night," (Adam) | well rendered. The preacher in the : -. : Powder Boxes, Shaving Sets, XMAS Feter Fair sang the solo exquisitely. [$ourse of the morning discourse com- ] \ Mirrors, Combs and Brushes. At the evemsong the anthem was | mended the canvass of the Kiwanians | ' . Lower in' price, better jn ap- "Arise Shine" (Maker), with C. B. 8. | to the members of the congregation. | pearance and quality. has arrived with .its Harvey takimg the &blo in splendid | h d voice. At the close of the service the Princess Street Methodist. : En L. T. BEST customary rus an choir wang carols on the chancei|{ The congregation of Princess | . ' bustle = steps, Arnold Fair singing the solo | Street church were favored with spe- > Their Flocks | cial programme of Christmas music . I ------------------ of "In the Felds With - Prescription Druggist. > i x J Abiding," (Farmer). The recession- | by the choir at both services on Sun- e539 = -. Open Sundays : » OUR al was "O Little Town of Bethle- day. In the morning an anthem by | / | WINDOWS | hem." the choir and duets by Mrs. W. N. | : | The preacher at the morning. ser- | Archibald and Miss M. Quirt; end | are full of vice was the Rt. Rev. Frank Doumou- | M™. E. Treener and Mrs. F. H. Ru- v lin, co-ajutor bishop of Ohio, on | therford formed the musical pro- | : GIFT whose shoulders the mantel of his | Tamme aod in the evening solos | were rendered by Mrs, Archibald add | 3 el t father, the la ish | SUGGESTIONS iy a hr ue 2 oh of Mrs. Treener, an anthem by the choir | and eermon he showed his hearers the [31d a double quartetie by Mrs. Ww. | unique place of Christmas 1921 ip |N. Archibald, Mrs. E. Treener, Mrs. | OUR STORE the history of the worl rhe F. H. Rutherford, Miss G. Peters, | . . . . ey The World, When Sle! | od Mescre. i Freon Bakes cor Offers many attractive bargains in seasonable wanted = A . were laying aside their weapons. The | Wiskin. The minister, Rev. . A. Wad- | ' : : 1 itself has an irifinitely [fl race of the work is set toward peace | dell. preached bright sermons morn- | merchandise--the values in each case are exceptional and 'ing and evening. a : | 5s never before, the mystica] east | . . . . greater selection. y -- i worth-while savings are to be had in all departments of this | typifiedt by the coming of the magi At St. Andrews, All reasonably priced with their gifts, has brought its great th St Andrew's church Supday | : contribution, to be greeted with the A &. Andrew's church on Sunday uncommon wards-- maybe, but [ev ening, Rev, John W. Stephen spoke Very Commo: causes of } OPEN EVENINGS jaa) Bad 2A lsiowshis by xbe ma | of the great joy inspired by the com- | HEADACHE {the peace and good will of the Holy | Ing Of Christ and what it had meant We have glass:s that remove ' Season seemed about to be fulfilled. | to the world. Though of course there | these causes and give The_ Bishop of Ontario was the |had been joy and little children in | IMMEDIATE | preacheér-at evensorg. He saig the | the world before this time, it was | RELIEF {day was not a day of remembrance of | "ot of the same spirit. This wonder- | ® [ll!a dead Christ, but the keeping of the | ful Christmas spirit has persisted n 2 Boe asl We Phys) JEWELERS birthday of the living Christ with his | down Hirough fhe seiiuries in 3plis | and drugs, come and see us. \ Limited | personal message to 'each heart. of war, famine an saster, a It your headache is caused by ----ai eource of this Joy and comfort is | eye strain we cure it Established 1840 St. Mary's Cathedral, that God is with us through our | | .Ohristmas Day was fittingly ob- | Whole life. It had 'also marked the | THROUGH PROPER King Street - - Kingston served at St. Mary's cathedral by | inception of the birth of brotherhood GLASSES | special services and a pontificial high as between man and man, and na- | | | mass at which Archbishop Spratt was. tion and nation. No league of nations | | TA family of five was smothered