vw THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. : » TUESDAY, DEC. 27, 1021. finance which have been worrying Among the many who attend the BIBLE THOUGHT FOR T0-AYD : . RE him during the past two years. | Rex Hertormances there must surely) SAFE FROM ALL BVIL: . vat: eloc ot be a few hen- \ men | ANZ " yr |" Sir Henry js most eloquent when | a pecked married men The ed snad) te {he is speaking of his revedue fig- |and also a scattering of those who | Far nt chal Dreserve ures. He points to the fact that the | believe with the poe: that women are | a Laren o NEW CAPS NEW CAPS' for thie ht ths period | deceivers ever. Henoe theso sug- . ry » : Seri to ae pry inh he | gomtod titles, "Every Man's Woman," Special Value B I B B Y"S Special Value $250 | 44 $2.50 oe TEED EA -------------- a considers, compares very favourably | "Why Men Leave Home," "The Doar | JF \ } with the amount of §$265,721,311, | Fool," "The Eternal Feminine," ctc. ALONG.LIFE'S DETOUR which was collected® in the corres- | Them there is the "reformer"! type of . apparently easily satisfied when, in | Pardoned for oven suspecting that he 5 or she would frequent such a worldly ten. epite of mew burdens of taxation wnd Then It Ja oniv. Dinetra. regulations regarding exchange, | Pisce -- who TRIGIPUSE | | i Deh charms, the. sev: which ner: the customs duties | through repentance. His replies tail | Music DANE ¢ y pn heigl or Bw a { under these headings: "The Untruth- Wr ug 4 snakes a res EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES IN MEN'S AND BOYS WEAR ful Soul," "Repentence," "Truth Re 1 am meade to face it. It would Gave been only reasonbje to HOUSE COAT P URE SILK GLOVES stores: Happiness," "A Wife's Pe- - t Tabak » ph A a " tions of Oldest Inhabitant. . expect, after the increapes in taxa- demption, Pardonable Sin, Suactva mbe when motormen S ecial va TIES tion put into foree fn the last budget, |The Regeneration of Becky," "Tell |, "8 [ERIC TT lle ana faced P $9.50 lue N desi re havea er Som . ew designs. plete and well select- R= : i 1] HN Ll] Ele | Lamy 11 ball EL -{ ponding period of just year. He ig | theatre-goer--though-one-might be we BY SAM HILL |] i : | - - | = up to last year's figures of revenue. = ' at that there would have been a sub- A ole . all kinds of 'weather from the front Dally aad Semi-wWeek! stantial] increase in revenue. But ap- a ngston has a fow confirm- (platform. ---- eee . 4 00. Hine ¥ URLiNG parently Sir Hemry did mot expect |°d Woman haters, crusty old baohe- BATH ROBES New colorings. ed stock of Men s fine --- . ? d It. . . . any increase, for he seems to be Jos go doubt, is BOL Yo bo denied. A a to Big value Price elsewhere Gloves, Dr iving and | greatly satisfied with Ids figures. We | They Tevealod their existence wisen |, C "MCL ln a nguage $9.50 $1.50--our price |Gloves and Mitts must Sook elsewhere for the cause of | th® following titles were offared: bobbed to two syllables. We are . 95¢ 4 : . Ble 2UtoRc "Real Life," "Madame Aranals,"|for such a movement and will give DRESSING . i . Mocha Gloves, tan or "The Untruthful Wife," "Every | him all the aid we can. For a starter . : h ar Lox us look Wt iis mapenaitutes as | 8 tv or |e ene GOWNS Each in fancy box. grey, wool-lined. Big = =: compared with revenue, and see if |- 1 Yoman, eived TuS-1 = popocatapet] be shortened to' Pop- 5 : l . Syn iy Barton) : in them, there is cause for the self- bang, Don't Trust Your Wife, cat. Something special special ees $1.35 paw year; delivered in city ......38.00| congratulation of the finance min-| rie Eternal Feminine," etc. : . PURE SILK ; ® Year, by paid in aveace 5.00 ister. There we find a total of $297, Not a fow of the contestants fell No Wonder His Wire, Get Peevin. $12.00 S SHIRTS 00 ' {under the spell of the actress who| What started the big row in the ---- " . 