by | celebrant. The services began at 6 no disarmament conference, will ee ey Koy VU. | io on Christmas Evé" 'at Detroit, |@-m. and were continued at 7.30, 9 | ever guarantee the world agiinst the | Optometrist and Optician | Mich. "(and 10.30 a.m. Worshippers throng- recurrence of war, though ie is 3 206 Princess Street, Five persons were wounded and ed the edifice in adoration of the In- |doubjedly a rift in Se Soy Is. ut & doors above the Opera House [tour wounded when troops fired on | fant Jesus, to renew their faith, and the song of the angels, whic rang over the hills of Bethlehem on this busy shopping centre. ! rioters at Cairo. carry forth into the world the spirit 3 of peace and good-will. The music | first Christmas morn, bringing peace | was brilliantly rendered under the |On earth, goodwill to all men, is our | TE---- leadership of Rev. Father Lacey and |cnhly hope for lasting peace. Prof. Nourry, organist, *the clioruses 2 Spoctu Christm muse wae ren- and solos being beautifully sung. lered by the choir, and soloists at Rev, Father Hanley officiated at | both services, and the church was SERGE AND TRICOTINE DRESSES the six o'clock service and the boys' | also very beautifully decorated. : Jer) Cooke's Church, A host of charming new modes to choose from in Black, Manger." The offertory solo "Adeste | The difference that the advent cf Navy and colors. The styles are most fascinating and must be Fidelis" was sung by Eddie Gratton, | Christ to the wcrld has made, was to be full . d . and the "Due" by two boys, Masters | pointed out by Rev. W. Taylor Dale seen to be fully appreciated. A Woodhouse and A. Gratton. "Angels |!n the morning service at Covke's ' . . i oN We Have Heard on High" was sung | Church on Sunfay, Thi¢ had been Our entire collection will be on sale to-morrow at a dras--o . the great dividing line in the history tic reduction in price 1 ; ] "3 by Master Murphy, ' At 10.30 Archbishop Spratt was | Of the world, and it certainly could never have been the same if Christ > ' | He celobrait at the pomtifionl high [Dever dmve bows MMe spe 1t Cafist There are styles aplenty for all, from the. simple, plain.* {ff mass, assisted by Father Hanley, A . | . . . high priest, Father Keaney, deacon, [od a new idea of God aad of Duty tailleur dress to the elaborate novelty, with its heavy silk and Father Hyland," sub-deacon and |2nd the sanctity of human life. Ye . . Father Lacey-master of ceremonies. | is the Light of the world, and Wzht metallic embroidery. A The services was opened with the |is the enemy of crime and the source . - ; ! Festival March played hy Prof | of cheer and comfort, It is for us fo The sizes range from 14 to 44. The prices from $12.50 Nourry. The Christmas Carol, "The | shine for Christ so that otlier people . ; ; may be happy and that every day up to $85.00. , Infant Jesus" was sung by Charles Rr --ee- bt ' Cross; "O Holy Night" by Prof. | may be w the | 'epirit o ~ - es I Beg RR IT 2 on ; SALE PRICE ........>..... LESS 33 1.3%: very effectively rendered. The Kyrie | There were several anthems by : . was sung by L. Clark, "Gloris in Ex- | the choir at the services, and in the evening, two former members of the * |celsis by M. Burns and Prof. Gelly; : : Credo, R. Marchand; Benedictus, | choir end now of Toronto, Mrs. J. V. : Santus and Agnes Dei, Charles Cross; | Mounsey and Miss Ethel Ross, sang y . . . ? , . the offertory Adeste Fidelis by J. | solos. | : Invite Cleanliness ob Rn Td panied. After the pronouncement of ; | aed f | -\ Tommy sometimes comes to table with dirty hands because [the papal blessing by the archbishop wi Ziow, Cligieeh. inl | : hi y id Christ come to 8 the desire to wash is not inherent in any of us. Cleanliness is an | : the Triumphal March (Lemmens) earth?" asked Rev. Edwin H. Bur- acquired habit. It has to be taught, encouraged and made easy. The best washed, the cleanest and therefore the healthiest families are | was played by Prof