598,017, rather a lange sum in com- Hr 2 . ; : oh a see H parison with a revenue of $264,937,- Porirayed the character of the un- Be. who is an Irrespon- Pure Wool Pongee, plain and Silk Lined Grey ne year, to tates ......8160| 686. There does not seem to be much | TUth?ul Wife. They wero Willing to | give little creature, insisted Smith S Jims . . > . for optimism th nd this admit hor fault, but they found some | buy a car for her to learn to drive w ite; neat stripes; : ut BNTATIY cause for ere, a t URE ' Or. Sah E] 8, . . =. prs oo WEE Eag ) an re becomes more evident when further | OMPENSGtng circumstances. Those | #0 he Kot one of those srmy' tanks, ds- A beauty for fancy or black and| Big Special $1.98: A . OMPION. «se vun ng St. . > ' i! Bn - fo ~o | claring it° was the only car that he . . ' Tetonto. on Sir Henry remarks: "The actual J Tule lags Digs! wel ave Jao Know of ther was 'able .to climb . $6.50 and $8.50 white. A dandy for "pen t he Edit blished | increase of the debt for these eight : . '® | tree or negotiate a ditch of come ines -- UR-1 IN| . Tk 'ihe ctuai namie "of "the monthe ts but $25,828,032, meiud. |ONONder and forgave tho offence." | through o amashup. Without any Pure Wool $5.00 F ED riter. a"! » | Their answers are culled from these | danger to the driver. The missus . * ing capital and railway payments. solos : "The Fair Deceiver," «a | could not se¢ the joke and now Smith SCARS 1n neat fancy box. 1 GLOVES Hons ai ET Ee Ta . 1.48 English make -- fine x Attached is one of t best job Bi Perh this is what makes him * " Brinting offices In C aps Lovely Liar," 'A Fascinating Pre.|'® }YiP& at the club. a iimistle. AVpUNOGLIY No SUN: | oorsoobor? "Tha Abeer bie | Aseticr One or ee erat iateta. SILK SCARFS |PURE SILK HOSE quality Cape Kid. " " : pares this increase in our national The circulation of THE BRITISH \ "The Beautiful Liar." "Soak a new broom in hot salt water . Extra 8! ecial WRIG is authenticated by the ludshisqucns with that for the past One might g0 on and analyze the | Pefore using" item from woman's page Special $2.75 P 5 value Big Special, $4.50" ve or six years, pats himself on the 1 . The ladies will please notice this says tra eee . k and says be fe doing very well | JISWOMS that fall into other cate | fr aon nom tn ret Ce nig says PURE SILK : : --p-- gories, but space does not permit. | g h nds em eve Fi Wo indeed. Then he stops and thinks, |; soak their husba with th n it Qy M ' | and says, "Why, if T had not made Suffice to say thet the title should] the men, poor.men, are in hot water. PYJAMAS = MEN S . en's 'ie ool » " While developing your mind don't | these capital paymenits and these rail oe na Se Ee dhigtunng a 5 res Brror. : Pongee, White, Pink. F. INE SHIRTS Bs LOVES > have | ? 3 yr > eglect your conscience, way payments, there would not have | [5% TIO sheured the a Miss Spell, of Fort Smiih, Ark, was Mauve or Apricot -- | Extra Big Value at Big values! been an increase in the national debt, | sh a kept after school because she was low #0, by leaving them out, I would have | portrayed, that of "A Fascina'ing| in het Orthography per cent. +) $5.75, $6.75, $7.75 $1.48, $1.98, $2.98 98c., $1.25, $2.00 . Strict economy and Christmas are pposed-to be strangers. a surplus of $46,188,685." Perhaps | GI this may be the cause of his optim- ? Fool Questions: She présent tense of the war spirit] ism, even although it is rather far- |g oe' "Alice" asks. "Do you use an ax or js Mars, The pagt tense is marred. | fetched, He puts himself in the posi- Our Canadian Quession 3 hatchet tg split an infinitive? Nei \ : {in of & man who buys an automo And A for Corner | ther, areary, just a phrase. § Concerning the arme parley, dope | bile and at the end of the year finds + ~~ : wh ? Where He Loses By Winning. > rings etérnal in the human press. | himself in debt. and consoles him- First Doc: "Why so glum, old top?' FARMS FOR: SALE : Sn self by saying "Well, it I had not| Q How much of the Canadian| Second Doc: "I am afraid old Lit- bey! ; "In the old days it was only neces- I 1d eat ' lands - bee st tlecorn is going to get well after all." > a alls éa U I jc ye ly bought that car, I would have had a | Wi s -has been homesteaded, Ee We eral. L 1--25 acres, six miles from ; » Aand how m its stil ? First Doc: for Santa to roll @ pack; now he | surplus instead of an overdraft. and. uch 1 available that? You certainly have pulled him Keston, grehard; . kood foust puck a . goes on is way rejoicing. s A. The surveyed area under home- ' 01 slege™ | role stead inthe three Canadian prairie | "ious? %n, AVI sige TC 3-200 acres, Township of But at the end of Sir Henry's 9 : provinces is 53,913,300 acrés; area M 4 T l d Kingston, about 125 acrec Tho bes thing that could happen | siatement we thd. wha, gives more | J3IS 0, 55.97 3300 nerds; ares | vas no money "Wid neavens oni oores foylan under 'Culivation, " large § to some folks would be to have their | cause for optimism fin his dismal lands reserved for soldier settle | but you see if he had od Ta was 3 maple bush and a lot of val. credit shut off. array of figures, for he concludes by | ment, is 24,952,300 acres. carrying a big life insurance policy." uable timber. Price §9000, : saying Q. Is Canada's fur trade of any ---- 5 3--100 acres, ten miles from Some men leave their finger prints | "Given courageous administration, | value or ortance? Katie, Bring the Shears, Please. ; : Kingston on leading 5 with the police, and some leave them a recognition of the superior condi- A. Canada's fur trade is one of her "Skirts for debutantes are made ERT : first: class bulidings, good on the books you fend, | tion"0f the, country, as, compared | Valuable "natural resources," and is|'¢'e" 2nd cight inches from the dE Srehatd, Pll-watered and . en : o constantly expanding in value, Over | 570UN." says & fashion note" So, the enced. ce $7500. : With others, of its possibilities and \ girls cut off the other 18 Inches after \ . : Full list at office, ad of the' r work | $20,000,000 worth of pelts (3,000,- | (hey get thei Nbtier ds they? ; k tatyp, Be ity 10 flans can weil | 0007 Were taken during 1919.20, | to ey ; ' J he fre look 0 tbe future with confidence, | 00 Successful fiir markets have been | Anyway, They Did Not Mat Crow. 5 ! 8 ? T. * Lockhart . M held at Winnipeg and Montreal, the (McCreary County Record) J sik: 5 \ Real Estate and insurance There we Irave it, Sir Henry is op- latter realizing over $1,000,000 in{ Violet Crowe had dinner with Ber- Lier." --G. N. 8. * a . : shout the Wite's toll- | yimiuge pocsuse he reallies that. Septeniber, 1921. nice Cundiff on Sunday. under its new government, Canada . : . will be given courageous administra- Democracy! Bah! There's not true freedom in the land, | -------- something . 'We must hurry 'and' civilize the tom, which thas been ead Ww. It M One thing should surely be allowed, Savage peoples betors they al die | J cine during the past two years. a ason The right of any guy to kill + He looks confidently ahead to the THE POET PHILOSOPHER The peanut-eater in a crowd. tuture, and asks Canadians to-do the | J : --Cineinnati Enquirer, - ' + Music same, because for the next f ; ES Piano, violin and other. the administration of the aio Winter Night, Well, if upon this hapless guy , , DEAR KIDDI AND, FRIENDS: instruments; elocution and Canals: wilk'Do a Sale. acd Fise When winds are 'hrieking and Das Penaity you would béstow, 5 . h . I M MAE Ak. Pupils may begin at 3 : cloud : : hat's left for one whq loudly reads 1af- any date. Terms om application, tiands, the hands of the Liberal ea- |, rand ay ng + Sheuy-jonu The tities in & picture show? anta wishes you all a Merry Christ Engagements for concerts ae- -| binet of Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King |ing, it's doubly pleasing & cheery ~Hewark AfYouts, mas and a Bright and Happy New Year. septed. with Hon. W, 8. Fielding guiding the | home to know, The storm grows | Ana while ve' . the 1i financial destinies of the nation. | louder, and Fike white powder the Tet Tule vera Checking off 0s He : YOUR DEAR OLD SANTA 216 Frontenac Street, Under such rule, Canadians have [6nOw sifts through the cracks; the black, te Net ins much cause for an optimistic outlook, | drifts are: piling, bit I am smiling, | Let's double up a deadly fist ax, Here in my | Tor editors who send 'em back. When you urge people not to argue in spite of the additions of the past | 0d life is slick as wi . J 3 3p 5 ; oe With a foot, every married women | ®lsht months to their financial bur- shanty, wl d wie and auntie, and ~.Columbus Dispatch. J : p are giving her u 'bit of | deus. : Saver while Le -- And it would be & perfect treat . » ; rege howl. their hymn of hate, I kept If 'we could shoot the half-baked , al - A FASCINATING LIAR. busy till I was dizzy before the cold Slay " " los Wh 3 / The most annoying thitig about the| When "Rex", Snelgrove, proprie- | blasts came; with' vim and ardor 1 . -- his abjing "down the ib who assumes. e "'holier-than- | tor and manager of the Rex Stock | stocked the larder and apoiled Old Galoshes flapping open, wide. \ . ~ hy Company, which has been playing at| Winter's game, The mound