Nourry. . : those with the best sanitary facilities. il At 7.30 p.m. Rev. Father Hanley, Sees in Bon reer uich ox : ® A See to it that in your home there is at least one lavatory that fl the rector, officiated, and the combin- | Co iyo He might show us what God . Juvites cleanliness My its roominess and spotless perfection-- the [||| od choirs of men and boys sang "The was like, and to teach us how to : nd that v i 2 ig : ¥ makes a good wash a luxury. We install the "Port Hape { Christmas Benediction and Vespers. make life a success. The popular idea + g 0 line, which is made in Canada. There is none better. Sr---- ' At Chalmers Church, is that success is only associated with money, power, pleasure, etc. ; ® 3 : McKelvey & Birch, Ltd. | The epirit of Christus was _ex- but Jesus has shown us by His life 65-71 Brock Si v 1g Dept and teaching that it is not what a . - ps {Plumbing Dept.) De ET ena ae re eye ren" on | man has that counts, but what be is. From Wednesday to Saturday We Will Clear 'The Fol- | We are also told that man never dies | > i ----r-- A -------- --" ---------- | S . . : : : : ' { Sunday, ami the congTegations were |, | 0,0 0 ire beyond goes on for- lowing Merchandise at a Straight Discount of 25%, That {large. In the: morning there was a { baptismal service. Rev. Dr. R. J. Wil- | ®¥e" ; . . 1% | son announce that the congregation's Moroni iy Spoke = Zhe Svea Means That 75¢. Will Have the P urchasing Power of workers had on Christmas Eve sup- music was rendered by thé choir. ! $1.00 On Any of the Following: -- / 'piled twenty families, including The Home ninety-five" char, wi hampers | O20 FS sntheme by the, choi . { and clothing. His address was a most Mrs. Burgess, Mrs. Prager. Miss Mil- : dramatic rendering of Van Dyke's : 5 . of Go ] d story of "The other wise man who | 47°? Irwin and Mr. Doinely sang --Boudoir Caps. _ --Boxed Handkerchiefs. found the King." There was special | 50108: . --Camisoles. --Silk Underskirts. | Christmas music by the choir, assist- At Calvary Church, ed by Miss Lestie Taylor, solo violln- | oh i ; appropriate sermons by the . Jot. Altogether the Services Were MON" | op Ruy. AP. Brown, Wid spec- --Silk Underwear. --Blouses, Furniture A "ft a de Bowen, hs At Bethel Church. ies of ho. choir. tail] . | ---Fancy Bags. --Silk Negligees. Gl Congregativnal church were. of | ConSogAiional church were _ of & --Men's Boxed Gift Goods. -- Bed Comforters. | thel Congregational church were of bright and helptu] nature. At the We are offering excellent values {a mast inspiring nature. The pastor, : ' z | Rev. A, 8. Duncan, preached appro- en BP aoan: make un ; --Children's P ullovers. ~All Linens. just now before stock-taking. Every- priate sermons and there was a spe- : : + - thing needed for the Living Room -- cial programme of musie. In the |i Syppigh ME, SUMEEE, was "The -- Snow Suits. ~Kewpie Dolls. comfortable Chesterfield Suites-- up- Biidied Pilz tendered ios aad dhe | rt as 's Every Article Marked in Plain Figurés s .....Less 25%. holstered in Tapestry, Mohair, Ve- At the evening service Dr 'Allen Hat. | : i fner sang two fine solos. and the t 3.8] i lours and Brocades in all the popular chotr rendered an excellent anthem.' : ! : fan P Siew within Nn Jack i all... Queen Street Methodist Church : it ¢ This should crowd our store to capacity, as each article - = $390.00, uite, Tealds an up . enuraerated above is excellent value at its regular price. : | : Sale continues until Saturday Evening A complete stock of holiday Re- and gpecial Christmas music was manner, including cords for your new Victrola, also Piano Sug 2] De Bott: Trae WarSing rl ets am and Rolls. Come in and hear them, in the evening the cantata "Light |y loists for the day were Jas. Sann- of Life" was repeated by the choir [gers and James Marshall. : and was again much enjoyed. A spec- fal Christmas offering was taken up by the Sabbath school. Goodly con- gregations attended the services, 5 ¥ Nh i