plunks , 3 : fC =LG }r REAL 2 MeOLAKY'*S the Grand Opera House the last three | eaming, tio fair job epurning I bank- -- A : =z . Just come in and look -- days of each week, offered ten doi- (od some iron men; now I should wor-| M8ews $10,000 Beats $2000 ' them. Th A tok at, » We don't think much of (Jars in gold to the person suggesting | 7 "hen wild winds scurty outside | _, b Tou Jive vour life over again ; em, . JNey aTe predtior than > nh you do? ked the ever, * @ patriot 'who cheers the boys |the'best title to a comedy he present- Ty Somty den. A squash named Hub- | puyong. » . out to fight and kicks about | od to tho Kingston public some days | + hls we curboid a Tre Juve "I would bea football coach instead tif HHL Be 2 ° ago, he perhaps fitile thought that s up gal of an instructor," replied the wise : ra ® } there is a carrot, and cordwood in | college professor. 4 ra ut on | S90D @ Sood Gf replies Would result. | the shed, And ail ds pad for; the "What becomes of all the pine? In the Wihig of Stturday the differant | goal I played. for my aunts declare| . Dally Semtemce Sermon, & Women's magezine. Most of [hnswers were pubbistied, care being | I've won, and winter's squealings [t. Only those for whom rough going] is cms -~ em are. dropped. in. dark halls us- {taken thet duplicate replies were not | don't hurt my feelings, since I have has ho terura ate everfound on the se : ADVE RD. BEICE be 4 ; 8 of glory. You never meet =r A - ; NGS JOY y barefoot men. included. Deapite his Humitation-. | saved wy mon. Let winter thunder! | PSs of €lory. Tou never meet a ALB RINGS JOY / » { or et | me | | BUNT'S Hardware, King St. | [ina An 'advairer says Bernard Shaw ia | 173 tities were suggested. h Fe! wrapped 'in thought. Weil | THO. comedy hinged upon a wife's reedful, and BOBS yous 810 tie samme. Le Knott, of Austin, Nl; has our . ", : hs . sympathy, "ike his provide sufficient | ¥00emPts to deceive her husband by hy Pathy. He certainly is missing a| without any other wrap. Te ohne of Sumerous an etsy lies, PREMIER NOT COMING. LE J. Telchous of Stearns, Ky. was -------------- ~ ) truly, . , 4% yo h ot > Fb 'but that he sought to setein his ai- | Lloya George Will Not Visit U,s, | sergeant ou > ht uppons;; a mess an ill wind that blows nobody | fection by subterfuge. The failing "This Winter, ' : . Girls dn gederal thought the | was a heredi*ary one; es the action | Philadelphia, Dee. 27.--Befinite | TIA Another Case of Cause sud Effect? RL - : . " : up and Paint up" campaign | of the play disclosed; her father was | word that Mr, Lioyd George will not {Round Hess Cor. Hillsboro Gazette) . » A 1 Ww fr "0 strongly addicted ¢o the habit, as he | Visit the United States this winter, | ,.a on Ae aaa iar: A Mack oy 2 RAWF OF Was to several other habits Was received by the committes in| inopping in Hill Cit. -- *l§ FRENCH IVORY ...... : OAL QUARTET ts for the is. -- Beautiful and many small articles that make dainty " uf fs ; : man nature is often Beir to. A num. | CPATEe of arrangemen ag Cases p : | teddfod to be ireld here January 2nd. ave these the best in the city. ; SE 8 "farmer to. consumer" plan | Der of the Gontestants grasped this The message came in reply to en in- Willer ra wha oa ob y colilid. Dus pricey ou So0de Jue She gity. : v Ee : - PERFUMES and TOILET WATERS ...... | Bot worked as successfully as |'d°% 8 shown b She dulewing SUE" | vitagion to attend the local event, an | dasion train? ! eta because 'it dim found oa ove tn oho ancient 1 " | Pa:ltsen smomination, my son. - 7 No need to fear the quality. We have only the makes from QLES Sant enjoy any the 8 ge - the houswite | 1468." "The Inheritance," "The Fam- . Loy : hs At Glenvale. - | best Perfumers, a ; aati ghost | Wise, gre Cova Hy Trait," "Heredity," "An Inherit- : | ~The 5 5% 1 warming. Make your fur- r------ ed Liar," « Inheritance," "A regrets 1 Secti sy 5 and stoves a present of I ; Deke is not visiting the United States this unde lo ma : oh iL 45 spacing' press yt" some rea fuel, Call ws wp ANADA'S FINANCES, : be : rate? It was sent by his private' : ar and we'll deliver it promptly, - maa bo be : 'ee | and rechtations ; [] LIBERAL DISCOUNTS ON FRENCH IVORY TOILET SETS ly : the filinces of Canada, Sir i ooo <The Merchant, Were #1 ved, a oil Use our phone. Goods sent on approval. Rn H Phone 9. Foot of Quess BL.